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any thoughts /u/?
I miss when patronstrip used to draw them like crazy.
It looked interesting, so I'm cautiously optimistic. True Colors did nothing for me and was narratively unsatisfying, so I'm hoping this will be an improvement. 4th time's the charm?

Max looks weird, though. The updated model makes her look like a different person.
Its confirmed Chloe is just a cameo in one timeline, bay is canon end and max has her new student
>Bay Chloe dies
>ah well, 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, I'll always treasure the week that never was but I'm ready to move ahead with my life having learned a valuable lesson about accepting death

>Deck Nine's super cool new character dies
To be fair, it's not like Dontnod themselves didn't want to kill Chloe off and push the Bay ending.
Looks like she's about to go Tomb Raiding or something...
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Sometimes the author is wrong and should admit that they are wrong.
Its fine she will be alive in the other timeline. And married to an alive Rachel because remember max is chloe's last choice
It has cute lesbians in it, so it’s a 10/10 would play again
You said cute lesbians but you posted pissfield instead of amberprice
Rookie mistake
I kinda like how fucking hard they try to downplay that Max is a huge homo by nixing Chloe only to literally pull out of their ass ANOTHER damsel in distress she needs to use her haxxpower to save...
Fuck frogs and fuck their hilarious retardation.
No, needs to be married to Victoria!! she needs to become the Biff Tannen of this franchise.
I only want more Pricefield content
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I liked the other things D9 did so I'm cautiously optimistic but Bae ending is the only ending. Fuck you.
Blue hair girl was insufferable.
I wonder how this will effect fanfiction.
I hope Victoria is back and she and Max do the horizontal tango.
I applaud the massive stones they have to bring Max back as the main character again and not bring Chloe back outside of supposedly a small cameo, pricefield shippers are going to be insufferable for the rest of time though.
Fuck that
Hello! Does anyone have that image with Life is Strange fanfic and recomendations? At the top was 'Eternal Return' but I remember liking one that was on it but can't remember the name for the life of me.
Like this is just a clear insult to Chloe. Chloe dies and max accepts it and forgets about her, this new bitch dies and apparently this time the universe allows max to save her
The 2 split timelines very obviously will follow both bae and bay ending. In the bae ending, Chloe lives and is max's gf but is separated for some reason, maybe she's currently overseas, hence the cameo. In the bay ending, Chloe dies and Max has moved on, and Saafi is more of a love interest in this one.
Tumblr's second greatest lesbo darling, only surpassed by RWBY of all things. Until people thought the writing was utter dogshit mostly because their favorite Youtuber said so.
Chloe will just be off visiting David or something during the game and you'll get a phone call with her where Max and Chlo are sufficiently lovey dovey.
That doesn't really make it much better, beyond maybe making it easier to write fanfics for. Just bite the bullet and make another real Max and Chloe adventure.
>implying the best ship isn't Chloe at the center of a yuri harem with all the girls
It became obvious that the devs realized their audience wants to play a girl lezzing out with other girls. Look how badly the spic brothers game did.
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Yeah amberpricefield has always been my favorite ship.
I like how everyone including the creators ignore that Rachel was cheating on Chloe with a drug dealer and teacher
PC version has denuvo malware. Lesbians to go on the Switch it is then.
Gonna watch that one streamer get drunk at the cringe then go look at the boorus for new fanart.
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>Kill Pricefield/Bae
>Go with a story that makes it almost impossible for Chloe to have a real presence, even with time fuckery
>Replace Chloe with a new girl that Max needs to use her powers to save
Between this and the comics, I honestly think the people calling the shots for the series just fundamentally do not understand what the appeal of the series is and what the fans want to see. I was not exactly expecting a game centered on Chloe and Max getting married, but I was also not expecting them to flub so hard when it comes to a sequel story.
If you want to include Rachel in a relationship with Chloe that does not come across as one-sided and abusive, you cannot include the real Rachel as depicted in BtS. This is why the Amberprice comic basically had to turn Rachel into a shallow OC.
typical moid reaction
I'm not going to stop just because you pointed it out.
This game reeks of last minute retcon during planing. The story make more sense if we assume original characters were supposed to be used with a new power (traveling between two realities). Then marketing told them to use known names to maximise profit and they shoehorned Max in, looking like a different character. Chloe is missing because she was never planned to be there. Makes sense?
Explain Hannah Telle then, she has been involved since the beginning. They had her do mocap. Max might have been added during the early scripts but I doubt they would mocap and record Hanna Telle if they retcon it in the last minute.
It feels like a punch in the gut and I will not be playing it. I'm sticking to AO3 for any LiS content.
it reminds me of little goody two shoes in that the story could end up enjoyable from a /u/ perspective but it will have to work through the negative impact of it's setup to manage that.
Same, it also felt like a punch in the gut to me and I don’t even know why
You have to be joking here, LiS had actual yuri ending in it's main game as option, the devs decided to choose other one to continue it seems.
LGTS had first a non-yuri ending as first game goes in form of Pocket Mirror initial setting for the female MC and then they decided to make a yuri friendly what if prequel game to cash on some yurifags naivety.
If anything this is rather quite different approach.
both games have to contend with discomfort from a /u/ standpoint when it comes to how they relate to their prequel. In different ways sure but the concept is similar. I don't really want to play as Max in the bay ending. I don't like the concept that the yuri love interest is singled out as the one that can't be saved or else the town is destroyed.
This game will have to contend with that history somehow for me to enjoy it. Perhaps it will handle it well but it's starting from a rough place like Little goodie two shoes was.
As long Max won't be revealed to date Warren in some flashback I will live through it.
>i can use my powers to save Chloe or else a town dies
>what this new girl died better use my powers to save her
I have not played
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>The story make more sense if we assume original characters were supposed to be used with a new power
I could see that.
But personally I think the story as presented would have made more sense had they used Chloe. The fact that they decided to go with the random new girl that we have zero attachment to is what really kills things for me. If you swap out the murdered new girl for Chloe, then all the sudden you give Bay Max another chance to save her friend and Bae Max has the opportunity to save a woman that she has been in a relationship with (if not been outright married to) for the better part of a decade. That is instant drama and provides both far more solid motivations for Max to use her powers again and for the audience to be invested. It is so obvious that I can only imagine that this was the original plan.
I do not know who's idea it was to replace Chloe with this new character. Has not only killed any interest I had in the new game, but also just sort of retroactively tainted my enjoyment of the series.
A punch in the gut is a good way to describe it. Especially after all this time, this is what they do for a sequel.
They managed to ruin two games worth of relationship build up with one reveal trailer.
Is comic Amber any different to canon Amber?
She is boring and bland and has no flaws because that's the only way to make her and Chloe work
Can you imagine if they didn't turn Rachel into an OC?
The comic would have taken a pretty dark turn. Showing a depressed and helpless Chloe trapped in a one sided abusive relationship with a serial cheater and manipulator.
If anything it would have been more ammo for why Pricefield is the best outcome for Chloe and why she belongs with Max. But that probably would have upset the weirdos that are obsessed with Rachel.
Why you have to call us that?
In my experience most people who like Rachel do not tend to actually like Chloe. They just ship Chloe with Rachel because in BtS it was through Chloe that they could self insert and play Rachel dating simulator 2017. Because of this they also tend to whitewash the actual nature of the relationship between the two and just how happy they would have been as a couple.
Just speaking as a dedicated Pricefield shipper. Who loves Chloe and would want her to be in a relationship where she would be actually happy and supported. The whole Amberprice crowd just tend to come off as kinda weird to me. We both ship Chloe, but for fundamentally different reasons.
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I kind of like Chloe's relationship with Rachel for what it reveals about Chloe, but it's definitely not a healthy relationship. Ignoring my feeling that Rachel is either het or incidentally bi, she's such a selfish manipulator that I really can't see how you can like Amberprice except to see Chloe suffer.
It's a lot more simple than that actually.
>Ignoring my feeling that Rachel is either het or incidentally bi,
Gonna be perfectly honest with ya, I just pretend like that never happened.
>Showing a depressed and helpless Chloe trapped in a one sided abusive relationship with a serial cheater and manipulator
But enough about price field we are talking about why amberprice is the better ship and why Rachel and Chloe are perfect together
>for what it reveals about Chloe
The main thing it reveals about Chloe is how thirsty she is for Max and that Rachel is at best her Max, surrogate that she turned to out of utter desperation.
Seriously read Chloe's journal entries, some of them may as well have had a sunset flag background for how openly gay they are regarding Max.
>Rachel is either het or incidentally bi
Rachel is 100% het, but willing to string along the gay girl for the sake of making her more easy to manipulate. You have to remember that Rachel only cared about Chloe to the extent that she was a potential ride out of town.
>I really can't see how you can like Amberprice except to see Chloe suffer
I think that makes up a good ~25% of Amberprice shippers. The remainder being those that do not see Chloe as her own character and instead just a way to self insert and imagine themselves with Rachel.
That's cute anon.
But Pricefield is objectively the better relationship for Chloe. Far more healthy. Far more happy. Far better couple.
Seriously I just think amberpricefield is cute.
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>Rachel only cared about Chloe to the extent that she was a potential ride out of town
I'm a little more generous to Rachel, I do think she liked Chloe ... as a friend. But I also don't think she would have ever tried to be Chloe's friend if she didn't think Chloe would get her out of Arcadia Bay.
I wonder if Kate survived and I can imagine Victoria being much more mature and mellowed out in her 30s.
>as a friend
Sort of a weird way to treat a friend really. Basically how I would expect a sociopath to treat her 'friends'.
>I wonder if Kate survived
She was in a medical center that I think is implied to be in the nearby town of Tillamook given the centers size. So she would not have been in the path of the storm.
Even if the medical center were somehow in the Bay, Kate did say that her parents were picking her up "in the morning", meaning the day of the storm. But since the storm did not seem to hit until the later morning, it is very possible that they could have been out of the Bay by the time things got bad. So very, very solid chance Kate survived.
>I can imagine Victoria being much more mature and mellowed out in her 30s
More mellow and comfortable with herself for sure. Likely long since moving past the point of only being able to express her feelings for girls she likes by possessively bullying them.
But I imagine she still keeps Kate on a short leash. Both figuratively and literally. They are good for each other.
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Victoria lost her Stacy mojo
Put her in a room with Kate and I think it would come back pretty quickly.
Kate would love every minute of it
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I outright refuse to believe that they did not end up in a relationship. They are perfect together.
Victoria's bullying always came across as more possessive to me then anything else.
The comics sure are lame huh
I can’t believe the moronic idea still exists that Rachel needed Chloe to get out of town. Not only is Chloe of 0 use for that purpose, Frank literally has a car that could get her out of town at any moment
>Chloe dead
>no characters back from the first game except for Max
>Max using her powers again to save some fucking rando when she canonically for this game left Chloe to die
I'm not even adamantly for Chloe/Max, I always preferred Victoria/Max, but goddamn does the mere setup for this game feel like a slap in the face.
Bringing Max back for another game reads "we're making this game to bank on the existing fans of the first game", while every other decision afterwards seems made to upset as many fans of the first game as possible.
Next they'll say Kate's canonically dead too in this timeline or something. And Alex canonically hooked up with Ryan.
Yes. They had a few cute moments but overall it's a mess that kind of just ends where it started except Max and Chloe lost 2 years together so Max could be an awkward third wheel to AU Chloe and Amber. At least have the balls to write in a threesome at that point.
tie in comics usually are in my opinion
Want to at least wait for the official trailer which comes out tomorrow?
I think the only thing canon is the multi timeline stuff so literally everything is potentially canon
>Want to at least wait for
The one we got was already official.
It's true
Disliking Chloe is unforgivable.
10/10 character, 10/10 style.
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So you can choose which ending of LiS1 is canon to you... but even if you choose Bae, Max and Chloe had breakup and (most probably, since they stressed how Max wants to get a new life) Chloe won't appear in the game.
Fuck this shit
Seems they truly didn't like Chloe much seeing this result.
I think it's fair to say that the original LiS was lightning in a bottle and that neither Dontnod or D9 ever understood what people like about it.

I thought the comics were tone-deaf enough as it was, but this is just straight up deaf.
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Honestly I think this is the final nail in the coffin of the franchise for me. Pricefield was the main thing I was invested in.
For them to reduce Chloe to some "high school sweetheart" from Max's past is just outright offensive. What happened to respecting both endings? What happened to Chloe and Max promising to be together forever?
To not even provide an option that points at Max and Chloe being in a relationship (or seemingly ever being in a real relationship) almost seems actively spiteful.
Fuck this. Fuck D9.
Just imagine functionally erasing one of the best written, best received and most recognizable queer relationships in the entire games industry. AND to announce it during June of all months.
I actually think that True Colors shows that they understood some of the elements that worked with the original game.
The problem is that they seemed to have totally missed that the relationship between Max and Chloe was what above all else carried that first game. To bring back one of those characters and just write the other out of her life is insane and actually retroactively damages both the first game and Before the Storm.
>I actually think that True Colors shows that they understood some of the elements that worked with the original game.
Only at a surface level.
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Safi won Maxbowl.
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Really looking forward to the inevitable fanart of Chloe and Max making out on top of the bitches grave.
I honestly did not think it was possibly to make a Life is Strange character more unlikable then Rachel. But here we are.
How dare you stand where she stood
What's with the soccermom hug? They certainly don't appear to be lovers.
>Honestly I think this is the final nail in the coffin of the franchise for me.
It's funny because even if the game is objectively good, I can muster no enthusiasm for a sequel that doesn't have Max and Chloe together as a couple.

They probably would have been better off just having a brand new main character if they're not willing to go there.
It does really seem like a TC style adventure with Max slapped on for name recognition. Right down to her having new powers.
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I would have been willing to meet them half way even. As inherently disappointing as a game not focused on Chloe and Max would have been.
I could have at-least accepted it if they did something like pic related. Where Max and Chloe are explicitly a couple (if not married) and in constant contact for the first chunk of the game.
Then at the half-way point, Chloe turns back up in person, we get a big cute reunion and a fun date with her. I would have been happy with that.
But they couldn't even do that. Chloe is now someone that Max was never in a real relationship with and seems to have been out of contact with for a very long time. Because apparently the promise they made to be together forever didn't actually mean anything.

It is seriously like they have attempted to systemically ruin everything I ever liked about the series. I went to bed feeling sick over it and I have woken up still feeling sick.
it's so fucking over chloesisters...
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Only if you actually acknowledge the new game as canon. Most fans already pretend that LiS 2 does not exist, I do not see why it should be any different for this game.
That way all of the fantastic Pricefield ideas and concepts are unharmed. From them getting married and settling down into a happy life in Seattle, to them traveling around the US on some big gay road-trip. All unmolested by a third rate studio and one of the worst publishers in the industry.

The shit they are pulling with the new game hurts really bad. But the amount of damage it can realistically do is minimal.
I mean, I'm also big into Chasemarsh and no amount of canon can ever make me not love that ship. Pricefield is just moving into that category now.
>Only if you actually acknowledge the new game as canon.
Yeah I'm gonna live in denial reality and belive in cheap fanfics then.
If they offer a better story for Chloe and Max then the new game does, why not?
I'm plenty angry about the new game, do not get me wrong. But I do not see why choosing to just view it as bad fanfiction is not valid. As I said, much of the fanbase already ignores LiS 2 in its totality.

I want to see Chloe and Max get married and have an amazing life together. If D9 is not going to provide that, I will just go else where. Saves me some money also.
>much of the fanbase already ignores LiS 2 in its totality
Let's not throw everything out. I never played LiS2, but I'm a fan of Chloe's updated look in it, especially the blacked out sleeve.
I fully support LiS 2 not being canon. It ruined Chloe's beautiful sleeve and hair.
Nothing good came out of that game.
In a multiverse literally everything is cannon. Which is why multiverses can't have an enduring fan community. For example, Fan Fiction needs to have a common jumping off point most of the time. If literally all potential story lines are under the multiverse umbrella, then the fans have no common jumping off point.

Also, in a multiverse there are multiple Max Caufields who hook up with Chloes' moms.
Hollywood/modern writers really can't into enduring relationships. It's like if they end something with 2 characters in a relationship, the sequel must have them be already divorced bitterly.
So many fandoms have to implement the "ignoring later works" strategy to keep the fandom going lately. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child? Star Wars TV special? Star Wars Kenobi? Rings of Power? What are these strange things you speak of, friend?
Chloe is a broken human being, a toxic drama queen with massive father issues and probably bpd. Max is a sheltered nosy nerd with super powers, predestining her to a massive helper syndrome.

This kind of couple burns bright and suddenly ends. Many shuch cases. Max is much btter off with a more stable partner who doesnt go ballistic the second Max dares to speak her own mind. I can absolutly see them having broken up . But i can also understand many fans wanting a happy end for them. Who knows, Chloe could be the killer or at least show up in later episodes, i think the devs might be hiding something in regards to chloe. But i just want a good game and i respect the narrative choice to break them up for now.
Oh shut up retard “them breaking up is realistic” it’s fiction, not even bringing up the fact they went through huge shared trauma together that no one but the other person would ever believe or understand
Feels pretty disrespectful to Rachel who got violently drugged and murdered
I'm in the camp who doesn't feel like Rachel was especially respectful of Chloe or her feelings.

But also, as someone who was not in the room when they drew this up so it could be complete bullshit, she didn't get the entire sleeve blacked out. That says to me that she wants to move forward, but she isn't forgetting her past either. As unhealthy as it was, it wasn't all bad.

I am tired of media producers be they movies or video games chancing the "realism" dragon. I do not watch movies for real life. I watch movies and play video games to escape the horror show that is real life. And I want true love that lasts thank you very much. Is it realistic? Hell no, but escapism is medicine in a dying world.
Seems like they're going with the braindead "save bay and undo the entire game you just played" ending which makes it automatically trash. And it will probably end on a similarly retarded choice.
LiS was a great game with great gay moments and great music. It had good characters and didnt demonize anybody. Exactly the opposite of 99% of dontnod slops that came after. I dont know what happened after LiS but the developers seem to have changed in drastic way. As if they got brainwashed by the current culturewar. So no, fuck any new game that comes out of their ass, especially this one that seems to finally rape LiS legacy in the eyes of the general gaming public.
Calling names sure helps your argument. You should spent a week in rainbow reeducation camp for that. I miss Chloe too, but i have seen what such a person can do, if Max had reason to break up im supporting that 100%. If Chloe is handwaved away with half a sentence, im actually on your side, duck that then, she deserves much better.
I'll wait until the game comes out to actually judge it, alternate reality stuff makes me believe there's still a chance for us to see Max and Chloe together

I'm sure this is going to have some sort of lesbianism anyway....but I'm not hyped for Max x this Safi, it's not the same thing, should have been a new main character.
>I went to bed feeling sick over it and I have woken up still feeling sick.
I'm not feeling like you are but I get the feeling, it is stupid, but you should at least wait until the game comes out, leaker said there's a way for Chloe to appear, I think that at the very least we will see Chloe and Max together in one timeline or have a choice to get them back together.
To be clear Dontnod hasn't worked on LiS since 2018 and were entirely replaced by a different studio called Deck9. Are you referring to Dontnod's games, Deck9's, or both?
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>there's still a chance for us to see Max and Chloe together
There may be. But at the same time if it is framed as them reconnecting for the first time in years, that would kinda ruin things for me.
They promised to be together forever. That is what we left them on a decade ago. Breaking them up off screen ruins all that.
>I'm sure this is going to have some sort of lesbianism anyway
The only love interest we know of so far is Safi. Amanda and Moses (the black guy) are apparently already a couple and just friends with Max. There is a possibility that an as of yet unnamed blonde girl who has popped up in a few pictures could be another love interest, not to mention Chloe.
So it seems likely at this stage that they are moving to cement Max as a lesbian. And to be fair, that is how she was originally conceived before the infamous relationship and ratings cuts done to LiS 1.
>Are you referring to Dontnod's games, Deck9's, or both?
They don't know anon. They just want to be angry at something. Culture war brainrot.
>There may be. But at the same time if it is framed as them reconnecting for the first time in years, that would kinda ruin things for me.
>They promised to be together forever. That is what we left them on a decade ago. Breaking them up off screen ruins all that.
I wouldn't hold my breath for this but there's some ways they could do to fix this whole thing with parallel timelines and shit
>The only love interest we know of so far is Safi
Is it confirmed she's going to be a romance option or are you just saying cause it's obvious?
>So it seems likely at this stage that they are moving to cement Max as a lesbian
It doesn't matter to me that much when she isn't with Chloe tBh, but I'll keep some hope in my heart they won't ruin everything about Chloe and Max, can't say I'm not excited to see what's going to happen.
>D9 say they'll respect both ending.
>Reduces Chloe to a footnote and tailor the game's plot as a continuation of the Bay ending.

Does D9 think we're stupid and have the memory of Goldfish or something?
You already played and finished the whole game?
I don't don't actually need to jump off a cliff to know it it would be a bad decision.
And if Chloe isn't just a footnote, where is she then?
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>Is it confirmed she's going to be a romance option or are you just saying cause it's obvious?
An anon in a past /vg/ thread claimed to have some insight. Everything else they said seems perfectly reasonable so I do not really doubt this.
>It doesn't matter to me that much when she isn't with Chloe
I agree. Max and Chloe are absolutely made for each other and the idea of there even being another love interest for Max is honestly offensive.
A Bae Max should be in a relationship with Chloe (frankly, married to her) and a Bay Max should be a depressed husk of a person that does not let herself get close to people out of fear of hurting them like she did Chloe. Realistically either Max should not be looking to be in a relationship with some new girl. It is lazy writing and cowardice when it comes to actually realistically building on the endings to the first game.
>I'll keep some hope in my heart they won't ruin everything about Chloe and Max
Me too anon. But I am going to be utterly devastated if they fuck this up.
This is what I am worried about. So far we have seen that Bay has their ending 100% validated. But we have no evidence of Bae being the same, actually quite the opposite if the dialogue about Chloe either being just a friend to Max or just some high school crush is not some massive misdirection.
Just based on what they have shown so far, it seems like Bay has basically been made soft canon at the very least. Even if Chloe is technically still alive off screen somewhere, if she is not in a relationship with Max and not an influence on her life then that is just functionally Bay by any other name.
Don't bother with them.
Rachel’s role as a character doesn’t really change its pretty shitty of Chloe to black out a tattoo she got with her. Imagine your friend being violently murdered and instead of valuing your friendship bracelet you throw if in the trash
Chloe lost
Safi won

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Looking forward to letting her die. Warren 2.0
>Safi won
There's something about her face that screams 'villain' to me, but it could be just an odd design.
She's doing Safi's mother as well? When did Max get so bold?
The implication is clear. The reason Chloe broke up with her is because Max banged her mom.
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I reject that anon.
I personally hold that Joyce was simply supportive of Max and Chloe. Perhaps overly supportive at times.
>make Chloe again except she's brown
Why not just use Chloe again for real
>"This time your girlfriend won't have BPD! :D"
No, I want to cure my girlfriend's mental illness with gay sex.
The only way ill play double exposure is to have max in chloes outfit/hair and constantly turn everyone down romantically
It's The Expanse facial design. While I do not hate the look, I dont see the same aesthetics of the first game. The SquareEnix influence is not here like it was in the first LIS.
>And your mom
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>I dont see the same aesthetics of the first game
D9 has fully shifted over to the TC art style now. A real shame given just how good the original art style of the series was. The new style just seems far too clean and generic to me.
It's called resting bitch face. Arab women often have it.
It's even in a diner... wtf
>I'm just happy that you're here with me
>evil grin
She's obviously plotting something.
>and your mom
What the actual fuck Max?
I personally think anyone other then Chloe getting sorta flirty with Max in a diner is by default the antagonist. Even if the story does not actually present her as such, she is still not to be trusted and better off dead if given the choice.
I bet you that she's gonna be the most boring, inoffensive person you're gonna find. They won't be doing a repeat of Chloe, who actually had major flaws to her.
Holy mental illness.
I can't believe they actually killed Pricefield, giving it a worse fate than Amberprice.
>emotionally abusive and manipulative
>conditions max to be obsessed with her
>basically tells max to "suck it up lol" when her time powers start showing side effects that potentially hint at brain damage
>shoots a dog
>can die a total of six times, each of which is her own fault except maybe the alternate timeline where she asks max to euthanize her.
>10/10 character
You know, if she was an antagonist with an appropriate bad ending, she'd be perfectly fine as she is, but we're supposed to like her?

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