Can we have a /usp/ thread?
>>4165021>started sports thread and didn't even post the actual /u/ fall gif
>>4170777>Sorairo UtilityWas there much subtext in those 15 minutes?
>>4189762To be fair, the first episode wasn't particularly good and felt rushed.
>>4189762So far it has zero yuri and it's a pretty mediocre sports show with nothing special going for it.
>>4201456Umamusume, GUP, Saki, greets you.
>>4201722You have no idea what you're talking about, right?
>>4201757It's a shitposter who's been doing this since 2018, just ignore him.
>>4201791You haven't even watched the anime right?
>>4201795I just told you to ignore him.
>>4165017It's a shame that we rarely get sport girls anime these days. Much less those with yuri like Tamayomi and Harukana Receive
>>4225342>Much less those with yuri like Tamayomi and Harukana ReceiveThat's the important part, that they are yuri (although it doesn't only apply to sports anime) this season we have 2 (technically 3) but being honest, none of those are really good.I remember the climbing anime, which tried to be yuri, but failed at the basics.
>>4225468Was Haruka receive more yuri in the Manga? I only watched the anime and didn't really get the vibe outside of them all being super good friends
>>4225475Did you miss the part about punishing the girl for not stopping talking about her ex-girlfriend?Also pubic hair joke, girl drooling over Milf and much more.
>>4225493I remember the pubic hair bit, but was the ex girlfriend joke in the anime?I haven't read the manga since the scanslator on mangadex hasn't uploaded a new chapter in years
>>4225497>but was the ex girlfriend joke in the anime?Yes, it was beautiful.>I haven't read the manga since the scanslator on mangadex hasn't uploaded a new chapter in yearsThat is the sad end of series that are not popular with Western barbarians.
At least Shakunetsu was reborn.
At least Shakunetsu was reburn.
This film looks like it has potential
>>4257001>it has potentialYes, het potential.
Girls und Panzer is technically a sports girls anime
>>4264305Yup it is games can be a sports thing
>>4294193>Sorairo UtilityWas there much subtext in those 15 minutes?
>>4165617>male football players: beat you up when you look at them wrong>female football players: go on a date in the locker roomWhy are they different.
>>4165617best comment in sport history
Anyone watching Sorairo? It has plenty of yuri moments
>>4372169It's no Birdie Wing, but it's a nice and gay show.
>>4372169It's fun.
>>4201757holy shit sans undertale
>>4372245How's season 2 yuriwise?
>>4373134About the same as the first season.
Is this where we can talk about loli on ice
>>4374780Girl on the left looks like a younger Dendra from Pokemon
>>4375047Hikaru will win her wife just like she wins everything else.
>>4376277What the actual fuck is this webm? Posting this shit should be a bannable offense.
>>4165017Ping Pong is a sport!