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Archive: https://archived.moe/u/search/subject/Hidamari/type/op

Mangadex: https://mangadex.org/title/b93212ef-5d8f-4814-9e10-9237720a4057/hidamari-sketch

It's a bit late but happy 20th anniversary!
why is there a hidamari sketch thread, is /u/ really that dead again?
The last thing I remember reading is Matsuri's introduction and her bullying Nori. Has anything happened since then?
Holy fuck it's been twenty years?
The girls are in their late thirties by now, my goodness how time flies.
I can never see this without thinking of Madoka. Unsurprisingly they have the same character designer
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Madoka's also known as Chidamari Sketch for a reason.
Came here to say this.
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