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is Touhou canon yuri?
No. Closest is Hisami being unhingedly obsessed with Zanmu (and judging by some of her dialogue, she'd probably follow someone else if she found out they were stronger than Zanmu), the other Touhou ships are yuri goggles-type stuff.
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>new chapter of that doujin never
Nice, it's one of the EoSD ending screens.
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I don't think Cookie counts as Touhou. It's more like a bizarre circlejerk of real life amateur voice actresses and male gay porn actors for some reason, rather than these "characters" being touhous themselves.
Maybe for the more donut steel designs, but these ones look just like regular toehoes with a quirky artsyle.
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So which Touhou are canon lesbian
None. Closest is Hisami being unhingedly obsessed with Zanmu (and judging by her dialogue, she'd follow someone else if she found out they were stronger than Zanmu).
Seiga and Yoshika. The former's dialogue towards her 'cute servant' feels too affectionate to be only platonic and it's repeatedly implied Seiga has a devious personality that probably would do something like experiment with a reanimated jiangshi under her control.
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Reimu towards Meira
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Even during sex, the accessories stay ON
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>Reimu, I've come to visit...
>...Wait, the hell are you two doing in the middle of the day?
>W-well, you see...
>This is simply a game of strip rock-paper-scissors...
>Stop lying, will you?
What a blast from the past, so this artist is still doing nymphomaniac Alice after all these years.
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In a fandom the size of Touhou, it pays well to stay true to your niche.
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This artist has a thing for Sumireko and her mum.
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