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babu babu edition
Previous thread: >>4221277
Where's the Alice leaning behind her
Mahoako is the yuriest yuri to ever yuri.
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gushing over little girls
>solo OP
This ain't /a/.
Where all the cute ship art at?
it's from Kaoruko's perspective
This series has so many good ships, I'll take them all official or not
The best ships are the canon ones and Utena/harem with Kiwi as top bitch.
reposting the same Ute/Kiwi images over and over again every thread is getting kind of annoying. at least wait for new art if you're going to dump, the thread doesn't need to move super fast
Its my first time dumping and I wanted to share my favs. Plus /u/ boards require at least 4-5 images from whoever started the board, so I'm just helping OP out.
Only those pure of heart see Kaoruko in the OP.
What is the state of the heart of the people who see Alice in the OP?
shit taste. Leave that cringe to the hetshit
>shit taste

Baiser deserves a harem
Harems are only shit because the MC never makes a choice and/or because the girls are just trophies. Baiser loves magical girls too much to not give each one the sort of attention they need.
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Utena is based and has plenty of love to give
Only Kiwi receives Utena's love. She gives other's the same affection as a toy.
Whatever makes you sleep at night, Kiwi.
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I want utena to act like a discord groomer around kiwi
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I've run out of things to splash color on.
Hopefully the creator gets better soon.
Utena's reaction to Lord makes it pretty clear how she feels about magical girls.
Why not decolor the partially colored chapter?
I’m going to sleep right now but I want you to tell me your idea for a Sayo/Utena AU. For reasons.
Cliched forgotten childhood promise between the two of them.
Idol Sayo / serial killer Utena.
Suicidal office lady Utena with nothing left to live for / her "drug dealer", which is what she calls her regular pharmacist who is annoyed by it endlessly.

Until by chance she is driving along a bridge after work and leaps out of her car to stop a jumper. It's Utena.
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More or less exactly the same as normal except they're blood related now. I think cousins would be a good sweet spot
>A mistress/pet who are unaware they're family
I like it
When will Haruka realize that she's a massive lolicon. And how will she take it?
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>New chapter never.
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The love hotel scene finally
author died of jap flu please understand
Japanese countryside family-fuckery would be entertaining.

Make it something silly and not historically accurate by Meiji-period or some other transitional era before the modern day. Have Sayo be a shrine maiden, like before, but also a secret avatar of the local goddess meant to beat back evil, both local and foreign.

Have Utena be her cousin that came from a more urban era that's swept up in the Western craze, with new fashions, technology, and of course, kinky stuff.

Tea ceremonies by day, fights in the forest at night. Utena once tries abandonment play, leaving Sayo tied up and exposed in an abandoned shrine with a blindfold and a gag so she's suffering sensory deprivation.

Someone comes along and Utena goes back to normal to prevent Sayo-as-Azul having her reputation ruined, and Utena comes back to her depowered and still feeling the same corrupted thoughts she believes were only a result of the strange artifact she had.

Part of her wants to free Azul and be known as the conveniently-passing-through-stranger that saves Azul and promises not to say anything, another part of her wants to take advantage of Azul while she's already squirming and dripping, stuck between panic and imagining what Baiser still has in store for her...
The only scenarios that are probable for the shipping endgame are
>Haruka x Kaoruko
>Utena x Kiwi
>Sayo and Korisu being alone
>Haruka x Korisu
>Utena x Sayo
>Kiwi x Kaoruko
with Matama x Nemo, Michiko x Randa, and (likely) Momo x Cyan for both.
Why not Sayo x Korisu?
>implying Utena x Kiwi and Utena x Sayo are mutually exclusive
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That's almost silly enough to work.
just a hunch but I don't think roboko is very interested in sex
Roboko is obviously programmed with a cyber strap-on for Korisu's pleasure, it's in the next chapter!
She is fully functional.
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I tried to make this as short and as quick as possible but it still took me forever and now I'm running behind on my errands and everyone's pissed
aw fuck, and i forgot a couple panels of dialogue. oh well
And yet it's still kino
Oh fuck, my heart. Sis its so kino
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Nee-san, my heart can't take this.
Both are squeaky clean ideal magical girls who are trying to hide their kinky lust for the other.
I came up with that idea in like 5 seconds, didn't expect you would take it seriously.
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i wish they gave us more utena on kiwi action
>nasty ass string.jpg

Lol, okay but what about a red string of fate au where they can only see it either transformed or not
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Do magias fight in costumes at daytime only to detransform and vent their pent-up S&M arousal at night with the same girl they fought?
I take every idea given to me seriously unless I don’t
>dying by jumping in a pharmacy AU
>not by pills
is Utena stupid or something?
>mom bod kiwi
And then all of Baiser's spider-themed moves in her la verita use red strings instead of black ones (but the Baiserk form still uses black, which is how Sayo knows that Baiser isn't in control)
Yes? This is Utena we're talking about.
They are. Sayo will either be alone or forced to settle for Momo.
Momo has Cyan. Sayo's wife may be (assuming Vatz x Vena happens) ...Sister, possibly?
My heart boner.
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>is Utena stupid or something?
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This is that good shit, sis. Great work
Cyan is dead.
If Cyan was dead, she wouldn't have been namedropped. Probably a reluctant ally of Sister who wants revenge on Lord for whatever Lord did too her in the past.
getting real sick of the lolicon magenta meme
If Magenta wants to dodge the Lolicon memes, she should stop chasing after Alice.
If Baiser wants to stop being shipped with Azul, she should stop trying to do all the bdsm stuff on Azul, give up her magical girl hobby entirely, and focus on Kiwi only
If Sulfur wants to stop being called a cuck, she should be more assertive with Magenta INSTEAD of becoming a limp useless noodle when Kiwi ASMR happens in her ear.
Author made it clear from the blue ray disc's that they plan to keep doing this.
c'mon man she regularly visits playgrounds alone and is practically glued to korisu whenever they meet
>mangaka was poisoned by a rabid Kiwi/Utena shipper to prevent the Sayo/Utena storyline in upcoming chapters
it's all coming together now
Hire better lawyers, Obaachan.
Sayo can very easily be Utena's pet whilst Kiwi gets the spot of wife.
>, give up her magical girl hobby entirely, and focus on Kiwi only
Kiwi explicilty supports Utena's magical girl BDSM hobby and engages in both it and some play herself which she only likes with Utena.
I hope it catches on even more and we start getting a bunch of oneeloli Magenta NSFW
I'm not on Team Magenta is a Lolicon but I AM on Team magenta isn't a Lolicon but she still can't escape the allegations anyway
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not a comic, just an assortment of doodles. was much busier today than i expected
>Look what she signed on my poster! out feelings are definitely mutual! There's no way she doesn't want this.
>Absolute goblin Utena

Oh yeah, I'm here for this. Love that bishoujo Azure art btw
>goblin utena
I really wanna see a goblin Kiwi being gay with her.
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yeah haha meme of course, we're all just memeing here
If Korisu was Haruka’s wife, they could live happily together and Haruka would always make sure Korisu had her favorite dolls and that she was taken care of.
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Kiwi belongs to kaoruko.
>all this low effort crackshipping bait.
Momo is rampantly posting today I see.
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Had an interesting mahoako dream last night
>several years after canon events; it seems like nobody can transform anymre
>begins in Haruka's & Kaoruko's apartment
>they are living together, but not dating
>that they are basically like Minori and Yuu from OneSho
>Sayo shows up unannounced
>it's revealed that they haven't met up in a while (though they do seem to keep in touch, considering how Haruka doesn't bother to hide her power level)
>they decide to host an impromptu get together
>Sayo calls up Utena and tells her to come over (they're apparently together)
>she does, with Korisu (who is at the older end of JK by now) in tow
>no one else comes; Kiwi was on a date with Momo(???????), the others aren't mentioned
>Kaoruko notices Haruka getting weirdly embarrased around Korisu
>>wtf I thought Haruka only liked little girls
>she then remembers what Korisu was like when they met, comes to unfortunate but obvious conclusion
>Haruka quickly surrenders and tells about Ch26's events
>from there, everyone else tells their stories from that time that the others wouldn't have been party too
>good times were had
>low effort
I don’t see any UteKiwi drawfags around
Momo’s pussy looks like THAT? Cyan is a lucky girl.
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Ya wanted to try that again, sis?
And her maids too.
Gotta appreciate how blatantly horny this dork is.
We desperately need a Momo-focused chapter
I think we were about to, with the mention of Magia Cyan. But now that the author is gone...
Too much yuri sent him to the lily plains
I'm convinced Sister is Cyan, and Momo just never noticed because she doesn't watch real people on tv.
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nah, this one's not hagschizo
it's just sulfur coping
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Now I want Alice topping Magenta on a bed while Sulfur is bound to a chair. Watching and seething.
Sulfur just exudes cuck energy
This is absolutely true. It just makes me wanna see her getting tormented by Alice so much it's unbearable. That's why it's especially gruesome I haven't seen them go toe-to-toe in a real fight nor will I ever if this continues on.
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Hilarious. I can't breathe. My stomach hurts from laughter and I have tears in my eyes. Thank you.
I mean, I could see the posibility. There's enough supporting evidence to make it not a crack theory. Venalita is known to blackmail people into working for her, and we know sister is doing things under the table to fuck with her plans. Plus the author has clearly laid out the villain to hero trope with Lord, so the counter hero to villain is entirely possible. Now, if that's being saved or not for someone else, who knows. But depending on the timeline, the chance is not zero.

But then I look at the picture Momo has of her and "Cyan" and realize she's shorter than her and in the same school uniform, so crack theory it is.
>while Sulfur is bound to a chair
with one hand free, of course
She could use that to get free though. We all know she won't
I love how there's constant discourse over Magenta x Alice, but in the end we can all agree that Sulfur is a cuck. That picture is fucking great btw
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What's Magenta’s knee doing?
how can be Cyan lucky if she's already dead?
Getting wet
She invokes Magia Cyan’s name separately from the hunted down magical girls though, probably just something that was a betrayal to Momo like spanking Cyan really hard.
wtf I don’t remember this. I really need to reread the manga
Its from chapter 56
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>alice wearing bloomers instead of g-string
Is sulfur the bejita of mahoako?
not making her wear lewd clothes is a silver lining of common decency
Before the fight where Sayo breaks, Utena stumbles across Mahou Shoujo Mirukuru rescuing someone. She traills her to fangirl at her, but as she follows the older magical girl around a corner she sees her detransforming and kneeling naked with her head in the lap of an older retired villainess getting headpats for being a good girl. This plants the idea that maybe there's a third option, a way to turn a Magical Girl into a pet without ruining their Magical Girl essence. With that thought planted, when Sayo breaks later in that fight, she decies to try it, and the two get together, with Azul resistant so that Sayo can get rewarded for being a good girl later.

The next morning Utena's mom remarks that she's looking chipper, which Utena denies and runs off. Her mom then looks down at her phone to see a text message with a picture of Mirukuru's detransformed appearance as a profile pciture, asking if she wanted to play the same time next week.
Yeah, Utena dom Kiwi switch Sayo sub has unrivaled energy. Especially with the spice of neither UteKiwi or Sayo knowing the other's secret identy(s). Baiser, Leopard, and Azul have a giant fight and each go home super horny, and then by a coincidence none of them see through Utena, Kiwi, and Sayo are all crazy horny at the same time.
Momo is for being tied to a cuck chair with vibes edging her while she's forced to watch Baiser and Leopard fuck.
Oba-san, your alzheimer...
The fanfiction authors and artists are truely keeping us fed in these trying times. We have been blessed once again by more Baiser/Azul degeneracy https://archiveofourown.org/works/56950579
health update ran through google translate
Now I really want this to expand until whole TM-Enormeeta strife devolves into the first lewd yuri Fight Club.
>mangaka tweet
we are so back
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Sad that it's an actual health issue, hopefully he gets well soon.
Glad that yuri's magnum opus is soon to be back unlike school days
>Author isn't dead, and they are just waiting awhile until he is perfectly healthy before resuming Mahoako
Hallelujah. Considering they made a statement like this, I'm betting we have like 1-3 months left before the manga returns.
File deleted.
Out of 10?
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It's only out of 10 when it's the 13 year olds; when it's Alice, she's 9 out of 5
Mahoako has cheated death...
Alice's G-String is for Magenta's eyes only
Please don't die sensei
You've singlehandedly shown that anime can do sexy yuri and still make money. We can't lose you now!
True king of the himedanshi, long may he reign.
I like how Mahoako is the only ecchi anime to ever exist that incorporates all yuri elements and tropes seamlessly and yet still becomes a success. I think there's a little bit of everything in it for every anime audience (other than hetfags).
This series is for women
>man writing horny manga about hot anime girls
>only for women
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Not hot, just sexually liberated.
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It doesn't matter who this series is made for. It has significantly more female audience than any other ecchi series.
>>4242794 (me)
To be clear, I called him king of the himedanshi not because he makes things specifically for himedanshi, but because he's a himedanshi producing yuri at a refinement level that I at least can't think of any other men measuring up to.
No, it's a masterpiece that can be equally enjoyed by any and all genders.
Wrong again, mangaka made it specifically just for me
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>Longing for a Magical Girl
Are we keeping track of how many names this series has? That must be the third of fourth iteration of the name. It makes searching for anything official really difficult. Sensei please, stop bully.

Still I am so relieved and happy that there is something concrete or at least some news. However, I don't dare to stop my prayers.
>go gaga for witches
Looking Up to Magical Girls is the official english title actually. The author wrote it in english for the volume covers. I don't know why the localizers decided to change it into Gushing.
I like SulfurxMagenta but gotta admit her erotic motif is pretty much pedophilia. Even Kaoruko can pass as an ugly kid without much makeup.
The "official" English title on the Japanese covers is "I Admire Magical Girls, And...". Looking Up to Magical Girls was first used by the fan translation, then picked up as the official French title (kept in English), but the official localized English title has always been Gushing Over Magical Girls.

Longing for a Magical Girl is just google translate.
What I really like about this is that unlike other yuri ecchi shows, say Valkyrie Drive, the main girls aren't shy about their romantic feelings or lust towards other each rather than hiding it under 'haha we're just good friends' or 'we are just fondling each other for the sake of the plot'
Utena lusts for magical girls the moment she discovers her sadist side
Kiwi loves Utena and Utena doesn't deny her feelings for her either, she only shrinks at her aggressiveness towards her
Sayo loves Baiser
Matama and Nemo love each other
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We are so (close to) back.
>more single girl waifu art

I like the outfits, but is it too much to ask for some damn yuri merch for a damn yuri show???? The marketing team for the anime is shit.
Meh, at least they are making yuri art of said merch
Mahoako is all about healthy and wholesome lesbian relationships meet senseless sexual assault. It gets people attached to the characters and makes them care about what they're going through, and impressively without any tragic or overly dramatic backstories and events. The characters are just confused kids (and a failed adult) who are still struggling to discover themselves. Can't say the same about Murcielago, Mahou Shoujou Site (bleurgh), and the likes. Even Meguka is inferior to this.
Utena in particular is so relatable it hurts if you were a dominant/sadist growing up trying to find the right balance of being yourself, feeling attracted to others, and not getting ostracized at best and arrested at worst.
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Kaoruko and kiwi having intense hate sex.
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Just wait for this doujin to release
Princess Magenta never
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>the art is actually good.
Holy shit! I can't wait.
At least with the chibi lingerie ones they’re pretty cute, I don’t mind silly merch like that. But yeah I need chibi Azul being tied up by Baiser on a keychain
I need to start collecting Magenta and Alice keychains so I can make their ship itabag
I like how Azul is really dominating here, I would like to know what dialogue excuses she would say in this situation.
I feel like ValkDrive was going somewhere with both the virus only affecting girls and triggering with strong emotions and Mamori questioning the weird feelings she had towards Mirei and being bullied at her old school, but nope, both of those get thrown out of the window until they reach the episode quota
Sayo's feelings are lust, not love.
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Oh, these are actually cute. I like how Utena and Kiwi are opposite colors with their hair and outfits. Also Sister's tits are bigger than her ass, jesus.
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I don't remember michiko being this stacked..
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I can't be the only one who saw that.
And just the two. Very cute together I must say.
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holy CRAP anon you're a freaking genius
hot. Any other type of sex between them is so out of character it might as well not exist
Unless Kaoroku has to pretend Kiwi is Haruka and Kiwi has to pretend Kaoroku is Utena
they could cosplay for each other, but at that point it'd be Haruka x Utena wiith extra steps
The whole point of her La Verita is that she takes all the love and returns it on the same level she receives it. Explicitly she says love multiple times. It was coming to terms with this side of her that made it possible for her to transform.
She means lust.
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Sorry anon, the word is 愛.
But what is shown is lust.
It's what she shows openly, but inside she feels love. Same reason when corrupted Baiser attacked them she couldn't feel any love.
Lust is a state of physical attraction, love is a state of emotional attraction. It's not that complicated. What Baiser does to the magical girls is definitely lust considering she only cares about groping their bodies without considering the psychological effects of her rape (Azul becoming a masochist, Sulfur becoming a wet noodle, Lord getting scared of having her butt touched, etc.). Azul's masochism is a gorm of love because she can feel the emotional power behind each attack that hits her. If Azul's love was lust, she'd only about the bodies of those that hit her, not their feelings.
>Red x blue pairing
Sulfur sisters....
I read Magenta x Alice as Pink/Yellow
there's a lot of blondes but Alice's dress is cyan
>but Alice's dress is cyan
Alice is gonna fuck Cyan in front of Momo!?!?!?!??!!?!?!
I read Magenta's sentence as guilty.
Alice is the real harem protagonist in this
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B-but your honor! I didn't do anything. I'm innocent. I would never touch kids inappropriately, or gently caress their skin, smell their hair...
On a whim, I decided to go to the park once again today. As is usual when I do this, I was alone. For some reason, it didn't feel like sharing this with anyone else was a good idea.

'So many to choose from...' Should I go to that one park a block over? Or the one with an absurd number of swingsets?

I thought back to the one from yesterday, where I played with Korisu. And then, after that...

I felt my face heating up despite myself. Moving on!

I realized that that park is really close to where I was and decided to go there again today. I usually didn't go to the same one twice in a row like this, but what if, uh, there was damage from the battle yesterday? What if Korisu was there?

Mind made up, I entered the park. Looking around, I saw that Korisu wasn't here. Disappointing. I went over and sat on the bench for a small break.

There were several little girls playing before me. My attention shifted fully to them. Their small bodies, their cute laughs and squeals... I felt my heartbeat pick up and a light, pleasant feeling wash over me. Man, my blooming maternal instinct sure is the best!

I felt someone sit down next to me and jumped.

"Ko- Korisu-chan!?" I got out. She was next to me, the doll she seems to really like in her arms, looking at me with expectant eyes.

Recovering from the small scare, I asked, "Oh, you want to play again today?" I hope she does; getting to play with her makes me feel really really really happy!

A nod. Ok, I could do that... Wait! I hadn't brought any toys with me!

"Ah!" I had an epiphany. I reached into my pocket and grabbed it. "Yes, perfect!" I pulled it out and presented it to Korisu.

A mushroom.

I put on a voice, "Hello miss, I'm Ms. Mushy. I can't actually see you, since I don't have eyes, but I'm sure you're absolutely beautiful!" I made the mushroom gesture towards her doll, but I was wholeheartedly referring to her.

An hour or so later, we took a small break. Korisu was breathing heavily, so she was probably tired.

...Ehehehe, Korisu-chan small voice... her little huffs and gasps... I am truly blessed.

I noticed that she was staring at me. Oops, I hope I wasn't making a sloppy face.

Suddenly, she grabbed onto my hand and started dragging me. Her hand was so warm and small and soft. My heartbeat picked up and I couldn't pay attention to anything else.

We went in between a set of large bushes, then she let go of my hand and pointed. Following that my gaze settled on a patch of beautiful flowers.

"Wow, they're so pretty!" The flowers were the furthest thing from my mind. Wasn't this place kinda secluded? Sure, it wouldn't exactly be impossible for someone to notice us from out there, but-

"Oh, there you are, Korisu-chan." I startled and fell over. I turned around to see Utena, "Eh, Haruka, you too? What are you doing back here?"

"Ah! Um, well, I was, um, playing with her, and then she b-brought me back here to show me the flowers!" I wasn't doing anything wrong, so why does it feel like I had been caught red-handed?

"Oh, okay," Utena replied. She turned towards Korisu and put a hand on her shoulder, "Don't go somewhere where it's hard to see you again while waiting for someone again, okay? I almost missed you entirely." She started walking away, "Say goodbye to your friend and follow me, alright?"

Korisu came over to me. "E- Eh?" She was standing over me, leaning *very* close to my face. I stared into her eyes for a few seconds. My face felt like it was on fire; my heart felt like it was pumping so hard that all my blood vessels would break; my stomach felt like it had become a centrifuge full of butterflies.

A smile spread on her face. She leaned in even closer and-

-placed a kiss right on my cheek!

She promptly ran off after Utena. I kept on replaying what just happened in my head...

I felt blood run to my head and passed out.
This was good, I’d read a whole fic of this
I think this might seriously be the first Haruka x Korisu fanfic. Good job.
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>blooming maternal instinct
heh, made me chuckle.

Platty, please draw a scene from this
Requesting an alternate continuation where Utena doesn’t interrupt them
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werewolf au drawing i never posted here
Very fluffy.
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Good shit!
Give her a puppy dog form, Utena giving a belly rub
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C/u/te. Also, I like older Utena's hair.
oh fuck yeah
crossover with dragon lesbians when
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Not on Sister's level but she's fairly busty, perhaps she was an oppai loli as a kid.
I'm glad we got a height chart, but I wish we also had measurements of the characters.
Is Holly Tengeiji white?
dam foreigners and their sinful bodies made for lust
Of course she is. Just look at her Hank Hill ass.
because the focus is usually on her ass these days
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And what a fine ass it is!
>so mindbroken and humilliated by the mole woman she became addicted to spanking
There really is no love at all foe them. It's just hatred and dehumanization. Bottoms aren't even considered people
>didn't get to see this shot with her adult butt
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Congratulations, kid, Haruka passed out. Guess I'll take you to school.
ah, this must be the timeline where Kaoruko becomes the Yuu to Haruka's Minori
Sister gigante breastfeeding azul and momo.
>the pairing-the-spares polycule
>a spare
She's Baiser's dog.
If you can't fight them, join them.
With one breast
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Only Kaoruko needs milk to grow.
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>Leber, the sanest girl in the manga
>openly participating with Baiser's antics
Sulfur would cum if she's made to do this in front of Magenta.
Leber actively hides in the shadows while everyone ogles her girlfriend dancing and singing naked. She's a cuck
t. Imitatio
She gets to fuck her idol childhood friend in karaoke booths all the time, she succeeded where everywhere else failed

Truly Michiko's biggest sin was fucking up Lovely Lovely Loco's™ confession scene in the karaoke room
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she actively hides in her girlfriend's cave, so no one but only her can see her in all her glory
>some OL in the train tries to molest Matama
>she leaves with a couple fingers less
Yaknow. I'm surprised that no train molestation scenarios have happened under Utena's leadership
just wait until Kiwi gifts a train set to Korisu for her birthday
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This could be the premise of a chapter.
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>there's been an Ero Trap Dungeon chapter
>there's been a videogame chapter
When is the "h-game on a train" chapter?
You can even have it so that every molesting NPC is a faceless "civilian" version of Baiser.
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It's Kiwi's birthday in nipland!
Kaoruko's property.
In your dreams, Momo.

Rare mama kiwi sighting
I don't really get why Kiwi's mom is drawn like a 4 year old toddler.
It's cute and/or funny.
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Korisu needs some serious competition for Haruka.
haruka bait
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She asked for "a cup," not "g cup."
Go get Sulfur.
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At least until they meet and she finds out.
It's the other way, Kaoruko is property of Kiwi.
>wear naughty lingerie in a sleepover
The fuck is wrong with these three?
The sex with each other is a team-building exercise, at least that’s what Kaoruko says when she wants to touch Haruka’s boo-
Where's this from?
ironic that you use her of all girls to make fun of Sulfur for being flat. Alice doesn't count because she's still a child.
Prove it, let’s see her birth certificate
Momo is a MagentaXSulfur shipper
Please turn in your momoposting license
I hope season 2 inserts even more ship fanservice for them that's anime-only similar to how season 1 added in all that mons rubbing.
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Realizing Azul, the one who depends on others' love the most, will forever be alone
>baiser has kiwi
>alice has her doll
>leber has loco
>magenta has sulfur
>lord has randa
>momo has cyan
>vena has vatz
unless she wants to get freaky with Gigante which probably won't happen
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I don't like Magia Azul
We get it already, it is painfully obvious.
>alice has her doll
>magenta has sulfur
OK Sulfur
Kiwi's love for Utena is just puppy love. Meanwhile, Utena and Sayo share a really deep bond, they've got super compatible personality and interests.
>deep bond
At this point Sulfur has made Azul orgasm more times than Baiser has, especially since Baiser doesn't engage with Azul during group fights anymore.
>At this point Sulfur has made Azul orgasm more times than Baiser has
Look, you are free to dislike a character as much as you want, but making up a false headcanon is just sad.
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Anon, I love Azul. I love Azul -because- she cums at the slightest touch no matter who does it. An unabashed horndog that even asks her allies to give some "love" to her during battles.
Azul has enjoyed Sulfur's abuse plenty of times, even getting off to losing in fighting games. With the sheer amount of time they've spent together along with how Baiser has switched focus to Imitatio and now Magenta, it's not farfetched to think that Azul has accumulated more orgasms from Sulfur over Baiser.
LocoLeber have also been climbing up the orgasmometer with how often they've been fighting Azul recently. Somehow they can bypass Azul's attack bounceback.
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>Kaoruko bragging about how she much she makes Sayo cum only to get people to stop shipping Magenta with Alice
We glimpsed into the timeline where Leber has big breasts, at least until they fixed it in the Blu Ray.
Is there a bluray release with good subs out?
They consistently get chapters of 1 vs 1, the body paint one would be the end of a season 2. Each season ending with a Utena x Sayo fight shows how important it is.
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The end of season 2 would barely fit Utena's gang and Michiko's gang meeting at the convenience store, it makes the perfect ending since Michiko declares that she's Utena's "new" rival.
If I remember correctly, it's from a kind and awesome nee-san around here.

Platty did >>4244740 for example.
If you're going to count offscreen orgasms, you should probably consider the possibility that Utena probably makes fodder demons and sends them after Tres Magia when she can't face them directly. She would still be the one with the highest orgasm counter, considering she wants to be a rapist villain after all. Also, Sulfur gets weirded out by Azul's masochism, she probably tries to avoid triggering it most of the time.
You are kind of lazily assuming that Gigante won't have any hidden magical girls under her wing when she inevitably betrays Vena. One of them might be a possible love interest for Azul. Part of me kindof wants to see a jealous Baiser when she learns her sub doesn't want to play with her anymore. We have never seen her in a situation of witnessing Tres Magia dommed by anyone else. Maybe she used to bdsm because Vena forced her too, but now, I think she does it for herself mainly. She has slowly becoming an more awful person as time goes on. I think the biggest evidence of this is that, early on, she was shown to wanting to protect her minions but now, she ups the danger level by letting Lord and co. join Tres Magia which puts all of Enormeeta at risk if Lord ever decides to spill the beans OR if Vena blackmails Lord some way.
Not sure, the one I have just uses the Hidive subs. I remember an anon mentioning he'd work on good subs for the BD release, but I haven't checked if they were released.

Also they actually went back and changed the male-looking not-Sanrio toys into female ones, the absolute madmen.
That's determination

There's still that Jack in the box(?) though
>*Jill in the box*
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[Chihiro] was the group that did fansubs for the series. Hidive tends to screw up their translations, sometimes on purpose.
Anyway, I'm sure there will be a good torrent up soon.
Chihiro just took Hidive and slightly cleaned them up.
How would Kiwi react to her mom thirsting over Magenta?

Wouldn't it be the other way around?
Should've kept the ravenettes in the overalls+pants
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Selfcest when?
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wanted to post this before i go to work so it's a little rough

Thank you for drawing this as always!
Built for randa's clit.
incredibly based. thank you
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How can they get away with all this level of based?
I can't believe the good girls squad has three lolicons.
I thank you for this delicious meal. May your fighting spirit be the fuel for the artist.

Haurka, Randa, and who else?
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Loving children is a sure way to tell if someone is good!

That clearly went over my head since Momo is terminally horny
Even excluding Alice, the fact that Momo took photos of Sulfur and Magenta (both 14) while UNTRANSFORMED is telling. The fact that both Michiko and Randa were already prepared to call the police on her also says a lot about how some of her porno may actually be illegal. Utena says her lewdness lacks no backstory but...Do we actually want to know that backstory? What sort of animal was Cyan to be able to put up with this definitely-a-criminal woman?
>fodder demons
That's more a Lord Enorme thing, whenever Utena summons stuff it's when she's up close and personal with a magical girl.
Honestly, Baiser, Magenta, Michiko, Randa, Momo, and Holly Tengeiji are all pedos. I'm sure Sayo would cum from getting dommed by girls of any age too.
>Holly Tengeiji
She's the one magical girl who hasn't tried to rape people. All her attacks, even the boob squish of death, were just plain attempts to maim or kill.
c'mon anon, everyone in town would be locked up in this universe if the main girls were actually viewed as innocent children you can't sexualize. all the onlookers are looking up their skirts and taking pics of their boobs n stuff
Once they're in Middle School they're legal. Like Pokemon where they're legal once they hit 10
Time to see Kiwi in her birthday suit then!
It's legal because nobody knows their real age.
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Kiwi a fucking whore, she'll strip naked for literally anyone.
>literally anyone
That's a funny way to spell Utena
Nah, Utena would rather strip a meguca naked, remember the chapter where she did a bodypaint on Azul, the moment Baiser had her outfit cut off she backed off.
Only way I see Kiwi willingly strip for someone other than Utena and not just because of battle damage or something is if Utena told her to do it
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you can't do that
It feels really weird seeing magical girls from a different series being referred to as megucae.
>Alice and Kiwi have their costumes be unchanged
>Utena's costume is changed
No, loliKiwi's one is also changed. She wears bloomers instead of a thong.
Kiwi doesn’t wear bloomers in her original costume
Didn't even notice that.
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I really need more art of Mahou Shoujo Noire.
is this anime gonna be like madoka magica?
No this is actually good
Only if you replace the despair with horny and the ギ with ジ.
>momo is a magentaxsulfur shipper
>she is also baiserxazure shipper
>she is shat on for the second one being a crackship
magenta x sulfur confirmed crackship
because despite having the chest of a loli, Sulfur still isn't a loli
so are these idiot magical girls going to kill each other or what? whatever happened to that taking over the world stuff in the first episode
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>whatever happened to that taking over the world stuff in the first episode
It was never real, you anime-only pleb.
Read the manga. There's not going to be a second season for AT LEAST a year and a half. If ever.
Baiser doesn't care about that, she just wants to lewd magical girls
Vena might want to but she's been kept on a leash until she begins her keikaku
The only dark magical girl confirmed to have any desire to take over the world was Lord. Baiser wants to lewd magical girls until they grow stronger, Leopolt wanted to fight them out of jealousy and dropped it to support her gf once said gf started giving her the attention she wanted, Alice wanted to play with Vena and have playmates, Loco wants to be an idol, Leberblume wants to support her gf, and Gigant seems to be supporting whatever the fuck Vena is up to which involves harvesting magic or something.
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But Sulfur is a cute loli (and Magenta loves her).
I got the impression that Gigant was more than likely blackmailed into her role much like Utena was. She's been shown to have her own goals and plans, like how Lord escaped and her evil smirk in response to venalita where her stars multipled.
and then Sulfur woke up
>Momo took photos of Sulfur and Magenta (both 14)
Isn't Momo their age? She goes to school with Randa
She and Randa are actually 17, according to her bio. Randa can get away with dating, Lord, because she's only three years younger than her.
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Small update from our non-dead author:
Asking to wait a bit more and that it'll continue soon enough, basically. Nurse Korisu included in the corner.
anon... you're nearly 2 weeks late
dammit anon, you made me think there was another update
How comfy was the rock you were sleeping under anon? But still, the "news" it's always welcome
Oh... yes, the rock was comfy....
All of the young girls love Alice
'Tender young Alice' they say
Come over and tease me
Come over and please me
Alice, its my turn today...
We already have a Noire in /u/, and that's in NepuNowa.

I suggest Schwartz instead... Although it does remind me of a certain brother german ninjutsu user.
Selfcest or Masturbation?

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