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/u/ - Yuri

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Old thread: >> 3994117

Episode rips (yes, just use the /co/ general's link, it's got everything):
> rwbyg.com

>Ancient fic recommendation list: http://pastebin.com/7PfNUaCG
>Ancient-er recommendation list: http://pastebin.com/NyBwmzVf
>Ancient-est rec list: http://pastebin.com/R3TxjN1b

>Ship list: http://pastebin.com/U6sHLcN3
Fucked up the previous thread link.
My bad.

Old thread: >>3994117
Have some Milk and Cereal.
Is there a need to make a new thread when the show is dead and the fan content has slowed down to a crawl?
I think it's time to let it go and just post in the Western thread every now and then.
Not really no. Traffic pretty much stopped after volume 6 and even while airing it'd barely get a few posts a week and then go back to being empty. At this point it should really just be folded into the western general.
Actually they just announced that in March when volume 9 comes to the RT site they’ll be releasing an anthology style series telling what happened on remnant between volumes 8 and 9.

It’s not much but it is something and proves this shit isn’t completely dead yet.


But tell you what. If there’s no volume 10 announcement before this thread hits page 10 I’m fine merging into the western thread going forward.
Holy shit, Monochrome in this day and age? I guess miracles do happen!
Pabustenyuku draws it now and then. Between how rarely it gets drawn, and how often the drawings are like low-mid deviantart level, and the really badly drawn raceswaps, decent new Mono is a hard thing to find.
Dash also draws it once in a blue moon, when she isn't chugging down the Eimiko juice.
>during volume 9 and even beyond!
Sounds like they're packing it in.
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To me it sounds like they know volume 10 will be the last one so they’re adapting any ideas that won’t fit in the volume to other formats.
In a better timeline we would've has canon RubyXPenny where they travel the world together post-story and Penny keeps the same body she always had while Ruby grows into an adult and has to deal with strange looks over her clingy little girl wife.
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True true.
I will take nothing short of the perfection that is whiterose. Also if anyone's curious, fanfiction.net looks like it's purging a ton of shit now. Half of the rwby fics are gone.
Any big ones that got purged?
Why tho? Is it at least the weird fetish checklist ones at least?
I think it's about all the noblemeta fics getting privated or something. Not necessarily getting purged or anything. Besides, fanfiction has barely had any new good RWBY yuri in recent years. I just stick to AO3.

RT is dead, long live RWBY
Hopefully they license or sell the IP to someone competent and they reboot the show
RWBY can make a comeback with proper management behind it and the IP holder actually taking advantage of the merch opportunities the series has that RT didn't
RIP RWBY. Well, at least rosegarden never got to become canon.
If it stays with a Western company, who would actually be likely to buy the IP? Kinda curious, I personally don't know much about Western animation studios.

I'd very much like the torch to be picked up by someone though so that the story gets completed.

Also, considering how much Japan loves RWBY, I wonder if any studios over there would be interested.
I mean, sure Shaft would be cool if Shaft were what they were 10+ years ago, but look at how they fumbled IQ. Besides they're busy as hell with Madoka 4 and the new season of Monogatari
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>couldn't get a s2 of the anime version so now it's going to be remembered by is the dykehater ruby meme
I could see Kadokawa or Shueisha grabbing it depending on the asking price. Don't the figures typically do well as well? That might encourage Kadokawa since they've been branching out. I've been out of the fandom for years at this point so I don't know.
You're overstating how much japan ever loved RWBY. Even ten years ago it wasn't much of a following. It's nonexistent nowadays.
Asides from that, i don't think a single IP under RT gets bought. RvB is wrapping up anyways and nobody cares about the rest of the shit they have. Crunchyroll tried by paying for a season in exchange for exclusive streaming rights. WBD tried with those justice league tie ins that nobody asked for. RT themselves tried with failed kickstarters and onlyfans lewds. I'm surprised that it took zaslav years to axe RT considering his reputation and the fact that RT has been a zombie corp for years now. RWBY will live on in fanfics and porn, the only thing it was ever good for.
I mean for crying out loud, the only thing they've done for the past five plus years that had any sort of buzz, pun intended (making BB canon), was instantly overshadowed by >>4164241
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I still remember when the White trailer came out and White Rose was instantly born. And I believe the first real thread we had here on /u/ was after the Yellow trailer if I remember correctly, maybe?

Where did all the times go
Doesn't need to be sold. Warner presumably retains the rights to the show which means that their subsidiaries (DC, WB Animation, HBO (max)) would be able to casually license and make use of the IP at Warner's discretion. This is how RT was able to swing the DC universe/RWBY crossover stuff to begin with, they're already both owned by the same company.

I would guess that, unless someone approaches Warner and offers a significant sum (unlikely) they'll just hold onto the IP until one of those subsidiaries or someone with decent pull in the company decides they want to make something with it.

Sort of the best possible outcome imho. RWBY is sort of a mess but there's some really interesting world-building and character elements and I think it could do very well slipped into the general DC universe. Bring Salem's power level slightly down and you already have a really solid roster of heroes/friends and rogues for a by the numbers superhero series, which is sort of what RWBY has always been.
I remember that (believable) rumor that, granblue fantasy versus happened because RT/WB got cold feet about Arcsys making a RWBY fighting game because they were afraid of the characters being sexualied or something, in any case they had some sort of falling out after crosstag battle. That would have really helped Rwby stay in the zeitgeist a bit during the long in between season breaks since granblue versus proves theres a market for anime street fighter 2 gameplay
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I guess it's up to a brave nee-san to give it a conclusion preferably one where Salem is defeated with a RWBY team foursome
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>RT/WB got cold feet about Arcsys making a RWBY fighting game because they were afraid of the characters being sexualied or something

>really pulling a disney moment kek

A rwby stand alone fighting game would be bad ass.
>RT/WB got cold feet about Arcsys making a RWBY fighting game because they were afraid of the characters being sexualied or something
Phew could you imagine, sexualizing the RWBY girls? They really dodged a bullet there
Who knows what could've heppened if they let that happened
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Guess this means no more QT fics.
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RWBYsisters.. its over
It was over years ago. WR was sadly never happening.
it's in the hands of the fans to make their own (edgy) rwby series now.
Only ending I'll ever accept is one where all of Team RWBY impregnates each other (in this sequence: Weiss->Ruby->Yang->Blake->Weiss).
Return to your own board.
The irony
Shouldn't have lasted this long in the first place.
this was also the very first bit of yuri fan art, after the White trailer dropped.
Yang must follow in her father's footsteps and be the impregnator and not the impregnated
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Fuck off with your AI shit.
>Yuri is now not yuri if its AI generated
I want to see good art made by talented artists who draw out of love, not slop generated by some program that some arrogant twat used to pretend they have skill.
Where in that post did they arrogantly claim they had skill?
Whoever generated that image even generated a shitty signature in the upper left.
People who post this shit are the worst, knock it off or stay in a single AI thread.
There's a containment thread for a reason.
RWBY remake, but now your favorite rarepairs are now canon. For me personally it's Monochrome, Elderburn and Pyrruby.
>WR was sadly never happening
Yeah there was signs that Weiss was going to end up with fucking Jaune of all people so I'm fucking glad RWBY's never getting finished. Hopefully the sadness of the series going under leads to more fanfiction/fanart before people completely bury their interest in it.
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I will gladly take it.
I dunno if you can really call Mono a rarepair. It's just not major.
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Finally Arc System Works can buy the license and save the series
By making an overrated fighting game about it?
Yes, the characterisation on those is infinitely better than on the show.
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Rooster Teeth is shutting down after 21 years.
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I remember that

But I think this one is even older and accompanied a White Rose fanfic that was written before we knew anything about the characters.
Wow, thanks for the news that we've already been talking about for days.
Don't really care who buys it, as long as we go back to the era where every female character was hyper-shippable with each other.
if we're going by this then I'd absolutely love if sunrise could take a crack at this.
Not familiar with their work, what's their repertoire?
Love Live and Gundam
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If RWBY really is dead this is canonically how Summer spent her last days.
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It was necessary to protect White Rose from Jaune.
It was more like
>queerbait a ship for years
>company is dangerously close to folding
>make the ship canon as a last ditch attempt at saving the company
>fail spectacularly
Monochrome honestly writes itself. Were the writers stupid (rhetorical question)? You can get your heavy-hitter lesbos with tons of in-universe weight and not having to destroy Yang's personality to do it.
The iconic ones like shiznat and the angels from horizon.
I liked bumblebee...
Aren't you special.
How brave, how bold!
>How brave, how bold!
Ty will my medal be in the mail?
why do people like em tho? not that I like Yang and Blake any better, but there's a lesser dynamic between Weiss and Blake?
I think people liked the idea of a girl who grew up being told that faunus were bad, falling in love with one herself.
Plus black and white make cute pairings
Forbidden love, two houses alike in dignity and all that. It's a different vibe to Blake and Yang, who's relationship doesn't represent one of the major conflicts within rwby. I think a lot of people jumped in after Mono's arc in volume 1 and early shipping days were really carried by the fan content coming out. Mono had Dash on art and some other well known fic writers, so even if the show wasn't giving them much after v1 people could still dig into AUs and such.
File deleted.
Explains a lot. I dig that sort of forbidden love too but the mono arc fell flat with its bad pacing and didn't leave any lasting impact that it never crossed my mind that people would actually ship those two.
>that image
They did say rwby threads on /u/ were just /co/lonies but holy shit this is just sad.
Apparently volume 9 just released with extended content.
Any idea if there's more yuri stuff in it?
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You can delete your mistakes but you can never escape them.
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The vol 9 animatic epilogue has been posted on RT's site
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How bad is it
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yes can if we reboot and well... who is going to RWBY now that RT shit the bed?
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Anon, they used the kiss to push bumblebee merch and to try to adertise the show to get more people interested in it. No one really cared
If bumblebee had kissed in volume 6 or 7 it would've been a big deal, but by the time it happened there were many more, and much btter written, yuri couples in media. These days, no one has to engage with garbage like rwby if they want a yuri fix, they can just watch something actually good
In the end, all their efforts were overshadowed by the homophobic ruby meme
Honestly given how spread thin the relationship was, I think it would've had to be volume 4 or 5 to actually have an impact.
The kiss happened because the people inside knew the show was dead and just wanted to have that on screen before it was over at least I believe that theory.
So do you just come here to call every post retarded?
>so volume 4 where...
I'm not speaking narratively, retard. I'm saying that in order for the kiss to have any real impact in the wider cultural space, given how little there was to their relationship in the show, it would have had to happen in volume 4 or 5, when RWBY and RWBY shipping were at their height.
>muh buzzword
>where it counts, the fandom
The fandom had been almost completely gone for years, that's the whole fucking point, champ. That the kiss would have actually been useful in generating popularity for the show if they hadn't waited until there was no fandom. It didn't have a positive impact where it counted, because barely anyone was watching by volume 9, so it was a last hurrah during a season where they failed to get enough viewership to continue making the show, rather than a moment that generated interest in the show and the continued development of the relationship in question.

This thread was once one of the busiest generals on the board. The day of the kiss we got <80 posts, non-hyperbolically half of which were WRfriends complaining about WR not happening and the Weiss and Jaune garbage they threw in. It missed its "where it counts" by half a decade.
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>where are you getting this dumb shit from
Observation and basic math. As already explained to you, these threads used to be massive, and by volume 9 were struggling to get any posts at all, even DURING the show airing. After the end of Volume 3, we had threads in the 700-1000+ replies range. The thread where the BB kiss happened in volume 9 was up for a month and got 436 posts before it dropped off the catalog.

The RWBY subreddit was getting ~500 concurrent users in 2018-2020 during off hours. It's currently at <100. Posting dropped from about a hundred a day to the 20s and teens when volume 9 started airing.

Calling RWBY "one of the top viewed on CR" is a fucking joke that only works in the sense that there's only ever a handful of shows in a season and RWBY had off-season timing. The average V9 episode got about 17,000 rating votes. Dr. Stone the next season was sitting at 90K+ an episode. The retarded Smartphone isekai show was getting 40K+. Ranking of Kings and Magus' Bride were in the 40-50k range. There's a lot of weight in that "one of the", and in case you haven't noticed, the viewership was so poor that Rooster Teeth didn't give them the go ahead to start volume 10.

There is a reason why the show was not given another season, even before RT was shut down. It's viewership left. WB tax cuts is not the reason that the cast and crew spent 4 years begging people to tweet their support. The WB shutting down RT thing blindsided most of the employees. Why do you think death battle and funhaus were caught in the middle of making things while CRWBY had been running twitter campaigns and "looking for partners" for a year to save the show? RT execs themselves did not see financial viability in RWBY continuing, it was not WB looking for tax dollars. It was put on Crunchyroll in hopes that more people would watch it, because it was struggling to get FIRST subscribers. The fics and fanart had slowed to a crawl. The fandom has been dying for half a decade.
Please use proper punctuation and capitalisation. It makes posts look prettier.
Honestly hard to believe RWBY was so popular back in the day looking at it now.
Early on it hit a sweet spot of interesting potential but minimal detail or development that fandom culture feeds off of.
what kind of brain broken shit is this?
It was a very different time back then. Zoomers were only just then getting into anime (see how Attack on Titan blew up in popularity around the same time) so a faux-anime show was perfect for their tastes. There was a lot of good faith because of the trailers and also because of the attached names of Monty ("this is gonna be so cool like Dead Fantasy") and Rooster Teeth ("this is gonna be funny and clever like Red and Blue").
The imperfections of the show added a sort of charm, but as the seasons went on, those never went away and ended up becoming genuine flaws that lowered its quality.
Something like RWBY could never get off the ground nowadays because there's so much stuff in both anime and western shows that fill its niche.
>because there's so much stuff in both anime and western shows that fill its niche.
Is there though?
The only piece of media I’ve consumed lately that filled the void RWBY left behind ironically wasn’t a show at all but playing Honkai Star Rail.
>Mecha-shift weapons
>The overall tone and aesthetics
>The butt rock ost vocal tracks.
Sure, there's nothing that is the exact combination of elements rwby had. But there are better action shows for action fans, there are better fantasy shows for fantasy fans, better adventure shows for adventure fans, and better yuri shows for yuri fans
Some weirdo shitposting.
so i guess rwby is getting transferred to someone else. and crwby will follow. i don't know know how to feel about that.
Nothing confirmed yet, it seems. Only a confirmation that the same staff will continue making the show IF it gets picked up.
>the same staff will continue making the show
Recipe for failure.
Then I guess it's never getting picked up...
who would realistically pick up the show though? sure a western studio would work but let's be honest, I don't think there's been any hype surrounding one for a long time. ideally we'd be looking at a japanese studio but who though?
Yeah, CRWBY needs to thrown out on the street if the show is to be truly reborn.
Technically all they said was that hypothetically the "creative team" would "still be in the mix". Which could really mean anything. That MK get to offer some consultation, that they still do some of the overarching plot writing, that the main VAs continue their roles, etc. I really can't imagine any production company would buy the brand from Warner AND also hire on an entire staff to make the show, especially when that staff is lousy with nepo hires, shows some real ineptitude in places, and struggles with functional production pipelining.
There's also the matter of what exactly are they gonna make, because a single season to wrap everything up doesn't sound like a good enough reason to buy the rights.
I can only see RWBY being reboot if it's ever picked up again.
Yeah, seriously. RUBY'S narrative I fundamentally broken on basically every single level
The only way to finish it well is to start from scratch
They really could have just soft rebooted if they had left the ending of 9 off. Had 10 start with RWBY coming back through the portal and the war is already lost. Salem got the sword, destroyed the lamp so that the gods can't be brought back and retired to her spooky land to build ever more complicated grimm in an attempt to play god by making something better than humanity.

Then the series could just restructure around the core identity of the show, with RWBY traveling through a grimm overrun world helping villages and cities with their small scale problems; dealing with bandits and warlords, escorting refugees to safe havens, hunting particularly dangerous grimm or dense populations near human settlements, and so on, rather than dealing with god-level power scaling and united world army nonsense.

I don't know what the fuck they were thinking having the cast go from novices in school that sometimes struggle against lone basic grimm to spearheading all of humanity's war against the immortal god-witch queen of grimm from a forgotten ancient age wielding a staff that can do anything all in the span of like two years in universe.
Monty was never really a script writer. Some people blame miles and kerry for the way the series ended up but they talked about how Monty had story boards and storylines planned out for multiple seasons before his death.
Every single series he worked on was the equivalent of mashing dolls and action figures together and making pew pew noises.
It looked good and was fun to watch but if you're ever asking yourself what he was thinking, the answer is
>This would look cool
90% of the time
You never heard it from me. Hoyoverse/Mihoyo bought RWBY and it will be announced soon
Get a feeling so complicated.
100% bs, but I'd be hella up for it! They can't do worse than RT at a least.
I kind of want it to be true because it seems like a good fit
>They can't do worse than RT at a least.
Clearly you don't know about Honkai Impact.
Does feel very suited to the style, and their animation team is certainly much better. Honestly I think RWBY would do better as a game than a series. It's a shame GE was so half-assed.
So RWBY is going to be a videogame franchise now? Honestly I can see that working. Maybe with like a tie-in anime if they go with a reboot.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
I dunno Hoyo are hard /u/fags which is a plus but they have also submitted hard to the Chinese government and have been afraid to show a kiss since before genshin impact released
In that case, I'd love to play as Winter with the added bonus of getting an actually well-written and compeling Cinder.
Ah yes, the tried and tested soon(tm).
they threw bubblebee at us to to keep us from wanting White Rose,
When is RT's funeral again?
10 days from now.
Does anyone know if one's the RT shutdown is complete, RWBY will stay on CR?
Entirely dependent on what happens with the IP. There's presumably a contract with some timeframe for CR to stream it, and when that timeframe is close to expiring they'd normally renew that contract and extend the timeframe, or not, depending on if they felt it was worth paying for (as in, are enough people watching it and generating money to keep paying Warner for the right to stream it). If the IP is sold and CR wants to keep being licensed to stream it, they would would have to renew that contract with whoever bought the rights, or come up with an entirely new one with that new company.

So yes, it'd stay on CR until the current license expires, but then it's up to CR and whoever owns the IP at the time of that expiration.
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Any interesting rumours on potential buyers?
kyoto animation
That would be interesting. Yang and Blake would be retconned as best friends and their kiss was just a practice for guys
You didn't have enough with shitposting all through yesterday?
unless we have that weird kind of relationship that those two chicks from chuunibyou had
Aren't they still recovering from the arson?

Nah, wipe the slate clean. Do something like Monocrome or turn Yang into a mommy hunter or something like that.
>All gays and gay ships become teasing and subtext because China
>But the writing around those ships improves dramatically as a result
That’s a hell of a monkey’s paw.
well, it's not like there were many canon gay ships, or just canon gay characters, in the first place
there's bumblebee, jaune's sisters, ilya, coco, and i think that's pretty much it
Hibike Euphonium is airing right now.
Kinda hard to undo an on screen kiss although funny enough Mihoyo had too because of China in HI 3rd
Oh wow, wild to see threads of this still going. I used to write some kinky /u/ fic for this show way back in the day, before I got turned off by the IMO rapidly deteriorating quality of the show once Monty died.
I just wondered if rwby has a general on /u/
and here I am
you're a little late.
nobody gives a shit
>threads of this still going
For a given value of "going". These threads have been a wasteland for years, and if the show doesn't get a reboot, this will probably be the last one.
This, but ArcSys
Best case scenario for a reboot that isn't a gacha company would be Dillon Goo since he's got some OG ex-RWBY staff and won't hesitate to tell CRWBY to go fuck themselves.
>Best case
>youtube animator who is bad at writing
>OG ex-RWBY staff, aka Shane, a self-important faggot whose only relevant qualification is having ridden Monty's coattails, and who then galvanized a bunch of retarded literal incels into spending years screeching because for some reason he thought being Monty's friend would bypass his complete lack of qualifications, talent or capacity to act like a professional and make them hand RWBY over to him.
CRWBY are shit and RWBY is subpar, but there is nothing of value in the series going to Goo. Goo himself is a decent -fight- animator, but little else. Shane is an unironic retard desperate for relevancy, and whose """valuable contributions""" of telling "CRWBY to go fuck themselves" come down to absolute fucking down syndrome takes like Jaune cannibalizing even more screen time.

I know Monty-worshipping retards have a tendency to reach truly delusional levels of quality assessment, but Volume 1 and 2 were not good. They were painfully bad in a way that was only excusable because it was so transparently a jank amateur webseries. For all that 4 and 5 were worse than 3, the production and animation quality bump in 6 through 8 make 1 and 2 look like a fan project. Monty was a very good fight choreographer and an okay animator who knew enough tricks and meta techniques to hide what was sometimes very questionable animation. He was also, like Goo, nothing else besides that. His story vision was appalling and sparse, he struggled with even animating non-fight scenes because that was his entire realm of experience.

What the series needs is an actual animation studio with actual pipelines and writing staff. Not a second youtube animator who struggles with stringing together plot between fight set pieces.
Honestly, volume 1 was actually pretty decent outside the Jaune focus in the middle.

Volume 2 is a dumpster fire through-and-through though, I will agree.
Maybe the Urobutcher isn't such a bad idea after all.
Jaune would have gotten a lot of screen time regardless unfortunately. He was set up from the beginning to be a character the audience was supposed to grow and mourn with when his one true love died.
Even in a world where Monty remained as the sole writer there was no way he'd set up a character like jaune without making him super important later on
>series is named RWBY
>Ruby is given the most potential to her character
>nah let's give tons of focus to this generic loser guy
They can't write female characters to save their lives, so they resorted to self-inserts of themselves to both make scripting easier and get close to their waifus.
Don't get me wrong I'm not happy about it either. But I'm just saying they pretty much set him up from the very beginning to be someone who has greater plans later on
>is allowed in a school for advanced students
>has no clue what he's doing
>headmaster knows he's clueless but makes him a team leader
>is immediately the object of interest for a girl who is inevitably going to die
There were signs even back in volume 1 that he'd be a big part of the series.
Women like Winter deserve a far superior series. How they came up with her is truly staggering considering their skill level.
>female characters
You can just write characters, none of the male ones are any better.
If there's ever a reboot he should be the one who dies, not Pyrrha. I will also accept him never existing in the first place.
Yeah and it was a red flag from the start.
you idiots bitch about this show way to much i came here to look at some art not to see you fuckers bitching and crying
if you just want to look at pics with no shitflinging go to danbooru
Honestly it seems like BB and WR have the same dynamic of shut-in/inrovert pulled out of their shell by bright extrovert girl. What differences do you guys see in the ships?
there is a place already for you crybaby's to do this shit go to it
Yang and Blake have big milkies, Ruby and Weiss are flatties.
White rose has more of a genki/tsundere dynamic, while bumblebee doesn't really have the tsundere element to it
What I really liked about white rose early on is that while Weiss was a cold and angry bitch, she was not really introverted, she was actually quite social. She didn't like most people, but it was clear she had experience socializing in more high society events. Meanwhile Ruby was genki and nice to everyone, but she was introverted and kind of a loser outside of combat and weapons stuff
Besides really loving their designs and how they'd look as a couple, this variation on the classic genki/tsundere is what drew me to the ship
Can't really say much about bumblebee because o was never into it outside of thinking they look hot
Whiterose is anime yuri, Bumblebee is netflix lesbians. That's the general vibe I get.
Yang has the big milkies, Blake has the big booty
Perfectly balanced.
The best way to deal with him without erasing him outright would be to have him develop ideals contrary to those of Ruby, which leads to them fighting and Ruby unintentionally killing him.
Jaune has many fans and not just self-inserters. Many women like him too. Just saiyan
Dang that's a pretty succinct way of putting it.
So one is cute happy lesbians the other is miserable and angry all the time. That tracks actually.
God, we really didn't know how good we had it in the Beacon era. Also, Blake is about to regret wearing sandals while Ruby is in high heels.
There is a Jaunefag in the writing team and that is exactly why (among other things) the show is shit. I don't care if he has fans.
You need to watch more yuri.
Miles Luna is definitely not one. He still has PTSD for all the death threats he received during the Jaundice arc. Eddie Rivas seems to be a Jaunefag though. There are some Jaunefags in Japan, just in case they buy the IP
So what did you mean then?
If bro wanted to avoid the self insert allegations he should've stopped voicing him. But enough of that, let's talk about stuff like how Elberburn is the secondary pairing of choice with Monochrome fics/art instead.
I feel like that was mostly fueled by Dash who was doing it out of spite towards people asking for bees art from her when she's always been about mono.
You can thank the wasps for being cunts as usual. Normal bee shippers would've asked the bajillion other lesbo artists for it.
Now there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time...
Since he deleted that pinned post about wanting to buy RWBY, I guess he's outta the picture now.
the fact that he had to ask twitter about who he needed to talk to at WB already showed he was never a serious contender.
I wouldn't say this is true anon, WB is a famously documented poorly ran and structured corp.
The sooner we accept this show is dead and buried, the better. CRWBY are better off working 9-to-5s at this point.
Certified never ever moment.
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Any JP studios interested in buying the IP? If there any news I think we'll hear them in September at the earliest.
Something is happening. No one knows anything about it. There is no news.
Sometimes I'm kinda sad that I don't really care for FreezerBurn. I feel like it gets the best fanart.
Mappa might buy it. Or A1. Those two seems the most likely unless they go with Shaft again. In that case, rwby will stay pretty niche. Again.
Maybe so but not in this particular case. This artist sucks ass.
Update: RWBY has been removed from Crunchyroll.

So either they’re not the buyers of the IP or there’s some absolutely retarded legal shenanigans going on.
>ice queendom still there
ah shit...
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That's what they said 2 months ago. And also 6 months before that.
No I mean https://twitter.com/OfficialRWBY/status/1808677126348099595
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>Kerry and Eddie commented
If those hacks are still involved, dead is better.
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>Somehow… RWBY returned
Looks like they're teasing something at ax, Anyone here going?
Looking for cosplayers
Getting bought by a gacha company is vastly preferable at this point.
Well they're going to VIZ instead. They're in talks about the future of the series but for now it seems to be the home
I'm not gonna celebrate up until we actually get a bit more than this, but it feels like the worst case scenario has been averted. Viz is not exactly the best but it's infinitely preferable to something like WB.
please for the love of god at least get rid of kerry
>rwby in the hands of the Japanese
White rose is gonna happen now thank God.
VIZ being the production and distribution backend means nothing for improvement if they keep all the same low quality nepo staff in place. >>4248292
True. I haven't heard much bad about viz in recent years. Actually last I knew a lot of people really liked their app
Lol VIZ is even worse than the purgatory if was in earlier. They buy out halfway dead franchises to wring out whatever's left of it, then discard the husk. Ask homestuck fans about VIZ after they bought that IP
Kerry is heading the project as a self titled "co-creator". You can add stolen valor to that list
Either that or Monochrome. Both have very appealing dynamics to the Japanese.
Homestuck was the author desperately trying to get more money to make the stupid game, taking years to release a ahitty epilogues viz told them was dumb, and then making an unofficial sequel because viz wouldn't support it
>Kerry is heading the project as a self titled "co-creator". You can add stolen valor to that list
Never thought I'd say this, but I hope the corporate overlords sweep the rug from under him and take over the project
>please for the love of god at least get rid of Miles and Keirsi
Viz already did a manga version of volumes 1 and 2. They were bland and largely disliked.

Also, it's unclear if RWBY will return in animated form of it it'll be turned into a manga series or light novel series. Animated RWBY doesn't appear to have been profitable enough to sustain itself at RT.
I liked the mangas personally. If that's what we'll get then I'm fine with that.
I think the only reason that the manga is disliked was because it took such a turn from the main series itself.
People wanted an actual manga adaptation but instead they got filler content and weird arcs that didn't happen in the show, making the manga feel disconnected from the show.

Also I do think RWBY was popular enough to sustain itself as an animated series but the problem is that they took the new seasons off of YouTube and in order to watch them on RT you had to put up with their ancient and laggy video player and spend like $60 a year for a membership. They pretty much got rid of almost all of their membership content too aside from new releases.

Like back in 2016ish they had membership exclusive Let's Plays and the membership exclusive series Day 5 and some other perks too. By 2020 they stopped doing that, Day5 was cancelled and so why would you wanna pay $60 a year to watch a series a week early when you could go to 9anime instead?
The dream.
i'd take anything over him at this point.
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Considering that it seems that only he and Barbara got the gig and the others the chopping block as in Miles in nowhere to be found. Kerry looks like he's only gonna be the boss in a purely ceremonial role and Viz is gonna be the one actually calling the shots.
I can imagine at lot of new viewers are gonna see WR as just Sulemio 2.0 you can avoid that with Monos. A personal choice would be Elderburn and or Pyrruby as a side pairing.
>side pairing
>implying we will have to tolerate Blake as the MC
yeah no
>Viz already did a manga version of volumes 1 and 2. They were bland and largely disliked.
While they were responsible for the shitty Bunta manga, they were also responsible for the kino Miwa manga.

>Animated RWBY doesn't appear to have been profitable enough to sustain itself at RT.
That’s because RT fell into the same trap as Square Enix where they struck gold and created something really successful and instead of investing into said thing, they tried and failed to replicate it from the ground up over and over again until bankruptcy (GenLock, RVB Zero, Nomad of Nowhere, etc).
Yeah they really should have just went all in on rwby, merchandising etc.
Don't remind me of the manga.The art had potential but the terrible fight composition ruined it for me.
RWBY has so much fucking potential and tehy are so insistent on squandering it at every opportunity. I don't understand it.
wouldn't it be dangerous for Yang to use her robo-arm to finger Blake? Imagine if she loses control for a minute
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Nothing a few modifications can't fix
Weiss ain't Yang. If Blake tried to run away, Weiss would give Blake's ribs the feelling of her boot heels.
Maybe RWBY never really had all this "potential" people love going on about. It's just the animated version of a child banging all of his action figures together. Any idea of a well-written plot or believable characterisation was a pipe dream from the get-go.
It didn't. It's potential was in the fact that there was basically nothing to it, so in early volumes you could just project whatever ideas onto it.
Technically everything has potential lol. Besides, we all know that RWBY had "potential" because of it's amazing fight choreography, not because of it's spectacular writing.
When people say something has potential, it means it is evocative.
We love to say all ideas are good, but that's not really true. All ideas are usable if you know how to exploit them, sure, but not all ideas are equal.
RWBY has all the right ingredients to be an amazing shonen. The dual weapons, mixed with the semblances, make for a stupid amount of potential in terms of action (and that's why the best part of RWBY tends to be the fights. Yes even after Monty's death.)
But that's not all. The original lore (Vol 1-3, 4 if you push me) was just vague enough to get something out of it with a simple use of your imagination.
The characters had clear arcs that they were meant to go through (They did kind of end up going through them, just... flatly) and the plot was mainly in the background, but it seemed just thought out enough to make sense.
But everything just... failed. The pacing was always awful, the animation outside of fights was lackluster, voice acting was terrible during seasons 1 and 2, plot beats failed to build up and deliver properly...
Given, a lot of it was originally Monty's fault. Asshole kept making out of nowhere fight-scenes that the writers had to scramble to connect.
That being said, writing didn't get that much better after his death. Only slightly more straightforward.
A skilled writer could take everything we now have for RWBY and restart it and make something truly amazing out of it.
Honestly, just fixing the pacing would fix like half the problems of the show.
If I didn't have such a love/hate relationship with RWBY, I'd consider doing it myself. Of course I can't craft fight-scenes like Monty's in writing, but still. The only thing stopping me is the hate part. To do a full rewrite of something you have to absolutely love the source material, even with all its flaws. but so much of RWBY genuinely pisses me off and that would probably spoil the experience.
With those writers? If Monochrome actually became a thing Weiss would become Yang 2.0 but even worse because we'd have to deal with her white guilt because of the garbage anti-faunus discrimination subplot.
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Best studios for Viz to work with? Espcially those with writers that know how to write women.
Honestly, if it's not a reboot, nothing is saving this shitshow.
I'll be glad if they just give us more gay people at this point.
Anon, they're letting Kerry Shawcross on board. The main creative mind behind RWBY when it was owned by RoosterTeeth.
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Well we’re 2 threads away from 404.
I said here >>4154330 we would merge into the western thread if we didn’t get a v10 announcement before this thread 404’d.

The viz announcement is something and probably means v10 will come eventually but who knows when that will be so here go ahead and vote whether we make a new thread or merge with western.

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The threads have not had enough traffic even -during- currently airing volumes to really warrant a separately maintained thread since like, volume 7.
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Fair enough.

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