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/u/ - Yuri

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>And don't lose any duels.
>I won't lose. Ever.

Previous thread: >>4199083

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

>Suletta & Miorine Japan Tour

>Light Novel
https://files.catbox.moe/kawi6k.zip (Vol1 Raw)
https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/[ZeonicScanlations]_Witch_from_Mercury[Vol01].pdf (Translated)

>Houseki no Hibi, the finale insert song by AiNA THE END

>Doujinshi folder
>Doujin Anon's ko-fi

>All About Mercury ZIP
>Accompanying TL Notes

>Misc Translations (including the first part of the School Assembly Drama CD)
Translated MajoRaji snippets:

>Asticassia School Festival BD rips
>School Festival Drama CD (parent directory contains WfM-related scans, including non-/u/ doujins)
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I don't have time for a longer post, but SuleMio are currently massacring that one Supernatural m/m ship that used to incredibly popular in the finals of a tumblr shipping poll. This is widely considered extremely funny.

(Original version of OP pic in spoiler.)
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Official merchs >>>>>>>>> tumblr shits
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I really don't care about Tumblr slap fights.
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If you read the notes, you'll see that most of the Sulemio fans say "vote for the canon married couple" along with some yuri jokes and I don't think it's a way to say "muh ship is more progressive than yours"; I know there's a minority pulling the white man crap, but it's a minority.
I'll say it again, compare Destiel fans with Bubbline ones, we're making fun of the former because they're throwing a tantrum.

I'd say the same, but FUJOS being angry because of Sulemio is very funny, like one anon said last thread Sulemio is a het/fujo slayer.
Meh, I would rather call them the yume/fujo slayer. Yumes are so annoying.
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I like to think of them as defeaters of het, yaoi and Bandai.
they're good when they do it with female characters >>4005533
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I prefer yume/fujo too, but I was quoting a sister.

Fujos from another show seething it only shows how powerful Sulemio is.
I've had a Tumblr account since like 2010ish, but never really used it until maybe within the last couple of years as an archive of anime/manga I'm watching or reading and I literally did not know who the fuck those guys were. Like I know Superwholock shit is a thing on tumblr but jeez those people need to get better taste in entertainment media. I also hate that I'm probably in their age range (late 30s). It wasn't until this week that I finally knew the context for that stupid "I love you" meme thing with the guys.
What did suletta win this time?
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My heart for the millionth time.
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We know, Mio Mio.
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Man, that scene changed my brain chemistry and brainwashed me into wanting to buy plastic figurines.

TL nee-san, please.

the hell site poll
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>Suletta - about tomorrow's assignment -

>the cockpit regulations...

>Oh, seriously? You're napping?
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>...She's not half-bad looking, really...

Given the artist said they did this just for a chance to draw Suletta's forehead, I interpreted the last line as Mio being tsun about her attractiveness rather than physiognomy.
have you seen fandom demographic surveys? those llots of those straight women are claiming they're gay or bi to win brownie points. as long as they do that, i'll be rubbing their hipocrisy in their face
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Thanks sis!

Tbh we really needed more pre-ep 11 Miorine scenes.

Why are you arguing this here? Talk about Sulemio sex or something, not fandom discourse.
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yeah, sorry, i was backreading the thread and got caugh up in drama fever
>sulemio sex
any fic recomendations, preferably with miomio topping? trying to find anything with all the trans and futa shit is annoying as helll
>preferably with miomio topping?
Is there any reason why would anyone want this?
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because the idea of tiny miorine topping her tall, buff wife is hot to me
Because it's nice when partners switch it up? Hello?
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To each their own, I guess. For me, I’d like for couples to stay in character even in fanfictions so I can picture the same characters in a different AU or situations that were not shown in the anime. I can understand wanting to see different things from time to time but when I read something like that, I just can’t see the characters as our Miorine and Suletta anymore, just made up characters with the same names.
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oh god not more of this moronic nonsense about miorine bottoming 100% of the time
Anybody buy the doujin by https://twitter.com/neco28 yet? Great artist. I think her Suletta/Miorine designs are spot-on. The digital version is available on BOOTH.
why are they calling them Mr. Hotz and Mr. Cool when both are wearing skirts? Is that official or just the fans?
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If cis E rated fics are rare, top mio fics are extra rare.
As far as I've read, Top!Mio features in Sulemio fanfics where they switch, kek.

I know Asakami loves writing Sexletta, the top god of sex; but her fics "viator" and "sunny" have some Miorine topping.
There's "love comes quietly" with a crumb of Top!Mio, but the writer is against Princess Pillow Miorine.
There's "how to save miorine rembran's career" (aka Idol AU) with another crumb.
And iirc that anonymous writer last work had Mio topping.
Sorry sis, I know I offered crumbs, but imo those are decently written, take it or leave it.

And before you think about it Asakami schizo, fuck off.

Don't engage sis, goddammit.

Throw some buck to dj sis.

>Is that official or just the fans?


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I know -san is official, anon. I'm not sure about Mr.
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I already purchased it myself. Gotta support these sulemio artists in every way possible. Just hoping everyone would do the same so they can keep on pumping out god's work.
If you pay attention, when Suletta begs Guel for the rematch she says "Guel-san".
Also, those are not skirts, they're wearing parkas.

Okay, mind sharing the price so I can ponder if it's worth it?
Hot. This is how it should be.
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I’m only using google translate but is there no digital version? It’s asking me for shipping method
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Holy shit, it's finally here! Also, anon is right, go buy it if you can.

I'll still share it tho, that's kinda my thing.


Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/2EBBEYia#6CTRFMPoZJ8LffBm-TUxdg

Here's the direct link to the doujin. They have included an English version. Also, I believe you can change BOOTH's language to English.
Thank you and I love you, dj anon.
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>If you pay attention, when Suletta begs Guel for the rematch she says "Guel-san".
I'm sorry but that's not it... san can be used for both Mr and Ms.
>Also, those are not skirts, they're wearing parkas.
You can see their panties, though?
Thanks sis, I read and loved "how to save miomio's career" I'll check out the other ones later
Very, very hot.
Thanks for sharing.
Definetly worth it.

Yeah, I know -san can be used for both, that's why I don't think there's an issue with Mr Hotz, feel free to use Ms. if you want. I guess Mr. was decided by fans.

>You can see their panties, though?
They don't like wearing pants nor going commando.

Are we really discussing about the gender of ugly, butthole-looking keychains?
Anyone got that miorine born to cum forced to edge
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Mio defo tops here
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where is her joy and whimsy
yurikyanon draws the best miorine arts out there, even better than mogumo
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Keep forgetting Miorine played piano.
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Tomboy Mio, anyone?
She's a Prince, not a tomboy.
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I really like this Korean artist and I'm so glad she's still drawing Suremio.
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So that's G-Reco and with it my Gundam project done.

I guess the first thing to say about it is that it's gorgeous. The colors are bright, the mecha designs cool and varied, the character designs exaggerated just enough. It's far more successful than AGE at reinventing a bright and poppy Gundam aesthetic. It's probably the best looking Gundam show made this century.

Secondly the narrative is an ungainly, confusing mess and the characters weirdos who keep doing bizarre stuff. Prisoners are allowed to walk around with no oversight, everyone keeps defecting and no one really cares if you, say, switch sides and kill dozens of your countrymen, including your teacher.

There are different ways of approaching this. It's pretty common to assume this is all old man Tomino fucking up. Urobuchi has a fun reading where the weirdass pacing is part of the show's critique of going along with grand narratives.

I think it's Tomino's late style. Without going too much into Edward Said or Beethoven, sometimes old masters, rather than attaining harmony and serenity, choose to chase their own idiosyncrasies with little regard for convention. Tomino's always liked to have his characters taking extreme and seemingly irrational actions, like Kamille starting Zeta by escalating a conflict caused by a minor insult until he's an orphan and a terrorist, or Reccoa and especially Katejina's betrayals and subsequent careers. You could analyze those characters and derive reasons for their behavior from nuggets of subtext, but here psychological realism has no room.

Whatever it is, it has to be intentional. No one writes a happy epilogue scene where a dude notices his dad the American president giving a speech and then uses their spaceship to crush him to death while the heroes look on in mild confusion by accident.

It's basically Twin Peaks: The Return with bright colors and cool robots. 11/10. Don't watch the movies, I hear they explain shit in those.
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To celebrate me getting my life back, here's a look at Gundam yuri before Witch from Mercury, in rough order of canonicity.

>Iron-blooded Orphans: Kudelia/Atra
SuleMio's predecessors, to the extent that their epilogue scene references Kudelia and Atra's. They start out as something like romantic rivals for the male MC, until Atra hears about polyamory and comes up with an alternate solution. Funnily enough both of them being the MC's girlfriends can be talked about openly, but the series has to be a little coy about the girls also being together. The writers did state they're married in the epilogue. The MC dies.

>Gundam X: Tonya/Ennil
They were either meant to be Gundam's first lesbian couple before someone got cold feet or someone is catastrophically bad at writing female friendships. The villainous Ennil happens to run into bridge bunny Tonya on a day off. They hit it off, go on a restaurant date in nice clothes and talk about running away together. Ennil eventually joins the good guys thanks to her, and they're frequently compared to the main couple. Then both get paired with guys randomly, though the epilogue has them both immediately ditching said guys to hang out together upon being reunited. I choose to believe they just needed some time.

>Gundam Wing: Relena/Dorothea
Relena is the world's dumbest pacifist and has a fun butch 18th century aristocrat look, Dorothea loves war and flirting with Relena in a threatening way. Relena genuinely likes her company. Sure, the he(e)ro may be her love interest, but they never get together, so Dorothea can still win.

>Gundam Z: Emma/Reccoa
Emma's a no-nonsense soldier with no interest in men or marriage, and subtitles keep talking about her girlfriends. Reccoa makes unfortunate decisions and is desperate for Emma to understand her, even to the end. Emma could have fixed her.

>First Gundam: Sayla/Mirai
I swear there's a vibe, and Sayla winks at her cutely in Cucuruz Doan's Island.
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G-Reco was shat on by the masses pretty hard back when. /m/ was a constant insane battleground between G-Reco vs IBO during 2015-2017. Not long after that place made it's bed. These days, I think G-Reco is talked about more fondly because only the fans bring it up at all, the movies (that you should still watch) did not make any waves, I think.

And I admit, I'm one of the fans. G-Reco is one of few recent entries that had something to say with it's story, that didn't have a generic feel good message at the end about complex political matters with no real bite to it. Which, depending on how you look at the interpretation debacle or the strange delay with the Hathaway's Flash sequel (have you watched this one yet? I don't recommend newfags to watch it because it's something made for the fans), might be something Bandai is actively trying to cultivate with the franchise. Tomino doesn't have to abide by it because he's Tomino and G-Reco wasn't heavily promoted anyway.

If you look at G-Reco as an allegory for Japan trying to remilitarize itself so it can sit in the big boy table alongside China, Russia and the US, all the pieces start falling into place. And Tomino characters just being fucking odd is one of those pieces, of course.
Sulemio Tumblr victory in a few hours
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>have you watched this one yet?
Yeah, over the last 18 months or so I've watched pretty much all of Gundam, aside from Build, SD and some odds and ends.

>might be something Bandai is actively trying to cultivate with the franchise
That Zeon show being produced by Westerners and the talk about a Hollywood film is worrying. If they try to turn it into another Star Wars, I doubt we'll keep getting terrorist main characters or messages like "war bad, patricidal political assassination good".

>allegory for Japan trying to remilitarize itself
This seems valid. I thought it was poignant and perceptive how the thing keeping militarization in check was a crumbling religion likely imposed from above (literally), which nonetheless worked. I guess even Gundam Wing's very odd ideological framing (people who think war is bad vs. people who think it's good) makes some sense against that background.

>Tomino characters just being fucking odd is one of those pieces, of course.
I kind of want to write a comparative essay on Reccoa, Katejina and Manny.
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Wow, Gwitch really made you sisters watch Gundam huh. My Gundam journey started and ended with Gwitch.
I mean it's something else to watch you know and they aren't pumping out those adaptations fast enough for me
plus Sasakoi this season looks like shit
Now onto the 4 billion Gundam manga.
Give at least Mobile Suit Gundam Pulitzer a chance.
>Give at least Mobile Suit Gundam Pulitzer a chance.
And also Plot to Assassinate Gihren. Heads and shoulders above the other manga that have been translated IMO.
We have Yorukura.
Did SuleMio win yet?
yep, with 65% of the vote
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My god, it was a massacre.
If you want some keks, check the stats.

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>How did the only one of these ships that canonically ends in a marriage win?
I mean, I assume. Going off of what I know about tumblr I'm going to make that assumption.

I don't bear any ill will to any of them, though, why wouldn't the hot new thing win?
I think I missed these threads when you were going through Turn-A. Any thoughts on that?
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Really cute how JessiexDelia is randomly there.
not surprising, the artists posts on tumblr and is pretty popular there.
Makes sense that Miorine is a fox, which also means attractive/good looking person.
I've been reading this. It's nice to get closure for some of the side characters, especially poor Fraw Bow. The writing could stand to be a bit sharper at some points, though. The Sayla chapters in particular are wasted on just recapping the events of 0079 when her perspective on what happened after that would be far more interesting.

I really should finish that.

I liked it a lot. After how miserable Victory was, there's a wonderful sense of lightness and relief to it, which makes sense if you read about its production. However, it isn't the least bit insubstantial in how it treats and develops the usual Gundam themes. This is where Tomino dooms the Universal Century as we discover it never got better for them.

We also finally get to see what perfect newtype understanding looks like, between two characters who aren't newtypes. I really should have included Dianna and Kihel in >>4211148, probably right after Kudelia/Atra. I generally like the feminine vibe of the series, like how towards the end there's lots of scenes of the girls and Loran deciding how they will save their world, and Loran's an honorary girl. This is carried over to G-Reco.

Also peak OP, peak mecha design, peak music, peak masked rival, peak cow episode, peak hero and villain duel with swords scene.
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Honestly I had some doubts because WfM (allegedly) isn't that popular in the West.

This poll event showed me again how strong and dedicated the fanbase is, twitter accounts always shared the links asking their followers to vote and apparently gooks, chinks and nips voted in the finals.
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>Aerial is one of three COD Gundams along with the OGs

alright where we droppin
I like to see Gundam Wing and Strike Freedom but no need to be salty about it
Inari, the goddess of buisness, agriculture, and protector of warriors also alternates between a beautiful woman and a white or silver fox with multiple tails. She is also the master of all kitsune. The known Inari shrines number over a thousand.
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A good whiff of MioPussy

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Celebratory illustration by Itsuki to commemorate Sulemio BTFO'ing the poll
Would Cat Mio smell like fresh tomatoes?
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Like pussy I'd say.
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She doesn't look too shabby either, give or take the random tactical gear and the "normal COD proportions" for the sake of animation congruity. And obviously the shield has to be a big rectangle. I imagine all the gun blueprints will have beam tracers/gibbing. And she'll probably get a beam saber melee skin.

I can imagine the special execution being something with the sword or the bits shredding a dude to pieces, but it'd be hilarious if they somehow made the infamous slap work despite the Gundams being human-sized.
Meh, it looks alright but I'm not getting into fucking COD for it. I MIGHT try to get into Gundam Battle Operation 2 though.
I can only think of the words "Eri chuuni era".
Is GBO2 still shitting itself and giving you a 2-week ban for your connection being less than perfect for a second?
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They really did the "War is bad/Cool robot".
I miss when these threads get several posts per day. The top/bottom discussions were annoying but I still miss any discussions about Sulemio
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TL nee-san, please.


>I miss when these threads get several posts per day
By any chance, are you familiar with 'quality over quantity'? The thread previous to the handsex one had 1000 posts, but a good chunk of them was shitpost and autism. Last thread a sister said she left because of that.

If you want to discuss Sulemio or the show, bring up an interesting topic.
We haven't discussed the CD drama, for example.
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They still do compared to the rest of /u/
>quality over quantity
If the "quantity with quality" is zero then I'd prefer any topic honestly.

>Cd drama
We will have to mention the boys if we were to discuss this one, right?
We already told you to not discuss about your trash boys on /u/. EH and Burian are fine, though.
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What is the relationship between these two girls?
Waiting for fanart of Eri playing CoD and casually getting multikills like in the prologue while Suletta and Miorine watch, concerned.
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>I'd prefer any topic honestly.
Then again, bring up a good topic sister. You're like that anon who used to complain about the lack of """good""" fanfics but wasn't willing to change that.

>If we talk about CD drama we must talk about boys.
Dumbass. We can talk about the fact Suletta and Miorine worked together to deliver the tomatoes trying to solve the meat issue (+Suletta being a top tier goofy goober with the song), Suletta proposing Miorine to dance, Char Mommy joining the cooking duel (which can become a good discussion about Sulemio-Samaya family dynamic).
Did I mentioned the boys? You're miserable because you want to.

Can we talk about them to mock the het?
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>Deleted post
That tourist really believed we would leave this board to talk about the show, the nerve.
If you want to make fun of the boys I wholeheartedly fine with that.
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>It's not that painful today. What a relief...

>...Wait wait wait wait,
>my underwear...!!?

>I really really want to avoid it going through the fabric,
>but if I move now...it'll leak!

Why does it seem like Sulemio have tons of period related fanart?
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>No, think it over Miorine. If it's already coming out then...
>it'd be best to minimise the damage by moving and taking care of it...!
>(I can use the opportunity to take some meds too)

>Just need to avoid tipping off Suletta...
>Ah...! Miorine-san, you've leaked a bit!

>Wait here a sec!

>Alrighty, lift your waist up for me.

>I can do it myself!
>No - you were hesitating over it just now, weren't you?
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>First off we'll pop a towel underneath you,
>then you can change.
>(I've prepared a pad for you)

>...Done, Suletta.
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>No problem!

>Ah, and here's some medicine.
>(My groom's so perfect it's impossible not to fall in love all over again).
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Also noticed a continuation of this one so,

>She's left herself completely defenceless...

>What an idiot...



>I can't help but ask...
>did you really need to pick such a cliche time to wake up?
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>Miorine-san's cooking!!
>I'm so happy!
>So you really can cook!! How unexpected!!
>You didn't need that last bit.

>No, it's important to be honest Suletta.
>While Miorine's busy making bio weapons, let's go grab some pre-made sides.

>I'm gonna deep-fry you!!
>P-please calm down!!!
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>Suletta, if you're going to ditch it then now's the time.
>I-I wouldn't do that!!

>It's made by Miorine-san after all. Here I go...

>Don't force yourself.
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>Wh...Why!? Why'd you take it away?!?
>It pisses me off to admit it, but even I can tell it's a total failure!! So I'm taking it!!

>N-no way...I've been looking forward to tasting your cooking all this time, you can't do this to me now...

>...Fine. But just one mouthful.

>Why does it seem like Sulemio have tons of period related fanart?
Someone said it started as a discussion on twitter(?). The consensus was that Mio has painful periods and Suletta's very caring during them.
Missed a bit at the end -
>S..she's abusing me!
I can't believe Suletta is fucking dead...
>Tl neesan saving the thread
Thank you!

What happened?

I also like tomatoes but I would be sick of it if I eat it those everyday. And I heard they are also bad for your appendix, right? I can understand Miorine's obsession with them but do you think Suletta is sick of these tomatoes too but pretend to still find them delicious for Miomio pussy?
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What happened to asakami? I didn't spend months reading reverie for it to be left hanging at the break up chapter.
This reminds me. When they have the full dual-dress wedding, when Suletta can walk down the aisle and princess carry Miorine afterward, what will they do for the reception? Suletta wanted the best dresses for the wedding but does that extend to the dinner and dancing afterward? Would Miorine want pants for that part? Or another pair of ball gowns like in episode seven? Its kind of open to guessing as Miorine never expressed a preference.
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>3 translations
Tl nee-san thank you very, very much.

Only nips are into menstruation, but they're not brave enough.

>What happened?
An /m/tard came here blaming us for a shitposter in their threads, why would talk about yuri and WfM in that cesspool?

>do you think Suletta is sick of these tomatoes too but pretend to still find them delicious for Miomio pussy?
Nah, tomatoes are special for both of them, just in different ways. Miorine gifted her a tomato and it was probably the first "natural" food she tasted.
Suletta is a chad, with those looks and sweet personality she doesn't need to lie to get some pussy, pussy gets to her.

Daily reminder fanfiction is a hobby and our beloved and favourite writers do it in their spare time.
Asakami has mentioned plenty of times that she's busy with work, probably is that. Also, I love reverie but fuck it, what hurts me the most is 'sunny' with ONE chapter left. My prediction is a double update.
I hope she didn't just move on from Sulemio. She mentioned before that she was writing a commander x mistress Sulemio fic, I was also waiting for it.

She didnt finish that one? I thought that had daily updates before.
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By all you've said I'm sure you're the anon who shared the comment reply mail before. Come on sis, you've read how much Asakami gushes about Sulemio, she even went to the live event. Don't be pessimistic sis, she's just busy.

And no, she hasn't. I enjoyed the daily updates and had my hopes with the 'updates will be quicker than you think', yet here we are.
Yeah I gotta admit that's some old married couple fashion on the right.

Goddamn, space lesbians really do dress like 60-year old grannies in their 20s dont they.
>Sorry, Suletta, we know you sacrificed your own health to save everyone, but cripples are just too unseemly in wedding photos. You can have that wedding you dreamed of after you've fully recovered, which hasn't happened after three years and may never happen.
Wasted potential couple.
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Went over to sunny's comments for a look. Seems like she hurt herself somehow.
If Amuro's VA gets Sakurai'd so hard I really think Banrise will make Suletta or Kira the new face of Gundam. That CoD × Aerial crossover is already spoiling stuff about who is the most popular Gundam AU right now.
Will /u/ be fine when they suddenly announce spin-offs, movies or a sequel in this year or when the novelization ends?
Can someone call asakami and type for her?
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Pretty fucked up and I cringed, will Amuro have a recast?

I think Suletta will have a very successful recovery, she was able to take a couple of baby steps without the crutches.

>She's not busy, she hurt her hand.
I was wrong, but told ya, no need to be pessimistic.
Hope she recovers soon.

I remember reading a reply on viator where she said some people managed to find her social media, kek. I'd say that's impressive and very unhinged, but finding her on Twitter is not that hard.
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Me after my laser hair removal session.
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A shame this artist doesn't draw the hairy Miopussy.
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So did you like Prospera turning out to be not quite as evil as she presented herself, or would you have wanted her to be a full-on unrepentant monster who only ever saw Suletta as a tool?
Ngl, Prosmio is hot. I like how Miorine passionately hates her.
It honestly took me until well after the final credits started rolling for me to accept that Prospera actually wasn't on a warpath to dismantle everything Delling built.
I didn't really like the eleventh hour redemption arc honestly. She spends like 90% of her screentime ominously going noun verb quiet zero ufufufu so it was weird to see her go nvm I'll be good and get a happy ending. If she was a more nuanced character up until that point it'd probably be more impactful for me.
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4th novel?
Now that's the real galaxy brain
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In my opinion, she stole the show every time she was on screen (in the first season anyways). Sulemio were great and all, but Prospera brought so much intrigue to the table (the blessing scene from episode 12 is either my first or second favorite scene in the enitre show). I really like how her relationship with her daughters was done, and, while I wouldn't have minded if she died (if it was executed well), given how sloppy the second season was, I'm pretty happy with the slightly corny redemption arc with happy ending that we got.
That's a raccoon
She would have been more fun if she was more evil, yes.
>redemption arc
I'm not even sure she's really redeemed. She gives up on her accessibility for Eri campaign, but it's not like she does anything to make up for her actions or even shows regret for Quinnharbor.
I wonder what she thanks about the cuck talking the fall lol does she hates he took the credit? Does she think it's funny?
There's a white raccoon? Gundam staff really know their canon couple
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>the blessing scene from episode 12 is either my first or second favorite scene in the enitre show
Same. It has everything, that shot of Suletta crossing the doorframe stepping on blood is peak. I'll never forgive Sony for not releasing piano shukufuku and slash, the OST carried this show.

I doesn't matter. Suletta has been a tanuki, raccon, dog (Bernese), wolf, cat, horse, worm, shrimp, pigeon, and a fucking dragon.

I remember reading, in of the bazillion threads about WfM's finale, that Prospera redeemed and "was held accountable" for her actions by apologising her daughters and spending the rest of her life with them. Is that lazy writing? I don't know.
>Is that lazy writing? I don't know.
The ending's not really concerned with giving everyone their just deserts. The only people who face consequences beyond losing power are Shaddiq and Nika, the terrorists fully achieve their goals and a bastard like Elan, who was fully on board with the hags, stays rich and powerful.
Don't forget what's his name Ketinaji facing literally negative consequences and instead being a goofy guy who helps the protags out despite leading a massacre in the prologue and being the perfect example of the pervasive military-corporate connection of the world. I really do believe after the prologue they were told ayo make it less dark we're tryna sell this to girls.
>The ending's not really concerned with giving everyone their just deserts.
I know, I said that because plenty of people HATES the show for "not giving the baddies what they deserve". Here's the thread I mentioned, pretty good and the other thread quoted is great too:


>The only people who face consequences beyond losing power are Shaddiq and Nika
KEK. Actually, I remember reading a chink ranting about how the "oppressed" ones were who faced consequences, just Prospera instead of Nika irrc.

>I really do believe after the prologue they were told ayo make it less dark we're tryna sell this to girls.
Didn't Okouchi (or Kobayashi) said that the Prologue was the last thing written?
I thought the show was trying to be more true to life than trying to deliberately be less dark. An all encompassing wave that punishes all wrong doers simply doesn't exist. I can assure you that the powers that be won't punish Netanyahu, if he suffers any punishment at all.
Nah it’s just doing the same thing as the ending of the Tempest did. Kobayashi was pretty clear on this.
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>I swear there's a vibe
I thought so too back when I was watching it, something only a yurifag could catch on....
Kinda want more gundam but at the same time don't, It's always this mix of absolutely fantastic and intensively disappointing and infuriating
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She's redeemed in that she resolves to let go of her revenge and love both her daughters equally. Sure they hand wave all the people she killed (although, tbqh, Qunnharbor wouldn't have happened if that one spacian pilot had just followed his RoE), but they do that with a whole bunch of other stuff too. You could argue that her quest for revenge has already physically destroyed her due to the permet AIDS, even if there's no direct cause and effect between her causing death and being crippled.

Also, any fate that involves her being separated from Suletta would put a damper on the happy ending, and that treatment is pretty consistent with basically all the characters that make it to the 2nd season. The only significant characters who die are the Earth witches, and they had to stack up like 20 death flags each first. Also, yadda yadda, the Tempest or something.

>I'll never forgive Sony for not releasing piano shukufuku and slash, the OST carried this show.
Meanwhile I'm pissed that version of Aerial Rebuild's theme in the OST is dramatically different from what was in the anime.

I think that was perfectly fine, because the story is ultimately about Suletta and Miorine at the end of the day. Honestly, I would have preferred if the ending hadn't resulted in Benerit being magically dissolved and distributed to Earth, but instead Gund-Arm separated itself from the group in some manner so they could forge their own path (also, QZ not being world ending superweapon that then gets shot at from across the solar system by a giant satellite laser would have been nice). The ending just kinda seemed like the staff didn't think that there was much of a chance of the setting being revisited, so they tried to bookend things as nicely as they could with the limited time they had (not that a sequel would be impossible).
Sorry for shitposting like a zoomerkek but damn ED2 theme and scenes were absolutely KINO
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On an unrelated note, I think any artist that draws post-timeskip Suletta without the permet scars should be imprisoned, or heavily fined at the very least. I just think they're hot.
>artist that draws post-timeskip Suletta without the permet scars
I think it has something to do with their official arts from the CD and festival, Suletta doesn't have a scar there
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Tbh I was being dramatic, "Time Alone with You" is there, so I don't give a fuck. However, I AM pissed because they didn't played it (live) in the fest.

>that version of Aerial Rebuild's theme in the OST is dramatically different from what was in the anime.
Is that so? I haven't noticed, I'll listen it later, but mind spoonfeeding me?

Don't apologise, stating facts is not shitposting.
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It's been a bit since I've listened both versions (good excuse to rewatch episode 11 & 12), so I can't be as intensive as I'd like. Just kidding. My autism compelled me to immediately pull both versions up, and I was freshly sickened at how they butchered it. First of all, the OST version is over five minutes long, whereas, in the show, it plays for around two (and I don't recall it playing at any other time in the show, but I might be wrong). Now I know tracks might be cut or edited slightly to better fit a scene, but I'm still used to OST releases being pretty close to, if not, 1:1 with the anime versions. In this case, the album version is much more drawn out with stretches of building synths, backing vocals, strings, and drums. The climax is completely different in a bunch of different ways (drums are way more prominent, no silence before the part where the beam fires, there's this weird string prelude before the main vocals even start, etc.). They're like two completely different arrangements of the same song, with the OST being like a version you'd hear at an orchestral performance of the soundtrack where they made everything that much more "epic" (which would still suck, but at least there would be an explanation).

I can still remember the disappointment and disgust I felt when I first listened to it. If I wasn't lazy and/or had some technical proficiency with audio editing, I would probably try to Frankenstein a more anime accurate version from the release version. Alas, I can only complain about it anonymously on the internet. That and the lack of sulemio cockpit lap-sitting scenes.
Yeah, the show's ending is already a bit ridiculously happy, since no named character dies after Norea and everyone we like is more or less happy. It would have been ridiculous if all the villains got cathartic punishments as well.

That's the magic of Gundam, Oneechan.

Someone suggested a scenario where Bright and Mirai divorce after the events of Hathaway and Mirai goes to stay with Sayla. Melancholic yuri about middle-aged women mourning the losses in their life together, realizing they might have one more shot at happiness...
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La creatura
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Does anyone happen to know why this artist deleted all their sulemio fanart? I never followed them on twitter but their account popped up on my feed and I recognized the art style so I went to check out their sulemio stuff only to realize it was all gone. Now, I normally wouldn’t care too much because artists do that kind of shit all the time but they seem to have only deleted their sulemio art since there’s still two solo pictures of Suletta on their page. Idk, just seems weird because I remember they used to draw the two quite a bit.
looks like they removed all their stuff from pixiv too... I wonder why?
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Ahhh... C'mon why? This is like what happened to Morumottokun (a Korean artist). I legitimately cannot find their stuff anywhere.

I really loved Hamu's artstyle too. I can't believe they nuked their pixiv too.
I kinda regret not saving many pictures now. Anyone willing to share their folder?
NOOO! He also got rid of the SuleMio cursor he distributed for free on Booth...
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I remember morumottokun too but that wasn’t as strange since they nuked their whole page. Hamusand seems to have deleted ONLY sulemio fanart, even going as far as to keep two pictures of Suletta up. It’s weird because they still follow a handful of sulemio accounts and even have a tweet up about a sulemio anthology they participated in just a few weeks ago, which makes me think that this mass deletion probably happened fairly recently. Idk it seemed strange which is why I bothered asking around.
To add on to this, I've seen artists who fell out of love with sulemio/absolutely hated wfm's ending but none of them had ever gone so far as to completely delete all of their fanart. They usually just distance themselves from the series and move on.

Of course these artists don't owe us shit and they can do whatever they want with their stuff, but nuking ALL of your sulemio fanart and ONLY your sulemio fanart seems like something you'd do when you're feeling petty/upset lol.
I definitely don't think they suddenly hate Sulemio, it's just strange. I just wish artists would backup their art for preservation sake.

You wouldn't know if Morumottokun has another social/account on another site, would you?
It's weird considering that it would take a considerable amount of effort instead of nuking the account in full.

This artist as well (il_2539) nuked all their Sulemio stuff, which was a shame since they had some really cute animations of them. Even if they have moved on from them, the idea of suddenly destroying posts of their images feels weird.
>they hate the ending
Huh, why?
>This artist as well (il_2539) nuked all their Sulemio stuff
Isn’t their stuff still on pixiv? I don’t see any animations on there but there’s still plenty of sulemio art as recent as this March. You might be confusing them with someone else because I know of another korean sulemio artist who’s made a few animations.

>You wouldn't know if Morumottokun has another social/account on another site, would you?
No clue. I only bothered looking for their stuff a few months back but as far as I can tell they deleted their stuff a bit after the show ended.

I mean, just scroll up in this thread to see why some people had a problem with the ending lol. There’s also the lack of sulemio moments in s2, no kiss, and the bandai stuff which a lot of people (fanartists especially) took as their cue to leave.
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That conversation of artists deleting their content makes me sad.

What a passionate rant, thanks nee-san.
So that's what you meant with the official release being different.

>the album version is much more drawn out with stretches of building synths, backing vocals, strings, and drums.
Yep. Tbh I like and appreciate that, because when I listened it again I noticed the vocals resemble the ones in "Liberation of the Curse" . So hear me out, this is my least schizo theory: Aerial Rebuild is the ''''evil/dark'''' counterpart of Liberation of the Curse.

Even though I do like the official release, I definetly agree with you: anime's version is perfect, it kept the necessary.

>with the OST being like a version you'd hear at an orchestral performance of the soundtrack where they made everything that much more "epic".
I think that's the case because live it's an absolute eargasm (they played it, LIVE, in the fest).

Btw, Aerial Rebuild played in episode 23, if your autism is still itching.

You didn't know? Basically because "bad guys got away without consequences"

I second >>4215425 people disliked the show, and fell out of love, not only because of the finale but mostly because of how season 2 developed. Sis didn't say how a huge majority hates Guel/Jeturk drama, kek. Not to mention Bandai's behaviour: up to interpretation shitshow, het pandering, shoving Guel almost everywhere, etc.

Which makes me wonder, sisters, what did you think was going to happen in S2?
I used to believe either Suletta or Miorine were going to be QZ's meal and Delling would get a nice pair of Gund-legs.
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I don't think the reason this artist >>4214919 hated the ending though. I mean they've been religiously posting Sulemio until recently, almost 1 year after the anime. And they only deleted their stuffs now, it's really weird and I can't think of a reason.
Well, that sister and me weren't referring to that artist.
Iirc some artists delete and stop posting when their art gets reposted, idk. I agree with the >>4215390 petty/upset theory, Japanese artists drama where?

It seems this is a lesson to save our favourite fanart.
I do it but with fanfic.
The lukewarm ending doesn't help but it's certainly not the only reason. I honestly think the main reason/last straw for most people was the bandai stuff. It's easy for some people to shit on the company and keep supporting their ship but others get tired of having to put up with the constant bullshit and just leave. It's not that people actually care that much about sulemio being canon or whatever (at least I don't), but it's hard to support the ship when the company funding it actively goes out of their way to make things as vague as possible.

It's what makes this >>4214919 so confusing. Why go out of your way to delete all of it now? Some jp drama? Change of heart? We'll probably never know, but it's a sign to go and save all the stuff from the artists you really like because tomorrow it might all be gone.
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Suletta without her hairband looks very sexo.
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>Aerial Rebuild is the ''''evil/dark'''' counterpart of Liberation of the Curse.
I think it's more like a progression from "Happy Birthday to You" to "The Witch from Mercury" to "Aerial Rebuild" to "Liberation from the Curse" (you can add other tracks with the witchy vocals to that progression too), which of course reflects Eri/Suletta's journey.

>I think that's the case because live it's an absolute eargasm (they played it, LIVE, in the fest).
I should really stop putting that off and watch it I guess. That and the hundred of subtitled radio clips on youtube.

>Btw, Aerial Rebuild played in episode 23, if your autism is still itching.
I figured it played somewhere around there, but it's funny that I failed to recognize it when that's one of the few episodes from the 2nd cour that I've rewatched multiple times. Guess it's just not the same without a giant hyper mega bit cannon firing at the same time.

>what did you think was going to happen in S2?
I was just hoping the betrayal wouldn't happen, especially as the cour dragged on with the two main characters continuing to not interact (it's funny that you bring up the Guel hate, but I thought his development was one of the few bright spots of first half of the second cour). Then, when it did happen, I was really hoping that the story wasn't going to wrapped up in two cours. As for what I thought was going to happen before episode 13, I thought Earth House would pretty quickly be forced to leave the school and embroiled in the middle of an escalating Dominicus/DoF conflict, with Prospera being spooky with QZ in the background.
Miorine is so lucky....
They only hate the season 2 but at least season 1 isn't shit.
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Nee-san why are you posting that weird edit of this cover?
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Forgot to upload this one.


Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/2EBBEYia#6CTRFMPoZJ8LffBm-TUxdg
Cute Mercury family
Thanks anon!

>Miorine can't top
Canon btw
I like season two a lot. Sure there are some problems a few extra episodes could have fixed, but the fundamentals are good.

I love how bad things got for our heroines and how badly Miorine fucked up. People usually just focus on the part where she hurt Suletta to save her, but if that's all she wanted, she could have just used Delling's contacts to bust Prospera. She wanted to finish Quiet Zero and gave up Suletta for it.

I love how they get past that and the scene where Suletta goes back to Miorine. Everyone thought their reunion was going to happen as part of some dramatic rescue romance mecha fight, but they rightly went for something smaller in scale. That moment of pure love and forgiveness being enough to redirect everything towards a happy ending was wonderful.

The threads were also so much fun. I don't think I've ever had such a good if dramatic time on /u/. Great show all in all.
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On a conceptual level, I liked S2. Everything in it was within the realms of my expectations when S1 ended, even the separation stuff.

I wasn't accounting for the breakneck pacing however. Some people say this needed more seasons to flesh out the plot, but I don't really agree. I think it needed just one more episode, two if you're feeling generous, where nothing really happened in it. Just to give everything some time to breathe between the happenings.
I agree; specifically, I think an episode of downtime to flesh out Suletta and Miorine's relationship just a smidge more after the post-S1 separation before the "Break Up" would have been perfect.

Instead, we got the pointless Dawn of Fold + Guel episode.
I don't think Miorine would have had it in her to dump Suletta like she did if they had re-established their relationship after the splat.

If there was one more episode, I'd have liked some reorganizing so there'd be more time for SuleMio to talk after handsex and give the space rescue scene more build-up. Really show Mio's desperation as Calibarn disappears from radar, Suletta's not responding, they can't find her among the wreckage, until Mio spots something blinking in the distance, all that good stuff.
Thanks, nee-san.

This is pretty much how their sex life will go, at least once Suletta's recovered sufficiently.
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Where are all these artists who quit after S2 you guys are talking about? I haven’t seen any, unless you mean people who only draw Current Thing in the first place.
Probably the ones who don't buy the BD.
Fucked up we didn't get a scene of Chuchu walking in on SuleMio.
I mean, output did go down after S2, but not expecting it to go down after the show was over is unreasonable. But G-Witch still has a stronger fanart following that SEED, even with the Freedom boost. Which is interesting because SNEED is fucking gigantic in Asia.
The novel revealed that tranquilizer guns were used
Fantastic day for stupid people to have their obvious misconceptions corrected.
More accursed bandai revisionism if I'm being perfectly honest. Having them go from comic relief to actually dangerous was interesting and this really weakens that. What's next, revealing the guy Suletta splatted was actually just a very advanced drone or something?
It was obviously tranquilizer guns in the anime, they made the dart sound
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They were literally planning and greenlighting a terrorist strike. It actually still makes more sense for it to be some futuristic lethal injection gun than just regular tranqs.
They wanted to take Zarius alive. What would they have done if he had resisted and they had lethal weapons?
He's wheelchair bound, I really don't think he'd be able to do much resisting.
He could have had a gun himself, or he might have caught a stray shot. It's also probably mentally easier for the girls to not have to kill the security guys.
the best sulemio fic finally got an update
>Which is interesting because SNEED is fucking gigantic in Asia.
I think it's so charming that there are still lots of massive Cagalli fans out there, to the point where she just won a jp favorite Seed character poll. To those who haven't seen it, Cagalli is basically George Costanza as a Gundam princess.
>it wasn't Companion
my headcanons of them going on dates and committing acts of terrorism: gone

They're terrorists, but they're not on the same level as Tekkadan. Plain and simple. They won't kill people for no reason when they can just put them to sleep for a while. They even had their helmets on, so their faces wouldn't be recognized.
where you guys reading the novels? I've seen the english version by zeonic posted, but he just takes too long to post volume 2 and 3. anyway we can find the japanese version for free?
It's on the latest Gundam Ace Magazine

password of the file: 射命丸文

For some reason I can't download it though.
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his drawings have really improved over time huh
Miorine looks so cute
>Suletta has been a tanuki, raccon, dog (Bernese), wolf, cat, horse, worm, shrimp, pigeon, and a fucking dragon.
Gonna need all those pics.
Season two was so bad I legitimately cried. I have no idea how anyone could like it at all.
I'm new, which is it please?
But they coordinated and greenlit the strike on Plant Quetta which killed a ton of people and would have killed even more if Suletta hadn't intervened...reassuring the viewer that don't worry their bullets were nonlethal in this one scene is kind of absurd.
Anon probably meant the most recently updated one.
Be warned the author made Miorine a bislut who fucked the sad dick though
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>I think it's more like a progression
Nice observation musicfag-nee, I'm about to give another listen to the OST.

You should definetly watch it, the conversation between Prospera and Suletta (warcrimes gaslighting) live is amazing.

>I was just hoping the betrayal wouldn't happen, especially as the cour dragged on with the two main characters continuing to not interact
So, what were you expecting instead of the betrayal?

Thanks dj nee-san.

>I don't think Miorine would have had it in her to dump Suletta like she did if they had re-established their relationship after the splat.
Imo, they wasted Sophie's death. I feel that if it was brought up in the greenhouse, Miorine's actions would've been more understandable.

Totally unexpected how she hurt her hand.

Get ready.
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>not idolfic
I sleep
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we really need a compilation of all the animal SuleMio art and then draw whatever animals they missed
In what world does this count as good let alone the best? Holy fuck. Thanks for the warning, anon.
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Yeah, that writer has better works, reverie was a favourite only because of the sex.
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>Imo, they wasted Sophie's death. I feel that if it was brought up in the greenhouse, Miorine's actions would've been more understandable.
Yeah, feels like they should have done something with it. However, Suletta's behavior during the fight, when she does her best to not kill her, is kind of counter to Miorine's fears.
>the SuleMio /an/imalstacy is back
Holy based. Post moar best sis
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>Cagalli is basically George Costanza as a Gundam princess
I gotta watch SEED
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It was never shown. She only dated him before the start of the story.
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Always been here sis, what are you on?
I only stopped talking about animals because I got >>4216554 as OP.
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I forgot replying >>4216559
>when she does her best to not kill her, is kind of counter to Miorine's fears.
Yes but actually no, I actually felt an inconsistency with how episode 14 ended (convincing herself tearfully with Prospera's words) and her reasoning in episode 16; it may be just me, but how can she cry and feel bad because she protected everyone by killing Sophie and yet not feel guilty for the terrorist?
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>some terrorist you don't know who literally is about to pull the trigger on your wife
>your cute kohai who called you "big sis", explained why she was driven to do what she was doing, and who wasn't an immediate threat to anyone at that moment.
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This artist drew some Tanukiletta during the airing, check their profile

Tbh I thought that after posting, but I still find strange why she didn't doubt her mom anyways.
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Kek, remember THIS? Did anyone download it?

I think she was doubting her mom, but was scared to fully commit to that train of thought. You can see she doesn't fully believe what she's saying when Miorine confronts her in the greenhouse. plus she can still rationalize killing Sophie even if she cared for her.
Oh, that's a good reading. Miorine thinks she's brainwashed when Suletta's actually having doubts and is trying to convince herself as much as Miorine.
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>You can see she doesn't fully believe what she's saying when Miorine confronts her in the greenhouse.
That's what frustrated me the most, sis.

Okouchi really had fun using the miscommunication trope TWICE.
Speaking of Cagalli, is it true that Fukuda is actually salty about her popularity? Especially if she beat his self-insert and his late wife's self-insert in the same poll.
I don't think so. The one who hated Cagalli was Morosawa because allegedely her VA was having an affair with Fukuda.
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Pretty impressive. Computer, show me Sulemio jerboas.
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How about we also post true Sulemio?
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Dummy, Sulemio is Sulemio.
Like so much of Gundam trivia, this is a bullshit rumor invented by Westerners. No one's heard about it on the Japanese side of the fandom. Clearly some drama happened, but Destiny being a famously miserable production should be enough of an explanation.
I feel bad for those people who still like season 2
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I feel bad for the people who still dislike season 2
She's right, though. Season 2 was rubbish that tried to push Guel too hard.
The marriage was based, however.
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Stop letting random people on Twitter decide what you think
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Nah I'm with them, S2 was okay but compared to the momentum and quality of S1 it's a huge step back.
>So, what were you expecting instead of the betrayal?
Oh, I was still expecting the betrayal, but I was hoping we'd get something that didn't involve separating the main couple for the majority of the cour.
I’m not saying you have to like Season 2, it’s a personal opinion thing. But the idea that it was trying to push Guel in ways Season 1 didn’t is just the rantings of mad twitter people without connection to reality.
I dunno about push, but it was kind of annoying he got two whole episodes mostly to himself while in S1 he was a minor character/low level antagonist at best. If you told people last February that actually Suletta and Shaddiq don't fight again and he's unceremoniously defeated by Guel, nobody would believe it.
I like S2 compared to S1. S1 is full of hetbaits. I dropped this anime a lot of times during S1 but never did in S2. S2 has its own problems but it focused on the plot and completely shut down hetbaiting.
They already shut down hetbaiting since season 1, though?
At what, episode 11?? Out of 12 episodes. I had to endure hetbaiting for about 10 episodes in S1. I still liked the last parts of S1 but would never rewatch most of it. S2 is rushed but nothing will beat episode 17 for me.
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I expected Miorine to get back to Suletta after episode 19, kek.

>I dunno about push, but it was kind of annoying he got two whole episodes mostly to himself while in S1 he was a minor character/low level antagonist at best.
Yeah, Suletta and Miorine didn't appear in episodes 15 and 20.

Next time try with a better bait.
>Yeah, Suletta and Miorine didn't appear in episodes 15 and 20.
...You know this isn't true, right?
Sorry that I liked S2 compared to S1. I didn’t that was not allowed.
Miorine is the only character that appeared in all episodes of Gwitch.
I think Nika too, if only they gave her screentime more which makes more sense than Guel.
So, are we expecting anything new in the near future?
>...You know this isn't true, right?
I should've been more specific. Suletta did not appear in episode 15 and Miorine had 2 scenes, and in episode 20 Miorine did not appear and Suletta had little screentime. OP and ED don't count sis.

S1 finished all the hetbait with Guel's rejection, El4n being fried and sad dick realising Miorine doesn't like him because he's a jerk.
And yet S2, in your favorite episode, has the final, retarded hetbait with Suletta rejecting Guel AGAIN with muh precious crap.
> S1 finished all the hetbait with Guel's rejection, El4n being fried and sad dick realising Miorine doesn't like him because he's a jerk.
Those still took up most of S1. Don’t tell me you actually liked the El4n arc?
>And yet S2, in your favorite episode, has the final, retarded hetbait with Suletta rejecting Guel AGAIN with muh precious crap
You were focusing on the wrong things because you are obsessed with him. This episode not only shuts down het, it also had Suletta’s proposal with clear mentions of rings, wedding dresses and getting married. Perfect episode for yuri angst enjoyer like me. Unlike you people, I don’t bitch about men as long as they don’t get in the way of my yuri ship, unlike the El4n arc.
Guel didn’t get two epsiodes to himself? Even his supposed focus episode was really about Olcott. Plus that’s not a new thing, he hogged a big chunk of the S1 finale too.

New novels are coming out
That one AU in that card game
Yuri-wise, Guel has always been just like a joke character for me because Suletta never liked him. El4n was the one I hated the most and I’m so glad he died.

Hopefully we’ll get something new for Sulemio, merchs or official arts.
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Yeah he was literally never positioned as a serious romantic choice

The novels should have more bonus chapters with Yushura. Also we got the sailor art recently.
>joke character
It's so funny how yumes don't see this.
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>le hetbait
Try again falseflag-kunt. There was no serious hetbait at all and even 4-fag who was more like a friend literally died at the end of his miniarc. Not even Cuckel or Saddick got a chance at all and the girls were never interested in them to begin with
Now fuck off
Novelization, New MajoRaji event in the next months, G-witch S1-S2 rebroadcast, more Gundam framchise events.
>There was no serious hetbait at all and even 4-fag who was more like a friend literally died at the end of his miniarc
Maybe you didn't watch Gwitch every week from the start that's why you can say that, but watching those arcs every week was a huge pain, especially when we weren't sure if Suletta was actually gay or not. I dropped it many times while it's airing and only continued watching when episode 10 aired. I still love episode 7, 10-12, that won't change. I just hated the boys' arc that were a potential risk for yuri. S2 was rushed to hell but I like Prospera and Miorine , so I didn't mind them getting focus of the plot.

>inb4 guel in s2
Sorry, I didn't take his one or two episodes seriously. As long as he wasn't getting in between the girls, I wouldn't give a shit about him.
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It’s not quite that he’s a joke character, it’s that he’s a pathetic character. You’re supposed to feel sad for him as well as laughing. But enough talking about boys on /u/.
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Miomio would never
I think its supposed to be part of her thigh highs
That's her pantyhose
>a huge pain
Only if you're insecure as hell. Suletta already was interested in Miorine since episode 1 (headbutt scene and literally the entire 1st episode- Miorine saving her from Guel's mecha, greenhouse, Aerial fight) but the "just pretend to be my groom for now" plan made Suletta think Miorine wasn't interested in her at all. Yeah you could feel insecure during episode 5 which was the "date" episode but 4fag immediately called Suletta an annoying bitch, shat on her Aerial familiar and made her cry. And then next episode literally ended with his death. After this, the famous episode 7 moments made it clear Miorine was falling in love with Suletta, and Suletta started to take the groom role seriously. Shaddiq arc was all about the cuck being BTFO by Chad Tanuki because she genuinely cared about Miorine's well being and feelings. Finally, ep 10-11-12 were peak SuleMio romantic mini arc with typical misunderstandings. That's why
S1 writing > S2
For me, Jeturk House wankfest was the worst thing in S2 and what made S2 writing worse. Just like some sisters said, S1 portrayed Guel as a joke, comedic side character that had to be pitied or liked by the audience. I was fine with that until S2 where they tried hard to make him look like another important character from the main cast in the main plotline. S2 also made Suletta and Miorine split for 4 episodes and then they broke up. We got more SuleMio moments like Suletta missing Miorine and getting worried about their relationship before they broke up, her love confession about rings, wedding dresses and the "choose me" kino scenes, then how she missed her so much she didn't believe in her motto anymore, the tomato scenes, the handholding sex, etc, but still, we would have gotten a better story about SuleMio/Eri/Prospera/Delling/Notrette main plot if they didn't waste screentime on the Jeturk's tourism trip on Earth episode and their retarded melodrama during the climax.
>literally took two episodes
If you want to talk about wankfest, then Miorine wins there. She literally drove the whole season two, but you are so obsessed on guel, you didn't even notice that, right?
Anyway, I'm done with this topic. People can like whatever they want.
Miorine is also the main character and the love interest, why are you blaming her?
>literally took two episodes
2 episodes which would have been used to develop the Rembran/Samaya plotline and explain how Eri's coven was created and what Notrette's previous QZ was about
>If you want to talk about wankfest, then Miorine wins there.
Holy KEK. You know BOTH Suletta and Miorine were always portrayed/called as protagonists since their character profile were revealed in the official account, right? Miorine being the protagonist of /biz/ or politics PoV was something Okouchi and Kobayashi stated in their interviews too.
>She literally drove the whole season two
She only started to get in charge as soon as the breakup happened, in other words, since episode 18-19, she didn't even appear in 20 (they reused the scenes from ep19 in the first 1-2minutes), and in episode 21 she was just having a breakdown offscreen and barely got scenes but you're so worried about defending Cuckel's image and the Jeturk wankfest that you forgot about it I bet
>but you are so obsessed on guel, you didn't even notice that, right?
How ironic kek. But thanks to your shitpost, I just realized I was talking to a Gueliewhale all along. Mein sides
>Anyway, I'm done with this topic. People can like whatever they want.
Keep crying then
>it was
>if they didn't waste screentime on the Jeturk's tourism trip on Earth episode
That episode isn't about Guel but the condition of Earth, the resistance and the truth of what those cool robots are actually used for. Since that's what so much of the plot revolves around, showing it was a good move.

>their retarded melodrama during the climax.
That was 100% about showing off the Schwarzette for kit sales.
Guelfags should leave
>That episode isn't about Guel but the condition of Earth, the resistance and the truth of what those cool robots are actually used for.
And Guel ended up helping them? Caring about earthnoids or Earth situation? Helping the earthnoid kid who was feeding him during his tourism trip? No? I thought so. It was just a nonsensical filler with redshirts' deaths for cheap shock value purposes. A typical trope in different shonenshit anime, go watch SnK if you really care about NPC's deaths though
>Since that's what so much of the plot revolves around, showing it was a good move.
>that's what so much of the plot revolves around
Yeah no. Were you even watching the same show? Suletta never NEVER gave a single fuck about Earth, she has earthnoid friends and all but they never really cared too much about the Earth situation. G-witch plot was all about Prospera's revenge and Suletta's mysterious upbringing. The director even said G-witch was basically a Tempest-lite anime story. The main theme is all about revenge and forgiveness.
>That was 100% about showing off the Schwarzette for kit sales.
So yeah, it was retarded melodrama and gunpla shilling after all.
>why does this political scifi drama about the fate of the space colonies and Earth, with a vast cast of characters from a dozen overlapping factions, occasionally focus on characters other than my ship?
Pubic hair is hot
>le ship argument
Retarded speedreader pls. I literally mentioned they shouldn't have wasted screentime on the Jobturk wankfest and should've used those 2 episodes to develop Rembran and Samaya plotlines, especially the coven and Notrette's first QZ project. Try again butthurt tourist
Yeah, and I focused on Miorine's scenes while watching most of S2, not blaming her, dumbass. My point is that the whiners here are just focusing on the wrong things, maybe they want to keep getting mad for some reasons.
I don't care about Guel, you can obsessed about him all you want. I enjoyed S2 because of Miorine/Prospera and the yuri angsts. My problem is you keep bringing his up his one ot two episodes like it's only things you see in S2.
>>why does this political scifi drama about the fate of the space colonies and Earth, with a vast cast of characters from a dozen overlapping factions, occasionally focus on characters other than my ship or my ship's moms?

Besides, both of the things you want are explained in the show. You just didn't pay attention.
That anon will not listen to you, he'd rather talk about the guy he hates the most than Sulemio. I'd never understand what goes through his head. Sulemio got a lot of serious stuff in S2, I think the main problem of that season is that it needs more episodes.
We were talking about S1-S2 writing, then I only mentioned why Jobturk wankfest ruined S2 story but you immediately started crying and shitting on other characters while trying to defend your jobber cuckboy. His spacenoid house screentime literally damaged season 2 and nobody can deny that. If they really wanted the audience to care about Earth situation, they would've used Earth House members' backstories and tried to develop them. I mean, ChuChu and her 6 steel mill dads basically appeared in S1 too, so their story and connections with Earthians wouldn't feel forced like Jobturk's tourism trip which didn't even amount to anything and was just filler at the end.
>shitting on other characters
I don't know how you came up with that but unlike you, I don't want to keep talking about him so I'll stop this nonsense now.

How about we talk about Miorine and Prospera's love-hate dynamic in S2? There was a scene where Prospera went to Grassley for a discussions. What went through her head that time?
>still using le ship retorts
>still thinking G-witch is another carbon copy of his old and busted Gundam shitshows
It's like you didn't even watch this AU at all. Btw, didn't /m/fags also say WFM story was an anomaly and totally different from other previous Gundam AUs? Think about it and try to watch the show again
>Besides, both of the things you want are explained in the show. You just didn't pay attention.
Wut? Please explain to us how Eri's coven was created? How was Suletta's repli-child nature explained in the show apart from you're probably clone lol even though Elnora was persecuted by Dominicus and she clearly didn't have that technology back then? How did she do it? Explain Notrette's first real QZ plan and take into account Rajan only said she wanted to stop war using plant technology but never explained how and why, was her death actually an accident? and don't forget Prospera even stated he was still hiding info from Miorine back then. Delling and Prospera's QZ plans were totally different btw
>I don't know how you came up with that
Your passive aggresive reply about other characters actually ruining S2 writing and even trying to switch the blame on them. Did you forget about your own shitpost? >>4217907
>but unlike you, I don't want to keep talking about him so I'll stop this nonsense now
Good. Don't ever spam your dumb takes here again
>Miorine wankfest is bad
>thinking i was being sarcastic
Unfortunately for you, Miorine wankfest is a good thing for me. She is my favorite character. There, now you know why I like S2 more than S1.
It wasn't even a wankfest, retard, because she's one of the main protagonists, just like Suletta. Or are you gonna say any MC getting screentime is also a wankfest? Holy kek, watch more anime brainlet
She still stole the spotlight and has more relevance compared to S1, that alone improved S2 for me.
Stole the spotlight? More relevance? Since episode 7 Miorine unironically started to move the plot forward and actually ask important questions about Gundams, she was an proactive protagonist which is why anons from here and /a/ liked her character during S1. She was as relevant as S1 but you didn't realize this because she was always with Suletta unlike those S2 episodes about Benerit elections. She was always the politics/company's protagonist while Suletta was the pilot/school's protagonist. There's no Miorine wankfest or her stealing the spotlight or getting more relevant, she's always portrayed as one of the MCs when it comes to the corporate PoV
That's fair. You have a point.
I'm gonna butt into the discussion and say that S2 was okay, but it rushed too many things and it should've been like 6 or even just 3 episodes longer for the plot to be coherent by how much shit happens. S1 was a perfect pace, but it was also very slow in what was happening. S2 was on one hand going at the breakneck pace and on the other spending too much time on often things that didn't matter(Olcott wank in ep 15 didn't go anywhere).
I imagine sisters are salty about Guel because he actually got his arc together in fairly coherent (if simplistic) manner, where most characters didnt get that benefit.
If they planned better, and gave us more of Suletta and Miorine together (also more Suletta during her depression arc) and Mio's political work that didn't involve only pre-election and post-election breakdown, it could've been amazing show. Sadly, sans the epilogue, the crew dropped the ball and produced enjoyable(and it is enjoyable on the rewatch, on the first view it felt infuriating) 7/10 instead of 9 or 10/10.
Yeah, we needed more episodes.
>walls of texts
I prefer fan arts.
Did sisters' plot discussion trigger your autism?
According to the interviews any extra episodes would have just been side character focuses instead of more sulemio development. Sadge.
>according to the interviews
Your proofs or sauce pls? Because I only remember Okouchi said he would like to write about Shaddiq's POV because he thought it would be cool to see how this bad guy was more like a earthnoid antihero and Kobayashi director stated he wanted to develop Godoy (Prospera's ally) more and have a Suletta-Delling confrontation + more Delling-Prospera scenes
I mean that’s my sauce, plus the parts in the book interview (I can’t remember whether it was Okouchi or Kobayashi) when they talk about what plot elements didn’t make it in and it’s all stuff like “there’s an evil exchange student” or “they have a duel that’s also a race”, nothing involving the relationship.
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I think we argued with a yume because only they complain about "hetbait", but it was great to read another discussion about the plot, keep it up sisters.

>and it is enjoyable on the rewatch, on the first view it felt infuriating
I totally disagree, I remember coping episode 15 thinking the Earth plot was going to be relevant and it ended up being a nothingburger, the only thing I concluded in the rewatch is they needed to give Guel a reason to join Miorine for episode 17 to happen. Jobturk wanking in episode 23 was to sell Schwarzette, but there are not Pomodoros plamo.

I agree with you, nee-san.

Why not both?

>have a Suletta-Delling confrontation
Ah, I have a picture of that.

>when they talk about what plot elements didn’t make it in and it’s all stuff
Iirc it was the dude who's writing the Light Novel and did the research, it's in the official staff book.
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I have questions that I don't want answered.
The girls on Tarantino's bed?
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Does Suletta still send Mio the three messages a day now that they're married?
yeah, she probably does when they're at work, and then when they have days off she finds moments when they're not in the same room to send them, like if Miorine is out in the garden or if Suletta is at physical therapy.
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Is this still a continuation of that strip about Miorine's period?
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TL nee-san, please.

No, Smith drew this.

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Why is it always Miorine?
Superior mercurian replichild bioengineering has left Tanuki without the need to have periods
Sorry to spoil the party but no periods in this one.

>Go away

>She's sulking...
>So cute...
>Hots-san too...
>(Best purchase ever...)


>Let's make up...

>...Stay like this for another 5 minutes and I'll think about it.

>I really wanted to see Miorine, when sulking after an argument, using a huge Hots-san plushie (that Suletta begged her to buy) to hold on to and hide her face.
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Sulemio hand figurines are out.

I'd go for not having cramps.

Thank you very much, Tl-nee!

What kind of arguments the would have?
So Miorine got into a argument with Suletta and was wrong again? And now has to hide her face for a time before apologizing. Suletta always seems to win.
>What kind of arguments the would have?
Miorine works too much and takes too much responsibility for everything. Suletta doesn't realize when the horny single moms of her pupils are flirting with her and is too friendly to them.
I wouldn't get that Miorine was straight up wrong from whatever argument they were having...

I think it was probablby a squabble that couples have where nobody was really 'wrong' but would leave one of the parties sulking afterwards.
>implying wife can ever be wrong
Suletta lost all the future arguments the moment she married Miorine
>Sulemio hand figurines are out.
And also best selling, Suletta's wife at top 1
>They had all these cool ideas
Yep, they were talking about that and I'm so glad they didn't give him Gundam. Okouchi and Kobayashi probably stopped them.
God... If only the mechagurumi were more widely available.
Waifufags are so attached to Miorine
desu he still got to heroically solo an evil gundam in the end which is almost as bad
They should've just gave it to Felsi 2bh.
Felsi should've just been with Chuchu the whole time.
Sure, just saying no one can pilot the Sephiroth Gundam but Felsi
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Give it a rest you obnoxious cunt.
can confirm, just saw his het anime (boy) icon.
>yumes want to be like Suletta
>waifufags love Miorine
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>yumes want to be like Suletta
This is not true. Yumes want Suletta to be girly/damsel in distress, that’s not Suletta at all.

>waifufags love Miorine
Very true, but who wouldn’t love Miorine? She’s awesome. Also,
>TIL asakami is a miorinewaifufag
Must be why reverie is so good
That's true, Suletta is girly but she has the heart of a hero (and a wifeguy).
So I noticed that a lot of translated Lycoris doujins were posted by /u/ scanlations recently and since we have a lot of untranslated Sulemio dj, I posted our yuri folder >>4218240 in the translation thread but was sadly ignored. Do they have something against Gwitch? I mean I love ChisaTaki but I still can’t understand why would they choose a subtext couple over a canon married couple.
It's probably just a couple of people really into the couple. People like what they like, regardless of canon status. People may in fact be more into fanworks with non-canon couples, since they didn't get the fulfillment they want from the source material.
I think some of them are really just mad so they don't want to translate it.
I don’t think they can be mad at anything if they managed to love even lycoris.

It was the yuri folder, no futa.
I guess you’re right. At least we still have dj anon and TL neesan.
I'm not well versed enough in Japanese to be fully confident in my translations. I'm not TL neesan (although I have translated a couple of comics in previous threads). I would otherwise. I effectively would need someone to check my translations, but at that point wouldn't the checker rather translate it?

(Also I don't know any Chinese or Korean)
I think Goggled prefers doing the QC. You can visit the Translation thread. Anons are doing the translations while Goggled are checking them.
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'TL-neesan' here. I've been thinking of having a crack at some others ever since the one I did back in December, but life keeps getting in the way and I'm just kind of bad at sitting down to do stuff. Plus in the back of my head I always assumed some group would do them, so it'd be a wasted effort. But now it's been like 6 months and apparently not!
TL-neesan, which Doujin did you cover back in december? I might take a crack at one of the older dj's in the folder and was just curious.
「私達、結婚なんてしてないんだけど?」 - it was typeset after and is in the mega folder. If you want to mention whichever one you're thinking of trying then I might do a different one over the weekend.

I find the porn ones awkward to do because I haven't the slightest idea of how to make it sound sexy.
I'll be giving 「お願いよ、花婿さん。」a shot, but honestly it'll be very slow. It's been ages since I've translated something like this and I don't have anyone to really QC it.

I'll also have to constantly compare my translation against someone I know who is learning japanese seriously. I don't know if you're open to me asking a few questions regarding a few of the lines I'm translating, but I know it wouldn't be suitable for this thread either.

Also I totally understand the porn hesitation. I don't know how to translate the sex scenes in a sexy way that doesn't sound awful.
>but I know it wouldn't be suitable for this thread either.
Not that Anon, but we've certainly seen people using this thread for worse things than doujin translations. Alternatively, you could use the translation thread.
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Like the anon above said, it wouldn't be the worst thing posted in these threads. I don't mind questions but honestly I'm not an expert or anything - there've been times when I've asked for advice myself when posting tls in here.

Ultimately this is all being done as a hobby though, so I try not to worry too hard about perfection before posting. Just gotta do the best you can and if someone points out a mistake later on, it's a lesson learnt.
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>TIL asakami is a miorinewaifufag
Her real self-insert is Suletta? I thought our agreement was writers self-insert as Miorine to fulfill their fantasies with Suletta.

>but was sadly ignored.
It's been 2 days, chill. Give it more time and maybe someone will pick one up. Not to mention you looked pretty petty by mentioning LycoReco.

In the meantime, how about editing and uploading the translated comics to Dynasty Scans? It's a pain looking through the archives and sometimes Tl-nee is requested the same comic.

I second this sister, I don't see an issue with posts translating a doujinshi. It's not out of topic.
Probably has to do with their heights, I'm a tall girl who is attracted to small and cute girls like Miorine.
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I only mentioned lycoreco because all of its stuffs are doijins, and I originally thought that /u/ scanlations are only doing published works. It was the one that gave me the idea to ask them to consider translating Sulemio djs too.
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Yeah, I saw in the comments that she likes Miorine and other heroines that cannot recover from pain/trauma. She probably had a feast with depressed Mio in S2.
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>her face
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>her sovl
Why cant she just be honest and stop giving Suletta a hard time
She's a teenager.
Miorine's such a rock in all the recovery fics, pulling 20 hour working days next to Suletta's hospital bed. It would be interesting to see one where Suletta's initial condition isn't hopeful and Miorine's right on the edge of the abyss Suletta pulled her up from.
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I want to taste Miorine's tomatoes
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Cute. Source?
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>THAT comment.
Is jerking off to character suffering waifufagging? She likes Miorine but not in the way a waifufag does, you've seen the Miorinewaifufag.

I'm with you sis. Even though Suletta motivated her with the new motto, I don't think that's enough to make Miorine immune to frustration.

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Hot. Wonder how often they would include rehab massage into Suletta's recovery regime
Why hasn't Bandai produced their own cultivar of tomatoes based on Miorine's? Are they stupid?
You mean the tomato kit? Didn't they already did that?
Probably pretty often. Unfortunately Mio is too weak and busy to massage her every time, so she seethes with jealousy whenever it's one of the Grassley girls doing it.
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They did, it had Sulemio's episode 22 tomato exchange in the label. I don't remember when it's release day, but this is Natu's.
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Better picture.
They got the kit in November 2 and has been documenting it's growth, three weeks ago the yellow flowers appeared.
I said I found lewd stuff awkward and then ended up doing one that got a little heavier than I expected. Hasn't been QC'd or anything, so any mistakes etc apologies and please let me know. It's funny reading the afterward and seeing their hopes for a lovey-dovey S2.

「Starting with the Warmth of Your Palm / まずは掌の温もりから」
/rz52f35r on rentry. 4chan won't let me post the link properly.

I was thinking of doing 「Shall we 転生?」 but it's like 80 pages and looks text heavy so it'd be a while. Back of my head I thought someone else had done it already too. Hopefully that's not the case for the one above - I did check dynasty before hand but oh well.
dj-anon here, I'll typeset anything you translate!
OH shoot no way. I just posted my TL in the translated thread for QC'ing. お願いよ、花婿さん。 I beat the odds and did it super quickly all things considered. Still needs a massive QC though. Thank you once again dj-anon!

Did you get Ani-san's newest work?
>She likes Miorine but not in the way a waifufag does, you've seen the Miorinewaifufag.
What's the difference? the GODly TopSuletta in her every fic is give away too.
>Miorine's such a rock in all the recovery fics, pulling 20 hour working days next to Suletta's hospital bed.
YES! If anyone hasn't read that "dream a little (dream of me)" fic by that anonymous author, pls do! It's really good.
Oh, I forgot to upload it, whoops. Give me a few.

Once QC is done then!
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Is THAT the reason Suletta fell in love with Miorine?
Wasn't it like that in the tempest?
Not really, Prospero is the main character and the one who does the forgiving.
Yup. The anon you're replying to is retarded.
>and the one who does the forgiving
That's only half of it but I'm guessing you just grabbed that from a quick google story.
I've read and seen it several times. What's your problem with that characterization?
Try reading the post before replying, nee-san.
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The Gundams are being released this week, Aerial is on Monday I think. I was hoping for a Sulemio calling card(the Aerial calling card is the clip of Chuchu punching those girls out, of all things), but there is a Sulemio weapon decal so you can still have them shown off in every single killcam if you're determined enough.

Yeah I'm going to put Sulemio on the akimbo shotguns.
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>What's the difference?
They're Miorinefags, but in different ways. Waifufags only like Miorine because she's pretty/hot, asakami likes the character tropes Miorine has, are you implying Guts is her waifu?

Sexletta the god of topping is because she self-inserts as Miorine, read how she describes Suletta in the sex. Looks like she wants a buff, goofy sweetheart to service top her, like almost every writer.

Miorine hit the genetics jackpot with that Tanuki trap fat ass.
Asticassia doesn’t have summer uniforms?
They live on a climate-controlled space station.
>Looks like she wants a buff, goofy sweetheart to service top her, like almost every writer.
And Miorine.
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Miorine is a VIP, why is this shitty artist always getting everything wrong about Sulemio?
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And you.

Considering how Miorine wants to be the Earth-Space bridge, she wouldn't want to have this privileged, VIP, bitch CEO image.
Also, it could be a normal AU, but your hateboner takes the blood from your brain, instead of enjoying Sulemio you're bitching.
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>pic rel
It's so easy to recognize Miorine in everything thanks to that ahoge.

I think it's important to keep the VIP image to let people know who's incharge. She acts like that even with Earth House
Everyone takes trains in Japan
Not Miorine-sama. She even has a driver and 5 bodyguards.
They aren't japanese
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Anybody have the other one with Miorine and Delling?
What are they then and why the hell are they speaking Japanese
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A sweet whiff of MioPussy.
Those ahoges were mogumo's best idea.

>I think it's important to keep the VIP image to let people know who's incharge.
After the QuinnHarbor incident, I doubt she wants a girlboss image, having a more down-to-earth public image seems more wise.

It's one of my favourite pieces, it breaks the no men rule, here's the sauce.

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Majoraji new episode on the 9th
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Thanks anon
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Vote G-Witch:
sisters, which gundam should i watch after witch from mercury?
read the Origin
why do they still use the tanuki.png render for Suletta?
If you can take old animation, the original Mobile Suit Gundam from 1979, which starts the Universal Century continuity and is one of the most important shows in anime history. There's lots of good stuff to watch afterwards in this continuity.

Outside of the UC continuity, there's several series set in alternate universes that are stand-alone, like G-Witch.

If you enjoy 90s meathead shounen that doesn't take itself too seriously, G Gundam.

If you want a newer show, 00 or Iron-Blooded Orphans. 00 does some fun things with the war on terror and real-world politics and is generally very good. IBO's one of the bleakest shows in the franchise, being about a bunch of child soldiers who kill their commander and start running their PMC themselves. It also involves a mff poly triad that focuses a good deal on the relationship between the girls.
Thanks, I think I'll start with iron-blooded orphans since I've heard so much about it
Are there any series I should avoid for being too shit or too het?
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AGE is the worst show in the franchise. Wing feels like it was written either by teenagers or people affected by a gas leak, though there's a kind of charm to that.

Seed and its sequel Destiny are very divisive. Asia absolutely loves it, while lots of Western fans despise it. It has major flaws (unappealing or recycled robot designs, ugly early digital animation, constant reuse of footage) and it's shamelessly melodramatic. I enjoy that kind of thing and some of the wild swings it took so I had a good time, but be warned.

You probably shouldn't watch Turn A or especially Reconguista in G until you have a pretty good grasp of the Universal Century shows. They're made by the original director and connected to the original continuity, despite being considered AUs. The latter is also a very weird show.

I just (finished just yesterday) watched IBO myself, and while I kinda knew already how more or less it ends from the constant 4chan discourse, I was actually baffled how much of a happy end it actually has.
For me at least, only characters I didn't care much about died, which I decided was a good riddance.
Not that I cared much about many of them, as character writing was mostly atrocious(thanks Okada!)(at least for me most of them were unlikeable, and definitely there were too many of them to even remember their names) and it felt like mexican soap opera but with child soldiers, stupid love triangle where the object of everyone's love, affection and awe has a personality of a brick and the 'amazing' villain (? if I can even call him that, considering he was on the 'good guys' side) plan to win everything.
Ngl, I didn't enjoy it very much, had too much episodes for what it tried to show (I sure wish gwitch had privilege of 50 eps), fights were bad quality, but in the end it I thought the ending saved it a little and music was pretty good.

But it's better for me than SEED, as I only managed to last 10 episodes with it, and never went back to it again. Too much bullshit, stock footage and reused animation. Also I hated the artstyle.

00 is pretty decent.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I never watched any old UC anime/movies, but I actually went through Thunderbolt, and even without knowledge of all the history of conflict, beside knowing its Feddies vs Zeeks, it was actually a very enjoyable watch. Audiovisual quality of both complication movies is top notch, and I believe it's worth to watch it even like that, as its kinda a standalone entry in the UC.
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You're very welcome, sis.

It'll never be not funny WfM losing until a retard from the other side mentions the up to interpretation crap.

Because that's her real, peak sexo looks.


What is this poll for?
Another ship poll, this time is yuri.
Best yuri series of the Reiwa era (current emperor's reign).
I voted G-Witch because you asked nicely, but the Starlight Revue movie is better than it. Though it is a movie.
Sounds like we had very different experiences with IBO. It's probably my favorite non-Tomino Gundam tv series.

>there were too many of them to even remember their names
I thought they did a good job of making Tekkadan seem like a real organization by having a large cast of varying levels of importance. I don't think remembering the names of the less featured characters was that important, as long as they were somewhat familiar.

>stupid love triangle
It isn't really a love triangle once Atra hears about polyamory. Her relationship with Kudelia is probably developed better than either's with Mika, who is indeed not the most interesting protagonist.

>plan to win everything
The plan is supposed to be bad. McGillis never recovered from his childhood abuse and stayed an eternal child. That's why he gets along with kids so well. His faction within Gjallarhorn are based on the Imperial Japanese Army's young officers, an idealistic but ideologically incoherent group of romantics who launched a doomed coup attempt in the 1930s.

>I actually went through Thunderbolt
It's a good way of dipping your toe in the Universal Century, particularly the first film, which works well as a stand-alone. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like they will animate any more of it in the near future..
See, I know that it was supposed to be a monumentally bad plan, but it got marred for me by the fact that before him seeing Barbatos fight and revitalizing in his mind his *great* idea, he seemed to be fairly cunning and 5d chess man - so basically for 1.5 season before that happaned. Then suddenly we get his sad backstory about being abused child and seems like his logical thinking falls apart to believe that muh Bael will win it all

For sure Kudelia and Atra had more development together, but it was still all about 'i love HIM' and all that jazz, even when she promised to protect Atra and their child and it felt like Mika just a prop to be there
It was like some pussyfooting that almost was leaning into yuri, but it had to be all about the dude with whom either of the girls barely had any interactions. My biggest offender is Kudelia here since she out of nowhere falls for him (I can accept childhood friend in Atra) where his whole personality is being Orga's dog.

While watching I couldn't help but draw some comparison between the IBO and GWitch. Epilogue was so similiar in few ways. I just wish Gwitch also got almost half of episode for it.
But probably the most different from both was how the supposed MC that rides a gundam, felt like a side character in their own story, and instead it was about the group(and Orga as gundam princess, becauase in S2 Kudelia only sits in her office and looks at a picture instead of trying to do shit like in S1), with Mika being just an extension for a robot instead of real character. I'm glad Okada was not writing GWitch.
This is sad, some yurifans literally call sulemio "up for interpretation" just want their pairing to win.
It's funny because Starlight movie literally made every Revue ship up to intepretation since those pairings broke up at the end of the movie. Only Cowruko ship might have some hope
What’s the point of that when it was already debunked by the director?
You just know those are just shitposter and don't even watch G-witch because they didn't know about the director's statement. Also just weak shitposting because they wanted their fav yuri to win
I think it was less solely Okada's fault but the rumored arguments with the head director who wanted to make a mafia rise and fall type of series (not that awful idea) but also to kill absolutely everyone on the Tekkadan side. Still, this is a Gundam rumor so take it with a grain of salt.
there’s a new menhera sulemio fic
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sulemio won btw
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I didn’t realize Sulemio fandon is big. Why do we keep winning these polls? I felt like we are very few residents here lol
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>fairly cunning and 5d chess man
He is intelligent and charismatic, but fundamentally childish. If you think about his grand S1 plan, he mostly just betrays and kills or tries to kill two very powerful people who adored him and were sympathetic to his goals, all so he could play at being a hard man who makes hard decisions.

>It was like some pussyfooting that almost was leaning into yuri
For what it's worth, it is meant to be yuri. The director confirmed that Kudelia and Atra are married in the end.

As for the Mika stuff, I think it works better if you think of Orga as the actual main character and Mika as the secondary main character. G-Witch definitely did a better job balancing the pilot and non-pilot mains leading the different halves of the genre mix.
Suletta is girly and is affectionate towards her loved one. Yumes just hate that she's being all gushy and lovey-dovey towards Miorine.
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What’s this?
Sticker https://www.bandai.co.jp/candy/products/2024/4570117916397000.html
Why Bandai never puta Zeta and ZZ with their UC stuff? Meh
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This is one of the most active /u/ threads
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it was a funny ride
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Kill them with the Yuri rifle.

Not surprised, someone downplayed Sulemio one round before and lost.

The threads have become somehow slower, but most of that activity was shitposting, so it's an improvement.
I wonder if some sis here is playing that slop because of the skins
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I almost considered it seriously but then I remembered play CoD by myself was very lonesome. Also I'm bad at CoD.
If Aerial was in Gundam Evolution, I would've kept playing it 100%!

Tried it when a friend invited me too around launch and just wasn't my sort of game
Glad y'all are having fun with that crossover but you couldn't pay me to get into COD.
The lesbian flag too, noice.
I wish it was Fornite.
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Wait they're still selling G-Witch merch? I thought that well has been dried up already.
Why? There hasn’t been a new Gundam TV show yet
Should have been rings
This is gundam we're talking about here. It's one of the most milked franchises ever made. They're gonna be making new merch 5 years from now.
It feels like some yuri fans would really prefer two girls kissing and feeling each other up on-screen even if it's just for the sake of fanservice (moreso if the girls aren't even in a relationship) over two girls whose character and story developments happen because of the other, where they show ups and downs of their relationship, and their relationship being normalized in the setting itself.

Seriously, I've seen people whining that SuleMIo don't fill in their yuri checklists hence why they denounce them as yuri despite their relationship being the major focus of the story and that the two LITERALLY end up married in the end.
But wasn't SEED Freedom showing in theaters recently? And SEED is a bigger Gundam spinoff then G-Witch.
New thread? And can we have a wedding OP because you know, June bride.
That's definitely true for some fans of yuri... I think the 'up to interpretation' misinformation that it's still the case (when it's been confirmed by the producer and director) to try to downplay their relationship.

I find most naysayers that repeat this line ad nauseam typically haven't really watched the show (or haven't gotten very far). Other than trolls and people stirring the pot, I think most people that watch the show that have an iota of intellect could definitely tell that what they had wasn't just 'yuri' but even a form of love blossom between them.
Or people who equate kissing/sex to romance. I remember reading comments from even back when G-Witch was still airing of people complaining how Suletta and Miorine aren't acting like a engaged couple while seemingly having more "romance developments" with the guys (well Suletta mostly).

Ignoring that that was the exact point. Suletta and Miorine went from pretend-engaged to wanting to be engaged/married to each other.
Yeah but those people are a small but loud minority, most yuri fans loved G-witch.

It is, but it’s also a spinoff of an established series that requires you to watch two other shows first. WFM is still the current “entry point” for new fans, and will be until they put out the next AU.
I saw complaints they weren't acting like a lovey-dovery couple the moment they got engaged.

Either they expected it to happen, or it was from people who just jumped ship upon hearing the newest Gundam series stars two girls who are engaged with one another, then being dissapointed they don't act like an engaged couple all while "teasing" a relationship between Suletta and two of the guys in the main cast.
Does anyone happen to have a rip for the cds that were being sold for the radio broadcasts that Lynn and Kana Ichinose hosted?

Onsen only has a few episodes that can be listened to for free.

I can't seem to find them anywhere online.
Most likely El4n since he was the earliest guy to have an arc and Suletta's sexuality was not yet clear in the first part of S1.
No one calls Guel main character except trolls. The yurifans who dropped Gwitch thought all 3 guys are main characters and saw El4n as potential threat to Miorine.
Why is Suletta so gay? And when I say that, I meant spaghettie gay.
How do you post without waiting for 1minute?
The post timer is lowered if you have an image with your post. Only for media board like this though, on other boards doing that increases the post timer instead.
That’s not true
Um yes it is. You can literally see the timer decrease when you attach an image to a post.
Stop lying,sis.
Of that episode, not the series. Stop trolling, we are talking about yurifans here. Go discuss him somewhere else.
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This artist is really good. But were you also able to save the fansrts from that artist who recently deleted all her fanarts in twitter/pixiv? Pic rel is one of them.
Why would they need to cut Suletta’s hair? She didn’t have any head trauma.
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>it was true
Sorry sis. I tried it just now and you were right.
New thread:
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I am not the anon you were talking about but have this image for our trying times. I don't have all of them but I can't really sort my picture folder at the moment.

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