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The ChisaTaki must go on!

Previous thread: >>4121238
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Random mob Lycoris might be my favorite thing ever.
Couple of Spring
>reincarnated Lycoris in Aika
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S2 spoilers
Takina still isn't first-class yet?
>Quits her job for Chisato
>Flees to Hawaii with her wife

While Takina may never be first class, she's clearly happy to be with someone better.
I remember Kusunoki phoned in the cafe OV car where they were working. And Chisato told her they were in Hawaii, then the scene went to the aloha time. This one is another meaningful flag for the S2.

For Takina and Chisato, the possible way might be.
- Kusunoki decided to give more privileges to them. With the condition, they continue working for DA, as Lycoris.
- They still work for DA, but now in a different section. Ex, being a foreign cell agent.
- They might resign as DA agent but still work for DA if the commission (for the LycoReco cafe) is acceptable.
The hidden data that Kurumi hacked and posted on the LycoReco SNS suggested one thing. The Lycoris branch still being well today is because of Chisato's ability.
>Takina might give a fuck with DA or not. But now she has Chisato as her (bed) roommate.
Is Chisatao dying?
Yes, but don't worry, Takina will marry her grave.
Not again...
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>mm...hng...so tired
>Good morning. The sun's up.
>Mm... are you okay?
>Mm... Chisato. Good morning.
>Ah! Uaaahhh!

>It's not enough... Two days in not enough.


>Alright. I'll go call it in.


>I don't want to do it any more!
>Is that so~?

>Chisa- Stop touching!

>You don't want to?


>I want to. Come on...


>Please... Takina...

It makes sense, since I doubt First Class is just about fighting skills, but also leadership and tactical skills. Takina's fighting skills are great, but she's still quite impulsive and she's still not social enough to manage a team.
>Ah! I'm beat!

>We've been working nonstop for two weeks after all.

>Seriously! Kusonoki-san's way too demanding of people.

>Crime rates do increase towards the end of the year.

>She sends us on separate missions too.

>Right. Even though we're partners.

>Waaah! Takina~!

>It's been a while since we spent time together like this, hasn't it?

>That's enough chatting, right?


>What I'd really like to do...
>Wait! Mmm... Wait...


>Um...Don't you want to do something else?



>*kisses and moans*

>This is the best

>I'm sorry. I promise it won't hurt...
>I want to hear you cry out.
Takina is comparable to Fuki in skillset. Takina's leadership/tactics has gotten Fuki's squad out of bad scenarios while she was hesitant on making a decision.

However Takina is lacking in comparison to Chisato and since they are partners and DA prefers to keep them out of sight and mind until they are needed, she isn't promoted.
At this rate, Takina's ability is like an A rank now (unlike Chisato's S rank). But for the DA's hierarchy rank, it's another complicated thing anyway.
If Kusunoki thought Takina was a pain in the ass of her for being Lycoris (because of her lackard of competence) at first, then it's easier to fire her instead of sending her to Chisato.
That's why Chisato and Takina appear to have the DA's evaluation rank of D+.
>LycoReco is DA's gray zone.
>Springtime for Chisato and Takina
>The two are happy and gay!
>Saviors of the Japanese
>Kissing under the cheery trees!
Also perfect.
>Winter for Majima and Robotta

May those two catch the flu.
May phlegm fill their sick chest, and they be cursed never to rest.
I've heard of yaoi hands, but this is my first time seeing yaoi feet.
I wish this artist still drew chisataki
The two faces of loli Chisato.
Translation thread translated some lycoris doujins
I'll typeset them, see you in a few days when I get one done and I'll upload to ehentai and share in this thread.
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Manga getting translated
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Finished one
Uploaded like 2 dozen Lycoris books to panda if anyone is interested.
Thank you, good anon. Speaking of which, this got translated recently.
Uploaded like another 30 lycoris books to panda
That's it for now since that's all the digital stuff I could get
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Another doujin english typeset done
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Can someone give me qrd if Chisato kissed Takina?
It must be somewhere else than lips or everyone would've been already talking about it, so cheeks or hands?
Was it in the novels or in one of the anthologies or something?
I think it's in one of the noveks. They don't kiss, but rather Takina thinks whether they should kiss after Chisato says that they're like the surviving couple at the end of a horror movie.
Nah, that's the dream stuff.
It is important in regards to Takina, but I was asking if Chisato kissed Takina anywhere ever in reality
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Even the sky is ChisaTaki.
The ticket reservation is already started today.
I'm out of the loop, what's this?
Incoming LycoReco 2nd stage play in mid-June. The story is settled around the latter half of the anime.
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Another doujin translated
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Another Lycoris translated
Looking at their job and habits, they seem not to be very religious. But when it comes to things related to life or death, whatever begging for snow to fall or praying shrine in the New Year, they are very fond of it.
The random yuri sexual intercourse looks so pale compared to this kind of love.
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Why would they be religious
They're not nuns or shrine maidens
They aren't like the sword shrine maiden anyway.
The point is about their spiritual belief in wellness.
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Yep another Lycoris translated

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