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/u/ - Yuri

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New chapter delayed a week.

Previous thread here >>4156752
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Has this emo bitch come out as a clam-clapper yet?
Has there been any significant advancement in the plot or character development?
Yes there's been some really significant hetvancement. Every single character has been turned straight now.
i love orange women
shut up /a/
why does asuka's nipples look like she's already given birth?
I stopped reading this manga years ago, but now want to get caught up, but I’m shocked that it’s still ongoing and has this many more chapters.
I think I was up ~around the chapter where all the girls are at some ‘not Disney’ amusement park for some reason and their all wearing animal ear headbands, I’ve got no idea what chapter that is.
a side-effect of being Tomoko's mommy gf for so long
That would be around chap ~125 anon.
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you don't have to lie
I also got caught up recently after not following the manga for years, and I think I stopped reading during the Disney Land arc, too.
There is no deeper significance to this, just thought it's a neat coincidence.
Her being a bro-con is up in the air, but Tomoki's siscon reveal feels like it's close at hand.
You both stopped reading at Disneyland because it became boring af after that point because Tomoko had made all her friends and everything after is just milking the cow dry
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Completely different clientele in this thread compared to normal. It's like a /v/ thread or something.
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I enjoyed reading TooManyX's fanfic way more than the manga itself. The whole school trip gang should've been forced to be naked though, not just Tomoko herself.
She gloated to her bro about feeling Yoshida's boobies.
I developed stokholm syndrome with this series.
The yuri is fucking great and every pair is grandiose on its own but every week I get disappointed when there's no new development on any of the ships. But yet again I'm waiting patiently another month to see if we get at least a tiny bit of yuri in a new chapter.
>I enjoyed reading TooManyX's fanfic way more than the manga itself.

>The whole school trip gang
Maybe they'll go to the beach with Tomoko and her harem will keep whisking her away to secluded spaces to show themselves to her.
>Maybe they'll go to the beach with Tomoko and her harem will keep whisking her away to secluded spaces to show themselves to her.
No, the disney gang should get caught browsing the yuri hentai section at a book store in Akiba district, and as a punishment Ogino should force them all to get naked 24/7 for the rest of the week.
You mean there's a Watamote manga people grew up with, and then there is a Watamote manga that changed after a certain point completely changing the characterization of the established characters and completely removing the new premise with an established fanbase?
You're right about that
where's the chapter
Two hours.
Fingers crossed for at least some minimal few panels girl x girl teasing next chaper.
>You mean there's a Watamote manga people grew up with
Jeez, please don't put it like that. I know the manga is old and so am I, but I didn't need to be reminded of that.
Don't feel too bad, while writing that sentence I felt the same way
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TL up on /a/.
We get some SachiSaya copium this week at least.
Thanks for the TL.
That's a ship I really didn't have on my radar, but I guess it's a thing ever since this arc?
Sayaka really is a disaster for everyone involved with her, though. Still, I love her antics.
>That's a ship I really didn't have on my radar, but I guess it's a thing ever since this arc?
One kissed a guy and other wants to date him, great yuri ship my ass.
I won't take any shit though.
We're still on Tomoki Namek, aren't we?
No, you don't understand. They interacted. One called the other cute and she blushed, therefore they must be shipped.
Developing Sachi was a mistake and I'll die on this hill
Her arc was the last time Watamote was any good. And it was like 4 years ago.

For fuck's sake let it die and be forgotten already. It's like having Toaru thread on /u/ or some other shit that clearly doesn't belong here.
It's really bugging me that this is left->right
Her arc was the first time the book was shit for an extended period, rather than just an odd bad chapter or two, and marked the beginning of dropping Tomoko as the focus. She's still the most unlikeable character, over Tomoki, who's just boring and undeserving of so much attention by the author.
Yeah, the issue is that Sacchi has become the focus of the story for a while.
>Why did a story about why being a Hikki shut-in is unsustainable and unhealthy have the MC stop being a Hikki shut-in.
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Most based post itt so far.
we need more catgirl tomoko
It looks like yuri anons are going to be stuck in the gravity of Namek, unable to escape.
whats our cope ship this chapter? Sayaka blushed pretty hard when sachi praised her, i could be on to something
Sayakas friend was mighty jealous of Sachi, saying stuff like "Sayaka never shows this face to me anymore", that was quite gay
>I'm suppose to like him because he is liked by every girl
>I like him because...he has a dick? That's what a girl is suppose to like, right?
In retrospect it sounds like a massive cope, like Ucchis "gross"
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The least /u/ Watamote thread so far.
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Let's fix that
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Done now
Blame Ikko. Watamote went from a social anxiety horror series into a heartwarming yuri icon, but now it's just a forgettable hetshit. The readership has been in steady decline ever since.
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Sayaka is gay. She's just dumb and unable to process her feelings.
Ah, you're right, here fixed version.
I'm not arguing just curious. How do you know if the readership is declining? Last time I was at /a/ they were happy.
For reals, where did Tomoko go? She was right there in frame at the end of the last chapter and they're even talking about her first thing in this chapter, so where is she?
If she just fucked off with Asuka shouldn't the rest of them look more confused that she dropped in only to disappear a second later? Wouldn't that have been Nemo's chance to bail too? Would she really have told Komiyama to leave her brother alone and then just left them together?
What the fuck is going on please?
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He'll never give you any actual numbers. It's only conjecture. Reminds me of that poster on /a/ that makes up stories about Rumiko Takahashi based on non-existent interviews that he never provides, and no one can seem to find.
Either something that will get corrected in the tank, or next chapter will reveal Asuka took her away.
Also, I wonder if Kii-chan is watching her handiwork from the top floor.
Sachi can’t quit Minami, Akari can’t quit Sayaka, and I can’t quit thinking that these girls are gayer than Tomoko.
Tomoko joking about having a penis or growing a penis and having sex with her friends has been used as a joke enough that i guess that's just what the author is secretly into in private.
Yup that's my hero, Ikko Tanigawa. Gokubro btw.
Anon...yeah...That's like half the doujin parody's of this shit...
>uchi POV
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So why all of a sudden some artists have started to draw AsukaxYuri?
Probably want peace between the largest (active) tomoko ships
>all of a sudden
It has been the most popular ship for some time now.
Desperation. Everyone realised this shit goes nowhere. That means the ship you are rooting for will never become canon so might as well ship two brightest characters in the show even if under normal circumstances that would be a crack.
I think it started with that chapter where they shared a room or something. My memory is a bit fuzzy about that chapter
Yuri saw Asuka getting out of the shower naked and blushed hard, and was also caught perved at Asuka's bra.
Yuri has definitely fapped to Asuka
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Yuri's autism couldn't deal with Asuka's commanding look-me-in-the-eye personality.
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That panel makes it look like Asuka cornered Yuri in the closet before laying her demands on her. Asuka knows how to deal with autists.
Yuri is totally into femdom isn't she?
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Wait, is tomoko actually cute?
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Always has been
Only in the eyes of certain girls, to all the rest she is a unwashed gremlin.
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Tomoko is a queen bee
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She can be. Landmine Tomoko certainly was.
There was also the thing that happened in Ch. 6.
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Let's just say Yurimoko would have a lot better chance if Tomoko could properly dominate her Yuri-chan.
>Tamura-san, can you put off playtime for one more week?
>But... Yuri was tugging at her chastity belt in horror. Ahh... Okay... Understood...
The week somehow went by and Yuri was on all fours, ready be set free. Asuka was behind her, when she noticed something interesting. A curious finger probed at Yuri's uncovered hole.
It gave way too easily.
>Tamura-san, do you per chance, frequently play with this hole?
Yuri was actually caught masturbating when she was little, got scolded and in her confusion thought that she is never supposed to play with her vagina. So she got off from her ass and only touched her pussy, when she absolutely couldn't take it anymore, while feeling terribly guilty. But she didn't want to explain things in this position, so Yuri just looked down and shrugged her head, while blushing to her ears. Unfortunately for Yuri, Asuka was already lubing up her strap-on and grabbed Yuri by hips firmly.
Yuri's eyes went wide open, the dildo went in to the hilt without a hitch and Yuri was already arching her back for a better angle while whimpering softly.
>I knew it.
And to prove her point, Asuka started roughly fucking Yuri in the ass without any preparation. Yuri just couldn't hide it anymore. She started moaning uncontrollably, while enthusiastically thrusting back with her tongue lulling out and eyes turning to the back of her head. They were steadily working up to a rough rhythm as both Asuka and Yuri expertly knew how to position themselves for maximum pleasure. Yuri was soon shaking from the ecstasy and a very familiar feeling was rapidly approaching. But just before her climax, Asuka violently pulled out and started spanking Yuri's ass with almost her full strength. Yuri's mind was in tatters after her anal orgasm was crudely spanked away.
>Do you want to continue or to be set free?
>Con-continue ahh...
>Then it will be another week and this time you will not touch your ass either.
>Ahh... Okay... Understood...
Is no one safe from the vixen?
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I'd say Kii-chan and Ucchi would be immune.
We don't know about Kii-chan yet, though.
But unwashed gremlins are cute!
t. Asuka
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hit me baby one more time
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Here we go again...
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>Yuri was actually caught masturbating when she was little, got scolded and in her confusion thought that she is never supposed to play with her vagina. So she got off from her ass and only touched her pussy, when she absolutely couldn't take it anymore, while feeling terribly guilty
Sounds like Yuri
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Asuka doesn't have time to post. She is busy kidnapping cute unwashed gremlins.
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Posting another yuri n' asuka just because.
Maybe Yoshida?
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Nah, Asuka knows how to handle Yoshida.
Never noticed that Yuri's butt is bigger than Asuka's. No wonder she likes it in there.
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Asuka knows how to chose them.
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Masaki is just easy to tame.
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Bring as many plushies as you like, I can't see it. Yoshida would be too embarrassed and therefore too violent in bed. Even for Asuka.
Maybe when you have demonic freckles, but even then I can only see Yoshida on top.
Making Yoshida straight was a mistake. What were they thinking?
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Laugh it up little vixens.
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While experimenting, Yuri tied herself up fully naked and couldn't get free until her parents got home.
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I don't think she is aware of it yet, but it would explain why she keeps blushing in front of Asuka and so instinctively drawn to Yoshida.
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KatoYuri > YoshiYuri
Mako will have her Yoshida top. Trust the plan.
Yoshida was always straight.
It's just that most here refused to see the signs.
What surprises me was that the mangaka stepped away from the yuribait formula with yoshida by right out confirming it.
Wierd move from a mangaka who saved her last standing manga on the brink of cancellation by taking the yuribait route.
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I don't think so
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Sounds like Yuri.
what are the effects of the mojyolith?
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Activates the dyke gene.
>Ucchi: never cared about boys
>Asuka: never had a boyfriend, always hangs around with that lesbian butch Miho
>Yuri: obsessed with Mako
>Nemo: loves CGDGT series
Weren't they always gay?
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Schrödingers lesbians. A woman, before she openly talks about romance, is at a state where she is and isn't simultaneously a lesbian
Tomoko opened that box

But seriously speaking, at least Ucchi(ironically enough) was worried about Tomoko being into her
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>Just take these off and give me the damned plushie already!
Yoshida was lying on her back, her knees pushed back all the way to her sides, with her wrists tied to her ankles. This way, every time she tried to move either her arms or legs out of anger or pleasure, it would sap her strength from both limb at the same time.
>Only good girls get the plushie.
>Then let me cum already and get this over with!
Asuka was playing with her pussy and flicking at her clit, easing up every time Yoshida got too close.
>Bad girls who hurt Tomo-chan don't get to cum so easily.
>But she was the one who was looking at my...
>Rest assured, Tomo-chan will get what's coming to her for looking at the wrong panties.
>What do you mean wrong pan- Hey where the hell do you think you are touching?!
There was a string of anal beads filling Yoshida's ass with plenty of lube and every time Yoshida was on the brink, Asuka let go of her pussy and started moving the two largest, golf ball-sized beads in and out.
>Bad girls only get to cum from here.
>What the hell?! Screw you, can you even cum from there?
>Save your strength Masaki-chan, this might take a while.
Yoshida was flailing around out of frustration and when she least expected it, Asuka yanked the entire string out in one move.
Asuka kept alternating between her pussy and ass, periodically yanking on the yankee's nerves, until Yoshida's butthole was quivering with delight.
>Do you think you could cum from there now, Masaki-chan?
>I- Ah... I don't want to know...
It's like Asuka was waiting for this. She placed the plushie on Yoshida's tummy, safely secured between her thighs and yanked the anal beads out with lightning speed. This killed the Yoshida. Not only did it block the view to what was happening to her, Yoshida just couldn't connect the cute plushie to the lewd thing that was happening behind it. She had to close her eyes and surrender herself to her overly sensitive nerve endings completely.
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Asuka was lubing up her strap-on in the mean time and on the next edge, she pulled out the anal beads for the final time and replaced them with the tip of the dildo in Yoshida's slightly gaping butthole. Yoshida looked up in horror, then immediately shut her eyes and leaned back. Asuka very gently and slowly eased the dildo in all the way, then resumed the routine of teasing Yoshida's pussy to the edge and yanking the strap-on out in one move. When Yoshida's flailing and her angry sleeping face relaxed a little, Asuka tried for a gentle rhythm of in and out, while lightly caressing her clit. Yoshida's ass not only gave way, but moved into the dildo. Asuka grinned a little and built up a steady pace, slowly buttfucking Yoshida's angry grunts away and turning them into very soft whimpers. Yoshida and the back of the plushie was getting drenched. Asuka slowly moved away from her clit and grabbed on to Yoshida's hips while increasing her pace. Yoshida's eyes remained shut, her flailing became hectic again and she started giving out the softest, most girlish moans Asuka has ever heard. They couldn't get enough of this: Asuka wanted Yoshida to keep making those sounds, while Yoshida was tapping into a side of her, that she didn't even knew that existed. Just when she decided that she is going to keep her in this state the entire time, Yoshida opened her eyes and looked Asuka in the eye.
Asuka's hand moved to the other girl's clit without thinking, Yoshida's eyes rolled back into her head and those girlish moans turned into the most satisfied cries of relief Asuka has witnessed so far, while Yoshida trembled through her orgasm for long seconds with her entire body. After the moment passed, Asuka pulled out and started untying Yoshida.
>You are the real plushie here Yoshida-san.
>And ahh... You are a sadistic bastard with a sweet heart. Ahh... That little punk is a luck girl.
>>Yuri: obsessed with Mako
Not anymore in the recent chapters.
She just switched her hyperfixation from Mako to Tomoko
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>Yuri and Mako
I know the recent chapters haven't had the female homosexual context that kids crave, but Mako messing with Yuri is funny as hell.
what is her goal
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Yuri is Mako's secondary crush. Far behind Yoshida though.
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Think again.
Uchi does think that Tomo is an unwashed little gremlin but that’s clearly her fetish.
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Yuri is the perfect bottom, in more ways than one.
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What’s her name one with the pony tail that’s a a cheerleader, ‘fucker’ or smth, she’s under-appreciated
That's Miho's girlfriend.
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I wonder if she's realized it yet.
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Oh, didn't notice that...
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I miss the time when Watamote was gay as fuck.
>anal only orgasm denial with lots of spanking(exactly the same as Tomoko, very important!!)
>rough scissoring while wrestling for who is really on top
>nipple play only with lots of licking and tweaking
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Technically happened after our current arc, so it's "will be gay as fuck".
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Yuri's pillow back there was designed for thrusting into, while Asuka's was for thrusting with.
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Don't think. Feel.
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The image >>4221231 posted is from the senior Christmas party, which chronologically takes place after the current cultural festival arc.
Thus, instead of "I miss the time when Watamote was gay as fuck", it's "I miss the time when Watamote will be gay as fuck", since the pic he posted takes place after the arc currently running in the manga.
I know that's not what the poster meant, of course. I was having some light fun.
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>implying Yuri wouldn't be turned on too
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Yuri is turned on >>4223365 Can't you see her blushing?
these are great
Yuri likes to watch.
Is the new chapter tomorrow or next week?
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next week
Would you prefer a dose of disappointment once a week or once in two weeks?
Yes actually, that would be more consistent.
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They're prepping vol. 25.
A moment, Tomoko has never been big-breasted.
That's Tomoko's underwear.
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A moment, WRONG.
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>Tomo-chan, you look thirsty. Here, have some water.
Tomoko went red as a tomato, but shyly drank from the bottle, thinking about the last time they were in this situation. Asuka suddenly placed her hand on Tomoko's forehead.
>You are burning up. A heatstroke? Let's hurry to the nurse's office!
Tomoko felt different symptoms as Asuka took her hand and dragged her away. Instead of a heatstroke she felt heat accumulating between her legs. It was so bad that she had to fiddle with her skirt around her burning crotch and failed to notice that they were hurrying to the shed next to the gym. Asuka quickly locked the door behind them, tied Tomoko's free hand to the one in her hand and pulled a mattress next to another. She pushed a confused and unbearably turned-on Tomoko down and position her burning crotch to the gap between the two mattress.
>Tomo-chan, what are you doing playing around with your brother while you could be learning?
>Tha- Ah...that wasn't what it looked like. The glasses girl-
>You promised to try your best and stop playing around.
>I- Ah... wasn't-
>Not true! Tomo-chan still wants to play around even now!
Asuka pulled off the faced down girl's skirt and inspected Tomoko's arousal with her fingers.
>Ah... Ahsukah, I'm sorry...
>No Tomo-chan, you are not yet.
Asuka pulled off Tomoko's panties and inserted a lubed finger into her butthole. And another. She played around with the whimpering girl's tightest hole until three of her fingers could fit, then replaced them with a sizeable butt plug. It was a very tight fit and Tomoko felt her arousal drip between the matrasses every time she clenched around it. Asuka was gently massaging her cheeks.
>Tomo-chan, who should you be playing around with when you are not learning?
>I wasn't-
*Smack* Tomoko's eyes crossed. A hand landed on her buttocks forcing then to squeeze down around the plug.
>Good girl.
Asuka continued to spank the lesson into the moaning mojyo,
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who couldn't help but clench down on each hit, while desperately searching for something to rub her burning, oozing crotch against.
>Ahsukahh I can't... Please touch my cunt
>No can do
>Remember that feeling Tomo-chan, we'll do something about it once you've safely passed the entrance exams.
And to punctuate her point, Asuka took out a leather whip from her bag and lightly flogged at those poor exposed cheeks. Clenching down, Tomoko moaned out loud and as the force increased, she started trembling from the intoxicating mix of pain and pleasure, while her vision turned hazy and her tongue fell out. Asuka suddenly ceased and yanked the butt plug out.
>UUUHAAA NOOO... Not when I'm so close...
>Shh, you were being such a good girl Tomo-chan. Don't ruin it now.
Tomoko felt something ice-cold landing between her buttocks, shivering as it leaked through her gaping butthole and her eyes went wide as Asuka hopped onto the mojyo's legs and poked on the slippery, quivering opening with a quickly attached strap-on.
The dildo went in effortlessly.
Asuka immediately started fucking her butt at a moderate pace, while Tomoko resumed her trembling and her futile search for any stimulation against her ablaze crotch that was carefully kept in the empty void. Asuka settled on top of Tomoko and increased her pace. Tomoko flailed and thrashed about, stuck below Asuka, but eventually gave in and started pushing into the only pleasure she was receiving. After what felt like an eternity, Tomoko cried out in bliss and her pussy juice audibly poured onto the floor. She went still, her butt clamped down, but Asuka easily kept pushing through. The screaming and desperate squirming resumed and soon her nectar spilt again. And again.
>Tomo-chan, this is not much of a punishment if you keep cumming like this
And she did, until Tomoko went numb and a small pool accumulated below them.
Contaminating the human gene-pool with more Emoji genes.
How, magic yuri babies?
File deleted.
Can this be in the next chapter?
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Chinese scientists can blast a sperm and/or an egg cell with radiation or electricity or smth to turn it into the opposite, so yes.
Everybody knows that if you fuck long and hard enough you can get magic yuri babies.
VA-11 Hall-A but its Tomoko as the bartender/waitress at a dive bar all the other girls frequent.
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A Watamote fangame like that would be amazing. Unfortunately, we have the type of fans that make dumb shit like "Watamote" "season 2".
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It's what the sequel shoudl be about.
Isn't there already a Watamote fangame where Tomoko has to pick things up while escaping her harem?
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There is no escape.
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Exactly. Also, there is no harem.
>not emoji
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Yeah, this guy made several:
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Responded to the wrong post. Sorry!
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Chapter 224 may be delayed
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>release date denial
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Wasn't the last chapter 3 weeks ago? I thought that's a built-in delay already. Or is 1ch/3weeks the normal release schedule?
I hope that extra chapter in the tank is going to be good.
>I hope that extra chapter in the tank is going to be good.
And I hope it's about Tomoko, you know, the main protagonist.
no, 2 weeks is the regular schedule, that doesn't mean a built-in delay can't be delayed once again
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>Asukaaah, you promised this week I could...
>Shhh Tomo-chan, be a good girl and just take it.
For the first time since I started reading like five years ago, I'm seriously considering dropping the series completely. I'm just so sick of Tomoki and Sachi and the delays and this double delay is the straw breaking the camel's back.
Tomoki is an okay character, he's not into het. The writer is the problem though, he probably hates yuri.
>double delay
No double delay has been confirmed. This guy >>4229750 saw a notice about 223's upload to the gangan website being delayed, and decided to spread misinfo about how ch. 224 "may be" delayed. We have yet to receive a notice about ch. 224 being delayed.
But yeah, I'd drop it if I were you. There's no need to stress out over a manga.
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Anyway, here's a link to the new chapter:
>only 4 pages
might as well be delayed
but at least we got Ucchi having a wet dream about every girl looking like Tomoko
At least there was no Tomoki this time
A wonderful breath of fresh air.
TL: https://pastebin.com/KUU4LT5U
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Next update scheduled for next week.
The main take aways I got from this is Yuri wants Tomoko's face for her own and Ucchi wants a Tomoko harem.
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so it was delayed
tho I can't complain much, I wish every delay had at least a consolation special chapter
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>making fun of Ritz and her balloon tits characters
What Watamote character is this?
Tomoki in three years.
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>dfc sucking tongue
Looks like Yurimoko was too powerful after all...
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>Osumoto is now drawing Asuka x Yuri too

What the hell
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Seems to be AsuTomo going by context.

>You seriously went through with it, Yuri-chan?

>That's definitely gotta hurt...
>It's creeping me out~

>Eeh...? What kind of reaction is that?
>Don't tell me you're intrigued?
>I ain't doing that.

>Come to think of it, you also said something about wanting to open up a piercing hole.
>Just what do you want to do to my body, Asuka...?
>Tomo-chan... You've got it all wrong...
>Tamura-san's watching, so please forgive me...
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Oh, nice. Thanks for the translation Goggled
On a scale from 1 to Gross, how gross is this?
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>Just what do you want to do to my body, Asuka...?
It's better if you don't know
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She had to burn her sheets afterwards, so pretty darn gross.
She shit her sheets?
Does "kimoi" have any deeper connotations than just "gross"? Seems a little weird for that to be the sole core of Uchi's obsession
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Ucchi's kimoi is complex.
That explanation doesn't make sense.
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Well, you and Asuka share company, then.
Which is the fan translation and which is the official? Assuming either one is official.
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Bottom one is official.
Though accurate, Yen Press is usually pretty dry with their translations. Also, I don't know if any changes were made between the original release and the tankoubon.
There are two ways to consider it.
1. Just think of it as repressed lesbian feelings. She doesn't want to be a lesbian, thus project her own self disgust onto Tomoko
2. She has a gross fetish. You know how some people are into farts or self harm? Something like that
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50 shades of sodomy: How to train your mojyo into a model student
"No, I kind of am" is the funnier punchline.
I love the trope of repressed lesbianism, and I like Ucchi because of it. Though I remember someone also pointing out that Tomoko had the same repressed feelings.
For Tomoko it is a bit different, unlike Ucchi she doesn't think it's disgusting, but she thinks she is supposed to be a guy for having sexual interest in other women. But of course she isn't actually transgender and is just in denial about women having affection for other women being genuine, thus she ignores it with jokes "If I were a guy I would have a giant boner right now haha silly me".
Which makes it weird that she's actually knowledgable on LGBT and sexual orientation
probably, when she realized she had these thoughts, she looked it up and read up the definitions and such, but didn't actually bother to actually understand what they mean and what they mean to her specifically.
Like, this happens to a lot of people "I wonder what stars are made of?" *opens wiki* "I see...uh huh....I wonder what my favorite influence on Tik Tok is up to?" and stops thinking about it.
>she's actually knowledgable on LGBT and sexual orientation

Is she? All I can remember is she calling freckles a lesbo
well she did hit the nail tho
but yeah, she fails to acknowledge her own thought or feelings as homosexual ones, rather she self inserts as a guy, a shota or whatever to avoid seeing herself as a lesbo
I think from time to time her true feeling slip out. Like that time she gave Asuka a lap pillow. She starts with the usual "if I were a guy" joke, but then her real thoughts come out when Asuka is about to get up
Tomoko definitely seems like the kind of person to have the kind of lack of self-awareness which would result in her having an scholarly knowledge of sexuality while not realizing that she even could be a lesbian.
In a health class she was able to list off what LGBT stands for and define each term.
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Would Tomoko really enjoy this? Or just play along to be with Asuka.
Depends how fresh out the fryer that churro is.
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Behold! A miracle and/or wonder of science! Years after the conception, Sachi and her youngest daughter are STILL trying to figure out how this happened.

Koharu and their firstborn, however, are too stupid to wonder.
I suppose that's impressive for a japanese high schooler

I like how Asuka can basically disarm Tomoko's sexual harassment bit and make her question herself.
One of her classmates, iirc Ucchi, but I'm not positive, already suspected she was a lesbian, and took her knowledge of the topic as proof. I'm sure nobody else thought it was odd that she would know that.
oh yeah, Tomoko was about to admit her own feelings when she was asked to grab her boobs
bitch had to pussy out
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Yuri's tongue is becoming too powerful.
Does it drop today?
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1500 UTC.
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Available now.
Damn, this is a good chapter.
TL: https://pastebin.com/rJD62373
So who's gonna tell Asuka that thinking about someone all the time does not necessarily mean you want to be their older sibling?
Asuka knows that she’s a lesbian and knows that she must lie about it until college.
younger sibling* but the point still stands
I mean, this is the gayest that we've seen Asuka act even if she didn't say "I want to eat Tomoko's hairy cunt all day long" to Kiko

So this whole Tomoki thing didn't even go anywhere in the end, did it?
>this is the gayest that we've seen Asuka act
I wonder. Is it gayer than that one time where she offered to let Tomoko touch her tits (insisting later it wasn't a joke)? Or that other time where she grabbed Tomoko's tits from behind on the beach in hopes of the two of them getting closer?
this just confirms it was gay back then, it is ultra gay now and from now on any interaction with Tomoko is max level turbo dyke tier
It is gayer because here she is saying out loud to someone else that she can't stop thinking about Tomoko
Great. I've still a ways to go in my fic, and already I gotta speculate Kii's behaviors in that continuity for a potential sequel. If Asuka was able to run circles around her alone, a whole lesbian harem might cause Kii to short-circuit. To say nothing of her onee-chan's nudism...
it was worth enduring festival Namek and Tomoki wank just to almost confirm Asuka wants Tomoko to be her spoiled baby gf
Someone on /a/ said that bit of dialogue is reversed and is Asuka the one who wants to be spoiled by Tomoko
kii immediately can sus out that ucchi and asuka like tomoko, but for asuka, she doesn't know the exact reason. But asuka also sensed kii likes tomoko. Is this what it's like when lesbians go after the same girl?
I wanted a Katou x Kii-chan chapter. How disappointing. I hate harem shit.
It's insane how much better this manga is when it's focused on Tomoko and her friends (and Kii) than on Tomoki wank.

Also Yuri is approaching maximum autist
Fixed TS for pages 10, 11 and 12: https://mega.nz/folder/dEEBCTIL#vIJzgaKc2AEWfQbGdxoM0g
It feels like Kii-chan is going to meet with each Tomoko's harem member. We've got Kouhai, Ucchi, and Asuka down. Next probably will be Nemo then Yuri (maybe in day 2?), and then finally Tomoko (Or Imae will appear in day 2?).
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We are so fucking back
>Do you perhaps know tomo-chan?
From this moment kii was cooked. It was over. You can't beat the fox at her own game.
Best chapter of the whole year
What's she saying?
>nah I'd win.
Yurimoko bros.... our ship is sinking... and it's ashes.... rises Katomoko
Paging Goggled Anon, >>267900904 pointed out a potential translation error on the last couple of pages. The subject being spoiled might be flipped.
YuriNemo has been the canon pairing for a few years now.
Glasses girl be like.
So what is Asuka’s next master plan?
haven't kept up, this shitposting or real?
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The thing that makes chapters focused on Tomoki so hated even aside the shift from the main cast (and, obviously, that it's het over yuri) is that Tomoki's "harem" is not only overused romcom tropes but Tomoki himself doesn't have any type of exposition whatsoever to earn this many attention from either the girls in-universe or from fans reading the manga, while the girls that became infatuated to Tomoko started from just simply standing in the same space together, then moving towards small interactions that would gradually turn more significant. For Tomoko, the fans saw the growth happen between a lonely girl and a potential bond. For Tomoki, we're just seeing sudden developments with a guy that doesn't even want to have them in the first place. And for the ones that have confirmed strong feelings towards Tomoko, they still have this more lowkey attitude and give Tomoko space instead of getting obnoxious fights with random girls and giving distress to their target of affection like what happens 100% of time in the Tomoki harem. Someone would say it's a "healthy vs unhealthy" relationship but I'd rather just cut the shit and say it's "interesting vs lowest denominator bait" type of writing.
The thing is, I like the one-on-one interaction between Tomoki and another, but when it's additional members of the group competing for his attention, or Komi being a psycho, it becomes annoying.
Huh, I guess I know how Tomoki feels now.
Drag Fuuka and Tomoko into a love hotel
That's what Miho would do.
Agreed, but consider this: Asuka had a crush on Fuuka, especially when she sang to her. But after realizing how stupid and loud Fuuka is, Asuka is embarrassed by any memory of that crush.
And let’s say that Miho and Fuuka have sex, but the latter doesn’t understand that it counts as sex.
Feels like Asuka would want to stay away from Fuuka's coochie given how retarded she has become.
Wow, it's almost like when you take focus away from the worst character and their awful storyline to focus on a character and story people actually like and actually show some level of progress instead of constant wheel spinning the results are good.

It's like whenever the series gives Asuka significant page time things actually happen. She pushes not just Tomoko but the entire series.

The Tomoki shit also involves radically changing characters' personalities (Sachi's largely) for the worse in order to facilitate. The entire thing feels like they had an idea for another series about a guy who has a harem he doesn't want but after the jack off series got shadow realm'd they knew it was never going to get picked up so they reworked it and then shoehorned it into Watamote.

I think that NT just aren't as funny as they maybe think they are which is why all their other series fail. Watamote didn't because there is/was just enough pathos to balance the humor out and Tomoko is sympathetic enough or its easy enough for readers who have been in similar spots to connect with her that the main appeal is seeing her grow, not so much the wacky shit for its own sake.
I enjoyed all of Nico's works (except the masturbation one). I wish they would have continue with number girl, it had so much potential, but they admittedly couldn't keep up with it.
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rancid. Yuri is for Tomoko exclusively
>I noticed that Kuroki's eye bags disappeared.
>She's been sleeping in the bed next to mine and I've been making her go to bed at the same time as me so we can sleep together.
>We talk about different things and I've actually gotten to know her a little better.
>She opened up a little about her insecurities.
>I told her that I have a crush on someone and I don't know how to tell them.
>She told me that I might as well rip the band-aid off because I won't shut up about it and the fear of rejection, at this point, is probably worse than the potential rejection.
>I guess she's right.
>I guess I better find the right time to tell her. Maybe tomorrow night.
>I really lucked out sharing the room with her again in our senior trip.
I miss Fuuka chapters. Now that was a character who I actually enjoyed seeing become more involved in the manga because she had a hilarious and unique dynamic with Tomoko. Her ape like size and intelligence only highlights the gap moe of her being such a good singer too.
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>Tomoki wank.
i liked that, it was funny.
I'm mature enough to tolerate some het shit in my yuri manga from time to time.
Getting mad all the time over ships gets so tiring after while, you should learn to relax a bit.
I really couldn't give two shits about shipping being yuri/tomoko, which thankfully hasn't been ruined yet, the problem is he isn't the fucking protagonist but he's being treated as such.
This is how ucchimoko can still win
No one cared about the occasional Tomoki chapter in all those years(sure, we said things like "Oh great, another Tomoki chapter" but it's not like we actually complained it ruined the manga) but it's the constant Tomoki wank in the past dozen chapters that was the problem. And of course every second female character falling heads over heels for him for no god damn reason, even the characters that had established "relationships" with other females, like Yoshida and even worse Sachi who right after showing how obsessed she is with Koharu developed a crush in seconds towards Tomoki.
THAT is the problem
Gotta love how NT backpedaled from Sachi x Minami RIGHT when toxic yuri was gaining traction.
I still believe in them: Sachi explicitly said she would hate if Minami was dating anyone, and this whole pursuit smacks of clout-chasing. Maki got a boyfriend, so now Sachi wants one who is more popular and younger so they can break up when she graduates. Koharu will always be Sachi’s little gremlin, but she is giving her a longer leash nowadays.
And i have been saying for years to not get your hopes up with yoshida because the mangaka was already obviously building up something between her and tomoki, but you all called me delusional every time.
Exactly. The story is dragging its feet with the Tomoki harem, but the tension between those two was always about who was more attractive to men. You all yearn for a pure yuri between bitchy girls, but it is funnier and truer for Sachi to get ousted from her friend group, and immediately try and fail to win the affections of some random guy who doesn’t even give a shit, in order to one up Minami, a girl who she thinks is fat and annoying but also can’t get away from. For the dykes who like yaoi, think of it like Mac and Dennis from Sunny
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So why do we keep blaming NT when it's obviously editorial interference?
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apparently asuka likes them tiny.
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Perhaps at the front.
do editors always have bad taste?
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The fact that she thought the mascot that comforted Tomoko was a guy, and didn't seem to like that idea, says it all. It's nice hearing her feelings for Tomoko when talking to someone else. See truly does love her
I like how she threw in the silver hair just
to one up Kiko in knowing something about Tomoko.
You should've dropped this year's ago anon.
She did what Yuri do to Nemo to Kiko lmao
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Yurimoko can still make a comeback, its not over yet
Yuri and nemo are in the friendzone.
It's asukaXtomo world, they are just living in it.
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Nemo had been trying to get closer to Yuri since the disneyland arc. Yuri used to play hard to get, but is now almost always seen together with Nemo. Yuri is also fond of teasing Nemo.
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I don't know if "fond" is the word I'd use.
She just thought a boy could have abussed of Tomoko.
Yuri would be abusive as fuck in a relationship.
so, why Mako became such a bitch?
i never thought she would actually become a Sachi-level villain
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Nah, Mako isn't a villain, she's just fed up. Her bitchiness is a reaction, not a trait.
She has been grooming yoshida (and yuri) for some time now and she is realizing it was all for nothing and is going for more extreme measures.
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Don't call it a comeback
that's just her austism responding to overstimulation
Thus far, my two favorite pairings are Tomoko x Ucchi and Tomoko x Asuka. I'm a fan of height differences and Tomoko scratches the itch of a short girl. Letting Ucchi explore Tomoko's body at her leisure and indulge in the object of her desires without restraint is an appealing scenario to me.

Asuka is gentle femdom incarnate.
that's really depressing
we already have some god tier ucchimoko doujins from the creator of kaguhara so I'm satisfied with that, now I'm rooting for asumoko
>didn't care much about this arc so I wasn't paying much attention to the release date
>Asuka dials up the yuri back to eleven with this chapter
Finally something good happens
Tomoko is on the harem route and Ucchi, Yuri, and Asuka all seem cool with it.
>fine with sharing Tomoko
Good end
(even better since Nemo isnt there)
Nemo is with Komi.
Hey can I talk about Homestuck here? Some brainrot made me realize Tomoko has 3 different girls determined to fill her quadrants, that and questioning what would the cast look like as trolls
>Hey can I talk about Homestuck here? Some brainrot made me realize Tomoko has 3 different girls determined to fill her quadrants, that and questioning what would the cast look like as trolls
You're not exactly wrong but please take that strain of brainrot to Tumblr or something, it'd be a bigger hit there than here.
what year is it
>Hey can I talk about Homestuck here?
The crowd was in disbelief after OP asked if they could talk about Homestuck, a career first for Homestucks, but the incredulity was immediately confirmed the right response when OP fumbled the bag and followed up with inane musings on which manga lesbian most resembled their favorite troll
I'm not familiar with it and have an aversion to it that I cannot explain. If you tell me that I should read it and that it'll get good at chapter 350, I'll be inclined to believe you and be even less inclined to read it.
I saw that comment on Mangadex for the current chapter.
Pardon my rudeness, but please don't. Maybe try /trash/ or something like that.
>Asuka is gentle femdom incarnate
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To be fair if Asuka gets any more gentle than that, Tomoko would fall asleep quickly.
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Is this gentle enough?
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Tomoko fell asleep because Asuka overwhelmed her throughout the trip. However based on their thoughts and fantasies, Tomoko would love to get overwhelmed by Asuka until she falls asleep and Asuka would love to force and spoil her Tomo-chan until her current limit.
Didn't she just talk about dicks to sound like she had more sexual knowledge than Tomoko? We have enough girls talking about dicks in the story already.
The thing that sucks is the fact they through away all the development Yoshida had with Tomoko. It's like they decided to just put Tomoki in Tomoko's role as the accidental pervert for Yoshida. All their accidental moments Tomoko already did with her, but for some reason his moments lead to romantic feelings. Even weirder because of Tomoki Yoshida is barely even Tomoko's friend nowadays. Before she felt like Tomoko's 3rd best friend after Yuri and Nemo, but now they regressed into being just classmates that are friendly to each other. Now we don't even see Yoshida unless it's related to Tomoki in some way.
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I feel like Yoshida's relationship with Tomoko never got the chance to take off, even before Tomoki came in. It's like the story didn't quite know what to do with her. Admittedly, a lot of that has to do with Tomoko's personality and her viewpoint toward Yoshida.
Regardless, Yoshida's lack of a closer relationship to Tomoko is the most disappointing thing to me in Watamote, more so than what others would call disappointing (Tomoko getting friends, yuribait going nowhere, Tomoki's unwanted harem, festival namek, etc.).
Not to say they aren't friends, but I'd have loved more one-on-one between the two beyond the suspension arc, and without Tomoko constantly thinking Yoshida was going to rough her up or do delinquent stuff.
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Upcoming volume 25, release date July 11.
Has the hetbait stopped, oneesamas?
Considering the amount of lantinx commenters at /a/ and elsewhere, I'd say no.
The Latinxxs are raiding our place? Damn
We don't know quite yet. The latest chapter seem to indicate that it has stopped, but who knows what happens next chapter, it could go back right into it
Hopefully, last chapter left so may holes, I'm sure future chapters will pick up from it, though, I'm expecting the hetshit to be a recurring background gag from now on
The fuck is a latinx?
Gender neutral version of Latina, there are >men< in other boards.
Just looked it up, majority of the latina and latino communities hate the latinX word.
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>there are >men< in other boards
There's no men in these boards, though.
Pic unrelated.
yeah, only girls and "girls"
She's the only character from the trip arc that didn't grow closer to Tomoko. What's even weirder is Yuri always wants all of them together, but we rarely ever see Yoshida hang out with them. It makes some of the comments from Yuri about how Yoshida is also their friend a bit confusing. None of them besides Maki hang out with her on a daily basis
Latino is already gender-neutral.
you are my latinx sis and you are valid
I hope Uchi is able to confess and get rejected just so she can move on, if the manga ends with Uchi still obsessed it will suckkkkkkk.

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