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To avoid falling into the mistake of overly narrow threads like the Tifa thread, or the series that arouse little interest like Dragon Quest, here's a thread for Final Fantasy in general, that is also open to other Square Enix properties if you happen to find content for then.

Pic related is the most criminally underrated FF pair: Agrias and Ovelia from Tactics, the original knight and princess couple.
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Tifa gang for life desu. but other Square protags are fun too.
That art style makes her look like Lightning.
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What the hell is this chromatic abomination?
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girls who go to the dressing room together be like
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Artist: TimboCactus
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How is there exactly one FF13 pic in this thread and it's not even of Fang and Vanille?
Most people don't like thinking about FFXIII at all.
Need more FFXIII Yuri honestly.
I've never really understood the overt hate for FFXIII.
I just started playing ff13 recently after picking it up during the last sale and I've been looking forward to reaching the part where I can build my party around them.
>every character is different flavours of annoying
>the plot relies on everyone, including the gods, acting like retards
>nothing is ever explained upfront, you need to read several pages of lore in the menu to understand the world and plot
>the gameplay is 90% long corridors with pretty much nothing of what people like about final fantasy (or any other rpg for that matter)
>combat is awkward. you can only control one character while the others have terrible ai (inexcusable seeing how xii used gambits). position matters but can't be changed, etc.
And that's not even getting into the unnecesary sequels that throw everything into the garbage to be even more retarded. XIII has been the punching bag of the fanbase for a good reason.
>>there's nothing wrong with being linear
>>The combat is literally the BEST in all the franchise, only Lightning Returs tops it.

i can tell you're either a troll or have never played any other jrpg in your entire life
Probably just a contrarian looking for attention. Notice how he doesn't give any argument, just "nuh uh, you're wrong". I doubt he even played XIII at all.
>every character is different flavours of annoying
>the plot relies on everyone, including the gods, acting like retards
This is mainly thanks to the localization mangling the script senseless and shit dub actors.
John Joseco 2024 jumpscare
>This is mainly thanks to the japaense devs: A) keeping the whole script a secret from the localizers and only sending them dialogue with little to no context; B)lacking the coherent vision and rewriting the script on the fly billions of times, which means that they need to send the localizers, who by that time already dubbed most if not all of the game, a new version of the dialogue, which means the localizers had to transtate and re-dub sometimes up to the whole game from scratch; C) Repeating (A) around 4-5 times; D) Blame the localizers and the west.

There, fixed it for you.
The second most criminally underrated pairing.
Costa Del Sexoooo
Rebirth has a scene where Tifa feels Aerith's back because she's stiff, then she asks her to go back to their bedroom.
Just adding.
Oh wow! What's next, they look at each other while sucking Cloud's cock? Have some bloody standards, you useless lesbian.
And you get that stick out of your ass.
Least they can do is hook them up in one of the 7 timelines they've implied in this multiverse crap.
I still can't believe they went beyond full retard
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but waifufags would get upset if they're not for Cloud (them) in every timeline. I've seen people flip out in Fire Emblem calling the girls unfaithful sluts because they have the option of having supports with others
Hey I posted this in the general! Yay.
I thought Nomura was to blame (because Kingdom Hearts gave him a reputation for convoluted bullshit), but apparently it was Kitase's idea? That's quite disappointing, given how he talked about he created the story and world of FFVII as a way to cope with the death of his mother. Now it's just a way to milk a tired franchise.

ABsolutely no one gives a shit.
The remake games generally added a lot to their friendship, so that they actually feel close to each other and we're not just told they are.

Much as we all have fond memories of it, Final Fantasy VII was never a very well written story. I have serious doubts anybody who was on the dev team ever had any idea what really made the narrative click with people. The fact that they only seem to have less idea now than they did in the '90s really shows what a fluke the whole thing was.
That's clearly wrong since the exact same shit happened to FFI with Stranger of Paradise. This is obviously the result of a "subverted expectations" mindset, a fruit of the current obsessions with twists and surprises at the cost of a coherent narrative.

I'm not saying any of the Final Fantasies were well written. Except maybe Tactics, and even then they clearly ran out of steam for the fourth act. FFVII had better writing than average for the series, and better writing than most other games at the time, but it certainly doesn't hold up to the standards of genuinely well-written games, let alone the standards of other media. Plus, most of us were in middle school when we played these games.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand, since we're not discussing the quality of the story but rather how the remake destroyed it along with the idea of a faithful remake for the sake of retarded twists and spreading the game over three games.

On that, I agree completely. I legitimately don't understand why they thought turning the remake into a backdoor sequel to the FFVII sequels was a good idea. They wasted a perfectly good opportunity to actually give us the game we always dreamed we could have -- with juicy graphics, real-time combat, voice acting, orchestrated music, and a localization that wasn't complete trash -- for something nobody ever asked for. Even the prostitutes Nomura hires couldn't pretend to be excited for a followup to Advent Children and Dirge of Fucking Cerberus.

We'll have to wait twenty years for a fan remake to recover from this official remake. Maybe then we can finally get an official Aeris/Tifa lesbian romance.
I liked 13, honestly. It's definitely not perfect, but I really liked some of its gameplay concepts and 13-2 more or less fixed most of my problems in a gameplay sense. 13 is great conceptually, but was a mess in execution. Some of the best cutscenes in the franchise though. I don't care what you say, that cutscene from Chapter 8 is absolutely gorgeous.
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if you're looking for anything that doesn't require heavy goggle usage and outright ignoring context you may as well move on, cause outside of random npc dialogue there's nothing
You shouldn't reply to a shitposter like that.
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Blessed increase in beach Aerti art. Blessed.
Not Final Fantasy but close enough.
This thread is also for Square Enix, so you haven't done anything wrong.
any recs for aggressive lesbian aerith fics? I always see Tifa as the dominant one when she's prime sub where Aerith is canonically pushy and will make you do what she wants.
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To be fair XIII is practically only good for the yuri.
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It's canon desu
I finished FF13 and the ending for fang and vanille was surprisingly even gayer than their previous scenes together. /u/ fanfic writers must have been eating good back when this originally came out. Not expecting more /u/ but I'm starting X-2 now and hoping to see them again.
What are you playing it at?
Not sure what you mean but I got it on steam. Mods are needed to fix stutters/crashes but there are guides online and it was very easy to do. Also updated models and the games look very nice for 15 years old.
Did you mean you're starting XIII-2 now? It's been a while since I played it but it's basically time travelling with pokemon and I don't remember any significant scenes with Fang or Vanille. I mostly shipped Sara with Lightning, and the guy in Sara's party is mostly just a bro with no romance at all with Sara.
Yeah I'm about 10 hours in now and Fang and Vanille were mentioned in passing maybe twice in all that time. Haven't had as much fun with it so far and I miss the first game's soundtrack. The lack of a real character roster to choose from sucks but at least serah's siscon tendencies are fun and keep me interested in seeing where it is going and it is hilarious she sent her fiance away to search for lightning for 3 years because she misses her oneesan too much. Plus serah continues to miss lightning even more than snow despite the fact he has been effectively missing the same amount of time when the game starts.
>but it certainly doesn't hold up to the standards of genuinely well-written games
So Legacy of Kain and...?
The main game is kind of a drag, but I did have some fun with min-maxing monsters in the post-game content. Stay away from Xiii-3 though, that game is a steaming turd.
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Forgot I snagged this one from the depths of twitter. Gunna be using it forever.
I just finished 13-2. Really had to force myself to continue since the difficulty was piss easy 99% of the time or boringly difficult at random points, with no in between. The requiem of the goddess dlc to unlock the secret extra ending scene where sera and lightning are hugging in non-sisterly ways was amusing at least but definitely not worth the 2 hours of playing the same boss fight 10 times to unlock it. Fang and Vanille show up in a paradox world to give a pep talk to Sera at some point but besides that the only /u/ moments remain with Sera pining for Lightning. Their subtext made up most of the memorable portions of the game. Which wasn't even 1/10th as much as the first game sadly.

I bought all 3 games at the same time so I can't refund it anyway but I'm more committed to play lightning returns seeing as 13-2 has the worst cliffhanger imaginable and I need to see what point they wanted to make.
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>I bought all 3 games at the same time so I can't refund it anyway but I'm more committed to play lightning returns seeing as 13-2 has the worst cliffhanger imaginable and I need to see what point they wanted to make.
I could never bring myself to beat Lightning Returns or really get very far in it because the gameplay is so bad so if you find out let me know.
The most criminially underrated pair in the whole franchise.
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Seventh Heaven
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Happy birthday, Tifa!!
>because the gameplay is so bad
But it has one of the best combat systems in the history of the franchise?
barely anyone remembers Tactic Advanced in general, Square included
There's a fair amount of people who remember it solely because of Marche and the entire moral dilemma of his actions. His "It's escapism, can't you see? It's not healthy!" quote even became a minor meme with edits used for series with similar themes.
Tactics A2 is the one that fell into oblivion. The most everyone remembers about it is the MC having an atrocious fashion sense (and maybe Vaan and Penelo's older designs).
my first and favorite ff ship
It should be remembered for being the actual origin of cute gay bunnies.
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Just finished Lightning Returns. It was the quality XIII-2 should have been made with and I'm glad I stuck with the series to the end since LR was a lot of fun and gives a proper sendoff to the series. I won't spoil anything specific so it is safe to read spoilers if you are just interested in the /u/ findings. Spoiler pic is from the very end of LR where Fang hugs Vanille from behind and says something to the effect of even death couldn't separate us while they are doing some big plot related thing. I accidentally print screened so it cut off the subtitles but I'll probably replay that part to get a recording since it was really cute and rivals the /u/ scene at the end of the first game. The whole of LR's quest line is literally setting up Vanille's role in the final act so both Fang and Vanille are much more relevant and involved than I expected (not hard to improve after FFXIII-2 has literally appear as a vision for one scene for no reason at all). Game has a happy ending of course but I'll spoil the plot specifics in another comment

The starting area's first main quest has a punishing difficulty curve until I realized I could just leave and come back later. After that I found the combat much more satisfying even though I wasn't great at timing attacks/blocks most of the time.
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The first /u/ I ran into was relatively early in the game by finding out Vanille was in Luxerion (first area) where Lightning gets asked by some random church goer to find a crystal Vanille lost. After returning the crystal we find out Vanille was looking for it because it has her precious Fang's image glittering inside it. Totally normal friend behavior. The crystal is her only possession which she kept with her after waking up from the crystal pillar after 500 years. Also find out Fang was with Vanille until recently and she left to go do something to protect Vanille which is heavily story related.
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Getting to Fang is where the fun /u/ kicks in since her entire reason for living is to be with Vanille. Fang is in the dead dunes and tells Lightning that Vanille isn't with a church but is in a cult. Fang had to leave Vanille and go out in the middle of nowhere to guard something the cult wants to use which would kill Vanille, explaining why Fang would ever voluntarily leave Vanille's side. Fang actually joins Lightning as an AI party member for this entire area and part of the story which was fun too. After doing a bunch of stuff with Fang this story arc ends with Lightning having a heart to heart with Fang and tells her that Vanille will die and she (lightning) can't save her because she can only save those who choose to live. Lightning says Fang is the only person who can save Vanille, with the implication that she'd choose life (for Fang). Fang has a "alright I get it" moment and there's another line where Lightning says something to the effect of "having a date in Luxerion" (where Vanille is) and the whole sequence was way more than I expected from a /u/ goggles standpoint. I'm curious what a good JP translation would have been for this part of the game since it seemed really inconsistent on important details
Also one thing I only learned about after I was locked into areas that I couldn't try it out: apparently if you wear cloaks random women will run up to lightning and say “I love you! Wait… was that a woman?”
Fanille was oficially made canon in FXIII Trilogy Ultimania.
What page has more about it? I found scans but their character profile pages just look like summaries of the story.
There's a small epilogue for the four main pairings: Lightning/Hope, Snow/Serah, Noel/Yeul and what's relevant for this thread, Vanille/Fang. They're currently living together in a small store in the road
I think I found what you were talking about in something else called FFXIII Reminiscence -Tracer of Memories- which is a novella that takes place after the game. I skimmed everything except the /u/ relevant part which I read in full and it is about some journalist going around talking to the main cast members. Basically she was just a stand in to allow the writer to ask characters common questions people probably had about the cast which was rather boring for a story. Anyway the interviewer learns from other cast members that Fang and Vanille live alone together near a village where everyone knows they hang out together by some ruins that remind them of home. They talk about nothing particularly new or interesting but they are known to be living together by everyone and are so close they can just share a look to communicate, so I guess that was nice. Lightning Returns scenes were more /u/ than this though.
Tifa's first kiss.
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Tifa smellparticles
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They could have done so much with Lightning instead of pairing her up with a shota. Dont pair her at all at least. Wasted main female lead, she is. FF series have such wasted female characters.
Lightning never even interacts with hope in the epilogue novella FFXIII Reminiscence -Tracer of Memories-. Anon is probably misremembering it from fanfic because there is no evidence that lightning is paired with anyone.
Lightning/Hope was/is huge in Japan, mostly with women. Arguably it inspired Jude/Milla, 2B/9S and others. Shipping aside, I think FFXIII has great female characters. Just compared it to FFXV that was a sausagefest

The dub downplayed a lot of Hopurai interactions
I don't use dubs and just finished the trilogy last month. I'm also not strongly for or against anything with Lightning since I wasn't invested in her having a relationship and she is basically emotionless for 2/3rds of the trilogy so I wouldn't care if someone shattered my belief with evidence. The problem is I gave this argument the benefit of the doubt and looked up fan wikis and forums and no tangible evidence seems to exist. Nothing of note happens in the 3 games I played and the novella has 0 interactions between them. Meanwhile Fang and Vanille have a ton of moments where they talk about each other's relevance to their lives, hold hands, hug and talk about living together and dying together, plus they get crystalized together and weren't asleep and could see everything and talk to each other during which kind of sucks since it was 100s of years while in the yuri pose.
Source? I love that position
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FF6 yuri media rarely include her.
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KairixXion video
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Tifa nation represent.
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me n who desu

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