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Post any Baldur's Gate Yuri here.

Last thread
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Old thread is gone, time to bump this.
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Bump this shit like they do in the future.
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Is Kagha a top? Assuming you didn't just murder her outright like the majority of players seem to do.
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Top as a shadow druid, bottom if you "redeemed" her.

Would've taken her as a companion instead of the dumbass bear.
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>Would've taken her as a companion instead of the dumbass bear.

You and me both. The most scathing and hilarious criticism of his character I've read was when one anon mentioned that he immediately realized he was Orin's victim when he started showing character development. I just want to have Kagha tag along and either tell the group about industrial society and its future or mellow out a bit.
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The only pairing for Shart that I really enjoy. Probably I just enjoy seeing her suffer.
how did she hurt you anon?
No. I ended up hurting her, actually. Wasn't my plan, but she started giving me death threats.

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