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>starting off with futashit aislop
You might be retarded
Why is nami x robin so popular? I'm not complaining of course.
They are the only two girls from the protagonist group. It didn't really matter at that point if they have actual chemistry with each other or not.
There is already a Shounen thread. Stick to that one. No need to make redundant threads for non-yuri shit.
That's why some shounen manga artists have learned a lesson: you can't just include one female character in the main character group; at least you should include two. Otherwise, there won't be much yuri involvement in your manga from fans.

Nami definitely gives strong bislut energy. Her best ship is with Vivi, though I'm pretty sure Oda won't do much with it in the series proper. He's been telegraphing LuNa for some time.
>Nami definitely gives strong bislut energy
Oda hinted that Nami is a lesbian for a very long time.
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Even though I like to joke that too, many people take things out of context in regards to the "evidence". When it said in her bio "She likes strong female marines" it's because they remind her of her mother, not that she wants to fuck them. The only time she ever showed any sexual or romantic interest in a woman is when she made a joke about wanting Kalifa as her sexy secretary.
But in reverse, right at the moment, I can't think of a single moment where she ever showed ANY interest in a guy. Not even as a joke.
Basically what I am saying is, don't jump to conclusions.
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It's about time we had our own thread.
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Non-retarded version
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Whoops didn't realize we had a dedicated OP thread now. Canon.
>When it said in her bio
It's actually from the end of Punk Hazard (chapter 696 i'd post a picture, but i'm under an IP ban for uploading files, apparently), and while i do agree that people exaggerate the evidence (some people also bring up her saying that Cindry was pretty when she was alive in Thriller Bark, for example), that line about female marines in particular always gets translated in the most homoerotic way possible, the Viz one is:
"I have a weakness for powerful stares from lady sailors" and "If you want to be saved, a strong but gentle lady sailor is best"
Like, yeah, it's obviously a reference to Bellemere, but she's also attributing those qualities to Tashigi in that context, and with that wording i don't blame people for taking it the wrong way.
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Imo this is some of the best Nami x Robin art out there. Maybe the singular best. That raw passion can't be beat and it's four god tier outfits together.
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Such a shame the artist don't do more purely /u/ work. In fact I think this was the only one.
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Nyabeyo is an absolute king for doing so much pure yuri of Nami and Robin. It's not 100% of their work, but the love of the pairing shows with just how much they do of it.
It takes restraint to have a doujin involving Robin that doesn't eventually involve futa for one reason or another.
Meant for >>4198027 , not myself.
>Nyabeyo is an absolute king for doing so much pure yuri of Nami and Robin. It's not 100% of their work, but the love of the pairing shows with just how much they do of it.

Yeah, like every second or third piece they do is pure Nami/Robin goodness. You can tell they genuinely enjoy the pairing and it isn't just a whim. Top tier for real.
We could fill an entire thread just with Nyabeyo's stuff.
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Blessed. Much love to all the other artists doing OP yuri of course, but yeah completely outstanding.
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Would literally read a whole ass 20 page doujin about just this honestly.
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I'd kill for a full sex-fight version of the Black Maria chapter.
I'm down. It really is kind of a shame Robin grew to Maria's size for only like 2 panels.
> earlier doujin has Sadi-chan and Hancock, but there's futa
God dammit
> the sequel gets fat boy blackbeard involved
God fucking dammit
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imo echosaber's pretty high up there too. Though I like nyabeyo's art style a lot more. They do way more het so boo but they still put out regular OP yuri. Gotta be one of the few dedicated Nami/Yamato shippers out there.
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EchoSaber is top-tier, too. The way they portray Yamato as a dudebro-type tomboy makes the Nami pairing that much better.
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And that delicious size difference. Which most other artists rarely seem to care about.
It's very annoying how many people don't draw Yamato at her proper height.
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Headcanon time: Robin is better at eating pussy but Nami is better at eating ass. That's not to say Robin doesn't like to get up in there when she's in the mood, but Nami is naughtier and bolder and it's a regular move for her.
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I can see Robin never having thought about doing it on either end before meeting Nami, and now she's learned to enjoy her specialty.
And you're absolutely right, Robin is an absolute monster at eating pussy.
I support this pairing in large part due to their art.
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Absolutely demonic oral skills. She could make most girls nut in no time at all, but of course she savors every moment and takes her time.
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She'd definitely hold back and avoid going all-in on making them cum for a while, just because she thinks the noises they make are cute.
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Slow and steady. And that's even without getting into sex hijinx with her devil fruit. Literally a master of lesbian sex. Nami's good, but Robin's great.

also this'll sound completely insane maybe but have you been posting in the /h/ threads these last few weeks? Think I recognize your style. Cool to see you if so.
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>have you been posting in the /h/ threads these last few weeks?
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No judgement or anything, me too. There's not much of a reason anymore now that we have a thread here though. I was the one who posted wayy back that I was mostly just there for the yuri but Robin's a babe. Was cool to see it kick off a wave of yuri posting.
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Nyabeyo yuri fans add me on discord! First people I've EVER seen appreciating his art...

Nami: giant tits
Hancock: giant ass
Perfectly balanced
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This gotta be my favorite one yet
Absolutely amazing. His art's just getting better and better imo.
Do you send requests late at night only to retire them later? Cause I'm asleep at that time.
Vivi is so lucky.
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It's One Piece. The girls have obscene proportions in canon anyway, what's the harm in making them a bit more juicy? It's comfy.
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Because it's not "more juicy", it's fucking ridiculous fat cows that look utterly horrendous
Your brain is totally fried if you think that is erotic.
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I can understand the point but also they literally look like this in the show. Call them fat if you want but it still makes more sense than outrageously tiny waists.
we're talking about this image >>4223964
if you think they look like this in canon, then your brain is even more fucked up than I thought
I know. I'm saying in the show they've got gigantic boobs and absurdly slim waists, which is insanely disproportionate. Fanart where they're thick as hell instead of stick figure slim is disproportionate just in the other direction. Either way their proportions are completely disproportionate and ridiculous so it's kinda weird to be okay with one but hate the other.
Your argument is the one that is weird
It's like saying it's okay to post yaoi on yuri board, because both are about gays, so it's interchangeable, right?
And yes, OnePiece proportions are absurd but they still look attractive and most importantl: human. Not that abomination at that one post. It's literally just a mass of fat with a a tiny head on it
The more disgusting, the hotter it is.
I guess I just don't get why the girls being stick figure barbie dolls is fine and good while them being fat cows (your words) is awful and disgusting and gross. Both depictions are super porny and disproportionate just in different directions. We can agree to disagree though, sorry for any troubles.
>why do you like one thing but not the other
It's not hard to understand that people have preferences.
You'd think the people who originally went eww disgusting would be the ones who need to understand that, no?
the difference is that I understand people have different preferences, but I think some of these people are legitimate retarded to consider these monsters "attractive human females"(truth is you guys have a super strong tunnel vision and never look at a character whole and only focus on your fetish, which causes these inhuman body proportions.)
meanwhile the very concept seems to be completely alien to you
But again, both the barbie doll stick figure and thick bootymonster aesthetics are porny and fetishistic. I can understand people who think both are gross, but I don't get claiming one is okay but the other isn't.
once again, let's just use the good old yaoi vs yuri example, which you didn't respond to the first time. Both are about gay people, so according to your messed up logic, both are interchangeable.
Do you agree with that or not? If not, explain. And your explanation would be the same for why one exaggerated aesthetic is not the same as the other. (and you act like the OnePiece canon aesthetics are as inhuman as that flesh monster in the image that started the discussion. A thin waist and big boobs =/= giant amount of fats that give you elephant legs. One still looks human, and the other looks like a giant tumor with a human head attached to it. Just take a step back from the screen and look at the entire character in that image)
>once again, let's just use the good old yaoi vs yuri example, which you didn't respond to the first time. Both are about gay people, so according to your messed up logic, both are interchangeable.

This entire analogy is completely ridiculous and obviously posted in bad faith. I'm not linking together two unrelated things and saying they're similar because they contain one common thread, I'm directly comparing artstyles that are both fetishistic and pointing out how declaring one as okay but the other as bad makes no sense.
you do EXACTLY that, are you fucking kidding me?
How fucked up is your brain that you think these two artstyles are comparable, while yuri/yaoi is not? Is it drug use? Did your mother drank alcohol while pregnant? SOMETHING is wrong in your brain.
the difference is that the person who dislikes them being on the thicker end actively called it "gross" while the people who prefer that *didn't* call the Oda-accurate proportions gross. one party is objectively being more understanding here.
actual moid behaviour. jesus.
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Massive lesbian orgy doujinshi:

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Keep the thread comfy please.

I love this meme is making a comeback honestly
Beautiful. I like that "Tashigi getting molested by other women" is a genre that's taking off.
>Nami: We would like to invite you to our girls-only pirate-marine friendship party.
>Tashigi: Oh nice, like, we talk about boys and pretty dresses?
>Nami: Something like that
cue pic related

I just realized Tashigi is the only marine in that group, it was like walking into a lions den
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Funnily enough, one of few other full /u/ OP doujinshis has that exact premise, it was made way before that random cover with Reiju and it pairs her with Hancock, whom i don't think Tashigi ever met in canon either. Guess this artist was just ahead of their time.
Oops, forgot the link
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Blessed echosaber. I like the implication they're doing it right on the deck too.
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It's not even implied, that's absolutely on the deck. They probably couldn't wait until they got back to their room.
Salty as the ocean.
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why do her armpits look like pussies thats not what they look like
It's what they should look like.
Weirdo armpit fetishism.
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Who's winning the twerk off?

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