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Do you like Minto x Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew?
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Yeah, I find them cute. I'm a little conflicted over the reboot because while it shows scenes of Zakuro fawning over Mint, it lacks pic related that was their conclusion. They couldn't kiss in the original show because it was a show for little girls but they didn't kiss either in the new show, I guess because many women in the audience are mothers now and feel icky with woke propaganda
They also really didn't go all in on the blood either. There was a little blood here and there, like specks of blood or a driplet of blood, but it wasn't really bloody or gory, even though the reboot was aimed at adult women who grew up with Tokyo Mew Mew
By not really going all in on the blood, I didn't mean that between Minto and Zakuro obviously. I meant the show didn't really go all in on the blood and the reboot wasn't really any more sexual than the original either
>Tokyo Mew Mew
Does the story have any selling points apart from yuri?
This is about climate change, endangered species, silly romance, and ancient aliens.

I'm only going to talk about the new version, Minto x Zakuro have good chemistry between them and no het, Ichigo is the source of het, the other 2 girls have an unrequited romance and shiptease that only serves to make a group of terrorist aliens look better.

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