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Different age thread:
More please, haha.
They really do stop aging at 20 in Japan until they hit 50 where they're suddenly 80
Dang this lady is still in the same store even all this time? I hope she's at least a manager.
If the guy wasn't around when she was seventeen, I doubt he'll come now.
The older one is at most like 28 in the image, plenty of women still look good at that age
I like it when the younger one is the dominant one
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she's clearly already an adult when the other girl is like 5 and doesn't age at all
I think she's like 12 in that pic
anon, that is a school uniform in the first, second and probably third image(first two middle, third high school)
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I haven't done other yet, I'll post them on pixiv when finished. You can search the tag δΌŠθ—€γƒγƒ to find it.
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Itou-Sensei, how did Yuzuki-Sensei beat you to the final form of Onee-loli?

Might as well post this manga, is there any others like it?
>Violet Evergarden ending
Right to the heart...
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Good taste!
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I have more of this pairing but last time I posted them they got deleted kek
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I was wondering who Black Widow would be paired up with
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this will probably get deleted, it's not exactly on topic either, but I never get to post this
TToTT xd

Any recs? I've had /tv/ recommend Chloe, but like most of those movies, it centers around hetshit.
>220k a month
If it's yen, how the fuck can you afford a great house with it? They demand half of it for a run down apartment as rent where i live.
Thanks for the laugh.
She says she has a great house, meaning she probably got it from her parents.
thank you
she can get promoted, and she has to start somewhere
Most office jobs are dead end.
Where I used to work, they higher ups called it "storage siding". To put the corporate slaves there and forget about them until the next inevitable layoff wave.
She already has the house right then.
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This is my favorite theme ever.
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Oh hey, I found another one. I guess this would be the number 2/14
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there is still this image(and without a pee version) and a few variants of the other images(in different order too), plus two images of the girl entering the house and the woman greeting her separately.
It's called "[Momomomi Tei] - My Little Funny", you can find it on Sadpanda with like 40 images
Any specific tags for this on pixiv or doujin sites that helps narrow it down?

On nhentai it's really difficult. The best bet is yuri plus some combination of incest, mother, daughter, etc, but that obviously misses non incest or parent/child ones or ones with futa involved, and often it'll just bring up threesome where a dad or son is involved
On panda (and shit that copies from it, like nh), you search for yuri using the females_only tag, not the yuri tag
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It seems like most people interpreted this as an /ll/ thread but I think OP was looking for age progression stuff
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I always thought that was weird, because that's the kind of thing you would expect from a non-yuri mangaka, but the other titles from the mangaka are gay as fuck. Sucks that one of their best has this problem.
I would advise against this method, because the females_only tag is not as popular and thus rarely used even if appropriate. Plus a lot of people don't tag it female_only if it even includes a male NPC background character.
Yes, with just "yuri" you would have to skip through every second hentai seeing dick, but at least you won't miss occasional actual yuri gems.
The age old (heh) "to find yuri gems, you have to click past the dicks first"
What are you on about? Have you ever used the sites you’re talking about? females_only is a standard tag and covers a good 90-95% of yuri content uploaded there. The yuri tag having more uploads under it is because of their retarded tagging where any girl on girl is counted as yuri.
I constantly visit these websites, that's why I know. Go ahead, look up yuri tag, filter out the ones that fit your criteria of "females only" and then actually filter them by that tag, and notice how half of them are missing
We need more lesbian mesugakis
>shota (female)
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@siiteiebahiro is trolling Kao/Hitomi again on his twitter. Yasuko needs to get going, she has only three years before Kao arrives on campus.
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although we really have not been shown what kind of access there is between the Jr High and High school campuses at Roubai.
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Ammonite's alright.
love younger girl ending up taller than older girl so much
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i cant believe its fucking over
Ah, it wasn't a problem, it was very saccharine sweet.
Still impressed how much Yuzuki-Sensei was able to get away with at the end.
What's the closet age gap that still feels distant from each other?
that depends greatly on how old they are. For example a 13 year old and an 18 year old feels like a big age gap
a 30 year old and a 35 year old feels the same age
very nice
Could have done without the daughter bit
Have fun with that
cute daughter gets a 2nd mom, sounds fine. She was just thinking heteronormatively
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I think the implication was it was just a drunken mistake. Getting pregnant while still in school, the sperm-spender is not around as a father etc.
I wouldn't think too deeply about that, it's just the excuse for why this woman has this dead-end job and won't date anyone yet
Can anybody recommend me any good mangas involve this topic? 18+ also acceptible.
An old favorite
Beloved L, Yuzumori-san, Majyo to houki to kurobuchi megane, Witches' Marriage, Kami eshi JK to OL fujoshi, Haru to Midori, All you, Kusanagi-sensei, Itou Hachi
Blessed posts
Wataten if you want wholesome pedophilia
>Your mom's gay:the manga
>Majyo to houki to kurobuchi megane
reading this is making me realize. The yuri loving friend is just an annoying trope even when it's a female. It's just a fact that 90% of them being male makes it even worse
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Suprised you forgot jk x housewife
Two doujins about babysitters molesting little girls.
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these are the same age. One's just a midget
And she's actually not even
not even what
a midget. She's a late bloomer
The Hiyori you see in the game is a virtual avatar from when she was younger. The real one is taller than Mahiru.
like 6 months younger. It's not like she's 10 or anything
Where do you like your younger girls' desires to be focused? Are they sweet and romantic, desiring the emotional connection? Are they attracted to the girl's maturity and style? Or do they lust for an older girl's boobs and developed body?
based on personal experience all of them, but mostly the later two.
Please elaborate.
Crushing on older ladies when I was younger. Didn't the same thing happened to you?
Put us in your shoes. Paint us a picture. Tell the thread what thoughts went through your mind.
ERP shit goes on /trash/
Good to know, I guess? Not sure why you felt the need to mention.
Too many details I don't want to mention desu.

>Tell the thread what thoughts went through your mind
To put it short, back then looking at mature ladies gives burning sensation in your mind.

Found this jem, suprised I never read it before since I love most of Mira-sensei's work
damn that buy one get one free offer is persistent.
3 years age difference? that's nothing.
Should have posted this in this thread instead
Speaking of content in that thread suitable for this one, this post >>4135973 has my TL in the reply chain
How about both?
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aw man, I was hoping it was mother/daughter
Hot situation but those nipples are gross.
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Interesting premise and good art direction

>it's het


And it's been on hiatus for years now
Anymore of this?
Emotionally stunted girl finds in a mother (figure) genuine warmth and protection.
I'm not aware of any content. Only whimsies of my dark and twisted mind
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Taiyaki pls
too bad the author chickened out
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There's also 15-sai that I just finished

It's wild to me cause it feels like it was written along side Octave but came out years later
This is the sequel to 12-sai, yeah?
I know that was a joke but finding out that one had 20 volumes is baffling to me
>A little boy in the neighborhood proposed to me.

>"When I get older, marry me!"

>"Thank you, Rio-kun. When you get bigger then."
>"I actually like women though. I'm sorry, you brave boy..."
>10 Years Later

>"I've gotten bigger: both my breasts and my height. Will you marry me?"

>"E-Eh? Rio-kun?! Eh?!"
>"What the hell; she's just my type of woman...?!"

>>She was a woman.
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A bit of each thing, but at the end it's gotta be about the romance.
Both is good.
Asagi Ryu's works that involve wide gap gaps between the couples:

1. Hajimete Koi o Shita (I Fell in Love for the First Time) - https://ehentai.org/g/345903/37c012097d/

2. Yugiri Haruka (Distant Evening Mist) - https://e-hentai.org/g/452710/845844902b/

3. Shoujo Seiki (Girl's Sanctuary) - https://e-hentai.org/g/659909/a6e3be2034/?p=3

4. Sense, ne? (Professor, right?) - https://e-hentai.org/g/1225500/8506714581/

5. Motto, Zutto (More, Much More) - https://exhentai.org/g/1667800/ae0a1ab504/

Forgot this one: Otome Saku (Maidens Bloom) - https://exhentai.org/g/668582/a34b3fe675/
Hate to be the anon that asks but where is a good site to download these types of manga from?

Both of these are good, but the translations are unfortunately several chapters behind.
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There seems to be a growing interest for Power Girl /ll/ lately on /co/, I feel partly responsible because I commissioned this pic and also because I spread a story I heard of a lesbian who had her lesbian awakening as a little girl through Power Girl comics
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This kind of genre is highly underrated, and there should be more of it!
The art is kind of bad but I enjoy the concept of pervy old ladies driving young girls insane
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I prefer the other way around, young girls seducing older women(especially if it is an aunt or grandmother(and of course the classic mother))
unfortunately I have very few actually good images
>my own old bad art being thrown back at me in reply
touchΓ©. also one-sided intense affection until the other gives in is always based.
draw more of this kind of stuff, and I would be able to share more of it haha. Consider it a compliment, that of all the images I had of this kind of relationship, your drawing was the best one, even if it was an "old bad" drawing. (I feel the same when my drawings are being reposted)
>looks like 40
LWA pic too big for 4chan
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>pervy old ladies driving young girls insane
Hyper rare and something we need more of especially old ugly bastard archetype hags.
Why this isn’t more common is beyond me
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It's just simply too niche, not a lot of demand so not a lot of art to meet it. I wish I could commission more of it but it's surprisingly hard to find artists who can draw both hot women and ugly old women (and also accept commissions at all). Even in the realm of written erotica it's hard to find. I've scrounged for years for art of it and most of it is scattered and usually linked to some other fetish, so it's hard to find it isolated.
But it’s so good, though! So much untapped potential! Sucks that it’s so niche.
Sad nothing ever happened in this. Despite her height, the brown haired girl is 28 or something
May as well keep the light alive and keep posting it.
This one is really good
Ariel x Ursula is definitely the most popular single ship for this trope. I also can't really think of another that can even fit it.
Maybe Snow White and that old witch?
Possible, but no art for it
Other than Mulan and the old lady, I can’t think of anything else
This artist does a lot of hagxyoung woman, though not necessarily appealing.
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Het stuff is always just a gay story with a different skin, it's annoying.
>Het stuff is always just a gay story with a different skin
The art is grotesque, but beggars can't be choosers
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yes, yes you can absolutely choose. Even a homeless beggar is allowed to choose not to eat poison.
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Surprisingly a fair amount of AI art for this kind of age gap yuri too. Makes me think there really is an audience there but no artists want to capitalise.
I prefer human-made poison over soulless AI slop.
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well, like I said, you don't have to choose poison, you can go ahead and kill yourself all you want, if pride is more important than life to you.
It’s really not that shocking, but people do need to hear it.
This isn’t too bad
I'm asking what the hell you meant by that.
Exactly what I said. There’s no hidden meaning you have to read between the lines for.
It's a pretty empty statement. If het is just gay with a different skin, then gay can also be said to be gay with a different skin. There's no useful information being stated, it's a platitude.
I don't understand what it's supposed to mean either.
Sorry you feel that way?
But, that's simply not true? I'm confused by your analogy. Why does that mean gay can be said to be gay with a different skin? Gay and gay are not two different things.
That any het story was just changed to be het from the gay story that it was originally.
Shit, I just realised I typed that, but you probably know what I meant " If het is just gay with a different skin, then gay can also be said to be het with a different skin".
Uh huh, do share the bong sometime.
I do like some 40 y/o auntie yuri, especially if they're still dorky or useless.
nta but he's claiming genderswap is yuri
He's at least right in that aspect.
Fuck off.
Did you mean to write that the other way around, like as a criticism of gay romances you've read where they don't feel genuine? Or is this a fantasy of yours about how the world works, like saying straight women don't exist and have just been conditioned by society to think they like men?
thoughts on age regression with older girls ending up younger than lolis
Here's your sexy granny.
certainly better, but what is up wit the random blurs?
Moisture on the screen.
Whoa, I’ve actually been waiting for art of this Demeter but figured I wouldn’t be lucky enough to see yuri with her.
Total hag love world wide, hags stealing your gfs
She looks like a juicy corpse, something about the face.
The real story of Snow White.
Are there any cute interactions between these two in the game that would make it worth playing?
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I haven't played it but apparently it has dating sim-like properties so maybe.
The younger one's profile states that >"The combination of her sharp wit and cute face makes her hard to approach, but she is friendly with Amelia, the operator"
And Amelia has >"When she is not busy with her duties, she can often be found sipping tea with Lilia. Although good friends, she hates it when Lilia tries to get her to wear new clothes and runs if she has a clothes hanger."
I also found picrel just now.
We need more age gap material. The elderly women always showing the young strapping girls how to be sexually mature.
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It's disappointing how it's been over 4 years and over half of the stories in this are STILL untranslated
The true price of having Ito Hachi go dark
I don't think she's actually gone dark (i could be wrong), it's just that no one's translating her stuff rn
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Mesugaki temptress tempts fate.
>domination loss
It's shit. What's wrong with wanting bratty lolis to just stay bratty
the artist that made this i swear is gone from the internet
His pixiv is still active (mostly het though).
especially strapping
Any reccs? Esp between lolis and milf types?

Onee-san is into elementary school girls is just wrapping up its 11 volume run
The only thing shit is your taste. Bratty lolis exist to get put in their place (under an older woman's foot).
>likes bratty lolis
>wants them to not be bratty
What logic is there to this?
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I like this pairing. Kotoko needs a girl to be gentle with her
Not really a fan of shipping Ursula, but I guess she needs a pairing like anyone else
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Definitely seems more like a girl who acquired an unfortunate crush on her
Who's the little squirt?
It's an age swapped Kotoko Utsugi and Komaru Naegi
IT'S BACK?! It's finally back. I can't wait. I'm so excited!

We can hope.
Classical one
I too often pick up a thought exactly where I left off a decade later.

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