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Previous Thread: >>4135792

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798378237911
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798424059049
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

Riyo Special: https://youtu.be/98s0s3VWwho

Memory of Grand Order: https://youtu.be/WsqeLqJPKUM
>Shimosa chapter 38 is out (RAW), so it should be translated soon;
>Remember, someone picked up Salem's translation. Yes, we are still 31 chapters behind, but at least we back on track.
(Game EN)
>4* Ticket (now I can finally get Altera's wife);
>Blue Apples (so we can finally waste less AP by turning them into Apples).
(Game JP)
>JP is having a collab with Mahoutsukai no Yoru (honestly, while I had watched Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai before, Mahoutsukai I never did, so this one is really meaningless to me, but maybe someone here will be excited about being able to get Aoko or the Caster girl).
Some Anon in the vidya thread is gay.
Not FGO related, but Birdhatter released a little doujin for a gyaru focused anthology, and since "we" kinda like Birdhatter around here, I thought to post it if anyone here didn't read it yet:

As always, let me know if I forgot something.
Also, really sorry Anon, I really intended to use pic related as the OP, but then I got Super Bunyan, so I had to use a pic with her.
More like that entire thread has become retarded with all the bullshit fighting going on
Is that so? I usually just go there to see what new is releasing and then leave, so I have no idea why they would even be fighting.
Some people not wanting games with subtext, others not wanting western games or arguing western vs. japanese. Also some anons deciding to police the thread.
That sounds pretty annoying alright. Specially considering that that's a discussion as old as time.
(not that I can judge anyone, as I also often hit the same keys on my complaints)
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In the FGO fangame that I'll never make (much like Lasagna/Aniplex/whoever will never make that PC/Console game), I would totally edit that Halloween Event to say that after Gudako's body becomes Shub's avatar (or whatever it was, my memory is bad), because of her connection with the other Foreigners, it starts to assimilate(?) Shub's powers, and by the time the player gets back to the castle, it already morphed into the form we see in fanarts (pic related).
. . .
Or rather, when entering the castle, the player would be asked to select a difficulty:
Where it would play like in the original, the player would fight the Dark Young as a Caster Class.
Where players would face "Baphodako" as a Foreigner Class, with highly increased difficulty compared to the Dark Young fight (basically a Challenge Quest).
And as a reward for clearing that difficulty, Gudako after getting her body back, it would retain part of Shub's power, massively increasing her mana storage/capacity, so using Servants like S.Ishtar, Arjuna Alter, etc, would be less exhausting for her and would make the rest of the game even more of a cakewalk.
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As always sorry for the solo images, I just can't resist sometimes.
>so using Servants like S.Ishtar, Arjuna Alter, etc, would be less exhausting for her and would make the rest of the game even more of a cakewalk.
Mm, personally I'd find that to be bad writing and really boring. Not even Sword Art Online completely throws away all pretense of stakes for its Gary Stu.
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Is that so? I myself would think that "having one's body used as vessel for an Outer God's power (even if just part of it) would have some lasting effects" to be a reasonable thought/assumption... Sure, maybe my choice for said "lasting effect" was too broken, but considering the scale of Outer Gods, that, too, seemed fairly reasonable to me (specially for a vessel that's already used to being close to other vessels).
>and really boring
Now if others perceive it as "boring" then there's nothing I can do...
But then again, it's not like I'll ever actually do it, so no point in keeping or scrapping ideas.
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It would be interesting to see Gudako get corrupted and Mash has to save her in one of the main stories. That Halloween event was really cool, because it was the first time where Gudako's body became the enemy. That meant the whole fight strategy had to change. I said in the past I can't believe there isn't a main story where the villain takes a corrupted Gudako as her Master and Chaldea has to fight her. Imagine using our command seals on the enemy against Mash and other Chaldea? That would be so interesting.
Oh~ I remember that idea.
Tho I can't say it would definitely happen if this wasn't a gacha game, I do believe it being a gacha game prevents it from ever happening.
It's still quite the cool idea tho.
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Who did you sisters pick for the ticket? I picked Salter.
As much as I want to increase Salter's NP (and Barghest's) and continue to curse the fact she's "Story banner locked", I used the ticket to finally get Altera's wife.

(part of me wanted to use it to get Tsuna, but you won't hear it from me)
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Nero, so that I'll have one version. Also helps that she's got a bunch of interludes and strengthenings.
Would you look at that, first >>4199998 and now:
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7538581 (link so I don't post another solo image).
Some here may or may not remember me mentioning my wish for after everything is over, Gudako and Mashu opening a bakery together, now I wonder why these "Baker Gudako" images? Was there any CE or something recently portraying that?
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In the Mahoyo collab event Gudako says that her wish is to open a bakery with someone she loves, that's why there are fan art of baker Gudako
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Is it implied who she's talking about? Given how dense Gudako is to all the servants that love her I thought she didn't know what love was.
Guess that means the devs really do read these threads... now why this is the only thing they took from here? I'm obviously biased towards my own ideas, but I'd like to think I have proposed some interesting ones throughout the years...
(joking, of course)

You can say that again. (forgot to commment on this yesterday)


She means "love" in the "super friendship" way.
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Really glad some artists are already drawing these designs (tho they're once again neglecting Olga).
>Kawasumi Ayako commenting that Gudako looks like she's in the mafia
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I love how much small little moments the Salem manga gives Gudako with her servants. This manga really made me like Circe and her relationship with Gudako.
Also I wish we got more of Kiara trying to help Gudako with mental attacks. It's like they forget she's a psychiatrist. It would've been so much better if she was the one in Gudako's head protecting her.
Not gonna lie, I quite liked Salome's part in Traum, it's a shame she's basically cursed, but it was still very nice.
Also, anyone else under the impression that Gudako doesn't actually care too much about her own life, and just doesn't want to die because other people would be sad?

>Be me
>Liked Circe from the get go
>Odysseus gets released
>Game makes me like Circe less
>Manga restores part of my liking of Circe
Also, speaking of manga, Shimosa chapter 38 is translated.
(and by the looks of it, "that scene" may very well happen next chapter)

While Kiara-chan is undoubtedly qualified for the job, having her rent free in Gudako's head would be more than a little dangerous, reminds me of this little doujin:
https://imgur.com/a/treatment-of-patient-casino-after-olympus-tl-lxDz7gp (it's missing at least 1 page, but one can still understand everything without it)
Either way, it would still be nice to see Kiara-chan having a more active role protecting Gudako, but unfortunately the devs went with that weird "no one can even remember her when she's not involved, and even when she is, it's just some vague memories" route, which btw, I would rather that Gudako still remembered her at all times, even if everyone else (bar Kama, probably) forgot... But what can we do?
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>it's missing at least 1 page
Went to verify, and it's missing 2 pages (or at least, they aren't showing up for me).
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And this.
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Hakunon psuedo-servant when?

I need this!
Said before, and will say again (if I say it enough, maybe it'll actually happen):
If Fate/EXTRA Record releases before FGO ends (or is released at all, it's almost 2 years since the last trailer), it may happen then.
Forgot link...
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If she became a servant her and Gudako would be shipped so hard. They never and they already have a decent amount of fanart
Gudako feels like someone who while trying to save humanity is slowly losing her own. From watching people die to basically committing mass genocide in the LB stories I can see why she'd start to value her own life less and less. That's why I love servants like Kama that try to relieve her stress (even if it's in their own twisted way) because it really shows they care and love her.
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Yeah I have been waiting for so long for the game to drop and I really hope it would come soon!

For sure but I guess so far it is only people that has played Fate/Extra that has actually made these fanarts. But exposing Hakunon to the entire FGO playerbase would absolutely make a grand spark in this pairing and most likely (at least hopefully) make an avalanche of new shipping art with them.
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Fortunately I still have the whole thing.
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That's it. It's quite sad really. Most of us probably envisioned Gudako as your typical [Genki Girl], but somewhere, I can't help but think that that "reality" now became a "façade" in order to not worry those around her... But yeah, it's very nice when Servants like Kama worry and try to ease her burden.

Same, tho my case is to finally be able to play EXTRA. CCC's translation is finally finished, but since there's this remake being made, I don't really want to go to the original.

Many thanks Anon.
Batman reminds me of Batman's struggles. She might think everything she's doing is pointless and that there's always a new threat around the corner no matter how many times she saves the world. She goes on vacation and ends up having to save everyone. She wants to enjoy the holidays and ends up having to save everyone. But she can't complain or stop because she knows it's her burden to carry. The issue she has is that said burden was pushed onto her. She now has to shoulder all these responsibilities and she knows running away from them means the end of the world. Her 2 EoR manga really show all the trauma she goes through, and how she keeps getting back up despite all of that. The sad part is while she has to carry the burden for humanity she doesn't want the others to carrying the weight of any of her burdens. She really embodies the whole "who makes the clown laugh" saying.

Speaking of this reminds me of that Nito and Helena doujin with Gudako
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Finally someone scanned it, but its in Chinese.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I also really like that little doujin (even tho it brings back that question of "why would Gudako even be full of injuries and scars when she has doctors, magicians and magic doctors with her?").

It's just a matter of time probably. So, where's it? Sad Panda?
Shit gacha rolls
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Looking back at it I meant Gudako* reminds me of Batman's struggles. >>4214486
Maybe she's too embarrassed to tell anyone. It seems like she only went to those two because of the swimsuit rather than her going to them to get rid of the injuries.
>BB's Grail Front starting when I'm still halfway through Traum
Since I see no expiration date for the Traum quests, I guess it's already permanent, but me being me, I really don't want to start something else before finishing it...


>Looking back
That did look weird, but since it didn't hinder my understanding and was kinda funny, I kept it to myself.

>It seems like she only went to those two because of the swimsuit rather than her going to them to get rid of the injuries.
That's for sure, tho it probably boils down to "these injuries won't kill me so I don't want to bother anyone with it". Either way, with Nightingale around, I doubt she wouldn't forcibly strip Gudako to look for such injuries.
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Cover and back cover for the fifth Shimousa volume, Shuten and Gudako look amazing. We'll get a new chapter on June 11th.
You know me, can't resist long hair Gudako.

It surely is amazing, shame I'll need to wait the month to turn to buy it.

>We'll get a new chapter on June 11th.
Oh shit.

Now that's some heavy sleeping.
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So, next year anniversary maybe we can get more than 1000 SQ if you had a lot servant full ascensed
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technically that happens with this year's anniversary, next year's anniversary we'll get around 300 quartz
Finally! Finally!! FINALLY!!!! After almost 4 years and 1500~1600+ SQs, I finally got Summer!BB (in 19 summons).
Now I only need to pay someone to make art of her with Gudako, because there's almost none...

Also, unrelated but...
>Imagine losing to Kiyohi at this point in the story
Also didn't expect to have Kiyohi and Salome in the same story, tho one was more significant than the other.

Like >>4216000 said, it's this year.
Incidentally, after knowing about it almost 2 years ago, I promtly started leveling the male Servants I locked in the Second Archive, but then, after getting the first one to 4th Ascension, I started procrastinating, and to this day, still have only that first one at 4th Ascension... That's some high level laziness for you I guess...

. . .
There was something else to say... But I forgot.
Ayy, grats sis.
BB summer is one of the character i want to draw better
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You can do it Anon! Don't end up like me.

Marie was my first non-welfare to reach NP5, I wonder if I can have similar luck with her Alter.
When will we get our next servant that's super into Gudako. We haven't gotten a Eresh, Jalter, Melty, Kama level servant since Castoria and Morgan. Were those two so may for Gudako it rendered any future gay servant needless?
"We got Castoria, Morgan and Melusine again last year"
I'm sure someone would say.

Anyways, I'd love to be able to be optimistic here, but I'm afraid I can't.
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My commission finally came, it was supposed to be the other way around with Gudako eating out Chloe but I guess google translate can only do so much.
More Chloe x Gudako always very welcome
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They're the only summer servants I want next year
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Though not a new servant I have seen a lot of Koyanskaya x Gudako art pop up
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Why is Gudako's giant wife so cute?
That's great Anon!
And thank you for making me feel less bad for still not having Illya.

What about the one in your pic related?

Which's also great, and I hope we get many more n the future.

Gap Moe?
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Oh yeah I want her as well. I meant it more that I want Morgan and her knights. Just realized you only mentioned Melusine with Morgan.
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Yeah, my bad, I just mentioned only the two because they are the most "upfront" about their affection.

Weirdly rare.
Or maybe not that weird, don't have her so I don't know how affectionate she is.
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Weirdly enough Scathach is probably the most affectionate of the Scathach group. Her summer version and Skadis two versions are weirdly lacking of affection towards Gudako.
Feet showing Ereshkigal skin/alt when?
Whenever she will get a summer version :^)
This year. Surely. I pray.
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Did something happen? What's with all the new Barg art out of nowhere? Not complaining though
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Her and Altera are surely due a summer version by now. Lip as well. And since they've given every other Artoria a summer version now has to be Lalter's time to shine.
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Yeah, I have heard before that Shishou was an exception to the rule that "Summer Servants will be always more into Gudako", but that both Skadis lack affection seems a bit weird... guess they knew she would sell by Meta Value alone and didn't bother...

>From the devs that neglected her for years despite being one of the most popular Servants, and when they finally gave her some spotlight and a "Alter version", it was merely a [Costume Dress], without even bothering to give her a much needed Animation Update

Not that I'm aware of.
But are there really that many new ones?

Altera at least got a Santa version and a Idol Costume (not saying she doesn't need a Summer version, after all, her wife has one), but Eresh just have """"Alter version"""" and Lip got nothing...
But indeed,
>Artoria; Check.
>Salter; Check.
>Lartoria; Check.
>X; Check (XX, technically).
>Castoria; Check.
So only Salter Lancer and Ecchan are missing, and since XXAlter will probably never happen, they gotta give Salter Lancer her Summer version (along with Summer Nightingale would be great), so she can finally stop being one of the most boring Servants in the game.

Thank you.
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Sorry I was wrong. I never saw her Valentine scene and wow did they really crank it up to 11 with Summer Skadis affection for Gudako. You really got to see it when you get a chance.
Well shit.
Unfortunately, this is where I become my own worst enemy, as I don't check Valentine scenes or even Voice Lines of Servants I don't have... and it's worse for seasonal variants, who if I happen to get, I won't acknowledge that fact until I also get the original (to this day I pretend I don't have Summers Shishou and Ishtar -among others- because I don't have their originals)...
Also damn, if I knew that a few weeks ago, I would have tried a little harder to get Skadi during her latest banner.
Oh well, I do want Summer!Wu, so if I happen to get Summer!Skadi as well, it'll only be a matter of getting her original later.

Also, someone post that little doujin of Skadi showing her swimsuit to Medb (if anyone has it typesetted).
Summer Wu's valentine scene is probably the sweetest yandere-esque scene I've ever seen. With how gay she is for Gudako in her assassin form, and her Summer version doubling down on that, I keep wondering doesn't she have any art with Gudako? Did she just come out at a bad time? Or is it because outside of Abby all the EoR new servants are that popular.
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No problem
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Medb not having any major role during the Artic Summer event was such a wasted opportunity. We could have had so many gap moe moments.
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Unfortunately, Wu just had everything stacked against her... she already started with a massive disadvantage by debutting in the worst EoR chapter, then her Summer version comes out in the year Lasagna decided to make 3 banners, which means 3 5*s, being they
>The Summer variant of the Servant who saved the Quick meta (or at least prevented it from dying)
>Proto!Merlin who people have been asking about since she appeared on arcade
>The best zerker of all time (or so I saw people saying back when they came out)
Not to mention that among the 4*s Gareth is probably more popular, if anything due to her role in LB6.
So yeah, even as a Servant, she's still fighting an uphill battle.

Despite failing to bring myself to like Medb, I do still like how she has a weak spot for Skadi, this doujin specially.

>Medb not having any major role during the Artic Summer event was such a wasted opportunity.
Medb shows up so much in events, and the one event she should show up, she doesn't...
. . . why am I not surprised?

Really like this artist's Gudako x Kama. Shame this isn't their main thing...
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Proto Merlin is a must have for me
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I always like it when the game references the fact that Gudako is getting older
It *is* quite nice, as it takes us away from the Sazae-san format.
But what are the chances they'll hit us with the "I'm too young to drink" joke in the same Event?

As a side note: Am I too far gone to have immediately thought of Gudako's gudakos when Barghest mentioned Habenyan and Miss Crane having to make adjustments to her clothes (Mystic Code)?
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I'd love to see Miss Crane's face when she heard Gudako needed her clothes adjusted because her bust got bigger.
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Funny than now Illya is the fate protagonist with the longest manga
she even replaced her dramatic vertion
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Next chapter is gonna be crazy
Even while evil Raikou is still Fate's best mom
Meant to post this image with that comment
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I endorse that idea. Another one for me to not commission because I have trust issues (aside from being a poorfag).

The RAW of chapter Miku (39) is out as of today (guess that's precisely why the Shuten posting), now we just need to wait the translation.

I don't remember those pages.
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This is pretty ambiguous art. I don't think it should be posted.
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Rare pairing but I like it
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New BirdHatter stuff.
Fuck yes feeding the love of Jacques I gained at Valentine's
She isn't a rider so why she is riding Gudako
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You could say she's ventured off into foreign territory and decided to give being a rider a try
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Birdhatter is horny again.
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The simultaneous horniness and domesticity be hittin'. Really works for Jacques too.
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Would you look at that, living through this week was worth it after all.

Foreigners are beyond normal Classes, so they can do whatever they want.

I'm sorry if I'm reading too hard into it, but just in case you're implying the images you posted are new, they are from august last year.

I'll go ahead and post the ones that came after those as well.

You can say that again, I don't even remember if I ever saw that pairing before.

>Me doing Anniversary banner just to get Xu Fu, despite her hopeless love.
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And of this collection (1/3).
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End (2/3).
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End (3/3).
It's unlikely, since I got them all from Pixiv, but I may be missing pages.
Also, there's 4 more pages after this last one:
But they're just Molay being mischievous and Dantes getting angry at her, so not really board related.
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Speaking of Hassans anyone else surprised we haven't gotten a 4* or 5* Serenity yet? She's the only member of the stalker trio (though I'm sure there's way more stalker servants now) that's still just a 3* servant.
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I meant in general. Though Birdhatter did just draw a new image of them on pixiv
Hm (rambling incoming)... considering Lasagna's track record, I can't say I'm surprised, no... if anything, the Hassans being basically the embodiment of the [Assassin] Class, and we only having 5 out of the 19 possible Servants would be more surprising . . . would be, but then again, we are also missing:
>2 of the Shiten'no (Suetake and Sadamitsu, so Mama can finally get her Animation Update and wield their correct, definitive weapons, if we can still expect Animation Updates that is);
>A bunch of the Shinsengumi;
>Taira no Masakado (as a SMT "fan", it's quite strange to me how we have Kagekiyo but not Masakado... or even that we got Kagekiyo first at all);
>Abe no Seimei;
>If memory serves, Arjuna, Karna and Bhima have other 2 brothers, tho I'm sure they can bring more Indian Servants;
>A bunch of Round Table knights (I'm not one of them, but I know some people have been asking for Agravain, for example, since Camelot);
>I'm sure Charlemagne has more paladins;
>I wouldn't mind getting more Pirates (specially Zheng Yi Sao);
>Let's not forget Violet and Kazuradrop;
>Last but not least (from what I can think of right away), we still have only 1 book (in Nursery, who, btw, we know could have many more appearances/forms, and I want them), and someone years ago suggested we getting the Necronomicon (as a book in 1st Ascension, a little girl in 2nd Ascension and a Eldritch lady in 3rd Ascension), and I don't know if it was the same Anon that suggested, but there was also a suggestion for Sappho, acting as a vessel for the "King in Yellow", which is also a golden idea.
. . .
All of that said: Yes, it is a shame we didn't get another version of Serenity (or even an Update to her early ass animations)...

Also, sorry for the Wall of Text.

Oh. My bad then.
As an apology, I won't mention that you just posted the same image from >>4231902, but from Pixiv instead of twitter
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To this day I can't believe we haven't gotten Henry Avery in the game.
Also, continuing the Lovecraft related part:
I imagine expecting something similar to...
this: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3527699
this: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6685713
or that one girl from Skullgirls, would probably be asking for too much, but something like this:
should be fine.
And if I could, I would like Yoshimura-sensei to design at least one of them.

Many such cases.
Goddamn glorious, thank you for the dump
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BB is too good to waste her time with a hetslut
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My pleasure.

"Hey you, the red one, goddess of... greed? of money? whoever you are, let go of BB. Don't make be call for Kama or Ashtoreth."

Who is the third girl?

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Its Yui she becomes a child in the 3rd dlc this Thursday.
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So it *is* Yui after all. I thought she was, but then was like "but that wouldn't make sense. Yui + Young Mama = mini Yui? What does Anon even mean by that? a child from the two would need at least one characteristic from Mama...", but I guess I was thinking too unnecessarily hard/deep about it.
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Kama is so cute.
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Birdhatter make Kama say this when her Gudako is polygamic xd
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That she is.

That's precisely why she says that, no? specially the "if it only lasts a moment".

Chapter 39 of Shimosa is translated, next one will be the one (unless Wataru-sensei decides to focus on the other group somehow).
Chapter 30 of Salem is also out.
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Welp, next chapter it is. Wonder how graphic Wataru will make it.
What's the thing in the background?
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It's an Ocha Nobbu, an enemy from GudaGuda 7.
Would you be too upset if it was omitted?


Speaking of "upset", I really hate how few fanarts Himiko has... and Iyo has even less...
>Kama banner
>decide to do a multi because what the hell since she avoided me every time
>rainbow sparkles
Yeah, fuck you, Kama. I think for that alone I'll exclude you from my guaranteed picks on anni
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>Kama banner
>Do 11 singles (since I don't do multis)
>Golden sparkles
>Some time later, read Anon's post
>Decide to do a multi for a change
>Second item
>Golden sparkles
>Zerker again
>"Will it be Cat again?"
. . . . . .
Honestly, I was fully intending to say something like "Seems like you didn't have enough love to serve as catalyst for her", but turns out I also don't have enough love to increase her NP without sacrificing too many SQs that I don't have the leeway to, since Summer is right around the corner...
Also, I play this game since a little before the first Christmas Event, and I think Rainbow Sparkles never actually happened to me.

Anyways... can't say I care about Galatea (I'd much rather get a 3rd Ozy), so I'll probably get her to Last Ascension and burn her. (If anyone wants to try to change my mind, feel free to)
I've been playing EN since day one and have seen rainbow sparks twice, maybe three times in all these years.
I think it's three times for me now. My final Morgan was rainbow sparks. Oddly enough, the other two were Ozy
Melt my beloved
>If anyone wants to try to change my mind, feel free to
We're getting quartz for every maxed out servant on anni, so that might be something to consider before burning her.
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Finished event.
Disappointing this pairing never really became a thing. And I’m guessing Bakin got relegated to the roster of forgotten Servants/random cameos?
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Indeed. Her only other meaningful appearance, as far as I can remember, it's in Servantfes 2.0 where she has a side story dedicated to her and Super Bunyan. Otherwise she just has small cameos here and there.
Guess Rainbow Sparks are quite rare then... luckly, they aren't necessary to get 5*s.

Have you done a lot of "Sun Praising" over the years?

>My final Morgan
Does that mean you have her at NP5? Do you remember how many SQs you had to use for that?

>so that might be something to consider before burning her.
Already my intention.
>I'll probably get her to Last Ascension and burn her.
So I guess there really are no reason to keep her.

Speaking of, did anyone here summon Bakin? Because I get the impression that the summoned Servant is mostly Bakin with next to no Omichi (or maybe even no Omichi at all?), so can anyone here confirm?

I had seen that image before, which made me assume that "oh, she finally showed up again", but the focus being on her and Super Bunyan is pretty unexpected...
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Just started the event last minute and I really like this pairing already. Pretty disappointing indeed that Omichi gets little to no fanwork in general, and Oei still gets mostly paired with Abby for next to no reason besides "Foreigners".
I'm still staggered with how can this artist ship Gudako with gudao...

Well? What about the rest of it? Surely it can't be just this one-off image, can it?

I mean... sure, their relationship started because they are the first two Foreigners, but at least Abby really likes Oei, even if it's mostly admiration, and Oei at least tries to be "properly nice" with Abby (I guess it's more something like not wanting to be a bad influence for her but still)... I have a terrible memory, so I can't remember everything, but the game did give us some snippets of their relationship over the years, like how Abby is the one that cleans Oei's room (tho to be honest this is the one bit of information I remember the most for some reason).
All that said, it really is a shame that artists didn't like Omichi...
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My dear Samurai Remnant players, I have a question for you:
Who this?
Hariti/Kishimojin with a bit of an Ubume flair. Hariti is a buddhist goddess who protects children, while Kishimojin is the aspect of her that's feared as a demon which hunts children. And an Ubume is a spirit of a pregnant woman that died and turned into a yokai, but that's largely just for design flavour here.
tl;dr: she's basically like Raikou in that she has a huge fondness for children with a major darker side (hence Berserker), but the key difference is that Raikou is obsessed with being a mother, while Hariti here wants to protect all children. So she'd be Raikou's best friend, I guess.
She was actually mentioned way back in Setsubun and how her and Raikou would be alike was also mentioned there.
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She (Kishimojin/Hariti) got mentioned back in Sakura's side character material and in Fate/Tiger Colosseum official CD drama, Sakura got compared with this goddess.
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Naruhodo, naruhodo. I have seen an Ubume in some horror game before, but the main aspects of that Servant are new to me, thank you for the insight.

>She was actually mentioned way back in Setsubun and how her and Raikou would be alike was also mentioned there.
Now that's some great memory if you remember a passing quote like that.

I fail to see why Sakura would be compared to her...

Is "Star Rail"(?) worth playing?
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>Is "Star Rail"(?) worth playing?
It's ok. It's turn based and dialogue heavy like FGO. Personally I don't think the plot is as interesting, but I do think that the jokes are way funnier. If you play as the female MC (Stelle) there's a lot of yuri moments to enjoy. The latest patches introduced a character names Firefly, who's really into Stelle.
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It's because of this retarded shit from Sakura's material.
>A devilish woman with a strong maternal instinct, she'll pamper a man to the bitter end and ruin him with her charms. But, just like Hariti…
Hariti is really nothing like Sakura though, since she's focused on children. Comparing her to Raikou is actually realistic.
Yeah.To be honest, I found that's kinda dumb too all because of the material about Sakura is like Hariti and that drama cd where Shirou was turned into a baby (including that Mama Sakura bullshit).
How come /u/'s dream finally got granted, but no one said anything about it?
Or I guess /u/'s dream would be for the manga to continue.

Anyways, PV of the Event:
I speacially like how Baobhan was very not happy, but then she sees Morgan and brightens up.

Hm... kinda tempting, kinda not, but I can't really dedicate any time to another gacha game, so my question didn't held any actual weight... either way, thank you for the insight.


Well... much like you and the Anon below you, I, too, think it's stupid.

Will use this image as a catalyst.
Tbh I have no idea who those two even are. If I'll have to guess it's a mix of people not knowing who they are, knowing that the game will make them bi, and finally many people not really playing the game anymore. Even though I regularly come here to talk about yuri in Fate I haven't opened FGO in about month.
If they stay true to lore, Hibiki is a genderbend boy
Her true form, Holy Scripture Triten, is a boy. He scaped from Caubac's Labyrinth and took the form of a girl
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New Mordred and Caenis (plus Kuku) are is nice.
Aaah, i roll 110 to get Summer Nitocris and instead i get two Artoria rider
She must like Ride Gudako a lot but Nitocris seen impossible to get
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Wtf did they do to Mo-san. Her body looks terrible here.
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>Kiyohime gets a new costume
>Nobody talks about it
For shame, sisters. For shame.
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>Tbh I have no idea who those two even are.
Had this happened 1~2 years ago, I wouldn't know either, it was some Anon here that recommended the manga to me:
Tho to be honest myself, I don't remember a single thing from this manga, it being such a quick read being the main culprit, but since it was recommended to me *here*, I assumed the protagonists coming to FGO would be something major to anyone who knew the manga.

>If I'll have to guess it's a mix of people not knowing who they are

>knowing that the game will make them bi
I mean, that would only be a problem for those who play as gudao, no?

>and finally many people not really playing the game anymore. Even though I regularly come here to talk about yuri in Fate I haven't opened FGO in about month.
Again, understandable.

Hm... guess the Anon who recommended me the manga failed to mention that crucial detail.

I'm sorry to read that Anon... specially considering that Maid!Salter with Gudako is surprising rare (I had probably only 2 fanarts before my PC was murdered).

Well... truthfully, I did intend to comment on it, but then I realized that if I did it, and someone engaged with me, I would just end up rambling about how much I want an Interlude where Kiyohi starts recognizing Gudako as herself instead of anchin (and completing that Interlude changing a bunch of her MyRoom voice lines to match) and proceed to post that one doujin yet again, so I decided to refrain from doing so . . . until now I guess.
I do like how her upgraded skill is called 'Super Positive Stalker A+'. And it's actually not a bad upgrade. And honestly, I'm more hyped over her skin than about those two chicks I don't know.
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Salter is hurt by the fact that Jalter is so much more popular than her. I think Jalter dominates the Gudako x Alter shipping.
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>I do like how her upgraded skill is called 'Super Positive Stalker A+'.
It's oddly charming.

>And it's actually not a bad upgrade.
You're the first person I see saying it, as most comments I saw where saying it's terrible, with some saying it's the best they could give to a 3*.

>And honestly, I'm more hyped over her skin than about those two chicks I don't know.
Fair. If I were to be excited for either, I would also be more inclined towards Kiyohi's costume, even if it isn't the Lamia costume we'll never get.

Yeah, you're most likely right... if only artist had thought "why not both?"...
I still love how Cagliostro is an Apostle that doesn't have gods inside him. Like Muramasa (the AE one) has Baldr's killer and Yamata no Orochi's slayer, Douman has the Aztec goddess who was the leader of the Tzitzimimeh and the Slavic god of darkness, Rasputin has the Australian moon spirit and the three headed dragon from Persia mythology, Young Moriarty has the Norse goddesses of Fates, Holmes is still unknown and then you got the Count who can only be summoned as a Pretender and because he was empty so much that he can't have gods shoved inside him.
>if only artist had thought "why not both?"...
Don't they? Most Salter x Gudako fanart usually has Jalter their as well. I wish we had more Salter x Nero x Gudako art after their summer event though.
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>with some saying it's the best they could give to a 3*.
I see someone missed Caesar's update way back.
>Young Moriarty
He's a general waste of space anyway, since he lacks everything that makes Moriarty charming and isn't even a proper replacement for Holmes either.
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I'll forever hate how Murasama had to use shirou as a vessel, and even more how Rasputin is wasted on being Kotomine (with added hate for Azi Dahaka being one of the coolest dragons in Shingeki no Bahamut, and it too being relegated to be part of Kotomine).

>Don't they?
Sorry, my bad. What I meant was "I wish just Salter x Gudako had as many fanarts as just Jalter x Gudako". As far as the 3 together goes, I'm pretty satisfied.

Is it that good?
Remove Arc and I approve.
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I don't want to start up the whole Arc discourse again but I still ask myself what was the point of giving us a version of her that's supposed to be "Gudako's Arc"? I just felt pointless and just them having their cake and eating it too.
Yeah... everything we needed say about this subject has already been said... and it's precisely the reason why this will be the first (and for the foreseeable future, only) anniversary banner that I'll completely skip...
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The last thing I'll say is if we can get an ascension version of a popular het servant that's into Gudako, then why can't we get Artemis Alter that's into Gudako. Or a Semiramis that's into Gudako? Or is it because Arc is just too popular not to shiptease with Gudako to get more people to roll
>Is it that good?
He csn potentially outdamade some 5* servants if all his buffs hit.
And here you start it up again.
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"into Gudako".
Unfortunately, Arc is an "exception", so until we get another one like her, expecting anything is probably a foolish endeavor.

Yep, seems quite strong. Not like the devs ever cared about balancing the rarities anyways, I bet a lot of 3* are better than Xuanzang, as much as I wish that wasn't the case...

Need translation.
You say that like Sanzang is absolutely useless. You know, unlike Constantine, who is probably the shittiest 5* to date.
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It was only 3 comments anon. Relax
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I personally don't get the "this character is/isn't good" debate with FGO. All you really need is a good CE and ability to NP spam and any character is good in this game. Unfortunately I blame that on the fact that the devs prioritized NP spamming over pretty much everything else.
Constantine is good now, he just got an interlude that buffed his NP. He gives party invincibility for 1 hit 3 turns which stacks with other invuls and has lower priority, so if you use a one-turn invul such as either Merlin's, the game uses that first and Constantine's invul will still be there the next turn.
Not "absolutely useless", no, but she's far from the best Caster around.
She was just an example anyways, even if she was absolutely useless, I would hardly care about that, as I still very much like her, what actually bothers me and we all know what I'm about to say: Are her boring ass animations.
I'll never not be mad about some Servants to this day still having early game animations.

>You know, unlike Constantine, who is probably the shittiest 5* to date.
Is that so? Odd, I'm not really on par with the Meta Servants, tier lists and whatnot, but I did hear he was one of the best defensive Servants. . .

But you're right.
>but I did hear he was one of the best defensive Servants. . .
So absolutely useless in 90% of the game, which consists of farming. He's not really worth the investment to 'just get a better Mash'.
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This is a really cute doujin
Morgan my beloved. I love that she became a /u/ staple.
Indeed it is.
Thank you for posting.

Translation: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6962315
Ugh I got Doughman from the GSSR sisters. Less bad news is that I got Rider Davinci from the Destiny Summons.
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Gudako yuri for the last 3 years is either Morgan or Castoria. I don't think outside Jalter has any yuri ship with Gudako gone this strong for so long. Even the other dominate Gudako ships with Eresh, Mo-san, and Carmilla died down.
The less is said about the Arc banner for me, the better. My GSSR ended with a third copy of Avenger Ushi and I don't plan on doing that destiny thing. Now I have about 700sq left for summer. Let's see how that'll go. I'll probably skip Ibuki because, as great as she is most likely, I'm also sitting on a NP5 Morgan for my farming needs. So I'll probably do a split between Lady Avalon and Summer Skadi.
Can we get a new thread? This one's only a few bumps away from getting archived.
Even procrastinating for almost 2 years, I still managed to get 70~80% of the male Servants I locked in the 2nd Archive to Last Ascension, granting me a little less than 500 SQs, for a grant total of 925 SQs, and aside from that, there's a few I still have to get to Last Ascension, not to mention all the Rank Up Quests and Interludes I still have to do.
On a less fun note, my after almost 7 years playing this game, I finally experienced the bones shortage people used to complain back in the day...

Now my Anniversary restults:
For the GSSR I went with Berserker 2 Banner (Morgan, Summer!Musashi and Arjuna Alter), got Arjuna Alter (which I personally consider a great result, even if there was no bad one to be had)
For the Destiny Order thingy, my line-up was
>Musashi for Saber
>Ishtar for Archer
>Shishou for Lancer
>Skadi for Caster
>Bakin for Rider
>X for Assassin
>Ecchan for Zerker
>Contrarian!Yoshitsune for Extra I
>Melt for Extra II
A lot of old ass Servants that I continuously failed to get, and ironically, the one I got was the newest one, Bakin, which honestly was the one I wanted the least since I feel it's just Bakin with next to no Omichi, but since no one asnwered my question, I guess now I can verify for myself.

I'm sorry to read that... but congrats on getting Mini DaVinci~

Good luck with the summer banners Anon, my priorities among the 5*s are Ibuki, Lady Avalon and then Skadi (since I don't have the original).
As to not get lost in my Wall of Text,
Here's the next thread:

. . . and seems like we hit image limit.

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