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1.7 waiting room.
Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.6 Trailer
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)

Previous thread >>4186455
2.0 seems boring outside of Matilda being there
For me, it's just a filler event, so I don't bother.
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No way Miss Soneto would ever be this bold and if she was Matilda would be in for a wild ride
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Why wont they just bring her back
They hate to see a timekeeper thrive
Easy sluts should stay dead, only good and pure foundation girls deserve timekeeper pussy
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You guys were saying that 2.0 was gonna be a filler event and I believed it. But no, it turned out to be crazy, it should have been main story.
Any new lesbians or is it hetshit with J?
Matilda's french aura attracted the mommies again, just her blushing when encountering older women, and a brief yuri lovers' quarrel between 2 NPCs
I guess her types are milfs and Sonetto.
Matilda has such great taste in women
I think Matilda is just born to be a blushing mess towards women

Imagine if she and Schneider met
>Sonetto knows how Vertin tastes
Matilda is such a player, seducing helpless older women
Definitely going to pull for her.
Poor Matilda, cucked once again
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Wish I had the same type of love for this game again... Bluepoch's questionable decisions made me quit.
At least it's safe to stay here as a secondary.
Questionable decisions?
Global/Japan/Korea/Taiwan(?) is 3 patches/5-6 months behind China and thus has banner foresight.
Debut banners are unchanged, but reruns more and more often differ between servers. Order and secondary characters on these aren't that much of an issue, but when a double banner happens, it is one, pretty big too. In case you don't understand - there's always hard pity/guarantee on normal banners, limited or not. First you get soft pity and 50/50 and then hard pity on 140th pull. Plenty of reruns were left untouched and nobody complained. but this isn't the first time when we had a double banner, which removed hard pity entirely; first it's amped up to 70/30 (70% for the banner character and then 30% for any other), so kind of better, but then it's 50/50 between the two banner characters on what's supposed to be hard pity. You can end up with 6 copies of one and 0 of the other. You have zero control over it.
People were already furious when this happened for the first time and multiple people called it quits, so you'd think that Bluepoch wouldn't repeat the mistake, but looks like it sold well enough to go for round two. And even before the banner multiple people have already announced quitting. This time Bluepoch is trying to invite to pull with a fairly solid discount on pulls, and unlike the first time when it was the best healer in the game + average, twice-powercrept DPS, this time you have two unique and still meta characters, this doesn't change the fact that you can blow your entire load and still not get the ony you want.
Hard pity is if your luck is at absolute worst, you can still get the character, so this is no longer valid, because you have to pray that it's one of the two now.
The issue grows larger when you find out that China had perfectly fine single banner reruns, so it's only non-chinese servers that get screwed over.
There's now a very clear aristocracy of day1s who pay up a bit and thus can pull on every debut banner and everyone else.
>There's now a very clear aristocracy of day1s who pay up a bit and thus can pull on every debut banner and everyone else
Meta is already changing constantly. 6 is not that important anymore. A selector is coming for all the Teethless. Just buy a monthly and roll on meta characters if that is all you care about, whiny hetslut.
>just give money to the company that shits on you
>banner foresight
That’s only a questionable decision for their profits, it’s a boon for the playerbase.
Double reruns definitely are retarded though, but honestly as long as they don’t EoS I couldn’t care less.
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Again, if all you are worried about is meta then you are a retard because everything is being powercrept.
No stable genesis damage sources released since 1.4. Kakania giving a cumulative nuke on her ult can't exactly be called stable. Plenty of content designed around genesis damage specifically. 37 also synergizes with multiple upcoming characters because literally every patch from 1.6 onwards there is a follow-up attack character. Jessica may be out of fashion because of multiple bosses just being able to fully cleanse all debuffs every turn but this doesn't apply to raw damage. Not to mention that 37 scales really well with portraits, so good luck getting those on a double banner. They knew exactly what they were doing with that scam.
And I may *just* want those characters regardless whether they're meta or not, just like people have been complaining about 5-stars not having any real pity, something your brain is incapable of understanding.
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I accept your concession.
>I want THIS character
>no you don't because it's getting powercrept
what's the logic behind this?
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For some reason people enjoy being joyless. I suspect it's a comfort thing, actually doing something is more difficult because you change what you're used to, being a meta slave instead if enjoying cute girls
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>constantly talks about meta
>another faggot thinks he is not
This thread is braindamaged.
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Which characters should I roll for if I want to yurimaxx?
As far as I know.

6* Druvis III
6* Lilya
6* Regulus
6* Sotheby

6* Tooth Fairy
6* Jessica
5* Blonney

6* Kalaa Baumaa
5* Kanjira

6* Welcome to the world of numbers

5* Yenisei

6* Isolde
6* Marcus

6* Vila
6* Windsong

6* Kakania
6* Semmeiweis (Free)
5* Lorelei (Free)

6* Mercuria???
Thanks, anon.
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