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News and announcements:
YuYuYui PS4 and Nintendo Switch version volumes 5-8 will be released on March 21st, 2024. Akamine Yuuna no Shou will be released in volume 8 and there will be 6 months worth of new events. Collab events are included in the game. Volume 5-8 have a new OP song and movie (translated and soft subbed in YouTube link).

A new YuYuYui 4koma is being serialised online on the Dengeki Gs site.

Fuyou Yuuna Becomes a Storyteller is complete and fully translated.
Visual audio drama official copy: https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01094468.html
Unofficial download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KHf0P68cYMc4bfRJGQIax2itXZnw7sPE
Reading drama TL:

The Rookie Heroes' Menu Vol 1 and 2 are translated and typeset.

The YuYuYui fanmade private server released a scenario viewer where you can watch all of the scenarios subbed once they've been added. There's already more scenarios available than are subbed on YouTube, but some are still missing. All of the Ishitsumugi episodes are subbed.

Other YuYuYui information and text translations here:

Good WaSuYu, Yuusha no Shou, and Dai Mankai no Shou by MajiYuusha here:

All resources:
(legacy) https://pastebin.com/2wvjCyrV

Previous thread: >>4046908
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I started rereading the Apocrypha the other day. I somehow forgot how fucking brutal chapter 4 of UHiMi is. The mood whiplash going from UHiMi to FuYuYu is pretty wild.

I also got curious about a phrase Yoshika quotes in chapter 1, I looked it up and it turned out to be from Han Feizi:

>Once in the past Marquis Zhao of Han got drunk and fell asleep. The keeper of the royal hat, seeing that the marquis was cold, laid a robe over him. When the marquis awoke, he was pleased and asked his attendants, "Who covered me with a robe?" "The keeper of the hat," they replied. The marquis thereupon punished both the keeper of the royal hat and the keeper of the royal robe. He punished the keeper of the robe for failing to do his duty, and the keeper of the hat for overstepping his office. It was not that he did not dislike the cold, but he considered *the trespass of one official upon the duties of another to be a greater danger than cold*.
I need to reread some time. I really loved the Aki chapter. And Yuzu Lilly were fun characters in general.
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HBD Matsuri and Suzu
If yuyuyui kept going we would've gotten some yuri moments between them
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What a shame
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Cute JK.
Assault Lily Yuyuyu event subbing started
Volume 3 complete
Many thanks to the translator.
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You Can Count On Us

Hi! I'm Kagajou Suzume!
My favorite food is sweet mikan!
And my hobby is gossiping. I'm just your regular girl!
(side: Suzume-chan is in trouble! What's gonna happen to her!?)

And right now...
I'm in big trouble.

Your movements are stiff during training, Suzume.
It shows your lack of confidence.

We're here... to help you fix that!
You can count on us!
I didn't ask.

#8: Suzume-san Training Plan
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Akamine-san's Trial

I'm first!
Muscles... can overcome anything!
What's that supposed to mean!?

Train your body and your confidence will shoot up automatically.
(Warm-up complete)
She's gonna put me through some harsh workout!

Let's start with an easy lower body exercise.
Keep your back straight and your knee off the floor!
This is called a "lunge".
Maintain this posture for 30 seconds!
(Do three sets for each leg!)

After your workout, get some protein!
I prepared your favorite mikan flavor for you.
(These come in all sorts of flavors.)
(Oh, thanks.)
It wasn't hard at all.
enge-san's Trial

What you're lacking right now is "presence", Suzume.

Your posture reveals your lack of confidence.
Straighten up your back! Put a hand on your hip!

Then follow it up with a loud laugh!
Oh-ho-ho-ho (...?)

Now use flowers for your backdrop and it's perfect.
(This is true Miroku style.)
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The Result

She's all set!
Now, step forth and show the world your reborn self!
H- here I go.

How do you do?

That's one of the "48 Miroku poses" handed down in the Miroku family...
Has it been leaked!?
Nonono! Renge-san taught me herself!

...Is something troubling you?
W-we will hear you out.
(Hey,) Your thighs got thicker.
I'm so done with training!
(side: She's going back to being a regular girl!)

To be continued.
Thanks anon
>That's one of the "48 Miroku poses"
Anyone have a webm of Yuuna punching Tougou?
It's finally done
Be back in a week when the rest drops
I finally managed to watch that new movie-length Valentine event.
It was surprisingly light on the gayness, but that ending was a nice reward for the Snoggers for saving Valentine's every year. That little teaser for Akamine's chapter is also interesting, I wonder how edgy it's going to be.
Where did you find it? YouTube?
Is S3 NoWaYu anime?
It's an omnibus season that adapts KuMeYu (skipping the Shizuku and Yumiko chapters but including the Mebuki/Karin bonus chapter), about a quarter of NoWaYu (roughly chapters 14~18), and recapping the finale of S2 to add the weeds' point of view and an episode-length epilogue.
I still have the last part to watch but I think there's plenty of gay already.
>Aka: The one onee-sama loves is Inubouzaki Fuuuuuuu!!
>Ren: Hmph, nicely done.
>Suz: No... What does Renge-san even want? I don't get her relationship with Akamine-san~.
>SON: Love takes all kinds of shapes~.
Renge assuring Akamine belongs to her by making her admit defeat.
>Aka: My feelings for onee-sama and my feelings for you are completely different...
>Ren: Hmph. That goes without saying, I understand. Which is why you shall accept this chocolate.
>Aka: R-Right... I'll say it just in case, but it's a little different from... rival, you know?
This is basically Akamine's confession.
>Tou: Have you seen Yuuna-chan!? The Yuuki Yuuna-chan! My Yuuna-chan! Tougou Mimori's Yuuna-chan!
>Yuz: Tougou... Yuuna-chan...???
>Tou: Aaaa~~~~h! I like it Yuuna-chan with my last name. Yuuna-chan as part of my family
Tougou being so fucking gay as usual thinking about marrying Yuuna.
Also Chikage panicking and Suzume being jealous. It's nice that she and Miroku are finally being more honest with each other. Sekka and Shizuka flirting in public is another highlight.
So far it might not be beating the cheek kiss but it still has many great moments. And the comedy is better than usual, I couldn't stop laughing at some parts.
The thing with the Sonokos is already touching but I'll see how it ends.
It can be watched here https://www.youtube.com/live/1I6C-Sv45mw

Honestly they should keep releasing valentine DLCs until the end of time. They're so much fun.
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Full Hanayui is out on streaming, someone transcribed the lyrics by hand.
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MP3 https://files.catbox.moe/c31n6e.mp3
FLAC https://1drv.ms/u/s!Apf2OPpKVyDBgYmSbPX39Mx36-Uo42Y?e=tbi9XW
>Nat: I want to go. Please let me. I want to spend this Valentine's Day's night with you like every year!
>Fuu: Wha-, eh... A-Auh... Auuh....... Yes. Then, um... I-I'll be waiting... okay.
>Anz: I'm glad you understand. Yes, I love you the most out of anyone, Tamacchi-senpai
Also cute
>Son: Eeeeeh~~~~!?!? All the super big-shot couples are coming at once~~!?
This part was basically an official couples/ships list.
>Tou: And I've made an exact Tougou Mimori replica 1/8 scale chocolate statue. Yuuna-cha~n, eat it~
There is no hidden meaning behind this gift.
>Hin: You can't just be strict. But you can't just spoil either. How difficult it is... to raise a child.
>Wak: Yes, you're r-....... R-Raise a child!?
WakaHina are on a different level from the rest...
I don't agree on this valentine being light on the gay. What are we comparing it to? YuriHime?
And it was really touching with the Sonokos again. I couldn't help but shed some tears.
I like it. It sounds like an OP.
They did use it as an OP.
I guess it's not so much light on the gay but more spread out than usual with all these unusual/minor ships getting some yuri moments. On the other hand, they skipped the usual YuuMimo focus scene.

Also, happy birthday to Yuuna.
>official account will no longer post birthday messages
It's over...
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I'm honestly surprised they kept going this long
It's yuyuyuover
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Sad. But it was a good run.
A stream with the new Akamine chapter is up

Wakaba remarks that Akamine lacks the strength of will that Renge has, which might endanger their lives during their missions. To remedy that, Akamine comes up with her "hiiro mau yo" phrase to switch mentally into combat mode.
During a mission, the two encounter and defeat a fairy (of the kind that was shown in the training cave of the bonus VN). When they report this to the Taisha, they learn that the Vertex invasion caused some people to fear the sky, but others to worship it instead. These people believe that the heavenly god is ultimately superior, and humanity can therefore only be saved by allowing the god to wipe it out.
Shizuka explains that this faction was formed from corrupt elements of the Taisha that have failed to rise to power and only came to the fore now because an important person within the Taisha has died. Some of them are able to materialize and control fairies, though only incompletely.
One day after training, Akamine and Renge wonder why Wakaba often seems wistful. As the narrator, Wakaba recalls that around this time, she often dreamed about being with her old friends again: Tamako, Anzu, Chikage, Yuuna, as well as Hinata.
One night, Akamine feels that something is troubling Renge and joins her in bed. Renge explains that the insurgents' ability to use fairies must mean that girls their age with similar divine blessings are among their ranks. She declares that if these girls might be innocent and merely controlled by the adults, she will refuse to fight and try to save them. Akamine responds that she will fight regardless if it's to protect Renge and the citizens.

Continuation confirmed, I guess?
>she will refuse to fight and try to save them
So there's the cause of the Miroku family's fall from grace
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Does anyone have the original S1 character profile images? Like pic related.
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Thanks, but not them. The ones in the S1 anime style.
The S1 website is still up, you can get them there.
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Thanks anon.
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YuYuYui Console Drama CD 2 and OST uploaded, although the OST tracks cut off abruptly, even playing through a CD player; it's a bit jarring but seems intended, unless the disc is buggered.
YuYuYui console cards

The WHOLE set
2000 (exactly) in total
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I'll finally get to it. I always wanted collect them myself but I stopped playing.
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>it's a Karin bullying episode
Remember how the inbetweeners in China fucked this scene up? They translated not being able to use her one arm and legs and not HAVING one arm and leg. And there was no time to fix before broadcast. Good times.
Tougou was right about the Chinese all along.
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Holy cast bloat.
Half of those are just the same characters with brave clab shirts on.
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Only 31, many games are much worse.
Asking again since in the last thread I got an ambiguous answer, will the new scenarios be added to the Lilac scenario viewer eventually?
There's a defect
Can start requesting the replacements for OST
Thanks, I thought it didn't sound right. I'll rip it again if nobody else has uploaded a copy by the time I get it.
The dataminer has a video on BiliBili that goes through the assets of YuYuYui console one by one and explains what’s wrong with the game in detail. It’s a 45-min video in Chinese, but there's English subtitles on it. Take a look if you are interested and have time.

I did wonder how they managed to make a 2D game take up tens of gigabytes.
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Watch As Much As You Like

It's the cherry blossom season already...
(side: The season where both cherry blossoms and conversations bloom has arrived.)

Time flies, doesn't it?
(Let's have tea.)
(Thank you.)
It really does.

I want to go flower viewing again.
(I went with Utanon every year.)
(Flower viewing from the Suwa Lakeside Park's footbath)
Flower viewing?

But you guys can view flowers any time, you know?
'Cause you got this pretty flower right here!
Don't you feel embarrassed saying that?

#9: My First Time Flower Viewing
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Gotta Do It

...By the way,
what do you do at flower viewing?
Have you never gone flower viewing, Aya-chan?
(Uhm, yes.) Well, I know the term.

Because I've always been at the Taisha, there are many things I'm not familiar with.
(I'm sorry.)
To me, the cherry blossoms were just an indicator of the season.


So how about it!?
Wanna use me for flower viewing!?
Let's just go flower viewing normally.
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Flour Only

Should we make a bento together for the occasion?
Great idea.

Making a bento together is also a first for me.
We have to make that bento...

I want to make lots of rice balls for everyone!
Let's add all your favorites too, Aya-san.
I've got pickled vegetables I made with Utanon.
(chatter chatter chatter)

You can count on me for everything from takoyaki to okonomiyaki!
That's not much we can count on you for!!
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Next Time: Flower Viewing

You really are sheltered though, Ayaya.
I-I'm afraid I am.

It's fine. That just means you still get to enjoy learning all these new things. (I'm envious!)
Let's make lots of new experiences from now on, okay?

I want to try Chinese jump rope!
...Even we haven't done that yet.

Why don't we go shopping for bento ingredients for now.
Is this also a first?
It is!
Let's get right to it, then!
(side: The exciting event has been decided on. The flower viewing will be featured in the next chapter!)

To be continued.
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4k upscale of the card arts
Thanks for the translation anon.
Nice Miko-bonding.
I recommend watching the bonus scenario of the radio live event part 2 if you haven't already, it's gay as fuck.

Also, the seiyuu were mentioning awfully often that it might be the last live event. I hope they're wrong, we're almost at the 10th anniversary.
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Do not let Karin make bento...
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Or dessert
Reminds me that they've not released a Blu-Ray of Mankai Matsuri 4 yet, unless I've lost my marbles.
Not yet. They usually release Mankai Matsuri alongside an anime BD.
Where can I watch it?
It's on https://gs-ch.com/videos but I think the scenario part is behind the paywall.
Anyone have the NSP for vol7&8?
NX have up to 6 (their vol7 nsp is broken) and no chance to found the last 2 ones
>pure, sweet AnTama with (almost) no cuckoldry
At last, YuYuYui has redeemed itself.
YuYuYui Console boxset art [8102 x 5736]
This is completely unhinged and deserving of the title of one of the worst scenarios to translate, and that's with me completely giving up on some of the meme bits. Voice acting is kinda essential to it so I'd recommend listening at the same time even more than usual.
If you can tolerate the commentary
That was really wholesome. Thanks for the TL.
I like how they referenced the story of the old granny again.
Based on the way the story is likely to continue, I feel like Akamine and Renge are the opposite of Yuuki and Tougou, in a way.
>Yuuki is willing to sacrifice herself to protect everyone, Tougou wants to end her friends' suffering even at the cost of humanity's survival
>Akamine would hurt innocents to protect her friends, Renge sacrifices herself to save everyone
Plus, both Akamine and Tougou lack resolve while Yuuki and Renge have a strong sense of justice.
So Akamine is about to do everything wrong?
AssLily collab scene 1-2
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The "Ta-tah"

Wow, it's perfect flower viewing weather!
It really is!
(side: Everyone's excited to go flower viewing!)

The botamochi are ready.
(We made lots!)
We have sakuramochi, too!

I helped making them!

Were you all right?
Did it make the "great success" sound?
(Rainbow botamochi)
What are you trying to say, Onee-chan?

#10: A Flower Viewing Party With Everyone!
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Sauce Flavored

We also prepared lots of bentos.
(Please have one, Wakaba-chan.)
Thank you.

Aya-san helped this time, as well.
(Only with the rice balls and octopus sausages, though.)
I tried my best!
(For real?)

it's delicious, very delicious.
(chomping down)
Take your time eating.

...Uh, there's takoyaki in my rice ball.
Ah, that's the one I made.
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Calm Down

It's so peaceful.
Isn't it, Onee-sama?

This isn't bad once in a while.
It feels good when it's warm out like today.
...By the way.

Why are you doing the air chair, Akamine?
'Cause I'm gonna eat honetsukidori.
(chew chew)
A chance to boost my muscles!!

Stop, Takashima-san.
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Secret Maneuvering

Well then,
the Miroku family shall now
get this party started!
(In Tosa, in the city of Kouchi, at the hariyama bridge, a monk-)
They're singing a yosakoi song!?
Tama and Anzu are next!
Looks like they're having fun~.

How are the preparations coming along, Sonocchi?
Everything is in place~.
(Execute the plan)
The Sonokos have the Heroes in their sights...!
Stay tuned for the next chapter!
(side: It feels like there's trouble looming!?)

To be continued.
Thanks anon
This was fun
With this I've realized Valentine's (vol 3) referenced the AnTama event (vol 6) and this (vol 8), proving volume order doesn't mean anything
Looks, it's the big gay
Ishi 69
>Aka: What about "lover" or "marriage partner"?
>Yuu: Eh~?
>Yuu: It's a secret
>Tou: Aaa~~~~h!
Yuuki is learning from Takashima
Even the characters are having déjà vu now
Ishi 70
Ishi 71
That's a very weird one
We're alive
Holy shit. I did not expect a second AL collab. That Yuuna art looks nice, I look forward to the rest.
Ishi 73
Regular Tougou behavior
Ishi 74
Well that was stupid
Volume 8 completed
And all new scenarios from the console version, finally
Be back for Assault Lily collab, I think
Thanks anon. I really appreciate it.
Anyone else having a pavlovian response to any Mankai they hear?
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Go! Princess Precure started airing right after YuYuYu S1 finished, the MC's catchphrase was "mankai" and her fight scenes were strewn with CG flower petals. It had to be a complete coincidence but it led to this fanart.
The Snogger Pikachu noises are easily the cutest voicelines ever in YuYuYui for me. That scenario is absolute genius.
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Alright, this time I've got the functional YuYuYui OST CD.
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Thanks for sharing anon
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Praise the AssLilies for forcibly returning Mitcher to where he belongs.
The world is healing.
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Indeed it is.
And what a wonderfully gay picture it is
AssLily collab part 3
Just was wondering if all the links to the scans and other media like music, novels and other stuff could be compiled into a list. As of right now, I see all the links and scans being posted in the thread but it’s a bit I don’t know disorganized? It’s just an idea but can we get all the files, scans and other multi media links into one place? It will be a lot easier for people to find and download what they are looking for. Excuse my long ass post.
But that's already the function of the rentry in the OP
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Fresh Japanese memes
I feel like the WaSuYu had a lot of potential for being a 3P if they grew up together
Has the 4koma not been updated since this or has it just not been posted here?
It's been delayed several times. Not a good sign but it has happened before.
So is there anything to look forward to or is it time to accept that we are a dead franchise?
If there is no announcement for the anniversary by mid-August we're probably done. But for now, there's technically the 4koma still. YuYuYui CS was also surprisingly sequel-baity, which probably wouldn't be the case if there was no more money in the IP.
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A new VN.
Or an OVA if we're more lucky.
Or YuYuYui DLC if we're less lucky.
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Happy birthday to the fishiest hero.
In other news, the seiyuu of the main cast all met up recently. Did they just happen to be free to send Mimorin off or is something cooking?
Any news on when the console game scenarios will be added to Lilac?
Biyori Party #11
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As Long As It's Fun!

Ladies aaand
(side: The party reaches the next chapter!)

(The First Hero Princess King Contest)
Welcome to the "Hero Princess King Contest" (in the gym~)

So that's why they suddenly called us together.
It does sound like fun though. (But it's the Sonokos...)
As long as it's fun, it's no problem!
There's also the limits of this format to consider.
(So let's get right to it.)

#11: The "Hero-Pri-King" (abbr.) Begins
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Ah... (I Know What's Up)

What's a Hero Princess King anyway?
(Is it a hero? A princess? Or a king?)
Well, it's something like a contest to decide the heroine~.

(Not you.)
The contestants will be chosen by lot among each team~.

Drawing lots is fair, at least. (That part seems fun.)
(I really don't wanna.)
(Don't worry.) As long as we don't draw the winning lot we're off the hook.

(That's true!)
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Team "Marugame Kitty" and "Narigin-san"*

Do your best, Tougou-san!
(I wanted to be picked.)
(Will I be okay...?)
Representative of the Yuuki group: Tougou Mimori
Team "National Defense Maiden"

We'll cheer for you in unison! (Rallied under this flag!)
(Ayaya 4 life)
Representative of Kusunoki group: Kokudo Aya
Team "Miko Angel"

Damn it! I'm "it"!
(Our fate rests on your shoulders.)
Representative of the Fuyou and Zouzu groups: Yokote Suzu
Team "Civvy-Turned-Fangirl"

Representative of the Nogi and Suwa groups: Doi Tamako
Representative of the Washio and Sekka/Natsume groups: Minowa Gin

*TN: play on the "narigin" shogi piece
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Better Keep On Our Toes

Here are the rules of the contest~.
*There are five rounds in total. Earn the most points to win.
*Each round has a different theme: Cooking, quiz, sports, singing and fashion.
*The Sonokos are the MCs. Commentators will be picked from the teams each round.
Each team has to do their best~!

(I'm not sure I'll do well in any of these!)
(That cuteness of yours will be your weapon.)
(thumbs up)
By the way, what happens when you win?

We will profit.

All right, next time we'll kick off the first round~!
Stay tuned~.
They're plotting something.
(It's another one of Sonoko-san's antics.)
No doubt about it.
(side: What are the Sonokos planning!?)

To be continued.
Thanks for the translation anon.
I'm glad the 4koma is finally back.
Assuming there's one chapter for each round and one or two more after that, the 4koma will keep going all the way to the 10th anniversary. Almost makes me think the delay was on purpose, though then they probably wouldn't have pushed back the next chapter's release date every two weeks.
YuYuYui Drama CD 1
YuYuYui Drama CD 1
Thanks anons!
Biyori Party 12
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I Understand~

The first round will be a cook-off~!
I'm ready for some delicious meals~.
(side: The Hero Princess King Contest has begun!)

Our guest commentator will be Fuumin-senpai from Team "National Defense Maiden"~.
I'm the queen of girl power, Inubouzaki Fuu.
She's eating already~.

To be honest, I'm a bit worried about having Tougou as our representative.
Please elaborate~.

She can be quite eccentric.
(gulp gulp)
"Quite eccentric"~.

#12: A Cook-Off Where Love is Key
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It's Yummy!

Let's start with Wasshi's cooking~.
It's ready to serve.
Golden udon
In a specially-made golden broth.
Purposely served without toppings.
I learned it from Fuu-senpai.

I hate to admit it, but it's delicious!
(It lives up to its name!)
It's my recipe, after all.

You're glowing!
What!? (How!?)
Th-that's not part of my recipe!
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That Gets A Good Score

By Yokote Suzu:
Milk mikan jelly
I often make it as a late-night snack.

By Doi Tamako:
Chicken curry
I use two different kinds of ready-made roux.

By Minowa Gin:
Meat and potato stew
When I make it at home, I leave the skin on if I use new potatoes.

She's surprisingly domestic.
(That's so sweet.)
(thumbs up)
Her dream is to be a wife, after all~.
Shut up!
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By Kokudo Aya:
Please help yourselves.
Hmm. (Well,)
They're regular onigiri...
Not so fast!!

Please have a look at this footage of them being made!
(Do your best.)
(Ow, hot!)

I'll teach you a spell to make them tasty.
(Become delicious!
Moe moe kyun!)
It's a little embarrassing.

So kwuute!
(side: Love is the best seasoning.)

To be continued
Thanks for the TL anon
Aya's cuteness is a dangerous weapon.
I wonder if there is anything about YuYuYu in the Kadokawa leak. Gotta dive around soon.
Criminally cute Tama, she needs Anzu correction.
Let us know if you find anything
That was a really nice UtanoMito date
>"Believing in and loving Utanon is definitely, definitely, definitely right!"
Mito's gotten bold
>Mii-chan's fruits. That sounds simply delicious. Aah, that made me want to harvest and eat them.
Utano, you'll give passerbys the wrong(right) idea.

Thanks for the TLs anon.
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