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Previous thread >>4032518
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>Katsuragi sending herself into a milk coma from sucking on so many titties
Yeah, you know what? That checks out 100%.
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Some breastfeeding may contain lactation and count as yuri and not very rare.
Why hasn't there been a lactation thread in /u/ for years?
It's redundant with regular breastsucking.
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There's enough overlap to not see the need for one. That said if you still want to make one, go for it.
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Milk breastfeeding is just the usual and the best fetish of lactation.

Lactation has more species of fetishes to play with than just breastfeeding and it doesn't count as breastfeeding, such as squeezing, spraying, showering, docking, masturbating, body injection, mixing coffee, milking, >>4060808, etc. They have their sexuality which is different from breastfeeding.
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No puri...!
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not!Ikaruga and not!Ichika.
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There's something even tastier than breastmilk.
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Loli/flat young teen with a big-breasted girl in her mid-to-late teens is the best pairing
Don't know why they have to be old and ugly, I don't understand this part of the fetish, but definitely the best one of the bunch
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Literally canon
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I dunno I think that's pretty sexy as it is
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She's just gonna get a lot of hair in her mouth
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i like when one girl is in the other girl's lap

anyone have any more
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