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Previous Thread

>Some places to read fics

>A (somewhat old) archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very extensive archive)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, anything goes as long as it's yuri.
I was suddenly reminded that KLK exists.


I felt like rereading that Resident Evil Harperwong AU series where Helena is the one that goes to Spain instead of Leon in RE4, and she falls in love with Ada. But then I tried to find it only to see the authors had deleted not only their ff account, but also AO3 and Tumblr.
Holy shit. Thank God I found someone else who archived them. This pairing is so rare and it already lost one of it's only long fics years ago, I would have been devastated if this series was lost too.
It hurts that this confirms it's never getting finished though, from what I remember the authors had partially written the RE6 part but didn't finish it and now I guess they never will.
Thoughts on gender-swap /u/ fanfiction?
post the link
>also back-up the downloads too
So I'm a bit new to these threads. How come they all use the same OP image? It actually tripped me up when I saw the last one in the catalog czu I was like whoa that same image still it's gotta be like a year old
Depends on the nature of the swap.
It's just tradition to use the same image
I like them, as long as they stay a girl forever and it doesn't feel like a really blatant fetish thing
I read a good sherlock one set during ww2 but other than that I tend to avoid them. Mostly because I generally have no interest or knowledge in the source material.
It's been a thing for a decade or more at this point. Probably because xena is the og big f/f fandom.
never known the answer to this but over the ungodly years i've been here it's always comforting to see it never changes
We tried changing it once. The thread devolved into shitposting so we never tried it again.
Classic /u/
I've never read any or even had any will to do so. And I rarely like any male characters, so there isn't any that I think I would enjoy just by genderbending them on a fanfic
How old is this tradition? I'm relative new here, only lurking for two years.
Oldest thread on the archive with the Xena and Gaby filename is November 2011 but the archive lost all its images before 2015
>We tried
Correction: a couple of zoomers tried to disrupt the thread by using new OPs and thankfully they moved on instead of sticking around
Any good Mass Effect stories?
Oh so that's who it is
Bloody zoomers.
Xena is really more of a gen x thing than anything else.
i'm a millennial and i used to watch xena every day after school on tv
buffy and hercules too
I would read the shit out of stories where generic self-insert cardboard boy is replaced with a girl, with narrative accommodating that.
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I'd absolutely read a retelling of UC Gundam with butch Amura and femme Charla.
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Here you go. It's really a shame when such rare ships with so few fics get those fics deleted.
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I'm a 26 year old zoomer and I've watched the show, thanks. :)
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>look up story i read a few years ago
>it was actually 16 years ago
>look up author
>their last story was posted 2013 and it was a oneshot
>fanpages are either no longer being updated or redirect to some ad agency who bought the domain
>even the porn is dead
i wish i wasn't such a grumpy old fuck so i could find a new fandom to obsess over
Which fandom though? You can't just not mention it now.
Oh hey, I remember reading that years ago and being pleasantly surprised by the quality.
Which is better to publish to if you can't do both: Fanfiction or A03?
AO3 easily
What happen to FF.net?
It has a really shitty interface
I'm too young to really know all the details but there was a schism (something about power tripping moderators maybe?) and ao3 was born. For a time they were competitive but now ao3 is like by far the most popular zone.
A lot of stuff but mainly it came down to censorship and frivolous DMCA requests. AO3 exists as a non-profit entity to legally protect fanworks from publishers and copyright holders.
I never realized this; I posted to FF for years without a hitch.
AO3 tag system is much better than anything FF.net has.
As a calibre/fanficfare/ereader user I'll add ffnet has very aggressive cloudflare ddos protection.
I know I'm a part of miniscule minority, but ease of downloading and updating fics as epubs is a deal-breaker. It's been such a chore do work around it for a long while now, to the point I follow very few ffnet-only fanfics and never prowl it for new works, only go there by explicit recommendation.
How to write a Halo /u/ story, hmm
>write story
>have f/f romance
>set it in halo universe
She's cracked the code..
So long as you stay the fuck away from 343 era lore, just do whatever.
How about a civilian falling in love with a lady Marine while she evacuates her from a doomed planet?
Or a Spartan discovering that love truly does bloom on the battlefield when she's sent to capture a female prophet to force negotiating a peace treaty if you're into that sort of thing.
I remember reading a Female Noble Six/Kat fic once.
Reach is probably the best setting for a f/f story. There's a lot of downtime if you look at the timestamps between missions.
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I’m writing a post-apocalyptic story and searching for examples of good world-building within that setting. I’m looking for a “realistic” modern setting without too much wackiness like Fallout. Any fic recommendations?
AO3 is more convenient for both readers and writers. I despise how people use and abuse the tag system, but even with all the bullshit, that system is far, far better than FF.net.
What's considered abusing the tag system? Where's the line drawn?
Not that anon but I'm assuming when people use tags to blog and write random stuff.
There's no line because nobody sets any standards for the system, but even so, I think the way how people use the system is often counterproductive. The single biggest issue, I think, is authors spamming tags and turning them into blogs or lolsorandumlookatmeteehee garbage that only takes up space on the screen. Sure, if an author tags every single character that appears in the fic and tags every pairing that's mentioned once in a 50k word fic, that fic will appear on my screen that'll search for that pairing or character, but it also means it that much more difficult to search for fics in which those characters or pairings play a meaningful role. Besides, a good summary tell show much more about the quality of the author's writing than tags will. That's probably why people resort to too many tags in the first place.

Tagging too much can be a matter of taste, but what I do take an actual issue with is misleading bullshit about trannyshit, futa, girlpenis and whatever the fuck. I don't want that shit in my F/F content and it's becoming ever more difficult to sift through that garbage without adding a dozen filters simply because I can't tell at a glance anymore if the fic contains that bullshit or not. They're becoming worse and worse about it too, because I can't even filter that garbage out unless I add "trans charname" for each and every character to the exclusion filters. It ties to the whole overtagging issue too, because they'll include 50 useless blogposting tags, but among those 50, there's maybe a single, easy to miss tag that lets me know the work is infected.
Get a script called AO3 Savior for the Tampermonkey plugin. Setting it up is a bit involved, but it lets you permanently blacklist writers and tags.
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>see wall of bullshit tags
>ignore and keep scrolling
I don't see the problem, at least it's upfront about being garbage.
To be fair this person is probably like fourteen years old.
There was a pretty big incident awhile back involving a fic with a like 500+ tags or something absurd like that because the author would tag everything they could which in turn caused it show up in a lot of searches and if you used a screen reader it would make your life hell.
Because AO3 takes a 'Hands Off' type approach to doing pretty much anything there was no content filtering options available for getting rid of it so people had to bitch and moan (including making fics with whole movie scripts in the tags) to them to eventually get a system in place.
To a much lesser extent people will often fill tags with completely irrelevant junk and Tumblr-esque quipping which makes trying to figure out what kind of content is in a fic difficult.
Tips on how to write a butch? Fandom is gonna be Worm
Wolfspider fic?
Rachel/Taylor? Nah. I was thinking about writing Taylor as one.
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>butch Taylor
Taylors long hair is a pretty important character trait of hers. Other than that she already reads pretty butch in the way she dresses and the way she acts so it shouldn't be too difficult.
That is very much a choice. Anyways, not much really changes with Taylor. Her issues with her femininity are likely worse if she's still being bullied but that's about it.

Also a good wolfspider fic recently updated


Eh, Taylor's clothing choices are more defensive armor than any indication of where she falls on the butch/femme scale and as a narrator she's super unreliable about her looks due to the bullying. Her build might put her towards being androgynous at most but that's offset by her hair. My elevator pitch for her general level of attractiveness is "girl next door who really rocks a few different looks like hot librarian or anything that emphasizes her legs and makes you want her to step on you."
>unless I add "trans charname" for each and every character
Just adding "trans*" to excluded tags usually works for me, though of course that doesn't help with all the other shit you still need to exclude. I wish they had another category for all of that instead of just putting it under F. Or at least allowed you to easily report fics that are just tagged incorrectly, I remember reading fics tagged exclusively F/F that then turned out to be het on more than one occasion.
I think the best way to handle the tag abuse is to limit the amount of tags per fic and maybe add something like one tag per 10k of words?
Likely not what you're looking for, but it's the only post apocalyptic fic I know. As a bonus, it's one of the best fics I've ever read: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3099050/chapters/6714170
Not anon, and I get why you'd recommend it in this context, but I'm not really sure it counts. The isolated nature of the premise means that the two pretty handily sidestep the majority of post-apocolyptic themes and issues. In terms of content it's really more like a cast away/shipwrecked fic wearing the skin of post-apoc. Also, being great aside, it's sort of the exact opposite of what anon is looking for, since it has effectively no world-building, just a world that is functionally normal (besides the gimmick) and largely static (besides natural disasters).
You are absolutely right; I am looking for the post-apocalyptic vibes like society collapse, lawlessness, no government, no electricity, struggle to find your next meal, raiders and all that. Survival should be a constant struggle.

thanks, I try it. Is the survival part detailed enough to be interesting?
It's pretty easy. There are only two cases here:
1. Genderbending within the story =/= /u/
2. A universe where the character's sex was swapped from the start = /u/

Anyone who will say otherwise is not actually interested in yuri.

Leaving aside which site is clearly more successful and the tagging stuff, AO3 is the much better option for the writer. AO3 actually lets your FORMAT your scripts! I have tried both sites and FF is just the word about this. No matter what you do with the text it will always be an unformatted mess. I'm surprised it even accepts line seperators. AO3 lets you do pretty much anything from text alignment to even posting art or links. And the reader can choose their prefered fonts of course.

The only possible advantage to FF you can maybe scrape together is that it makes it slightly harder for your work to get copy-pasted, but even that can be circumvented. In the end fanfic writers should probably just accept that their works will be downloaded. It's not like you make money off of these.
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>1. Genderbending within the story =/= /u/
you mean you don't actually love me for my personality?
Did this tourist seriously post a fucking meme gif with a dude? I knew this thread attracted the worst people, but damn.
Surprised I've not found such a fic. The closest I can think of is a Worm/Tomb Raider fic where Taylor is thinking on whether Sophia thinks shes butch or not.
>Taylors long hair is a pretty important character trait of hers
I agree but its fanfiction.
Now you've got me picturing Taylor looking like Vi.
Wow I've come a long way from asking how to write in here to being recc'd. I appreciate you anon. Thank you for reading my sis-yay.
>In the end fanfic writers should probably just accept that their works will be downloaded.

Not if it's hot garbage!
Tfw I'm ESL and like the word moisty, but no one uses it
does it have to be /u related?
i remember reading this one fic a couple of years ago that had two female mc's listed but they instead got together with two random male oc's
Why are you even bringing this up on /u/
This thread sure has fallen on hard times since the Vocaloid days
In that anon's defense, the first anon was asking for fics in a specific sort of setting to use as a guide for worldbuilding. Which is a distinct difference from asking for fics in general
Urgh….fine if you think it is good enough that I can learn something from it. I can use Scriveners name replacer and pretend it is f/f or is the het so in your face that I need to bleach my brain afterwards?

Yes and I am thankful for any help. This setting is so hard to find, that I can probably not avoid the het. I had no luck in /lit/ either.
Didn't they tell you to read the first part of a Canticle for Leibowitz?
I read this post-canon Blame fic a while back where Sanakan is looking for Cibo. It's a little on the short side but I thought the worldbuilding was done well. It probably won't make a lick of sense unless you're already familiar with Blame though.
nope, but I am searching for it right now. Thanks.

lol...this is indeed a bit confusing.
I'm glad for you, on my end I have to start moving my ass and doing stuff a bit, life gets in the way but it shouldn't be a permanent excuse
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Every yuri ship has that one fic that is super popular despite being dogshit and usually contains bi/het stuff. My OTP's is one where one of the women is a prostitute
Yeah and it's usually got like 200 kudos and 50 glowing comments...
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What is /u/'s favorite fandom in terms of the quality of fics it has produced?
Worm has some absolute bangers.
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I also wanna know, personally I’m a big fan of supercorp, but /u/ isn’t I guess. I usually can’t stand cape shit, but there are plenty of no-powers AUs and some really good writers. Not surprising considering they have 20k fics. Nice Shoot by the way, saved.
I like supercorp but I feel like I've read everything at this point. I'm the opposite I like the powers, the inevitable angst from Lena finding out.
Imo Supercorp's best feature is the chance to have family drama between the Luthors and the Els over two of their members banging. Which works best with the superpowers.

Also Cat Grant is a fun option for Kara.
Nearly all the Sylvaina stuff I've read has been pretty great.
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I never understood this, create a character than is practically invincible, what is the appeal? The angst from Lena I get. Anyway, I know what you mean. I’ve already read many of the great fics, but there are still good new ones popping up. Who is your favorite SC writer?

The family drama works as well without powers, I think. I’ve never gotten into Supercat, any fic recommendations to start with?
>I never understood this, create a character than is practically invincible, what is the appeal?
Have them fight another characters that are also practically invincible. DC has plenty of those. In fact, for every street level character there are like 5 or more "my sneeze is destroying this planet" characters.
>a character than is practically invincible, what is the appeal?
Just put them in situations they can't punch their way out of. In fact, romance stories are perfect for this.
But why? A character with all the human weakness is so much more interesting. I can handle one power, but having a bunch, like the supers, is just lame.

So, like Kara, strong but too weak to tell Lena how she feels?
There are very few words that can explain seeing "orphan account" on top of that one fucked you liked s lot and been waiting for a continuation for it
The Locked Tomb comes to mind. That one Moby Dick AU story that got posted a few threads back was absolutely amazing and everything else I've read in that fandom has been well written, even the smut. I wouldn't be surprised if some TLT fanfic authors are published writers themselves.
I don't enjoy the source material but I've read some good TLT fanfics.
Are there any good symphogear yuri fics?
Why is there no good fan fiction anymore
Because you have not deigned to write it yet.
You just got old and no longer feel that passion.
For me it's because gacha fics have taken over and I don't care for gacha games or their characters
No good series that grabs you like that anon said.
>gacha fics have taken over
??? Where?
Probably anon means Hoyoverse trash.
Hoyoverse KINO
Its all reader fics.
Goddess I hate reader fics.
>Finally get into a writing groove
>Have to go to work
Every fucking time.
Here's a can of worms: has anyone tried making fanfiction using AI?
No, but I have tried giving chatgpt some prompts just to see how well it does at fiction writing. It's passable, but struggles when it has to do anything else than make something that superficially resembles fiction. For example, if you ask it to write a story in a certain author's style, it might include features that the author's work never included, or create historical fiction with anachronistic features. If you point any of this out it will correct itself, of course, but I doubt it will manage to write much else than basic interchangeable smutfic in the near future.
>If she didn't know any better, she'd have thought Onee-sama was a handsome boy.
This fic keeps getting better and better. The part where Mikoto fingers one of her clones was great, too.
Yes, it is the worst. Where is this cancer coming from? Is anyone here into that and can explain?

I find ChatGPT pretty good, not for writing a perfect story, but for new ideas. When I’m stuck in a story, I give it the background- world, story, character and the current scene and ask it what could happen next. It is surprising how many good ideas it creates if it has enough information.
Most of the time it is a bad prompt that generates bad output.
Do you use programs other than ChatGPT? Grok? Copilot?
I use prowritingaid for grammar and to avoid mistakes coming from transforming my german notes to the story. ChatGPT is more for the creative part. Would you recommend copilot/Grok?
Grok makes Elon into a character in the story.
>character doesn't have a last name in canon
>fanfic give them one and/or uses a common one from other fics that do the same
>surname is complete garbage every single fucking time
>character has a name change in the original work
>fanfic uses the changed name when the original one would fit much better in the context of the fic as it is starting
I don't understand fanfic writers sometimes, but I suppose the moral of the story is to avoid anything resembling a modern AU fic for AtLA or Arcane/LoL.
>Yes, it is the worst. Where is this cancer coming from? Is anyone here into that and can explain?
Like just write a fucking OC.
Write a fucking original character.
You should avoid modern AU fics for everything
The temptation of modern tech and lower stakes bullshit outside of the romance is great.
I've seen it done well but it's exceedingly rare. The less experienced the writer the more they should avoid it. And honestly, sometimes it's so far removed from the source material the resemblance is barely there at all. But hey at least it has more potential than coffee shop au.
What prevents someone from downloading or copying and pasting popular fan fiction, replacing the names and just posting it to some site like Amazon and just earning royalties by ripping off someone else’s work?

Has someone done that before?
>Has someone done that before?
Yes. Very famously, 50 Shades of Grey was modified from what was originally a Twilight fanfic.
Sorry, I should specify here that this part
>ripping off someone else’s work
didn't happen. It was her ow fic.

Realistically no court is going to take your side if the original author comes after you and is able to show that they'd more or less word-for-word written the thing. Names are only the most cut and dry of copyright infringement claims. You would need to steal just the general idea or basic plot and write your own thing to actually be safe from legal troubles.
The AO3 organization for transformative works would probably help the original fic author fight something like this in court. It's the kind of thing they were founded for.
This is me being old but why do early 2000s works (Kannazuki no Miko, Mai Hime, Nanoha, Strawberry Panic, Marimite) have really great fanfiction but onwards other stuff (Aoi Hana, Yagakimi Ni Naru, Sasameki Koto, Citrus) don't have anything going for in FF wise? Why is there a date cut off?

Do younger generations not have the affinity for fanfiction or is it the source material themselves that have less inspiration?
Maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but back then gettong access to anime and the internet was harder, so most people who wrote fanfic were adults. Nowadays it's easier than ever, but that means there's a shit ton of 14 years old writing very shit fanfics
>Do younger generations not have the affinity for fanfiction or is it the source material themselves that have less inspiration?
Neither. Series like KnM, Mai Hime and Nanoha get more fanfiction that Aoi Hana, Yagakimi etc. because the former have extremely unsatisfying, minimal relationship content that leaves viewers wishing that the story had done something else with more of the relationship instead. The latter involve more complete and satisfying narratives that don't then demand you make up your own wish fulfilment story. There's also more yuri in general now, so people can just go read or watch more lesbians instead of having to write fanfiction about secondary/tertiary characters in a shit het harem show.
That actually makes a lot of sense.
>Check to see Kannazuki no Miko fanfiction for updates.
>3 results on the front page are Futanari erotica by the same person.

Oh, for Fuck's Sake...
Does anyone have saved that Life is Strange fanfic recommendation image?
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This one?
Also, I'm the one who made this chart and I'm looking for new additions - i.e. new good fics that came out in the last 2 years or so (which is when I stopped following the fandom).
What the hell is a reader fic? Do you mean self-insert shit?
Then why are anons acting like this is a new development? Shit's been flooding fanfics since the damn 90s.
Different Anon, but I don't remember seeing fics like this back then. The old self-inserts were the author inserting themself, like "Voldemort's daughter, who has the same name as the writer, enrolls in Hogwarts, has better grades than Hermione, redeems Draco and becomes Harry's girlfriend".

Reader fics are meant as self-inserts for the reader. They're written in second person, usually fairly brief and the self-insert character isn't OP. They're stuff like "You are applying for an internship at Shin Sei Robotics. The interviewer, Prospera Mercury, puts her cybernetic hand inside you."
That's also not new, but it's less common in the fanfics you are thinking of. Lots of fanworks have that kind of thing. CYOA style writing actually. It's a popular kind of self-insert content, but I admit it's not as prevalent in just pure fanfic stories. At least it has some value in the games that implement it.

But as your own persiflage displays, the oldschool self-insert shittery was far more grating. Your only options are between an author's Mary Sue self-insert and lierally (You), so I think you should just drop SI content completely in fanfics. I also don't agree that an OC would be a major improvement, as most OCs are the same shit.
>"You are applying for an internship at Shin Sei Robotics. The interviewer, Prospera Mercury, puts her cybernetic hand inside you."
Is this an actual fic? Asking for a friend.
Really irrelevant to this board. Search it on your own.
>there are no more fics for modern stuff!
>anon posts an encyclopedic list of Life is Strange fanfics
Pretty funny.
Some people aren't looking, some people just like complaining methinks. When I recommended a Manaria Friends and a Legend of Korra fanfic here the anons apparently didn't read them despite asking for them. Maybe it's really more about wanting to complain rather than trying to find anything.

You can find decent works for almost anything out there. You don't need 2000 bad fics if you can find 10 good ones among 100 instead. Do you really need hundreds of vapid 1k word Nanoha fics? Ther true standouts that were written over two decades still only amount to a handful.
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I am curious to hear opinions on which you all prefer more - third-person present tense or third-person past tense. I am planning a new fic and can’t decide.
Just do what the original work you based it on does.
Past. Present is very fashionable now, but I prefer past.
That's how I got saddled with a first person present tense fanfic right now. It's... straining.
I'll never understand why authors ape the original style when it's very obvious in some cases that it's not the author's usual format. I know 99% of LNs these days are in first person but it always feels like I'm sitting on a couch listening to the character talk to me about her day rather than me seeing the events of the story through the character's eyes.
>it always feels like I'm sitting on a couch listening to the character talk to me about her day rather than me seeing the events of the story through the character's eyes
Sounds like a skill issue, no joke. First person can be immersive and in the worst case it sounds like a diary if the author is unskilled. But then you could also call 3rd person stories a narrator just reading you a story straight from a book rather than it feeling like an organic narrative.
>ape the original style when it's very obvious in some cases that it's not the author's usual format
Skill issue again. Good authors can change their style, can adapt, can do something out of the norm. I have written in every perspective and tense out there by now and while some don't come as naturally, it ultimately works.
To me being as close to the original work's feel as possible is the top priority. If the fanfic doesn't feel like the original then it might as well be it's own thing.

Yes, first person present tense is the worst and the most unnecessary form I can think of beyond 2nd person past tense, but it worked in the game, so it works in the fanfic. The reason I'm writing a fanfic of it is because I liked the writing, so let's actually try to get that right.
Which Korra fic did you recommend?
Present works best for me as a writer, though sometimes past is okay. It feels weird for me to write romantic scenes in past.
The very same thank you! Lost my other pc that had it.

I don't know if I have the same taste as you but I will keep my eye for anything noteworthy. Recently I read 'Pedestal' which is listed on your list lol.
Any good soulsborne longfics?
Gotta go a few threads back. It was the Korrasami fic where Korra was kidnapped as a kid by the Lotus and Asami became a real anti-bender ganger like her father. It has some wild ideas. Not finished though. Might never be.
Ok, but you must be reading books right? Grand majority of all books is written in past tense. So it shouldn't be that weird.
I became obsessed with the LiS fandom after playing the game. I might be the world's leading expert of LiS at this point, I can comfortably say I've read more LiS fics than 99% of the fandom. When I was still actively following the fandom I've probably read more LiS fics than anyone else in the world.
You poor sod.
It was an extremely enjoyable time of my life and I wish I could get into another series or fandom the same way. And with the release of Double Exposure, I very well might.
Past tense is what I’m used to reading so I will often let minor mistakes—be it plot or grammar—slide, while those same mistakes can make a present tense fic feel awkward. Though, present can be more enjoyable to write and works well for being “in the moment”
Not to riff on you, but that is just a silly request. Soulsborne games barely have anything going on, much less something people agree on. So little plot and so much gameplay focus... what's there to write? Even if someone was crazy enough to write a longform Souls fic, there is zero chance it would be yuri. It would just be some grimdark redo story.
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NTA but this doesn't make much sense. Fanficiton is built on extrapolation, especially slash fiction. There's nothing stopping people from writing long form stories about a specific set of characters or taking place in the sitting. We've had anons on this very board produce soulsborne highschool AU stuff.
Sounds insipid.
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Sounds like you hate fun.
High school AUs and coffee shop AUs are the flavorless oatcakes of fiction. You eat them, but you taste and feel nothing. You're not even sure if it fills your stomach, but you go through the chewing motions so your brain thinks you are getting fed. A food substitute at best.
Sorta just sounds like you're depressed, anon.
Nothing more depressing than a coffee shop AU for a series that deserves so much more.
Could be worse. Like a second person present tense modern au smutfic.
Self-insert stuff in fanfics is bad. Original stories? Fine.
I wrote a fic where a lesbian terrorist couple blew up a coffee shop, is that better?
Yes. Link it.
Is it an AU fanfic for a coffee shop AU fanfic?
It's a bit embarrassing but here I go:

What the actual fuck? It's even got nonsensical sex scenes in it. How have I missed something this interesting? You need to write more and more often.
The anon above does not represent anyone with actual taste. One of those quirky = entire personality types. I get it, you want to be encouraging, but damn does it sound plastic.
Thanks but I burned myself out almost immediately after I started writing, my writing days are behind me. I feel bad too, like once or twice a year I get an email saying someone left kudos on a fic I wrote and I feel guilty.
Eh, it comes and goes. I've breaks of more than three years myself, but somehow I always find my way back.
Like a lot of fanfic-isms I don't think either is inherently bad it's just that often they refuse to actually interrogate the characters and their relationships enough to build a compelling dynamic out of a more low stakes setting. Something as basic as 'Would these characters still be friends if they didn't share trauma' is very rarely if ever looked at in favor of just mapping the source material 1 to 1 onto a different setting.
That and people who write coffee shop AUs hVe never worked at food service and much less a real coffee shop in their life.
You get emails for kudos?
>people who write coffee shop AUs hVe never worked at food service
I also never killed an alien in hand to hand combat, but I think writing about it is not a problem. Much like most fiction, anything in these fics is idealized and based on what the writer wants to see.
I agree on the rest though. Coffee shop AUs are empty, shallow and boring most of the time, because "character in different setting" is not a goal in and of itself and should not be the entire point.
NTA but I use the kudos email to stalk the profiles of non-guests who leave me kudos to see if they wrote or bookmarked anything I'd be interested in and it's always a trip when someone who is into yaoi or explicit porn likes one of my romance fics. There was one person who had like five pages of bookmarks of explicit BDSM fics and the only non-E rated fic they had bookmarked was my simple fluff fic, pretty wild.
Thanks, I'm never leaving kudos again.
Do you need the emails for that though, doesn't it list everyone who gave kudos at the bottom near the comments? I always thought leaving one was publicly available information.
Just log out when you do.
Yeah I used to do the same thing. Always appreciated ones left by fellow authors so much more.
If you don't mind the LoL crossover this is decent.
how the hell do i only look for video game only f/f fics on ao3 im using the search function as it says but it keeps saying too many results am i stupid??
Don't try to look for fics about every single video game at once. Do it one game (or franchise) at a time.
You don't need the emails, no, but I have nearly a hundred posted works and I don't have the autism necessary to check every single one daily for new kudos or bookmarks.
Other anon's right, you really want to do more focused search terms. If you had a video-game tag it would just send you to crossovers I bet.
Funny, I'm still going through your list (Eternal Return is still very good). Read also no grave can hold my body down and I didn't vibe with it even if I finished it. I'm finally playing Life is Strange 2 (true colors sucked, then I found out why—they had different developers). I think I might be looking foward more to Lost Records than Double Exposure.

What you are is what I am to Elsanna, though I never bothered to make a list.
>True Colors sucked
Bad taste is hopefully not contagious.
>LiS 2
Literally about two brothers. Keep it away from this board.
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I didn’t read any new Elsanna in the last 2-3 years…anything new you would recommend? Any long fics you love in particular?
Pricefield recs to cope?
Anything by

White Omen by heckerino

On Golden Tides by EvilMeatDemonCyborg

love by asakami

Gravity by OriginEternal

Backwards by SensationalSista

The Right to Remain Silent by The_silliest_moon_related_username

my arms were always around you by orphan_account

These are the noteworthy ones imo, my favorite being guilty devotion by reminaissance, followed by i seek to find you (in every lifetime of mine) by reminaissance. I quite like my arms were always around you, but, it is unfinished and didn't even get to the good part, yet it has me in a chokehold even after all this time. The author allegedly stopped after someone in their life found out they were writing incest fic.

As >>4231006 pointed out, I have chronically bad taste and like reincarnation AUs. It's super wild that one of my favorite top fics is a reader/self-insert. I truly was born with bad taste, which is alright.

Not elsanna below.

If you are ever willing to give reader/self-insert a chance, I would recommend this story. Anything by then, really, they're on tumblr.
A Day Will Come When You Won't Be by VulpetheFox

If you like long paragraphs + purple prose I would also recommend this author: ohHOLYmoves, specially:

So long as it has meaning by ohHOLYmoves

atomic orange, welcome home neon girl by ohHOLYmoves
Thanks, I just started guilty devotion yesterday. I will check out the rest. I guess it’s time to go down this rabbit hole again. The unfinished stories made me sad. I still wanna know how Queens by Cobray would’ve played out.
>purple prose
Oh, it can't possibly be that bad, let's see-

Yeah, it's like every word got run through a thesaurus and the author can't focus on saying something. Funny thing is, it's not THAT bad, just needs an editor to beat some sense into the author. Could be very good, even.
I honestly kind of like but yeah. However, if you ever read their original works in 'scribble in sugar' it suffers a bit less to varying degrees.

Forgot to add: if you enjoy Harry Potter and Supergirl (or long fics)

you kept me like a secret (but I kept you like an oath) by lostariels

oc mandalorian x oc jedi (veeeery pg-13)
Book One: Rise by Talis501
The thing I've noticed about the Catradora fandom is that far too many authors go full furfag and describe Catra as being literally covered in fur, which is super gross.
It's also canon. Skin-catra art is lying to you.
It's just gotten more mainstream so it's harder to sift through the floods of garbage to find the good stuff. TLT is one of the highest quality fandoms I've ever seen and it's pretty recent.
Getting old is no excuse. Alone Together was written by some old guy in his fifties.
I disliked the idea until going through all of n7punk's catradora stories normalized most of Catra's feline features, so now it's just cute.
>Alone Together
That Kim Possible fic? No way I could have sworn it was a teenagers the prose is wack as fuck.
>all of n7punk's catradora stories
You read 126 Catradora fics by the same author? That's commitment.
Seconding “guilty devotion” and “a day will come when you won’t be”, I enjoy rereading them every couple of months

Not sure if you’re the same person who rec’d them a year or two ago, but thank you for reccing regardless
Yeah, it was probably me. Glad you're doing alright.
It's not as much as it sounds, a pretty big chunk of those are things like <15k word single chapter fics or oneshot side stories for larger fics, etc.
I want to write a Yuri pregnancy story. Can I just have one of the girls have pregnant after sex or does there need some magic/ science reason for it?
Sorta just depends on what sort of setting you want to write, or what the source material is.
Sure you can but, I would prefer a reason that fits the setting.
You could have a fantasy setting where there's a room tended by a sorceress that can't be seen, but can be heard. The room has two chambers where two girls enter. A few hours later, a baby emerges with traits of both girls.
The room and the unseen sorceress are treated as highly magical and mysterious. The twist is that the room is a relic from an age long gone: a modern lab tended by an AI, or a crashed UFO
The only time I wrote a pregnancy fic it was already a fantasy setting so I went with the magical reason. I do prefer that there's some kind of reason when I read these kind of fics other than "the yuri fairy did it".
Kannazuki no Miko where Chikane knocks up Himeko post-anime. Both remember everything.
Will it be consensual?
Yes. Himeko loves Chikane and accepts what Chikane did during their time as miko as an act of true love.
I'm baffled when I see people write plot-heavy longfics in the present tense. Present is something I associate with short-form experimental or stream-of-consciousness literature (though even Virginia Woolf wrote in the past)
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If I wrote a Yukana / Ranko story, would you read it?

I'm sick of yuri couples stuck in a harem anime.
I have a lot of fun writing like that, with pov switching it is even better. Perhaps we’re simply too accustomed to reading in the past tense, which makes everything else seem unusual.
When you tell someone a story in real life, do you use present or past tense...? It sounds jarring and unnatural because it is jarring and unnatural. The people who misuse the present tense are typically ESLs or poorly-read teenagers imo.
NTA but in actual conversation you tense shift constantly. Yes, people very often use present tense when telling someone a story in real life:
>"And the cat saw me toss the paper off towards that trash can, and she just -immediately- jumps straight after it, but because she was standing on the tablecloth, it just like slid out from under her back feet so she only makes it like a foot and then falls flat on her face while I'm scrambling to stop all the wine glasses from falling because she yanked the tablecloth sideways."
What makes it unnatural when I narrate the story from a character’s perspective in the present? I’m telling what they’re going through at the moment. Yes, I’m ESL but German isn’t any less complicated than English.
>What makes it unnatural when I narrate the story from a character’s perspective in the present?
I dunno sis, I'm not a philologist, I just like books. The only answer I have is that it sounds wrong. Have you read a lot of classic English literature? Present tense just isn't used to narrate stories. It makes the text read like a screenplay or dream sequence or something.
>Yes, I’m ESL but German isn’t any less complicated than English.
I don't think it's really a matter of complexity, different languages and cultures just have different conventions. I don't know German, but I do know Japanese, and lots of Japanese narration is left in present tense, but if I were translating it to English, I would shift it to past tense.
Yes, I agree most literature is in past tense and that’s the reason why we’re so familiar with it. It took me a while, but now I’m used to reading and writing in present and past tense.
Could you give the beginning of this supercorp fic a try? https://archiveofourown.org/works/53474344/chapters/135349186

I think this is a good example where present tense works pretty well.
Not really related.
I think present tense has been popular in (Western) fic for the last few years no matter the length because it brings a sense of immediacy, as if the story is still going on and could go any which way. It's mostly used for angstier works, in my experience.
It is because it's a grammar reference on how tense shifts in indirect speech, versus direct speech in which there's no tense shift.
It's unrelated because this isn't about quotation. Regular conversational speaking features tense shifting. Telling stories (not quoting or indirectly quoting people, but recounting past events) features tense shifting and present tense. Also, as is often the case with style guides, the rules in the linked handbook are arbitrary choices rather than reflective of actual language use.
>sense of immediacy
I don't know, I've read a lot of tense, action-y stories written in past tense. Ultimately I think it's a pretty minor factor in whether a work achieves the desired effect. I do associate present tense with lower quality writing, but I don't think that's due to the use of present tense.
Solution: Stop watching harem anime.
All reported speech involves either tense shifting or tagging the reported material in some way. You could argue that in a story, the format in itself is a tag, but the question was whether telling stories in real life involves present or past tense. It's called backshifting of tense. The page establishes rules for this and that makes it related. Now, if you want to argue that this is rule is outdated and doesn't reflect reality, then yes, I'll be very interested to see some studies that show how the structure currently behaves in in some particular subvariety of English.
Oh, for sure. It's just another tool and one that can be used effectively when done well. For example, take the most innocuous of sentences, I dunno, something like:
She reached for her phone and scrolled to the last message.

She reaches for her phone and scrolls to the last message.

There's inherently a sense of anticipation with present tense, as if even the narrator doesn't know what'll happen next.

It might have certain associations but it's like first person, right, which is something I have a hard time reading in fic and desu in general now, because of how often it's badly done, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it.
People need to tag their shit properly. The slash indicates a romantic relationship, and shouldn't be used when the only thing linking to two characters is one throwing a beer bottle at the head of the other.
>see a new fic pop up in the ship that you write for, making a grand total of two fics for the ship
>It's tagged with another ship, but I can deal
>literally nothing for the ship I came here for
Many of the greatest novels in the English language are written in first person. Present tense narration is objectively a stylistic error in most cases. They are not really comparable.
>as if even the narrator doesn't know what'll happen next.
Possibly one of the reasons it's so grating to read third person omniscient stories written in present tense.
Might be autism but I feel like present tense flows better and seems softer because the verbs usually end in 's' which doesn't have as harsh a stop as 'd'.
>All reported speech
Again, this isn't about reported speech, it's a misunderstanding of how tense shifting works in actual utterance. Not reported dialogue within a story, or indirect/direct quoting, but standard language usage. When you are speaking English, tense shifts. The language involves tense shifting unless you are arbitrarily deciding not to do so.

For example your post itself tense shifts here, from present to past
>All reported speech involveS either tense shifting or tagging the reported material in some way. You COULD
and again here, from past to present:
>the question WAS whether... It's called

Tense shifting goes on constantly. The issue with the rule is not being "outdated" or that it doesn't reflect "subvarities" it's that such a rule doesn't ACTUALLY exist to begin with. It's fabricated, like most prescriptivist "grammar". Someone at some point decided backshifting tense only when -this- happens sounds proper (despite that not being how the tense works for actual grammaticality), and wrote that fabricated rule down in a book, utterly missing the nuances of tense shift.

Simple analysis of the handbook in question should reveal to you that it doesn't reflect real language usage:
>She said, "I go to school every day."
>She said (that) he went to school every day.
The handbook would have you believe you should tense shift like this, but these two things do not mean the same thing. The first implies a currently continual attendance. The second implies to the listener that she either no longer goes to school every day, or that she went to school every day during some specific time frame. You have effectively misreported what was said because you introduced an unnatural tense shift for the sake of meeting invented rules.
>She said she goes to school every day
is the actual indirect here, because it neutrally maintains the same connotation the original speech had, and is what most native English speakers are likely to say.
I guess we just have different experiences of it in fic.
>It's fabricated, like most prescriptivist "grammar".
>what most native English speakers are likely to say.

Then provide corpora that indicate this in actual language use. I understand the issue with prescriptivism, but NAH IT'S ACTUALLY LIKE THIS isn't enough of a standard for descriptivism either.
It has been recommended regularily over the years, so they may have been familiar with it already. It's also not that good in the sense that it ends up going high up its own butt and becomes a chore to read. Doesn't come close to the fics in the lis list, for example.
i see fics listed as f/f on ao3 but they have 0 female characters
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The issue with a corpus in this situation is that we typically lack the original context of what the person being indirectly quoted used tense-wise, but here, pic related. And also a situation to perhaps better exemplify what is happening:

You are talking to your friend Kim about your other friend. Kim nervously confesses "I love her". When she steps out of the room, you, being a gossipy bitch, immediately call your other friend, Shego and before she can even say anything blurt out

>A. Kim said she loves you.
>B. Kim said she loved you.

The answer is actually that both are correct. This tensing is not determined by being an in instance of indirectly reported speech, but by secondary information or implication you wish to provide or the mental frame of reference from which you are reporting. For example, if I told you that Shego had at some point told you to call and tell her what Kim said, you might favor the second response, because you've mentally contextualized the reported speech as an event that has happened. What makes the second less common in general is that it adds ambiguity for the reported speech. Shego does not know if Kim said "I love Shego" and you are reporting it as having been said, or if Kim literally said "I loved Shego" and you are telling her Kim is heartbroken. The first option does not engage with this ambiguity.

"She said she knows a good place to eat" and "She said she knew a good place to eat" are both totally valid, but contextually different.

But again, all of this is besides the point, since this isn't about direct or indirect speech, it's about the use of present tense in regular storytelling.
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Here is also some data for that last bit, to show that in typical conversation people will still tell stories in present tense (the second set has both present and past)
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What, so you'd dismiss the markedness of a variant simply because you can find examples of it occurring? If you take that same standard you can essentially do away with any kind of grammar system simply because there's always someone out there who uses some form wrong on purpose. I understand that you've got an issue with prescriptive grammar, but if you want any kind of teaching system for the written variety of the language to exist, either to natives or non-natives, you'll need some grammar system and it'll often be taught in a manner than might leave out fifty footnotes and caveats about context or aspect.

Anyway, I found some information on distribution because you couldn't manage that. I'll concede that backshift isn't mechanical as in Comrie (1986), but it is still the dominant and unmarked form of reported speech and as such it's perfectly sensible to be taught in any context that doesn't have time to do a deep dive into several articles worth of constraints imposed on the choice.
>you'll need some grammar system and it'll often be taught in a manner than might leave out fifty footnotes and caveats about context or aspect.
>by the way memorize this handbook with objectively incorrect footnotes and caveats
Don't ask for examples of how a rule doesn't exist and then get pissy when I provided examples. This whole thing has just been you trying to save face and it's honestly sort of sad you've moved the goal posts all the way over to "well English writing being taught in the classroom needs generalizations!" Nowhere did I claim that academic English needs to be structureless.

Anon >>4234503 wrongly claimed that when you tell someone a story in real life, present tense sounds jarring and unnatural, and that it's the result of ESL or being unread. I pointed out that this is objectively incorrect, present tense in story telling is perfectly normal English usage. >>4234521 (you?) then linked a completely fucking irrelevant style guide page about backshifting. So then I had to explain that not only was that not the situation being discussed (because this wasn't reporting speech) , but also that that's not even how actual conversational English works. You asked for an explanation and tried to dismiss that as varietal. I pointed out it wasn't. You asked for data, I gave it.

>still the dominant and unmarked form of reported speech
If you'd read deeper into the paper you pulled that table from, you'd have seen that part of its purpose is questioning Declerck's claim that the absolute is the unmarked form "because it requires intentionality and is minor". Vandelanotte found backshifting was more intentional, relative is barely dominant, and the absolute is usually unmarked when used because it pulls the unmodified tense from assuming the source speaker's temporal point, which is what I already recognized and told you >>4235287
>it neutrally maintains the same connotation the original speech had
That changing the tense to past ADDS information.
genderswap? I came across a HxH fic where the two male leads were genderswapped into a yuri pairing and my first thought was, "well that's gonna piss the fujos off".
I can't even follow what these two nerds are arguing about. ESLs are weird.
just some pretentious present tense copium
don't worry about it, kitten
It is my fault >>4229716
yay <3
LiS is generally terrible and boring with the worst characters though, so it simply doesn't matter how good the writing allegedly is in these fanfics. If the base material is not good then everything build on top is bounds to sink or collapse. By default any fanfic that can salvage LiS would have to rewrite it completely, which to me just means write an original story instead.

I don't know what you are talking about in regards to the Korra fic. It's biggest sin is just not getting done. At least it's better than these braindead incest Disney princess fics.
Who hurt you?
I've seen a lot, but gatekeeping fanfiction on 4chan? Now that's funny as hell.

Rec of the week:

A Craven's Curse by bnaras

I have never watched Motherland: Fort Salem, so I was a little lost on the plot. However, I enjoyed what feels like a mix of The Time Traveler's Wife but make it gay, one character is a rookie private, the other is an ageless, immortal and 'immoral' general. Being jealous of yourself from the future is craaazy and why I enjoy time travel plots.
>At least it's better than these braindead incest Disney princess fics.
Show us on the doll where big sis touched you, anon.
Random recomendation time

The Shoulders of Giants

A delightfully well done and restrained (Sakura mostly changes in attitude and teacher availability with her unique thing here being a single summons that isn't much stronger than she herself is) take on the usual "make Sakura strong" fic that diverges from canon right after the Wave arc. It takes a fair bit for the main pairing of Sakura/Ino to even interact much less look like they're about to reconnect and shift to a romantic relationship but there's a lot of fun development for Sakura to watch unfold, including seeing her being an utterly adorable baby gay who is attracted to an Inuzuka lady she begs for training.

Also Temari is an actual character who gets up to interesting shit and Team 7 actually makes an attempt to be friends thanks to Sakura's changes. Which is real nice to see. That and Sauce eventually sometimes losing in spars to Sakura and her and Ino's crush on him being utterly discarded and questioned if it was even a real thing at all.

Anyways, author has been updating pretty regularly so keeping an eye on the fic if you do like it is a must.
Omg, I dropped it very quickly but I know this ship from gifs. It's not canon per se, but there was an absurd energy between them
Thanks, anon, it's always nice to see SakuIno
My interest is piqued. Is Motherland: Fort Salem good? How /u/ is it?
It actually has a central lesbian ship from the start involving totally different characters, lol.
If the original author took down a fanfiction but you happen to have a copy of it, would it be okay to post it under your account?

For example, this person isn't Aloness but has the fanfiction of Aloness and is posting it under a personal account.

Yes, as long as they credit the original author.
It's not illegal or anything but that's kind of disrespectful. The author took it down because they wanted to take it down.
I hate this mentality, when you publish something it now belongs to society. You can't just unpublish a book or a song because you feel embarrassed by it now.
It doesn't belong to society, but I do agree that anon is wrong and once you've put something out there, you then have to live with the consequences of making that choice.

Do a rewrite if it is so bad, we all grow as writer. No shame in that.
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Fics where the author is brainrotted enough to have drawn or commissioned art for the pairing?

Haven't come across that many, but this one always stuck with me No I don't know why I look for yuri in a hetshit show, I'm broken like that. The fic is pretty good tho.

Any fics are fine. I just want to know about authors who are this level of insane.
Didn't TtS have a fan-art booru? Though that's more like art from a whole community and not a single author. I know that OSaBC had a fund for commissioning "official" artworks, though that's only tangentially related to /u/ and is also more like a collaborative community hobby-project than a fanfiction story by now.

There is it's listed in the sidebar of Hieronym's TTS tumblr, anyway, it's also right here:


I am not aware that the update twitter is listed both at the top and at the bottom.
Fucking wild.
>Volume 1: quantum entanglement
Oh, this is going to be a ride, innit.
>Fics where the author is brainrotted enough to have drawn or commissioned art for the pairing?
This is pretty common actually.
I think it depends on when and where you're looking. I've seen more fanart of the fic than commissioned pieces, though the former sometimes leads to the latter.
If you only knew how hard things would end up going.
> to the stars is listed in the general
no /u/?
>I read a good sherlock one set during ww2
was that No bangs without foreign office approval? Cause it was great, and made me go looking for more u/sherlock, but I only found one or two good ones
I draw fanart of other peope's fic sometimes but it sucks. One day I hope to get good enough to draw whole comic adaptions for my favorite fics.
>No bangs without foreign office approval
Yeah that was it I remember it being really well researched. Think it made me look in to the lesbian scene in occupied paris.
Yes, its a pretty solid YA military syfy show, that said it has a kinda weird thing it does where the character that would be the MC of the novel, Raelle the lesbian, basically gets relegated to just one of the main trio by the end of the show...its weird because in most shows/novels that have a main trio of characters they usually are the MC and their two bffs and while they are important the reader/watcher always is aware they aren't the MC...in this they go out of their way to take the screen time from the original MC lmao.
Like Tally, the ginger in >>4238556, she is straight and the delulu shipper legion latched to her because of her storyline with the main big boss witch, and she gets a pretty developed shared storyline with her...while the 'MC' dissapears from the narrative alot and so does her love interests.
I dunno, maybe that was the original intent, having 3 MCs from the get go even if one of them was the literal 'Chosen One' of the magical fungus goddess...
does webnovel.com have anything /u/ related to read? it appears there is just a bunch of yaoi crap
idk sister this is the fanfic thread not the webnovel thread
Does the phone-sex tag include video call sex?
umm, sweaty, it's called facetime sex these days
I say no, but I dunno what the standard is.
>the pudding haired girl exclaimed
Alright, that's a new one for me. What color is that even supposed to be? Light brown?
Hey, I just learned how to adapt my favorite fanfics to epub files and transfer them so I can read them on my phone and tablet offline!

Thank you copy and paste feature!
The puddingette.
Doesn't AO3 let you download fics as epub directly?
This is why you shouldn't write on an empty stomach.
So, you just discovered AO3?
and never without wine....
It does but some of the older works aren't available on AO3 so I have to go to FF.net and I learned how to download them.
Do you just copy chapter by chapter?
Sometimes, but I'm more of a one shot fan.
Maybe it's the shape...?
Maybe her hair is made of pudding.
it's probably a comparison made in-universe... rigth?
It's not, although that would make it slightly less silly. The character in question is an alcoholic who has never shown any interest in sweets so I don't know where the comparison to pudding came from besides the similarity in color to her hair. Sometimes I think I read it all until I come across something like that and it makes me baka a little bit.
Could be kind of cute if someone actually says this aloud and has to awkwardly explain what it means.
I caught up with Fall into the Depths the other day and I really enjoyed it so thanks to the anon who shilled it a while back. Now I get to experience the "updates never" ennui, too. I only wish that Mikoto would've raped more girls, like Saten or the fat scientist. I really luled when the lights that Mikoto always ranted about were just Christmas lights strung up in her cell, that was a really effective reveal.
>Mikoto would've raped more girls
I'm interested.
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Such a small detail but it drives in just how unhinged she is. Love it.
>I only wish that Mikoto would've raped more girls
Yeah, Saten just miraculously avoided the rape thanks to Mikoto's hyper-ADHD, and that scientist lady was totally asking for it. I think if it was finished, Misaki wouldn't go unraped for the shit she pulled either. I wish I could've seen that. Anyway, you're welcome or my bad I guess, it has to be the worst cliffhanger I've ever encountered.
How does one acquire the fabled beta reader? I'm currently translating a Chinese yuri story into English and I'm stuck at a point where I can't tell if the writing is bad just because I've read it a hundred times and it has gotten boring to me, or if there's something actually wrong with the way it's structured in English, and an editor should help with this. (If you think you'd be interested I'll just say it's for a fandom that I'm sure nobody here cares about.)
Post a note on any given story saying "Hey, I'm looking for people interested in beta reading" and then presumably people will message you. Or make friends with other writers or readers you think will offer you decent opinions.
You either pay someone or you make friends with other writers to give you their takes.
That being said, you can also let the story rest for a while after it's done and then go through it again after some time. That's what I do cuz' I'm a friendless mf.
>Post a note
Logical. Can you private message on ao3 though?
nope. Join a discord server for writers or for a specific fandom.
Could just make a throwaway discord and include it in said note for people to message you if interested.
Talking to other authors is the best bet. I worked with one of my commenters who later started writing. Swapped stories back and forth. You can swap comments back and forth, see if you click, and then go from there. That way you'll find someone with similar taste and who you get along with. Plus, fellow authors can give the most useful advice. I mean, if you've got friends or acquaintances you can trust, that can be great too, but their suggestions will mostly just note things that don't work. That's still very valuable, of course.
long odds, but does anyone have any good Ranma fics? I can deal with some boy type Ranma as long as it’s mostly yuri
Trying the Ranma thread would probably be your best bet.
we have a Ranma thread?!
Gotta love the remake announcement breathing some new life into the fandom
What's popular these days?
Depends on the fandom.
Define "these days". Coming out of last year, Wenclair and Robin/Nancy from Stranger Things, still some Lumity, that turbo manufactured Harry Potter pairing with Dorcas Meadows, and warrior Nun. 2024 I expect probably still that set. The biggest FF pairing so far this year has probably been Chaggie and that's unfortunately in a fandom that is much more concerned with MM, so they're largely just a side pairing in fics. Next year, depending on what happens in their new seasons, you'll probably see even more of a surge of those first two things. So unless some dark horse pairing comes along and explodes in popularity, I think you'll probably not be seeing major shifts for the better part of two years.
Farcille is rather popular after the Dungeon Meshi anime came out, though it's a pairing with a substancial amount of girldick and mosterfucking involved.
anything but the ships I enjoy, sadly.
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>Define "these days".
>check bookmarks
>one in four months
I spent years thinking that 'beta reader' was just an odd synonym for 'editor' used in fandom spaces, but I've recently seen it used by even published authors
Is there an actual difference between these concepts?
I think editor might imply some level of professionalism or a beta reader might be more inclined towards pushing on weak parts of a plot.
Rhaenyra/Alicent from house of the dragon is quite popular too if you enjoy angst
What kind of setups do they usually use for the pairing? I watched the first season and what I've seen of s2 looks awful enough that I'm not too excited to dive in, but I'm always desperate for good content.
does wattpad have anything good? i just remembered the website existed
I find it hard to believe that any author worth reading would insist on publishing only there and not on AO3.

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