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Anything Love Live is welcomed here. From Muse to Liella, etc. HBD Mari.
Previous thread: >>4203893
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Happy Birthday Kozue
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Is it just me or does the 3d in this years' nijiyon look smoother than last year's?
Happy Birthday Shiki
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What's het?
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>it's het
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ponder the aroma
Ships ranking on Pixiv
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These Brit girls are cute
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Ships ranking on Pixiv
>looking at Yuu
so, why Nijigasaki is not on the yuri poll again?
The new movie looks great.
I don't get why some autists keep crying about the artstyle when it's literally the same as the anime's, only more dynamic.
the first teaser is really bad with lots of unfinished animations
but this one combined with Bocchigasaki scenes in Nijiyon Animation 2 are much better and closer to what i've thought about Kerorira's take on the Nijis
Lanzhu's mom?
New character?
Missed one
Bootleg Yuu
Looks like she has a gf?
Both of them seem like Okinawans
(You) Takasaki
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New Magazine is out
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This movie looks absolutely terrible. Keroria was a mistake
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Ah if it isn't one of the autists.
>Putting this movie into the hands of a guy who wants to turn the girls into memes was a mistake.
This guy for some reason believes that the artist (Kerorira) is out to get big breasts. "Butchering their breasts" is probably what he probably meant by "turning them into memes".
I don't know if he's a troll or if he's literally just insane. Either way, just ignore him.

>Nope. But that piece of shit is known for hating big breasts. You can see how he butchered bocchi
>I guarantee you, you will not be able to recognise Emma, kanata or even ayumu. We'll have 12 Nicos instead, just great.
*probably what he meant by
Happy Birthday Karin
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>You-chan! Sorry for the wait~


>My bad for making you wait?

>Don't worry! I'm the one who called you so suddenly!

>As a token of apology, here's something from me.
>Alright, how was that? Am I forgiven?

>It's not "alright" at all!!
It's been meme'd all these years but it finally happened.

Announced on the 9th Anniversary of Aqours and the 14th Anniversary of Love Live- the Final Aqours concert.
Glad I managed to go to two Aqours concerts then. Good luck to rest of you that want to go see them one last itme.
Saw them at 4th and the big Fes.

Now do I want to be there one Final time?
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Ships ranking on Pixiv
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Rina looks a bit different today.

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