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Previous Thread: >>4116788
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So I have just learned I need more Eleven in my life? On the way I also learned there isn't much of her.
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If I really want Langley should I just pull on the standard banner?
Follow your heart. Standard banners are pretty inefficient though.
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I see. I guess I'll hold off for now and just hope I randomly pull her some day.
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I absolutely love these two. I wish they were as popular as Rahu and Shalom
My informant says they're going to get a big role in the story and rise in popularity
Really? That'd be nice
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I can’t handle how hot this pairing is
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Could some nice anon translate this?
I only have a machine translation.

>It's time to leave.Get ready...

>ah Well...
>Once you gedressed, you can go.
>"Sorry, I'll wait outside.

>...Are you planning to keep that look on your face all day today?
>It's the sameface as usual...!!!!
>Was it that intense? Seeing me in my underwear...
>“Please stop...!!! Everyone will ask me...!!
>What did you think...? Today's day is a little plain...
>...I'm sorry...I'm thinking...!!!
>That's an interesting reaction...
>Next, let's do the same thing and ask the same questions to the director...
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So I only recently started playing the game and read that you could only get Shalom in some event, which is really disappointing. What are the odds they will do an event like that again?
The half-anniversary had a rerun one year after the original run. We can probably expect the same for the anniversary in which case you'll be able to pull for her in like 4 months.
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Thanks for the answer. I’m also hoping for the Rahu and Shalom event rerun then, so I’ll keep checking their twitter
IIRC, the half-anniversary event rerun happened right before the half-anniversary banner rerun. So I think you can expect something similar.
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