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A thread about all things Heaven Burns Red!
https://hbr.quest/schedule (English database for event schedules, styles & enemy stats etc.)
HBR play order for beginners (made by /u/ anons) https://pst.innomi.net/paste/6d4khf6evtuk766rcrakan2h
All SheIsLegend songs full versions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIr2ayXySvD5RjLRZORDzg

Main Story subbed by defenselessperson (Chapter 1 & 2): https://youtu.be/iYgk2QsNu74
Main Story and Event Stories subbed by FLEreverse (Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 + Mari, Ichigo, Kura, Iroha events + AB collabs + Bond episodes) https://www.youtube.com/@seraph1305
U140 event subbed: https://youtu.be/KUVLZCdk4I0
Angel Beats collaborations subbed:
AB1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByYXX6Mgtjk
AB2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVZkTeZsqqI

Previous thread >>4210210
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Time for another Heaven Burns Thread, where you get ready for summer and another totally-not-traumatizing swimsuit event!

The wedding styles have come and were surprisingly painless this year. Sharo's is even downright yuri friendly.

The summer event is right around the corner and there is some speculation on what it will actually be about. The requirement seems to be finishing chapter 4 Part 2, so whoever is still behind, get on that!

It's also Ruka's birthday today, so please give some applause to the best real not self-insert female protagonist in gacha. All hail the Queen!
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This artist inserted RukaYukki into the scenario of KOMACHI VAMPIRE
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For those who weren't there last thread, I added the paste for the play order to the OP. But it's a work in progress, I still have to add a lot of Memory Episodes to it. But for events and story chapters, there are two routes that are suggested to play.
Route 1: Chronological release order.
Route 2: Thematic play order.

Both have their pros and cons and they are just suggestions.
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Do we have a consensus?
Anon, you do know you can just download the file and don't have to screenshot it, right?
For some reason downloading was fucked. One long strip fucked.
Oof. Well I disagree with some of your picks and it would be too long to point them all out, so I will just make my own list in response!
With blackjack and hookers!
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Forget the hookers.
My only regret is that Perfect Dreamer Yotsuha doesn't look any different, so I couldn't give her a separate spot at the top.
Let's see.
Well, according to your classification she would be "Gym". In fact she is worse than Seika in that regard.
I was thinking to give her something other than Top, but to be fair the only time she doesn't qualify is when Ichiko involved. Otherwise no doubt.
>Yuina not bottom
That Yuina who is immediately thrown into panic mode whenever something sexual comes up?
The most difficult to classify. She is definitely on the stronger side but two things: 1) She wouldn't mind being toped by dumbkasa (only her), sadly it is a long way to go. 2) If she is THAT powerful why would she need Karen-chan? Therefore in my list she was lowered.
Probably could have been even bottom, but somehow she always end up in situations when she is forced to top.
> Wakki
>Something lower than Switch.
She is the most chill person in the base. Can play both roles.
That Karen-chan? The one Awakened! Tsukasa was asking if she is gonna rape her? If anything she is Over the Top tier.
The mom has "mommy" aspect.
After ch.5 I'm not sure if she qualifies as Bottom any more.
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Nani the fuck is that? I put her into top, because she is awkward, but would try to earnestly please Kura. Like she is a top, because she thinks that's her job, but she isn't especially aggressively top.
She is a glass cannon. As much as she flirts with girls, when she gets even slight pushback she becomes brittle. And of course with Ichiko she is just putty.
I think the issue Yuina has is that she needs mental prep. But with mental prep she can do almost anything. Basically it depends more on her partner. By default I'd also put her in bottom, but I think she can go the extra mile. Not confident enough to be a power bottom tho.
She needs Karen-chan to get rid of stuff that she doesn't like. In the bedroom she would 100% show her true power. I don't object to her letting dumbkasa have a shot at topping, but she would then be a power bottom, so we end up with a superstate between power top and power bottom. That is a bit beyond just being a switch.
Meanwhile Karen-chan is all bark and no bite. She is only a power bottom because she wouild refuse to be passive. When Tsukasa talked about being raped by Karen-chan that was her purposely needling her on, but there is no way she would ever do it.
>Wakki below switch
Wakki's ego is a castl build on sand. She would act all high and mighty and then get topped anyway.
She absolutely would always let every girl top her, but she has the stamina and investment to power bottom. The only way I see her topping is if her partner was a really shy girl that needed coaxing, but even then she would just let her explore things slowly. A guiding bottom.
She literally explodes or crumbles each time Ruka slightly flirts with her. She would be screaming the entire time while Ruka dominates her. Which is funny because Ruka is clearly a switch.
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Looks like the global version is finally coming
Not too sure we can take this seriously yet. It's completely locked off, so there is no proof of any connection. And at best if this was actually a legit account it might just be WFS making sure they got the name locked down.
>Heaven Burns Red Official EN
This account's name being like that is a bit fishy. First, they don't have to write it at all right now, instead of leaving some fake random name like everyone usually do. Second, WFS usually just use the game name for their non-JP twitter accounts, If you look at KR and TW
>緋染天空 Heaven Burns Red
>헤븐 번즈 레드
it's just Heaven Burns Red, not Heaven Burns Red Official TW/KR.
While it's possible that this is real and the EN branch is just retarded, I'd wait for the official announcement before expecting anything.
Between ass lily, uma, and now potentially this I wonder what is causing the globalization of 2+ year games, especially when most of them fail. Well if this is official I'll be really curious to see how it launches. That and how they'll translate the untranslatable jokes
I don't think there's some trend, it's all case by case. In case of hbr, it wouldn't be surprising to see them go EN because
1. The game was likely initially supposed to have EN. When they announced the game 5 years ago, they promoted it in English as well, with very big implications that it was going to launch globally. Then the delay happened where they went dark and it was uncertain if the game was even alive or not(it was also combined with the covid shitshow) and when the it came back all the English marketing had completely disappeared.
2. WFS are known for bringing their popular games to the global market.
3. Key are also known for their popular VNs to the global market.
People have made the same arguments a year ago and two years ago. I just don't see what has changed. Did they really need over a year to deal with KR and TW?
>I just don't see what has changed.
I mean, who knows, it can be anything behind the scenes. Maybe they came up with a plan after studying how the KR and TW servers did. Maybe they have received a business proposal from some entity that makes it financially viable in their eyes. Maybe Tencent pushed for it after they made CN a thing. Maybe some exec who dreams of aping other games(the same one who was copying blue archive bunnies) noticed that star rail is doing well worldwide and was like "wait, why didn't we even try to bring our game there?" Maybe they also have the anime in the bag, and see it as an opportunity to expand.
Anyway, it's pointless to guess until we know it's actually real and not someone doing a little trolling.
You could say the same about the CN version
Not really. Due to the Taiwan version they already got it all translated to Chinese anyway. All they have to do for the CN version is censor the shit out of the game so daddy Xing Pooh bear doesn't get angry. Fuck the CN version though. They shouldn't cater to these disgusting anti-yuri fuckers.
Al MTL is becoming increasingly more attractive
>untranslatable jokes
best case scenario, they'll be replaced with western puns, like in any other media that features "untranslateable" nippon wordplay
>For Maeda
It'll be DOA if that's the case. I'll take a shitty localization anyday over AI on Maeda's dialouge. Besides WFS has their own in-house localization team anyway and I'm pretty sure some of their other EN games are on their way to EOS
>best case scenario, they'll be replaced with western puns
I don't how they are going to replace the Tenne name gag without losing 100% of the original context and making the voice and text mismatched
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Nothing got censored so far. We'll see with the official release in July 17. If the NA release is real, coinciding it with half anni like what CN seems to be doing would make sense. Though at this point with no official marketing and news, a 3rd anni global release seems way more likely.
>Besides WFS has their own in-house localization team
On top of that Key has experience localizing lengthy text monster VNs fairly accurately. I played the official release of Little Busters EX back in the day and it wasn't noticably worse than the fan translation.
Now sure, HBR already surpasses the word count of any Key VN by a factor of 10, but so do the budget and amount of hands.

Those are trifles anon. They can be played off as crass jokes even by Chinaland. Unless they didn't censor Kura confessing her love for Tsukishiro or Shiki talking about fucking girls in her room and some other more stand-out stuff I have my doubts.
Also if we EVER make it to the damn kiss CG, Chinaland will censor it.
I didn't know but apparently HBR has a card collab with WeissSchwaz? It seems the A-san and Mari cards have huge synergy too. They know about Amari.
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>I didn't know but apparently HBR has a card collab with WeissSchwaz?
Yes, they announced the 2nd collab some time ago. Megutama have a synergy effect as well.
Apparently people have also found a new HBR en facebook account, so it might actually be real (or someone is putting effort into trolling).
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Yuri Day didn't give as many fanarts as I had hoped.
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Y'know I usually really hate games/series that create a lot of flimsy ship opportunities and make mutually exclusive pairings. It's why I hate Yuru Yuri as a yuri manga. In the pursuit of creating potential ships between everyone the actual yuri just never happened.

But I don't especially feel this way about HBR. Sure Maeda does a bunch of contradictory ship teases. Higumin gets shipped with Yukki, but also Ichigo, who was already crushing on Aoi. But Yukki is promised to Ruka, who also has a ship with Yuina and Sharo. But Yuina has a ship with Miya, yet Miya also gets shiptease with Ruka. It's all a big fat mass.
The thing is though, you can tell which ships are more solid. And to me this is just a way to make the overall game more gay. Yes, it is impossible that RukaMiya is ever going to happen, but the fact that Miya is a gay mess who will be attracted to hot girls and be seduced makes her more of an all-around lebian rather than just part of a ship.

At least I think that's what Maeda is going for. Most other writers tend to focus on actual conventional ships in the game.
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To elaborate: Compare A-san and Mari to Miya or Yukki.

A-san and Mari have their Amari ship which is really nice, but as characters is there actually any hint to them being into girls? Not especially, right?
Meanwhile Miya has the hots for several girls and specifically shows sexual attraction and points out which features she likes. Yukki had that convo with Ruka where she made clear she had no interest in men. She also had some strong reactions to potentially kissing Yuina in the king's game. Even though she is heteronormative sometimes, you can tell she likes girls.
She does have that implied crush on Yuki. But that also started from Mari's event, aka a Maeda written plot.
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They're doing the bait gacha before the half-anni month.
>hair buns
Wakki or Yunxia again?
>that sword
Seems really familiar. Inori?
Cool sword (I assume), hair length to make buns of that size and the cooler pose makes me think of Megumi or Yuina, but it's most likely not them. Maybe Maki? People on twitter say Yunyun, but will they really give her an SS4 before Karen?
The sword is too thin to be Maki's broadsword. It has to be a normal sword user or it can be Yunyun's folded fan sword
I looked at Inori's sword and this isn't exactly the same, but her SS2 also has a different sword shape and Yuina's SS3 is literally using a lance like a sword, so it doesn't actually work as a good indicator anyway.

Overall our only options due to normal sword are: Tama, Yuina, Yunxia, Sumomo, Fubuki, Inori, A-san and Niina.
I'm relatively sure is not Tama, becuase the physique doesn't fit. The hair is also really short for Yuina or A-san, even with the bun.
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Out of the 8 only these 4 have swords hilts that are actually unusually long in their styles. Though admittedly Yuina's and Niina's are usually more sword guard than hilt in SS1.
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There's something on the right. To be honest, my yuri-damaged brain says it looks like a 2nd girl, but it's probably just some item combined with jpg artifacts.
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Oh. It's most likely not a sword, but a scythe. In that case it's even more likely to be Wakki, especilly with the half-moon theme.
Just realized that's 2 persons silhouettes.
It looks like Utena's reference, might be Yuina and Miya.
I dunno if that really looks like a scythe. Is there even a scythe user with such a chipped toothy scythe? Can't be Wakki because she has a pizza cutter scythe.
Doesn't she have the hair vent thingy? If you look closely, you can see the bump. So if it's a normal sword, it's most likely Yuina. If it's a weird looking big sword, then Megumi and Monaka are also an option
I think it might be Shiki. But not unison, just with random faceless mob number who cares. Hair does look like something not too dissimilar from her usual hairdo. The only thing that bothers is the scythe's handle. That 's not how you hold it and it looks like more of a sword stuff.
Yes, I can see how this could work. I don't know if a solo Shiki banner would bring them much money, though, if you want to bait on a week between two banners right before the anniversary, you need something strong.
I don't see it at all. She has a ribbon.

That would be the first time an SS style has another character in it aside from the unison style.

Why would you think it's solo? They are gonna show off the second character tomorrow as usual.
>has another character
It's for art only.
>They are gonna show off the second character tomorrow as usual.
The stream is tomorrow.
Irrelevant. Like I said, that would be the first time that ever happened.

Yeah... in the evening by Japanese timezone. They post the second one in the morning-noon timeline.
From a gameplay and popularity angle, I'd have to guess either Yuina or Inori based on the sword looking thing. Orb boss level 4 is coming out on the same day so they'd probably want to release the fire or ice res negaters. If it's a unison style, it could even be both.
I don't think it's Inori because the handle doesn't feel like a katana. For Megumi, it doesn't seem to have the back handle that she uses in her normal stance, it's probably a normal sword.
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Well, this part could be used as a handle, I guess, but it looks too small, at least from the silhouette, feels more like the usual random shit they slap on swords.
I assume you like Toji no Miko?
Keep doing what you're doing sis, the world needs it.
Inori's sword also doesn't look like a katana in general though as you can see here >>4241292

Did you post in the wrong thread or something?
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I see more and more people say it might really be Shiki. Though the direction of the scythe varies a lot between interpretations.
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While we wait to be surprised by this new style, here is my ranking of all the styles till this point, entirely based on visuals and not numberfagging.
If anyone wonders why all the AB styles are in that category, if you are interested in characters from another series enough to want them in another game where they don't belong you must be a waifufag. Also aside from Hisako they are all het and were made to be waifus for the male protag in the VN.
>pirate Aina
I had this weird realization that if they used that theme as a "cool pirate lady" with Ichigo, Monaka, Megumi, or, I don't know, Maria, I probably would have been all over it, even if it was random shit for them. But on Aina, it feels like just another random Halloween costume style, even if it fits her character.
She has the whole maritime theme of course, but it looks like such lazy cosplay on her. Not even saying the style is badly made or animated, but it has major cosplay vibes. She just doesn't live the role.
>just with random faceless mob number who cares
If we think of something less unconventional, could she just use a statue as a prop? If it's Shiki, such a theatrical presentation would suit her.
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Another artist's interpretation.
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This artist really thinks they would release swimsuit Megumi before the swimsuit event? I still insist that her giant fucking broadsword doesn't fit into this picture.
If this is a single pickup (which it's looking like it will be), I hope they finally do something about the single pickup rate. It's ridiculous that your chances of getting a rate-up SS is halved if there's only 1 new character. Either
>increase the pickup rate if it's single
>limit single pickups to unisons and maybe collabs only with all previous unisons and collabs in the pool
>spilt the other .75% with is usually delegated to the second new style into maybe .25% each for 3 recentish styles to be on soft pickup alongside the new style
All solo pickups this year have been either collab, unison, or just broken so I guess they are learning, but the 0.75% still feels brutal
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I'd be pretty surprised if they aren't relying on Yuina to give them a boost from the May and June dip. Maybe they are just that confident in July, but who knows, they could give Shiki something broken to boost numbers too
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I never thought I could be disappointed by the unison choice, but somehow they manage to pick the one that makes me go "really"?
So they didn't forget Ruka's birthday...
The skills are +50% HP aoe ice attack(3x40 multi if plus turn) / weaker aoe ice attack with medium destruction rate but without any other effects, pretty basic.
Another unison style where the ults are pointless and the transferable skill is the interesting one

Also, why the fuck isn't unison ruka part of the pool?
>Also, why the fuck isn't unison ruka part of the pool?
I'm afraid it might be treated the same way as AB, where we get a rerun once a year or so. Also, I didn't think about it, but if you missed King Ruka for any reason (was busy at the time, had no resources, didn't get lucky without spark, started the game recently), then the latest Ruka's style available to you is 1.5 years old.
Yeah it's also terrible gameplaywise where if they had strong ults, you can make the argument that they'll eventually be powercrept or they'll be sufficient sidegrades, but with them having good general skills, you'll be missing mind's eye on Ruka and aoe extra turn on Yuina until their rerun.
>RukaYui getting this while RukaYuki don't even touch in their unison.
Are we sure that they're not planning to go the pandering route with no ship ever becoming canon? Even with the ult animation, the RukaYuki unison isn't romantic at all compared to this.
I'm sure the animation doesn't mean anything and is just there for eyecandy and fanservice, but... it would be really sly if it was in-your-face foreshadowing
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New social inequality tier list, Karen edition.
So it was Yuina's sword. I did think it was possible. I just didn't expect it to be an actual unison style. Also with RUKA. That is just... wow.
What is the theme here? Ruka looks like a bartender and Yuina is wearing a gala dress? They have the same type of swords too, which is interesting.

No cap, I don't care. This is clearly another yuri friendly style and I'm for it. Even if I prefered if it wasn't Ruka again.
Counting Free SS Ruka is a crime and you should feel bad.
They are different concepts. RukaYukki is about them being of different standing, but have unshakable trust in each other. King and knight. It has its own appeal.
It seems this RukaYui style is more about the sensual opposites clashing thing, while still being partners.

I just don't get why they didn't do YuiMiya. Would not have fit the theme I guess?
WFS usually count it as a normal style in their marketing materials, I don't see why I shouldn't. And it being shit is not a strong argument, there are several gacha SS1 styles that are just as shit.
It's funny that I just talked about it yesterday. >>4241254
Obviously gacha and story are mostly unrelated, but just as I said about Maeda's writing, I think more ships is still fine if there is a canon ship. It just makes the game more yuri.
It's not part of the gacha. You get it for free for doing missions. It's a beginner's crutch and has absolutely no bearing on the gacha pool or the game in general. It just exists as an extra ult to transfer to an actual Ruka style.
WGF counting it is just artificially inflating numbers to gloss over the fact that the actual portagonist of the game didn't have as many styles as her own team mates.
It's still an additional SS style she gets that other character don't, you can't just pretend it doesn't exist when you count the styles. Some less popular character fans would've killed for having another style like that over getting nothing in 2 years.
>I just don't get why they didn't do YuiMiya. Would not have fit the theme I guess?
You need to separate the art team, who did the best they could with what they were given, from the sales team. From the sales team's perspective, it's just pure money maxing. Limited style for the most popular character and the partner is the popular main character. If they were thinking about pairings, we would have gone through 3-5 other pairings before we even touched Yuina's.
Literally everyone except WFS calls Free Ruka SS0. It doesn't count for her actual SS style list, because it is just a glorified S style.
It's just a leftover of the early game where getting SS styles was actually rare and you needed that minimal boost. These days she wouldn't even be considered a real SS style.
I just don't yuimiya has advanced to this stage in their relationship yet. If this were to be for them at this current moment, it'd have to be a Miya style as her fantasy
I have a strange feeling that one of the future 31A unisons will be character x Ruka instead of their actual pairing.
It'd be disappointing, but also kinda funny if all 1st wave unisons are with Ruka because technically she was told to interact with the entire seraph brigade and these unisons can be representative of their bond episode. But I mean there's no way they would do this, right?
I just think about it and it's like
Karen x Ruka - She is Legend themed unison, makes sense.
Tama x Ruka - Waku waku time, makes sense.
Megumi x Ruka - 2 ikemen girls unison, makes sense after 4 and 5.1.
Tsukasa x Ruka is the only one I have a hard time imagining, even though Ruka helps her a lot.
Then you look at other characters and it's like... Aoi? Ruka! Wakki? Why not Ruka? Sharo? Ruka, of course.
That's just dumb. Yeah Ruka has connections to every character in the game, but they bonds are not all equal. Yuina is special, just like Yukki.
31A will obviously go with the established pairs. Nobody wants a RukaTsukasa style or a RukaTama style. MeguTama and KareTsuka are the obvious picks that actually resonate.
Yeah totally, it's not like she has one of the most established pairings in the game (regadless of romance) and one of the first ever pair styles with her. Stop being dumb. If Wakki ever gets one it will be WakkiBungo.
The next resistance removal is ice, right? With dark they first gave it some toys(permanent debuffs and field), then unison, then the actual removal. Ice recently got some toys, and now it's getting the unison.
Seriously, I was not planning to get spoiled but wow all my disappointment after the wedding style continued but it's worse for some reason.
Really hoping for YuiMiya Yunison but instead of getting the pandering pair one, who's this gacha for anyways???
Planning to open my wallet x2 for YuiMiya but not interested anymore.
>does a normal style
I'm disappointed!
>does a waifu style
I'm disappointed!
>does a yuri friendly style
I'm disappointed!

Maybe you need to do something about your expectations. Like what the fuck were you expecting from the wedding styles, THE number one waifufag option? We were spoiled with Sharo's style actually not being waifufaggy.
As for ships you don't care about... that's your problem? There is plenty of support for RukaYui in the actual game. It's not an unestablished or random ship. I honestly prefer it over RukaYukki 9/10 times.
>but it's worse for some reason.
To me it just feels like a soulless solo character popularity money-based pick rather than them thinking about what pairs people would actually like to get the most. Just picked 2 of the most popular characters, put it in the most inconvenient spot(right after the popular theme banner, right before the new event banner, 3 weeks before the anni banner) to maximize the profits at the end of a fiscal quarter
At least it's still yuri and not waifufag shit, so I can't be too bothered about it.
Nobody cares much anymore, because of the lingering threat of absorb existing.

If I can res remove, I take dark or thunder. If I can't, then we gotta play on element anyways. The ice style would need to be really good to make me reconsider. To be fair, both Tsukasa (OD build) and Sharo (sp+) are really good. But if for example that style would need this new limited to really work, I'd be out immediately.
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The fact that Yuina and Aoi were still at SS3 before this despite their popularity always proved to me that they prefer to use them tactically. That doesn't mean they didn't plan this long ahead of time.
Calling it soulless just because the characters are popular or they want to make money is also dumb. RukaYukki unison was the same thing and nobody here considered that a soulless idea.
Genuinely, there are just people who like RukaYui.
RukaYuki is the main pair of the game, RukaYui is just a random side ship. While there are people who like RukaYui, it's being a 2nd unison before KareTsuka, MeguTama, IchiAoi, MonaKura, WakkiBungo etc. is just stupid, it's a pick based on Yuina's popularity as a solo character.
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If it was just based on Yuina's popularity, they wouldn't have had any issue pairing her with Miya. After all if it's all about Yuina, then the partner doesn't matter.

Personally I think they have to do Yuina related stuff over the next year, because they are going to cash in her death flag in 5.3. So there is still plenty of time for them to do something YuiMiya related.
I for one am ecstatic about all the new RukaYui art this will spawn.
I have sworn a solemn oath to roll for any yuri style an I ain't gonna stop now.
>If it was just based on Yuina's popularity, they wouldn't have had any issue pairing her with Miya. After all if it's all about Yuina, then the partner doesn't matter.
But Ruka is more popular than Miya, so if we're min-maxing the solo character popularity, she's the more optimal choice.
You are the one who said it's just about Yuina, just about her as a solo character. Now you admit that Ruka is a more popular pick. Have you considered that on average people just prefer RukaYui to YuiMiya?

It's actually kind of weird, because I see a lot more Miya waifufags than Ruka waifufags. Ruka is popular, but not in the same way waifu characters are.
Yuina on the other hand is absolutely waifu material. So doing a yuri style with Yuina or Miya in general is very much a risk. Ruka seems more compatible for this kind of thing and is safer maybe. Many sweaty otakus still prefer protag to get all the girls, because of inherent dating sim brainrot.
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Not a fan myself but RukaYui actually has a decent amount of following, mostly due to Yuina's popularity. Can't be too mad considering the amount of YukkiRuka content they dumped a while ago. They can make it up to me by giving Yukki a unison style with Seika and more jealous Ruka antics.
>You are the one who said it's just about Yuina, just about her as a solo character. Now you admit that Ruka is a more popular pick
You didn't get the point. The point is that they don't plan this unison with yurifags being first in their mind. If they wanted to make money off of yurifags, they would pick more popular, more beloved pairings instead while unisons are still fresh, Yuina wouldn't be the first choice there, not even close. Even if they chose Yuina, her partner would most likely be Miya instead. But they're building it around the idea of making money of Yuina as a popular character, the same way they would plan a non-unison banner, so she gets it, then they see what her pairing options are and pick the most popular character. That's why it feels soulless to some people.
I am really curious to hear what the official explanation for this banner placement will be. Because it's the most blatant bait before the anni banner they've ever done.
Starting soon.
Why do they need an explanation though? They just release styles whenever. Do you think anybody goes to any other gacha game and asks why they released random banners at some points?
They've positioned unison as a very special thing, and it's also limited, so I'm sure they'll have some sort of reasoning for why exactly they're dropping it on a random week.
Tsukasa's VA actually dyed her hair blond lol
Okay, the explanation is that "2.5 celebration will start tomorrow".
-_-. I kinda admire yuri for it's a genre that exists primarily by the passion of artists. Can't help but dread that if it wasn't for Maeda HBR would have been another shitty het harem gacha though. Probably dead in half-year.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm skipping the unison.

>bait before the anni
I wonder what's so good about next styles if THAT is a bait. Karen and Megumi swimsuits + someone from 31C was obvious for almost a year now, nothing unusual. How can half-ani even beat that? Resist shred on some barely passing censorship and decency style?
>Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm skipping the unison.
I'll skip it too, the pairing is ok, but I'm not super excited about it, and gameplay-wise it seems like the Christmas Misarin I got on some random pull is just as good.
I guess this is the /vmg/ side of the fandom talking above. Having rhe luxury to say that you won't pull yuri just because it's not your prefered pairing is a good sign though I guess.
I'm not obligated to care about every single pairing in the game.
No, but in most garbage gacha waifufag trash, every yuri pairing is so rare and uncatered to that a real yuri fan has to jump at it. HBR having so many healthy pairings that players genuinely believe will get support proves we're pretty well off.
I don't like this pick, I don't want to jump on it. I'm not obligated to spend my precious resources on it. Stop being weird.
Apparently you also don't need to learn how to read or want to understand human communication. Guess you'll not stop being weird.
I like how they present the absorption as "we're letting players play a lot of elements" and not as "we kinda fucked up and need to nerf it".
I think it's about the new orb allowing you to passively level character not in your party. So you can get orb skills for other elements.
I'm sorry, I read your last post with my ass while paying more attention to what they said on the stream. You're not wrong.
They will buff 5 old styles around the half-anni. Didn't specify which ones.
Buff how? I assume they don't mean the "personal skill" mechanic they mentioned before. And they won't be adding 5 girls to the tower.
As I understand, it's just straight buff, without any bullshit. We'll see later.
That's not it. If it was say HiguIchi I would have eaten it without a second thought even if I prefer AoIchi and HiguKoju. The problem is that they treat Ruka as a shitty POV self-insert. (she isn't) Anyway enjoy your Christmas SharoRuka and 3rd anniversary AoRuka. (they just don't want to leave any yuri pairing behind r-r-right?).

Something interesting meanwhile: the next score attack features Yuina and Tezuka... bow Tezuka. What, wasn't her seraph a spear? They didn't do it just because, right? It would be a waste of effort. What implications does it have for the main story? Tezuka has even more special powers than Ruka? Does she summon seraphs of fallen comrades? Maybe she was never a human but some experimental amalgamation?
Why not? Instead of trash mobs they can have a girl per floor
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>>4242104 (Me)
The way Shimoda was emphasizing the half-anni starting from tomorrow, and not from the half-anni event, I started to wonder if the anons' assumption that the first event would be the swimsuit one had merit.
You are such a disingenious doomposter. Tiresome.

I guess. But would they announce this as a buff specifically?
That's her spear...
Yukki's VA acting jealous is peak tho.
This unison style isn't double element? Then what's the second mode?
I think they said they are going to just straight up improve them. Like how the games normally buff things. And these 5 are the first, maybe more in the future.
Very basic blaster. like release-tier one
Wait what? An extra turn for the entire vanguard?? Also multihit for herself.
Say what you want, but the designs are stunning. Ruka and Yuina are dripped out of their minds.
>putting ice Miya next to RukaYui
This is some sick game.
It's the same as realizing that the best Ruka to use with bride Sharo is her unison with Yuki.
The blaster mode looks so weak.
It's a 7 SP move that does about as much destruction rate as most normal blasters. I think that's a nice side-option to have. Considering her 14SP ult is basically a normal ice attacker attack but with self-multihit this is more or less an A-san lite, with more flexibility. Kinda what unisons seem to be about. Reliable, not broken. Universally decent.
But that free extra vanguard turn is sick.
It was like 60% DR, what kind of A-san do you use.
I was comparing the 14SP ult to A-san because of multihit and damage. Not for destruction rate.
Tsukasa VA also teased like some ebin shit will happen on the next week's stream. I didn't believe it during the previous thread discussion, but I think it's a possibility now.
Yuina's homescreen lines are so funny considering how in chapter 5.1, she consoles Yukki that there's nothing going on between her and Ruka and even asks Ruka to stop clinging onto her and making Yukki jealous and anxious lmao.
This style is good if you like the pandering it's going for but I would have preferred something that incorporated their actual dynamic of Yuina being Ruka's mentor figure. What made the RukaYuki unison so appealing to me was how it really illustrated their dynamic and wasn't some random Prince/Princess style, and that felt very much like the type of yuri HBR usually sells. Sure, there are gachas who don't do even this much but that's why I don't play them.
Might roll regardless since I want Ruka and they confirmed that this is the only 2.5th anniv unison but let's see.
>in chapter 5.1, she consoles Yukki that there's nothing going on between her and Ruka and even asks Ruka to stop clinging onto her and making Yukki jealous
What are you talking about...? When is this supposed to have happened? Are you talking about their conversation during the impromptu training session before the final mission if you picked Yuina? I remember nothing about jealousy or Yuina saying Ruka shouldn't cling to her.

Is this like a difference depending on whether you chose to ask Yuina for advice?
No, it turns out it wasn't actually a bait, they just decided to start the half-anni period in June for some reason. Maybe because a bunch of other gachas have it in August, so they decided to distance themselves from them. So this is out first half-anni banner.
Yes, there's a difference. You trigger a convo during the training session and on day15 when Ruka meets Yuina.
This means this is an optional convo string that many will never see. And it happens because Ruka chose NOT to share her troubles with Yuina? Sounds to me like the typical dating sim logic of not having enough events/points to former a closer bond.

Basically a player who believes Ruka would confide in Yuina believes they are closer than someone who would reject her. Making both interpretations somewhat possible.
I really loved the diverging paths and options in chapter 5. Reminded me a little of the insane variety of outcomes in chapter 1 and 2's conversations and running gags. I only wish Tsukishiro was an option, because she definitely would want to save someone close to not have a repeat of the Kura situation.
Their reasoning for not allowing Tsukishiro or Sugawara was very flimsy.
The interpretations aren't contradictory though. If Ruka chooses not to share, the convo appears because they have nothing else to talk about during the training session. It's not like Yuina would go "Ruka is mine" after seeing how anxious Yukki is. That's Sharo's job. She simply didn't get to hear Yukki ask her about her relationship with Ruka. The comparison with a dating sim fails since it's not like Ruka's relationship with Yuina is going to be massively affected because of this one option. There's only one true route.
The easiest thing to do is of course, pretend that this style is simply set into an alternative universe where RukaYui is the big pairing. I'm just saying that it doesn't have much to do with their canon dynamic.
I was just alluding to dating sim logic, not saying that this somehow will make them lovers down the line. I don't need any of that when Yuina's event and Swimsuit 2 ship them harder than is normal for a gag anyway. I know Yuina has a secret crush on Ruka.

However, yes, there is a strong difference in how Yuina acts depending on this choice, which tells me that they are mutually exclusive. There is just no hint of Yuina feeling like Ruka is too clingy in the confide route. Instead she seems to think way more about Ruka, like she usually does in her events/bonds.
I feel like cold Yuina who is overly concerned with supporting Yukki's relationship with Ruka is a bit OOC.

Also you can't say there aren't different mutually exclusive outcomes if you can literally pick between three different companions. I doubt it will come up a lot, but surely there will be some follow up convo that acknowledges your choice in 5.2 and beyond.
Speaking of completely random details everyone would miss. Did you know that during fights where Tsukasa is awakened there is a chance that a DP break literally knocks her out of awakening for a second.
That or they just accidentally left a voiceline in.
I kinda don't like how they make unisons full cosplay with the acting and all. RukaYuki one still had the similar dynamic to the canon, but this one feels a bit weird.
I dunno King Ruka was really going full theater. And I liked that.
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The time of simple ships has ended. The era of cucking has begun.
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Imagine having unison Ruka, unison Yuina and regular Yukki in the same party. Everyone is jumping around switching outfits all day lol
A lot of people on twitter seem to think that they will buff Inori SS2 since they released her elementless last year in the environment where elementless is shit and then she never got any support. I wonder if they could do things like increase perma debuff uses, that would be a "buff" without radically changing anything.
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They expanded a bit about their elemental plans.
Basically, initially the idea was that you build teams for every element.
Then they released the resistance removal + vulnerability creation and it turned into use one team for everything. I don't know why it wasn't obvious to them BEFORE they added it, but they realized they fucked up and needed to do something about it.
The new plan is that players can have one "main" element removal or crit pierce team that can do most of the random content, but there will be additional content where removal won't work, like the new absorption thing, so you're supposed to slowly build teams for each element still.
That's literally what I said was the problem with resistance removal from day 1.
I mean, it was obvious from day one when they added that Sharo, I don't know if they really didn't understand what they were creating or what. Like, they could have at least started with small effects, not just put everything in a neat package with negative sp casting as a bonus.
Lightning Sharo was without a doubt the most unfathomably broken version of this concept they could possibly have released. And that was how it started. It's funny how boht Slutkasa and ice Miya are actually far weaker and less broken.

That anon last thread who so aggressively argued against absorption or weakening the resistance removal really didn't get it al all. Even the devs finally understood now. You want to encourage making many different teams, not one-for-all killer squad.
Saw someone say that this half anni will have
>Unison banner(yurifag appeal)
>Swimsuit banner(waifufag appeal)
>Resistance removal banner(gameplayfag appeal)
and it actually makes a lot of sense when you put it like that.
If they are really smart they combine them all.
>Tsukasa weaker
In your dreams. I'd consider her BETTER than Sharo. A freakin 10 cost frontrow +5hit buff + weakness creation is beyond sick.
She's aoe suit Megumi and has nothing to do with this.

And I still say that having -95% (soon -100%) damage when you don't hit a weakness is retarded. Right now you have -60%. That's still more than in any other game. Sure if you can VASTLY overpower content, you can make it work. But is that really a problem then?

Regardless, this completely kills the appeal of actually building an element well, and these weakness creation styles, if there's ever one again. They have this kinda fever dream that people whale more because of this. But all they gotta do is make sure elements are EVEN. We've not had an actually good Blaster released since dark Adel.
Why do you think people suddenly don't care about hitting the right weakness anymore, when dark got weakness creation? It's not rocket science. If they are so adamant about not making Adel less broken by giving other chars a supporter that can do the same, then they don't have to be surprised bunny Tsukasa + Adel ends up dominating everything. She is STILL to this day the highest dark damage dealer in the game. Not even the Ruka unison could overtake her potential damage. The difference of a small and big hit buff.
Only if you hit the absorption element. Can you really not work around ONE element?
>this kills the appeal of building an element well
No retard, it raises the appeal of making good teams for EVERY element. Not to mention that styles like Irene SS2 might bring non-elementals back into the limelight.
I think it would have been nice if they had released the unison partner styles first, without giving any context that it will be in the unison, and then released the unison with them as partners. Right now these nice models for Yuki and now Ruka feel super wasted.
Why the hell do you want them to make 3 styles instead of one pair style? The complaints are getting freaking weirder every time. Unsions are good. Better than 2 seperate styles.
Not 3 styles, 2 styles. A unison like it is right now, but the partner also gets a normal style with the same model, so it's actually being used more and you can have the same pair on the field too.
How so? It would essentially be the next step up from the "paired but not really" gacha pairs, where one of the partners actually gets a duo ult and pairing art, and you also get the properly paired styles on the battlefield/in the squad menus/etc. Like when we got Snow White Yuki right before the unison earlier this year, that style was ok, but if she had her outfit from the unison instead, it would have been so nice.
Again, completely pointless shit. A waste of a slot and absolutely retarded if you think about it for more than 2 seconds. Decoupling a character from the couple style just so you can see the model more is brain damaged. It just means people would ask for the style to be split into two individual styles and reduce the yuri aspect more and more. The alternative would be to make two unisons of the same pair, which is equally retarded because that just unecessarily doubles collection and would also half the chance of getting who you want as the leading character.

On every level this is the dumbest thing you said in a while. Nobody cares about the fucking other style being on the field. If you wanna stare at it, open the damn menu and look at the model viewer. Like we need any more wasted styles.
I don't see a single reasonable argument, just a bunch of random heated shit talking. I hope you are doing ok, I will not bother to continue this.
You are the one who made no sensible argument and asked for something very, very dumb. That you don't see why is not surprising though.
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Probably a teaser of trailer of 5.2 comming next year.
I like how all the comments on YouTube is how Yuina cucked Yukki and Sharo
The ending for Yuina's memory is hilarious.
I know this isn't a place to brag, but I just can't believe this. Literally my first pull and I got the unison right away. I have some kind of insane luck with ice styles. When Miya/Lolita was on I got both of them in the same 10 pull first try too.

That's a relief. I hate limited time styles, but now I don't need to worry anymore. Hopefully the anniversary gives use something else pairing related.
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Is it just me or did the performance of the game tank after the update? I have so much more lag in normal fights.
What are they even planning to add during the actual anniversary if they start with this? It would be funny if the initial banner overshadowed the actual anni banners in its presence and performance.
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Basically the Yuina memory episode shows why she could never say the cool top dyke lines she does in her unison style, which is really hilarious.

But her cluelessly hitting on 31A was quite the sight. Tsukasa awakening in response to the psychic damage from so much gap moe was my favorite. The fact that Megumin didn't react beyond saying Yuina won the popularity poll proves yet again that she is a lolicon.

I appreciate that they didn't even show Miya's reaction in the end, but just showed the meteor destroying earth.
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No you don't understand. This unison style has the hardest lines I have seen in the entire game.
"Ruka, I want you."
"Checkmate Ruka. Now you can't get away."
"Ruka, tonight you are all mine. I won't let anyone else have you. I will do as I please."
"Lady Yuina, please do something so amazing that I won't be able to stand."
"How can she be so flighty? Maybe I should put a collar around her neck."
Hot damn...

Oh and this one is just hellish foreshadowing:
"Another revelation? "RukaYui village will go up in flames and only leave ashes." What the heck is that?"
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Meanwhile the number 1 Yaya in the game staring at the Unison banner says this... lol
I expect the two new CGs to be used in the main story lol
I didn't really get Karen-chan's gyoza line.
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I don't want to see the plot point that leads to this kind of catastrophe...
Any clip ?
That's Miya when she sees what Yuina is doing to Ruka
I could see it being used for a bad end
This artist is good, but every time I see their new HiguKoju pictures, I wonder if they live on a different plan of the universe and play a different HBR, where Higuchi and Kozue are two completely different characters.
Basically she says her breath smells bad right now so she can't kiss Yuina.

I tried looking, but I can't find any straightforward compilation. The only thing I could find was this Vtuber who rolled her going through the voicelines by the end of the stream, so you can hear at least most of them here.

What, is the Mother Cancer gonna explode all of Asia? What a sore loser!
Artists don't need much to get obssessed with a crackship. Most of the time it's literally just aesthetics. I mean you have to think about all those het games and anime that artists try to create yuri couples in. Nothing, not even direct confirmation that someone is het, will stop them.
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Miya takes her back. YuiMiya miko unison when?
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Because It's fucking on the surface. Just pick it with your bare hands. We have a mad(as in angry) scientist who is a brain of the team. Then in that team we have timid, weird girl yet she is diligent, competent assistant amidst a team of clowns. And they're happened to have similar themes - death. You can do so much with it, full romance yuri or not! But it remains in the "potential" phase. Despite both of them being well written characters. Yet YanaShiki was somehow memed into existance. Idk
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The entire theme of 31B is death. It's not just HiguKoju. And I think it's pretty obvious that Maeda gives more credence to HiguIchi than HiguKoju now. It's just a weird ship to cling to.
They are very much the typical masculine/handsome girl pair. Like two school princes at once. I think the Yanagi event made a good case for why those two actually gel well together though. Maybe a Shiki event will make a case for why Shiki would accept monogamy lol. MaruYana is also still just as viable as before.

Meanwhile the Koju event barely managed to show Higumin having a minor interest in seeing Koju as a comrade and her usual fervor for near death experiences. Zero capitalisation on Higumin caring about spirits, which she outright denies exist. Funny, considering she is the one who is convinced souls and karma are real. That would have been the one major reason for them to hang out and it's pushed aside.

To Higumin Koju is just a footnote. Someone to bully alongside the rest of 31B. Meanwhile Ichigo legitimately cracked her shell and has gotten all her (dubiously favorable) attention.
Ffs none of your points contradict my points. Yes, it has no basis in canon. No, the ship is older than Koju event so art was flowing long before it happened. Despite that the "initial position" so to speak had a potential for interesting dynamic. More interesting than "these two girls are handsome so I ship them". The thing is, it was never explored or used. No, I don't think it will ever be a thing.
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My point was that as time goes on the game simply went further and further away from any potential between HiguKoju to the point where saying they have potential now just makes almost no sense. So the only way to keep shipping them is to substitute reality with a fantasy where they are somehow different characters. Nobody has to do that for YanaShiki.

I barely agree that HiguKoju ever had real potential anyway. They were clearly paired, because they were the spares. IchiAo was too solid, Sumomo only care about Byakko... that left Higumin and Koju as the leftovers of 31B, so they just got shipped by some people.
I can probably make a BETTER pairing out of Ichiog and Koju than HiguKoju. Simply because Ichigo genuinely cares and shows the social understand/trust to make compromises for Koju. Even more because everyone in 31B shares the death theme, so an exploration for any combination based on that would work.
>I can probably make a BETTER pairing out of Ichiog and Koju
At that time Ichigo had her own ship.

So. "Why is HiguKoju still here?". Because of habit. Artists don't want to move on.
Why's this more active than /vmg/?
Because it's a yuri game. /vmg/ is more waifu leaning.
Aside from the obvious yuri posting angle, when /vmg/ threads were more active than they are now, they had 3 problems for me
1. Gameplay discussions were really annoying because a few people thought that only the characters/comps they played are good and everyone else are wrong, so it was unbearable to talk about many topics. Some of them are also in these threads, but we don't talk about the game as much there, so it doesn't get too bad.
2. You could very often be randomly ignored if you asked about some plot or non-game stuff because people just didn't feel like answering and didn't feel like having a discussion.
3. Typical video game boards doomposting being much more common.
So most people moved here, where people actually try to talk to each other more often than not. These threads also have some of these problems, but not nearly as much.
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We are pretty lucky that this is one of the calm /u/ threads where discussion of non-yuri related game stuff is tolerated too. I think everyone in this thread understands that if we only talked about yuri and not plot/mechanics/general info this thread would be pretty much just an image dump with an occasional exchange about a pairing getting some attention.

Also unlike /vmg/ we are allowed to post NSFW here, which is cool.
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>they can just freely quit the army
or was she secretly sent to the glue factory instead?
>takes photo of screen
What ancient barbarism is this?

Also congrats on beating chapter 4.1. It's not 100% clear, but I think Tezuka was genuine when she said that they let Seraph members retire in the dome sometimes. Although as you will see in the prologue of 4.2 it's not an easy process.
She wouldn't know.
95% chance ex-Seraph become lab rats.
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Poor Tezuka, nobody trusts her. Well after playing Interlude 1 you might have a reason to doubt her at least... She is in a pretty shitty situation.
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Can you really call yourself a power couple if you aren't ready to stab your hands together with a smile?
(I can only imagine the hell when Karerin and Dumbkasa wake up)
I've just realized. It has been quite a while since they gave old styles home screen animations. When was the last time they even did that?
I think the last time may have been the 2nd anniversary when they gave voice lines to the SS1s of Yurippe and Kanade. Before that... Christmas WakkiBungo? They clearly care only about recording for new styles.
Oh, we'll probably get the next even teaser later today (or tomorrow). I forgot about it with all this unison stuff.
The implication!

Isn't the next event supposed to come out on the 7th? Then they still have time. Wouldn't make sense to reveal it now.
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Whoa apparently they revealed on HBR radio segment that Risa's VA auditioned for Maria too. Can you imagine? Those are some polar opposite roles.
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On the 5th. They usually post these short preview vids with the MC of the event saying some line and sometimes with the logo of the event. But it doesn't seem to be today.
Pretty sure they usually put up a teaser on Wednesdays, have a stream that reveals the event on Thursdays and then release them on Frtidays.
>likes Aoi
>she died
>likes Kuracchi
>she died
>likes Megumin
>she left the gang
Ok, who's next? Yuina? Tezuka?
Why can't they kill off boring characters like Tama & Wakki instead?
and I'm surprised Mari is still alive.
Try not to make enemies this quickly anon. Whenever you ask for characters you don't like to be killed off as a replacement you just come off as a dick. Everyone in the cast is actually likable if you invest any time playing their content. I sure hope you didn't just rush through the story...
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I wonder if they will ever follow up on that NiinAsami implication from the Miya event. That was just too cheeky.
New 4koma batch. It seems they got all the contractual stuff sorted out and we're back on the normal schedule.
Wow, they acknowledge the movie squad? So we finally get some actual in game dynamics instead of just the basic squads or something completely unrelated?
Maybe she finally played the event. It would be cool if the next event we get is a movie squad one, and they timed it on purpose, but probably not, just a random 4koma.
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I would hope that the official 4koma artist at least played most of the content in the game.
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Complicated weddings.
People in /vmg/ have noticed that Yuina's unison banner ends around the time the 2.5 anniversary stream is supposed to end. Since they usually run the next banner when the previous one ends, I wonder if we will get the half-anni event/gacha right after the stream without waiting half a day like usual. They did something similar with AB events earlier this year, right?
I vaguely remember that they released the event reruns right after the stream this year. That probably included the style rerun + Irie SS1 yeah.
I'm more interested in knowing what the event will be. Is it already going to be the swimsuit event after all?
Well, they still are supposed to release the event teaser revealing that tomorrow. Probably. If they don't release it, or it doesn't reveal any info, just the release date, then I would say it's
60% - early swimsuit event, trying to catch anyone not expecting it early by surprise.
30% - not a swimsuit event, but still something special and unexpected, similar to Aoi's idol event.
10% - normal event, and they just don't want to take attention away from the unison or something like that.
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Still no teaser. I think we might be out of luck.
They usually post them later, from 6pm Japan time to about 8pm. Basically, if we don't get it by the time the streams usually end, then it's owari da.
8PM JST. Nothing. Guess we will have to wait for tomorrow's stream.
Yep, it was a swimsuit event. A-san's swimsuit is confirmed, it seems, and she is also an MC?
They delivered on this very quickly. Unlike 31F, who got the event bonus on every single event they had and then nothing happened.
Jeez, one minute later they post this? I feel bamboozled. This year's swimsuit guest character is A-san? That seems a bit random. They even say you need to play A-san's event for this one, so they must be referencing stuff from that event. But if it is anything like prior events then she would be alone with 31A...

Can I actually hope for some Amari or is this a cruel joke?
It seems they finally realized that combining the swimsuit event tthat you want everyone to see with the heavy plot moments that go deeper into the later plot each time is not viable in the long run. Unless the next event is also a swimsuit one, that would be fucking funny.
Alright I see this go down 3 possible routes:

1. This is unlike the other swimsuit events and will not majorly tie in to the story/be more light hearted. It could be a proper 31A/31C crossover instead of just one guest character.
2. It's an event that ties into 31C's stuff from chapter 1, the same way the previous swimsuit events tied into chapter 2 and 3. It will be the usual cameo character team up with 31A, but it will focus more on 31C as a unit anyway.
There isn't that much room to explore A-san without 31C or the movie unit. We already have her backstory.
3. This will secretly tie into chapter 4.2 stuff in the second half. But they didn't put it up as a requirement, which even Swimsuit 2 did despite fucking around with chapter 1 requirements, so this is the least likely.

Frankly, I feel this should have been a Wakki focused thing, because her troubles with Bungo are the essence of chapter 1 and actually would matter. But maybe they don't want to resolve that outside the main story. Also A-san is very popular and I get that, but what can you actually do with her in a more serious capacity? I just can't see this going as hard as the prior events. Which is why maybe making it full on comedy/fanservice is the only route left to them.
>3. This will secretly tie into chapter 4.2 stuff in the second half. But they didn't put it up as a requirement, which even Swimsuit 2 did despite fucking around with chapter 1 requirements, so this is the least likely.
It would be interesting to have a 2-parter event. Similar to what Yuina's event was, but the first non-plot part is an event on it's own and its plot-related continuation is also an event on its own.
I'm not usually that interested in the gacha shit, but this time I'm really curious. What the heck are they gonna give A-san this time? She is the best ice and darkness damage dealer already. Whatever element she gets this time will majorly benefit just from her existing. Swimsuit styles have no coherent element, despite the fact they should obviously water/ice themed. We already got fire/light/darkness/ice, meaning the last type of swimsuit element missing is lightning.

Do we really need any more OP shit for lighning?
I mean, they can always give her a different class with an ult that doesn't even attack, if they want.
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>buffer or healer A-san
I would unironically applaud them. The sheer audacity, the absolute nerve. That's next level trolling and I'm here for it.

But I still think Amari unison will come eventually where she is an attacker AND a buffer because of Mari.
That would be interesting. It also will never happen. We already have events that are sequels to each other in some way, but never just a direct Part 1/Part 2. I don't think they will ever do that. Especially because the next event is supposed to be story tie-in level, so they can't make a part 1 that feels unresolved for players who aren't that far in the story.
Don't underestimate the potential. They want you to finish "Reading to You", so A-san's backstory with Mari is most likely relevant. So what if they do something with memory erasure yet again, but this time it's after A-san finds out Mari's true identity? That would hit me like a truck.
Mari was the character who introduced those silly magic swimsuits in the first place, so her participation wouldn't be too surprising.
Anyway, this was actually very predictable, I remember reading last year that the next swimsuit event would be 31C with A-san or Mari, it was probably even here.
Ooooor it's gonna be very superficial references to that event. Considering Megumin gets a swimsuit this could totally be a movie squad themed swimsuit event. So maybe they only reference that minor plot point from it.
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Swimsuit events are a lot of things, but predictable isn't one of them anon. They are the most out of left field events in the game.

And yeah we make a million predictions all the time, so some may eventually be right.
>Considering Megumin gets a swimsuit
It's actually an open question if we get the usual 2 31A + someone or if it's something else, considering the timing is already unusual, so they're willing to change the formula. Probably still the usual, but who knows? There's no need to overthink it, though, since the reveal is tomorrow, and it might even leak before the stream.
If they do the usual, then that's it. They used up all 31A swimsuits. So there is a possibility that they will only do one of them this year and the other one next year. I that case it would be even more obviously Megumin.
On the other hand Karen has been completely ignored for an entire yearm which is insane. So it could be Karen = swimsuit, Megumin = whatever the 4.2 story tie-in is.
>On the other hand Karen has been completely ignored for an entire yearm which is insane
It's actually not that insane, anyone in 31A but Tama and Yuki experienced it at least once. Megumi(02/22 > 04/23), Tsukasa(08/22 > 08/23), Ruka(02/23 > 02/24) and now Karen(08/23 > ?) If it comes in July, it's still in the normal range.
Actually, when I think about Karen, she already had it worse last time with 6/22 > 8/23. Are they struggling to come up with her styles ideas?
One thing is for sure, people going on about popularity as the reason are way off. Yukki is way below Tama and Karen is above Megumin. It's just not relevant.
The only reason for Karen't swimsuit delay to the third year I can think of is that it is the hardest to design.

At least suit Karen is an absolute monster carry for light comps. She pretty much carried most non-numberfags through 5.1's final boss if they played story accurate.
Oh it was super predictable. Especially when you consider Mari got sprite updates (blushing, sweat) on the same day Swimsuit Tama got sprite updates. I had guessed Mari getting a swimsuit from that point.
It's also possible that they would use the 4.2 event to set up something for Karen for 5.2. I and a lot of people assumed that the 4.2 event would be more Megumi or Tama-centric, but it doesn't have to be.
A-san SS4.... Meanwhile half of 31F, the literal squad leader Carol and Minori don't even have SS2s yet.
Only upside would be if it was A-san and Mari again, just so they can cement the pairing harder.

It definitely shouldn't be Tama centric. We already got Interlude 2 for that, forgettable as it was.
If it were swimsuits, I'm surprised they didn't do the usual silhouette quiz. I guess it's because they already did it for Yuina last week.
A-san's VA says that they will also have a look back recap segment of her event, so it could be that her event requirement in the tweet is for that segment, and not the implication that new event will be a sequel to it.
Ok, but why would they look back at her event if it wasn't relevant? Are you saying they will not give A-san the swimsuit style afrer all and she is just here at complete random? C'mon.
When Koju VA was a guest to introduce her style a few months ago, they also did a recap for her event, just using the VA screentime they already paid for.
>Are you saying they will not give A-san the swimsuit style afrer all and she is just here at complete random?
No, she will 100% get a swimsuit, but the requirement line in the stream description might not mean what we think it means
My point was more that if A-san gets a swimsuit, she will be in the event. I can't imagine an event with A-san in the front that wouldnt reference her event.
But I guess if the event is actually about someone else and she is just the extra style it could be different from what we expect...
I don't mean that it's not her event, it's most likely her event if they called her VA for it. I'm just saying that it could be her event that has nothing to do with her previous event, and the message telling people to play the event before watching is about the event recap, not about the new event. Of course, it could still be a sequel to that event, just don't assume it by default.
Why are you using mental gymnastic to say it could theoretically not reference her event...? Completely pointless and unrealistic.
Because it just could? Yuina's swimsuit wasn't a direct sequel to her normal event, this could be the same. It's not like I'm against it or anything, I'm just bringing up the possibility that I see.
What are you talking about? Swimsuit 2 100% referenced Yuina's event. It also referenced chapter 3 which she was a major part of.

There is just no way to release an event right now that isnt influenced by prior events the focal characters were a part in. You wouldn't have anything to work with. At most A-san could be the + 1 to someone else's main event, like Sumomo just kinda tagged along for Swimsuit 1. But at least Sumomo had a connection to Aoi.
I just think that it's always important to keep those small unlikely possibilities in mind when predicting what the future content will be. In the previous thread, some people denied that this event could be a swimsuit one, even though the possibility was right in front of us, it just seemed very unlikely. If it doesn't happen, you don't lose anything by guessing, but if it does, you were ready for that outcome.
If they're doing Adel x Karen, they probably don't want to have a 2 blaster gacha, so one of them will likely have to change class. If it's Megumi or Mari or whoever, then it's not such a problem.
Attacker Adel
Blaster Karen
My money on Megu. Karen needs a slot for 5.2 and 2 styles in that span of time is too generous for her. Considering she hasn't been dev favorite so far.
*Healer Adel
*Buffer Karen
>Karen needs a slot for 5.2 and 2 styles in that span of time is too generous for her.
It depends on how close it is. If it's in a month or two and they announce it on the 2.5 stream, then sure. If it's closer to the end of the year, then 4-5 months is whatever.
Also, don't forget there's a story 4.2 event in 2 weeks, most likely a 31A one, they have a shit ton of freedom in how they want to distribute them.
I have a hard time imagining them giving swimsuits to the entire movie squad, so I don't have any hope that it will be movie squad related. I can see them using the plot of their last event to get A-san into the dome, or using her for a solo swimsuit video because of her popularity in-universe, or something like that.
I dont think anyone here believes all of 31C or all of the movie squad will get swimsuits. Obviously it's just gonna be A-san specifically doing something with the swimsuit.

If we go by how it went the last two times though it could be a complete non-sequitur of A-san just trying the swimsuits on at Mari's store again.
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God save the Queen and all that
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This is our last chance to speculate, so I'm asking: What is this year's swimsuit gimmick?

Swimsuit 1: Weird wish power creates a pocket reality. Cursed to twist wish.
Swimsuit 2: Time travel powers that reset branched timelines and memories after taking them off.
Swimsuit 3:???
Alternate reality jumping. Like idol Aoi's AU.
Why does Adel's VA look like she belongs in middle school
I'd rather have a youthful VA portray an energetic girl than some middle aged lady pretending to be a middle schooler.
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Fire buffer, weird gimmick-based fire Yotsuha.
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Fire attacker with a weird gimmick self-buff.
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I wanted to come up with some sarcastic cheeky comment about this one, but I actually have no words for this shit.
Event plot:
A-san and Mari are doing a PR gravure shoot. During a mission with 31C, they find a ninja mansion in the forest.
They reversed their roles, but not as a Unison thing. That is honestly hilarious. I said I would respect the absolute nerve >>4246451

Of course Tama gets TWO swimsuits. At least it's clearly gonna be an S style.
Woah woah, gachshit is one thing, but at least don't spiil the plot.
>Of course Tama gets TWO swimsuits.
I really am at a loss. Megumi and/or Karen will probably get something in the next event, so I won't say anything about them, but then why not give it to Tsukasa, who only has her 1st S still? Or any of the other 40 characters without a swimsuit?
She is specifically getting a Virus debuff heal. That's super niche. But Tama already has everything under the sun so they probably ran out of abilities to shove up her ass.
It's a basic synopsis that you would see in the event description.
Honestly, with how you can now transfer outfits, everyone secretly wants Megumin or Karen to get the swimsuit S style so they can use it. This is a total wasted slot.
Alright then.

Kinda what some of us predicted in the first half, not so sure about the second.
Sounds like a comedic event for now.
Why the fuck does the military need gravure shots? Niina is one thing because she just models for normal stuff, but gravure is so painfully lazy.

But then I could also ask why the military turned time travel material into swimsuits and lend it to Mari's shop in Swimsuit 2 and I realize nothing makes sense.
She gets a skill that makes her intangible to enemies and raises her skill damage. That is basically a perfect block with a buff. How much more broken do they want A-san to be?? This is her transferable skilll!
Actually Mari gets the same skill?? This is a skill that two characters get at the same time... That is a first.
It's a ninjutsu, so they got it both. It seems like they're finally trying to give characters more individuality through basic skills. I was talking about them giving ninja-themed effects to A-san or psychic basic skills to Megumi for years at this point.
This is clearly supposed to be a bit of an Amari event again, but try as I may, their styles have nothing that pairs them up. Their themes have nothing to do with each other. Kinda sad.
Sailor swimsuit and survival swimsuit gear are just not related at all.

But my pet peeve with how artist lately always draw hotpants on swimsuits, but with the button open is triggered. If you're not gonna wear the pants correctly, just drop them.
You know what? I'm pulling. They do look like a pair of styles. They are meant to work together, the event involves AMari, and if you squeeze hard enough it does look like their cg are looking at each other. Only problem: why the fuck do I need even more fire styles? It's my most stacked element. Meanwhile thunder has nether fields nor buffers/debuffers except for basic Koju.
What made them give Tama underwear that lewd? Anyway It looks like there gonna be 2 swimsuit events this year.
Cope of a lifetime, but they both got the double hairpins that aren't on their original desisngs. That's... all.
>Meanwhile thunder has nether fields nor buffers/debuffers
What the hell is SS2 Yunyun then? Sharo SS2? Miya SS2? Anon, you are nuts.
It's actually kind of silly, because both the banner and the event are clearly trying to cash in on the amari fanbase, so why not flaunt it more?
What the hell, so it's a 31C event. Why does it have a TAMA S style as a reward then??? This literally has never happened before. They will bend over backwards to give Tama more stuff...
>and if you squeeze hard enough it does look like their cg are looking at each other
They are not. A-san is looking to the upper right. Mari is turned towards the lower left. That means they arent looking at each other at all. More like A-san looks at Mari who is looking at something else.
>Why does it have a TAMA S style as a reward then??? This literally has never happened before
It actually did. Mari stole an S slot from 31A in the mermaid event, this is a reverse. But instead of giving it to one of the characters who was supposed to get it back then (Megumi, Tsukasa, or Karen), they gave it to Tama, who was the SS main character and was not supposed to get it.
I generally don't care much about all the whining in regards to style distribution. But Tama is disgusting. SS5 and 3 S styles. This isn't funny anymore.
I wonder if the next event will also be a swimsuit event, considering Tama got new expressions for her swimsuit, but this seems to be a proper 31C event.
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Their handling of Amari is generally weird. They absolutely acknowledge it exists, but at the same time they still want to sell them as individual waifus. Even their two ninja styles have actually no visual connection at all.

I blame the Marifag at WFS.
I wasn't pulling for gameplay ever.
>SS2 Yunyun
Wait, I realised I do have Yun2. Probably puzzle pieces from last time.
>A-san is looking to the upper right. Mari is turned towards the lower left
Yes, because they are on the opposite sides, not next to each other. Also I looked up and there is a connection even in names "sunflower" and "high as the sun".
>Yes, because they are on the opposite sides
Anon think about this properly. If A-san is opposite to Mari and looking to the upper left that means she to Mari's right. But Mari is looking down LEFT.
I know spatial awareness is something many people got issues with, but just use your hands to recreate the scene.
>sunflower and high as the sun
Well I guess there is the sunflower gets is nutrients from the sun them in there...
>Thunder lacks buffers
Yunyun? Higuchi?
>Thunder lacks debuffers

I hope you just talk about your own account...

I'm not sure about those new styles because they ONCE AGAIN heavily cross over with other styles. Mari is working well with suit Tama, but her self buffs are kinda shitty in general. She also needs a hit buffer, which is always awkward unless you are in dark. Yunyun just doesn't really offer much of anything otherwise.
Adel however crosses over with the best defender in the game: Ichiko.

Mari also has nothing really to do until she can attack, which is always awkward for an attacker. The ice version can create a field that matters, but fire can't do anything but basic enhances, which are a net damage loss. Might still be okay when it comes to prepping Megu for breaking.

Team example: Megumi, Mari, Adel, Tama, Yanagi (to get 100% crit-rate with a single Tama ult for Megumi breaks), Yunyun

Problem: You will struggle living. Yet getting rid of anyone will massively lower your damage. Yunyun -> Ichiko would give you at least Fragile (a very bad version due to her not being a debuffer), but if you have that on Megumi and you don't mind getting OD (this team is garbage at building it), you get no advantage.
Sometimes I wonder if they don't think about potential teams when creating styles.
>You will struggle living
Yanagi with both her ults can sustain relatively well. Better than Muua anyway.
She can, but the last SA was brutal enough that you needed a defender of some sorts regardless.

And here's the problem. If you only use Yunyun OR suit Tama, Ichigo is much better.

Mari with 2 yunyun buffs: 14,434 base + HP on crit (crit orb needed)
Ichigo fully set up by Tama and her self buff: 22,558 + HP on crit (no orb needed)

This doesn't include enhances, just crit, mind eye and hit buff.
Mari needs A Tama ult to compete getting her to:

Mari with 2 yunyun + 1 Tama buffs: 24,591 base + HP on crit. (barely better than Ichigo still)

Dire. Adel is fine and all, but Mari really isn't. Performing so badly compared to an AOE char...
A-san feels like a strange side-grade to Yotsuha. Her ult is an attack skill so her fire buff doesn't grow with levels, her hoju isn't for buffs either, Yotsuha also has crit chance on her ult and big enhance normal skill. She's faster if you don't waste her passive shadow clones, but if you waste even one of them, it's basically the same.
Most people arent numberfag retards and not everyone has every style in existence. If you don't have SS2 Ichigo then tough shit. This Mari is good enough.
>but if you waste even one of them, it's basically the same.
Actually, after re-reading the description, it doesn't say that the ult consumes the clone itself, maybe you can still do two with one.
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I meant MY collection doesn't have thunder support, not game.
Hope this helps sorry .
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Anon... Adel's direction is flipped. I seriously don't get how you don't understand this. She is looking to her own upper RIGHT. Mari is looking to her own lower left.

The only possibility is that only one of them is looking at the other, while the other one looks somewhere else.
I was reminded that they released Yuki yukata for 0.5 anni, I guess that's another summer anni theme they could use.
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Okay, you think it works like that
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Why can't it work like that?
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The problem is mostly the position of the beach and rock in relation to the ship (Mari is at the front of the ship). But I think I made it work.
It feels very unnatural though.
I didn't think about it at first, but both Adel and Mari got their SS4s before Karen, holy shit.
The numbers on Adel have to be wrong, right? Not even touching on her gimpped damage, her destruction isn't even on par with its description. Unless shadow clone is an unique multiplier I would always use other blasters for fire
>The numbers on Adel have to be wrong, right?
She's a buffer. It's their way of punishing 3x40 users with low damage, Chie got the same kind of shit.
>her destruction isn't even on par with its description.
Tokudai is 14-15, so should be correct. 20+ is chou tokudai.
She is more of a buffer who also does damage. Kinda weird that they still call her a Blaster though.
>Kinda weird that they still call her a Blaster though.
I feel like this style is more in line with what blasters were originally supposed to be in their mind, a support class with with some DR generation. But they've already fucked up and turned them into infinite damage monsters, so it's kind of late to change course.
If anything this A-san feels like an indirect buff to idol aoi or bride seira or just irie because you really don't want her to lose her starting shadow clone buff otherwise she become exponentially worse.
It's already streaming. That's early.
They're actually talking about Mari's event first to lead into A-san's. No fucking way Amari isn't the important to the new event.
>No fucking way Amari isn't the important to the new event.
We already know it's a ninja event from the event description and styles.
Yeah but I mean the pairing.
>play a random scene from Carol's event instead of A-san's funny moments
The hell?
I can understand the Mari scene, but I think we could really survive without these 2 event recaps, it's just screen time padding.
Requirements are chapter 1 and A-san's event. As expected.
I really don't like the trend of attacking with random bullshit. Also while event looks really interesting the presentation would benefit from not focusing on boobs that much.
Your whining about your "random bullshit" is way more tiring anon. What the fuck do you want? They either shoot lasers or 5 elements. That isn't creative either. Whether Mari blasts an enemy with a laser or shoots exploding life savers at 'em hardly makes a different with a silly cosplay costume.
>would benefit from not focusing on boobs that much
I agree on that part at least. It's really fucking blatant not just in the art, but also the trailer. These aren't coomerbait outfits per se, but it's definitely in the horny category.
>I really don't like the trend of attacking with random bullshit
Yeah, I've talked about this before. Serious games usually only make such meme attacks once a year or on special occasions, not every other style on any character.
I swear, something about Mari's outift and animations makes her look like a Blue Archive character.
A-san's outfit is definitely way more tasteful. Actually that's a trend with her. She has these semi-horny cosplay outfits, but somehow they don't look sexualized.
Now that I see the model, this Tama's swimsuit feels like something Megumi would wear. Her first style was much more like her.
You're right actually. Lame rolled up fish shirt (would look better with bigger breasts) and denim hotpants. That screams Megumi. Maybe not the ridiculous underwear though. I think only the strawhat is Tama-like. Can't imagine Megumin with that.
They actually use Idol Aoi in the showcase so they definitely have synergy.
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>A-san becomes the fruit ninja meme
>Mari shoots live-savers that take lives
Not bad.
>What the fuck do you want?
For example:
Adele can do a series of attack (Ruka SS0 like) that strike sparks with each hit. (Or fireworks if you want to make it thematic).
Mari: shoot the sun and it starts scorching cancers. Stupid but miles better than fucking lifelines.
>Maybe not the ridiculous underwear though.
She said that the swimsuit she got in the 2nd event was "lame", so it might as well be.
That definitely does not sound any better. Cool stupid and funny stupid are both still stupid.
The underwear doesnt look lame so much as skanky. The fish t-shirt definitely fits the description though.
Looking at these trailers back to back, the Irene trailer had just so much more effort put into it than usual, huh? I can watch that over and over and really enjoy it. The new swimsuit trailer just like the Bungo and Miya trailers were so basic.

I wonder if Kai has some influence on the trailers for his events too. Because all of his events had excellent trailers.
I think we might get the 2nd set of swimsuits later, the way Tsukasa's VA teased things.
You mean as an extra banner or for the next event? I really, really hope we don't get two swimsuit events in a row. That's too much. They already made sprites for all of A-san and Mari just for this swimsuit event.
I think we already knew this, but they got all of 31A + XAI for the 2.5th anniversary party.
>You mean as an extra banner or for the next event?
No idea, I just got that feeling from her phrasing. Would be glad to be wrong.
Interlude 2 is very boring so far (about shooting MV with suits). is it relevant to the story?
If it wasn't relevant it wouldn't be mandatory. And humor is subjective.
I have this creeping feeling that you are the idiot who said Wakki should be killed off last time. I also got a feeling you didnt play any of the monthly events because "they are not story relevant" or some nonsense.
Am I on the money?
I read through Mari, Adelheid, Kura's dying flashback and Yuina's future vision stuff events. they're fine.
Interlude 1 was boring and 2 is even more so.
>didn't play Requiem for the Blue
Seriously, I wish they had just made it mandatory so that nobody can skip it.
>didn't read Bungo's event
That explains the lack of respect to Wakki.

Before you rush ahead into chapter 5, I highly recommend you play both swimsuit events first. Yes, I know, they look like just fanservice garbage, but they are actually relevant. Especially Yuina's swimsuit event is relevant to chapter 5.
>plays Adelheid's event without playing U140 first
Wow. This is why we made a play order list in the OP >>4239406 I suggest taking a look.
>Seriously, I wish they had just made it mandatory so that nobody can skip it.
I think they should just treat all 3 post-chapter events the same way as fragments, nobody would complain. Also, while more controversial, I think they need to somehow make u140 and movie required too, there's just so much content branching off them, it's insane.
I sort of get what you mean and I at least agree on the story tie-ins. Mari, Ichigo and Kura all need to be mandatory. The soft recommendation is not enough.
But for the rest of the sub stories it's trickier. Here is what we came up with for the play order in the paste:

1. Prologue
2. Story chapter 1
3. Mari's event, Bungo's event
(Optional*) Misato's event, Ichiko's event, Kanata's event, 31A's Island Survival event, Angel Beats collab 1 (if available)
4. Story chapter 2
5. Ichigo's event, Tropical/Swimsuit 1 event, Yuina's event
(Optional*) Carol's event, Kozue's event, Inori's event, Muua's event, Byakko's event, Adelheid's event, Yanagi's event
6. Story chapter 3
7. Kura's event
8. Story chapter 4 Part 1
9. Interlude 1/Iroha's event
10. Story Chapter 4 Part 2
11. Swimsuit 2 event, Interlude 2
(Optional*) Charlotta's event, Risa's event, Niina's event, Hisame's event, Akari's event, Aoi's event, Miya's event, Irene's event, Angel Beats collab 2 (if available)
12. Story Chapter 5 Part 1

I think the events not in optional are essential.
I hate DE GESS, so I refuse to read it.
I like Aoi, but I don't like her peers so much.

I'm a man of freedom. I only read events of characters I find interesting (adult vibe and non lolis)
>hates a literal child for having a crachphrase
That's some hill to die on...
>I like the poochie, but not the rest of her team that only get screentime in the events I didnt read
You know, if you play Requiem I am nearly 85% convinced you would like Ichigo by now. IchiAo was one of the most popular yuri pairings in this game because of that event.
>I only read stuff based on my fetishes, ignore context and decide I don't like characters before reading the stories that are supposed to make them more interesting
Oh cool, this convo is over.
Ichigo is cringe. almost as cringe as Kuracchi.
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Remember that her hit buff exists, so she ends up with a good 50 destruction. That is nothing compared to what ice or dark Adel do in their respective element, but on par with all the other blasters.

The only downside of the style is that you can just use her ice or dark version for the blastrate, with little to no downside. Fire enhance is common in fire teams anyways, and losing fire crit-damage is like -30% damage with suit Tama used.
She doesn't really add that much, unless you decide to buff her up, but considering the SP cost you probably wouldn't do that unless you legitimately can't kill with your attacker afterwards.

For SA the problem is also that as a buffer she should use her ult twice, but if you'd want to get higher max turn damage, that isn't working well.

These are ultimately fanservice styles. None of the swimsuits were ever amazing for gameplay, but nowadays you can slap them on any style with lb2.
>None of the swimsuits were ever amazing for gameplay
Light Tama is generally considered exceptionally good for light parties or at least was for a while after she came out. Dark Yuina is very good if you don't have dark A-san.
I'm glad there are no more streams until the 2.5 one, I was afraid they would go full autismo and release something next week as well.
It's unlocked now. EN confirmed. Yostar is publishing it, and they've tweeted about it too, which I think confirms the legitimacy of the account.
>Yostar is publishing it
Why would they not bring this up in the stream though? If they are saving the news for 2.5th anniversary, then why did they let them talk about it already?
Apparently Yostar themselves announced it at AX. Pretty weird, I agree.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know shit about gacha publishers.
>Why would they not bring this up in the stream though? I
Maybe because it's published by a different company? They also ignored announcing the chink server.
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It's real.
>Cancer are called Phage
Fuck my life.
What the fuck? Why would they even change the name?
>Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
I didn't play their games myself, but I had a friend who played azur lane, and he would cry about some shitty translation drama every few months. I know they're very good at marketing though, there's a chance the game will actually stick.
>voice: Kayamori Ruka
>subs: Ruka Kayamori
Oh goddamit... I know everyone was begging for global, but now I am scared of all the bullshit localization crap. Can you imagine all the new players going on about "the Phage" and whatever else they are gonna butcher?

Yostar publish all the big global shit that isn't FGO or GBF. They do have the experience. But their translations vary in accuracy. At least it never feels like MTL. But I very much don't look forward to all the mistakes and misunderstandings we will have from now on.
I'm just hoping they'll keep it up to date with the main version like the TW and KR versions. And honestly, I'll take a woefully mediocre translation over nothing at all - it doesn't bother me since I know enough Japanese by now that I can stick with it, and I know more than a few people who've been waiting on this version for a long time now.
So how long are dailies if I’m an ENtard looking to pick this up?
How is the gacha income and what’s the endgame like?
You can continue to play it in JP anyway.
The biggest downside will be that they will adjust the prices to the dollar, which right now is way stronger than the Yen, meaning you would pay more now.
They translated Megumin's code as "Time to save the world". The 4.2 moment is already ruined, wew.
I don't know what you mean by "how long", but at the start most of the missions and currency come from just completing stuff. Once you exhausted that you get just 110 bits daily from spending 4 life stones on whatever you want (they automatically refill over the day). You also get weekly missions for a system that allows you to upgrade an SS style for free at 100%. Those are basically the only things you "need" to do every week. But again, at the start you will be overwhelmed with content and rewards, so don't sweat it.

The endgame once you caught up with the story and sub stories is basically a bunch of side modes. A rhythm game, a card battler, some hard bosses and upgrade bosses for improving your gear.
>started playing a few weeks ago, almost caught up
>global announced
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But anon...
Tama IS Megumin's world.
Exactly my point, yeah.
I've got 180k free quartz saved up, I don't see myself paying any time soon. Rerolling enough to get some good early SSes should get newcomers through most of the story too.

>how long are dailies
5-10 minutes a day. Might be slower early on.
Mostly in the form of hard modes, score attack and the like. No PvP or anything like that.
Don't worry, if they do it the same way as KR and TW you keep your account and it just changes the language.
>Rerolling enough to get some good early SSes should get newcomers through most of the story
Nah, they dont need to reroll at all. As I said many times, newcomers get SS styles shoved up their asses. The game is way too powercrept for newbies to struggle.
I didnt think of newcomers, I am thinking of veterans who really want unisons or something.
gameplay sucks hard
you play this for the fully voiced story and nothing else
3 minutes and you are done.
>Gacha income
Average, but you get stuff like pizzle pieces and gauge that help alot and make it a bit more generous than average.
You do a weekly boss , monthly boss, a series of battles with special rules once every few month, card mode every 4 month or so. Gameplay is so-so, but luckily it isn't time-consuming
Sounds good, thanks
How annoying is it? I’ve rerolled 25 accounts in ZZZ today and it’s pure suicide fuel. And in general, do you pull for meta or because you like the character/art/etc.?
If there’s any bit of the former then is there some sort of list of high value pulling targets I should aim for thanks to the foresight GLB will have?
It's pretty fast and these days you don't need to do much of it at all. Plenty of reroll guides out there too if you really feel the need to.

Someone else just told me it's gonna be like the CN version, so we're out of luck on that. Need to see for myself though.
Anon, before you read anyohne else's posts on what to roll for read mine:
It. Doesn't. Matter.
Believe me, trust me. Meta is not important. A bunch of people will tell you what to roll for? Don't. Just roll as much as you feel like and then move on. You will get enough good styles over time and nothing will lock you out if you don't have meta styles.

Thanks for reading my advice.
Is this yuri???
It depends
It doesn't depend. It is.
> it's gonna be like the CN version, so we're out of luck on that
Please tell me I can keep my current account anyway. I really don't fancy starting over, not least of all because I did spend money one time to get the RukaYukki unison.
Sounds good, much more fun to pull as I like than being bound by meta. I’ll still reroll though because I get an immense sense of FOMO when I don’t.
Why? MHY sold their soul right after Lament of the Fallen.
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What about her?
post on /v/ thread
Go to /vmg/ if you don't like /u/.
I assume it's just a turboESL wanting us to post in the /v/ thread for whatever reason, because yes, there is one currently up.
No one is forcing you to switch if they do go the separate server route. I do hope It's the same server though, especially since I'm playing it on steam. I would love it if I can just change the language in the menu.
>muh ESL
ok JSL
I'm going to be like the anon who wanted to write to wfs about the event order if they don't change it before release, I hope they just did the trailer out of context and change it when they start translating the actual story.
Let's ignore it as usual. This isn't a /v/ game and /v/tards don't deserve yuri.

The optimal would be same server, but if it's not then I NEED to know how to keep my JP account. I am worried they will just overwrite the steam version with global.
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Uh... so all the "excitement" for global aside. Here is the new trailer for Swimsuit 3.
Looks like they find a ninja mansion with an underground ninja city and for some reason A-san's existence is wiped from everyone's memories except Mari's.
That sounds like a good summer romance plot.
I'm /v/ and this is my kind of game
Then you should probably switch your board, because this is a /u/ game.
So this makes the third time a character got a second event. Tama got two, if you count Interlude 2. Yuina and A-san got two if you count the swimsuit events.
So it seems these "special" events get a free card.
I don't think the events get a free card, it's more like the characters wfs like get a free card. They probably don't count them the same way we do, they try to redistribute them, but if they want to give someone a second event, then fuck it, let's do it.
Well... for now they haven't strayed from the rule of every character getting one event, outside of these special events.
They actually posted about it. Maybe they didn't know they were going to announce it today.
I think what this S Tama actually means is that Ruka and Yuki will get SS swimsuits in the future, they just started with something less impactful to introduce the concept.
You're probably giving them too much credit. They just wanted to maximize profit with one of the top 3 most popular girls.
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I saw people on twitter saying it's like that because it's going to match Megumi's swimsuit design as a pair, unlike the original which would never fit, and I respect their copium.
Thinking about how happy that one AMari doujin artist must be right now
I'm not a doujin artist, but I'm pretty damn happy. Amari is easily a top 3 ship in this game.
>Top 3
Hmm. KareTsuka, AoIchi, RukaYuki, FibuAkaMisa whatever it is, Sword Autists, AMari. Yep, Top5
its more like they didn't know AX is on rn
After months of barely getting anything, they finally uploaded some meaningful assets.
Serious assets for KareTsuka, so there's a possibility they'll play a major role in the next event, or at least have some impactful scenes. But this could also be 5.2 preparation, we don't know how soon it is.
It likely that Chiroru is the MC for the next 31F event.
Since they are releasing another event soon after the swimsuit one and a new game mode, it makes you wonder if they are even working on the main story atm.
The probably are. It also depends on the character. Less important characters usually get their uploads closer to release dates. For 31A it's different, Yuki started getting assets for her 5.1 meltdown in like September, 5 months before the chapter release.
Looking at the actual assets, I think it's main story stuff, and not for the event. We'll see, it's only in 2 weeks.
So anime when?
>Maybe they have received a business proposal from some entity that makes it financially viable in their eyes.
So this was the answer. They didn't want to do it themselves at this point, but if yostar does most of the work and they just get some free money, why not.
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AMaribros stay winning
Anon, don't post stills before the event is actually playable, it's not like anyone is going to discuss it with you, what's the point.
Yeah please use spoilers on images from unreleased events. We only dont care about the gacha spoilers.
How is the content cycle in this game by the way?
Is it like Revue/D4DJ/etc. where there are short but frequent events or is it more like Hoyo games and other new gacha with a longer preset patch cycle?
Every 4 weeks an event. Then dead period until the next one. Once a year a big holiday - new chapter (or rather a third of it)
One major sub-story event every month (almost). Those events are about 3-5 hours long. Then there are memory episodes for every single SS that comes out, which is roughly 4-5 every month too.
Main story chapters take forever though. Right now they are basically yearly.
>or rather a third of it
To be fair, the split chapters are still the length of a normal chapter. They just number them weird. We are technically on chapter 6 now.
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One thing's for sure instead of getting a lot of solo swimsuit art like last year, we get mostly pair art this time. Amari is a blessing.
The other anons failed to mention that there are modes other than story too. Like the rhythm game mode which gets a new song with every event and story chapter or the card battle mode which gets a new card set every season or the soon to be released Conquest mode... whatever that will be.

Plus, both story and events have some replay value in many cases. I can unironically say that just by sheer content you are looking at 200 hours right now for a newcomer. 200 hours of free, mostly quality content.
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I wouldnt rate AoIchi or RukaYukki that high personally, so top 3 is true for me.
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Oh right in all the news I forgot about it.
This fucking eel will finally get its hard mode tomorrow.
I still can't even beat the worm tho.
holy shit
yeah, and spoilers please
that's Skull Feather in the image. Hard mode Praying Eel would be way too fucking cruel
Skullfeather is also an eel. Big daddy eel.
Same but replace IchiAo with KareTsuka since I don't rate 31A highly in general.
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Okay, my final thoughts about the event's plot and theme before it actually goes up.

The main focus seems to be Adel-chan's presence disappearing. Nobody can see her or remember her... except Mari.
The main theme of Adel-chan's backstory was that she wants to stand out so the ninja that saved her will one day see her or hear of her so she can let her know she is alright, so that she can thank her. Now that Adel is basically erased she can never achieve this from her perspective.
She can't stand out anymore to anyone, except Mari.
She can't thank her savior anymore... except if she was Mari.

In Adel's even Mari decided not to tell her about her true identity, about the memories she kept. But now with Adel having nobody left and with her biggest regret, I think Mari finally might tell her the truth.

Superficially it feels similar to the Koju event with one character's presence disappearing to everyone and only one character being able to see her, but this plot device is tailor made for Amari this time around. It's actually brilliant.

Let's hope they make it work... and whether their memories will be reset.
Pros of playing on EN version
>Official EN localization
>Saved from [potential] geoblocking
>You're probably going to get a better new player experience than starting out now on JP

Cons of playing on EN version
>Could be starting from day numero uno meaning 2.5 years behind and getting spoiled on everything
>If it's not separate servers and you can get the English translation on JP then why play NA in the first place, especially if you have progress on JP already
>If Yostar doesn't convert the currency, you can be overpaying for quartz while you can get it way cheaper on JP
>If NA dies because the game isn't popular and there's no transfer feature to JP servers, then you are screwed

This really is a wait and see situation. How were other Yostar games launched on global compared to their native regions?
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When it comes to server parity I don't think there is a chance in Hell NA or CN will start at the current JP state. Why? Because then they'll miss out on Angel Beats 1 and 2. At best I predict the NA servers will start at Angel Beats 1 like KR and TW did. At worst NA might start from day 1. And that's if they want to make each event release a big deal so they wouldn't want to just shove all year 1 events into the archive on release.
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I just thought about it, but imagine being an NA player and not getting official release hype for
>Requiem event
>The Kura event
>Swimsuit 1 event
>Iroha interlude
It might be better if they started from day 1...
oh my god... Seira's insane levels of yurifagging might actually be the highlight of this event.
Amari fans are eating good with this event. Though I can't really say my opinion on them have risen drastically when compared to the other ships, there's still no romantic feelings from either side. It's cute, but I feel like until A-san finds out the truth, it's just going to be fluff with little to no progress
Congratulations to Amari fans, but other than that, damn, this event feels like filler.
Even with the buff? I've tested it with my team and the damage is increased by like 50% from it, and obviously surviving is WAY easier.

Should be a lot of leeway. Your team 2 can literally bring anything remotely usable to add debuffs/buffs to an ice/dark team, and team 1 needs to break, blast and get od3 for passing to team 2.
Apparently, this event is also Kai, so I guess not.
Understatement of the century! It's weirder that she is aware of it even though her memories keep getting erased every event!
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She is even doing the pose....
>tama's new swimsuit expression wasn't from this event
There's no way we're actually going to get a 2nd swimsuit event right after this, right? ...right?
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Finished the event. Definitely didn't reach the level of the other swimsuit events, but it was clearly going for something else. It was way more of a 31C event than I expected. Like a culmination of their bond across the game.

Every CG in this event is just Amari. Nice.

For the plot, or whatever you want to call it, it was a bit confusing. Even more than the usual swimsuit stuff. The twist that the camera was the mirror that transfered them into the alternate dimension was kinda good. But then the swimsuits ALSO had a special power that allowed those who wore it to stay connected? And it's because they were made with a wedding band? I mean yes, gay as fuck, basically the writers giving the middle finger to WFS for the Mari wedding style, but still random.

I said it's a 31C event, but this was definitely the first time ever that it felt like an event singlehandedly only exists for a ship. A-san's event was also mostly about Amari, but this time it's really just blatantly ship fuel. Not complaining of course.

Amari is such a weird ship. They go through all these clearly romantic interactions, but both of them are so plain about it that it never feels like they are like... pining for each other? You know the way Yukki reacts to being teased for being attracted to Ruka. A-san has a serious case of puppydog love going on and Mari is trying to be mature about it and doesn't give away her true emotions easily.

I think my favorite interaction in the event is when they just straight up flirted that one time. When they were going to the concert and Mari said she wants Adel to be her "escort" in a flirting way and Adel replied with "Ja, Fräulein~" ...THAT'S the kind of mood I need more of.

Other than that, the dialogue was relaly sharp in this event. Now that I now it was Kai's it makes sense why Niina actually got to be involved outisde of Oshima business (Ichiko telling her that her swimsuit having empty gaps is sexy had me dying).
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Surprisingly this event is the first time ever Seira actually stood out. Finally, somehow Kai managed to make her have memorable moments!
It's good that they leaned more into her yurifag side, not just because of my bias, but also because it was really funny. Even when everyone forgot about Adel and then Mari too, Seira's yuri sense can pierce dimensions and she still took photos of them being gay lol

It's amazing how they subtly showed across the event that the only reason she agreed to be the photographer for the gravure shoot is that she is madly obssessed with shipping her team mates. Like damn girl, keep it under control. She nearly died to give us that second CG.

Her absolute lack of interest in taking pictures of Niina solo was the cherry on top. If Niina had brought her instructor girlfriend Seira may have been more receptive.
(Niina gets bullied really hard in general in this event. What are you telling us Kai?)
HBR never had geoblocking, so there is nothing to be saved for.
If it is not separate servers then there wouldn't be a NA server to begin with, so why act like it's somehow a choice? It's either or.

New players have no idea what these events are so why would they be hyped for them? New players on JP do just fine with all these events already being unlocked.
I think they need to start with a lot of content unlocked and the only reason to delay would be that they need more time to translate it.
I got the worm down to 33% of its HP, but I simply can't survive forever. My set up takes too much time. And my dark party sucks ass, so I have to carry it all with my ice party.
I have tried putting the Yuina unison in my team to see if it will help, but no dice.
I've heard that CN is starting from the 1st anni, but with the current QoL/difficulty/content changes, maybe EN will do the same.
>Tama's VA sign lottery to celebrate the event
She's not even in the fucking event, what the fuck, lmao.
1st anni means story chapter 4.1 and every event up to AB1. That is a good chunk to start with. It also includes Interlude 1, so you do have something to bridge until they release 4.2.

But I wanna know if they will have all the side modes unlocked. Like Arts Battle, which was no around back then, but now unlocks after chapter 4.1. Will they use the old clocktower or the new one? And so on and so forth. If they just release the current build, but with story and events locked, I just don't really know how players would react.

On the other hand this may prevent idiots from playing Swimsuit 2 before 4.1....
The finger scene especially just felt weird. If it was any other pairing, at least one side would get flustered, but here they treated it so formally
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That is absolutely the moment that stuck out the most! You are primed by tropes to expect some reaction, it's supposed to be an intimate scene, but both of them were really chill about it.
I don't know whether that just means they are so at ease with each other that they don't need to feel embarrassed or whether someone up there mandated not too make their interactions too obviously romantic and the writer was working with conflicting intentions.

And it's not like there are no strong moments. The flirting I mentioned is still very intentional and that scene where Mari got seriously angry at Koju of all people for even suggesting A-san is just an evil spirit showed how intense she feels about her below the poker face.

One thing too is how they absolutely avoided making any big reference to A-san's past and her connection with Mari. Like they intentionally didn't want to advance the pair... yet. But at the same time they directly reference Mari's, A-san's, Koju's and Bungo's event, so clearly this isn't supposed to be a spoiler free newcomer experience either...
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Oh yeah, they added missions to the Hard Mode bosses that you can do without tickets. This is really neat. Actually gives you a reason to go back to older bosses instead of grinding the strongest one you can take.
>3 of 31A
In the past this was a problem. Now you just roll with suit Tama, suit Megumi and lewd Tsukasa, the core support trio for the dorks.
It's Death Slug, you can beat this thing with 6 S styles if you are feeling frisky.
The missions are different for every boss. For example, Rotary Mole wants you to beat it with 3 elemental pierce characters, which are harder to find for the same element. And I think all of them reward beating the boss without the cheat ressources, so me who could only beat Flathand 2 with level 5 cheat power will probably not 100% these missions...
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So if I get it right, I skipped Sharo SS3, Tsukasa bunny, Tamasuit, RukaxYukki, saved up for summer Karen and Megu... and WFS skipped them? Well, I guess I will just go for YuiRuka, at least...
Skipping Slutkasa is mandatory, so don't act like it was something you needed to hold back from.
Karen and Megumin will get their styles in next month's anniversary event.
>saved up for summer Karen and Megu... and WFS skipped them?
At least one of them is almost guaranteed to get something on the main half-anni event banner in two weeks, likely even both. Especially after Tama got her second swimsuit, people are holding back for now, but they will be really upset if that actually happens.
To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if it's even swimsuits too. Not because of some sprite datamine or VAs teasing something, but because it's hard to believe that a company like WFS would ever willingly skip their swimsuits like that. It's actually very common in the gacha market to have multiple back-to-back swimsuit banners in the summer, they haven't done that before, but that doesn't mean they'll never start.
They need to save up something for next year's swimsuit event.
To be fair, if they released both Megu and Karen's, that would complete 31A, leaving the question of what they would do for next year and the year after. Aoi's is a given, and obviously, they would do other teams' swimsuits too, but they aren't as popular as 31A, so they might not sell as well.
They might save one or both Karen and Megu's for next year. I don't have much hope, but I will still hold back until the half anniv stream.
They could, but it's not necessary. Now that swimsuits aren't tied to the main story, they have more options overall, all the usual suspects. They can use Miya&Hisame, Sharo&Yunyun, Ichiko&Isuzu etc. There's always the forbidden Aoi swimsuit power move. Tama getting 2nd swimsuit means Ruka&Yuki might get SS swimsuits too. A lot of options.
Personally, I think if the next event is as heavily tied to 4.2 as they are promoting, they really should release dome Megumi, it seems like the last time to release it gracefully, before it feels like them bringing up a thing from the past. I'll even take an S-style skin at this point if they refuse to make it SS, just release it. If it's Karen's event, I'm not sure what theme would work best, she didn't have a theme she was supposed to get, did she? I wanted to think of a matching style with Tsukasa like RukaYuki's dresses, but that would be bunny, so I'll pass on that.
I initially thought they were going to drip feed them and only release one 31A this summer, but this double 31C + 2nd Tama swimsuit combo completely bamboozled me, now I'm ready for anything.
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Burn My Soul EN translation. I thought they uploaded raw video at first, but it actually has youtube subs.
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According to my research 'fraulein' means "young lady" or something in German. It's kinda funny how Mari is clearly older than Adel-chan, yet in their dynamic Adel acts like the cool nee-san picking up the cute femme. Goes along well with Mari's mother wanting her to experience being a normal girl and Adel wanting to be a cool dashing ninja.
It used to be common to call teachers "Fräulein <surname>" instead of "Frau <surname>", similar to Ms. vs Mrs., but it's mostly fallen out of use. I guess you could expect a grandma to use it, but nowadays I would actually not expect anyone to use it for someone older. I only really ever heard it used by my mother when she was scolding my sister.
I mean... so you agree? My point was that Adel uses this term like she is picking up a younger woman. My only other point of reference is Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney using it to flirt with younger girls too.

I just thought the dynamic was really funny, because as we surmised from A-san's event, Mari is actually fairly older. In fact I enjoy that Mari wants to be treated like she is ladylike and mature and exerts that pressure when she wants to, but also likes being courted this way.
The translation is pretty on point from comparing it to other fansubs.
It's an old word referring to unmarried young women. (but not girls) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A4ulein
I already said that.
Except the other anon said it's also used for children, so I guess there is no such rule.
I can see the intention behind having Adel use it, so I agree with your assessment, but please don't go using it irl. There aren't many situations where it won't come across as either very out of place or condescending.
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Someone stop this yurifag! She is growing too powerful with all the content we are getting lately!
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Relevant homescreen lines from new styles.

"Stop admiring me(masu form). Since I am to become the support of this squad."
"I see Adel-chan over there. Practicing flashy ninjutsu again. Mattaku shinobe"
"That hair of Adel-chan, I braided it. Should I braid it next time too?"
"Seira choose this swimsuit, it is a set with Adel-chan's one. She also said the red ribbon on the waist is precious."

And then there is this:
"What are you looking at, pig? Your gaze is disgusting." (playfully)
Uhg. Let's assume the line is adressed at Muua.

"Satsuki-dono is waving her hand to me over there gozaru. Here goes my flashy reply Ninja Arts: Summer Storm Technique."
"This hair of me was braided by Satsuki-dono gozaru. I want to braid hers in return next time."
"This swimsuit was chosen for the gravure by Sakuraba-dono it's a set with Satsuki-dono's one gozaru. They match de gozaru"

and then:
"Ninja Arts: Sexy Technique! Fu-fu... Somehow it doesn't feel right gozaru."

Done 100 pulls, got both at LB 0, dango Bungo and aidoru Ichigo from ticket. Now to decide if I'm pulling to 200. On one hand LB 0 suck, on the other never know if I'll have enough quartz for all surprise yuri gacha, non-Ruka unisons and Karen chapter gacha.
>"That hair of Adel-chan, I braided it. Should I braid it next time too?"
>"This hair of me was braided by Satsuki-dono gozaru. I want to braid hers in return next time."

cute and てぇてぇ
I'm actually tempted to pull, I would love to have them as a set but I should probably hold on to my 60k quarz for the possible KareTsuka unision
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Why do they always draw the lolis like this? I hate it.
At least the artist makes fun of her own retarded choices.
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>Let's assume the line is adressed at Muua.
Not even hard to cope on that one. That's explicitely how she treats Muua all the time.
But even if it was directed at the player... at least Mari shows absolutely revulsion by being treated like a waifu. That's good.
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I still can't get over these lines.
The part where A-san confessed that if she had been alone she would have cried, wailed and faliled on her own, but thanks to Mari's existence she could continue to see hope was really good.
At the end when they thought that they will never return to the original world they accepted it because they still had each other... it doesn't matter whether they confessed their love or not, I think the event made it all but clear how they feel about each other.
I wonder if it's just me though, but it feels like the usual DAY quality was reversed? I thought DAY 1 was really good and then each DAY got less interesting. DAY 3 mostly took focus away from Amari, so maybe that's why I felt that way. It seemed like a missed opportunity to focus more on how they feel and obviously the finale was a bit lackluster. The SiL song they played this time would have been way more effective in a out of combat scenario. Instead it got thrown in there almost like it was an obligation.

I dunno, maybe if Amari had hugged as they thought they would disappear or something and then said these same lines a bit more emotionally while the song played I think it would have had a stronger emomtional impact. I wish HBR would take more chances with physicality like that. The part in A-san's event where Mari carried her on her back felt just way more intimate.
>I wonder if it's just me though, but it feels like the usual DAY quality was reversed?
For me, this event has two layers to it.
The first layer is yuri. From yuri point of view, it's very good. They have given us some really good Amari without shying away from it. I'm glad we're now getting events like this that are clearly focused on pairings, I hope this is just the beginning and we will get more of them in the future.
The second is the actual plot, what you see if you just look beyond Amari's greatness. I can give it 5/10 at best. It felt fairly bland, not very interesting, not very impactful. Since the swimsuit part didn't lead to any story integration that would make you close your eyes on it, it felt even more unnecessary and weird than usual.
So the less they focus on the Amari, the more the quality of the actual event comes through, and it's not that great.
I think what hurt the final day the most is that because neither Mari or Adel could interact with anyone they just became passive passengers. Even beyond just the yuri, it's not a good idea to make your event's focal characters have no agency, beyond fighting some Cancer the rest cant see.
I can't do it.
Intermission 2 is too fucking boring
*skip skip skip skip skip*
>Main Computer-san!!!
Tama my bro... I just don't care...
And we don't care about your opinion.
Strange how you don't reply to posts with positive opinions like that. And stop speaking for everyone.
It's because you already admitted to not giving a shit about context, story or characters you don't immediately like. So your input is below even people who literally can't understand the game.

Basically if your whining is just pointless and will go into the void.
There's literally no story in intermission 2
Says the idiot who is skipping it.
I really don't care what you think. You just played A-san's event without U140 or Carol's event. If you gave a shit about context or story you wouldn't do stuff like that.
This is the last (You) I'll give you.
Well, now that the pompous fag is staying out, I kinda agree. I didn't find it boring and I think I might have liked it, but the delivery was just way too annoying. I really hate it when characters just keep screaming in this game and Tama's story about the computer had it right off the bat.
Are you seriously samefagging? Wow.
everyone in this thread is me
Sure, if that'll make you shut up
Nah. You mixed up 4.2 and Interlude 2, so I think you might not be very bright though.
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I hope global won't bring more casuals with no attentions spans in here like the one above... Then again, the gacha crowd isn't used to reading a lot.

Actually how do we handle it once global starts? Do we have to use spoilers for everything again? Or do we send global players to the gacha thread until they catch up?
There should be no need for spoilers suddenly. Even people with bare minimum JP knowledge have been playing this game with various means. New global players should know this game's already been running for over 2 years.
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I have a lot of friends who didn't want to start the game until global and avoided most spoilers. I think it's fair to assume that the amount of new players will far exceed us veterans.
I've never been in this situation because I dont play gacha outside of HBR, so that's why I wonder how it is usually handled. It would be really tiring to use spoilers for stuff as far back as chapter 2 again, but on the other hand I feel bad for spoiling people who just genuinely want to talk about the game.
You know, you asked earlier why this thread is more active than /vmg/? I can give you a different answer now. Everyone moved here because of people like you. People here actually care about this franchise, about the story, about the characters. If your contribution to this thread is proudly proclaiming that you skip stories and don't bother investing in them, you can just stay in /vmg/. It doesn't seem like you're interested in yuri either.
It would be a nice effort, but I can already guarantee you that not everyone will do that. New players who then come here will catch some major spoiler eventually, be it from text or even fan art. How long does it even take to catch up on the main story?
Different anon here, but I just wanna point out that it is perfectly fine not to like everything the game has to offer. Even people who love most of the game have one or two events/characters they are lukewarm about. I personally really dislike Misato's event and found it generally boring. But I didn't skip it and I see what it added to the game.

You are hitting the nail on the head though, that anon's attitude doesn't really add anything to the thread. Skipping content and going on about how bored he is are just pointless disruptions. This isn't a casual game and it's not something you can just pick and choose from. Playing HBR is kind of an all-in type of deal.

I think Interlude 2 is generally considered pretty mediocre. But what matters about it is having Megumin back, seeing 31A reunited, having a bit of fun together after the long separation. RukaYukki moments, looking back at all the music and memories. Giving Tama closure.
These are things people who are invested would usually care about.

>new players will catch some spoilers eventually
That's unavoidable yeah, but I think we can mitigate it a little bit. Maybe give a 2 months grace period for newbies to get into the game first. It also depends on how global servers do with content. If they are locked to first anniversary content, then I think it's a bit unfair to not puts spoilers on 4.2+ stuff.
>how long does it take to catch up on the main story
Well ideally you do all the events in order between chapters, so that would be quite a while. If you JUST rushed main story I guess it would take a few weeks depending on how hard you binge. But that's not a good way to play this game.
>I hope global won't bring more casuals with no attentions spans in here like the one above...
It absolutely will. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to escape it. Best case scenario, there would be an active general in /vg/ and most of them would stay there instead of ruining these threads, but even then some of them will probably spill over.
>Do we have to use spoilers for everything again?
I don't know. Maybe it would make sense to spoiler the newest stuff like ch.5, but I can't imagine putting spoilers at narby stuff, it's like basic knowledge at this point.
for me it's the intimacy in their eyes. look at the way they look at each other. there's no other pairing in the game that share a loving gaze like A-mari do.
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>Playing HBR is kind of an all-in type of deal.
Inclined to agree. I'm in the unfortunate position where I really like the yuri aspects but am tired of 31A and Maeda's SoL writing in general, but unlike with other stories where I can just focus on the elements that I like and get something positive out of the whole experience, here it just doesn't work like that for me. I'd never go so far as to skip stuff because I still want to love the game and it really doesn't deserve that level of disrespect, but it's why I stopped posting these last few months and just lurked and let others talk about what they love instead.
Holy shit, yes! I always felt like A-san and Mari have the most warm gazes in the game.
The only other characters who have a smiling sprite this soft are Irene and Koju. But Amari use these expressions almost exclusively for each other.
>there would be an active general in /vg/band most of them would stay there
That's a good silver lining that I hadn't thought about. I'm involved with divegrass stuff and I've thought about making a relevant team for that board's league if a general ever pops up, but I'm certainly a bit worried about the kind of fans that global will bring. If the /vg/ threads distract them enough to stop them from worsening our threads here though, then that's good.
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But most of the content in the game isn't just Maeda's SoL stuff? Most events aren't written by him and I think 5.1 was very different in a lot of areas from the usual.
31A has also taken a major backseat in side content over the years. It used to be really bad early on where they were shoved into every event, but now events and even some memory stories work independently of 31A and even Ruka. I was really surprised when one of the recent memory episodes had Ruka just appear quickly at the start and the rest was just other characters doing things. It shows some new confidence they didn't use to have.
That's pretty much my point though. I really like the events that Kai's written and I'm very much a fan of the changes you said they've made over time, but it's still a major element that I have a hard time with to the point where it makes me agree with the other anon. Before I stopped posting I caught myself being too negative without bringing anything positive to discussions and I know I'd get annoyed if I saw someone else do that. These threads are good and I'd rather they stayed good.
everyone is so mean here
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You know, I really appreciate that you were this self-aware and took the bullet for the rest of us, but I think as long as you are constructive about what you think doesn't work it's fine to talk about it!

Did you like chapter 5.1 at least? I know it focused a lot on 31A, but I thought Maeda did a good job with that. Finally getting some backstory on Ruka and Yukki really helped. And the final stretch is probably the first time in the game where I genuinely felt emotional for Yukki.
But this makes me realize all the more how important it was to have the 31B subplot in 5.1. Without that it would probably have been way too 31A centric.
>The only other characters who have a smiling sprite this soft are Irene and Koju.
Megumi's 4.2 smile is on the same level too. There's also another character who's about to get a similar smile, I know because I fell for the dialog asset posters teases and checked.
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Really? I never saw the smile on that level. I guess the contrast to how she usually smiles creates quite the gap effect.
we're coming whether you like it or not
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I found it to be very noticeable when she started doing that expression.
Oh you are right, her smile got a lot softer. I did wonder why I felt Megumin looked more relaxed than she used to.

Another thing I liked about Megumin post 4.2 was when she used her powers to help Ruka memory dive and you can always tell she is breathing hard and exhausted just before Ruka wakes up, but when Ruka looks at her she is putting on a calm face to hide how much strain this puts on her. Rather than how her inferiority complex made her put on an overconfident mask before, she now puts on a strong face out of kindness.
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Btw, I like how they went out of their way to point out that the gravure photos were for an internal military magazine at the base. Which means that this one was for all the lesbian NPCs. They also referenced Tezuka being a gravure model again and how all her magazines had women stand in lines in front of the store.
Keep it gay.
Intermission 2 wasn't all that bad. Tama's story from 4.2 needed a conclusion. For me though the ending was way too overindulgent. Instead of the AI coming back to life they should just found a txt file from MComp written to future Tama before getting disassembled. Probably include messages from the crewmmates too for good measure. I mean the computer coming back to life would be like if Iroha got to meet her mother in intermission 1. But if you think this intermission's story was corny, just wait till you get a dose of Mary Sue Ruka in 5.1.
You really don't need to indulge the guy who just skipped the event. He has no idea what you are talking about because he didn't even make it to the end.
>Tama's story from 4.2 needed a conclusion
More like 4.2 was never planned and they needed SOMETHING, which is why that happened.

There's no way Intermission 2 wouldn't have been much better if it told the Tama story during the Intermission. HBR had a lot of these events, where something currently ongoing with told in parallel to a story of the past. I'm sure this was supposed to be the same.
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Holy shit, it's the "Chapter 4 Part 2 was never meant to be a thing and was supposed to be just a monthly event" retard! It's been so long, how have you sucked at understanding what interviews said since then? Did you get any other basic facts completely wrong?
So good to know you never learned.
>Mary Sue Ruka in 5.1
>can't do anything without Megumin
>gets permanently nerfed in combat by a mid-boss
>finds out she is at fault for everything that happened to her species on Earth
>gets fucking eaten alive and almost abandoned
>has to get her ass saved by basically the entire Seraph unit
I'm guessing the fact that she got to get some closure with her mom is what makes her a Mary Sue?
It really shouldn't be any surprise that Ruka as the MC is the most special of narvies.
>For me though the ending was way too overindulgent. Instead of the AI coming back to life they should just found a txt file from MComp written to future Tama before getting disassembled.
I'm pretty sure that was the point. That they didn't just find "some" kind of closure for Tama, but created an actual miracle for her, something that seemed impossible, something she never dreamed of in her wildest dreams. Considering that Megumi created another miracle for Ruka in 5.1, I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually part of her savior sub-plot.
This topic is one of the most confusing things I have ever seen in these threads. I can understand doing it once because it fits the narrative you're trying to push in a discussion, but how can someone pretend to be retarded and intentionally misinterpret something like that for at least a year at this point after being told to stop that bullshit countless times.
Deep down I hope it's a meme and that anon is in on the joke. More likely he settled on his own reality because he thinks it makes more "sense" than what the devs said and what everyone else can plainly see. Though I think it was genuinely just a misunderstanding about the interview initially where he misinterpreted "We didn't intend to turn this into 2 parts" as "Part 2 wasn't supposed to exist at all".
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>If Niina had brought her instructor girlfriend Seira may have been more receptive
Wow, this artist had the same idea as me.
>KareTsuka unison.
Not any time soon. WFS pinky promised that YuiRuka was the only unison they planned for the summer. Even if Karen gets a style it's gonna be a
solo swimsuit. KareTsuka unison however... Even if it's gonna be a thing this is chapter 5.2 material. My old bet was that it's comming out late-September or early-October. But it looks like there is even more time before that.
>That's explicitely how she treats Muua all the time
Yeah, but that's some privilege referencing her specifically in the voice line batch.
>the only one they planned for summer
>I expected 5.2 in Sep/Oct but not anymore
Excuse you, KareTsuka will be the Autumn unison when chapter 5.2 definitely comes out.
>Even if it's gonna be a thing this is chapter 5.2 material.
Yeah, I think the next unisons are going to be something like KareTsuka(5.2) > AoiRuka(anni, I didn't expect it before they did YuinaRuka, but now I do) > MeguTama(half-anni)
They gave a date for chapter 4.2 nearly 3 months before it, so if chapter 5.2 is coming in September or October, we'll know.
If they don't give any info it'll be end of December at best.
But they announced chapter 5.1 during the 2nd anniversary, 2 weeks before it released.
Not really, we got a teaser PV for it December.
I think regardless of what happened before, if they have anything to say about the new chapter during the big stream with all 31A VAs present and most of the involved community watching, they will surely say it.
However, we haven't even gotten a fragment yet, I wonder if there will even be one. Maybe this new plot event, whatever it is about, will count instead, like the first 3 chapters had actual events and not fragments. They say 4.2 is required, but that does not mean it's not a 5.1 event, swimsuit 2 required 4.1, but was actually 4.2.
I'm hopeful that the next event is a story tie-in. Though I kinda don't want it to be about 31A unless it really advances plot or characters in it.

Either way, if they want to retain some goodwill then chapter 5.2 will come out much quicker than the last two chapters did. After all it's part 2 of 3 and that makes people more antsy.

Speaking of which, I really wanna know why it had to be split in three. From a mission standpoint this is all a campaign to take back Kyushu... but they could have just made this Osaka part its own chapter? So the only way this could be a three parter is a specific theme continues throughout, like Megumin's situation in chapter 4.
What do we have in 5.1 that can be extended?
-Ruka's past
-The fact that they "changed fate"
-Each 31A pair could get its own segment (but I cant imagine MeguTama getting 5.3)
-More revelations about narvy

I don't see anything else that could connect all three. And then there are Miya/Irene who are clearly pushing for a general uncovering of the military's secrets. Is this gonna be main story relevant or is this a sort of "finale" of the event story timeline?
Considering that Tsukasa and Karen sprites got updated and implying it's related to this event and not 5.2 then this event could just be the interlude.
>Though I kinda don't want it to be about 31A unless it really advances plot or characters in it.
The only squad I can think of that could get an event that requires 4.2 is 31C, and they just got an event.
>Speaking of which, I really wanna know why it had to be split in three.
I also don't know why, I think they could have just called it chapter 5 and no one would have had any problems with that. But Maeda wouldn't do that randomly, so it will probably make sense after the 5.2 release.
I don't think it's an interlude. They used the usual ストーリーイベント and not メインストーリー 断章, and it would also hard require 5.1, not "strongly recommend" 4.2 if it was an interlude.
Also, I haven't looked at the new sprites, so I have no opinion on this, but be careful when using 31A sprites to predict things. Unlike other units, they actually often get story-related stuff many months before the chapter is released, it's fairly common for them.
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This is how I see everyone's current knowledge level in the game.

The red symbol with the snake staff represents the medical personell at the base who clearly have to know about the narvy thing.
The pic of Tsukasa's mom represents the Seraph institute.
I also made a difference between Hinata from the original timeline and the one in the epilogue of 5.1. Who knows how much of that info stays though.
The blonde staff lady who observed Megumin/Tama/Ruka talk about the narvy thing and by extension the one who drilled how to act in the dome into Megumin at the drill camp is probably one of the few who know.

If you look at it like this there are still fairly few people in the know about the deeper going-ons. 31A is in quite a privileged position. I'm pretty sure that normal instructors like Asami or base personell are not clued in on the narvy thing. With Asami she didn't show any sign of knowing and we know she is not a good actress. For the other personell, I doubt they would be acting so goofy and carefree all the time if most of them knew the truth.
A cute Amari fanfic set between Day 1 & 2 of the Summer Light Square event.
I also felt like there was potential for the scene where Mari searched for A-san who just went to morning practice without thinking and left her alone.
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Official 4koma with 31C? What timing.
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Aoi's birthday means IchiAo art.
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How do you translate kuru kuru baka?
*cool cool parka
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Someone else also thought those lines fit a Mari/Muua interaction.
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This may be a bit dark but... could the reason for the clear age difference between Wakki and Bungo be that Bungo actually died as a kid and Wakki and her were taken from different times to be turned into narvy?
The only issue with this is that I have no idea how Wakki wouldn't be confused about this. Even if the military erased her memory of Bungo's death, the fact that she never grew older should cause some discrepcancies.
Call it sacrilege, but I think Karen's and Tama's VAs are so much better at being entertaining than Yuki's and Tsukasa's VA. But I don't want them to host the information streams, because I know those are far more restrictive and controlled, which is why everything in them sounds so stiff and scripted. These little "radio" segments are always way more chill.
>Call it sacrilege, but I think Karen's and Tama's VAs are so much better at being entertaining than Yuki's and Tsukasa's VA.
I don't disagree. If I were to rank 31A VAs like that, it would be
1. Ruka's & Megumi's. Natural born entertainers, a highlight of a stream every time they appear. Unfortunately, they only appear once in a blue moon.
2. Tama's & Karen's. Also quite entertaining, but a bit on the safer side. Can go hard if they get a guest or find a topic that inspires them, but can also be very low energy if there's nothing interesting for them.
3.Yuki's & Tsukasa's. Good at what they are supposed to do (introduce things), but they play it too safe on the entertainment side. They're both the calmer type who need a more energetic partner to play with, but they've only got themselves, so it's a little stiff.
>But I don't want them to host the information streams, because I know those are far more restrictive and controlled, which is why everything in them sounds so stiff and scripted.
It's too late for that, but I think it would have been interesting to have the stream hosts rotate from time to time. Either both of them, or have Yuki's VA as the main host + one free rotating slot.
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They have started uploading character profiles. I compared it to the Japanese one, and they took out a line about her being a genius. I'm not sure why, it's not something to loudly whine about, just a random line, but like, why.
Redundant I think. The genius part refered to her musical ability (not her intelligence), so why basically call her a genius twice?
Missed the post by one.
Also, a bit random, but I think both of these fonts are available to mere mortals without pirating, so it should be pretty easy to make themed infographics and shit that look close to the official designs.
So the 10 day log in bonus this time is a free SS ticket for the Top 30 most popular styles pool from the poll back then.
It should be fine as long as you don't pull idol Aoi.
>Suit Megumi
>Pajama Hisame
>Useless Inori
>Bride Mari
>Maid Hisame
>Suit Ruka
>Sw*msuit Tsukasa
>OG Aoi
>Goth Ruka
What a dogshit pool. 30 is way too many. Would rather they give another 3000 quartz instead
Gameplay wise all of those are ok except Swimsuit Tsukasa and Inori. Of course we reject Bride Mari, but I overlooked her.

Shitting on SS1 Aoi/Yunyun makes not much sense. People need those ults. What's the point of Waitress Aoi without block? What's the point of any Yunyun without her multihit buff?
You're seriously going to tell me that Suit Megumi or Ruka gets any use these days? I've had her since she came out and haven't used her a single time. 15 SP for a laughable debuff is crazy when suit Tama got the nuts.
I mean I assume everyone has their OGs already except newfags, but any free SS gacha is good for newfags
Suit Megumi is in my darkness team. You have to stop thinking like a numberfag retard. Not everyone has every style and can just create their perfect meta team. Unless you got Slutkasa (I spit on thee) there is no reason to reject suit Megumi as your debuffer. Darkness doesn't have a whole lot of them.
Light Ruka? Very useful for building OD. Use her all the time.
>I just assume everyone has the OGs for some dumb reason
Anon I played this game since 2022 and I have to this day never rolled SS1 Tama. I have never gotten her revival ult and had to wait until Risa-mama SS2 to finally have one.
SS1's are not something to scoff at. Transferable ults make them vital. Koju's SS1 ult was buffed to insanity, so I was very glad that I rolled her a few months back so I could transfer it to SS2 Koju. Or imagine using SS3 Koju, literally a buffer and not having her best buff?

There is a reason Aoi/Yunyun made it into the top 30 on a vote that was influenced by metafags.
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In case someone doesn't remember the top 30 by heart. You can literally feel the waifufags battling the metafags lol
What I meant by everyone having them is that if they had half a brain, they would've rolled for them during their multiple rate ups. I never said anything about transferables being bad. Like if you're not a newfag and you still don't have OG Aoi or Yunyun by now, that's on you.
>There's no reason to reject Dark Megumi as your debuffer
This is just pure cope. Not even mentioning slutkasa, I get more use out of: OG Aina, Pirate Aina, Konkon Miya, OG Fubuki than I would ever get from Suit Megumi.
Just like it's on me for not having SS1 Tama yet, right? Some people save up for characters they like instead of rolling for whatever meta banner is currently up. Some focus on the shiny new meta styles instead. You really have zero ability to put yourself in other people's shoes, huh?
There is no downside to having these vital styles in a free SS ticket pool.
>Would rather use a lightning debuffer in a darkness party
Oh that level of numberfag insanity, alright. Permanent debuffs are always good. That's just objective fact. Deal with it.
>no downsides
There's a pretty big downside for the majority of players who have them already. Again the scenarios you list of why someone wouldn't have rolled for them is what makes them a newfag.
Brother, Suit Megumi IS the numbersfag style because there's no other reason why you would use such a cumbersome style other than to stack on a little bit more damage. Thunder Miya can get double defense downs and double fragiles in less than half as much sp as it takes for Suit Megumi to do her full cycle. If you think perma debuffs are good then you must also think 15 sp + 5 Ice Miya is good kek
Do you even understand what you mean by this word at this point? You can play the game since 2022 and still not have these styles. It's not unlikely in any way. SS1 Aoi rarely appears in reruns to beging with. Your best chance was when they had 31B specific banners that had all 31B styles rated up, but even then most of those had newer styles instead of SS1s.
>The numberfags think suit Megumi is good, so obviously she isn't
This is a level of logic that trascends mere human thinking I guess.
You are the one who said you would rather use Fubuki, whose ult costs 13SP, only 2 SP less than Megumin's and provides almost nothing more and is not permanent.
>ice Miya
The fact that her ult is only one use no matter what makes her severely worse than Megumin. But sure, if you have her in your ice party it's fine. She still has a bunch of normal fragile and fear debuffs with her normal skills (which are cheaper than megumin's too). She has utility.
>the numbersfags think dark Megumi is good
Only in the context of highest damage output ie numbersfaging. In any other team building scenario she would be swapped out for someone way more practical.
>I would use Fubuki over Megumi
Any day of the week. Megumi's full debuff cycle takes 48 sp. Fubuki's only takes 38. Granted you have to use softening on two other styles, but I would even take dogshit Fubuki over Megumi. At the very least she can use attack downs and drive gain until the final turn. Meanwhile Megumi is laser focused on saving up to 15sp to use her ult. She's inflexible, slow, and only good for eeking out additional damage - only if you are running another debuffer by the way.
>Ice miya's ult is one use only
Like Megumi's isn't as well? They both have to run the elemental braces to get two uses. Do you even know what these styles do?
What the fuck am I even reading? Sure, WFS had a brain fart when they designed the permanent debuffer archetype, and they could have been more convenient to use than they are, but it's still a fairly recent, fully functional style of a popular character that also has additional numberfag value. Just because you personally don't want to use it doesn't mean the rest of the players who might want it shouldn't be able to get it, the world doesn't revolve around you.
So the numberfags think she is good and anyone sensible who knows perma debuffs are good thinks she is good, which only leaves you... the one who wants to minmax anyway. That is still autism.
Megumin's full cycle takes 48 SP? Do you really think she needs to double ult and double fragile to be useful...? In most fights you would make her ult once and then use her normal debuffs. In really hard boss fights that take forever anyway, there is no downside to stacking her two ults.
Fubuki has no utility. She is almost useless without her ult, which again, is not much cheaper.
>Like Megumin isn't as well?
I'm pretty sure you just need to upgrade the skill to get the extra use.

As I said, that anon doesn't have the ability to put himself into other people's shoes. It'sa either the exact thing he wants or its useless.
>I'm pretty sure you just need to upgrade the skill to get the extra use.
No, ice Miya and dark Megumi are the same in that sense. I think there's a chance that the 5 buffed styles they announced will include these styles getting normal use count.
Huh. I just got her count to 2 uses without noticing how, so I never looked into it.
>these styles getting normal use count
I think that's completely fair, because anything beyond double debuffs doesn't stack anyway. It will not change anything in a single boss fight, but it will allow them to actually be useful in back to back boss fight or dungeons.
The amount of cope is unreal. And from someone who doesn't even know the style itself. Lemme guess, the only reason why you think it's two uses is because you never actually use her kek
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You know, nothing shows more that you are /vg/ or /vgm/ scum than using "kek" unironically.

That aside, I thought it had 2 uses, becasue it has 2 uses for me. This happened right after I maxed out her ult level with items, so I associated the two. Just because I made the wrong connection doesn't mean I don't know how the ult works in combat or that I don't use it all the time.
>I think that's completely fair
Yeah, it just makes sense, not only for the existing characters, but for the potential future styles they could come up with. Let's say they want to add a resistance removal + permanent debuff kind of style, a combination that makes sense. Right now they will have to give it 1 use because that's how the other permanent debuffers are. However, you can't give resistance removal only 1 use, because users of that element would riot. If you fix the number of uses, the limitation will disappear and they will have much more freedom in using the effect.
Another concept I can see them buffing is S U P E R B R E A K, because right now people are not really excited to get more of those. If they buff both of these archetypes, that makes 4 styles already.
Literally forgot it exists. Doesn't only light Yukki have that?
>Doesn't only light Yukki have that?
2nd collab Yurippe had it too. Yes, it's that forgettable.
Funny because you said the same thing about idol Aoi, swimsuit tsukasa, and Inori. So you can make blanket statements about which styles are good or bad, but when someone speaks objective truths about a style you like, suddenly the whole world revolves around them. I can play that game too. Idol Aoi was great for the poison SA. Dance in the blue negating status ailments comes in clutch when you really need it. Not to mention it charging other fire styles 5 sp really speeds up Yotsuha and Ichigo. Also her start of battle defense passive is great for SA. Swimsuit Tsukasa giving the whole team attack up large is great for multiple hitters. She can also generalize OG Tsukasa's ex skill and buff your buffers. If you don't have Miko Megumi which is highly possible, she is the premium fire field setter. New Inori is a good farmer for arena and comes with a good transferable self charge skill that doesn't require her to hit. Not to mention she can very well receive the Irene buff very soon. When you look at it this way all styles are good
I rejected Idol Aoi because it's a waifu style, same as bride Mari. I know that she has some gameplay uses.

Swimsuit Tsukasa's ult just doesn't do anything these days. It is outclassed by absoluteley every buffer and is only useful if you have SS1 Tsukasa's ult. That's NOT comparable to generally useful suit Megumin who doesn't need her SS1 to work.

Inori's SS2 just never made sense... a non-elemental style with an 18SP ult that doesn't even do that much more damage? No element means no element specific buffs too. Just use her SS1. Using her to farm arena makes no sense if any 31X member can just insta-ult. You even have to speculate on a potential buff to make her seem more useful.

Come on, your arguments suck. You know Megumin is objectively better than these and your entire strategy here is to draw a false equivalence.
If you think idol aoi is a waifu style, you need to touch grass. I personally think she isn't one
>Swimsuit Tsukasa is not comparable to Megumi
Hmm so you're ok with using dark Megumi without light megumi's fragile? So you'll run three debuffers to get her full value? If not, how come you get to have two megumis while I can only have swimsuit Tsukasa?
>New inorin is just bad
I thought you were the one who lauded the usefulness of transferable skills. A non hit self charge sounds really good to me. Maybe not to you
Maybe these arguments suck according to you, but does the whole world revolve around you?
>full value
I'm sick of hearing this. How can you make an entire post about how some low powered styles can have niche uses, but Megumin needs to be maximum useful with all possible skills... and you still consider that equivalent? Her ult is her main focus. She has more debuffs than fragile. She is just an all around good style to roll. Rolling swimsuit Tsukasa on her own has absolutely nothing going for it and honestly? It would make basically no difference whether you used her SS1 or SS2. The fire field is all you want anyway.
>SS2 Inori doesnt suck because she adds one good self-buff skill
I mean if you want to see it that way, but that ability is more useful on her SS1, which means you still would want to have her SS1 anyway. Rolling an SS style for a normal skill is a bit much, but if you find it so good, then great, even less reasons to bitch about this free SS gacha ticket.

Did you really think you could no u this after you started the entire thing by whining? lol
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Speaking of possible 2.5 gacha style themes that aren't swimsuits, I just remembered that these are still a thing. I assumed they weren't happening, but it actually hasn't been that long since the release.
Another generic theme they could use besides swimsuit and yukata is a festival girl. July is the big festival season in Japan, and one of them was even mentioned in 5.1.
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Kinda sad that yostar had nothing for me to purchase when I went to their booth at AX
The EN version isn't even out yet. Would be weird to sell merch to an audience they don't have yet.
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YuiMiyafags trying to appropiate unison Yuina for their ship is hilarious.
To be honest, her unison is so out of character, you can do whatever you want with it, the result will be on the same level of fanfic.
I'd say the unison suits her "image" as others perceive it more than her true personality. But it also feels like it's some serious method acting for a play/movie.
It's definitely a dynamic that doesn't suit YuiMiya at least.
>But it also feels like it's some serious method acting for a play/movie.
That would make a lot more sense, but it's clear that their concept for unisons is basically something like AU fanart as in-game styles. The first one was pretty on point and a great interpretation of the pairing, and the second one is kinda weird. It's also a good thing to keep in mind when trying to imagine what other pairs unisons might be. As in, don't think in terms of a basic aesthetic theme, think in terms of complete scenarios.

If yaoi can have booths for their ocs then the yuri game can just take some basic promo merch (button with key art) over to hype the game up
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It's escalating
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HiguKoju artists are resilient.
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>2.5 gacha style themes that aren't swimsuits,
Honestly, with the amount of people I see on twitter/5ch/youtube asking for it every day, it's in their best interest to have at least one, even if the event itself isn't about swimsuits.
Waifufags want fanservice styles all year round. Gotta blueball them until there is a big occasion.
>Waifufags want fanservice styles all year round. Gotta blueball them
I want to share your optimism, but with all the yuri content we've been getting lately and how nice things are going right now, my gut is telling me there's a Slutkasa-level threat looming over us. I just hope they don't use 31A for it again.
You are acting like we didn't just get a full on fetish fuel Mari swimsuit...
Eh, it's not tryhard enough. How to say it, the swimsuits on this banner aren't designed to be "winners", these designs are made to perform "well", but they would never be the "best". Just not enough impact for that. Whatever they designed to be the "best" will probably be in next week's banner. Hopefully it's something super cool or beautiful or meaningful, and not the waifufag shit.
Slutkasa had nowhere near the impact and response they wanted, and >>4250863 Mari's swimsuit is less fetishy than her previous ninja outfit.
I doubt we'll get another debacle like that.
You can definitely count on plenty more cosplay and swimsuit styles, that's for sure, but they won't be quite as bad as that one.
>is less fetishy than her previous ninja outfit
Not sure if you are blind, but a see-through dress top is maximum fetish material. It makes a straighforward bikini 10 times more lewd and that's on purpose. Not to mention the tit focus in the art. Mari's ninja outfit was just basic T&A fanservice. nothing special or especially fetishy.

Mari has been generally a victim of waifufag styles, which is ironic as her standard outfit is one of the MOST conservative and unrevealing in the game. The entire philosophy of her design was not to be flashy and not stand out to emphasize her ninja upbringing. Feels like WFS either didn't get the memo or the Marifag is just that powerful.
Can you stop pushing positive superlatives to play over the fact that you are talking about obsene fanservice for waifufags? It's real pathetic.
I'm not saying this in terms of fanservice specifically, just how they cook banners in general, what they put into them, and what they expect to get out of them. It's just that the swimsuit is more of a fanservice theme, so you get that vibe. But you can say the same thing about this year's anni banners, Yuki&Wakki banner going into RukaYuki unison. RukaYuki unison was something they crafted to be the "best", while Yuki&Wakki were never supposed to be the winner. This Adel&Mari banner is the same.
When I think about it, It feels like they're using almost the exact same strategy/patterns this time as they did during the anni.
1. Guaranteed quick buck right before the anni banner: AB collab rerun -> Brides
2. 1st anni banner designed to sell a lot: AB collab 2 -> Yuina unison
3. Banner to earn some money, but not to actually compete with the main sellers: Yuki&Wakki -> AMari
4. 2nd banner designed to sell a lot: RukaYuki unison -> 2.5 banner
The spacing of the banners is a bit different this time, but the idea is basically the same.

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