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Thread for Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb series, Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, Nona the Ninth. Post fanart and discuss the books
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Kicking off with the latest comic by our lord and savior naomi: the soup scene
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Still waiting for it to finish before I read it.
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Sorry, but I'm not going to read 24 books before they get to the yuri.
Alecto is supposed to come out this year, right?
I wanted to make a "coming out" pun but couldn't come up with anything funny. Just thought I'd let you know.
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Doesn't look like there are too many aficionados on /u/, so would OP mind telling us what this is, how gay it is and why we should rush off to read it?
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Best ship coming through!
Appreciate the thought nevertheless
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>what is this
Story about lesbian necromancers in a grimdark Warhammer-like universe
>is it gay
It is very gay, but no explicit sex scene or such has happened yet. Read it now. And listen to the audiobook read by a sexy British woman. It got deleted from Youtube but here is a torrent if you want that
I've only read the first book and I don't intend to read more as the grimderp w40k stuff wasn't for me but it was pretty gay in a subtext way.
I enjoy the fanfiction it spawns though as the characters are hot and fanfic focuses more on romance.
It's the pinnacle of the sapphic fantasy genre, the tagline on the cover is literally lesbian necromancers in space. It's gay like madoka is gay, ie. obviously gay but no explicit sex scenes or romance yet. But you don't read it for the romance, it's also just an absolutely incredible sci-fi/fantasy series, intricately and brilliantly plotted with punchy dialogue that's absolutely hilarious and some of the most likable and memorable characters in the genre. It's not just a lesbian book, it's an amazing sff book that on top of being excellent also has lesbians to make it even better.
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Most iconic Harrow fan art. Her determined expression on that sharp little face and her stick-like physique radiate pure confidence and peak feminine perfection.
Still disappointed that this scene was so short in the book. The weird hand scene (the first one, after Harrow wakes up on the ship) was really hot, I was looking forward to even more sexy gore in graphic detail.
>It's gay like madoka is gay
Nah, it's more gayer than Madoka. For one, there're acutal confirmed lesbians in TLT who UNAMBIGUOUSLY are attracted to/in love with and/or lust after women, unlike in madoka.

Everything else is spot on.
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Being able to appreciate the eroticism of that bone arm scene is how I know I'm ruined by this series. I want Harrow to do that to me
I love the way Moira Quirk reads that part in the audiobook too, she makes it sound downright lewd, bordering on obscene
Also later on when it's described as, literally "the sheer animal pleasure of Ianthe's arm". Kek.
I finished reading Nona today. Space Gaza was a little weird but We Suffer and Pash were cool. Too bad about Cam. She was probably my favorite het character. I guess I'll read Princess Floralinda and her other books while I wait for Alecto to come out.
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Thread theme
Salt Fish Chip Shop T-shirt merch doko
Anyone who doesn't know this might be the gayest books you can get your filthy little lesbian mitts on. Sub text and NOT sub text, longing, denial... Impossible love?! Nun porn? Ladies and their love for swords. And Bones .... They fucking do Bones.

And the real secret... All the while on the meta level your actually getting romanced by the author her self...

That's right the book is actually a cover/medium for taysmin to seduce YOU the entire time. She's showing you she gets it and that she wants you but only after she makes you want her.

Not only are get books a mind fuck if you read more than one... She's literally fucking your mind!

Why do you think there's so much fan art?!!!!

Honestly respect.
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Meant this fuck
>Why do you think there's so much fan art?!!!!
Lack of payoff.
There won't be a payoff because the author has zero concept of romance.
>the author has zero concept of romance.
Something something, what did you expect from a "lesbian" who is literally married to a guy.
They're moirails aka bffs. It's a Homestuck thing.
Really haven't seen much good fanart for TLT, but it might have the highest-quality fanfic community I have ever encountered.
Recommendations? I never read any fanfic before but I'm getting desperate waiting for Alecto
If I made a list it would have dozens of quality longfics alone, seriously. You should explore the offerings on ao3, but here's a few off the top of my head:


(Moby Dick AU, amazing)

(second-person in the style of HtN, somehow amazing)
Most people are content with bracelets.
I don't care who she marries, but a Homestuck fanfic writer?
she wrote nonce rape fics with her classics professor husband. it was a big drama when gideon released
Her upsetting normalfags only makes me like her more, even if it was with nonce rape fics.
Trying too hard.
Any Gideon x Dulcinea recs? Sickly hot chicks are my jam and their sexual tension was unreal.
>woah, she wrote het pedo fanfic? wtf I love her even more now! h-haha, stick it to those normies
You are trying too hard.
That was my honest opinion, not an attempt to posture.
This, honestly.
You should probably just leave 4chan if you have a problem with pedo stories.
The greatest ship of all time. I can't wait for their reunion!
Let those of us who were never autistic cringelords online cast the first stone. You can't judge people for their ancient internet behavior, I'm sure if someone pulled all the autistic shit I posted on 4chan as a teenager I'd be cooked. People have always posted retarded shit that they wouldn't stand by, just now it's all archived to be dug up years later and thrown back in your face.
I personally feel fortunate that I got into 4chan as a kid instead of tumblr or reddit so at least mine was all anonymous and lost to the sands of time so it can't be dredged up by some schizo now to attack me with.
That's a man. There is a massive problem with artists drawing Gideon as a literal man in this fandom.
>can't criticize the current behaviour because "that's moralfaggotry reeeee normies fuck off!"
>can't criticize the past behaviour because "it's all ancient history so who cares, you schizo!"
Oh, the wise one, when are we allowed to criticize one's behaviour according to you, then?
One hair on Tamsyn Muir's head has more value than your entire life, pleb.
>blah blah blah
I see.
Glad to see the the fans are civilized.
What's the criticism of her current behavior? Being straight? A lot of the most classic yuri works are written by married women.
Also this >>4142421
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That's kinda true. Harrow describes Gideon's arms as slender but strong.

What does the fandom draw? A literal bulky man.
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>Too many artists draw her like a redhead stick.
They're fake fans, so their opinion is invalid.
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I like her with like rock climber build vs body builder. Obviously strong and muscular but still with a feminine shape not literally drawn like a man. Like how she is on her cover art is perfect.
Post yuri or fuck off.
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That whale AU is phenomenally written. Author really captures the style and tension of the books. Not a griddlehark shipper but poetic as fuck
Body builder style isn't even the issue, real-life female body builders still clearly look like women. It's just that all these amateur artists have never studied anatomy and are incapable of depicting a character with muscles as anything other than male.
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>how she is on her cover art is perfect.
A feminine stick with less muscles than a toddler? No, thank you. That hack of an artist really dropped the ball hard on the cover art.
I actually took some HEMA classes because of TLT, it turns out you don't really need a lot of muscle to use and be effective with a big, two-handed sword. It's more about using the way your hands are placed on the hilt to lever the sword around. The instructor was a fairly skinny older woman who was doing some impressive stuff. It's also not realistic for Gideon to be a hulk when she's spent her whole life chronically under-fed.
It also just occurred to me that Gideon is described as doing a lot of bodyweight exercises when she trains (push-ups, pull-ups, crunches). Bodyweight exercises mainly build muscle endurance, not muscle size.
>"um, akshually..."
>the "Abby" argument
No need to guess who's behind these posts.
Forgot the pic
Dulcinea calls her biceps "huge or enormous" so buff Griddle is canon
It was Jeannemary's remark, I think. But the point still stands.
Yeah desu this, it's not the musculature that's the problem, she's supposed to be jacked, its the skeletal anatomy like they draw her like he-man instead of like she hulk. But like she's not that tall or large in stature canonically she's an underfed slightly above average height woman, she's short compared to Corona who we know is like 6 foot so Gideon is probably like 5'8 at best, and seems to be weaker than Pro an Babs but more agile and faster, so she's not gonna be a giant. But yet artists always draw her as this massive brick with a ribcage like a barrel and no tits and verging on 6'4. It seems they only know how to draw anime where the two archetypes are skinny small Asian girl and gigantic shounen protagonist, instead of drawing a realistic buff woman.
Wait a sec, this isn't animu.
>yet artists always draw her as this massive brick with a ribcage like a barrel and no tits and verging on 6'4.
God bless those artists. Women like that are amazing and should be represented more.

>oooh, I just really care about "accurate" representation of muscular women, I'm not an incel even if my talking points are the same, trust me, sis
Your concern trolling ain't fooling no one, btw.
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Yes it is, shush
>god bless artists who appeal to my fetish
>accurate representations of women are bad
Your post is significantly more aligned with incel talking points than anon's, honestly.
>tries to flip the tables
>fails miserably
>exposes himself as an incel in the process
I don't mind watching you punch yourself, tho.
>second post offering no actual counter-point and projecting about incels
I'm sure if you keep trying it'll work eventually.
I mean it's whatever it's not like it bothers me or anything everyone has their taste, but don't pretend like it's because it's canonically accurate and not just because you personally like it. Me I prefer my women to have feminine features and not be built like men cause you know I'm a lesbian? But that's just me tho you do you. Strong sporty women are hot asf, Miho Nonaka could probably snap me in half she is jacked and has gigantic biceps and back muscles but she still looks feminine, and Gideon would probably have a similar build since bouldering and sword fighting use similar muscles.
>more concern trolling
Your talking points are 1 for 1 incel talking points against Abby from the TLOU2, just sayin' nobody's getting fooled what's side you're on. You're a man.
I literally have no idea who that is but go off sis. This has to be one of the most bizarre arguments I've ever seen someone try to push.
Hard to use reasonable arguments when your position is unreasonable.
>I don't know how to use google
Well, I figured you're a retard based on everything else you've said.
Fine I googled her and she literally has the same build as Miho Nonaka? maybe like 10% more jacked which makes sense if she's living in a post apocalypse I guess? She is visibly feminine and realistically built on a clearly female frame and skeleton. This is completely fine. Not at all the same as where Gideon is drawn as an upside down triangle with shoulders wider than two people and a ribcage the size of small truck
Like Gideon was never described as a giant, she is noticably shorter than Corona and lithe as well as strong
You are better off not replying. They don't want a discussion they just want weird culture war faggotry.
Let's talk real shit. Will Harrow finger the chussy?
>it's only "culture war faggotry" when the other side responds, but not when I do it
Suuuuuuuure. Anyway, everything you've said is wrong, you're an incel, go Kiss Your Sister.
I haven't finished Nona. What the fuck is "the chussy"?
Chest pussy. Basically she has a hole in her chest and... Well, you can fill in the rest.
Harrow will pet and kiss the chussy.
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I think She-Ra (new cartoon) body type is how Gideon is supposed to look like.
I don't never like this book because of the ending. Came from a generation where all lesbian representation ended on the death of one of the girls so feels poorly tasted for me.
Spoiler alert, she's not actually dead. Read on.
>she appears as super-background character in a later book

I don't care.
Not from your gen but I feel the same. I was getting into the relationship between the 2 just to have it rugpulled and then find out she plays second fiddle to new romantic interests while essentially acting as a force ghost.
I can only assume with the authors background any kind of romantic endgame is going to be some poly bullshit.
False she is still one of the main protagonists.
I read some other Tamsyn Muir books yesterday. Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower is about a princess who gets kidnapped by a witch and put in a tower for a prince to rescue, but the witch put a dragon on the first floor of the tower and the princes keep getting killed and no one comes to rescue her anymore so Floralinda has to kill her way to the bottom of the tower to escape with the help of a fairy that gets blown into her window during a storm. Floralinda does fall in love with the fairy but most of the focus of the book is on Floralinda going being a coward to getting buff and enjoying killing the monsters. The fairy does reciprocate Floralinda's feelings at the end, but leaves the particulars of human/fairy sex to the reader's imagination, unfortunately. There's some nonbinary preaching going on but from all the times in TLT when someone is running around in a body that's not even their own gender you should probably be used to it by now from the author. It feels a bit rushed at the end but overall, I really enjoyed it.
Undercover is a dieselpunk story about a woman who is hired by a female crime boss to feed and take care of the crime boss's wife, who has been turned into a flesh-eating ghoul. It's quite bloody but the only real romance is in background plot snippets. There's a neat twist at the end but the story is rather short and reads much like a Fallout fanfic. Not recommended.
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The author's own words
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Gideon deserves to have her heart back
I like the idea of Harrow pouring out her own blood to fill the hole or something like that. Romantic bodily modification ftw
Harrow grows Gideon a new heart from her bone marrow. Gideon is suitably grateful.
6 chapters into Nona the ninth now. I'm absolutely confused. I think it's pretty obvious that it's Harrow's body but who the fuck is inside her body? Gideon without her memories?
The person inside Harrow's body is Alecto without her memories, Harrow is inside Alecto's body back in the Tomb, and Gideon was resurrected by John and is now back inside her own body.
Imagine how extremely popular this series would be if animated.
nta but doesn't "resurrecting" gideon destroy the entire point of the whole first book?
Yes, the emotional arc of the second book centers around this.
This is still the best one. Watching this before I read the book made me imagine this epic journey that the rival characters go through before a boss battle requiring complete mutual trust. The boss battle WAS epic, but the book felt short.
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the mercymorn one is still the best. I live for Ianthe's bored expression and tortured voice
Soooo wouldn't it be weird if they get back together because Gideon (inside harrow) is effectively doing herself?
Ackshually Gideon is back in her own body, Alecto is in Harrow and Harrow is in Alecto (presumably) not that it's any less weird, but now we just need Harrow back to fingerfuck the chussy.
ACKSHUALLY ackshually Harrow and Alecto are back in their original bodies by the end
Meaning an upcoming reunion between our protagonists. After not seeing each other for 2 long books.
As a drawfag I feel a little called out. Drawing is hard, fuck.
She's a great romantic. It's just agonizingly buried in subtext. Gideon and Harrow have that sick "I want to literally crawl under your fucking skin" type of energy.
TLT fanfics can have some truly banger lines such as "Ianthe can probably build herself a new vagina if this one doesn’t work out". Makes me wonder if tazmuir reads fanfic, especially erotic fanfic, of her series. It's likely she does, but has she ever acknowledged it?
She's stated that she doesn't read TLT fanfic. If it was known that she read it and then wrote something that seemed too close to a specific fic she could get in trouble. iirc she didn't even know the fandom made "chussy" a thing until it was brought up in an AMA.
Of course, makes total sense actually.
>didn't even know the fandom made "chussy" a thing until it was brought up in an AMA
Why am I not surprised someone actually asked her this. got any link to that AMA?
Oh in fact I think these books are all about love . It's all over and it's the driving force of why many characters act the way they do. Is it a romance book? No. Is it a deeply romantic book? Yes.
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New banger comic by naomistares just dropped. If I acquire a billion dollars one day I'd pay her to adapt the whole book into a comic.
Pretty much no creator reads fics of their own work for that reason. People sometimes cite Marion Zimmer Bradley (currently better known for a different controversy) having to shelve a novel because of her involvement with fanfic of her own work, but the case is more complicated than how it's usually presented. She tried to incorporate a fic she liked into her novel and offered the writer joint credit, but the fic writer didn't think the payment she was offered was enough, tried to negotiate and it turned into a thing. In case you're interested, here's a long piece about it: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Marion_Zimmer_Bradley_Fanfiction_Controversy
>tons of gay/bi dudes complain about "draw a girl, call it a boy" art
>woman equivalent can't exist
these are YA books written by an ex-Homestuck fanfiction writer; that anon being a dude is about as likely as a woman being invested in a rapey incel fantasy isekai and writing effortposts about it. it's possible, but what's more likely?
I guess you could say she 'ated Naberius Tern.

Don't start that nonsense again.
god i love her art so much. the way she draws harrow and ianthe is peak feminine perfection i love evil women so much its unreal
>>woman equivalent can't exist
Correct. If you spout the same incel bullshit as men you're not a woman, you're a handmaiden, a subhuman entity not worthy to be called a woman.

But it is far, far, far more likely to be men, anyway, so you're retarded.
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Just finished NtN. Wtf did I just read?
Local Man with Necromancy powers screws everything
Elaborately disguised Homestuck shit, probably.
Above all the other shocking things, are we now supposed to just accept that Gideon and Ianthe are besties now?

Not that I dislike the idea but to go as far as to have matching friendship bracelets? It's fuckin mad and hilarious. I suppose we will never find out what transcurred in those months they were together on the mithraeum.
They're both clearly self-traumatized idiots, and lanthe being the most duplicitous slut out of them all, I figure it's just a front. After all, they're both clearly very desperate for Daddy John's approval. I wholeheartedly believe they're getting along out of force, and I expect him to fight for Harrow in Alecto.
the "gall on gall" joke proves they can get along when they're not fighting over Harrow.
Gideon is horny.
Ianthe is a slut.
Harrow is hot (if you're into that).

It's perfect
>are we now supposed to just accept that Gideon and Ianthe are besties now?
They should be the endgame, d e s u.
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I love the little, dark gremlin but I wouldn't mind if they ended up together.
I think they're more fun together than either of them with Harrow. Harrow can be happily together with her ancient Barbie girlfriend.
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>naomi smut
Oh wew
Assuming these are from from her private twitter, can you post the harrianthe pic?
It's futa, so no
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It's just yaoi but the men have tits
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>No skeleton arm
something is wrong here
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that's not Ianthe
we see Ianthe's left arm here. her bone arm is on her right, moron
hasn't happened yet, look at Harrow's outfit
>we see Ianthe's left arm here. her bone arm is on her right, moron
You see her other hand behind her hair in the bottom panel. don't reply to my posts again.
Take your 1/3 win and your (you). I'll take the other 2, thanks
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Yo sisters give me a rundown on how actually gay this is because I've seen mixed opinions on it over the years
the pov characters of the first and second books are lesbians, with the first one being a very horny butch lesbian, and the other one being incredibly repressed. both have romantic feelings for eachother buried under a lot of other conflicting feelings. no one knows for sure how that'll turn out. idk how to describe the situation going on in the third book, but the pov girl definitely isn't straight. There are other wlw characters throughout the books, some of whom are attracted to the main characters and vice versa.
There's also weird supernatural transgender shit going on (especially in the third book), if that's an issue.
Hm. I shelve this book all the time at my job, maybe I should actually give it a try sometimes. I see people comparing it to 40k, but that can be a pretty wide sliding scale in term of tone, from something like Ravenor on one side to Ciaphas Cain on the other. Where does this series land?
As far as tone goes the tlt novels are all over the place.
Gideon is more of a personal story with bursts of action and little in the way of world building. (More like the Ciaphas Cain novels.)
Harrow is more about filling out the universe lore and a big history lesson. (More like the HH books.)
Nona is more of war documentary from the perspective of an autistic young woman doing her best. (Any Sisters of Battle novels.)

They're all well written, and worth the read; but you'll find little tonal consistency between them besides "characters you like doing fun and exciting things that are cool to imagine."

I hope this helps.
Hm, thanks for the explanation. I loved the Cain books, and could at least manage the HH books. I haven't actually tried any of the Sisters of Battle books yet, but the description sounds like something I can work with. I might give the audiobooks from the link above a shot once I finish the one I'm on.
The audio books are good and it's the same narrator across all three; but I will say the novels have a lot of "formatting style" to them that adds a lot to the flavor.
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Ianthe deserves to win and will win when Alecto comes out.
I'll be devastated if anything happens to my queen. Oh, the things I would do for her as she dismissively bullies me
>Ianthe will never strangle you with a coat hanger
Why live
I believe in Ianthe making good on her promise to marry Harrow 100%.
Ianthe could die and it'd still be a win because now she's officially Harrow's type.
I started listening to the first book on recommendation from a friend during 4 hours of driving yesterday/today. I only got about 100 pages in, but I'm really enjoying it so far. I was hesitant to start it because 40k stuff isn't usually my taste (and I'm too stupid to understand it) but after a helpful sparknotes session with my friend I'm really getting into it. I wanted to get into it for the yuri, but I can see myself sticking with the whole series just because it seems like a cool universe so far.
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You're not wrong. All I want is for Ianthe to have the happy ending she deserves
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Not sure what people will think of this opinion, but here goes. I picked up this series like last week and am on the third book now, it's been really neat.

But I enjoyed the first one the most by far. I was expecting the whole series to be the wacky adventures of Gideon and Harrow, the characters I enjoy the most. The first book was so perfect because of this. I thought the ending was great, but they'd find some way to bring Gideon back or whatever. Then the second book was amnesia central for 500 pages with a smattering of Gideon-related cameos, now I've just started the third and we're back to amnesia in the form of Nona (?) with no Gideon seemingly on the horizon.

I guess I'm just disappointed is all.
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Harrow is my favorite book of the series so far. Gideon is a loveable character, but I am more of an Ianthe enjoyer and I'm sure that she affects my book preference. Give Nona more time and maybe you'll be disappointed by the characters or maybe not. With anything in life you should be careful what you wish for. Each book is unique in tone and setting and appreciating the differences makes the series and world feel more realized and nuanced to me. First you get a fun introduction to necromancy, then you are exposed to micro level horror of its consequences. These consequences are subsequently expanded to the macro level, and I cannot wait to experience all the fuckery that Alecto will surely bring.
I ended up liking her a lot more than I thought I would. Definitely a standout character of the series and I will be hoping she gets a suitable ending for that. Not sure about shipping though, I could probably be happy with several outcomes. Still haven't read Nona yet though, perhaps that will change my mind.
at first I liked GTN more but after going through both books twice I enjoy Harrow more for what it does with the characters of the previous book. They were both great to experience again though. It was really enjoyable to see some depth to the characters who didn't get as much of a chance to shine in the first book in the second. I really liked the sixth in my first read through but a bit less on my second, I am hoping they don't become too much of a crutch / just better versions of our main characters going forward.
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Going through the books more than once is worth doing! Since the audiobooks are on Spotify with the premium plan, I've been listening to them and experiencing the content in a different way. I just got to Nona and hope she sounds both cute and terrifying. We shall see.
Just read Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, what a fantastic fic, thanks for the rec. Been a while since a longfic captured me til the end
They look like men
It’s a book. You’re the one imagining them as men.
They are drawn like men on the covers too.
emergency boomp
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Yeah, what is it with contemporary Western writers favoring masculine women?
It's all rooted in transgender society and its consequences.
Butches existed before trannies, and YWNBJ
It doesn't really have anything to do with transgenderism, it's overcorrecting from traditionally enforced femininity. Slight becomes bulky, soft and curvy becomes angled and muscular, long hair becomes short hair, manicured appearance, lack of body hair etc. becomes zero manicuring, excess body hair, etc.

In the past this resulted in regular butch girls, but the issue is there's a feedback loop where because you have traditionalists responding to that with "no don't do that, women are supposed to be traditionally pretty", people dig their heels in and lean even heavier into anti-femininity until you reach the point of "attractive/real women look like male linebackers on HGH" common in specific communities in the past decade and a half.
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>male linebackers
C'mon, Gideon is barely at netflix she-ra levels. I'm not even gonna get into why that's retarded to say about Harrow and Nona. This is just incels getting pissed that women aren't drawn as moe kawaii uguu lolis.
>This is just incels getting pissed that women aren't drawn as moe kawaii uguu lolis.
Like clockwork. Classic deflection.
That wasn't in reference to official art, which is a good example of that "regular butch" mentioned. I was talking about things like >>4142803 >>4165796 >>4140024
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More yuri please, I'm tired of reading these posts
Harrow is white and I'm sick of fanfic writers pretending she's not.
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"Harrow is a scrawny teenage girl with black hair cut short (as befits someone in a monastery) and truly black eyes: she never appears except in black and white skull facepaint. She has a pointed, rather triangular face, not very long, a triangular heart rather than a triangular diamond or oval. She wears black robes and long-sleeved, long-trousered clothes – all black – with no skin showing: the main decoration on this is bones. She wears a corset of rib bones and could have any other bone decoration, which has been written of in the book as bone bangles and multiple bone stud piercings in the ears. She’s more femme-androgynous than outright butch; in Book 1 she’s a bit birdlike and free of specific masc or femme gender markers in terms of outfit or build. I imagined her as being mixed Māori."

>I imagined her as being mixed Māori.
Well she must be one of those 1/32 indigenous "Maori" then, since the official art is of a white woman.
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Maori are not Australian aboriginals, they are some of the palest islanders around, even when tanned they have nearly the same skin tone as SEAs or hispanics.

You are also dumb. This skin tone and facial structure >>4245058 is very easily half Maori.
None of the facial structures in your pic even remotely match >>4245058, and they all have brown skin. Did you upload the wrong image by accident?
OTOH I just tried googling "white Maori" and that brought up pictures of blonde-haired, blue-eyed Europeans with facial tribal tattoos, so "mixed Maori" could mean literally anything.

Notice that Gideon herself is described as "a ginger" and has an ultra-rare recessive eye colour. Gideon is white-coded, at the very least. Really, this book is about white characters.
Okay I'm starting the audiobook. It better not suck or I'm gonna steal your dirty laundry.
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I don't know why I'm taking the bait and indulging you, but: "I envision her as mixed Māori, darker-skinned than Harrow."
I'm not posting the link again. At least post art to make a contribution to the thread
>I don't know why I'm taking the bait and indulging you
Yes you do. That is nice art though.
>come back to the thread hoping the asinine gender discourse is over
>an even worse discourse has started.
Go outside dude no one cares.
The audiobook is excellent
I love when artists draw Harrow with this shaggy messy hair, it makes her even more perfect. I know its canonically supposed to be like completely cropped but the messy bob is too erotic
I'll post more art
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They are so fucking cool

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