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Anyone? Akane is bisexual anyway so this should be fine, right?
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The trailer will come out on July 17
Even in the best case scenario, Ranma yuri would require Ranma to never touch hot water again, which would be a real bitch during winter.
I don't think this thread is going to last very long. So I will use it to vent.
I don't think I am going to like this because of both the censorship and the chance that this time Rumiko might actually write a ending for it. The China arc burned her out and the failed wedding at the end was a compromise between her and the editors to let her end it with the possibility of restarting it later. The editors didn't want a ending, they wanted it to continue forever like Urusei Yatsura. Takahashi just wanted away from it as quickly as possible. What she was interested in was expanding upon the Rumic World short 'Fire Tripper', which would become Inu Yasha.
But that abrupt halt- which caused a more abrupt halt in the anime which was nowhere near the end due to excessive filler episodes but with no manga to sell, no financing for the anime. So fans like me have been left for 30 odd years re-reading re-watching and developing a headcannon of how it should end and I doubt if they make a ending now, even having Ranma and Akane get married like all of us wanted, its going to be satisfying.
One of the things that came to bug me about Takahashi, other than her inability to write endings, just writing herself into a corner and then just quitting. Is her obliviousness to the consequences of what she wrote. The best illustration is the old quote from her Q&A panel that Viz arranged at the San Diego Comicon waay back in 1992. A fan asked her "What would happen if Ranma got pregnant" the famous answer- "I don't want to think about that and you shouldn't either".
She thinks in situation comedy. So her characters reman static so they will produce a given response when she thinks of a new situation to throw them in. She has tried to write about characters that grow in Mason Ikoku and Inu Yasha but your mileage may vary if she was ever successful in that.
Sadly she makes characters that are both visually and conceptually engaging even in their manga form and she had really really good luck in getting excellent directors and voice actors to bring it out in the animated form. But they stay static, even when she made attempts to move the story along she doesn't remember or make use of the situations she already wrote to evolve the characters.
Shit. This is taking too long. So to just finish off the last paragraph, that innocent question at Comicon 92 came from Viz's US release having reached the "Full Body Cat Tongue" arc where Ranma had been stuck as Girl Type for a couple weeks and the obvious question was, did the chauvinist have to go through dealing with having a period? This started off a whole train of thought, does Girl Type get periods, can she get pregnant, what happens to the transformation if she gets pregnant. The answer was "I don't want to think about it and you shouldn't either". All of those were things to explore that could have had long term impact on Ranma not being a chauvinist actually developing some respect for other people. But no the character was fixed, because apparently tracking the knock on effects would change Ranma for the next situation she wanted to use, were too difficult to track for her.
Akane had a similar problem, the Orochi arc that became the last Ranma OAV because fans were allowed to vote on it, showed that Akane is capable of actually keeping up with Ranma in mobility, jumping through trees, running along tops of walls, only slightly slower than him, maybe not even that when he is in Girl mode, but all that was conveniently forgotten when needed to place Ranma and Akane in the next comic situation, or to conveniently have Akane kidnapped to China. Thats terrible because Akane was one of the first Tsundere characters and unlike most that have followed she had a reason to be tsun. Her Dad had, suddenly from her point of view, decided to make her marry this boy, and give him partial ownership of HER late mothers home and business. Soun didn't make that dojo, Akane's grandfather had and since Akane's Mom was now dead, before Akane was even in grade school, that place was her attachment to her Mother and a stranger was being given access to it without her consent. Then Ranma was actually better than her to boot.
I was going to write how the China arc was all full of missed opportunities but this is all taking way too long to type so I am just going to stop at this thought.
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While I agree that the author has some problems when it comes to writing, her main advice is something you should take to heart though, especially people like you. "What if, but then, it makes no sense, but consider" dude, the premise requires some suspension of disbelief not 5 pages of worldbuilding magic science explanation.

I hope the new anime will not be a brotherhood but instead be a complete re imagination, as I always thought the story had potential but didn't made use of it. Recently I saw a storytime on /a/ about a later chapter, and it was laughable bad, so in a way I'm glad that the anime stopped airing in my country when I was a kid only like 30 episodes in.
And no, while I obviously would want Akane to be a full blown lesbian who can/wantsto only date girl-ranma, this isn't the potential I was talking about
>I obviously would want Akane to be a full blown lesbian
>full blown lesbian
>who wants to date a guy
lmao even
Is your reading comprehension this bad, or are you playing dumb?
I think it was less about the worldbuilding and more about the development potential for Ranma (the menstruation thing, not necessarily pregnancy).
Still, the pregnancy question is merely the tip of the iceberg of questions on how the cursed springs work.
Gender bend is not yuri.
Inuyasha has never focused on Yuri or female relationships. However, after 16 years, the sequel Yashahime includes more Yuri scenes, even if they are just sisterly love.
It's like saying Monster girl x girl isn't yuri.
No, it’s like saying male x female isn’t yuri
>All of those were things to explore that could have had long term impact on Ranma not being a chauvinist actually developing some respect for other people. But no the character was fixed, because apparently tracking the knock on effects would change Ranma for the next situation she wanted to use, were too difficult to track for her.
This is the problem with the stereotypical anime and manga, especially (but not limited to) the comedy ones. The author refuses to explore deeper themes and truly develop the characters, but instead chooses to sell one note jokes and flanderize their characters. Seems like the fans feel a deeper connection to the characters than the author does.
But it's not girl x girl, it's girl x guy possessing a girl's body temporarily. Like those creepy doujins where a dude takes over a woman's body and has sex with other women, which is also not yuri.
Ranma never once considers himself female. There is even a little arc where he actually does start thinking that, and there is an obvious difference between the two. Even so, "female" Ranma is still straight.
Unless, you are Izumo Ito. Machikado Mazoku is full of stuff learned coming back to be important in later books. The way the lore is so easily spread by her. The characters use the stuff they learned in past chapters when the new situations appear. She does consider and use the 'knock on effects' of past decisions. The last six years have really spoiled me and made a lot of my older anime and manga look kind of bad.
I wonder who they'll cast as Ukyou, considering her original VA died.
How much of the original cast has retired by this point? It's been like 30 years.
Not the person who wrote all that, but I don't think you need a 5 page explanation for that question. It's pretty easy to handwave in a way that doesn't even upset the status quo. Just say the magic keeps Ranma female until the pregnancy ends or that Girl Ranma just can't get pregnant. You can make up other magic bullshit too, and it would just take one sentence.
Didn't you read what that anon wrote? They had more and more and more questions, all completely irrelevant or easy to imagine an answer yourself.
What happens if Ranma gets pregnant is not important at all, because it will never happen in canon. what happens if Ranma stays as a girl for a whole month, does she get a period? That's not the point of the story, so who cares.
The people that do care can just come up with an acceptable answer themselves and write their fanfic around that.
Those questions were quite relevant to the plot and characterization. You're talking like they're all "magic xylophone" tier.
>Those questions were quite relevant to the plot and characterization
the point is they are not, at all, not even close. They're completely irrelevant, only good for fanfics
It'll be AI-generated from old clips.
Japan don't even like AI
What are you talking about, Several directors already showed interest in it.
Of course it can't be used yet for a serialized production, but if it could(and it became completely legal) I'm sure some studios would use it.
There was this one short animation done by a japanese studio that had used AI backgrounds.
Japan is literally the first country in the world that embraced AI unconditionally, they were unusually ahead of everyone else in that regard.
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is Mamoru Ooshi going to be directing again? i'm unsure how i feel since he likes to change source material a lot; i'm still pissed about Vlad Love.
I do wonder how a remake will play out. A 1-to-1 adaptation of the manga, imo, will probably take away some of the charm from the old anime.
People on /u/ will shit on it but Ranma is more yuri than all the bait shows that get seasonally fawned over every 3 months here. And by the end Ranma does accept being a girl as well as a boy so it's canonically half yuri.
> Ranma does accept being a girl as well as a boy so it's canonically half yuri.
>a guy thinking they're a girl makes it yuri
Gee, I wonder who typed this.
>but Ranma is more yuri than all the bait shows
Go back and kill yourself
Dunno who you think I am but I hope whoever it is finds this thread and has a good laugh.
Ranma is still at its core a het love story, the yuri in it is incidental. It's a not case like Kashimashi or Onimai where the MC is fully and permanently genderbent so they're female for all intents and purposes, Ranma switches back and forth, so his relationship with Akane is more akin to a two-person bisexual threesome.
(and as mentioned above, it would be quite awkward for Ranma to willingly remain female indefinitely as it would requite abstaining from hot showers).
Even when we leave all the GBshit aside, there is like zero yuri in it. Shampoo specifically only likes male Ranma, Ukyo prefers male Ranma, Kodachi prefers male Ranma. Akane supposedly is the one that doesn't care about his form, but that doesn't really prove that she's bisexual, since Ranma is the only "woman" she ever shows interest in, so it's more just a bad case of oneitis.
In any case, every romantic moment she has with Ranma, he's in his real form.
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>every romantic moment she has with Ranma, he's in his real form.
Funny you should say that! I used to think the same but I decided to rewatch the anime and the first actual sort-of-romantic moment they share is actually with Ranma-chan!
Could it be the only one? Possibly. Probably, even. But who knows! Maybe I'm just misremembering because back when I first watched I never dared read the moments between girl ranma and Akane as romantic.
Why does this thread exist while the Jelly one got abandoned in a microsecond after the finale? You can't be so desperate for the crumbs of yuri to cling to the comedy gender-bending anime where all the important stuff happens to the MC in the guy form.
Jellyfish was abandoned becuse the ending was shit, sis. Nothing we can do about that. Ranma is a nostalgic classic. Not like this is a general or anything.
Because GB vermin and TIMs get off on pushing their fetishes on others.
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Takahashi confirming half-lesbian Ranma x Akane ending
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That's literally not what she is saying though.
Akane has never shown any interest in Ranma's girl form.
Canonically, Ramma birth with both sex, it only discover that can switch late
that apply to other character with others persona like the father who is also a panda
What in the fuck are you talking about?
Ranma is born a male, gets cursed to take the form of a young girl that drowned in the pond. It's not his "female form" or some shit like that, it's literally the body of some chinese girl.
Whether you want to call it possession or skinwalking or whatever, it sure as shit isn't yuri. Even if there was some sort of romance involving "girl Ranma" specifically, it still wouldn't be yuri.
>Akane has never shown any interest in Ranma's girl form.
Why you even try to discuss anything here?
It is obviously ill-fated bait thread like all GB crap threads are on /u/.
Nothing in Ranma ever was yuri related cause none of the girls were interested sexually in Ranma female form even if you want to tolerate GB crap.
Thread hidden cause it isn't anything else than wanting to post a guy on /u/ excuse given form.
Worse shit than even Hibike retardation.
Why are you replying to a weird indian ESL who hasn't bothered to watch or read the first fucking chapter?
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What the hell is gb?
Girls band (cry).
>be spending her career drawing hot girls naked or half naked
>be missing female ranma
>turn ranma into a normal boy in the end because "it's a good way to end the manga"
Why are so many Japanese mangakas so closeted?
Wait, there's actual ending? did Ranma really return to his real body or not?
Game Boy.
Nope, the status quo is always maintained.
Takahashi has always been very open on her disdain for lesbians. She only likes MxF and sometimes yaoi but as fanservice
Can't be that suprising, she's from the same age as the character designer for revolutionary girl Utena
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>lust over girls
>hate lesbians
Why were 80s Japanese women like this?
>Takahashi has always been very open on her disdain for lesbians
Yeah, gonna need some source for that one
This statement feels like one of these "The author didn't make a yuri couple even if it were to make sense, clearly she is just a homophobic lesbian-hating conservative bitch"
I mean, not that anon but
I'm not sure why people are trying to retroactively rewrite the series to "omg Akane is bisexual!" The show never treats homosexuality as anything but a gross perversion.
Yeah, Akane's supposed "bisexuality" comes entirely down to the fact she's accepting of her fiancee's curse and doesn't think he should cure it at all costs. Never once is it implied she wants to be intimate with his cursed form.
I suppose if you only watch the first episode you may think there's something more there, because Akane "hates boys" and Ranma is a "girl", but there really isn't.
Never thought of that, I just think it's funny that Shampoo calls Akane a pervert.
Also, you guys need to chill, some people just like ranma girl x akane
>some people just like ranma girl x akane
But why? Even inhabiting a body with big tits, Ranma is still the same chauvinistic pig that thinks all women are weak and beneath him.
If you're so desperate to ship Ranma characters, why not pick two actual females to start with?
Because Ranma girl x Akane moments are way cuter?
So moments between a girl (male) and another girl are cute? Makes me wonder what people like that are doing here in the first place?
Let's not forget Ranma is one of those people that thinks "lesbians don't exist, all they need is a real man to set them straight." There's an actual chapter about it, yes.
Oh, that? I think Ranma just doesn't want to date with Tsubasa (Tsubasa literally chasing his girl version) so he need to give "her" a guy to date.
Also again, don't really care because Ranma girl x Akane are cute.
Sis really out here sperging about hating this show as though we /u/ ranma fans don't know the show isn't really yuri.
We don't care, get a move on. /u/ is full of threads for shit that isn't yuri or outright hetshit. The only rule here is to ship two females--and yes that includes GB yuri.
If you don't like it, you can stay away from the thread.
To add on to this, I know there's not much hope for it, but I do wonder if maybe the remake will make it a bit more modern? Maybe tone down the sexism?
>GB yuri
There weren't sexism in Ranma 1/2, it's just very confusing when you watching it.
My ESL not-friend, watch the fucking show before saying shit about it.
Brain rot
>yuri brainrot is bad
Why are you in this board again?
If you hate ranma that much why are you here?

>if you hate tg why are you here?

A real mystery
What's that?
Tech Genus.
why is GB shit allowed in this board
thread filtered btw don't even bother replying
Why is chensoi man allowed on this board?
Should we care about your hate comment?
Bare minimum for it to work is the guy giving up being a guy and the whole show is centered around not that.

Cause if that was the case, Ayakashi Triangle would be yuri cause the tg lead (who still thinks he's a guy) and the femc get together at the end
It's just anime, why not just enjoy it?
There is a big difference between enjoying something and pretending very hard that something falls into a category that does not belong.

GB in 99% of the cases, mainly if the change is not permanent or the boy still identifies as a boy, then it is a het series and has no reason to be on a yuri board, if you are only interested in "hentai" of the series, a thread is not necessary either.
Then why not just leave this thread and just let us enjoy it?
Because the thread has no reason to exist on /u/

For as shit as Kashimashi is, it at least gets that right

And it's less fun when your Mc is a chauvanivanist pig
The huge difference is that Kashimashi intends to be yuri, even if it takes an alien conspiracy for it to work in some way, even if the ending of the anime sucks.

Ranma 1/2 on the other hand, is a het series, with a het audience in mind, focused on het sensibilities, by a het author and a menu of waifus for mainly men.
Well, yeah, yuri male fans also like Ranma 1/2. Considering Ranma is only loyal to Akane which is why female Ranma x Akane is always fine.
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Rumiko Takahashi art is so good, imagine the universe where she did yuri
Imagine if Inuyasha was a girl, how different this board would be.
Yeah, there's no trailer yet but just teaser, though.
there will be!
I'm not actually too sure on how I feel about it, but I'm trying to keep a positive outlook.
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Here's another maybe example (from the following episode): The first sort-of-date they go on is actually between Ranma-Chan and Akane.

Akane purposeful made Ranma look this way before asking for the date, too.
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Why is it so normal for female artists to draw erotic pictures of women on the regular, but never anything gay or homoerotic? Certainly not normal for male artists afaik.
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All women are, at the very least, bisexual. Maybe not biromantic but there's scientific evidence to prove women just get turned on by other women all the time.
Akane hates boys at the start of the series because she has to fight the whole school every morning, big deal.
Of course, Ranma then "fixes" her by not being a complete asshole all the time.
Seriously, there's nothing yuri about this series except the delusions inside your head.
get out of this thread
Get off this board.
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It's okay if we're both girls
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Outdated study with outdated methodology. You'd need MRI scan to tell sexual arousal more accurately and not just vaginal twitch or whatever they observed in the old study.


The sample size of this study is pretty tiny, but the lesbian samples are found to show more negative response to erotic stimuli containing men and more positive response to female erotic stimuli than bisexual and heterosexual women.

Granted, they failed to find any substantial difference between heterosexual women and bisexual women, but given the tiny sample size maybe that's to be expected.
Most gender-bender anime focus on yuri, but Ranma 1/2 has more of a yaoi trap theme than yuri.
She only hated boys her age, she wanted to date her older male teacher.
Yes, especially Konatsu was a perfect opportunity for the author to introduce a lesbian character, but both are traps instead.
There's even barely any "yuri fanservice" moments which are pretty normal in haremshit, Rumiko truly hates yuri indeed.
Rumiko thinks people could be reassured by knowing the truth of the norm, but it just disappoints people and feels unfair to this series, which has only straight and yaoi content.
Learn English.
Nice to know, now post more yuri ranma.
>yuri ranma
now that's an oxymoron
We just don't like butthurt people in this thread, just post yuri ranma girls on /u/
That's not how the springs work though. The curses stack, so all the water would do is turn Ranma into a futa.
how about some of the pure-girls from the series being yuri with each other?
Nabiki constantly sexually-harrasses girl ranma, and for some reason owns a bunny suit and fishnets and bdsm gear, I refuse to believe she's not into women.
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According to Takahashi
>Only Ranma and Akane are a definitive couple in the series
>Ranma will stay as a half-woman forever

Hence, this series has much more canon yuri than a lot of gaybait around this board.

Oh and by the way, for those not remembering the manga: the Musk dynasty pushed animals in the drowned girl spring and impregnated the animals-turned-girls to adquire the animal traits. Girl Ranma thus is able to get pregnant like a normal girl. But Takahashi says you don't have to worry about that. Why?

Obviously, because Girl Ranma has no interest in men (which isn't the case for many GB stories where the sexuality changes in order to have the character always straight). In any case, Ranma ends with Akane anyway.
>the Musk dynasty pushed animals in the drowned girl spring and impregnated the animals-turned-girls to adquire the animal traits
I never read the manga.
... wouldn't the babies just be born like normal humans? or is it some fucked up logic where the kid has both human and animal DNA?
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Why didn't they just make Ranma stay as a girl.
>canon yuri
Yeah, no. Neither Ranma or Akane has ever shown any interest in doing anything couple-y with Ranma in his cursed form.
And Ranma will never get pregnant because 1. he only loves Akane and she is incapable of getting anyone pregnant
2. he would rope himself if he had to do something as feminine as give birth
He and Akane needs to make kids, anon.
You're just wasting your time for nothing.
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MachiMazo is truly too good to be real. As punishment for actually writing something unique and quality Ito got cursed by the world to be as sickly as pre-horns Shamiko.
GB isn't yuri, but ESPECIALLY Ranma's GB which is not permanent and he spends more of the show as a dude and considers himself a guy at all times and there is zero flirting between girl Ranma and any real girl.
On every level imaginable this shit doesn't belong on this board.
It was precisely her sickness what inspired her to draw in the first place.
Yeah yeah, we only want ranma-chan x akane scenes, anon, stop being such a kill joy.
Those scenes don't exist. 99% of the manga when Ranma is a girl Akane still treats him like a guy or doesn't act the least bit attracted to him. Something the author made very clear and intentionally only ever put Akane showing romantic interest while he is in male form.

I'm not a killjoy, I just care about actual yuri. By all means, spam this thread with Ukyo x Shampoo art. That's the only way you will ever have actual yuri in this series.
>spam this thread with Ukyo x Shampoo art
Don't have those, why don't you post them?
Get out of this thread
get out of this board
You're still wasting your time here, eh?
long odds, but does anyone have any good fics? I can deal with some boy type Ranma as long as it’s mostly yuri
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>Transforms into a cat mentally
>Cat-form only likes Akane
>Says "nya" when breasts get grabbed by Akane
>"Neko" is Japanese slang for bottom/submissive lesbian
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The height difference from the anime is so good
Akane totally fucks Girl-Type Ranma and slowly teaches her the pleasures of womanhood over the course of months.

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