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Thread of pics of hentai females with strapons anally penetrating lolicons, milfs, or young girls. The best and the greatest invention since the discovery of fire.

Yuri action with dildos, anal beads or any other related toys are also welcome. Extra bonus for hot anal sex.

Strap yourselves on, all aboard the strap-on girl train!

Previous threads: >>4047168
>>3211670 (2B edition)
With foreplay is better.
Good Ending
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Selfcest + incest = wincest.
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god damn she's cute. Shame it seems like we'll never see Super Pan grow up
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Before strapon
After strapon
Lucky 2B.
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You can tell that's never gonna close again.
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Anal yuri strapon
Mommy knows best
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Yeah, sure...
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Strap-ons and dildos instantly make any pic non-yuri. They are very direct substitutes for male sex organs. All of you are just one step above futafags.
You know real women use them right? Like it's a real thing that some lesbians like penetration
It's not really common that lesbians use straps/dildos.

But yes some do use them, never really makes them orgasm though they just like the feeling. Still need to throw in some clit stimulation.
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>4241937 (You)
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If this were really yuri, you wouldn't need to crop it.
It's precisely because it's yuri that I had to crop it, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered.
that makes no sense. Best case scenario, this is some voyeur pic. Still shitty males involved regardless
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Most strap-on 3D lesbo stuff is pretty bad in terms of the girl on top fucking.

Is it just a case of actresses just going through the motions, women aren’t used to it and get tired faster, or is a strap on is just not constructed well enough?
It really depends on the user and the recipient. If you can't properly communicate what you like (as top and bottom) you can't expect first class fucking. Especially if you are dealing with height difference. With that kind of difference, position is key and angles are hit and miss. Stamina can be an issue but yeah that's the physical aspect. If ya wanna make ya gal go wildin' ya better git gud and git fit. And most adult movie "actresses" just want to get it over with and earn their money. As in any other industry. Whereas if ya wanna clap those gf cheeks and hear the gal screamin' ya name to the high heavens ya better keep on learnin' and improvin'.
Also don't be fooled. This industry is designed for those 'angles' that seem unfit to be pleasurable. Lovey-dovey stuff doesn't sell pretty well. All big pervy data.
If you go the amateur stuff you might find pretty convincing tops that know their way around a hole.

But I must admit, some models are also awfully designed but design flaws can be fixed.

TL;DR: Talking helps and don't trust pr0n
is there any small dom/big sub strapon stuff? Its really hard to find much but Im a brainlet
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I adore that one. Absolute recommendation.

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The dildo can barely be seen through the pixels, but it's there.

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