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Be gay, link climb edition
Previous thread: 4060716
let's try that again
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really could use more yuridolche
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Knight-Chan card when?
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We need the gardener first.
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Looks suspiciously like the sequel to picrel.
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>that right hand
She knows where she's grabbing.
The fastest pen in the West strikes again.
She's a gook, though.
>zoomers in charge of not being retarded
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These traps are getting out of hand.
What exactly is she licking? It's not her horns, and I don't think it's her wings either.
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nothing too gay about their lore, other than Ki-sikil being willing to cut her hair if is for Lil-la's sake
Sunny and Luna give off Katyusha and Nonna vibes.
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*touch fluffy tail
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Lesbian pheromones.
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This must be how they go out with a bang after getting exposed.
Legs for Infernity turns.
Looking to play YuGiOh, but I only want to play the gayest deck. What is the gayest archetype or theme?
Exosisters are all about onee-sama/imouto pairs who enhance their effects by being alongside the other, and they overlay into their Xyz forms (including that's just two of them fighting side by side).
It's the gayest archetype whose gayness is also reflected in its playstyle. It's a going-second deck, so load yorself with handtraps.
>It's a going-second deck
Gah, I meant going-first, total brainfart. You need to set everything up on the first turn because it's a very reactive deck.
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They're also great for purityfags because their best card, Martha, locks you out of special summoning non Exosisters. Though a small spirit engine is good for extra normal summons. Their emblem is also based on lilies. Unfortunately the best pair (Sophia x Irene) doesn't have a shared Xyz form yet and Irene kind of sucks effect-wise.
>Irene kind of sucks effect-wise.
Replacing duplicates or cards you can't use right now is useful more often than not.
If you want a useless effect, look no further than Elis. She only Special Summons herself even though both Martha and Stella can also summon her. No guesses as to who is a total pillow princess among all the sisters.
That's some nice core strength
Elis being able to summon like that makes it easier to play through interruption. Irene however is pretty much the last Sister you'll ever be looking to search.
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Irene is a strictly worse Sophia in almost all reasonable cases. A free summon from the hand is ideal extension. The only purpose for Irene is a target for Vadis.
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>Let me test your ability.
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>What are you doing here?!
>This doll has nothing to do with you!
Rare recorded instance of two female spiders mating.
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Labrynth lore, not very gay but turns out it was the archetype's artist the one who came with the idea of Labrynth being in love with Knigth-chan.

Also, it seemingly confirmed that the sisters are dolls given life by Labrynth
Interesting, so Lady is in fact the only living being in that castle, or at least the only pure mazoku.
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Wew sinful spoils got a lot of new lore cards and the /u/ aspect of it got better.
Diabellstar and Diabellze were childhood friends as lolis, the latter got possessed by a demon who used a curse to turn their moms into a wolf claw scarf and a bat wing skirt. Diabellstar went full edgelord as a result and vowed to become stronger so she could punch the demon out of her girlfriend.
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The moms in question.
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Based Oowack
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and it even synergizes with the other yuri synchro archetype
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>fem!alister and blonde!rilliona
The Magistus we deserved.
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So is this artist drawing a manga with them?
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I don't particularly like hats, but for some reason, I love it when a lesbian takes her hatted partner's headgear to wear.
Very nice, a shame the deck suck so much
How? It can consistently set up a defensive lock better and faster than Melodious, and win in one or two turns. Its only kryptonite is cards like Harpies Feather Duster or Daruma Cannon, they easily brush off negates.
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Sucks a lot of pussy sure but as a strategy it's fairly competent.
I really hope that Dakki isn't planning on using her fingers.
When fucking a yokai, things are bound to get a bit messy.
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Maybe ghosts really are scary after all.
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An extra tax for Aqua after negating her search.
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>“Because Asteria wasn’t joining her to play, she felt lonely, so she tore Asteria’s beloved book apart”
>“Their fights can be quite intense”
>“In the end, they both ended up crying”
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They seem to be very good friends.
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Why imagine?
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Two women holding hands? Yep, that's yuri.
That's yaoi actually. You know, like MayaKuro.
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Went shitting on danbooru for Exosister pic that shizo waifufag forget to tag hetcrap. If I get bad mark, I’m doing it for imoutos who still using that crapsite for yuri
>Irene is a strictly worse
yeah i main her. fucking hell she is the most popular in danbooru

same shizo uploaded this
Don't bring offsite drama here, also learn English.
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Konami is running a survey about the YGO Chronicle PV


It seems an actual YGO Lore anime is on the table so go fill the survey and make sure to ask for more Live Twins or Sky Strikers (since those are the only gay archetypes shown in the PV)
I voted for Live Twins since it would be a bit redundant to have both a manga and an anime of Sky Striker.
It will probably be drowned out by Albaz though.
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You can have 3 choices so just vote for the two anyway, sisters are so dumb...
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The power of yuri is too much for the new event
>tfw no /ll/ between these two hags
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thanks for the ant yuri mate
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The final boss.
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This didn't age well at all...
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Gay thieves animated
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>that belly flab
She should have abs.
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Raye is in danger.
The whole Labyrnth archetype involves a rich girl trying to get the attention of a female knight she has a crush on by building death traps and all of her employees & furniture being brought along with her schemes, and is built around trolling your opponent with Trap Cards that are harder to respond to than normal.

Can't really get more gay than that.
Happy that this deck is super-anti meta right now. Reached max duel lvl in the event pretty easy with them.
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I was extremely happy when I found out today that Seventh Tachyon can search for every Exosister.
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I have a new ship
>An elusive assassin who undertakes dangerous missions while searching for her lost partner.
>A young investigator who protects the peace in the city. She is struggling to solve a certain disappearance case.
Things will be awkward when they do find her missing girlfriend.
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>Tearlaments with fingers
Heresy. They have fins.
Can't shlick the other girl's clit with fins
Not with that attitude.
Psychics are the Yuri type of rush
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According to the commentary, this them returning during the End Phase after Little Knight banished them together.
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Have a cavity search.
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The ancestral forbidden fruit of shipping the princess with the villainess.
With the caveat that they aren't from the same fairy tale. Also, cute yaoi hands.

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