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After this week, beating the chud and last weeks in bath breast groping, id deserves a thread.
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Is anyone translating the books?
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This level of personality change without alcohol being involved is rare.
Also Yumiko should have done this after being groped, consider it a payment.
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The punch was well received by the audience.
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Back into those boobs today too.
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Who is this girl?
Dynasty has 16.5 chapters of the manga adaptation up, but it looks like the anime has almost caught up to it.
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>in bath breast groping,
Delete this thread and make a non-ESL one.
Hearing Itou MIku voice the Shimamura in this show after voicing the actual Shimamura is making my head explode. Was Sato trying to imply that Watanabe wouldn't be able to touch her tits anymore if she quits being a seiyuu in this scene?
Well they would not be together as often so- yes?
woah this episode is off to a heavy start, and we already have an antagonist??
But will she remain an antagonist? She is pretty important though, because they hired Nao Toyama for her voice. Thats a pretty expensive voice.
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Yeah, I just found this. I don't think she is going to remain an antagonist for very long. Look at those eyes reacting to the boob sandwich.
That look on Chika's face, gloating
>I got to touch those before you
I saw a couple of manga readers online disliking the anime, but it seems like everyone else who's watching it really likes the show so far. Personally I really don't see how it's a bad adaptation jusr because it's faster paced, and I don't feel like anything super important is missing.

I barely see any LN readers talking about the show, so I wondee what their perspective on that would be, but so far I'm enjoying this way more than Sasakoi.
Haha yeah, imagine not being a seiyuu and taking baths together haha
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Once is a accident, twice...
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Boob monster, both of them.
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Is forced transitioning to gyaru legal?
It should be we need more gyaru
Yes, they are idol seiyuus
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Sup dawg I herd yuo like seiyuu radio so we put seiyuu radio in your seiyuu radio
Maybe they can reenact the bath scenes next.
This reminds me of when the VAs of the protagonists of Locodol started promoting the same thing as in the anime.
Life imitates art.
>No gyaru Itou Miku
Woman, go all the way or don't go at all.
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There’s that photo book of them being somewhat intimate but instead of bath scene they are just in bathing suits together
Well she at least enjoyed the mechanics of that transformation.
I ship this
Nah. She belongs to Yuuhi's manager. This way we get two couples.
Also Yuuhi is too cute in her affection for boo... Yasumi.
I ship Sato with her womanchild scriptwriter. I really thought she going to climb in her bed and sleep with her until Watanabe started bitching at them both to get up.
They changed up the OP to show Yubisaki getting a heart attack while gushing over seeing our main duo together. What's going to happen when they start touching her?
Would Watanabe touch Yukisaki's boobs, or are they not brown enough for her tastes?
So this is pretty much aidor/u/.
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She want the V!
>Sato gets the flashy gyaru, while Watanabe gets the all the plain and prim girls
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In the novel vol. 9, She initially had thought to ask to Yubisaki, but she gave up and then thought "If I want to touch, I can touch Sato's"
Well not to spoil anything (because I havent read it), but the LN supposedly goes full textual yuri towards the end, so you are not imagining things. I think with the benefit of knowing where it goes the anime team intentionally framed more scenes as romantic or sexually charged.
Can't wait for them to invite her for a threesome as a thank you.
the novel hasn't ended yet
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>your performance in the episode where your character dies will determine the fate of this show, the production studio and your fellow seiyuu
>no pressure though
>girl why are you choking
Can't imagine why. Also, it's kind of hard to ship these two when there's so much animosity between them and it's not like a rivals to lovers thing, they really seem like they don't like each other.
They like each other's boobs at least.
Honestly these two are much better and more romantic than other more forced "couples" that fans pretend very hard that they are double Tsundere or something like that.
>when there's so much animosity between
>they really seem like they don't like each other.
What anime are you watching?
I meant towards the end of the current content.
So you didn't notice all the blushing, the hyperfocus on each other's good points the groping, the "You are the only one who understand me and I'm the one who knows you best!" lines?
Also every singel time Yuhi says she hates something about Yumiko that's obvious tsundere shit. She is upset that Yumiko is good at something she isn't or she is embarrassed to just praise her. It's the "You are so unfair!" trope used in a lot of romance.
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I liked how the in-anime anime was basically just Granbelm.
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I find this non autistic tsundere adachi very cute

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