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Previous Thread: >>4184545

Upcoming English Releases
Making Magic 8 - July 17
MagiRevo 7 - July 23
Shoukei Shoujo 8 - July 23
Watanare 5 - September 10
Hikikomari 8 - October 15
Slime300 15 - November 19
MagiRevo 8 - November 19

Recent English Releases
Majo no Tabitabi 13
Watanare 4
Hikikomari 7
Making Magic 7

Upcoming Japanese Releases (via Tsuzuri: Releases for June https://twitter.com/TsuzuriYuri/status/1796557247801180200)
経学少女伝 ~試験地獄の男装令嬢~

Recent Japanese Releases (via Tsuzuri)
List of light novels with official translation and ongoing fan translation (out of date)

Sneikkimies (AdaShima, Lesbian Elf and a Curse Princess, Scarlet Lily Bond)

Omae Gotoki PDFs
Vol 1 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtlb99v5urdn2yv/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2001.pdf?dl=0
Vol 1 extra - https://archive.is/CqI8E
Vol 2 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ljhp3dy2d85ica/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2002.pdf?dl=0
Vol 2 extra - https://archive.is/qEIWF
Vol 3 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yfbxtksjsph2wdc/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2003.pdf?dl=0
Vol 3 extra - https://archive.is/Qh3l1

Completed unofficial English translations:
Clash of Hexennacht : https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Clash_of_Hexennacht
Puppetmaster : https://web.archive.org/web/20220924202406/https://www.oolongmochi.ca/puppetmaster/ (illustrations: https://mega.nz/folder/8EpUgIpZ#E4YaCRi4O6JPIUzfm8fceA)
Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote/The Two Sides of Seiyuu Radio anime airing this season

VTuber Legend anime confirmed for Summer season
That's more like it.
wait what is this making magic? I never seen is it really Yuri?
So, i read Komari novel first vol
and Karen comment that Komari is her and Yurine daughter
probably a joke or maybe there is chance that Komari had two mom?
No chance. Karen acknowledges right afterwards that she had to ignore "reproductive semantics" to make her claim. Karen is full cope.
Winner of a yuri novel competition getting published. Illustrations by Yukiko
Another teacher-student yuri from Kakuyomu...
I'm noticing a trend
Karen is basically Komari's godmother (East Asian kind, not christian).
No blood relation, so it didn't count as incest when Karen took Komari's first kiss.
I checked Henjin no Salad Bowl for the yuri hint of Livia x Noa in the anime. Happily discovered from the LN, Livia is an alpha dyke and has slept with her yuri harem including the main lover - wheelchair girl showed at the end of ep12 . Yuri got stronger from vol 4 and especially vol 5. Hope they have ss2 adaption to cover the wheelchair girl arc.
As long as she isn't married to a man.
Stop trying to convince me to read this. It's working.
Where do i start if i want to continue from anime
Anime covered until early of vol 4 so start from there

I only read by MTL but found the yuri part was well written - especially in vol 5. In vol 6 it turned into something less shallow due to the plot (still yuri but you will know when you read). You can skip to any chapters with Livia/ female knight in the title for yuri.
>less shallow
Oops I meant *more shallow.
Vol 7 is coming this July btw.
Thank you anon
>wait what is this making magic?
It's an isekai series where the MC is reincarnated in a fantasy world and tasked by a goddess with bringing life back to a wasteland that was abandoned by the gods. She gets a cheat skill that allows her to create whatever she wants out of thin air.
>I never seen is it really Yuri?
The MC creates a female golem knight who serves as her bodyguard, and the golem falls in love with her and they kiss and sleep together and stuff. Romance isn't really the focus of the story though.
>gets godlike powers
>makes perfect waifu
As expected of isekai
Is it ever revealed in the LN whether the MC was a man or a woman in their previous life? The manga seems to keep it vague.
It's ambiguous in the books too, although I dropped the series after volume four because I got tired of the MC using her cheat skill to solve every problem without any kind of difficulty or drama so I'm not sure it's explained later on.
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Is the same author of Haganai but also has make yuri story
裏世界ピクニック 9 is out. Pretty boring so far. Highlights include a lengthy digression on natural language processing models and a lot of Sorao's cringy ruminations on the lameness of normal romance.
You wouldn't think a series could go backwards after the characters have sex, but somehow it did.
Backwards as in boring or backwards in regards to their relationship? I haven't read it yet but I thought this vol would be a difficult one, I simply hope for more Otherside adventuring and interaction between the main two in future volumes if there are any.
To be fair; after interdimensional hand/eye sex, where else can you go?
The relationship definitely didn't go backwards. this volume is just more mundane and feels like it's setting up for the next big otherside event
It was great but I honestly liked the brief normalsex they had, where it was going right, before the otherside kicked in.
>without any kind of difficulty or drama
Its even MEANT to have any in first place? Is the novel the kind of story where the author tried to make it sound serious but clearly ran out of ideas and creativity or just a silly wish fullfilment isekai that doesn't really takes itself seriously?
Kuma Kuma Bear is similar where, at least in the volumes I read, every challenge Yuna encountered she facerolled over with an I WIN button. Pretty sure that’s standard in most non-female led isekai as well that aren’t trying to be dark and gritty or deconstructionist
>Its even MEANT to have any in first place?
I would think so. The world she gets sent to has slavery, robbery, constant monster invasions, etc, and the MC is constantly worried that someone will find out that she's nigh-immortal and kidnap her for experiments or whatnot. I would chalk it up to the author running out of ideas and not be able to think of a way to resolve any crisis other than having the MC either pull the item she needs out of her ass or wait long enough to save up enough MP to pull the item she needs out of her ass at a slightly later date. I liked the robot maid but I thought the author kinda lost the plot when the Gundam showed up.
>we need a house for all of these robot maids to live in
>let's commission a blueprint for a mansion from this dude who wants us to do a bunch of quests in return
>oops, I sneezed and made the house anyway, oh well
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Inukai Anzu (Ubaware author) announced new work. Love triangle with sisters. Illustrations by Shio Kouji (UsoNatsu artist)
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Hi anons, would you be interested in reading my little yuri webnovel? It has cool girls in the steppes! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50128678/chapters/126596290
(please be nice :3)

>present tense
Lol no. Git, ESL-chan.
> Transgender
Do you even know where you are?
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>already getting a manga adaption
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hi /u/ am drink but can pls recommend yuri but the yuri isn't the point of it? i start reading manga but not enough gay grillers but i want to read something that isn't just about the lezbnism. idk if i made sense but i am drunk isok so i like spice and wolf my fav anine so i readed the b00ks and they so nice me like but i want reading uri but also not pr0n ok? thx
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From the author of Komari:
>The Imperial Examination is the world's most difficult exam, open only to men. A young girl disguises her gender and challenges fate. The most difficult exam in the world, open only to men - the imperial examination. Lei Xuelian is a girl who cross-dresses to pass the exam. She thought there was no one else like her, but at the exam venue, she discovers another exam-taker, Geng Liyu, who looks like a girl. "Gender and status have nothing to do with changing the world! But of course I'm a man!" "(I'm going to fail before the exam...)" The two become friends and join hands to take on the hellish exam to correct a world ruled by corrupt bureaucrats. If their gender is revealed, they will be disqualified immediately, and the exam questions are also extremely difficult. Furthermore, various troubles such as murder and rampant cheating occur...!? A Chinese exam tale in which two cross-dressing ladies challenge adversity. Beginning!
i can't buy they''re crossdressing when the girl on the cover looks ultra femme
Really? I think she can pass as a crossdressing Asian twink
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Rude :(
It's only a minor aspect! I'm going to fix the tags later thanks to a kinder anon :)
What are Maeda's yuri novels?
Man, we don't get a lot of Yuri novels officially translated, do we?
Sadly no
And I’m probably too dekinai to read novels when I need to look up kanji + meanings every other page when reading manga
>look ups every other manga page
That doesn't sound too bad though
If you have access to mouseover dictionary the experience wouldn't be too bad imo
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Oh my, thank you for asking! I happen to write yuri stories on scribblehub, you can find them there: >>4242486
I do recommend them :)
Why do you have a patreon when your stories are such ass?
That's a good question! What should I do to make them better?
Get a passion, loser.
Don't think about what the attention-seekers say, your stories are pretty interesting. I just skimmed through the beginning of them and they have obvious prose flaws that scream ESL, but the characters seem fun enough to be enjoyable.
I see you have pretty good reviews too, so I'll definitely check out the rest when I have more time.
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what's the endgame for this series, some thing like タダでは抱かれません?
or will the polycule limit its size?
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What the fuck is wrong with Miyagi? She probably is a tier below Adachi's levels of autism.
Sendai is so unlucky she has to deal with that
You will never be bored with someone who has self-esteem issues, abandonment issues, and is also horny as fuck.
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A lab coat and an eyepatch abandoned on the ground are as yuri as an empty bench.
I've read Nonono world end (ノノノ・ワールドエンド), thank you anon >>2059932 (yes, it took me 8 years to find the time to read it). It's really difficult to know what to read when they insist not to advertise actual yuri stuff as yuri. Because this is surprisingly full yuri, with kiss and confession and lovers' suicide (kind of).
The MC ran away from her abusive stepfather, met this other girl and the yuri suddenly went to 100 really fast. MC never had friends and hates the world but when she met this girl she couldn't stop thinking about her, how cute she is and how she wants to stay with her. She realized her feelings soon enough and the other girl showed is mutual. The whole thing was very good.
As for the downsides there is... the story. A weird fog makes people just... disappear. The problem is in the end nothing was explained. Why and how does the fog make people disappear? What was the mastermind's purpose? Questions that are left without answers. Shit just happens. It's quite bad waiting for things to be explained just to see it ending without any explanation.
Though the worst part is... the men. Obviously. Two girls alone in a world that's ending, what could happen if they meet someone else? Yes, two attempted rapes. First a group of old men and they are saved because they had a gun, luckily. The second one is MC's stepfather, and this part got really bad with MC even giving up and accepting to be raped as long as she could protect her lips because she was just kissed by the other girl. Fortunately the other girl shoot him before anything could happen but the whole thing could have been easily avoided. Or MC could have at least fight. It also said she was sporty and did karate but it was never used during the story except for a single kick. I'm not one of those woke snowflakes that think a woman can beat a man with just the right amount of confidence, I know there are biological differences but I won't ever understand why in this kind of situations they never answer with a simple kick in the middle of the rapist's legs. That alone could give them the chance to run away, even if he blocks your arms you can just kick him there, if he blocks your legs just put a finger in his eye. Anything, but do something for fuck's sake. Though the easiest thing would be for the author to avoid putting this shit in the story. It wasn't even explained how the stepfather found her since she previously said he didn't know that place. Again, bad writing, shit just happens.
It's still a good yuri since nothing het actually happens.
Fear, learned helplessness, there could be some different understandable reasons.
Not something I'd fancy reading about though, yuck. Author is free to write what they want though, so whatever.
Sendai's hyperhydration arc has begun...
Just finished reading vol 1-4 of watanare that I found on nya. Pretty normal series (saved the end of v4, that was actually wild for a romcom), that could be occasionally funny so far

Kind of a let down since I was expecting some horrible or insane series thanks to /u/ constant posts about it. It's a bit insane how different it is from the talks though. Genuinely wondering how much gaslighting is going on for other series I haven't read yet
Only English web novels I can recommend are Worm and A Practical Guide to Evil.
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The same thing happened to me with Shuukura. I was put off from reading it when it was published because of some comments here. But then I started reading it on a whim and ended up absolutely loving it.

Watanare is on my backlog.
I refuse to believe people actually take the opinions posted around here seriously.
捨てられエルフさんは世界で一番強くて可愛い looks great, elf x fox girl
Btw, this site has heaps of yuri LN reviews, I've been checking new titles from there:
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I found that blog afew weeks ago too from the twitter linked in this bookmeter profile. I think it's the same guy. https://bookmeter.com/users/6705
so far from his yearly rankings I have read pic related which was nice
Just to add, I don't think he writes particularly useful reviews though, I miss this guy here https://www.you-mizushiro.com/ that unfortunately stopped in 2022 but wrote very complete reviews for most of the self-published yuri novels on Kindle Unlimited
I don't think they're the same person, thanks for the links. Would be handy to pin these blogs in the thread to keep up with new good titles.
I think it might be the same person who runs the Yuribun twitter account? At least that account is constantly linking to that blog.
Also curious how the ratings work on this blog. Seems like three stars is the most but if something has one star does that mean it still has a hint of yuri?
>3700 books
I kneel
>Seems like three stars is the most but if something has one star does that mean it still has a hint of yuri?
I think so. If you click on the star (yuri/depth) - it'll lead to all series that tag applied. I check some 1-star titles and they had some hint. Guess that blog won't include anything without a trace of yuri.
3-star list for example:
So far they have talked about ハーモニー, あまがみエメンタール, ピエタとトランジ and キキ・ホリック.
>Closet lesbian got into a comphet marriage that turned sexless
>Got her gay awakening in the most immoral and illegal way possible as a married hs teacher
Kino. Now on Kakuyomu.
I have it sitting in my wishlist since forever but they didn't say anything more than what the description on Amazon says. What's the point? I want to know the exact level of yuri in it. Isn't this the purpose of these streams? That's what yurifags want to know.
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Slime 300 is getting a second anime season.
>Isn't this the purpose of these streams?
There are streamers who comment on the yuri levels of everything they talk about? I need to follow them lol
Confirmed at long last?
Well, when someone repeated the same thing about a series and its mc for like 4 years on both /a/ and /u/, shits tend to color your expectations a bit even if you don't realize it yourself
Salad bowl v7 nsfw preview
Wtf are you talking about? Salad bowl ended with two volumes.
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Apparently it's still up in the air as to how many seiyuu will return.
This retard confused the het series with the same name.
Most of them died of old age after all
At this point Livia is going to end up fucking every named woman in that series.
What series are you talking about?
Iruma series obviously
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Iruma's series is on hiatus until fall. The first volume is coming out in September.
Missed opportunity with loli lawyer. Livia left her lustful life to search for new purposes. Please give her a serious lover to settle with.
ジャンルにラブコメって書いてあったので、間違いなくラブコメです。 very promising, I hope he's not trolling.
I see nobody posted July releases.
Though it's just YuriTama 4. Since I started it I'll finish YoruKura too. For Mayonaka punch I'll wait the end of the anime.
I expected a fluffy story full of flirting, and it was like that with the nekomimi and tail scenes but then it went full drama because the girl has a cat inside her that's trying to take over her body and make her disappear so MC gets desperate to save her so the second part is basically the neko no ninja arc.
All's well that ends well anyway, there's no explicit confession but there is a kiss and a satisfying end.
Volume 3 of 『人斬り』少女、公爵令嬢の護衛になる is being written
Any recs for stories with a yandere or posessive lead?
Adachi and Shimamura
Is Turn Around and Face Me any good? Or did Inori just fell off ?
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maybe i should pick up this
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hate hug?
JP releases for August
Isn't that the Ajisai-clone friend?
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This could go places, I hope it gets insanely angsty
Is this leaker legit?
It’s that guy again… mute and move on
>The one who fulfills my desire is the sister who is the exact duplicate of the person I love.

>A love triangle between an honor student sister and an impudent younger sister.
>I, Yuka Amemiya, confessed my first love, Nagisa Hanabusa, and was rejected by her.
>I was so disappointed that Nagisa's younger sister, Kaimochi, who was a close friend of Nagisa's, made a proposal to me.
>I'm going to make you forget about your feelings for your sister.
>I can do to her everything I wanted to do to Nagisa.
>She even dresses up as Nagisa and goes on a date with Kaimochi,
>The most important thing to remember is that you are not the only one who can do this.

>The two are also in the same boat, but they are not the same person.

Sounds pretty promising
I swear I’ve seen this “sister who likes MC stands in for her twin” premise before in a yuri manga but can’t remember where
>another necklace
How many more pieces of jewelry would Miyagi give Sendai-san as a token that she belonged to her before figuring out that a ring was the best way to do it?
I read Side-by-side Dreamers the other day. I did enjoy it, although I would've liked some explanation as to why Saya was already in love with Hitsuji in the dream world, like they were reincarnations of two lovers who died in the dream world or something. It also came very close to a lovers suicide at the end there. It was definitely interesting to see how much Miyazawa really likes stuff dealing with the nature of consciousness and stuff like that.
Any spoiler?
Renako has reached yuri forum mascot status (the translation one in baidu) in chinese land apparently.
Any date for v7 btw?

Also I am starting Shuukura, wish me luck.
We have Ajisai clones now?
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Ubaware 3 and Suki na ko no imouto.

>転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 王宮秘話
>secret stories of the royal palace
Oh, I see they are releasing those stories. But I don't see the R18 mark?

I was about to discard this because of the "friendship end" in the title but then I saw the subtitle is
The fujoshi part is worrying, there will definitely be yaoi fantasies, but the イチャイチャ百合 is tempting me.

>ガイド役の天使を殴り倒したら、死霊術師になりました 2
The first volume hasn't been mentioned before. I see there are a couple of reviews saying they recommend it to yuri readers but nobody elaborates on that.

I think 後宮 is already enough to discard it.

Always a lot of creativity with these titles. Tensei, check. Kara hajimeru, check. Slow life, check. I can't tell them apart. The description doesn't say anything yuri, just that the MC meets the hero (female) and the saint (female), again, a lot of creativity. And there is also a man on the cover.
What the hell is Sayaka doing?
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>転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 王宮秘話
meido anis
I read A Magical Girl Retires today. I thought the book stretched itself a little thin by trying to tackle climate change, domestic violence, and female empowerment, all in about 150 pages, to the point where the overall message kinda got muddled by the end. I did like the romance between the MC and Ah Roa, although the both book and the time they spend together is so short because of plot reasons that nothing really has time to develop beyond holding hands, although it hits pretty hard when a girl with the power of clairvoyance confesses to you and says that meeting you was destiny. I thought it was a little weird that the MC is never even given a name, although maybe the author did that on purpose to make her a stand-in for the average Korean woman. Ah Roa's poor handwriting was cute, and the sparkling rainbow dress that she wears when she transforms seemed really gay. And even though the MC literally saves the world no one even bothers to offer to pay off her credit card debt that only amounted to about $2000 USD, geez.
wew blue eyes already seems to be the better sister.
Toshizo is reaching out to editors and artists interested in doing adaptation of Yuritama.
Don’t think I’ve ever seen an author do that before. Must be an unorthodox way of doing things
Yuritama is also one of the few Yuri LNs remaining without a manga adaptation too.
any1 got raws epub of
百合の間に挟まれたわたしが、勢いで二股してしまった話 その4

im desperate
>百合の間に挟まれたわたしが、勢いで二股してしまった話 その4
buy it yourself if you're desperate
it isn't even out yet
Reading through volume 8 of Shokei Shoujo at the moment and I was wondering: Does Maya have a crush on Sahara? It's mentioned that Menou and Sahara sometimes carry Maya during their travels, but that Maya insists that Sahara carries her more.
Imagine the pandemonium unleashed in bed.
Sad to inform you the manga raw anon dropped it
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Miyagi understands everything, right?
I hope she's oblivious to the fact that she just married Sendai san cuz it'd be really funny
watanare 6 will be out in english next year february, it took only one year to catch up. If a new volume doesn't come out in the mean time..
Miyagi just wants to confess first, but she hasn't had the courage yet, and the impatient Sendai almost ruins her plan…
I spent so long waiting for volume 5's English release that I completely missed that 6 come out, February isn't looking too far away
No, she's like a sister figure after her real sister died.
where did mikami go, he dropped the first half of the sister arc and then disappeared
But what if she did fuck her real sister?
Mikami is main writer for Link Like Love Live which probably took priority
Did anything yuri come out of it at least?
>Is Turn Around and Face Me any good?
>did Inori just fell off ?
My guess is that the publisher has other priorities and they gave permission for the author to seek alternatives
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Is this normal sister behavior?
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No idea, this is the only pic I have seen about it
The first volume of of the official English release of the AdaShima spinoff came out today. I forget what the Japanese title was but the English title is My First Love's Kiss. Also the second volume of the Tabitabti spinoff Riviere and the Land of Prayer came out today, too.
>second volume of the Tabitabti spinoff Riviere
Does this include the story where Elaina sells herself to hags this time?
Is it really a spinoff? Or is it just "vaguely set in the same universe" like Denpa Onna is to AdaShima?
It is the same author but it is just a same universe thing they always do.
One of the girls from this series was literally Shimamura first crush
I'm going to assume Iruma never gave Taru a happy ending?
I just assume she does that between every volume. But honestly, I've always felt that Elaina has more chemistry with Fran than with any of the girls her own age. Whenever Elaina parts with the the Girl of The Week, she's just like, "Farewell," and when she parts with Saya, she's like, "Farewell, and stop touching me," but when she parts with Fran she's like "nooooo don't leave me Sensei I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna cry I'm crying". She also came pretty close to fucking that dragon girl who looked like a girl in her mid twenties or so in her human form and that dark elf, and it's a good thing she didn't since dark elves turned out to be walking STD hives.
>and that dark elf
Are you talking about the male dark elf?
Oh, the one that jumped into the lake or whatever? Fuck that guy. I meant the female dark elf that Elaina let stay in her hotel room and the elf wanted to repay Elaina with sex. It was probably the only time when Elaina's prudishness saved her life.
>the female dark elf that Elaina let stay in her hotel room and the elf wanted to repay Elaina with sex
Oh! I somehow forgot about her. Wasn't there another woman who offered the same thing a few volumes back? And I don't mean the succubus(male), but some other girl?
And both their next volumes are coming out on the 10th of December
Can add that to the OP next time too
I wouldn’t call it exactly a spin-off, because that term usually refers to a series centered around one of the secondary characters of the original series, while here we have brand new characters and the lady who turns out being Shimamura’s first crush is obviously an afterthought from Iruma who at the time he wrote vol 11 he was also writing the third and final volume of this mini series.
However it is set in the same town and the characters meet occasionally with the AdaShima ones(in vol 2 there’s a whole chapter with one of the protagonists interacting with Hino and Nagafuji).
What Elaina did to the poor Succubus is probably the biggest proof she is in fact jewish
I don't really remember off hand, but it might've been Oronella, the vampire girl who turned out to be the sister of the puppet detective? But yeah, it seems to kinda be a common thing for Elaina.
Smh reddit prudes hating on the new iruma novel without reading a single word of it
Haha yeah, they are... missing out...
literally judging a book by it's cover and hating on Iruma personally for being a male lol, what a shithole
The last audiobook volume of 明日の世界で星は煌めく is out, is this gay?
leddit never really cared about Iruma's work besides the yaya novel he did for Nio
Better question is why do you give a shit about what they think when their taste is worst than MAL and /a/
>sees 百合要素 in bookmeter reviews
don't get your hopes up...
Out of curiosity, does this thread cover non-Japanese webnovels too? Been reading some baihe stuff recently (Chinese yuri novels, basically), and I can't recall having seen a thread devoted to them here.
Speaking of, the English release of Female General And Eldest Princess has been pushed back to December 16. Hope this isn't going to be one of those things where it gets pushed back into perpetuity, the original date was in October IIRC and I was kinda looking forward to reading it relatively recently. I tried reading the translation posted online but it was a pain in the ass to read on my phone and I'd rather wait for the book for something that long.
Thankfully I work in a library and can pull it up on a computer when I'm bored on the desk, that's how I'm reading through JWQS at the moment.
Just talk about it if you want sis, no one will ban you.
We had a short-lived Baihe thread back when SoulMate Adventure S2 was running, but the resonance wasn't very strong besides the show itself. Sadly.
Feel free to drop any recommendations you have.
After I read The Elder Martial Sister Gave Up Cultivation I only tried a small number of partially translated baihe stories myself. But honestly none of them have lived up to Elder Martial Sister, for me.
Have you tried JWQS or The Dragon?
Nah, that wasn't my concern, more just trying to see if there's people to talk about them with here, or if I should look elsewhere..

>The Elder Martial Sister Gave Up Cultivation
Huh, I've never actually tried one of the cultivation stories, maybe some yuri will finally be the hook. Is there a proper translation somewhere, or just MTL?
I've read The Dragon (not fully yet) but I don't recognise the acronym.
>Is there a proper translation somewhere, or just MTL?
There is a translation on amazon and a free one, the former is a bit more polished but they're both blatantly MTL. I read the amazon one, and it didn't bother me much for what its worth.
NTA, but that's Jing Wei Qing Shang, or Clear and Muddy Loss of Love. Very long, heavy on the angst, apparently a good ending but I haven't finished it yet.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
>The final boss of WataOshi is ChatGPT who is defeated with the power of love
I should have trusted you guys when you warned me 5 months ago. Fuck this fucking shit I need a palate cleanser. What should I read next?
the real final boss is inori's incest fetish
That sounds hilarious. Just makes me want a second and third season even more.
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Finally got around to starting and catching up with MagiRevo. Skimmed through the WN and dug up Piero's privatter stories. I'm hoping Piero ends up adding more because the WN seems to just finish abruptly with a timeskip epilogue and the upcoming arc in the LN looks like the only arc that hasn't been covered yet. I don't want it to go schizo off the rails like WataOshi, but I'd be sad to see no more Anis and Euphie.
How is watanare official translation?
Also should I skip to v5 after meatbun's translation? What would I miss?
official TL is good
Should I start from v5 or 1?
If no one is saying anything, I am gonna assume I can skip to 5 without any problem
for the ≤5 anons that still give two shits about wataoshi
In Watanare Vol 5, Hanatori 100% made Renako orgasm during the oil massage, didn't she? That bath scene was hot as fuck.
How is yuri going on in Shokei Shoujo? In terms of kissing and sex.
Very little. Shokei Shoujo is action first and a yuri second. And I feel like that's being generous. In the latest English release (Volume 8) I felt like the gayest thing that happened was the astrologer calling Menou a hottie. Which is really nothing. The only other little thing is that during the epilogue Michele is annoyed when Hooseyard compliments her, but obviously likes it when Momo compliments her. Which is probably nothing, but I'm curious to see if Michele might have a thing for Momo.
>When Girls Hate Each Other Very Much.jpg .png
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Nice new subtitle

週に一度クラスメイトを買う話5 ~ふたりの秘密は一つ屋根の下~
There’s a fan translation for this right? How caught up is it and how fast do chapters come put?
non-MTL is updated in the recent release thread.
Looks hot as fuck. Is "When Girls Hate Each Other Very Much" the title? Googling is giving me nothing
I thought they wore pants at this point in the story
Anyone got Slime 300 vol10 in JP? I want to know if the moon spirit’s name was localized in the EN version or if she’s actually called ‘canimeow’.
I don't read it but Wikipedia says her name is イヌニャンク. Guess they combined canine and meow.
that's the promo at the end of vol4 using vol4 cover
Only Miyagi, who's too lazy to depilate her legs.
Thanks. I wish they didn’t localize things this hard.
I am loving watanare v5 so far, especially the part where the "villain group" of the volume are just a bunch girls acting like 5 MCs, Renako's clone being the cutest one among 5 that acts like a shoujo mc was pretty funny too

Also wow, I didn't realize it got so many haters around here.
Is that canon? That's kinda hot.
Got around to finishing vol 2 of Otherside Picnic vol 2:
"Toriko: I hear there’s incidents like this in the U.S. occasionally. Someone who’s a little too into it goes nuts in the streets with a ninja sword.
Sorawo: Getting attacked by human ninjas? Man, the U.S. is scary.
Toriko: In the news report I saw, he was subdued with a water hose.
Sorawo: A water hose, huh? That’d probably work on the cats, too. They hate water.
Toriko: I can imagine them all wet and disappointed now.
Sorawo: That’s cute!"

Sorawo browses the 4chan screencap thread and Toriko is too Canadian to point out it's not pronounced "ninja"
>Toriko is too Canadian to point out it's not pronounced "ninja"
anon I think you need to detox your brain a bit.
>implying paranoia and psychosis isn't the perfect state of mind to read UraPi in
You should try it.
Toriko: It's pronounced like "bitter".
anyone tried the imouto triangle novel
Hanatori-san parts were like wtf lol, made me curious if she got to "bath" Mai and Mai's mom regularly

Also Renako and a popular boy talking love troubles was something I wasn't expecting
Yes. It's exactly what it says on the tin, and I liked it. Definitely recommend reading it if you are interested.
Opinions on Girls Kingdom? I'm very new to light novels and this one looks cute, but have never seen anyone mention it
I have actually read this, but it has been awhile and I don't really remember many details. I think the best way to describe it is that it's basically a very tame Strawberry Panic. I think the only kisses were on the cheek and there was only like one or two. but the girls are definitely gay for each other. However, I feel like I remember being a bit disappointed after every volume. Not because I thought it was bad, but more due to it failing to meet my expectations when I thought the yuri would be more explicit. If you're caught up on other yuri LNs and still need to scratch that yuri itch, it can provide some relief. The series is dead now and the author has not been active. Looking on their twitter, they haven't shown any signs of continuing to write any more LNs.

I did like the minor character who only let short girls into her salon (basically an after school club) because she loved short girls. She wasn't even the leader of the salon, but the leader's maid and was just in charge of recruiting members.
The oddest thing to happen in the series is in volume three or four, one of the characters is revealed to be a vampire. Not a big deal, but seemed a bit unnecessary

I do hope we get a translation of the author's other yuri LN one day, which actually appears to be explicit yuri and looks pretty cute.
Renako has done nothing wrong, in particular turning her sister and Ajisai full gay.
Thanks! You've convinced me to get the first volume, but I'll adjust my expectations.
>that part about Ajisai and Mai talking about kissing, and dating each other
Yes yes yes
Wew, I was worried that the three way dating would be just them dating Renako together and nothing else.
11/20: Girl’s Unwanted Heroic Epic Vol 2
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Also that High School DxD spinoff with female protagonist getting new volume. I think there were some yuri elements in the first volume and no surprise hey but never saw any of the yuri account I follow mention it.
Illustrations from the volume.
Judging by only this image I think sensei is not at fault.
Didn’t someone post that the sensei was in a loveless arranged marriage or something? Not quite the level of cheating that’s in Hitozuma x JK?
They are portrayed as friendly with each other, but they sleep separately and stopped having sex entirely because she wasn't into it.

Can anyone convert volume 2 to epub with illustrations?
That extra chapter exceeded expectations.
It is coming, anon.
Sweet. Hopefully volume 7 isn't too far off then.
Seven Seas almost caught up on the English release. 1 LN volume and 1 manga volume left until they catch up.
Sasuga, also this kill the schizos narrative kek
I'd rather see a Arioto anime, but I guess there is no chance these days with the amount of sex they have. Still happy for Teren if it happens.
I'd rather the manga just continue.
I didn't expect My Love's First Kiss to start off with child abuse. I guess it's good that it's not AdaShima Part 2, but is this shit gonna get dark?
It's a romantic comedy, according to the author himself.
The drama in AdaShima is only ever teased but it never reaches the characters, and I unironically believe that the reason is all the drama is being drawn towards the three main characters of this story.
That said, it never actually gets completely dark but it’s still a pretty dark tale because some characters have suffered physical abuse and bullying, also because the love triangle becomes pretty fucked up in later volumes.
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Just finished v5. It was pretty great, probably the best one so far. In particular, I really appreciate the series actually writing about girl dating girl

When is v6 and 7 again?
Do not read vol6 until vol7 release date is announced, you'll be left waiting with an inconclusive arc.
Seriously? I just want to see Ajisai becoming lewder and bolder
Who's going out with who now?
Same as always, basically Rena/Mai/Ajisai is still continuing strong
So the incest route has been officially banished? That's good.
It was never a thing.
You really should not trust whatever schizo shitposters spread based on out of context spoilers/jokes from us anon
> ネタバレだけどメロンブックスの特典SS付ブックカバーに例の夜にせんせぇがキャバクラで滔々と語った内容が全部書いてあるのでオススメ
I need to buy this... With this being only 2 volumes I doubt there's enough for a SS compilation.
iruma extended adashima so it's not impossible
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How short is she?? Even with heels on, she's gotta be like 140 or something
せんせぇ is just short of 160, Rin is very tall.
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Finished 聖クロス女学院物語, that junior novel. Started out feeling like it's a Kirara comic with Scooby Doo mysteries, which was fun enough but seemed a bit disappointing given the recommendations, but later it got more varied and serious, and by volume 3, and especially beginning of 4 posted on the blog, things started to get earnestly yuri, in fact so much that it was really vexing that it ended so prematurely. Quite a tangle of feelings between all of the characters. The balcony scene in volume 3 and the corridor scene in "volume" 4... Probably yuri and junior novels don't match that well sales-wise, shame.
Kanon is such a delightful character to watch, too. Looks like a chuuni, the eyepatch is in fact due to a real injury, is an incorrigible chuuni nonetheless (well, occult girl, to be precise; and technically she's not even in the 8th grade yet). Entered the christian school because she expected that it's as posh as in Marimite, gokigenyo's everyone, but it's 2014 and zoomer classmates think it's cringe. Drags everyone into her mystery club (in a religious school) with her sheer unbridled enthusiasm and wits, in fact absolutely terrified of ghosts. Yet also has a serious reason why she's into the occult (she puts up one hell of a front). Struggles between her love for the oneesama and for the MC, as well as hurting on the inside from her own jealousy towards the bond between said MC and said oneesama. A character almost wasted on a kid book, I would say if I didn't know that the author planned to up the ante yuri-wise even more in the following volumes.
Made me want to check out another Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunko series sometimes cited by yuri fans, 四つ子ぐらし, but then I noticed the art on the fold of the dust jacket of the latest volume 18, which prompted me to check out its synopsis... well, shame. Though it's still apparently a good series in general. But yeah, there needs to be more junior yuri.
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I should have probably included the basic synopsis. Saint Cross is an all-girl christian school ran by religious sisters, where in junior high there is an informal tradition of secret letter exchanges between the 1st years and the 3rd years (7th and 9th grade), where the older students are "anonymous mentors" of sorts to the younger ones, and it's generally discouraged, if not forbidden, to try and find out the identity of your onee-sama. The typically positive MC, Hina, studied there since grade school with her shy friend Nana, and now the two transfer students, occult-loving Kanon and tomboyish Aoi, drag them into their newly formed Mystery Club. Hina and Kanon both look up to the elegant student council president, both believing her to be their onee-sama, while also bonding themselves, all while the school director craftily uses the club to solve all kinds of random problems around the school.
Some legit supernatural-seeming mysteries also begin to happen by the latter parts, whether it was a one-off thing we will probably never know.
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Ninjas are an even bigger problem in the UK these days, what with the officials even banning ninja swords a short while ago.
should have been セクロス女学院物語
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For 人妻教師が教え子の女子高生にドはまりする話, I know Melonbooks sells the physical with the SS in limited quantities. Is BookWalker the only place that sells the ebook with the SS?
Forgot how much I dislike buying things from Japan with all their special/store editions.
I believe Bookwalker is the only ebook SS, but note that the SS is different for each store. This site can be helpful for tracking them:
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Two teacher x student novel in the same month, is yuri growing or is there a worrying lack of creativity?
However we already know Iruma's one is unnecessary bishit so it belongs in the trash, but what about Yukiko's one? That one's safe, right?

Two girls who met in the usual MMORPG turned out to be classmates. This could be interesting if there's really something yuri between them, but from the description alone it's impossible to say.

This says even less than the previous one about the relationship between the girls.

>獄門撫子此処ニ在リ 3
I'm blindly buying this because someone talked well about it before but I hadn't time to read it yet, I hope it's worth it because this one too doesn't say anything about yuri.

I like the cover.
>if you don't hold hands with someone you die
Already sounds like a masterpiece.
>you can't team with someone you teamed with previously
So there are no fixed couples trying to survive together, this is quite bad.
>friendship friendship friendship
Oh, no.

Isekai trekking with the reijou that must escape her engagement.
Unlike the other one Iruma's new work is not boring to read.
You couldn’t pay me to read bishit
I'm not sure if this is relevant for you but she is 80% a closeted lesbian, not bi
She willingly married and had sex with a man, no?
>s-she's 80% lesbian!
That's not how sexuality works. She married a man, she's bisexual.
As proved by the other novel, you can have this story without making the teacher married to a man. Adding it to the story it's only because you want her to be married to a man, and that will never be ok.
The people on here that complain about bishit or bisluts are just purityfags. What they are really saying is they won't accept anything where a woman has ever had sex with a man.
>it's ok if she dated men but didn't have sex with them
No. Sex is irrelevant, you are the purityfag if you are so obsessed with sex. It's not rocket science, yuri doesn't involve men.
Personally don't think she's bi, more like a late stage lesbian. Reading the book made me feel sorry for her. I really do hope things end good for them in the second volume.
It's technically Fall now right? Or it still in hiatus?
I actually hate this more than just making her a normal bislut
>She married a guy, but she doesn't let him touch her, they sleep in different beds, they don't kiss, she is just a closeted lesbian
This might work in old age series but modern series trying to pull this shit will never not be retarded.
>she's a slut but she is actually pure
>she is a mom but is actually virgin
>she is married but actually never had sex with her husband
This kind of obvious pandering to men-children readers is honestly, for me, the most significant aspect of LNs that makes them differ from normal adult targeted novels.
She did have sex with him, she just doesn’t anymore
>if you like yuri you are a man-child
>you are mature only if you like hetshit
Fuck off back to your board, hetfag.
I wish Iruma would write yuri in a post-apocalipse world.
You mean besides this one?
The more the better
>purityfags crying about nothing again
>slutfags being sluts again
Has anyone read this https://kakuyomu.jp/works/16818093082222960317
The two protagonist are the girls posted, drawn by the author
Translation of the summary: This is a story about two high school girls who flirt with each other while battling it out with down-to-earth robots. It's a yuri mecha battle. They beat up SF machines and ancient weapons with mounted weapons powered by diesel engines and hydraulic drives. (Updated every other day)
Their pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/30438161
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Someone spoil volume 6 of Watanare for me: Do Kaho and Satsuki start dating? The end of volume five almost seemed like it was hinting at it.
Nope. I was also expecting a little more with those two after that scene.
V6 from what I heard is mostly about Renako, her bullying trauma and Haruna
You'll get to know that in V8, when the sisters are finally done with their shit in V7.
Not yet, but thanks for giving the heads up, because you can't even imagine how much this is my kind of jam. So much in fact, that if it's actually decent, I'll probably even translate it.
新しくできたお姉さんは、百合というのが好きみたい (電撃文庫)
安達としまむらSS2 (電撃文庫)
安達としまむら12 (電撃文庫)
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I didn't see any comment about YuriTama 4, did everyone dislike it as much as I did?
Definitely the worst volume until now, it managed to be worse than the previous volumes for both writing and story.
I save Koganezaki calling out authors who build up triangles and harems and then don't have the courage to make the MC choose a girl and Koganezaki's past.
The bath scene and Yotsuba's discourse to the class were cringe af. Also, did it backpedalled the sex in the third volume? Yotsuba said they showed their naked body to each other because that's what lovers do and then when she rubbed Koganezaki's boobs she said she haven't done it to her girlfriends yet. The girlfriends who spent with her a total amount of maybe 8 pages out of 300.
I also hate how hard the author is trying to make Koganezaki fall for Yotsuba too. What was the point of introducing her with Ema, the onee-sama thing, and then not making them a couple?
>"maybe if I knew Yotsuba in middle school it wouldn't have been so bad"
>Ema who stayed by her side the whole time: "I guess I'll go fuck myself"
The colour illustrations in the beginning are all very nice, but the black and white ones inside the volume are all solo pics, such a waste of art.

>AdaShima SS2
>AdaShima 12 (not final)
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all that setup and no pet play is the real crime in that series
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i hope there's some in the second volume
Voting ends in about 25 hours. Am I forgetting any particularly compelling options besides these?


週に一度クラスメイトを買う話 ~ふたりの時間、言い訳の五千円~




ふつおたはいりません! ~崖っぷち声優、ラジオで人生リスタート!~




処刑少女の生きる道 ―星に願いを、花に祈りを―


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Holy shit. Was it implied that Chiki targeted Hino from Adachi to Shimamura?
do I have to fill the male characters?
You have to fill out all five series slots, but the rest is optional.
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Good news, but it would have been kind of funny to end Ubaware right there.
Is Ubaware doing a mostly 1:1 adaptation of the web or are things different?
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Will it happen this volume?
Finally. I can't wait to see the excuse they'll come up with to pretend they aren't in love with each other.
Kobayashi Kotei's crossdressing girls LN getting second volume
Also Carneades getting third volume
Amazon keeps shilling a book series about a villainess who becomes an adventurer at me and I had nothing else to read so I read the sample, and while it didn't seem yuri friendly it was at least interesting enough that i checked out what else the author had wrote, and she also has another series called Lily Clairet about a girl who is forced into joining her school's defunct journalism club and solves mysteries around the school. I read the first book today and it's one of the most weeb things I have ever read. The MC is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl with a Western name who goes to a Japanese high school and is doted upon by her friend who makes her meals and hair accessories and it's so weeb that her school even has a cherry blossom tree in front of the gate and one of her classmates is a school idol. All of the characters are pretty much introduced immediately, although their personalities are unique enough that it's easy to remember who is who but they all occupy an established character type, like the genki girl, the sugary-sweet nice girl, etc. Some comment on amazon compared the book to the monogatari series and I don't read het shit so I don't know if that's an apt comparison, but the mystery in this book was completely non-supernatural in nature and I think the monogatari series deals with werewolves and things like that so I suppose it's only similar in that there's a mystery involved. The author puts in a reference to Epic Fail Guy which might actually be the dumbest thing I have ever read in a book. There's no het but the only scrap of yuri is when the timid class rep character reveals that she has a bit of a yandere obsession with the school idol character, but it's towards the end of the book and I'm interested enough to see if the author does anything with it in later volumes. In true LN fashion, it does contain illustrations, and they're about the level of what you'd see from an above-average pixiv artist.

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