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Previous Thread: >>4126604

Upcoming English Releases
Majo no Tabitabi 13 - April 16
Watanare 4 - May 7
Hikikomari 7 - June 18
MagiRevo 7 - July 23
Shoukei Shoujo 8 - July 23
Slime300 15 - July 23
Watanare 5 - September 10

Recent English Releases
Slime300 14
Making Magic 6
Hikikomari 6
Shoukei Shoujo 7
MagiRevo 6

Upcoming Japanese Releases (via Tsuzuri: Releases for April https://twitter.com/TsuzuriYuri/status/1774451589199126821)
声優ラジオのウラオモテ 10巻 - April 10
声優ラジオのウラオモテDJCD - April 10
週に一度クラスメイトを買う話 4巻 - April 19
ほんわか魔女を目指していたら、史上最強の杖に選ばれました。なんで!? - April 19
『人斬り』少女、公爵令嬢の護衛になる 2巻 - April 22
カナシミ水族館 - April 22
病弱少女、転生して健康な肉体(最強)を手に入れる - April 25
感傷ファンタスマゴリィ - April 30

Recent Japanese Releases (via Tsuzuri)
魔女の旅々 22巻
ひきこまり吸血姫の悶々 13巻
ここでは猫の言葉で話せ 4巻
性悪天才幼馴染との勝負に負けて初体験を全部奪われる話 2巻
零合 百合総合文芸誌 第2号
老虎残夢 (講談社文庫)
ふつおたはいりません! 2巻 (>>4182104)
獄門撫子此処二在リ 2巻
転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 8巻
List of light novels with official translation and ongoing fan translation (out of date)

Sneikkimies (AdaShima, Lesbian Elf and a Curse Princess, Scarlet Lily Bond)

Omae Gotoki PDFs
Vol 1 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtlb99v5urdn2yv/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2001.pdf?dl=0
Vol 1 extra - https://archive.is/CqI8E
Vol 2 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ljhp3dy2d85ica/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2002.pdf?dl=0
Vol 2 extra - https://archive.is/qEIWF
Vol 3 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yfbxtksjsph2wdc/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2003.pdf?dl=0
Vol 3 extra - https://archive.is/Qh3l1

Completed unofficial English translations:
Clash of Hexennacht : https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Clash_of_Hexennacht
Puppetmaster : https://web.archive.org/web/20220924202406/https://www.oolongmochi.ca/puppetmaster/ (illustrations: https://mega.nz/folder/8EpUgIpZ#E4YaCRi4O6JPIUzfm8fceA)
Other news:
Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote/The Two Sides of Seiyuu Radio anime airing this season

VTuber Legend anime confirmed for Summer season
Any recs for yuri eigyou to real yuri type stories? Basically, yuri eigyou refers to how public persons (e.g. seiyuus, vtubers, idols) act gay with each other as 'fanservice'. I know there's that one volume story with 'yuri eigyou' in the title but I read that and the romance starts (?) way too late for me.
One of the things I'm more curious about Urasekai is Satsuki and Kozakura's relationship. Was Kozakura just one of the many chicks Satsuki had? Or did they have a serious relationship? Will we ever have an answer?
My assumption was that they were outwardly closer than Satsuki ever got to her high school girls, but never officially dating. Satuski was using her like she used everyone else, but she could get away with flirting with Kozakura in a way she couldn't with Toriko.
I kind of feel like pedophilia isn't off the table if she's going around killing people's mothers.
That was after she became a scary powerful monster, she probably wasn't going to risk jail time before she was confident in her ability to live in the otherside
Flare raped Teach in front of her students after stabbing her in the face, right? I wouldn't think someone would have such hatred for someone else unless Flare showed Teach's orgasm face to a bunch of little girls.
ShuuKura 4 is close.

Usual uninspired isekai-like stories without anything to suggest yuri, the first one even explicitly says she wants friends.

This one also says it's a friendship story.

This may be interesting but as always they don't say the only thing we're interested to know.
The issue is that nowadays I don't trust when they say it's yuri but I also don't trust when they say it's friendship
I feel you. The problem with friendship is when the author does not, in any way, describe a friendship relationship but they keep calling it friendship anyway, that's really annoying.
But if a series is literally advertised as "friendship story" I know I won't enjoy it. At least keep it vague and never address it so we can form our idea about it, but if they go out of their way to insist it's just friendship then they're closing the doors for any yuri interpretation.
Menou losing some of her memories every time she uses Akari's power is rough. The part where she almost forgot about Momo was heartbreaking.
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I've just found this. おともだちロボ チョコ by Iruma, is it yuri?
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Ajisai > Kaho > Satsuki > literally any other girl > Mai
Is this correct? I'm halfway through the 4th volume.
All of them are trash.
Aajisai > Mai > Satsuki > Kaho
are the mikami teren series as "stupid" as their naming and art make them seem like? I always tell myself I'll read one of them sometime but whenever I'm in the mood for a pure romance series (no fantasy/fighting etc) I'm also looking for something more dorodoro and bittersweet so I end up skipping his novels.
I know I shouldn't judge a LN by it's cover but I just can't help it and there is always something else to read.
Oh anon you will have issues finding something dumber to read
Just read it decide it yourself instead of asking about it because lots of people are complete schizo about it here
They are VERY stupid, but a lot of people seem to like them anyway
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Watanare is a fun romcom
Arioto is a fun smut
Both are pretty fun series
>Anon asks if they are well written
>Anon answers that they are fun
Red flag right here
If you're looking for pure romance with a dash of bittersweet AdaShima fits the bill perfectly.
Teren's writing is actually too high level for some posters around here. Those poor autists probably still think Renako is straight and unattractive.
Has the author of Sexiled published other yuri-related works? Finished the two books and liked them quite a bit.
She also wrote A Lily Blooms in Another World. It's been a while since I read it but it's an isekai where the MC kidnaps her love interest and just kinda waits until Stockholm Syndrome kicks in. There's a bizarre scene towards the end where the village is ravaged by covid (seriously) and the love interest makes her own father beg for his life on his knees. I didn't enjoy it and I was quite disappointed because I enjoyed Sexiled. She also writes a series called Dragon Daddy Diaries but the MC is a young loli and I haven't read it yet.
Mai > Satsuki > Kaho > Renako sister > Ajisai
>Dragon-Daddy Diaries
Doesn't sound like yuri lul...
>the love interest makes her own father beg for his life on his knees
>Maxwell's death
The author sure doesn't like fathers.
The question is what will happen when the manga reachs the ending of the LN, the WN got cancelled because of the LN just when it was starting the new arc.
>new arc
But isn't Laplace basically the strongest being in the world? What's the new arc gonna be about?
Have no idea since it was at the very start with some random story that ended.
There are people who unironically do not understand watanare of all thing?
there are people who simply do not like watanare, but if they criticize it they get called schizo or retard
Just so you know, what you keep doing in general/manga thread is not criticizing in any form
>Watanare 4 - May 7
But V4 is out already
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Also I need to know if Satsuki really changed her job to homewrecker because this is very much not a nice move
Otherwise, what's her keikaku?
Already read it a while ago, it was very fun, Kaho's "get a real problem you damn normie" and Renako going crazy with confidence drug scenes are particularly funny for me

Also I bring some interesting parts of author afterwords
>As I mentioned in the afterword for Volume 1, I enjoy writing about girls in love, and I hope they’ll be happiest when not held back by any taboos. Therefore! In the end, I stopped thinking about it, reread Volumes 1 through 3 multiple times, made a Renako in my mind, and let her take the reins to reach this ending. I’ll take full responsibility for it, I told her. Yeah, yeah, I know light novels are supposed to go a certain way, but don’t worry about that, Renako. Go do your thing
Apparently this was the reason it basically broke the usual tropes and went for threesome. I wonder if author was suprised by the positive reactions considering they were expecting the decision to be controversial

Plus, Teren Mikami version of yuri definition
>A believer that all emotions directed from one girl to the next—affection, the desire to murder, friendship, rivalry, you name it, are classified as yuri.
Accidentally used the Release Date instead of the Early Digital. Oops.
Have you read the takes people have around here? Or seen them get wrapped into the same arguments over and over? There are some shockingly stupid people on this board.
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What's the context of this illustration?
no one here read this novel.
>that time Shimamura kidnapped a little girl because she thought it would be funny
Probably just more shipping fuel like everything in that novel, as far as I know there is no concrete yuri in that one so far
Shimamura would never do something like this, at most she will travel with a child inside a luggage over the country
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Making Magic 7 - May 6
>no Tabitabi 13 - April 16
April 23
I need to ask the same questions, has this one gives any hints or bring up the topic of romance between girls or MCs

For example Hikivamp has a pretty non serious romance plot line but it least brings up the topic iirc. I need to know if this one did the same before reading
Sendai is ok but Miyagi sounds a lot more childish and less cold than the PV and it doesn't suit the character.
I don't understand how to buy it though.
I disagree, Miyagi sounds more like a annoyed bitch
Japanese Speaker here who's bought the Novels. In Volume 10, Yasumi has a dream of Yuuhi kissing her neck and touching her all over. (While they're both at the time actually sleeping in the same bed.)
It's still not available for digital purchase anywhere yet
I want to buy it physically though.

Adachi had a dream of kissing Shimamura on the lips in volume one...
So there is basically nothing on the topic even after 10 vols?
It's just a VERY slow burn. We're getting there. I'm out of country for a few months so I won't be able to buy Volume 11, but I'll let you know if anything happens in Volume 11 from what I hear.
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These questions have probably been asked a thousand times, so I offer OC as an apology.

Is there any fan translations of Watanare that are ahead of the official release?

Also is there any translation of Arioto beyond volume 5? I have read the fungus translations.

Arigatou gozaimasu
>muh slow burn excuse for something with 10+ volumes
Nigga please, use something else
At least you help me out of reading it, so thanks for that
>Ask 2 questions while offering only one OC
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>the reason Sendai-san is sleeping next to me
>it's because I went inside her futon
This is what yuri is all about, honestly. Fucking masterpiece.
For her sake (kanojo no tame ni)... Yea, I am a big pervert for her sake. Because... reasons!
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Fine, you greedy slut here's another.
>Is there any fan translations of Watanare that are ahead of the official release?
Nope, just wait until the end of the year.

>Also is there any translation of Arioto beyond volume 5? I have read the fungus translations.
No, unfortunately, not every serie can have Sneikkimies translation.
Learn jp or cn and you will always read everything up to date.
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420 is perfect for Shimamura.
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That's ShuuKura, not AdaShima.
Tomato tomato
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Another volume full of nothing but
>Why is she kissing me? Why does she keep calling my name? Why can't she keep her hands off me? She must really hate me!
Reading Ubaware is burning my braincells.
I wonder how it will play out when the inevitable will happen and Ajisa- I mean, Matsuri will go on the attack for real and find out about their relationship. Maybe it's just me but it looked like she had some yandere tendencies.
Thanks for sharing. I'm also enjoying it and it even got me reading Watashi no Hatsukoi Aite ga Kiss shiteta. This can't end well if Takasora grows up into Chiki 2.0
I've recently begun reading Yuri light novels (and novels in general but I know where I am). The ones I've fully read, Adachi and Shimamura, and the Bloom into You spinoff, were fun, short reads that remind me of the trashy dollar-store romance novels of my youth, before Amazon came around and forced decision paralysis on that subgenre. Nothing groundbreaking, teetering on the edge of quality, but they're enjoyable ways to spend an afternoon. No questions here, just wanted to blogpost for a bit. I'm about to continue I'm in love with the Villainess now.
>Why is she kissing me? Why does she keep calling my name? Why can't she keep her hands off me? She must really hate me!
Is why people are reading it
>I'm about to continue I'm in love with the Villainess now.
Let us know which volume causes you to drop the series.
Unlike Wakaba, the people reading it understand that Komaki is in love with her.
And after you drop it, check out Otherside Picnic.
Yes, but it's meant to be like this, the classic conflict between the one who wants to be loved and the one who doesn't understand she is loved.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the web novels are done, right? Is the LN following them?
I have no idea because I only read the LN.
Teren's novels are very danseimuke so it depends if that bother you or if you don't mind.
Everything after Volume 2 really does just make the series worse, huh? Even most of Volume 2, (Like the filler Arcs of Chapters 5 and 6) are just a massive slog. Really does not deserve to be as popular as it is.
It's only popular in the us.
It's also popular in Korea, brasil, and several other countries
I am Brazilian I can tell you there are no popular LNs or manga anymore. Though for sure it's popular on korea since the series has an Manhwa adaptation.
The series will peak once Inori confirmed sister incest and age gap yuri.
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The 13th volume of Tabitabi has been published. The second chapter is pretty much a yuri romcom, complete with a happy ending. They also released the reboot of Riviere but sadly this one didn't include the chapter where everyone turns into lesbians and Elaina sells herself to old women.
>sadly this one didn't include the chapter where everyone turns into lesbians and Elaina sells herself to old women.
The fuck? You mean I wasted my money for nothing?
Looks popular enough in Amazon Brazil. You can't expect to see a niche physical books flying around on bookshops everywhere. Not that anyone visits a bookshop anymore nowadays.
Believe me, all of those reflect in nothing sales nowadays, it's not even fault of the product itself, it's just the economy that is that bad.
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This is one thing that could kill sales. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put the illustration upside down? How can you attract casual readers when they can't even see what it's about without vertically turning their head 180°?
You know you can flip the book, you don't need to turn your head, right?
That's not how it works. In the moment you take it in your hands the book already attracted your attention. You won't come in a comic shop and start flipping books. I don't know if you've ever seen how comic shops are in Japan. Thousands of volumes facing your way trying to get your attention. Most of them won't even be acknowledged by your brain. It's a war.
Just finished Otherside vol8 and... what the fuck?
I hope I can live enough time to see how the manga will display that nonsense.
the artist will just draw regular sex and assume Sorawo was being chuuni with all the crazy chimera stuff
The part where they eat food off of Sorawo's naked body should be coming up soon in the manga, right? How much nudity gets shown might give us a hint as to how the sex scene will be portrayed. I always wondered if Sorawo had her glasses on when she was naked.
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>“In that case, Alia, my fellow bird...” Elena understood what I meant, and her expression instantly shifted to that of a princess governing the nation, her clear blue gaze directed straight at me. “I, as princess, hereby swear to you this: once, and once only, I shall be your ally, and use all of my power for your sake, no matter what position you may be in.”
>“In that case, Elena, my fellow bird, I hereby swear to you that once, and once only, I will lay my life on the line to reap the life of anyone you wish, no matter who that may be.” I paused. “Even the king, if it comes to that.”
I can't believe no one told me Otome Heroine's Fight for Survival was yuri and had one of the best confessions ever.
Nah, although the manga sometimes miss the "scary" factor, the artist is always trying to replicate everything.
The puke kiss should happen in 2 months I guess..

Also, what's up with the cover? There was nothing in the chapters related to it.
The manga art isn't good or creative enough to do any of it justice.
That's not even the actual yuri girl part
>As I answered, I handed her a cup of hot tea which I had brought as provisions. Lilitia took the cup in both hands, and mumbled awkwardly, “I love you…”
>She said something I didn’t really understand.
>“You love this tea? Glad to hear it.”
>Let’s go ahead and revise that statement so that there are no misunderstandings. I’m sure you meant the tea, right? Not me, right?
>“I love you, Elaina…”
>“You really went out of your way to clarify…”
Why does Elaina always play dumb when it comes to lesbians? Does she still have PTSD from her wand almost raping her that one time?
>25-year-old Elaina still has a flat chest
All is right in the world.
Where are you reading this?
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It's licensed by J-Novel Club but there is only 1 volume published so far.
There is also a fan translation up to volume 6 but it was dropped after it got licensed.
You can find them on nyaa, https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=3_1&q=otome+survival
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Vol. 5 will be released in the fall. I wonder if THAT chapter will have to be edited a lot.
>Also, what's up with the cover? There was nothing in the chapters related to it.
Toriko holding a cock was meant to trick hetfags into reading abstract lesbian sex.
>V3 and V4 are just bad
>V5 is pure autism
>SSCC adds nothing of value for a side b story
>Everything else she writes flops hard
Amazing how Inori peaked early.
It's a cool cover at least.
Maybe if she had focus on writing about yuri and just that instead of insert some convoluted mess of a plot to story, it would have been better.
Then it would be boring
I'd rather Inori full send the tism or just go off and make a incest yuri harem series that she desperately craves
Thand sis
>>4197489 (me)
Chickens are kept at home, it was symbolic of Toriko letting her girlfriend into her home.

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我が焔炎にひれ伏せ世界 got licensed. I’ve seen it posted by Tsuzuri but not sure how relevant it is.
Lycoris Recoil LN also got licensed
Thinking about getting into marimite. Opinions on reading the LN or watching a few episodes of the anime first?
Make sure you have coffe ready
I hope not. It wasn't that extreme, so I don't see why they'd change it.
it's not relevant.
Read the first three LNs at least.
I finished Yuri Tama Vol 3 last week and finished Watanare Vol 4 this week. I can't help but think Yotsuba is the far superior alpha dyke.
More like being a better bottom bait lol

Karasu Pirero's「聖女先生の魔法は進んでる!」getting second volume. Will be out in June.
Anyone read the first volume?
The manga got licensed, not the LN.
Why don't they write the number of copies it sold?
On Oricon's site it's not even in the top 10 and the 10th one sold 3000 copies.
That blog post is using Kadokawa's sales ranks, so it doesn't have other publishers or numbers like Oricon's list. Interestingly, ShuuKura is above Only Sense Online 23 on Kadokawa's list and apparently below it on Oricon's.
I would assume it's always tracking below ranked data and Kadokawa never gave any printed numbers either, though I wouldn't worry about this too much, some works keep selling over the whole year until they reach decent numbers for LNs (which are far below manga).
Kadokawa's are printed numbers and Oricon's are sales for consumers
Are we ever getting Omae Gotoki volume 5
I doubt it, seems to me they will just continue with the manga instead, which is a pity because the manga is a terrible adaptation.
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From the blog:
>The methodology is not provided, however, it is strongly suggested that these are based on the total sales the volumes have made throughout the week and are most likely inclusive of digital sales.

More likely the difference is where they get their sales data from. For example, Oricon doesn't list Melonbooks in the stores they get sales information from, and it has among the best extras for yuri series, including ShuuKura.
Okay I finished Shuukura volume 4 and I just can't wait anymore. Please tell me which chapter it ends on in the web version so I can keep reading.
(I found it myself) 118 out of current 333. Whoa, that's insane. Didn't expect it to be that long.
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I've now found this link via google and it shows ShuuKura as #20 but with no sold copies

>I wouldn't worry
I'm not worried. The publisher seems satisfied with it. 4 volumes released in one year, a manga adaption immediately announced, reprints, ranked in two LN contests. I don't think there is anything to be worried about. I'm just curious to know how much yuri sales.
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Yes! Oh bless Madokami, today is a good today. Now to wait for the English release date.
I'm still convinced that the Satsuki they killed at the end of book 7 was not the real Satsuki. The one at the funeral was nothing like the one that actually talked to Sorawo at the beginning of the book. We'll see if it comes up in book 9.
Runa looks so fucking smug
Do you think that is the urasekai? Did Sorawo let someone else join her and Toriko despite she hates it? Or is it the real world and they just left Kozakura alone at home?
I'm still trying to figure out the cover of volume 8 btw.
I think they're just outside the farm in the mountains Sorawo was given ownership of. But they're definitely going to get pulled into the Otherside with Runa.
>Toriko dual wielding alcohol
>Runa present
>the farm
>some weird hole in the earth
Looks good, I can't wait. I wonder how much clingy Toriko will be allowed to get away with?
Why is Sorawo squirting?
Her GF has that look in her eyes.
God lord please no, let that boring "alpha" bitch rest already, the otherside has already became a joke playgroud to Sorawo, there's no reason to literally shit on what was wrote on vol7 like this, Satsuki was always write as a baggage to others characters and it got solved already.
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Oh that's great news, I was thinking about this just yesterday.
>Runa on the cover
And I couldn't ask for anything better, she's one of my favorite characters.
>Kozakura is as short as Kasumi
Why does Karateka look demonic? Is she going to "accidentally" smash Nattsun's hand so that she'll have to fed by Akari? Has Toriko awakened her to the benefits of lesbian domestic violence?>>4199839
I wish those two just would get lost inna Otherside and never show up again.

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Hero's Killer Bride just got a second volume.
How was the first volume yuriwise?
Found an interesting channel focused on yuri that has some good reading recommendations, some LNs too but mostly novels in general.

Not much focused on yuri, the world setting is interesting though and I find the protagonist monologues funny, you have a morally ambiguous vengeance cycle involving the hero/demons and the protagonist has a very skeptic view of the world being an assassin of the church mostly used to kill people for political reasons. The yuusha gets attached to the protag but it`s more in an innocent, dog-like way, she has to hide from everyone that she is a girl so the protagonist is the first person her age she can open herself to. The protagonist gradually starts to care about the yuusha and feels guilty for lying to such an innocent and vulnerable girl, but again nothing sexual.
On volume two there is one scene they break into the saint's bedroom(the one on the cover >>4199971) after hearing screams and it was just her topping a nun and making her orgasm.. By the end of the volume the protagonist realizes she wants to be along the yuusha and tells her she wants to be the hero's bride, not the bride of god/the church..
>some weird hole in the earth
if you mean the one under the campfire then I think its just the vent for a dakota fire hole.
Huh, yeah that makes sense looking at it again.
anyone has epubs for volume 2 of ふつおたはいりません ? Plz
when are the new AriOto or WataNare supposed to be announced? It's been a while since the last, is the author busy?
>is the author busy
The author is also doing Love Love now, so probably yeah…
My schizo theory is that he's putting it off to announce it alongside with its anime adaptation.
Both slowed down after he got pulled into love live

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