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Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai airs next week (4/6).

The young artist Yoru Kurage has been on hiatus ever since a certain incident. In reality, her name is Mahiru Kōzuki. She became traumatized by the pressure of being "special" and instead decided to live a normal, standard high school life. However, things change when she meets former idol Kano Yamanōchi. The strong-minded Kano "graduated" from center position in the Sunflower Dolls idol group, where she was known as Nonoka Tachibana. Along with VTuber Kiwi Watase, and talented musician Mei Kim Anouk Takanashi, the girls come together.



Miku Itō as Mahiru Kōzuki (artist pen name: Yoru Mitsuki)

Rie Takahashi as Kano Yamanouchi (former idol's stage name: Nonoka Tachibana)

Miyu Tomita as Kiui Watase (Vtuber name: Nox Ryuugasaki), she's also Mahiru's childhood friend

Miyuri Shimabukuro as Mei "Kim Anouk" Takanashi (stage name: Kimura), a fan of Nonoka (Kano's previous idol stage name)

Director: Ryohei Takeshita (Eromanga Sensei)
Series Composition: Yuki Yaku (Tomozaki-kun author)
Character design: popman3580
Animation Director: Junichiro Taniguchi (Madoka, Sing Yesterday For Me)
Music: Masaru Yokoyama
Art Director: Yuji Kaneko
Studio: Dogakobo
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Also as you might've noticed, fhe title has a layered meaning. Yoru no Kurage can mean "Jellyfish in the Night", but Yoru is also the alias Mahiru used when she draws that Jellyfish arts. As you might've noticed Mahiru/Yoru has low self esteem and for some reason she stopped drawing until she met Kano. In the PV she also says jellyfish can't shine on their own, and she asks Kano "Can I also shine if I'm by your side?". If Kano is the sun, then Mahiru/Yoru is the moon.

Since this is original anime we don't know yet where the story is going but I guess this is a promising start?
The author has teased that this will have some subtext, and some of the PVs also had similar hints. We'll see how it turns out, but this is the original I'm most looking forward to this season.
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While the official twitter is posting 応援イラスト from various illustrators for the rest of the week, I've only found a couple good fanart. Hopefully that'll increase once the anime starts.
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Mei is gay
I hope she actually hits on Kano at some point instead of contenting herself with shipping Kano with the MC. The artwork of Mei gushing over Mahiru and notRika hugging has me worried.
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All episodes have completed production.
Thats kind of unusual for a show to have everything in the can before episode one even broadcasts. Normally they have only 3-4 episodes done by the start of the season. Why we so often have recap episodes or skipped weeks in the middle of the season.
I heard it was supposed to air in 2023, possibly fall because it's exactly the timeline in the anime (I think jelee is supposed to do live performance on halloween at Shibuya). But for whatever reason they pushed it back which thankfully worked best for both fans ans the animation team.
I think this got a pre-airing of 1 or 2 episodes in the States already at some conventions. I saw some people already talking about how the subtext was really strong in the beginning, which is a good sign.
Looks like we're going to have guest art endcards. Here's one from nezukonezu:
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Manga version of ep1 is out as well
That was really fucking good, lots of yuri potential.
I was apprehensive, but I'll allow myself to get excited for this show. I really hope it doesn't disappoint.
First episode was downright homoerotic.
This is the next evolution or side-grade from aquariums, huh.
great start, i have pretty high hopes for it now even it doesn't get more /u/ than this
The writer said that it's very yuri-esque, although he struggled to call it explicitly yuri.
What did she mean by this?
Homoerotic show...
What place do women have that is soft like jelly and smells like fish?
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>What place do women have that is soft like jelly and smells like fish?
Does it sting? Because jellyfish stings.
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Ok, this was probably one of the best first episodes of a show that I've seen in a long time.
Really looking forward to the rest of it.
What a gem.
next episode eh, according to that artists' pre-screening impressions
One PV had "Mahiru - Kanon" under the (love?) umbrella. Yuri vibe is strong from the start
this was indescribably gay

vagina dentata
Man the animation for this is absolutely stunning

And is also violently gay, looking forward to the rest
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Vignette for the first episode by the anime staff, Kano teaches Mahiru to play guitar.
"She's so skilled with her fingers..."
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Is this an original?
I have had to stop twice from second hand embarrassment...
Heh, you're not alone in that.
Same thing happened when I was watching Girls Band Cry
I dont know if I fully liked it or not. Some of the messages are a bit too overused, even if they are relatable.
But damn does this show look good. I hope this wasnt their entire budget.,
Vigne from Gabriel Dropout is in this anime??!!
Gabriel is too
Production is already complete.
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It does seem a bit of an "all style, no substance" kind of deal. Feels like they had a checklist of cliched moments to get through in the first episode, hopefully the next episodes develop in a more natural way.
>even less subtext than k-on
No reason to watch this for /u/ unless you're really desperate.
>I want to sing in front of your turtle, Azunyan
It doesn't need subtext if it has text.
According to Wiki, there was a manga version released yesterday, the 7th. Anyone find it? Is it better or worse than the anime?
There is a LN version releasing on the 20th of May. As a LN there is potential for less censorship and more overt yuri, but no guarantee that the writer will avail themselves of the opportunity.
Found it. Chapter 1 is free right now.
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This feelt a lot like Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho, but where the girls are artists instead of explorers. If the show manages to be half as effective emotionally as YoriMoi was, I'm here to stay. And if it delivers on yuri it may unironically become my AOTY
>feelt a lot like Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho
I think the train show feels more like that, this is closer to your typical SoL about some club activity or idols, except in this case it's about performing arts.
>Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho
I thought that was a very sad series with no real yuri
>the train show
Which train show?

I mean YoriMoi is about as Yuri as K-On, you can deffinitely goggle it out. The real appeal of it is the unbelievably powerful writing.
first comment meant to reply to that
The only thing I will never forget is how they find this laptop in freezing temps at the end, and boot it...
Never do that. Ever.
>Which train show
I don't know anon, there's a grand total of 6-7 possibly yuri-friendly shows airing this season, take a wild guess.
What happens if you do? Immediate CPU death because it goes from zero (or below) Cº to 50 or so in the blink of an eye?
I thought they took it back to the shelter and plugged it in first. I remember that the password was Antarctica-chan's birthday.
Is it normal for teenagers to be out and about in Japan from 10-midnight? What happened to their parents? Here you'd get kidnapped/raped/mugged or killed if you keep doing that shit.
Must be nice to live in a civilized country
Series killing if true.
Looks like the crossboarder trolls decide to pick this series to obsess over this season.
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You can take your shitposting back to /a/. The producer is female by the way, second from the right.
Yes, actually. Japan is one of the safest places in the world-
Okay why would she punch another girl?
Knock some taste into her, hopefully.
probably bullying, it's pretty clear she doesn't take shit and I bet that bitch had it coming.
The scene seems to imply that the other girl was talking shit about the producer.
1. Why wouldn't she punch another girl?
2. If you were smart, you'd do the same thing.
The other girl would never talk shit about the producer, Mero is the girl that got punched and her profile says she trusts Producer Yukine more than anyone else and would do anything for her.
I think she’s still the producer for them, the producer must have been the one who talked shit. Kano also have a yandere stalker that dresses like her.

Multiple PoV confirmed in the LN
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So each girl in the main pair has their own Yaya?
That depends on the relative timeframes of the affections.
One has a Yaya and one has a Kiwi, I’ll let you figure out which one is which.
>looking at viewer
It's never going to go beyond subtext anyway, they want waifufags to buy it as well.
It's common courtesy to look at the camera while taking a picture.
That’s a pretty good way to sell the series to be honest if I can read jap I would buy it, I love knowing about multiple insights on the same plot.
What is so important about a tiny nose?
Didn't Cleopatra have a big, hooked nose? I think the coins that were issued during her reign showed her with a prominent honker.
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Yuri confirmed.
>eight LN volumes until they fuck
“--What will you do, Yoru?”
“Ah! Where was Mahiru going――――”
At the same time, I heard the voice of Emi, who had found me in the middle of a noticeable commotion. I almost came to my senses, but no.
I'm sure the answer was already decided when I took down that poster.
I shook off the everyday voices and ran.
Kanon smiled and took the hand held out to her.
I saw it. As the two of us run through the tunnels of Miyashita Park, we feel like accomplices.
“Hey, it was difficult to print a large poster!”
I ignored Miko-san's voice from behind and moved forward.
``--I'm just floating along, washed away by the water, without any will of my own.''
- Jellyfish cannot swim by themselves.
It’s not very nice for Yoru to ditch her friends and run off with a complete stranger. Makes her kinda a shitty friend to be honest.
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Has anyone ever given a straight answer to whether their original anime is yuri or not?
I don't want a straight answer, I want a gay answer.
It wasn't very nice of them to make fun of her art either.
>this is subtext and will stay subtext
One day those feelings will be real, mutual, and reciprocated.
But not for you, you're destined to be a loser.
Girls band cry has to compete with this?
Can she drive this kind of bike at her age?
You can drive motorcycles starting at 16 years of age.
Who gave doga koba money? Is this the true reason why Ohtani's translator stole all that money, to fund the yuri AOTS?
Is EP2 better
>expected a fangirl
>got a fangirl
Nothing really remarkable about it, though according to the author this was the yuri part.
>according to the author this was the yuri part
Scratch that, I royally misunderstood.
G-guys this time I want the Yaya to win, she deserves to win…
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Everything's gonna be fine. Trust the plan.
I don’t want OT3 either.
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>One of the girls has already, unambiguously, admitted they like another girl
Already gayer than K-on
Why do we need to pit two bad bitches against each other?
Enjoy both shows.
After last week's good first episode, ep2 cements this as my number one this season. Good op and ed songs, high quality animation everywhere, the cast is high energy and super gay and the little sister as running gag at the start of each ep. Cannot wait for next ep. Between this and whisper me a love song, we are truly eating good.
Is both show subtext?
Sasakoi is a romance anime
I prefer Girls Band Cry, writing feels more genuine.
This show is eyecandy of the highest order tho
So far it's been a 1-1 situation each week for me.
First episode of Jellyfish hit me a lot more than the first episode of GBC, but this week GBC was stronger.
I keep thinking Yoru is voiced by Anzai Chika. I have Chisato brainrot I guess. Was this a reference to how Taki "learned" composing in MyGo?
Episode 3 PV is out!
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"Voice Drama"
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>the main character gets yaya'd
now this is subverting my expectations
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Once upon a time, they were normal.
my GOD was that episode hard to watch.

In the good sense, mind you. Still. Damn.
Why does the show do this only to have the childhood friend and the psycho stalker get NTR’d.
Do her parents not feel any shame letting that happen to her?
From the looks of it her parents don't even care that she has stopped going to school
The food and money come from somewhere. Maybe the do feel guilty but just don't know what to do?

Official height
Mei: 167 cm
Kano: 162 cm
Mahiru: 155 cm
Kiui: 145 cm

But they wouldn't give their three sizes. So we have to try and guess if Kiwi is equal to or less than Shamiko, a E cup.
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Some fast artists out there.
Why did Mahiru draw Jelee as a JS4/5 wearing only a large shirt and a hat?
Ep 4 PV
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So I'm not trying to start anything but is this series actually yuri? I've seen some people say it's not and I was wondering
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At the moment, I'd say not. The first episode had some promising moments, but afterwards it has been the usual cgdct hijinks. I guess now that the main characters have been introduced, we shall see where the story goes.
Honestly there’s a stalker weirdo that sniffs one of the MC’s shirts. But we don’t know if she just admired her or is gay.
I see I see! Okay thank you anons!!!
Wait did she intentionally switched their bags? Or was it an accident? What’s the chances of them having that weird as fuck bag?
>What’s the chances of them having that weird as fuck bag?
There's a whole minute long section during the episode that explains this.
>Wait did she intentionally switched their bags?
No. She got surprised about it as well.
Okay I guess she's not a lesbian than.
Bandai released a Mahiru figure!
Episode 4 is the big episode, they're doing a stream with the VAs after the episode tomorrow, too. It apparently deals with Kano's backstory and finally introduces the Sunflower Dolls.
Right before and after episode 4 "Double A-side"
X-Space Live Stream ‼

The first part will start at 24:30

You can enjoy the talk of Kanon #高橋李依 and Mion #安済知佳

During the broadcast, we look forward to your comments and questions at #ヨルクラ !
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>Mahiru gives Kano her jellyfish
>She wants me to touch her jellyfish?!
>mion wants to fuck kiui
>mahiru being kano's tradwife
Good episode.
And Mei gets....Kano's trash?
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What does this mean?!
There’s a guy she likes? I don’t know…
So that's why the Director didn't just confirmed it was Yuri.
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There is zero positive male presence in the show so far. We have never seen her interact with any male potential love interest. She acts like Kano's wife allready. They both blush when their eyes meet. Yes she must be straight, yuri is ruined abandon ship never gonna make it panic sell sneed pink wojacks total het domination into the trash it goes omg worst show ever.

Or fix your goggles.
Don't respond. Just report and ignore.
Are girls not people?
I opened the thread to ask the same thing, in a non-troll way, because that scene was so weird.
Despite everyone reacted and was interested to know more about it, there is no follow up, they haven't even be interrupted but it changed scene completely, very bad writing.
>We have never seen her interact with any male potential love interest
That goes without saying, but we haven't seen her interact with any other girl outside the four main characters either, except her mob classmates, so who is she referring to and why wasn't it elaborated? If she means Kano would she say it in front of her, potentially making her (and the viewers) think she is interested in someone else? And that doesn't explain why that scene was cut like that.
Meanwhile this episode:
>added a hetslut character
>confirmed producer is het too
>the producer being het also kills any possible development with the idol who worships her
Definitely the worst episode so far. The first one was perfect with the two leads bonding, the second one was ok with the gay fan even if it sidelined the relationship between the two leads, but the last two ones didn't add much for us. Let's hope it will be back on track with the next ones and it will anser who Mahiru is interested in in a positive way for us.
>>confirmed producer is het too
I can't believe Kano's mom was confirmed straight.
How you were able to endure yesterday's episode of SasaKoi and not throw an epileptic fit here I just can't imagine.
The lead-up to that line was Kiui and Mei telling Kano about their past failures in order to bond/commiserate with her. I think the joke is that Mahiru was trying to coyly compliment Kano by saying she's into her as a musician, while everyone else took it as her talking about an unknown person she romantically interested in. Hence her confused "huh?" when the group reacts by asking what kind of person she's talking about.

Hopefully there's further layers to this scene since Kano probably actually WILL end up being Mahiru's love interest, even if she's not there yet.
I'm gonna keep rooting for the fangirl.
I think it's relevant she said "person" and not "boy". You don't do that if you're het.
Or she just didn't mean a romantic interest
>Mahiru was trying to coyly compliment Kano by saying she's into her as a musician
But they were revealing secrets, she's already said she likes her music before.
It's about the mom, couldn't have been more obvious.
What next? You're gonna post your flag with a /pol/ post and claim hito means guy?
That's the /a/schizo, just don't reply.
Not sure how that post is still up to be completely honest.
Just like Gunda.....wait.
Don't you ever get tired?
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There were TWO people in the room each thought they were the one she wouldn't mention.
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Leak for next episode
>Namori end card
>now Fly
Dang, they sure know which artists to choose.
It's the gayest episode yet according to their Discord. He said it doesn't even feel like bait.
People have vastly varying definitions of what's "gay" so while this does sound encouraging, I'll stay cautious on this one.
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What discord?
>if the yuri is bait...then they're doing a pretty good job of it
I've seen this. It looks like Kano is resting her chin on Mahiru's shoulder. It's cute but it's also a still pic taken out of context so again, cautious until the episode itself.
The leaker tweeted this after everyone called it bait:
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Who the fuck translates "Shuujinko" into "Main Event"??
Does the word "Main Character" trigger them or something??
It's similair to japaense saying "sound" and sub goes with "audio" instead for some reason.
Those are at least still synonyms that refer to something similar, but this is another thing entirely. "Event" != "Character"
HiDive subs are not known for being accurate or good.
I still remember that fansubs are the correct way to watch Revue Starlight because HiDive's subs are atrocious
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大事にするよーー (ToT)

Why is Kano so gay? Also MahiKano seiyuu on some magz cover to be released next week
Don't watch Sasakoi subbed if you know what's good for you.

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