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Hi, 21F game programmer here. Im looking to make a 3D yuri themed game as I feel most yuri games are VNs. First post here so not sure what to expect but I appreciate any somewhat SFW game ideas / concepts!
>game programmer here
Which games have you programmed?
Junior programmer for a game company rn and made a few solo projects b4. Abt 5-6 yrs of exp with Unity.
Would say I write better code than Yandere Dev at least but thats not exactly a flex.
>made a few solo projects b4
Post them, then.
How much autistic rambling are you willing to read?
No limits :3
XCOM with magical girls
This, honestly. If you're gonna ask people to contribute ideas for you to potentially profit off of, some indication of what sort of game programmer you are would be helpful.
Fire Emblem but without men
persona with lesbians
Aquarium Tycoon game.

But in addition to the standard mechanics of making sure your fish have all their needs met, all the guests are lesbian couples and you get extra resources for every romantic action they make.

You can influence them with basic stuff like a tank of kissing gourami raising their desire to kiss, to more advanced options, like a conveniently unlocked broom closet they might need to duck into if they're sufficiently overcome with lust.
Lesbian nurse fighting terrorists who attacked the hospital she works at. My idea for this would either be an FPS or on rails shooter.
She must fight her way to the roof to rescue the director of the hospital who she has a big crush on, with each floor having a different theme.
Recover health by saving patients and receiving smooches as a reward. When she gets to the roof and saves the director she suddenly realizes she forgot that she had a little kitten living in a box under her desk and she must fight her way back down to the ground floor. This would be a hard mode and a good way to recycle assets.
When she gets to the ground floor and defeats the final final boss, the kitten runs off and hides in the basement, where our protagonist discovers the terrorists have a nuke on a timer in the basement.
In dead silence, as her heart beats faster and faster, it's up to her to disarm the nuke and save the city while a counter terrorist lady patiently explains how to disarm it over the radio.

The nurse is highly competent at her job and well liked by her patients but outside of work she's a bit of a clumsy and nervous girl who still lives with her (lesbian) parents. She's a good girl and spend half her salary helping with bills, while spending the rest on video games and raunchy romance novels she hides in a box under her bed that her moms totally know about.

And it takes place in a yuritopia where males don't exist and catgirls are also real.
>sweaty gamers eventually realize that having a single bench in front of a tank every 8 tiles is the cheapest and easiest strat to have constant couple moments and get a 5 Lily aquarium within the first year
I've been trying to come up with such ideas for over 20 years now. In my experience it can't really be done.
I mean, technically any story driven game can be turned into yuri, but that's not really the point. "Final fantasy, but with lesbians" "Doom, but with lesbians" "Tetris, but with lesbians" you see? You can add lesbian characters or images anywhere, but that's not what you were asking for.
So it comes back to a game where the gameplay itself correlates with yuri. There is the obvious porn route. But in my experience that doesn't work, because porn is meant to masturbate to, but if the lesbians scenes are divided by minutes of gameplay, it kinda defeats the purpose.
So "romance" remains, but basically any romance centered game will get you back to VNs or VN-like(as in dating sims)

To sum up, just program whatever kind of game you want to program, and then just make the main characters lesbians. I.e. don't do a "yuri game" do a "game with yuri"
My idea for one is kind of based off of the VN, letters from a rainy day. The setting is an all girls school from elementary to university but they don't allow phones on campus so all major forms of communication are from letter writing. That and it's common for women to date each other, the teaching staff just looks the other way.

The gameplay loop would be a social sim, you go to classes make friends, study, etc. But you have to woo any woman through letter making which is completely free form to the player but gets Stat boosts based on any relevant clubs or good grade in language courses. But said woman could be of almost any age, your teacher, certain members of staff, best friend, long time rival, etc. And depending on your general reputation can get letters to ask you out. But you also don't have to do that and just focus on your studies and make friends.

Additionally you can also decorate your dorm to get Stat boosts and do part time work on campus (which if the job is relevant to letter writing you also get a Stat boost)

I'm imagining the game as both 2.5d and 3d, 2.5d for most buildings but the school is 3d and so is your dorm.

The player character can be slightly randomized but has a couple of hard coded stories based on player input (example you can be a trouble maker that your parents hate and they dumped you on campus since middle school or you can be a posh girl that is following the footsteps of her mother, even down to an arranged marriage)

The girls will kind of follow an animal crossing route as they all can't be met or even exist in a single playthrough and what their backgrounds are can be randomized but hardcoded to have a set story (example one run can have a former delinquent teacher that you can be intimate with and another playthrough she can be your classmate at the university)

Hopefully that makes sense
Similar story/setting as Crymachina, but with a better gameplay, that's all I'm asking for.
I've had an idea for a character-action game where, in between missions, you have the option to talk to your love interest (in a similar fashion to the first Gungrave, though it was your daughteru in that game), the contents of which differ greatly depending on difficulty. Easy mode has all of the conversation be about gameplay mechanics and basically serves as a super in-depth tutorial, including advanced techniques and strategies, how to deal with certain situations and approach certain enemies, their various weaknesses, the pros and cons of all the different moves and abilities you unlock, how to spend points on what to unlock, how to best pull off easy-to-advanced combo's, etc. Higher difficulties has her talking more about the plot and her feelings on current matters, the higher the difficulty, the more intimate and personal the conversations will become, and on the highest difficulty this gives you certain buffs, including a perk that lets you survive and otherwise fatal blow with a sliver of health left, leaving you virtually unkillable if you're a skilled player as you regain health by transforming or performing Doom-style fatalities. Since you're playing as a set character, dialogue branches will be limited, but present, and choosing the right options conistently will give you a special perk that allows you to resurrect with an auto-refilling MP and transformation (or devil trigger) gauge if you DT at the right moment after getting hit with an otherwise fatal blow, the timing of which is strict and can only be done without penalty on "MC Must Die" difficulty.
I'd say the Persona series is a game where half of the gameplay is based around maintaining relationships, and those relationships have an impact in the monster collecting & dunegon crawling portion of the game. and then Persona 5 took that to a place where half of those relationships could be romantic. So take that to the next level and have every relevant character be a girl, and all relationships have a romantic angle, and you've effectively injected yuri into the gameplay.
games like fire emblem and the recently released witch & lilies are other examples where the relationships have some impact on the gameplay, so you could also aim to make the relationships have an even bigger impact.
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Hello op here, wow didn't expect so many cool ideas over night! Thank you everyone who replied! <3
Persona5 is exactly what I meant, it's just a game with romance in it, but the romance itself doesn't matter AT ALL. It's only at the very very end of a relationship-quest where you can decide to romance someone or not, and in regards to gameplay it changes nothing whatsoever if you romance someone, you still get the best buff even if you friendzone them.
Don't get me wrong, I know what you mean, that one COULD make it gameplay-important to romance someone to get better abilities. But then the the problem of having to cheat on everyone to get the best gameplay abilities would appear. (not everyone is into harem/ntr, you know)
but, while writing out this reply, I came up with an idea that "may" work.
Let's say an RPG, with a group of like 6 heroes in the party(all girls of course). You can make each girl have a romantic partner between the other 5 girls, and depending on the partner and relationship level you will have specific abilities. But you can't just have one character date multiple girls, then you will lose all the experience points for those abilities and have to start from scratch, making the harem route not a desirable option. But since you ship 3 different character with 3 other characters, you still get the sense of getting all the gameplay perks without feeling missing out.
That may indeed work
I like your idea! I also think a solution to the persona problem is to let the player choose whether the MC's relationship with a specific character is romantic very early on, with some concrete differences in story and perks depending on what you choose. And then it blows up in your face if you try to cheat, or the game just locks off your ability to romance someone else.
Another idea is to simply give the MC a set partner, and how you treat that partner impacts the gameplay. and then the rest of the party can figure their own relationships out amongst each other.
As for players trying to get the best possible perks out of their romance... I dunno, I think if the writing is good enough they'd follow their hearts. plenty of people feel bad for being bad in fallout even if the mean choice would get you a material reward. Or if its an RPG your romance perks might mean more to certain build, so you don't just feel like you have to romance the yandere shrine maiden to get the best ones (ie maybe romancing the knight increases your physical defense a bit, which may not matter if you're playing a tank, but would encourage you to build a squishy mage and date her next time)
Classic Castlevania-style game, but you play as Laura instead of a Belmont, and face Carmilla instead of Dracula.
The classicvania bosses are replaced by female equivalents/variants, like Bride of Frankenstein or a stereotypical egyptian queen instead of the mummy (kind of like Castlevania's own Astarte).
Each level has also a hidden maiden that you can rescue, but they all happen to be monsterfuckers that you can take to following levels, or take back to previous ones so you can pair them with one of the bosses.
Get every pairing right (like, there's a blind girl, so you pair her with Medusa), and you can unlock the secret ending where Laura and Carmilla remember their relationship from hundreds of years ago and get together again.
Judging by your young age and reluctance to show anything you've done, as well as using the word "projects" rather than "games" to define them, I'll go out on a limb and guess that you've never made an actual complete game by yourself before.
Also, you asking for ideas without as much as a personal prompt seems to indicate you're more after the praise/profit rather than making a game you really want to play yourself, and even though your junior programmer work is most likely not a serious full-time job, it just adds to the chances that you'll burn out years before approaching the completion of anything worth playing, because of course it would take years of dedication to get there.
So with all that in mind, and assuming you aren't just willing to make a quick buck with a low-effort endeavor, I'll try to give you pointers that could slightly decrease the chances you'll just waste your time or come up with a glorified prototype rather than a real, satisfactory yuri game:
>before anything else, yuri is about the characters
You've been defining yourself a "game programmer" rather than a "game developer", which means it's likely you have no experience doing art or writing stories for games yourself, but both esthetics and characterization are top priority in the yuri genre, players will have a much harder time becoming fond of characters that are unpleasant to look at or to listen to, and if they can't sympathize with the characters, they won't care about any yuri happening with them.
So definitely don't try to improvise yourself, instead look for experienced people and be very picky with choosing who to commission for art and writing, for example you should avoid asking a western artist to do anime art or you'll end up with the usual pseudo-anime style that plagues most indie releases; don't look for cool, look for cute, and make it do cool things instead.
>yuri is girl x girl, not brick wall x girl or brick wall x brick wall
Forget about player-avatar protagonists or procedurally generated relationships, yuri is only engaging when it's about actual characters with actual feelings of their own, it's not designed for self-inserting.
>yuri isn't about being lesbian, it's about lesbians
Forget about politics and minorities, you don't have to imitate reality, you're making a work of fiction, the setting can be as wacky as you need it to be, so keep it focused on what people actually like in yuri, which is the girls themselves.
>male characters don't need to exist, let alone to have ever existed
Again, you're making a work of fiction, and in yuri male characters are ignorable at best, and get in the way at worst, so solve the problem at the root and don't include them in the first place.
>romance-focused games without a good ending are a waste of emotional investment
People who play your game will quite literally be fighting with the goal of seeing the characters end up together and happy ever after, if you make things end on a sad or bittersweet note, players will find themselves questioning what they tried so hard for if their objective was never achievable in the first place.
>good action gameplay is much harder to achieve than good turn-based gameplay
Beginners that try to do action games often end up with unplayable messes, even veterans have a hard time making action that feels right and isn't glitchy, so I recommend going for a turn-based approach.
This will also make performance optimization much less steep, which is another thing rookies like you tend to struggle with.
>walking is not gameplay
Avoid falling for the walking simulator trap, if all the players have to do in your game is walk up to other characters for speaking, doing fetch quests or glorified minigames, it'd be better to just make it a VN instead.
>multiple routes/endings aren't longevity
Forcing players to go through the same content multiple times just to be able to obtain one more piece of the plot means they'll have to play your game again even if they don't want to, which puts them in the frustrating position of having to choose between an incomplete experience and a chore.
A good game give its 100% in one playthrough, there is only one instance when it's ok for players to go through it a second time: when they chose to experience it again themselves.
>no voice acting is preferable to passable voice acting
Since you most likely aren't willing to invest in professional voice actresses, it's best you save your money and avoid the grating middle-ground that indies tend to go for nowadays; also, if you're making an anime inspired game, english voice acting is entirely misplaced and just leads to a dissonant experience.
>don't make a game for a reward, your game is the reward
Making a worthwhile game by yourself is a massive undertaking, it's going to drain your time, money, energy and willpower like you don't imagine, you won't be able to push through with half-assed feelings like "I wanna go viral!" or "I'll show them what's what!", not to mention that making a game you aren't invested in will just lead to a dull result; and even in the extremely unlikely scenario that you do make it to the release, statistically you aren't likely to achieve much profit or recognition.
So make something that allows you to draw satisfaction from every step of the process, not just the final step; if you aren't feeling giddy at the prospect of playing your own game, don't bother.
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Assuming a lot here I see :3, well I don't blame you I have been rather vauge. I'm not here for external validation or anything like that I'm just a dev struggling to encapsulate what Yuri would be as a game concept. My first idea was to be completely anonymous here but ig since a lot of ppl have been asking for some kind of portfolio I will go ahead and post a link to some of my games (yes, most of them are game jam games but they at least serve as exp). I rlly like the points you are making in this thread as well about the characters having importance and making sure there is a satisfying ending. I am mainly a programmer but I have attended an education in game design as well as having 200+ hours in blender so in terms of creating a prototype I think im capable at least.https://dipsas80.itch.io/
Also, I do have a full-time game programmer job so I see what you mean about burn-out and to be completely honest I plan on developing this in my freetime so this wouldn't be for sustaining me but rather a fun side project. My yuri passion is def what drives this hypothetical project but also the awesome repsonses I've gotten on here! ^^
OP did link to his stuff before, it just got deleted.
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Yeah, got a bit regretful when first posting my stuff so i deleted it but fk it since ig im no longer anonymous might aswell keep it posted here.
Yes please.
Card game with lesbians... ON MOTORCYCLES
>So it comes back to a game where the gameplay itself correlates with yuri.
>porn or VNs
I think this is a bad take. You just need a game where the main story chiefly concerns the relationship between two girls. In the same way that Last of Us (one) is about two characters developing a familial bond, or that the new God of War series is about a father and son (? I haven't played it), ditto Bioshock Infinite, and to a lesser extent, things like Resident Evil 4, Plague Tale and Little Nightmares 2.

You don't need to gamify the romance for the romance to be front and center, you just need to lean into it being a major story element. For example, Shadow of Colossus isn't really a romance game, but it's a story about a guy trying to bring back his dead lover. It runs into this issue >>4223613 where that plot point is just an end note.

If you wanted to make a "yuri game" Shadow of the Colossus, rather than "Shadow of the Colossus with yuri", what you could do is have that lover actively "haunt" the living girl, so that the story is largely about those two lesbians, and their bond and the dialogue is them flirting and being heartbroken about their corporeal separation, and reminiscing about the sweet times they had before, and the ghost one increasingly worrying about the toll the journey is taking on her lover.

You can even gamify the two if you want, with the ghost used as a puzzle element or for specific purposes, like Midna in Twilight Princess.

What makes the idea of main-line romance (where the romance itself isn't some VN/relationship meter gimmick) seem impossible or difficult is that most games choose not to focus particularly on relationships (romantic or otherwise) as the main story bit. They focus on the bigger plot and cutscenes are the bigger plot, and the development is the bigger plot. They make the goal of the game getting to and rescuing the princess, instead of the princess coming along on the journey and growing closer to the protagonist.
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WOW! Some great takes there! Will deffo take some of this into account, currently setting up a moodboard for ideas/concepts.
Action takes place on a large island. All it's inhabitants are girls that end up there at the age of 10 or above. They remember that they did have a different life, remember concepts like what money or man is, but individual memory is very vague. There does exist something that most certainly was never before in their previous life: magic. Every one of them given enough knowledge and experience can produce various effects exercising their will. If you know how fire works and seen multiple times how things burn you can replicate this. Only downside - every time you do that you are risking to gain a mutation. Healing wounds or manipulation living things can get you a bark skin or roots instead of legs. Love to fuck with space and teleport here and there? Get fascete eyes or spinnerets. Abuse energies? You won webbed wings and scally tail. Moreover mutations are sudden, fast and also damage your brain due to stress. It means you can lose the ability to recognise speach, read, empathy or get a psychosis. It is reversible but takes time and effort. This combined can dissolve your humanity and you become a wild monster. There is a way to cast magic without risk - using mana, but it is scarce and just finding it is closer to providence. In short magic requires good brains and pragmatic mind, while mana wielding - faith and religious mind.

The island divided between city-states each with their own ideas about what to do in this situation. [1/?]
Germany" , has an approach like that: The main institutions are Church and Families. They take every girl arriving to the orphanage churches where they get education and are taught the belief in goddess along with legends and fairytales. The existence of magic is deliberately kept secret. During these years they can be adopted into families, continue to serve at the church or graduate on their own. Families are businesses like farms, trading companies, works. But "adopting" is not just a glorified recruitment, two women indeed live together with their daughters under one roof and care for each other. It is done not only to get their loyalty, but because humans yearn for connections. The ones who don't get adopted usually end up with shitty, one-time jobs or as criminals.
Magic usage is reserved for the Church and most powerfull Families only. They have permision to use it and even then if someone found having a mutation they are killed.
Churches' work is not only care for children but control over magic usage as well. That includes magic education and eradication of mutants.
Also in "German" lands mana is most abundant. [2/?]
The biggest state on island. If you were unlucky enough to end up there you become either a slave or a meat shield. And it's not up to you to decide which one. It's idea is really simple - conquer anyone who is weaker, get their natural resources and trade it to everyone around. Then repeat. Of course the more you up the hierarchy (military and economy are controlled by the same people) the better your share is. The ones who are up there hold power not only because of their influence, but also personal might. Mutations are not shuned in "Rome", in fact they are proud of them, as long as the ones in power have even a silver of sanity. Only if they become completely deranged they are a problem that needs to be solved. Noone teaches each other magic, but noone hides it. It is something of a stick to beat anyone below you. You can in theory start as a slave, learn magic, get skills, become valuable slave, then pick your time to get rid of your superior and take her place. Then you realise that you are still a slave to some other asshole who one rank above you, but now you have your own slaves and in time, you can get rid of her too.
On the top there is the Queen, old, powerful granny and insanely paranoid. She needs the others to do her biddings, but at the same time fears that they decide to take her place.
There are others, but it would take more posts so this part stops here.[3/?]
Now what's really happening. First, there is another island like this but with male mages. Second - the whole other world is one big highly advanced meritocratic state. Basically the purer your mind is the better machines you can control and therefore the better you place in society. Most people can live comfortable life, murderers and thieves can't even drive a car, use computer or start a microwave. While the ones who are up there, the ones who can't even think about harming others can use terraforming tools, cloning machines, warp engines etc. The problem is, when mages started to appear it fucked the whole society. Mages could get power regardless of morality and quite often tend to get mad and become monsters. Killing them would fuck the karma to the whole society, containing or using them is dangerous so the solution was to ship any potential mage to islands they can't escape from. And make it separate islands so in case they do find a way to escape, their population can be controlled.

What I have in mind is a party-based action rpg for this. You can play not even once touching magic and fighting only using weapons, but it would be difficult, or you can risk and deal with the conscequences one at a time. Or embrace monster girl aesthetic and deliberately build them as monsters fringing on a verge of insanity. That changes would also affect relationship between girls. [4/4]
looking at your stuff, I'd second that you should hire someone to help with art. simple/crude 2D and 3D is fine for gameplay, but I'd want to see some good portraits when the characters interact.
Good point, yeah if this acc becomes something I will make sure to get an artist for sure.
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Hello again, been working on some dialouge and expression systems. <3
What's the game play loop that you have in mind?
What have you worked on in the past?
>Abt 5-6 yrs of exp with Unity.
I'm so sorry
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>I'm so sorry
So basically, I took a week of work to cook something up just to test the cinamatic/dialouge systems I made. Conviniently someone played the demo and posted it to YT so here is a little update video on the game systems. Everything is very subject to change but will have to leave it at this for now until I have more time off work.

Honestly good for a quick mock-up but between the camera stutters and the animation stutters it is quite painful to look at in a literal sense. My eyes were protesting quite strongly. Noticed in the final scene after they collide, when their faces change expression I feel like you could probably use interpolation to make it look a lot better.

I'm not sure how much you're using stock models or the like, but I would recommend picking a small number of locations and reusing them both to make it easier on the overall workload and to help justify adding some more detail to them. I liked the subway station quite a bit, whereas the room didn't look much like a room someone would live in, partly due to the lack of decor and simple geometry.
Thanks. Yeah everything is v unpolished, I do use interpolation for most things but probably not shown enough in this video as it is quite laggy. The facial expr are all blended in animation so that should be fine for the acc game the camera I would much rather use my own camera controller as cinemachine does give you some wierd reusults sometimes. As for the animations Its just placeholders I took from mixamo and did not spend time on tweaking so that partly the reson the walk-cycle etc is so shit haha.

Made all them models n shaders myself in blender/unity. The characters are created in vroid studio with some custom textures.
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I dont like the gameplay aspects in this demo at all so I'm looking to take inspiration from games like persona or similar to make some interesting and more systemic gameplay eventually. Rather than it only being a visual-novel like yuri game with simple and easy minigames.

But the project thought me a lot of things abt vroid/unity etc so still happy I made it. ^^
>Ideas for Yuri video game?
Option to mindbreak straight girls is a must.

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