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Kigo Edition

Previous thread: >>4152491
Was a full version of this ever posted?


It's an animation of Violet fingering Helen from Incredibles with some really good voice acting
Not to my knowledge.
Spinelli from Recess having a lesbian rocker phase and a college fling with Gretchen sounds like something out of a fanfic, almost hard to believe it came from a leaked pitch bible for an attempt at producing a sequel series.
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EG designs are so fucking ugly that I can't bring myself to care for it (and it polluted humanised art forever by having most artists use it as a base).
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Anyone got more of /u/ scenes from the actual published comics?
Wonder if there are enough of those to make a list similar to the yuri scenes lists.
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squints....is that candy and mabel?
wow they went to amazing lengths to make them as unattractive as possible it's almost impressive
Gee I wonder
I would watch the hell out of that. Why does Hollywood only pick terrible ideas for sequels? The latest Star Wars series' script sounds like it was written by chatgpt.
Every one of these images is repulsive. Why would you even have them saved to your computer in the first place?
The furries are cute.
I agree with anon, I dunno why you'd lump the last one in with the others.
NTA, but they are just as bad, their snouts are so big they look like actual cartoon animals instead of anthropomorphic characters
furries are disgusting, and so are you for thinking this looks cute
I'm sorry you feel that way.
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Livewire and Heatwave from the latest 'My Adventures with Superman' episode
What the fuck did they do to Leslie?
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the monkey paw wish from 10 years ago to see more lesbians in cartoons is still going strong I see
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Nice. It's good to see some butch lesbian rep for a change.
Don't be so dramatic, there are plenty of cartoon lesbians with good character design. If anything that image is an exception.
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Info dump: Bisexuals, Lesbian, Yuri and GL western comics:
webcomics: https://archived.moe/u/thread/2841582/
2021: /co/ lesbians mostly fanart: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/120015839
Allison canon scenes: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/119613529/#119644688
PazKat fanart https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/119613529/#119614235
Belladone Marie two pages: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/4642147/#4668483 and https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/4642147/#4668485
Gisele et Beatrice - kinda - https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/3682294/#3682515
The Gloaming - lesbian and hetero, porn.
picrel has more, best/longest story arcs: Daisy from Giant Days, Jane and Marigold from Octopus Pie, Scrub Diving, Julie and Simone from Dofus.
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>>4246574 (me)
A few pages from Esmera by Vince and Zep, which is otherwise hetero.
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Cropping the non-lesbian spoiler.
Cute Video I found. Hope to see more of this two if anything good comes from this.
cringe song, but good designs. Maybe I will draw something for this tomorrow, but considering the song seems to be trending out of nowhere, I don't think I will need to
But does the song melody sounds a LOT like Babs Seed from the horse show. It took me a minute to remember where I have heard it before
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>skin catra
Have there been any good /u/ graphic novels released this year? Trying to buy some new reading material but there aren't many I can find that I don't already have.
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Like self-contained graphic novels proper? Poison Ivy's solo series over the last couple years has been really pretty and really gay. I don't normally buy physical comics but I've been picking up its volumes as they come out. If I could find individual issues here easily I'd probably do that instead since Jessica Fong's covers are so nice.
Meant more standalone indie stuff rather than comics like DC/Marvel. It can be a minefield to navigate since western stuff is not often /u/ centered but occasionally I find enjoyable ones so I like to try my luck and buy a bunch whenever there are book sales. Memorable ones from recent memory: The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Camp Spirit, and What If We Were. Sometimes good ones get delayed and then end too soon (Heathen) or get less good when they continue (Cosmoknights) but it is still fun discovering new /u/.
>Meant more standalone indie stuff
Yeah, I figured. Apologies for being no help then.

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