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Webtoon / Webcomic thread

Continued from
Their sex in the rain was really cute and hot.

I'm struggling a bit with this one. Normally I can do isekai, but the "readers comment" aspect of this is making it way too meta.
Where's this from?
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They're side characters from Straight Girl Trap
>"readers comment"
They kinda disappear after a while.
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Chasing lily is such a disappointment my god, I don't know wtf the author is doing anymore.
Anyway, for now I am in love with this one, super recommended "When the Villainess meets the Crazy Heroine".
I've read the first "season" or whatever of Mage & Demon Queen a few years ago and kinda liked it, so I was about to continue reading only to find out that it's locked behind some shitty app download. Is there a way to read that normally in decent quality and without ad-ridden manga scraper website watermarks, ideally a way to just download it and read offline?
Batoto is your best bet for official rips.
Okay, thanks.
irene needs to rape the sister so she doesn't have any free time to keep causing trouble
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I'm only really reading Daughter of Evil and Miss Devil right now for anything isekai. Kind hard to read a dozen stories like I used to.
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I'm genuinely surprised that "How to Draw an Ellipse" isn't more widely discussed. It's completely unhinged and so much great human suffering. The only downside is that it's a Korean story, so I fear it'll likely have a bad ending with no justice for Youngea.
I stopped caring about it when the husband got introduced and how much focus the story gave to him.
Not mentioning the retarded moment when the blonde psychopath kissed and fucked her adoptive mother.
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I completely agree. Minsung is a bona fide psychopath, but Miyeon's actions are just twisted. Tricking Youngea into raising a child that isn't hers is beyond messed up. It's an unhinged story, but what's even more baffling is that the narrative doesn't seem to acknowledge the gravity of their actions. It's like Korean authors have a blind spot when it comes to morality
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Love this girl
It's not so much the fact that it's pseudo-incest but that the the way the author had built up the story to that reveal. It's so utterly disconnected from the original plot that it erases the meaning of it. And that's exaclty how you lose investment from readers.
Gook authors seem to think rape and murder attempts are commonplace occurrences that don't warrant law enforcement involvement.
I'm totally for drama but not the yuri equivalent of satanic black magic, sick shit
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No, it was hinted at. The bigger problem is the lack of coherence in the story. There's a murder attempt on a child with no consequences, and Youngea is actually vilified for trying to hold Minsung accountable. Miyeon's role in grooming Minsung into a monster is just brushed off as backstory, while Miyeon herself is still portrayed as a sweet woman. And when Miyeon and Minsung team up to torment Youngea in a brutal NTR scene, complete with their incestuous relationship, it's treated like normal family dynamics. And someone named Youngea must really have hurt the author.
I want more lezzies that get isekai'ed into the role of the villainess and fall in love with the heroine. Or as a side character in support of the villainess. Or as the MC trying to defeat the villainess by showing superior carpet munching skills. Right now I can't get enough of that genre combination.
Anyone reading the dark lord confession?
It seems like it's going into a het route
Author said it will have GL, BL and straight romantic relations in it, main fanbase are shoujo and BL lovers, so go figure.
I'm not caught up but the chances of the mc going the Yuri route is low with how dedicated she is to fixing that one guy and that the dark lord doesn't love the current her, the childhood friends are gonna have to carry the Yuri unless the author pulls out the toxic Yuri with the saint and the dark lord
>that the dark lord doesn't love the current her
Didnt someone post the dark lord was a woman and loves some girl
Idk if they added more to the backstory yet but the 2nd dark lord is a woman loves the first one who the mc used to be, and that's something the mc sees and I think is hurt by since she sees the first dark lord and herself as different people
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I love chinese webtoons.
Look at this badass woman tripping others in everyone face, what a diva.
I didn't mean to say that it wasn't foreshadowed, just that it was an incredibly stupid direction to veer the story off into. Considering the starting point of the story, and thereafter the flashbacks upon flashbacks to justify the shift to the psuedo-incest plot, it's just poorly structured. And the stuff you bring up is honestly quite par for the course for gook telenovelas.
Any new cute tomboy webtoons or school life
Damn I don’t even like Isekais but this one got my interest, maybe I should give isekais a pass if theyre yuri
荆棘之心, not really new but it's fits 100% in what you want,
This is exactly what I’m looking for, thank you
Tapas releasing official English translation of Perfect Heroine Wants to Possess Me.

Omega Heroine Wants Her Alpha Villainess
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Understood. I believe the story had the potential to be fantastic if the author had focused more on the psychological elements rather than turning it into a soap opera. The first season was quite promising, and it's clear that the author is talented. It feels like a missed opportunity.
Should we be worried...?
So I see Show Me Your Grim is dead...
>Should we be worried...?
Nah, it's explained that there are no secondary characteristics for an Alpha or Omega except the scent glands and hormones. So no secret pp, just horny carpet-munchers.
But beware there are males doing lecherous things. Still no pp insight, yet.
WTF, raw spoilers: One of the MCs friends who was starting to be side shiped with another girl fucking dies
Now that's rare.
I tried reading this and couldnt get past the PHEROMONES part....I dont know why
Was happy to get an official translation but then realised they changed all the names to Western ones. Any way we can get them to stop doing this?
I think everyone dropped Chasing Lilies but it's winding down with a complete wet fart of an ending. For how comically unhinged it was to start wtih, the resolution is so utterly tepid and spoiled the fun of it. Eun-hye has never been anything more than shit dragging down the story and should have been deleted.
The start was fun but yeah it got to shit with the author friend, shame
Yeah initially I found it good but then it seems author wanted to make it a bit too complex and twisted in some retarded way for her own good.
Same shit is happening with How to Draw an Ellipse, honestly such interesting premise, initially likable group of characters and now it is just boring drama over drama with most retarded twists and I bet author didn't say last word in this, maybe the MC gonna sleep now with that awful married woman for jokes or with ehr husband too cause why not, fuck I started to dislike it seeing how much focus the boring husband got for who we should feel sorrry? now cause he doesn't get any from his wife who is into another woman who slept with her adopted daughter who is psycho.
I read the mtl webnovel, the author was very adamant about not having it. So unless something showed up in the extras, don't think it'll happen.
Started reading this
Really hope this can reach Straight Girl Trap level of quality
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Not sure I trust them after the shitshow that was Bad Thinking Diary. Like their art though, so I'm torn.
batoto as usual
I too am searching for tomboys but in something a little more gritty
Dropped this one cause the brother was getting really annoying.
you don't like yuri knights?
>the shitshow that was Bad Thinking Diary.
A yuri knight who fell for a yuri girl because he got kissed.
did he force her?
>gay piano noises
Of course.
Is the author from white angel still doing nothing?
He's making another manhwa but hasn't posted in a long time
I'm glad she's dead.
wtf why?
No, it’s more that the other girl mistook him for his sister since he was disguised as a girl. But I didn’t stop reading because of that. It’s just that he became a bit more prominent in the story and he was being all dramatic, wanting to stop being a yuri knight and such. I don’t know if it got better since I did liked the story.
Hi does anyone knows where can i find white angels have no wings/no rest author's art ?
I was re-reading it and found out that Gado deleted their twitter and i can't find any art from them.
If anyone know what happened to them that would be nice
This is bait to make me catch up and I'm gonna fall for it
Seeing current arc is heavy about MC and that boring holy knight boy teasing and now dance the bait is strong.
what evne is this series about
i seen it brought up from time to time and its never concrete for anyhting
As expected, bottom of the barrel NTRshit.
Meh, it already made the red hair into a "villain", what a shit love triangle.
Is it up somewherea lready?
check bato.
>Lily of the Valley
Yaoi proportions
Sometimes it's about trying to convince a guy it's not okay to kill children even when they have the magical aids tattoo
I enjoy this type of content, but I'm not sure what others are supposed to take away from this story. What's more, the NTR aspect is disappointingly weak. It lacks the necessary build-up and doesn't engage me. Even the idea of seeing the maid suffer while the main character is promiscuous might soon lose its novelty.
Anyone know where I can read the raws?
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Oh hard disagree

Devoted, long time servant trying to fight against the insurmountable social barrier that separates her and her love coupled with Rangrarii's art, I LOVE this shit.

Never heard of this TempleScans team though, went to their website from Batoto since they have a big "warning" in the scans about wanting more engagement and I was surprised to find they have an active community with hundreds of thousands of views for the popular stories.
Meh. Lily comes off as such a slut without a single thought in her head that I can find better hentai. NTR has gotten a lot better with the years. You need to build these things up. Create more emotional damage. Make Lily and Anna actually seem like something worth saving. It could have been a lot better. Basically bottom of the barrel NTR. But most of the readers are too dumb to understand that they are reading NTR.
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You know how in an anime, when two classmates refer to each other by their first names, you'd immediately assume they're childhood friends and that they're gonna be on the same side vs. the rest of the group but will inevitably have some arguments down the line in the story before making up? Cultural context or genre savy or whatever the fuck you wanna call it?

Same idea here. I see what they're going for with the pre-established servant/mistress relationship being confronted by a high society homewrecker. I can fill in the gaps, and there will probably be flashbacks anyway, Bad Thinking did.
Do you mean trying to build Anna and Lily's relationship through flashbacks? I don't think that would work for me; it wouldn't capture the emotional impact of betrayal as effectively as a direct buildup would. But it's an interesting idea. I suspect the story will stick to a simpler trajectory, where Anna has to watch Lily get involved with Rose and possibly others for about 30 chapters. Then Anna takes a more active role, they have a significant moment together, and Lily finally feels loved. This might lead to a tedious tug-of-war between Rose and Anna over Lily. Honestly, this seems like it could end up being quite dull and barely qualifies as NTR. And Lily is pretty much not worth fighting over.
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I'm saying the dynamic works
And that flashbacks are more or less guaranteed at this point, they kind have to show how Anna became so devoted and in love
NTR has the requirement of everyone involved being an unpleasant retard with shallow relationships that can't hold any emotional investment, but there's usually a veneer of an attempt to cover that up so that the reader can get suckered into giving a shit, but this dispenses with it right away. Flashbacks can't salvage it because the reality has reared its ugly head right away; you can't retroactively care because the relationship was destroyed before a foundation was even built. I don't care that Anna stews in impotence while Lily becomes an empty-headed nymphomaniac until Anna snaps and rapes her. I don't care that Rose will end up raping Anna for the lulz which will cause her to become addicted to BDSM, which she will adamantly yet futilely deny. That said, I can almost admire the honesty; it makes no pretense of anything more than a boldfaced fetish tract. Can't fault the art either.
>bla bla bla story
It's just yuri smut, everyone is paying to see sex, anything else is just bonus.
Well put. But it really was a lost chance. If there would just have been some build up, with plenty of tension and character building it could have been pretty great NTR. I don't really understand why was it hard to do it properly. It's not even hard to make good NTR.
I’m saying you’re overthinking this.
Just like the childhood friends always being on first name basis idea, the premise of a maid having her love stolen away by a noble already gives you enough information. The additional background information will come, but you don’t need it, their occupations alone already gave you everything.
Gave us everything to do what. Understanding the story? It's just smut. Lily will fuck half the world. Rose will be a fun Disney villainess. Anna will suffer in impotence. And then at some point Anna will get Lily back. Happy ending.
I really hope you don’t pat yourself on the back for such elementary attempt of dumbing every story down to social media sound bites
Well, No? But this is a NTR smut story, and not a very good one. What exactly do you think will happen in this story?
I think they’ll surprise us and end in poly, even though I don’t like that kind of ending personally
They’re all lonely weirdos anyway, at leas based on what we know at the moment
Doubt, it's 100% ending with Lily and Anna usurping Rose wealth, her mini-monologue already gave it away.
Providing information is not the same as providing emotion. Situational fetishes require a bit of narrative in order to have weight. You can show a student and a teacher having sex, thus informing that particular fetish, and for some people that's good enough, but for others, it doesn't have the same impact as the teacher struggling to maintain impartiality in the classroom towards her student, or having her put up front at a parent-teacher conference. You can call it overthinking the fetish, but I for one prefer it when a fetish is built up by narrative.
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>Providing information is not the same as providing emotion
Why do we call basic bitch love triangles "NTR" now?
because the "villain" girl is just playing around? what love is there?
Oh that's just pedantic. It still counts as a Love Triangle even when the "villain" is obvious.

NTR is something considerably different. Not applicable here.
Villain says she wants to be loved
I've noticed a lot of people really don't want to acknowledge that they are reading NTR. The tags are right there buddy. Welcome to the gang. You like NTR.
If you can read those poorly written four chapters and think something interesting will come out of this that is good for you. But it's just smut dude, bad smut even.
I'm not caught up but the premise begins with a war took place between the dark lord and a knight-priestess-thing. The result being the priestess won and her followers are the good while the dark lord left a curse on her people that turns them into demons but they always have her mark on them. The mc is hiding hers, because you get hunted by the knights for it. Things happen and she unintentionally summons the dark lord who turns out to be a super tall handsome woman.

Romance wise it's a will they won't they but most likely will. People don't appreciate the drama baiting because there's a boy that likes the mc. He's honestly just there as a plot device to make the dark lord jealous. The mc only blushes for the woman and they have kissed a few times. the dark lord is revealed to be a poser, her name is calla and she was the real dark lord's disciple. But also she was the real dark lord's favorite and they were close to the point it looked romantic. MCs name is Lapis. But she is actually the real dark lord, or at least a fragment of the original so there's drama whether calla actually cares for lapis or is just focused on restoring the original. Lapis is disappointed that calla doesn't use her name. Of course once she does it's portrayed as a big romantic thing.
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Sometimes you just need smut in your squeaky clean life. A sloppy, steamy, slutty smut.
This again. Do people literally just hear about this group? This is tame by their standard. At least there is no DV involved this time.
Give the details
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Broken translation so it's hard to follow along but

>biting until they bleed
>implied(?) sexual abuse
>unironic yandere possessiveness
>threats of suicide
>bipolar disorders
>finally kicked out
>apparently still hugged and like each other(?)
>still popular among the fans since they're just as mentally ill
What a rollercoaster, Jesus Christ.

I disavow this behavior and I do not condone it. With that being said I'm off to re-read WAHNW. Bye~
why is the white haired girl's arm black
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She's an albino so she wears an undershirt with long sleeves to protect her from the sun.
Those are only the high profile cases. There are numerous incidents involving the less well-known members
This is just insane. I can't believe what I'm missing out on. It feels like I finally tasted meat after a lifelong veggie diet of Kpop.
God it's such a pity Cpop content isn't as accessible to western pigs like me, the same way Kpop is.

>check out fan's weibo
>wonyoung videos and photos
Is it really NTR? Will Anna be cucked from start to finish?
In chapter 4 Lily has sex with Rose and screams that she loves her. A day before Lily "loved" Anna. So, yes, NTR. And I'm told that there are pictures on tiktok and twitter that shows more of Lily going for the slut of the year award with Anna in the background.
This but unironically
Be ashamed of who you are.
I love her so much.
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What even is the problem, we dont think Rose is hot now?
I'm deep into this group, it's not hard to access but it's not worth it. It's mentally exhausting to keep up because there's always something happening and the company treats the members really bad. Only thing I can say is that there are multiple well stablished couples but can't officially come out because their contact restrict them from dating, there's some couples that came out after graduating, and some of them have been caught using lesbian apps/dating female fans.
Can't post photos because somehow I'm banned but they like to read some manhua, Tamen De Gushi is amongst their favorites.
How can Anna even compete with that?
>Tamen De Gushi
My all time favorite manhua. Well the other one being Beloved L of course. The style changed overtime but it's still lovely.

I'm a casual SNH48 "fan". I love watching SQHY comfy streams because they're the most likely to be translated and because they're genuinely lovey dovey. I hope the entertainment industry in China improves but seeing how even in Korea and Japan idols are often mistreated and their talents wasted I can't be optimistic. It's just an exhausting medium in general unfortunately.
By not being a horrid demon slut.
And look where she is now, kek.
If Bad Writing Diary is anything to go off of, Anna will somehow end up with Lily and Rose will get away with everything, and some random yet-to-be-introduced character will be written out of the ending after being heartbroken that Rose won't notice her.
Rose will fuck Anna too
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I really like Meng Nian, she is always taking the chances that appear to feel her sister more and more.
She looks perfect in the painel you posted.
Same sis, same. I personally can't stand the villainess' design but siscon Meng Nian is pure glory in my eyes.
Yandere are the best.
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Caught up to the free stuff and the bait is really good, thank you surprise tournament arc. Just gotta get through mandated Enoch dance cause the thumbnail for the next 5 chapters looks like a lot of Calla time
They go on a date. It's bittersweet.
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This manhwa is fun, but damn Lily is a huge steaming piece of shit.
Also when is it supposed to be happening? The random characters and village are out of the late middle ages, while the maids and main girls and location are clothed like the XVIII/XIXth century.
The story is kind of retarded, but the art is so good I can bear it. Can't wait for the tears, black mail and beatings incoming.
>lily ia a huge steaming piece of shit
the maid reject her first, she has 0 reason to care about her feelings.
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>It's a servant supresses her homolust out of angst and loyalty episode
Love it
I love everything about it no matter how many times it's done
>Daughter of a whore
>Thinks sex is disgusting and impure
>Watching her love being fucked by someone else
Holly fuck.
>Please, bully me more.

Ultimate SIMP (Siscon in mad psychomode)

Aby spoilers from new chapters of Lily of the Valley?
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It's up. And yep. Still hard NTR.
Lily is such a dumbfuck I can't even feel sorry for Anna for having a shit taste in women.
What can Anna do? Lily is Duchess's property. She bought her. And Anna is a mere maid.
Woah damm, the art for this Lily of the Valley Yuri comic is seriously gorgeous. Loving it and the Yuri no doubt.
This stuff is hot as hell and fun to read. And damn rangari upped her artwork since BTD.
Can't wait for more suffering and Lily being a little shit again. Even the duchess thinks she's a retard.
The only thing that confuses me about this story is why some people on reddit write long essays analyzing it. Reading comprehension can be challenging, I suppose? But I never expected NTR smut to be the subject of in-depth analyses. And the author really struggles with pacing. This could have been written a lot better. And Lily makes this so hard to enjoy; she comes off as cognitively impaired.
Rangrarii's art is as gorgeus as her irl.
How. This website is really full of retards, it's a simple smut about a purityfag maid, a complete retard and a bitchy woman, with absolutely gorgeous art.
No need to write essays about it.
Anyway, I hope Anna will have some action, I prefer her design and Lily is so mentally challenged I can't enjoy her scenes.
It;s not just reddit you know?
Are you guys teenagers or something. No actual adults would be this bothered by people enjoying an already niche hobby in their own way
Next you’ll tell us you laugh at people who draw fanart too for taking animay too seriously
I don't frequent any other site than 4chan for yuri, and I don't give a shit about social networks.

I don't care about people writing 10,000 words essays about a manhwa, I simply find it stupid when it's only 6 chapters long and barely anything happened.
Fanart has nothing to do with this, as well as fanfiction; learn to read.
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Poetry in motion
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Now look at Rangrarii's photo and tell if she is mentally stable.
Now I understand why most of her characters got dark circles under their eyes, and are weird as fuck.
But yeah, don't stick your fingers in crazy, and all that. Who am I kidding, most lesbians would be more than happy to do her.
>noooo you can't have tattoos
I root for Lily and Rose. Anna sucks.
I need to finish Straight Girl Trap, I'm almost at the end now
Yet I'm also afraid to finish it, because then it would be over
Does anyone know if the authors went on to do any thing new?
Big tatoos are disgusting. Small tatoos here and there are fine.
>Straight Girl Trap
Wtf is that title? Is there het? I'm note reading it if there is.
>It feels like I finally tasted meat after a lifelong veggie diet of Kpop
Kek I feel you so well. A shame that I don't find chinks as attractive as corean idols.
Nice art, but I can't stomach NTR in any shape or form
Yuri without angst and drama is not real yuri

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Welp, this wasn't very good. The plot wasn't focused enough for my tastes and I didn't care for any of these characters enough to feel bad about the bullying. I liked the ending though, especially the monologue from the MC. Heard there's a sequel, but I also heard it's not very good so I shan't be reading it.

Anyone have any recs for bullying manhwas?
She's a dolled up fatass. Calm down.

Wrong. It's the opposite. Large and well planned tattoos are gorgeous and is a sign of a person who plans well. Small random tattoos scattered all over the body is gross and is a sign that the person is impulsive. Only mentally unwell people do that. See Rangri as an example.
She looks fine (minus tatoos). Her girl/friend also looks fine. Wtf is wrong with you?
I smell envy
Nah. I just don't like fatties and mentally ill women.
What does she mean with this? Does she mean she is sterile or...?

It's from Sherbert above the Sea of Fog chapters 13.
They're not women
Did you read the rest of the fucking chapter?
Not all women are fat. Stop projecting yourselves on women you Truggos.
Look, I know... It must bê hard being so pathetic that the only place you can show an atitude is on the internet because you don't have the spine to do it in real life where you are always submissive, but If you are not willing to answer, then shut the fuck up and let someone who is not useless asnwer. Go bê a child some place else.
Why do you insist on being spoon-fed information that clearly answers your question 4 panels down? Yes, you are correct, she's infertile. Since this is a historical setting, we can assume that a women's only worth is giving birth. Therfore, since she can't carry out her god-given duty as a female, she's seen as worthless, a burden.
How is this fat?
is that something we care about? at all?
She's gorgeous though.
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Threesome with Anna when ?
guess lily isnt going home
Never. Anna can only watch like her beloved Lily is fucked by Rose every day.

Looks like this will be a short NTR story then. There was a time skip to winter this chapter, so Lily is already a slut and don't care about Anna.
What's the point of this comic? To me, it feels really cringe and over the top. From what I gather, it ends with Lily becoming a life long slut while Anna is left crying in the corner? And that's the point? Like who is this for? I've noticed on social media that many people were confused and upset about this.
A yuri without conflict and drama is not a good yuri

No more cutesy and boring story ,we want suffering (and sex too )
Pretty sure you represent a extremely small minority of yuri readers. And most people like happy endings. This will not have a happy ending. Struggle without positive resolution is kind of pointless.
Anna and Lily suffering is a happy ending
>the retarded slut acts like a retarded slut
Who would have thought. Given the past record of the artist, drop the manhwa now and only read the last chapter when it'll come out, there's probably only suffering and retardness ahead. And a lot of sex. And this is exactly what people await from this type of series.
Yuri without angst isn’t real yuri
Pretty sure the comic is almost over. Lily is already the submissive slut of Rose. Just the Coup de grâce left.
It's just smut, newfriend.
>Like who is this for?
NTR lovers.

Cheating is hot. Stealing someone's lover is hot. Corrupting them is even more hot.
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Facts. Immorality and depravity in general is really hot.
I really don't miss those days.
Did Korean and Chinese comics have an innocent "But We're Both Girls" phase, or did they skip it and jump right into kinky territory?
Not really? Also it’s pretty dumb to generalize like that
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It's up. That's not the end yet, kek.
Everything happens to fast that it's hard to care about, really low lv smut.
Yeah. I still do not quite understand the point of this comic. But it seems like this is not one of those ntr comics. But it also feels kind of out of touch with the rest of the comic. And I really do not like Lily. So, no matter what I just did not have a good time reading this.
Might be lost in translation but Anna not calling Lily by her name is kind of ruined that confession.
i think i'm going to support rangari and sign up to lezhin to pay for bad htinking diary
i never finished that one for some reason, i think the translation lagged behind for a bit
Lily is such a fucking retard it's actually entertaining. Will she become the town bicycle, or will she only get "loved" by Anna and the duchess?
Will she make a bingo card with the pros and cons of every girl who will have her way with her so she can decide who she loves the most?
Stay tuned on Challenged Lily of the valley.
Next chapter is the last. I think Rangrarii really miscalculated how popular ntr was among her fans. As the comments are all negative. I would guess Lily and Anna are end game. But that just makes me feel bad for Anna. She get the second hand sex toy of Rose.
It was always going to be a short series. What is this weird obsession you have against this story.
Where do you read these negative comments? On my social media there's over 600 comments for chapter 8. Mosty positive, some mixed and a few negative. This ntr trash is extremely popular somehow.
Which are you more likely to forgive an artist for? Creating NTR or drawing penises on women for shekels? Or are you less likely to support an artist if you knew they drew futa in the past?
Where are you reading this? I looked at mangadex, bato and the web page of the translating team. Pretty much only negative comments. Checked her instagram. Most liked comment in her last post, with 700 likes, is a comment saying she needs a better writer, and then a lot of negative comments about the writing and plot.
Poor girl, she must heavily regret getting in touch with the western "readers".
Tbh, I don't care about someones past. The present is more important.
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Lily is absolutely gorgeous

How can anyone honestly hate/blame her for any of this
"Lady Black Is Depressed" looks great - a dash of thriller and NSFW. Hope it will fare better than Lily.
Agreed. I absolutely don't get the negative comments on this. It's a great work.
It's a ntr story but the dumb readers are projecting themselves on the poor and dumb maid Anna instead of the absolute gorgeous woman that has no shame in giving pleasure to Lily.
Beta Anna fan vs chad countess enjoyer
It's just the Tamao situation again
I have a quick question, does anyone know what happened to Laysan Albatross? It hasn't updated in over a year so I'm curious to if it's on hiatus or the author has left it unfinished purposely.
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Didnt deserve this
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I love The Yandere Sister Just Wants Me to Bully Her! But since it's Chinese, I guess it will never show us what we all want: total domination of the little sister. Is this based on a novel?
>total domination of the little sister.
On a Leash.

I also can't believe we're maybe potentially nearing the end after all these years. We finally got that Ch.1 location reveal in the latest raws. I truly hope they get their happy ending.
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Rangrarii fucking did it! Now waiting for translation.
My fucking sides are obliterated. Lily is clearly one of the worst love interest ever. What a little piece of shit.
This was the only good part of this story so far, Lily and Anna had years to make up and it didn't, just move on, I really hope the author doesn't pull a dumb twist in the next chapter, ah... who am I kidding...
>the banquet
So Rose will introduce Lily to her harem of noble sluts?
More like Lily will be the banquet and she'll get gangbanged by the duchess's friends. The end.
I think Anna will be there and somehow will not be a maid anymore, maybe the plaything of another rich woman.
thank god they ended up together, lily was not worth it
So fucking hot. I really hope we get a proper sex scene
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I wish sex was real
I wish beautiful and feminine lesbians were real
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i think about that everyday
If anything we are lacking those fluffy wholesome yuri like the lesbian teachers and the lesbian mangakas. We already have shitload of yuri with suffering and tragic dramas and all of them kinda feel the same.
Why bother having a relationship with a coward when there is a superior choice that will make you happier and won't make you indulge in a toxic relationship?
I wish I had a girlfriend
Well, lets not rule out taht fianl part yet
I'm slightly worried about this party the baroness is preparing (there's more chapters right??)
Nope. One chapter to go and then maybe a review from Rangrari.
We need to financially support Rangari
I'm doing my part.
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Lily of the Valley Chapter 10 is up!
I was warried Rangrarii will try to pull something stupid at the end. But she delivered!
True love wins!!!
Is it over?
We won duchess bro !!!

Sad that we don't see a full orgy scene (with Anna peeking in to fill her with even more misery)

Hopefully we get a bonus chapter with this ,we need to support and protect rangrari against the beta Anna fans
It really feels like some one-shot with the corruption tag that would be shelved in a second if not for the author's desire to have the English-speaking audience send death threats to her.
>author's desire to have the English-speaking audience send death threats to her
Maybe she gets off to this. Anyway, props to her for sticking to her guns and going the corruption path. This was dumb but weirdly entertaining.
And they will still come back for more. I mean Lily of the Valley right now is trending all time at #5 with more than 800K views on templescan website. And it's just a 10 chapters long porn "everybody" hate. Impressive. Kek.
This. Not every yuri story has to have an upbeat ending/everyone-learns-their-lesson ending. Sometimes an interesting corruption story is good enough on its own and this was a good story.
My sister in beans, all yuri requires are two women who fucks and or loves each other. That's the bare minimum. That's why wholesome yuri is a thing. Come on now.
Try going outside anon. Most lesbians are feminine. The beautiful and feminine ones goes after the beautiful and masculine ones though.
It's hilarious seeing people be mad about the other sites and how bad they feel for Anna when she had the win giftwrapped with a bow but refused to open until it was too late
They mad coz good for nothing Anna lost. They only wanted a happy ending where Anna saves Lily or takes revenge on Rose. Kek.
That's what she gets for being a purityfag.
It's amazing how much some readers miss and ignore all mistakes Anna made, she ignored Lily feelings for years and even later she was happy wanting Lily to go back to her old house again ignoring Lily feelings and forgetting Lily was depressed in that house, or even thinking about Lily safety as her family would most likely sell her again to have a noble husband.
>ignore all mistakes Anna made
B-b-but Anna's true love for Lily is all you need to win!
Except it wasn't a good or interesting corruption story. Anna and Lily's "relationship" was a whole load of nothing and the inciting incident of Lily getting kicked out being rescinded unceremoniously was retarded. There's nothing to corrupt when the characters are so vapid.
No one is mentally stable in korea
At least she's hotter than the mentally stable western artists
Ha! Good one!
Yeah what the fuck was that.
>Surprise Lily, your family paid their debt and now wants you to go back, no no no they don't need to check with your buyer uh-hu let's go back.
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Bravo, superb

Poetry in motion. Rangrarii is a gem of the yuri/GL community. She deserves all our love and financial support, unironically.
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I'm so happy.
now that i think about it
logically, lily's father would simply come and take her back.
it's not like young people had much rights back then and he had no reason to honor her wishes to stay after the debt was settled. the baroness most likely had no motivation to fight him over it either, whether it's legally or using her connections, as lily was no longer her favorite
I get why some people would hate Lily of the Valley but the plot felt way more like something from an adult doujinshi or erotica. So I just enjoyed the gorgeous art. But I do want to see the artist team up with a story writer in the future. Story is not her strong suit.
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New Gado work
>I get why some people would hate Lily of the Valley
Some are even obsessed with the hate and keep saying it's shit story on every reader. But I bet it's the netorare syndrom that hit them hard. Anger, betrayal, jealousy, lust, love, sex. Opposing emotions that hit them at once.

>the plot felt way more like something from an adult doujinshi or erotica
It's pornwha. You don't read it for the story, but for sex arts and emotions.

>But I do want to see the artist team up with a story writer in the future.
She did that already. Two het series (one was cancelled) and one yuri.
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I hope it won't be as bad as WAHNR. Those hands, though.
Fuck yeah.

I hope the art is better than in WAGNR, the schedule of pumping out art made it visibly more sketchy and more importantly kinda exaggerated in ways that I didn't really like. Ideally with assistants, or at least having built up a buffer of chapters or something to take off the workload.

What's the odds of an official translation? It's been years since I paid for a webtoon and it feels like platforms were rising and falling on a bimonthly basis back then. I don't even know where this one is being posted.
>Song Joo-hee, who cannot live her own life because she is busy paying off family debts, accidentally meets Kang Se-ra, the daughter of a rich family who ran away from home, and spends the night with her. She falls in love with her charm. He falls in love and even accepts the offer to live together...
Sounds like it might be less edgy than Gado's other works. Is Gado writing or is there another writer?
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Gado doing the art and writing

Still drawing ribs like the characters are extremely malnourished. The dark haired girl has some belly fat
Uuuugh, not a fan of the ribs no. In general sadly getting further from her OG WAHNW art, but still good enough for me.
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There might be cheating and maybe incest. It’s Gado after all.
The girls are related and the MC got her hands in the pants of the sister she’s not romantically involved with (they were all sharing a bed) in the latest chapter.
Masterpiece in the making, I should never have doubted you Gado.
You sold me.
Are there multiple chapters released already? Got a link?
Yes, 10 chapters were released right away when the manhwa came out. Sadly it’s licensed on Naver Series which is probably the platform that asks you for the most shit to be able to access 19+ series. You have to verify your identity on naver and then your age on N series.


OT but i’m still unsure whether the girls who look alike are sisters or not. Obviously they’re related but some panels and comments I translated using papago say “mom” and others say “sister”. I’m leaning more towards sisters because they look the same age lol
Aww man, that sucks. Hope they get ripped quickly. Or ideally officially translated and released on a less dumb platform for the rest of us.
This is grotesque and plain gross. The art took a massive nosedive. What a disgusting way to render human body, looks like raw meat, pig flesh, couldnt be less sexy if it tried. And fucking look at that cranium and forehead.
Couldn't agree more with you. The sex scenes were already off putting in WAHNR, but this looks like plain disgusting.
The polar opposite of Rangrarii. And the first time I see the art of a yuri smut artist degrading so much.
Who's Gado
A guy who likes drawing sex scenes with skeletons and colors out of an Egon Schiele paint.
This might be a long shot but does anyone remember a web comic about a princess that gets possessed by a demon and the demon's infatuated with a servant girl? It ends with the girl burning the possesed princess
Does anyone has or know where to read Ring My Bell special chapters uncensored? I swear to god, I saw the uncensored panels before. That version kinda got purged out of the internet for no fucking reason.

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