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Previous thread: >>4058936
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>Just as a health check...
let me see your tummy, Mashiro-san!

>Fue! L-Like this?

>Alright... it looks like you're in good shape. By the way...

>Even your navel is cute, Mashiro-san.
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I love Soramashi so much....
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I saw the previous series ended and a new one started.
How was the previous one? Was it one of the gay ones or one of the het ones?
How is the new one? Promising for the yuri or not?
>Was it one of the gay ones
The main two leads are definitely in to each other, other than that no.
>How is the new one? Promising for the yuri or not?
Maybe between the cats, but signs point to there being some kind of love/affection triangle between the main lead, her dog and one of her male classmates.
>triangle between the main lead, her dog and one of her male classmates
The hell is this shit? It's evolving backwards.
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And the fact that there is a non 0 chance of us having a mid season Male Cure, I fucking hope not.
Holy peak, I love MiraRiko so much. Can't wait for them to make out in Mahou Tsukai 2.
Also there is a chance the Dog Girl will also get a het love interest as the male classmate has a male rabbit who will probably also become human and a Cure

Like it was said the best chance for yuri is probably the one with the cat
It's the real Precure series to look out for this year. Mirai and Riko already kissed in the manga after all. Wonderful is leaning too much into hetshit sadly.
Yeah, I'm really excited for it, but cautiously optimistic until we get a trailer so that we know exactly what we're getting. Only reason I'm cautious is because there is a chance that isn't 0 that they fuck it up, but I remain hopeful regardless.
Maho was basically built around the 2 girls, and it was even mentioned that the series was a "girl meets girl", where the other 2 Cueras were the daughters (almost literally) of the main girls, ruining that is betraying the series and the fandom as a whole.

The problem is that het can go in 2 directions, distracting to the point of ruining the series (Hetcharge or Hug) or completely useless to the point of questioning if it was worth it (Party)
Oh, I know. They probably do know not to fuck this up. It'd be so weird for them to fuck it up. I'll be patiently awaiting an their animated makeout style kiss.
*Their, not an their.
I'm a dummy.
If you take the structure of Otona, there really aren't many differences from the original series beyond the fact that they are adults and drink alcohol, so the feeling that the original conveyed can remain the same.
>It'd be so weird for them to fuck it up
If I had a dollar.
Honestly, the franchise has been consistent in being genuinely good (understand yuri) that's why there are only 4 series (Otona is part of Yes) that are really bad (understand het)
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I hope we get new information for MTP during Valentine.
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Just finished Mahou Tsukai Precure... Holy gay... This show was so good... I've watched most seasons at this point and this is absolutely my favorite... (So glad I didn't listen to my friend who said it's bad.) And wow, Mirai and Liko may be one of the gayest Magical Girl pairings I've ever seen. Genuinely fell in love with this one.
>(So glad I didn't listen to my friend who said it's bad.)

Yes, many people have wrong opinions about this series, the only really bad seasons are Yes, Hetcharge, HUG and recently Party, the rest are decent at worst (like HG)
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what the
they know.
Nice edit there.
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We should all just post more and more MiraRiko until Mahou Tsukai 2.
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Make sure to read the manga too.
Don't worry, already have. Such a good Manga, loved it. Wish there was more of it, Mahou Tsukai is such good food.
>Their lips touched
Fucking /pc/ poster
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Mayu is very cute. I look forward to seeing her get closer to Iroha in future episodes
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Artist behind this image is doing a MiraRiko doujin for April 21st.
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Make sure to listen to the audio drama. It's fun, gay and lewd.
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That was super gay, holy shit. So cute, as well.
Mirai and Riko are the best moms.
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Is it true that there's no fighting in Wonderful
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Yes, no villain has been seen yet, it is the power of understanding (like Digimon ghost game but without any fight)

It's not a bad anime, but if they give too much importance to boy and the rabbit (you know what I'm talking about) we can bury this season.
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So Cure Friendy can summon a leash for Cure Wonderful. Take that as you will.
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I fucking love Komuiro
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Why isn't her pup gf not wearing a leash?
>Pocky Day (2nd day)

>Pocky eating with Mashiro-san will be delicious!

>You have to stop just in time, okay...?

>Got it! Well then, thanks for the meal!

You're not supposed to eat to the very end...

>My apologies! I inadvertedly!

>Then I'll hold the next one in my mouth, so feel free to eat it all the way, Mashiro-san!

>I have plenty more pocky available, so don't hesitate!

>That's not what I meant~!
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Seeing them fight made me sad and I was surprised it wasn't resolved at the end of the episode
Leash transformed into a magic wand
>Leash transformed into a magic wand
To think that caused the rift between those two.
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Jesus Christ this episode was so good
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Now swap!
Mahotsukai is very underrated. Yeah, its generals suck and I guess wanting the magical academy aspect to be used more than it was is fair enough, but the yuri family dynamic definitely makes the show great for me. Definitely the my favorite cure group dynamic overall. There are a few seasons I haven't watched yet (Hugtto, Healin' Good, and Hirogaru), but I doubt they'll change my mind.
>> Yeah, its generals suck
No, only 4 fall into that category and Maho is not one of those.

>>Definitely the my favorite cure group dynamic overall. There are a few seasons I haven't watched yet

literally the worst dynamic in the entire franchise, calling them friends is an exaggeration.

>>Healin' Good
They have a good dynamic, the problem is that anime in general is boring.

It's good and the dynamic is similar to Maho with how yuri it can be, they are basically a couple in the end.
Finally finished Hirogaru. What an amazing ending. SoraMashi is just so perfect.
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Mayu really takes comfort on her pussy cat to almost obsession levels.
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I'm watching Hugtto right now, and yeah, the group dynamic is unusual. It feels like Hana is holding 2 different Cure teams together once the duo joins (The trio of Hana, Saaya, and Homare mesh together well, and I think that Hana also meshes well with the duo of Emiru and Ruru. It's just that Saaya and Homare feel like friends of a friend to Emiru and Ruru despite the occasional bonding moment.) It's interesting in its own way.
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Mahotsukai 2 when...
Things only get worse over time, it goes from 2 teams united by a "something" to 5 characters that are there because the plot says so, when the secondary male characters have more and better development than the main girls, you know that something It's really bad (don't forget the ridiculous amount of inconsistencies in this season)

In the end it is nothing more than shameless pro-motherhood propaganda.
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this one made me chuckle
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One for the anon who likes them to shitch their clothes
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>the problem is that anime in general is boring.
Dairuzen's resolution will always be worth the 10 episodes of Chiyu learning that she pikes jumping over a pole.
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I kinda want to get it now, but I also kinda want to never get it at all.
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There's the 99% chance that the Mahoutsukais are treated like the Splash Stars in Otona, but I can't help hope for the .01% chance that maybe it'll go full yuri with Mirai and Liko (They can give Haa-chan a male harem if they want to balance it out, I would be ok with that). The other .99% chance is them simply staying yuribait, which is business as usual.
>There's the 99% chance that the Mahoutsukais are treated like the Splash Stars in Otona

As I mentioned before and it must be taken into account, that Splash Stars is only the second series of a concept still in execution and that Otona is the sequel to Yes, not SS.

Second in Maho, Mirai and Liko's relationship is basically the main plot, along with the raising of 2 daughters who don't try to hide that part (the villains being basically magical terrorists) and also don't forget that Kurumi and Karen were still a thing, even as adults.

>The other .99% chance is them simply staying yuribait, which is business as usual.

which would only apply to Otona and the Doki movie, the rest of the franchise has never been bait, the het series were seen almost from the beginning that they would be het.

>>They can give Haa-chan a male harem if they want to balance it out
The funny thing is that it was Mofurun who was given the male romantic interests, 2 villains (within the desperation of the hetfags) and Pirachu can also be considered one (if you are really desperate for het)
so how has Wonderful been
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Some promotional material said that Otona was going to be about different ways of living your life, or something to that effect.
Otona did het romance as well as not wanting romance, so all that's left is gay romance, right?
Yeah, I don't believe it either.
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>There's the 99% chance that the Mahoutsukais are treated like the Splash Stars in Otona
The reason SS get that treatment is because Toei doesn't care about SS. They only appear in Otona because Narita ask if she can include SS in Otona. The problem is, Narita likes to write het and Toei doesn't care about SS so nobody stop her from making SS into het romance stories.

Contrast that to Yes5, the one that Toei actually care about, their partner don't change from the TV Show (including Kurumi-Karen), because Narita can't just pair them with some random guy as that will damage Yes5 brand and Toei won't allow that. But NozoCoco is the main couple in the original series and obviously Narita's endgame, so we get that for the final stretch of the show.

There is only two way things are going for MTP2, 99% they stay subtext and focus on the plot instead of relationship, or 1% Bandai look at Witch for Mercury sales number and SuleMio, and then convince Toei to allow MiraiLiko become "interpretation", complete with wedding ring.
I just realize that in the original announcement, MTP2 is planned for "Fiscal Year 2024" instead of "Year 2024", as there has been no promotion or information so far, it probably mean MTP will air in winter 2025 (because Fiscal Year 2024 is Spring 2024 to Winter 2025), if they aren't delayed.
Which kinda funny for several reasons. One, this would mean since 2023, every winter we have late night yuri magical girl show (2023 is MagiRevo, 2024 is MahoAko, and 2025 will be MTP2).
Two, MTP aired in 2016, which means, based on Toei weird anniversary counting, 2025 is going to be 10 years anniversary of MTP. And Toei like those anniversary projects, so yeah, I am pretty sure MTP2 is going to be in winter 2026.
And Three, winter is when Precure start and end, so MTP2 will air over two different Precure seasons.
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"under the Moonlight"

In Heartcatch precure this term gets a whole new meaning
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I really love it so far
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Roughly translated:

"So Kirara-Chan hepled you putting on your kimono, Towa-Chan?"
"Oh yes, it felt soo good..." (obviously enjoys a blissfull meory)
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Its time
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I'm personally more fond of pairing Iroha and Mayu. Let the animals keep to themselves I say
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But these two have the deepest lore and I love to see more kino from them.
It'll be funny to see how they interact in their human forms
Yes, yes. As nature intended.
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Damn, that cat has the rizz on Mayu
Mayu is gonna get all the pussy
Holy shit, Mayu's fucking smitten with her kitten.
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Can girls love dogs?
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