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Let's cope our way to a 6th ending
Previous thread: >>4180059
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Daily dose
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we're so back!

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reposting for flesh
this is awful
I enjoy horror in terms of aesthetics and story, but I really really can't do jumpscares. Should I play this game? I want to play it because it looks pretty cool and yuri, but I'm a huge pussy
The game doesn't have anything that jumps out at you and goes boo, the closest thing is running near a zombie that was only playing dead and it getting back up.
Play it you pussy.
its less jump in your face horror and more body horror and a few other things I don't really want to spoil you on
Oh nice, I can totally do that. Thanks for the heads up. One more question... Should I wait for a sale or is the 20 bucks worth it
You're wrong
You'll get about 6 to 8 hours of gameplay plus an unforgettable experience that will haunt you for years, so judge for yourself if that's worth 20 bucks or waiting.
while it can be worth the twenty, the fact the steam summer sale is only around two weeks away you might as well just wait since the game will still be there but cheaper, that being said I wouldn't recommend lurking this thread on anything related to it since you will likely get spoiled and the best experience for this is going in blind
Alright nice, be back in a couple of weeks
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Why can't I be a girl
You should keep that to yourself
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>porn deleted but not the retarded comment

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