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Kanon x Yuu is cute
Previous: >>4200155
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Holy mother of crackships
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Ships ranking on Pixiv
Thank you for your work, much appreciated. Have you ever considered making a similar chart for boorus? Like counting results for "X Y 2girls yuri" or something?
I might do it in the future, If I feel like it.
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>My! What a cute-looking Momotarō-san~

>What's with this perverted oni!?

>Hey, you over there save me!! Heeeeey!
>retard still unable to link onto the past thread
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>emmakarin lost to lanshio
I still can never see the name 'NicoMaki' without thinking of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
Yoshiko and a kouhai at Shizuma High.
Ships ranking on Pixiv
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I love this ship so much.
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They're having a date?
Is this even yuri?
No. The artist is a hetfag.
Why wouldn't it be
Looking at (you) instead of each other, this looks more like it's meant to be an invitation to a FFM threesome
Why are you assuming the viewer is male
I assume it's the primary target audience
Happy Birthday Kaho
Ships ranking on Pixiv
Let me guess, these two are childhood friends?
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Next episode preview
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SIF2 dies soon. Ironically School Idolmaster Project was launched two weeks earlier with roaring success.
Those projects are going to work only for brand/name recognition, even when at the end of the day each new project only does is add more girls to the collection without contributing anything really new (like Pokémon, but worse) adaptations are where It seems that these projects are not that good.
Happy Birthday Ai
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New Magazine is out
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Ships ranking on Pixiv
I HATE them
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SIF2EN is dead.

With that marks the final death of the SIF series of games.
Girls, we eatin good with tonight's nijiyon
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I LOVE them.
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Why are country girls like this?
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Oh shit look out
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Sunshine is underrated, season 2 flaws are vastly exagerated (except for the shiping mess with stupid thing like yohariko) and its quality are ignored.
Ye it was alright I guess
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Come to the zoo!
cute lanzhu and emma
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Ships ranking on Pixiv
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>not looking at each other
It's het
Really nice yuumia episode
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Happy Birthday Nozomi
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hey so I know absolutely nothing about Love Live. How would I go about getting into the series? Is there like, a watch order for the animes? Also which is the gayest one?
you can always watch it in release order but if you dont wanna do that then I recommend watching the original series and then watch nijigasaki, after that then you could return and watch sunshine and finally superstars, as for which one is the gayest mmmm its a difficult answer because a lot of gay shit happens in the SIDs, manga, game and whatnot but strictly speaking about anime I personally think that nijigasaki has the gayest scene, sunshine also gets to shine (eh) in that aspect because it has a a couple of good gay scenes, still if you want to watch them according to their leven of yuriness then I would still recommend watching the original anime and then nijigasaki
The release order is School Idol Project -> Sunshine -> Nijigasaki -> Superstar, with every series having 2 seasons and a movie (except for Superstar which has a third season coming this October and no movie yet).
Watch order is not really important because each series is more or less self-contained (although Sunshine does rely on referencing SIP a lot). In order of yuri it would be Nijigasaki > Sunshine >SIP > Superstar.
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I despise Superstar with a passion but to be completely honest Superstar is more yuri than SIP, mostly due to the fact that it's a more modern show.

Also the correct release order is
1. SIP (S1 -> S2 -> Movie)
2. Sunshine (S1 -> S2 -> Movie)
3. Nijigasaki S1
4. Superstar S1
5. Nijigasaki S2
6. Superstar S2
7. Nijiyon (Niji short anime) S1
8. Nijigasaki OVA
(Yohane but we don't talk about that one)
9. Nijiyon S2 (airing this season)
10. Nijigasaki Movie 1 (showing this September)
11. Superstar S3 (airing this October)
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