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/u/ - Yuri

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It's been years since we last had a thread.
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it's based on /a/'s thread
I miss aikatsu friends
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It feels like this franchise has been handled stupidly in some parts, mainly Stars, Friends could have been perfect but the penguin was not a good addition, it was still doing it until the Valentine's Day commercial (fanservice in the worst possible way) and Planet was too inconsistent between the live action part and the virtual world.

A series that would have thrown out the nonsense and focused on what was useful could have made the anime last longer than it ended up lasting.
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Raki protagonist of the crossover season (Paredo) and romantic interest Wakaba introduced as an apprentice of the veteran idol couple in Friends.
They had little screen time together, but they made it worthwhile and genuinely good.
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Cat and sheep~
Question, can I post Pretty series stuff here too?
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Need more Aromageddon
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Rare Aroma initiative
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Now im sad reminded that she was basically scrapped out of the show
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New Aikatsu project called Aikatsu Academy. Seems like it's part VTuber stuff.
Aikatsu Academy first love tonight. Aikatsu is back
Just missed the stream. How was it?

And the Live Relay

Demikatsu stream 2 and 3.
I love them so much!

Aoi and Ichigo are married !

Yurika and Kaede are dating !
Where the ran aoi content at?


aikatsu move from 2023 , it writes around their marriage by not showing anything, considering there is no prejudice in the AIKATSU universe, i think they did well

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