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thread died and nobody noticed edition

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Any good childhood romance books? Ideally as the main focus and not just a short section with the rest being them as adults.
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I really loved The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James. It's entirely set during one summer in middle grade after the mc gets a heart transplant. It's cute and wholesome with just enough drama to keep it interesting.
Any yuri holiday recommendations? I'm in the mood for a nice slice of life book about two girls traveling. Maybe they are already in a relationship or maybe are friends who catch feelings while they are away. It must be nice to travel with a cute girl during the winter and going to Christmas markets and dining out at a fancy restaurant and building a snow man together I'm so lonely.
What do you guys think about Her Name In The Sky? Everyone I know said it was great but I honestly found it pretty dissapointing. One of the few times I've wished the main couple didn't end up together.
>The Jasmine Throne
>Tasha Suri is a British fantasy author and former academic librarian
So she her writing is good? It's good, right?
A few chapters in now. Instead of yuri fantasy, it seems to me only like the essential poo-in-a-loo experience. Maybe not my thing.
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Started reading this. The cover made me a bit hesitant for some reason but it's p good so far. I regret wasting my 4 years of university sitting inside playing video games so now I have to relive it through wholesome yuri novels.
I guess I'm confused, it seems really classic yuri fantasy (albeit using India if Europe as a starting off point)
Fatto piggu
That looks like your typical woke YA slop.
I swear I read the whole book, but I honestly can't remember anything about it except that at one point one character asks another to do the needful, and I had to put it down for a bit after that.
My sides
It's pretty woke yeah
Oh no, not a woke lesbian romance novel...
Something about people with plant superpowers I think? I liked it okay but I didn't stick with the second book for very long - I imagine it might have more delicious /u/ than the first since the MCs are (presimably) together the whole book, but the plot didn't feel all that interesting to me.
>using woke when talking about lesbian novels

Are you a retard?
Any audiobook recc?
Believe it or not, the far left doesn't have a monopoly on homosexuality. A story can be gay without being obnoxious.
I don't think you've gotten the news but by virtue of it being a homosexual genre it's inherently woke. Even the oldfag novels are all about society you fucking retard. Do you not understand the words on the page?
You waste time trying to get through /pol/tards doublethink, they'll sooner get seizures and die than admit their ideology makes no sense.
I've got a huge backlog of yuri books to read but I can only do one every couple of months at most. I love them so much, but they also make me extremely fucking depressed. Knowing I'm a 35 year old virgin who will never get to experience love kind of fucks me up every time but I just keep going back for more.
This is true. It's not until the leopards start eating their faces will they realize that they're not their friends.
Anything with nuns? Already read 'Matrix' and I loved it.
What ideology
>/pol/ out of nowhere
>leopards ate my face reference
Sorry, but this isn't your reddit circlejerk. Calling something wokeslop is perfectly legitimate criticism. Also if you weren't a tourist you'd know that no one goes on /pol/ other than bots and shills.
It's not legitimate criticism in the realm of lesbian novels specifically, the oldfag novels are all "woke" by your definition retard. This just tells everyone you don't come in here for books you're just here to shitpost for some weird reason.
My definition, yet apparently you've decided it for me.
By you even using the word I already know what you mean by it. Kill yourself.
Okay I finished this and fucking loved it. Cute, wholesome, but also pretty angsty. 10/10 one of my favourites of all time, highly recomended.
This anon is right, I want to read a f/f story and not a diversity checklist and I’m not here for a lecture either. So wokeslop is perfect to describe certain books.
>10/10 one of my favourites of all time
You serious?
In fairness I gave this a go, despite the blurb giving me second hand embarrassment. I didn't make it far. It honestly reads like satire. The wait for good f/f fiction continues.
Completely serious

The cringe is what made it so good. I read YA for the cringe. Sorry I don't want to read about hags and I don't want to read about high schoolers who act like they are 35 years old.
You're not at all bothered to regurgitate the same terminology and arguments as the people who say all homosexuals should be killed or dicked straight?
No, I am not and I use whatever word to describe something that fits best. Part of the far left has lost its mind, in my opinion and this terminology is good to criticize that.
I’m not sure which arguments you’re referring to and I don’t know where you are coming from, but do you seriously believe that people who use this word want to kill you?
Stop with your divisive ’with me or against me’ toddler-tier arguments.
You can hate ‘woke’ crap while not being some alt-right faggot with 1800’s beliefs.
>Stop with your divisive ’with me or against me’ toddler-tier arguments.
You really have no self-awareness whatsoever
Because the conservative definition of woke is just a blanket term for hating faggots and minorities. which lesbians and lesbian novels fall in that category. You're actively consuming "woke" content already(assuming you actually read which every single post you continue to make convinces me otherwise) retard.
I wrote >>4234431 and with wokeslop I mean when an author includes too much in a story, like the poor/asian/disabled/trans character, a diversity overload you could call it.
There's a better word for this and it's called "performative" wokeslop is just retarded boomer catch all that means nothing to anyone who isn't on facebook all day crying about minorities.
I'm utterly enjoying this way more than I thought. I'm kicking my feet and giggling. Sometimes, it's good to read something genuine that doesn't take itself too seriously.

That being said, all of the current discourse is something Gretchen would do. Congrats!
it was surprisingly teenaged. i almost couldn't get through it because it was such an accurate rendition of how i talked about mogai and the like in high school
Glad I'm not the only one. I devoured this in 2 sittings, I loved it. Super comfy read. Edith is so damn cute.
I don't really give a shit how 'woke' a book is as long as it's cute, has good characters and has a nice romance.
It's very simple. If you need to preach, have a checklist of traits, and view everyone who disagree with you as a nazi, you're woke.
If you just want to write a story with round characters, you're not.
The dichotomy some of you are trying to push, that you either have to be a wokie or a nazi, and that every option in between is dishonest, is so ridiculous I can't help but think you're being intentionally misleading.
Perhaps the Germans were right to persecute your kind.
>not everything is black and white!
>not everyone calling out woke is a nazi!
>btw everyone who disagrees with me is a jew
When will mods finally do their one job and ban this troll?
Are you fucking retarded? That poster clearly meant that it's your ATTITUDE that makes people dislike you. It's far leftists like you, who force your morals down everyone's throat, that turn people to the far right in the first place, you idiot.
/r/equesting the first and last demon, mentioned in previous thread
Classic move, calling for censorship
>the first and last demon
thanks, good site not in op
Don't link it everywhere unless you want it DMCA'd like all the others
Currently reading TOWEM. Do city schools really have armed security?
Can we talk about cute girls instead of politics for once?
Maybe the discourse here reflects the current state of f/f literature. Has there been any good books recently?
Anyone have a download for I Prefer Girls? I wanna see if it's as bad as people online say it is.
Camryn Eyde - One Call Away
Unfortunately not a Tricky sequel, but I thought I'd give an A-meets-B romance a try after a long while.

A klutzy young woman accidentally calls an older doctor, and the two of them occasionally exchange messages, then start phoning, then start visiting, then ...

I liked that it's a bit different since it does really take some time for those two to even meet. The younger one is a bit lost in life and the older one is just generally there, being supportive. It's an okay dynamic.

But it also feels quite limited by the format. Because it's an A-meets-B romance. Nothing matters or happens that's not in some way developing the romance. And, yeah, both of course have "A Past", but it's not like, dunno, a mystery novel where between the phone messages you got something else developing entirely.

There's an annoying will-they-obviously-they-will ("I'm a sexy successful doctor and my friend keeps telling me she loves me but clearly as a friend so I can't tell her I'm a lesbian and in love with her..."), and honestly, a little too little going on with the doctor.

On the whole a standard, okay-ish read. Author's comment says she edited by herself, and perhaps that's showing in the script being a bit uneven. But eh. It was okay.
currently rereading demon in the machine which is pretty good and isn't mentioned here much. unfortunately all of the author's other books are wereshit or don't look very interesting
Finished The One Who Eats Monsters. Besides the rape (which didn't really add anything to the story) I enjoyed it. I'll read the sequel if it ever gets finished.
>first book entirely het
Does the het involve the main characters?
but the yuri is peak enemies to lovers
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I put TOWEM off for so long because it looked super edgy and because of the rape warning. I was not expecting it to be so cute. It's now one of my favorites.
Yeah I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. Ryn is a fun protagonist.

Meh. How prominent is the het?
the het is extremely prominent
I think I'll pass then. As much as I like enemies to lovers I'm not sure I want to sit through a whole book of het for it.
Lee Swanson - She Serves the Realm
Book 4 in this historic series where the daughter of a Hanseatic trader disguises herself as her brother and starts running her own trade house in London, during the reign of Edward II.

I felt this book in particular was very tied into historical events - namely those around the Earls of Warwick and Lancaster in opposition to Edwards and his favorite, Piers Gavestone.

I could say more, but that'd be a spoiler. But at the same time, it's literally history, and broadly happens as history did, so ... unfortunately I do have at least a passing interest in history and I broadly knew about some of this stuff so it just feels a bit ... constrained? "Predictable" feels like the wrong word, but of course it is. Maybe it should have diverted from history. Maybe it still will at some point?

Either way, the heroine also gets married, which was nice. I do wonder how that works out in the long run (obviously, if anyone notices she's a women she's absolutely screwed). But again, felt more about historic events than "a story" about the heroine.

Still, it's different, and that along makes the series worth checking out.
are there any good examples of well written lesbian smut?
it wasn't marketed as yuri at all so for me it was just the cherry on top
Yeah, I mean, *I* wouldn't have read it if was just het but I only learned about it right as the last book came out, when all these fans, both the guys who were a fan of the series for being a violent political action-filled fantasy and the girls who shipped the het ship because they liked the guy, were utterly shocked and bereft with the ending. I was like, let me get in on this. The het in the first book was a lot, but knowing what was coming, I treated it like the romance in a first season that makes way for the endgame later on.
the het in the first book isn't even the most egregious part. The most egregious part is bringing Tric back in the third book for no reason. wtf come on, just let him die, he was so painfully out of place and a third wheel in every single scene he was in. A fate worse than death indeed.
Hear hear
I've been meaning to write a short story where a girl's girlfriend breaks up with her at the last minute and she goes while fuck you I'm going on the holiday we had planned anyway and she ends up chilling at an old mostly empty hotel in some southern US state where she bonds with the owner's granddaughter. They'd be contrasted by being a city woman and a country girl, a confident out lesbian and a girl just learning her feelings, a white woman and a black girl, and also the age gap might be a factor.
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>this book came out in 2020

what the fuck, has it really been that long? Where the fuck is book 4 Seth?
Maybe it is better if he never writes it seeing what he did in Exordia.
Did he fail to assemble all five pieces?
Exordia was excellent, wtf are you talking about
I think he meant it was not lesbian related.
it wasn't advertised as /u/, you can't blame it for not being /u/
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I've never in my life thought that I'd be reading a Finnish YA yuri novel (well, more like crawling through it with a dictionary), yet here we are. I've heard that her more famous and translated Lumikki series also has some shallow yuri undertones, but I haven't got there yet.
Anon, as your doctor, I officially declare you to be a yuriholic.
Oh, I actually have this book. Haven't read it yet though. There's also a sequel called Minuuttivalssi, if you are interested. I have no idea how someone how is not a Finn would come across these.
Yeah, I have that one as well. The situation is quite straightforward really - moved to Finland, had to study the language to an intermediate level, so I had to find native practice material where the topic would stave off the suffering. Which led me to discover the Lepakkoluola doujin comic anthology (hella fun) and these two books, and I'm not sure if there's even anything else. Finns often write in English instead, to reach a wider market...
There is Säädyllinen ainesosa by Leena Parkkinen, which takes place in post-war Helsinki. And here's some picks I found from this list (https://www.kirjasampo.fi/fi/sateenkaarikirjallisuus-hylly), although I haven't read any of them so I can't say if they are any good.

Siiri Enonranta - Surunhauras, lasinterävä
Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen - Valoa valoa valoa
Annukka Leppänen & Katsu Kujala - Anopin unelma (comic)
Tiitu Takalo - Kehä (comic)
Maria Carole - Tulen tyttäriä
Laura Lehtola - Minä valitsin sinut
Oh wow, thanks. I wouldn't have found that by myself.
I love observing unexpected cultural exchanges. Through /u/, /u/nity.
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Finished this one. Short, but took me a while, given it's the first non-kid non-selkokieli one I've read in Finnish (praise Yomitan and Wiktionary, helps tremendously to have the Japanese reading setup for Finnish as well).
Really straightforward high school teen romance book - to little surprise, given that it's Simukka's first work written when she was still ~20 herself. Cute, occasionally funny, ever so slightly angsty, with most of the book spent on MC's worries in her mind, but in the end maybe a bit too simple and no-frills. Although the twist leading to the climax had me in stitches, in a good sense. And I liked how the book was very nonchalant about the MC being gay, with matter-of-factly accepting friends and family and no "b-but we're both girls" or social persecution or anything. MC had much more down to earth problems like having a bit too many heartbreaks, as it's hard to know in advance whether your crush is gay, especially with statistics not in your favor.
I can certainly see why it was rated highly in 2002, but with the hindsight of reading a fair amount of yuri manga and LNs published since, it probably wouldn't have been on top of my backlog under normal circumstances. But, now that I think about it, the first thing I've read in Japanese was Hanahira, which was also cute and even more basic, for my language practice purposes this might've been the perfect choice. I'll take a breather and move on to Minuuttivalssi, looks like it continues the story from the PoV of the MC's girlfriend.
Apparently, Simukka relatively recently wrote another yuri novel, Matalapaine/Korkeapaine, which appears to be a double-sided book with different PoVs, but the reviews seem to suggest that it's somewhat toxic yuri, so not sure whether I'll go that far quite yet.
I read all from the /u/ fantasy recomendation chart and all Hiyodori books.
Any interesting new recomendations from fantasy/sci-fi genre with lesbian protag which also has romance in it and goes for more than 1 book or is a part of some series?
Zero hetero sex for MC moments of course.
there's no good /u/ fantasy outside of that list. I, too, desperately search
We stand against the hijack attempt of the (former) Yomichan project by the "moe way" because they promote a flawed and ineffective language learning method which is different from AJATT. Moreover, "moe way" has been a bad actor in the Japanese learning world for a long time, and we can't trust them.
I recommend Rikaitan instead. Say "Rikaitan" if you also believe the hijack should not succeed. Rikaitan is the true successor of Yomichan. It's a browser extension that lets you look up words on web pages (a pop-up dictionary). Rikaitan is free/libre software. It is maintained by the AJATT community and everybody can contribute if they want to.
TOWEM's author just posted "There is a draft" on their twitter.
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For all Hiyodori and Clem&Wist fans out there. New book in the series is out!
Shame I can't buy it at all cause it is only on Kindle shit and my ebook reader doesn't support Amazon.
Damn I don't have much time to read this week...might as well buy it in case surprise 30 minutes free time at work though.

You can't even download kindle or something? Sounds like a bad time.
>You can't even download kindle or something? Sounds like a bad time.
I can try to get Kindle on my PC and link it there, question is if I can convert it to some format like DOC, EPUB, FB2, HTML, PDF, RTF, TXT my older portable reader can read.
I hate reading books on PC monitor
I just rip and convert Kindle books with Calibre when no other storefront has the book in question. It doesn't support every kind of book DRM on Amazon, but I had no trouble with JP stuff so far at least (other than the converter not liking vertical RTL text very much, but this is a non-issue for western books).
If plain Calibre doesn't work, you can try this plugin also: https://github.com/noDRM/DeDRM_tools
Once the book is imported, you can convert it to most of those formats.
Chronicles of Alsea by Fletcher DeLancey
Thanks worked. Made pdf from it and put on my reader.
Just by basic checking it has quite a lot of books, wort a read?
The first book was quite enough for me. Couldn't bring myself to like any of the characters. Surprised it got so popular.
I look forward to the scene that causes the title to take on a double meaning.
I don't place faith in that. There's a facebook post 5y+ ago saying it was almost done
And now it is done.
I feel the same way. Although the prequel (no one else could heal her) and the one-shot (something forest) are better in my opinion, I don't think this author truly understands romance. The third book in the series was awful.
And a partridge in a pear tree!
>I don't think this author truly understands romance.
In the author’s notes they say they write the kind of story they like.
They clearly prefer writing this as a fantasy series, it is not romance.
I'd be surprised to see author's notes where the author said they wrote the kind of story they fucking hate, or that they wanted to write a good story but it turned out crap by accident.
>or that they wanted to write a good story but it turned out crap by accident.
By this logic any story is crap depending solely on the reader who liked or disliked it, which of course is not objective in any way.
That's why I don't care much about other opinions in that regard cause I actually like Hiyodori stories, they are easy to read and I like the MCs even if many dislike them.
The only thing which matters for me initially is if the story has female leads and FF romance for them as reading prerequisiton.
From other side I couldn't stomach to finish Tamsyn Muir series, just too little actual lesbian content for the leads for me.
Fucking LMAO
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Finished Minuuttivalssi. In a way it felt like a completely different book (almost a fanfic even) that happens to be about the same characters by accident, maybe because it was from the viewpoint of the other protagonist and set a few years after the prior novel. Not as playful anymore, messy human feelings and desires, some infidelity even. And I'm not even sure it's even a yuri story per se, as the relationship and its tumultuousness served more as context and outlet for the protagonist's struggles with her own outlook of life and indecisiveness about the future. Especially compared to the first novel, reading which felt almost like reading manga classics like Girl Friends et al., even if watered down a lot.
Still, an interesting read, and I relate to the protag's problems. I'm much older and happen to have a decent-ish career, but my life is similarly empty, and I hope to find some hope and meaning in it, like she managed to do in the end.
In general, interesting choice to make either book almost ignore its second respective protagonist, given that you're only reading what's on the mind of the other one, and have no insight into what their counterpart thinks. Especially since both are prone to severe misunderstandings and a poor choice of words.
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Checked out the synopses, some of these sound legit interesting, Tulen tyttäriä and Surunhauras appear to be fantasy even (the former being about a demigod in military service, the latter sounding like a grim fairy tale with the despot princess traveling to the island of sorrow-deers). Although what is it with Finnish literature's aversion to sweet happy ends, I'll never stop wondering.
...Not that I have a lot of energy to read in Finnish for the time being, with the language almost literally frying my brain.
>They clearly prefer writing this as a fantasy series, it is not romance.

I understand your point, but when the summary is:

>"The Lowest Healer and the Highest Mage is a slow-burn f/f romance,"
>"The First and Last Demon is a dark f/f enemies to lovers story with a heavy emphasis on the enmity—but an indelible slow-burning love at its core."
>" In this slow-burn f/f romance"
>"No One Else Could Heal Her (a prequel to the Clem & Wist series) marks the contentious beginning of a lifelong f/f romance"
>"The Forest at the Heart of Her Mage is a slow-burn f/f romance with two polar-opposite heroines"

The author clearly views the story as a romance, but while the pacing is slow, the romantic elements are minimal. If I were to speculate, the author might be asexual or aromantic, or perhaps their view of romance is quite tame. Despite their evident passion for crafting the romance they want to see, the characters lack emotional depth and meaningful interactions. I've encountered fanfictions with more compelling setups. Even though the fantasy elements are intriguing, the worldbuilding falls apart under closer scrutiny.

Mind you, this is just my opinion. I kind of respect them by only publishing stuff that they like even though it kind of sucks. After all, you truly should only write for yourself and things you wanna read and give 0 fucks about what people (like me) say about your work.
I don't know how much Finnish music you have heard or how many Finnish movies you have seen, but literature is far from the only thing with an aversion to happiness in Finland. We Finns are a melancholic people.
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Monica McCallan - Tapping into Love


Comfy as fuck rivals/enemies to lovers romance. Auidobook was quick, about 6h total. Both characters were well done, paced wonderfully. Sex scenes were steamy without being gratuitous or graphic.

it's a free listen if you have an Audible subscription.
Any recommendations in the same vein of this?
Completely unashamedly anime yuri garbage, a McDonalds of a story but something I can just turn my brain off to and enjoy the ride
Canadian lesbians?
But why
Sometimes you want potato chips instead of a steak
Vermont, but the older one lives in Boston and she's up for senior partner at her firm
fell off gideon and djinn audiobooks for the same reason, the narrators are just too dramatic even in plain descriptive sentences.
jp audiobook narrators just don't do this, guess I will never get used to it.
Ironically what makes me care for the sequel is the story even though the story so far is shit. The book contains a lot of unused world building that hopefully will be explored.
>no het
pick 2
Pretty much, yeah.
Why is the tagging system in royal road so ass? How do people find what’s yuri and what’s not?

>Fates parallel
Read up to the fourth book. The beginning was strong but as the series continues the plot spirals into some strange conglomeration of forgotten plot points or rushed tie-ups. It’s endearing with its unique charm and you can tell the author holds a lot of passion for it. I appreciated its attempt for politics and power fantasies but the world setting isn’t particularly griping (unfortunate considering it’s wuxia-inspire). The worst crime is that it falls into the “friendship is my power” trope too hard to the extent that you have to really suspend your disbelief sometimes. Especially when the characters act a little nonsensical. The MCs at least get together by book 2. Read it if you want something long, endearing in its passion, yet lacking a central focus and technical skill to really convey it.

Try this and the author’s general works. The first few chapters you have to power through; I honestly didn’t even know what the author was writing about. But it becomes endlessly charming with its messages, characters, and motivations. The War arc was the best point of the story. Just stick with it until it finally clicks (you wont wait for too long) and don’t expect a technical master piece of language crafting or dialogue. But I highly recommend it regardless.

Does anyone have other recommendations on scribble hub/royal road? I know about Katelepsis and the author’s general works. Unfortunately, their work is too polygamous, weirdly enough.
>How do people find what’s yuri and what’s not?
There's a longass thread on the forum listing hundreds of /u/ works. Though sure, most of them are shovelware
>Does anyone have other recommendations on scribble hub
I've been reading this one and I enjoyed reading MC's relationship with Melody. It is, however, full of smut. Even after 70 chapters, the main story hasn't really moved forward significantly. If you enjoy reading smut, give this one a try.

This one is also not bad, but it has more focus on Pokemon than GL. Unfortunately, the GL content does take awhile to progress.
I'll never stop shilling this as I love it, has some of my favorite female character interactions out there.

That said it's definitely not gonna be for everyone - there is no romance focus though MC is 100% giga-gay so it's more a nice story with yuri in it. Said MC is unlikable for some though I like reading their POV myself. Finally it is very Umineko-inspired in the 'spend ages learning to know the cast before Plot actually begins' way if that is a dealbreaker.
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I'm just now starting to upload a story I've been working on in the background for a little while. It's 100% /u/ content, slow-burn romance type stuff. It'll be up on Royal Road too, assuming they approve it.


It's about an empty-nesting single mother who summons a succubus, mostly because she just wants some company on a lonely evening, but then ends up letting her stay over for the foreseeable future.
>"Hm this sounds interesting, maybe I'll check it out."
>388 chapters
>very amateurish writing
>writer can't even be arsed find-replacing Pokemon with Pokémon
This is kind of a tough sell
I really enjoyed Necroepilogos


There's a good amount of it, it's weird but not to weird (like the locked tomb), and though it's dark, it's full of hope.
I liked it. Coming of age teenage angst is my guilty pleasure. My one complaint is that Baker is not that well defined/developed. Because she spends most of the novel a nervous, spineless wreck I didn't get a good sense of her character. This is fine to an extent because it is Hannah's story, but it would've been nice to have seen a little more of Baker's world to understand her personality and perspective better. I'm guessing you wished they didn't end up together because of Baker treating Hannah so poorly, but I don't believe that makes her a bad/toxic person. Just weak. In her fear-gripped, self-loathing state of mind she'd convinced herself she was doing the right thing by both of them. Maybe if we'd gotten to see Baker's thought process first hand, you'd feel more positively about her, and by extension, her relationship with Hannah. As is, there's enough there for me to empathise with Baker, even if she still feels flat overall as a character.

Speaking of, does anyone have recs for angsty, coming of age books? Feels like I've read all the good stuff.
Not that anon, and I agree with you about Baker, but I still think them ending up together undermined some of the poignancy of the narrative. I liked the book, but I would have preferred to see an ending where Hannah forgives Baker and moves on.

As for recs, I haven't gotten around to it yet but there's Changing Majors which sounds similar to HNITS.
I've liked every book in that series so far. The MC can be a little grating, but I find the setting and character dynamic interesting.
I think the only way that would make sense would be to have Baker stay closeted, and then have her apologise after they had drifted apart at college, or something similar. Considering how close they were, if Hannah truly forgave her, why wouldn't they try being together? I will give that Changing Majors book a read, thanks for that.
I remember listening to this audiobook, it had some fun concepts but the MC went a few steps too far beyond the psycho line for me.
Cameron Darrow - Death has Golden Eyes
Nazis somehow had access to necromancy in WW2, so the US decided to nuke them. Unfortunately, this destroyed some sort of reality-barrier, so now Europe is a mess and werewolves, vampires etc are running around.

British heroine "retires" to a small villages and tries to run a sanctuary for those supernaturals now stranded in our world, but of course, finds a dead werewolf instead so has to get involved in figuring out who did it, and why ...

It's supposed to be a bit of a mystery, but it's not a great mystery. It's solid urban fantasy though. Nice characters, interesting setting.

Probably worth keeping an eye on, though nothing too outstanding.

Check out the author’s tumblr and tag, it’s pretty good and the one-shots are worth reading.

The author once said that their main regret was not showing the closeness of the best friend relationship between Hannah and Baker, as well as thinking that if they were to rewrite the book Baker would have never let it get as bad as it got in the book. (From what I remember)

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Anyone read translated Chinese Baihe (yuri) stuff? Recently started Female General and Eldest Princess. It's kind of a slow burn, but so far I like it a lot. It's fully translated and the translation is decent.

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