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/u/ - Yuri

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Welcome to the /u incest thread!
We're here for art, stories, discussions, anything you want to bring to the thread!

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Stories from anons here:


Love Live:
Owl House Eda x Lilith
Art from artists here:
Platypi art

TDF Sailor Moon comic
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This one's good because you need a Souls lore doctorate to understand why it's incest.
Is there any lore in that game you don't need a doctorate to understand?
The family trees?
Might as well post the little Aunt / Niece I know of


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Disgusting, how dare they publish this degeneracy
This is futa
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>OP get with shitty midnight doodle
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>mother disgusted with herself over her feelings
>in turmoil over it for most of the fic
>by the end of the story she’s obsessed with eating out her daughter
I’m going insane
Lovely work.
Whoa, very unexpected to see art of this ship here. I thought I was the only one who was thinking about it
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Satsuki x Ryuko is peak
I really don't understand why people think this ship is so great. It's only a typical rival ship that is seen a million times. They were only revealed to be sisters in like the last 3 episodes or so of the show, and even then they didn't even grow up together making it entirely pointless.
Huh, I happened to have watched this Sailor Moon episode this very day.
Because hatered slowly turning into romance is great
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People love the narrative of the sisters separated at birth hooking up years later, specially combined with rivalry and them having no other family left.
RyuSatsu wasn't actually that popular until after the sisters reveal. They were enemies but had no real interactions to build a relationship on. Them being sisters gave fans a base from which their relationship would develop from that point forward (and we saw a little of that during the last few episodes).
Ryuko belongs to Mako and Satsuki belongs to Nonon.
i need more

Unless you mean that couple specifically
both actually
like what
No reason why they can't all four live together. Mako and Nonon will understand that sisters need to stick together after a lifetime of separation.
keep slop in the containment thread
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nah satsuki x ryuko is way more interesting than those safe pairings. add in ragyo too
Personally prefer just the sisters.
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Understandable. Kiryuincest 3P's my favorite though.
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Fair warning: Don't look up the rest of the set.
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These four are good though, thank you
Literally every ship ever is just a combination of two cliches from a pool of like, 5. We've all seen every single one a million times already. It's never really been about creativity, but appealing to people's fantasies.
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This is so peak and wholesome
This kind of horny level needs a bonk. At home. On that firm ass.
Are adoptive relationships generally frowned upon in incest circles when they're classified as incest?
Inseki just lacks shock, danger, and immoral values. It's not as exciting as blood-related incest romance.
Generally yes
Don't get me wrong, every female parent-child relationship has its merits, even step-moms being seduced by a step-daughter has its perks, but it still feels bad whenever a doujin has the line "Even though you didn't give birth to me", it feels like a betrayal.
It's not so much frowned upon as seen as just being an easy side-step. If they went the distance involved with adoption, growing up together and what not, then sure yeah it wouldn't be that big of a thing unless it's veering into say children or the adopted sibling is markedly different in looks. Legal incest sure but it's not on the level of growing up alongside the woman who would be your gf or wife.
Or the generic porn line of
"You're my mom-"
Good to know. I was writing some dialogue and didn’t know how much ‘step-mom’ stuff is seen as a cop-out among incest enjoyers. I can see it having merits as incest if the motherly/familial relationship is an obviously strong bond, but if the work isn’t put into it then it’s just porntrash.
I'd go as far as saying, if the work is put in, that you don't have to mention the step nature. Cause as far as the audience would be aware, it's just parent and child
>daughter is convinced she’s not really related to her mother
>this makes the sex morally OK
>”step”mom blurts out that they’re really blood-related in the middle of her climax
there’s probably some sort of extra fetish level there
I've seen a live-action lesbian porn video once that had an "interesting" premise
Daughter and her mother get a visit from the mothers sister which the daughter has never seen before. As it turns out, the "aunt" is actually the birth mother of the daughter, but wasn't ready yet to have a kid and thus gave the child to her sister. After all of this is found out, they also revealed that the sisters used to fuck each other, and now the daughter says "Hey, it's like I have two moms" and the biological mother then asks "So did you teach her the family tradition?" And then they all fucked each other. Mom who is actually the aunt, aunt who is actually the birth mom, now both becoming parents to the daughter.
What about a reverse mommy-kink where the mother sees her daughter as a maternal figure

Supposedly that was part of the draw (for this artist at least) of 9 Chickweed Lane, the daughter was the mom's confidante, therapist, and sometimes a maternal figure. I wish I'd grabbed them, but there was a comic where the daughter is talking to her therapist, and in the third panel it turns out she is brushing the therapist's hair. Another one where the mother is being berated by her mother, and she turns to the daughter and makes a crack about escaping upstairs to try on her mom's lingerie (?!)
>he was a great teacher
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Those must be joke translation. No way this is real.
Nah that sounds pretty appropriate. Remember the intended audience for sunday funnies. 'Sides most newspaper comic edits were more involved but simpler i.e. underwear and nude edits depending on the age of the comic
You are a hero, anon
"My dear, give me my newspaper honey. I want my sunday fill of incest."
I want to live where this is possible.
I think you're gonna need to take a step back if you don't see the more obvious readings.
Such as?
>outwardly annoyed at each other while still expressing deep affection
wtf this is just like one of my incest ideas
C’mon anon, there’s no other way to read it than a lonely divorcée mom desperately clinging to the last person who loves her by any means necessary. Which is the plot of like 50% of mother/daughter stories (that exists only inside my head)
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They should go further and have the daughter induce lactation so she can breastfeed her mother if you're here Jules your art is so good, a true hero
Wow they really just let people put whatever in the comics back then. Kinda cute.
I've seen this fanart for ages, but I had no idea the dynamic is practically canon.
You know, I like this style. It's very cute for a western cartoon. Applicably lewd even.
Request from the drawthread.

Thanks anon! Striving to get better!
Your art's already great, keep up the good work! Would you ever do commissions?
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You need to make a blog to archive all your art.
How have you not gotten any better
how have you not gotten any help
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Repent your sins, sis.

We love you Platypi, don't listen to any haters
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Forgot the image
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>leaving behind digital evidence
rookie mistake
I can't really make any new archives of my art because my file organization is such a mess, but I did add my twitter handle to the catbox album OP linked. That twitter has pretty much everything I've drawn in the last couple of years except for the loli and incest.
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if you had made this image into a soul vs soulless thing i would have killed myself on the spot, instead i just kind of agree with you
yep always got have that bs in there
if someone's going to post shit like that here, they should at least have the decency to edit out the text like some anons
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I used to read the newspaper comics before school as a kid, but I'd go to gocomics online specifically for this comic (only liked it for the sexy ladies). And now I like it for it's mother/daughter.
Nothing in there is specifically incriminating. They could be preparing for a surprise party
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Thank you for making the most top tier kino in this entire thread.

Panty & Stocking SEXO.
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I like to see these two get intimate with each other.
I, do not.
Posted with the caveat not to look up the reset. Enjoy the one page.
Incest lovers and arguable Motherfuckers: what are your top five incest ships? Could be mother/daughter, sisters, cousins, aunt/niece, or hell grandmother/granddaughter. I wanna hear about the why as well if you feel like it.
Hilda is a perfect show for lesbian incest.
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Hyper rare, but I see the vision
I dunno about five, but one would be these two from Poke'mon Scarlet/Violet. Mostly because I like to imagine Juliana coming back from her adventures and seducing her mom with things she learned from her travels.
Also these two, or any m/d pair where the canon relationship is strained so I can ship them fixing it like this. I only have two braincells, thanks.
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Azula x Ursa for sure one of the most underrated ships of all time. Azula has mommy issues out the eyeballs, Ursa has her own complex feelings over Azula, and yet people only ever ship either of them with Zuko. They belong together.
Top 5? Hmm... Ryuko/Satsuki, Towa/Setsuna, Panty/Stocking, Elsa/Anna, and Ruby/Yang. Which are all sister pairings, now that I think about it... go figure.

So just to mention some M/D pairs I like, Sakura/Sarada, Lusamine/Lillie, Blake/Kali and Raven/Yang.
Elsanna will always be my #1 because of Disney's reach. That trend at that time may have some curious after effects.
>pic related
Technically selfcest but the age gap sells it.
Wait, why we like it? I thought it was because it's just plain hot.
It could be as simple as that. I know in my case it largely stemmed from my love of milf bodies and just milves in general. Also M/D eeks past sibling stuff for me cause the daughter can be an adult for such material, which I find makes for a better story.
In no particular order
Kayle & Morgana
It's actually kind of hard to think of a 5th since most of my other incest ships are yaoi
ryuko & satsuki
Faris x Lenna (Final Fantasy V) - they have the knight/rogue x princess dynamic that was the staple romantic couple for the franchise at the time, if they weren't related people would notice that they're the equivalent to Cecil/Rosa and Locke/Celes, plus i just love FFV as a game in general.

Anna x Nina (Tekken) - i know it's lazy writing/coomer bait, but their cringy endings and other story interactions often having bizarre sexual humiliation undertones just makes me want to see them hate-fuck each other and maybe even make up through that. I'm also a lifelong Anna main, so it's kind of inevitable that i'd be drawn to her most obvious yuri ship.

Mia x Maya (Ace Attorney) - i don't really like AA shipping in general, something about the writing of the series just makes it hard to imagine the characters in relationships, let alone having sex. But i gobble up the angst involved in this pairing, and the guilt they'd feel by continuing their relationship using Pearl to channel Mia after her death. So maybe i'm just a sick fuck.

That's it for ships with any kind of deeper reasoning, i do enjoy other ships but it just boils down to "they're hot together" (Helen x Violet, Ryuko x Satsuki, Makoto x Sae) or "haven't read/watched/played the source material, but they look hot together" (Junko x Mukuro, Hina x Sayo, Callie x Marie).
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Whoa damn, super rare Lenna/Faris shipper in the wild. Gotta be million to one odds on that. I had a half finished smutfic ages ago where they have sex before fully realizing they're sisters which progresses into them still doing it after finding out but it never quite left development hell.
will x susan vandom
coraline x mel jones
hilda x johanna
ryuko x satsuki x ragyo
not sure what my 5th would be
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I'm including both Gothel/Rapunzel in this along with Rapunzel/her mom because it's the same ship except with sub Rapunzel(/Gothel) and dom Rapunzel(/Arianna). It's been a while since I've thought about canon mothers/daughters so I haven't thought about some of these ships for kind of a long time. Ornery daughters/weak mothers is the main dynamic I enjoy...
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In no real order:

Lusamine x Lillie. I know I know, super basic bitch tastes. It's legitimately one of the most common pairings for the two. But I love the dynamic and how Lusamine is powerful, assertive and really pretty manipulative. Is this probably unhealthy yeah, but it's also hot so. There's room for mushy and loving or more dominant setups. I also like the contrast with Cynthia x Dawn, which has a similar age gap.

Satsuki x Ryuko (x Ragyo sometimes.) There's really not anything you can say about this pairing that hasn't been said a million times before - it's practically THE yuri incest ship at least when it comes to anime. Was the ship that made me go from ew incest to actually this is kinda great. Good stuff. I love that it reasonably allows both sister x sister and m/d/d pairings as well.

Makoto x Sae. This one may not stay on my top 5 forever, but I've been into it lately. I like how it's technically sister x sister but comes across more like a mother/daughter or aunt/niece one because of the age difference and their living situation. The way Makoto is a criminal / leather biker babe while Sae works for law enforcement kinda adds to it too.

Blemishine x Whislash from Arknights. This is mostly just my Arknights brainrot manifesting, but it's a cute ship that a bunch of people latched onto. They're technically cousins I thiiink, but Maria calls Zoya auntie anyway since there's an age gap. A bunch of artists like involving Maria's sister and making it a threeway thing too. Not especially complex, just cute and nice to look at.

Kasumi x Ayane from Dead or Alive. Kind of an abstract one here, they're both half sisters and cousins, which by my logic equals out to about as incesty as full sisters. Also ninjas! I've paired them up ever since I was 15 or something, really classic stuff. They're rivals, but yuri wuv can overpower all that. I must have a million screenshots of the two from when I played the Xtreme games religiously.

Character limit!
Weird to have peaked at lego art but it is what it is
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Twin sister should kiss once in a while to show their affection
Twin sisters should be married by law!
In no particular order:
-Lusamine and Lillie
-Lightning and Serah
-Korra and Senna
-Sakura and Sarada
-Ana and Pharah
-Wild card that is not used that much: Mikoto and Corrin.

As for why, it's the classic forbidden fruit type of appeal, though i search only material where the relationship is consentual both ways, i'm not really a fan of manipulation and what's associated to it.
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New Arcane Season 2 poster dropped and it's giving me yuri vibes
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1. Kanade x Yukino (+Shizuku)
2. Kasumi x Ayane (+Ayame is good too)
3. Yui x Ui
4. Lightning x Serah
5. Leina x Elina
I like this pairing but also like Violyn and Lightcanon too.
>Kanade x Yukino
Show is criminally underrated. It's one of the best yuris I've ever seen.
This confused me for a hot second. The work is "eke"; "eek" is a startled cry.
Kasumi x Ayane nation...
or just alter it slightly.
What do we think of Mileena x Kitana? Especially since MK1 made them direct biological sisters.
Did they keep the dumb forced rivalry?
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Nope, they're allies now...unless they decide to change it for some reason to restore status quo. Mileena is essentially a good guy who occasionally has cannibalistic tendencies in MK1.
Who hasn't gotten a little carnivorous on the odd occasion? I could see it, I'd have to see their newer origin scenes. Are they functionally sororal twins still or is Mileena officially the imouto?
Mileena is actually the older sister now. She is afflicted by a disease called "Tarkat" that makes her what we know to be Tarkatan. She tries to be a royal princess while hiding her disease and Kitana covers for her.
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doodle of a mom that hasn't come around to the incest thing yet
Cute. One side making up all these justifications while the other goes yeap I love doing incest is pretty underrated.
girls with blue eyes be like:
Draw a lesbian mom couple being dominated by their science baby daughter and you'll be a real cool person.
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I prefer the original clone version, clone lesbians are quite rare compared to twins. Plus I always loved the original "I want my sister to love me. It's not my fault I like to eat a human head from time to time. I am a person with feelings too"
This is actually a concept I've avoided for forever, mostly because I didn't really know how to handle the dynamic in a way that I'd find satisfactory. I'm still not really satisfied with the dynamic I've set up here, and I kind of wanted to include a "before" panel but I thought that'd be too messed up.
God what was the before gonna be?
Just so we're clear this isn't self-promotion. Mods do not take this down. I am not her. I am just a fan.
I feel you. Incestuous monogamous couples have a more "true love" vibe than 2MxD dynamic. Anything more than two incestuous (and biologically related) lovers together feels like it's all about lustful competition or party, with little to no intimacy. I'd rather have two alone together than three or more so that I won't feel bad for the inferior ones who are suffering as a third wheel.
Connie and her mom
Wow, it's like you're reading my mind. After I posted that picture I really thought about why I didn't like it and came to about the same conclusion that you did. For me, 2 older women in a loving monogamous relationship surpasses every other dynamic. So throwing a bratty dom girl into that basically brings down the dynamic a notch rather than making it sexier. The only way I can really enjoy 2 older women being dommed by a girl is if I know those 2 women aren't in a relationship. I also do enjoy familial fluff even though you'd never see me post about it in here, if I'm going to draw lesbian moms with their daughter I'd like it better if it's innocent. Single moms ftw... The young women I draw are shitty hopeless insects (relatable) obsessed with amazing beautiful older women, they aren't capable of breaking up loving relationships. Oh, also I do enjoy a mom having sex with her two daughters, that's just fine.
What about divorced moms with their impish daughter who bangs each of them whenever they have custody of her? Does that do anything or does the separated angle make it too sad
No actually that's great, they're separated so there is no love there. And then it becomes a sexual competition with each mother wanting to make their girl happiest.
I think threesomes can work but any more than that and it just feels more like haremshit
Oh actually kinda surprised, nice. I figured two women who've fallen out of love as central characters would be a bit too gloomy. Just imagine the insane sex when one of the moms picks her up for the week...
The main mom is more vanilla with the sex while the weekend mom feels the need to make up for lost time so gets a lot kinkier
Exploring darker themes connected to incest makes sense. Incest itself is a messed up concept, and while it's very easy to shy away from that fact in content (i.e. only mentioning that it's incest by name and nothing else), it's also very easy to embrace the taboo/messed up nature. Mother/daughter has an extra level of interest for me because of the power dynamics that can exist in that type of relationship. With a divorce, the child is essentially given all of the power as both sides begin vying for their attention due to not wanting to lose their child. This scenario is already a flipped dynamic, the younger one has all of the control.
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>Oh, also I do enjoy a mom having sex with her two daughters, that's just fine.
Funny how I said this and then the very next day I found a cartoon bubbly mother with two twin daughters who get annoyed with her but are also possessive of her. I don't usually go for threesome ships but the dynamic here is too perfect.
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It's a super underrated pairing, there's just everything going against it being more popular (from an old game, that wasn't immediately translated, and never got a proper fancy remake like all the mainline games before it, and it's also an incest ship).
Basically every show is.
What about a show with only a male cast?
What's the show, anon?
All of their problems could be resolved by having sex.

I don't think people get banned for linking their free fanfiction anyway.
NTA, but that is the 2012 version of Littlest Pet Shop.
True, but there's a stigma attached to posting one's one work rather than having it be discovered by the community, unless it's being posted anonymously. I feel gross if I post my own stuff even if people are asking for a link, I don't really know how to explain it.
Just siblings chatting on the phone

thanks friend
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Is there any sister/sister drama that *can't* be resolved through long, passionate love making?
Miho x Maho (GuP): Genuine chemistry together in the series. Looked like they were already dating in the one episode where Maho is walking the dog, and their mom would probably prefer to keep the Ishizumi style in the family.
Leah x Sarah (Love Live Sunshine): Leah always seemed like she was only doing the whole idol thing just to get closer to her sister.
Hina x Sayo (Bang Dream): Sayo ignoring Hina for so long just felt like she was denying her romantic feelings for her twin, and deciding to finally spend time with Hina seemed like she acknowledged her feelings and went on to dating. It also helps when your twin is a super hot idol.
Hitori x Futari (Bocchi The Rock): Bocchi becoming a shut-in even as an adult and Futari taking care of her because she fell in love with her big sister is a really great AU.
Touko x Aoko (Mahou Tsukai no Yoru): They fight each other so often because they really want to fuck each other's brains out.
Ambiguous relationship wildcard: Henriette x Ottilie (Omaegotoki): The webnovel states that they aren't really sisters and it's just a Oneesama thing like Mikoto x Kuroko from Railgun, but the LN doesn't state anything to that effect so maybe they're blood-related sisters despite their different last names? Either way, Ottilie really wants to fuck her oneesama.
this pic just reminded me of a comic i drew with a similar concept. I added it to my album here (3rd pic) >>4213472
not posting directly because there's a m*le at the start...
does the distance between a skipped generation make the heart grow fonder?
One of them reads in the newspaper about a congresswoman who is caught getting intimate with her daughter at a fundraiser
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Perhaps. In Moana's case her grandmother is the self proclaimed village crazy lady who would otherwise be a hermit if not for being the chief's mother, so she's a mischievous outcast figure who quite literally entices, perhaps even seduces, Moana to step off the path chosen for her and gives her a new outlook on life and purpose. Just like Frozen, I'm sure you can interpret it all as being an allegory for incest or abuse, but I'm probably the only person on Earth who sees this ship potential.
I’d like to see this expanded on because it’s really good
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This part was always interesting with Moana on her coronation still being distracted by the sight of her grandmother. Feels like the 'distracted boyfriend' meme, in this case though a distracted princess. Especially with the lyrics. Obviously in the story her grandmother is tied to her sense of adventure and her calling, but remove that and it's just a teenage girl who is weirdly obsessed with her crazy grandma who she always runs off to be alone with. Feels like in a more traditional story that character would be a love interest because the call to adventure is so enticing and seductive, but in Moana the subtext is still there if you look for it.
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Also this scene where Moana cuts her ankle and as Moana worries her father will find out, her grandmother just says "I don't have to tell him anything ;)" which is just another way of saying "This is our little secret ;)", which is textbook manipulation, further cementing that Moana should place her trust in her grandmother than her own father.
Good filename
High School of the Dead
Few minutes earlier
Sucks they never actually kiss
This was cute. Though doesn't it turn out later it's all one big hallucination or something?
First chapter of a new M/D story submitted to Literotica! It'll be up in a few days, whenever they approve it.

This one's gonna be a slow-burn, but there's still plenty of pining and shlicking while the girls figure out their feelings for one another.
God does listen…
Yes, but the feelings are real.
Does she think about her mom’s boobs a lot?
Were they trying to imply something between them?
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The sunday funnies are getting weird
Who are these?
MihoxMaho: They have way more chemistry with each other than with their supposed pairs. Their designs are also great because you can immediately tell they're sisters despite not being twins.

DiaxRuby: You can't convince me they didn't make them sisters to appeal to incestfags. They don't look much like but they have a cute pseudo onee-loli look.

RyuukoxSatsuki: There's so many great things about their dynamics that wouldn't feel quite as right if they weren't sisters. It kinda rounds the whole thing up combined with their backstory of being separated at a young age and living shitty lives for different reasons.

UsagixChibiusa: A rare instance of an incest ship being both mother-daughter but also mostly sisters. I never saw Usagi as having much chemistry with the other senshis, Chibiusa is the one she really interacts with the most, and it's interesting to think about the different relationships Chibiusa would have with present Usagi and her future mum (and Usagi knowing she will eventually fuck her daughter).

SakiexRumi: Because BIG booba.
>having characters from a het hentai as one of your favorite ships

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Been getting into ongezellig, Maya x Mymy is right up my alley
They're too perfect for me to not have them. Aesthetics are also an important part of ships!
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Whenever they had a scene together in Yohane's Show all I could think about is how they have sex, and if tiny Fairy Ruby can top Dia.
Dude it's FFM porn. Get better tastes, jesus.
I have never considered this as a ship in the slightest before, but now I'm in love with the idea. Congrats, you have a convert
It also has some of the best yuri scenes ever put to animation, no taste higher than that.
Anon, c’mon… You can have your het porno ship, but presenting it as high taste yuri is kind of laughable
It’s the only good part of the whole thing
It's literally FFM porn fuck off already
>do I fit in yet fellow yurisisters? I'm one of you, trust me!
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Welcome, however we have nothing but the already existent wholesome platonic fan art that exists of the two.
You show me a hentai with better animated yuri scenes.
No thanks, I don’t watch that shit
Heh, loser
>bragging about being a brainless het hentai consumer
weird flex
>i don't watch yuri
>quoting something anon didn't say
nice job retard
stupid literotica mods making me wait
I'd say paste the RAWs here but I'm sure you want the hits to your profile
Sorry I'm not the author, just an anxious fan. I looked up the process for mod approval on literortica and they have humans that manually approve each entry. Cool I guess, but I want to put my eyeballs on the story now
Mother/daughter is at its best (in my opinion) when exploring the emotional turmoil a mother goes through when she reaches the point-of-no-return with her daughter and sullies their previous bond for simple carnal pleasures. It’s an inherently selfish act that only extremely desperate/lonely individuals who should know better would commit. And that’s sexy.
This is the longest they've taken to approve something since I've started posting there. If it doesn't go live in the next day, or if they send it back for some reason, I'll just share the file here directly. Annoying tho.

In better news, I'm already working on the next chapter, so hopefully I'll be able to release two parts relatively close together!
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better resolution (there is actually an even higher version on deviantart, freaking 16000x10400)
It didn't look like Kim and her mom to me, thus i looked up the origin of this image. I found out it's AI and then it made sense that it looked nothing like her. I just figured it was a different redhead character crossover
>it's AI
a shame, but also explains all the weird things about that pic
Cute couple
Stop posting AI art you little freaks.
Beautifully done.
I wonder if they’re going to send it back to you for some reason. Too much handholding?
>traced porn uncanny valley looking at the viewer
this is like a trifecta of shit
No Father's Day wishes from the /u thread huh? Seems a little sexist desu
(this is not a serious post)
I have absolutely no idea why Literotica won't approve the upload, but in the meantime, here's the file for the first chapter of the new story! This one features a mother and daughter who've always had a close relationship, but now that the daughter's gone away to college, they're both missing each other terribly and trying to maintain their bond through Skype calls and gaming together. But it's not enough, so they plan a weekend get-together that might just awaken some deeper feelings...

Yessss, more weird girl who loves her mom!
I enjoyed this first chapter so far, sorry Literotica has been slow with it/
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>mom brings up gaming on a first date
no wonder she can only pull her own daughter
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I'm trying to think of what could have triggered the extended approval time, and I wonder if it's because you namedrop an actual existing card game. I was looking through their rules and it says they don't allow any copyrighted material. But if that was really an issue then surely they would've contacted you with suggestions on what to change, right? I dunno.
Here's a type of incest you've probably never seen.
I haven't, and now I'm starting to wonder about things I never have before.
and i think i was okay with that
Really an unforced error desu

I wasn't aware that was even a real card game, I just came up with the most generic-sounding name off the top of my head. My theory is that there was some kind of technical glitch in the submission process? The story didn't even get marked as "submitted" until a full 24-ish hours after I sent it in.
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NTA, but seriously? You never seen self/twincest for siamesetwins? I really am getting old
it's more of a /d/ thing than a /u/ one
You don't need to browse /d/ to have seen weird porn shit
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This fetish is unusual because it's very uncommon in art but actually possible in real life, the complete inverse of some other ones.
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It's finally been approved! Planning to post the continuation next thread. Hopefully the process to get that one posted will be less of a pain...
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underappreciated ship
well, she is dead after all, so it sort of makes sense I guess
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That is futa.
Good stuff as always
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it's shit
What is the context please send help
Found a nice aunt/niece story with some good build up
I was interested, so I looked up and read a bit and there are males...
a shame, but thanks for your sacrifice so i didn't have to look it up
It sucks. I was so interested and it hit me like a truck.
>looking at the viewer
It's common courtesy to look at the camera when getting your picture taken.
you guys talk about the looking at the viewer, but not the obvious pregnancy?
Girls can impregnate each other in the Sakiverse, Ritz confirmed it.
AI slop....
mommy’s pussy
New thread up:


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Do you remember the code?
you're funny, it wasn't a JAV or anything like that, it was a random video on a free porn site
But since I'm such a nice person, I did a bit of reverse image search and found a source on Xhamster, just search for "apologizing for her absence with a lesbian threesome with plenty of fingering and face sitting milfs" (great title, I know) on it and you should be able to find it
Younger catgirl wants to lick the older one's armpits. Quite easy to relate to her.
I'd like to know too.
>Dirty dyed hair
>All girls look the same age
I had low expectations when you said it wasnt a JAV but I'm still dissapointed
why do you think I didn't mention a source in the first place?
Porn relies on suspension of disbelief anyway, so just use your imagination a bit to think these actors actually are what they claim they are
(but I disagree on one part, the daughter actually looks younger than the two mothers. Maybe not young enough to be their daughter, but certainly not the same age)
But why are they Australian?
Why shouldn't they be? Although as an Australian I don't think I've ever heard sometime say "bleedin'". That reads more Bri'ish to me.
They're Welsh, actually.
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