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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread: >>4235529
Bad Girl from Kirara Max is getting a anime.
I dont think /u/ has ever had a thread about it.
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Why aren't you reading yuri right now
Because my back log is sending me death threats now
Pay attention to your back log so you don't die, I bet you haven't read Octave yet.
I wonder if Hibike had an impact on how we choose to consume yuri. I'm not talking about the people who held on a hopeless dream for something more from a non-yuri source material, but we yurifags as a whole. When the het inevitably came back in 2016, the event was so catastrophic and prominent that it indirectly and unconsciously influenced and dictated how we would find yuri in the future. In a sense, it marked the end of an era where we would have to scavage for the tiniest scrap of yuri. Of course, the rapid increase of yuri both in quality and quantity played the main and primary role in our rejection and revolution against our old ways of thoughts, and there has always existed an ultra-orthodox group who rejects almost any yuri with males or any hint of het. But after Hibike, I personally have noticed an increased hesitation in which manga or anime yurifags choose to invest in, and our threshold for yuri has also sharply increase. A sort of "Hibike syndrome" we are stuck in. And it isn't much about bait and switching yuri with het, but rather an out-of-sync with the current progress of yuri and the new popular yuri-friendly media. Years ago, LycoReco or YoruKura would have celebrated as wins for yuri, but now they return as disappointments. They felt weirdly out of date, out of time, and ironically, it felt like it would belong to the same time period when it would have gotten praised. Our needs for yuri have reached a point where a classic CGDCT or some plain subtext won't satisfy us anymore, and we demand strong and explicit yuri at the end of the story at the very least.
I dunno what you're talking about. Hibike was not this explosive calamity that drastically affected the yuri community.
>Years ago, LycoReco or YoruKura would have celebrated as wins for yuri
Namely, 3 years ago for Yorukura and 30 for Lycoreco.
I understand what you're saying, but the pessimism against yuri is more than anything present in mainly picky (not demanding) people who seem more focused on "the ending" or external explicit "confirmation", instead of enjoying the product as such.

The hatred or fear of the bait was the cause of the accumulation of other series that did similar nonsense or used yuri as a dirty rag.

>LycoReco or YoruKura would have celebrated as wins for yuri, but now they return as disappointments.
That doesn't apply to everyone, mainly trolls and waifuhetfags, who are the ones who have hated yuri becoming prominent and humiliating Het.
Very gay chapter
God I wish I lived in your world.
Not happy that the editors didn't allow Erika to be shown masturbating.
Anyone with 2 braincells wouldn’t trust the adaptation of a hetshit work.
If you fell for it you deserve it. Don’t go looking for yuri in the sewers when there’s plenty to be found elsewhere. A majority of Hibiketards were braindead sakugafags/kyoanifags and not actual yurifags, they have no right to complain.
Stop being so dramatic...
I agree with this anon, I don't think the core of the community really was impacted because at the same time Hibike was airing we were already at romance yuri manga taking over. Though I don't agree with your point about Lycoreco, the shipping scene has never been so strong, especially with social media, it's very possible it wouldn't have catch on with the yuri doujin and artwork community the way it did.

I don't think a lot of users below 30yr really remember or are even aware how disappointing a lot of stuff turned to be, even actual yuri stuff at some point was obviously afraid of actually portraying a moral normalized scenario.

Hibike had an impact in the japanese doujin community, but the concept of baiting (which arguably Hibike even wasn't since the series ending was already well know) was not new.
Like I said several times, I used to post every single thread to call out people and tell them how it ended, didn't matter.
I have! But I haven't read voiceful yet

My backlog is currently at 90

Pls help
>I used to post every single thread to call out people and tell them how it ended, didn't matter.
>stop having fun.jpg
Kill yourself
>we yurifags
Stop talking for other people, currentyear/change/"we"fag
>and our threshold for yuri has also sharply increase
Increase your level of English fluency
Like I said, it wasn't direct. I agree that yuribait was nothing new at that point, but Hibike was one of, if not, the biggest. My point is that normal yurifags who didn't get baited were still affected. During the Hibike fiasco, yurifags got painted as a delusional bunch who lived in a fantasy world. While not true and stereotypical in nature, many still changed their yuri consumption to be more strict, to not appear as those unhinged people who tarnished the reputation of yurifags. No one wanted to be the insane one in the room.
They didn't have fun discussions, it was not fun for them and also not for the other people on the threads who didn't agree with their delusions and I also sure the few that remained didn't have a good time with the never ending mockery, they didn't care about the show, they cared about their ships.
Dude this is literally just fanfic now
The threads a few years ago when there was no season airing were comfy.
>but Hibike was one of, if not, the biggest.
Not even close.
>My point is that normal yurifags who didn't get baited were still affected. During the Hibike fiasco, yurifags got painted as a delusional bunch who lived in a fantasy world. While not true and stereotypical in nature, many still changed their yuri consumption to be more strict, to not appear as those unhinged people who tarnished the reputation of yurifags. No one wanted to be the insane one in the room.
I am really not sure you are aware you are not posting on reddit right now, most of us don't really fucking care and understand we are in a fucking anonymous board and there are no strings attached. Even shitposting only really got worse when /pol/ exploded with election retardation and certain groups of people suddenly got the exposure that no society should have ever allowed.
>When the het inevitably came back in 2016
The het in season 2 was greatly exaggerated by people who never actually watched it.
Royal "we"
I'm talking about the yuri community as a whole, not /u/ or /a/ or fuck all. Of course /u/ doesn't give a shit, there are like 10 people samefagging for (you) here. But only /u/ can't bankroll yuri manga or have much power when it votes with money, that's why I'm talking about everyone and never mentioned /u/ once until now.
I miss peak Edeleth...
The japanese yuri community doesn't care and they are the only ones that matter, the west is fucking irrelevant. And the west yuri community or maybe better said the anime community in general is already full of disgusting groups of people to the point whatever new weekly drama they are going over is just overblow by mental illness.
I never watched hibike and I never cared about it.
I did watch it but never cared about the supposed yuri because I knew that the novels had 0 yuri
Kumiko in the novels is dating Shuichi, and she's STILL gay as fuck for Reina, and spends way more time and has more romantic moments with her than with her supposed boyfriend.
I mean, there's gotta be a point where the yuribait goes so far and so deep that it wraps back up to being yuri, right?
Only if he dumps Shoe like a set of left handed golf clubs.
>the event was so catastrophic and prominent
As a yurifag who was only on /a/ from 2011-2020 and have never watched Hibike, I have never felt anything like that. For it to be catastrophic, it has to be big enough(from a yuri standpoint) to be watched by the majority of yurifags. The fact that I didn't see enough yurifags recommending it as a must see yuri anime means it was never that big(again, from a yuri standpoint) and as such couldn't possibly be a catastrophic event. Maybe it was just a /u/ thing.
No it wasn't this apocalypse here either. I think anon is just playing it up to sound dramatic.
Completely missing the point.
People were warned about the source material. Anyone watching had enough information to know it isn’t yuri, so anon saying retarded shit like >>4242598 >>4242608 doesn’t fly specifically because everyone involved knew what they signed up for.
>>stop having fun
It isn’t that, it’s providing necessary prerequisite information. Anyone can still go through with the decision of ‘having fun’ after knowing the facts.
No, fuck off. "Romantic moments" amount to nothing when the actual person she’s dating is the shoe.
FACT: if it was the other way around, everyone would insist it's actually het.
Do you think that’s some sort of "gotcha"? Double standards and gatekeeping are good things.
Correct. Males in yuri are not involved romantically with the girls, whether that involvement is subtextual or otherwise. So both cases (current Hibishit and alternate with shoe/Reina swapped) would not be yuri.
No they aren't. If you see one situation as het but the exact same situation but reversed as not yuri, that's just illogical and insane. So many people have this mindset that yuri has to actively be proven while het is the default and it's always saddening.
So it can't be yuri because kumo is dating still shoe, yet if the genders were swapped and she was dating a girl it wouldn't be yuri because male!reina is still hanging around? That makes zero sense.
>anon is still defending hibikek in the year of our lord 2024
zen zen wakaran
Give your mother a bouqet. Then give her the same one smeared after you dip it in dogshit. The flowers are still there under the dogshit so she’s dumb for not considering it a bouquet anymore.
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No. just no. You are just trying to make sense of bad writting that portrays shit in a disonest way to get a emotional reaction from the reader and because of this you are just projecting what you wanted the story to be about to fill the holes.

Yuri IS a genre, het is not, it inherently is not equivalent to it and is not weight by the same standards by the consumer.
How the fuck do you dynasty tourists keep ending up on 4chan
If Shoe and Reina were swapped, Kumiko would still be interested in a male character.

>So many people have this mindset that yuri has to actively be proven while het is the default and it's always saddening.
Because it's true, saddening as you find it.
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Because the board doesn’t gatekeep hard enough
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Someone explain this autism
It's a way to tell the audience the nature of their relationship is not platonic
It's honestly embassing how hard is for that imbecile to understand the people who read and more importantly buy yuri don't want stories about girls getting together with guys and neither this hypothetical bullshit which would be about how close a lesbian would be with a male character.
I'm not sure I understand the last line, though.
Like I'm not going to stop yuri shipping in non yuri works but if I'm reading yuri I don't want subtext
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Seems normal to me.
It's like how the wisdom of the ancients go:
>If a rivalry lasts longer than 7 years then you are no longer rivals. You are GAY
Tourists are like oral candidiasis and kaposi sarcoma, if they’re there, you have AIDS
So a girl dating a boy is proof something is het, but a girl dating another girl is NOT proof something is yuri? Are you insane?
only 3 chapters are currently scanlated on dex
>LycoReco or YoruKura would have celebrated as wins for yuri
>a classic CGDCT or some plain subtext won't satisfy us
Uhm no, you're getting mixed up, I love plain subtext, even if I'd prefer it to go maintext.
I just dislike bait of any kind, be it Hibike, LR, Jelly, or anything else.
I'll give you the kiss in Jelly. What about Lyco is "bait" of any kind instead of subtext?
Retarded text wall
Lyco and Jelly are fine. Only schizos are seething (and people who have problems with their flawed story telling even if they went maintext, like Mahiru, Yukine and Mero getting off too easily for a forced happy and "clean" ending or Chisato being given a longer life without really learning to want it or lament her short life, never looking like she the hurt she'd do to those closest to her if she died young)
coup arc
utena arc
Whereas Hibike is yuri bait and Jelly is maintext yuri bait, LR is yuri subtext bait.
It presented itself as a typical girl meets girl anime that's designed to encourage shipping the MCs together even if it obviously won't confirm anything, but then mixed things up with het subtext to broaden the scope.
Ordinary yuri subtext is consistent, it never involves males, in fact most of it refrains from showing the slightest interaction with a male character just to be safe.
The Japanese gold standard of scriptwriting, where two-thirds of the episodes are SOL or light drama focusing on the development of relationships between characters, and the last third is Big Drama, which at best is just resolved poorly simply because there's not enough time, and at worst distorts the image of relationships established in the first two-thirds, has messed up more than one anime in the past and will mess up more than one anime in the future. There's no need to pretend that this problem is specific to yuri and some evil force is plotting day and night to upset as many yurifags as possible.
Grave schizophrenia looks like this
I don't know anon, something tells me that if Suletta was male the suits wouldn't have felt compelled to redact any interviews.
Let's not pretend that Japan treats het and yuri with the same standards.
What the fuck are you faggots talking about? That wall of text said a lot of shit, but none said that either LR or YoruKura was bait.
He did claim that for some reason subtext like Jelly or Lyco is now rejected because Euphonium, and that''s not it. Euphonium is unrelated to the kiss or people disliking how Lyco and Jelly were written in the end
>het subtext
Ah, you're the Majima hetshipper. Is Symphogear now het because of male villains like Ver, Adam or Fudo? Or male allies? Same for Nanoha with the male allies or Dr Jail.
There's not het subtext in Lyco, you deranged shipper. Chisato pretty obviously despises Majima
>maintext yuri bait
The term is so brilliant in its lunacy that I feel an overwhelming urge to start using it myself, but at the same time I don't find that steely confidence in being absolutely right to make that seem convincing at least to myself. I wish I had a galaxy brain like that…
He claimed that because people's standards for yuri went way up after Hibike. Which is both true and false because yuri standards did get progressively higher but it wasn't because of Hibike nor was it exclusive after Hibike.
But they didn't is the thing. Subtext is still accepted
Lots of people accepted Lyco, with most criticism going to the writing of the final episodes and Chisato herself. Otherwise, only schizos pushing het reject ChisaTaki
For Jellyfish, once again criticisms are towards the writing of the final few episodes, and the fact the kiss exists if it goes nowhere
Regardless, people accepted subtext like Do It Yourself just fine or Revue Starlight. Also, Granbelm and Regalia
Subtext and maintext aren't mutually exclusive, you dingus. Just because people's standards went up, doesn't mean people are going to start hating subtext. Also, I think he might have meant in the context of shipping, as in people used to claim part of a het show (like Hibike) to be yuri, disregarding how those girls like men, and the 'yuri' part was played more as a gag, or ultra friendship, etc, and with how much yuri there is now, there would be no need for that anymore. He, then, presented LR and YoruKura as cases where this higher standard bleeds into other subtext shows, claiming that people are disappointed that it wasn't maintext instead. For this part, I agree with him. People might not necessarily hate those shows, but they did feel a certain amount of missed opportunity in terms of yuri. And this was especially true for YoruKura.
But my point is there's no higher standards connected to Lyco and YoruKura, you retard. For Lyco what gets criticised is the writing, not ChisaTaki itself (beyond deljusional retards pushing their Majima ship). For YoruKura, it's the kiss and again the writing. Again, subtext shows without this issues have been accepted fine even recently, so these "raised standards" don't exist.
You failed to take into consideration the scale and popularity of the shows. Not taking about LR for a second because it was so overhyped and over discussed to the point that only an unnatural progression of the characters would have satisfied the expectations. But in YoruKura and Birdie Wing cases, the conclusion of the kiss, or lack there of, was a telltale sign, in my view, that the standard for yuri was raised. Take those anime back to 2015 or 2016, it would have been praised to hell and back, even with all its flaws.
How can the standards for yuri rise when anime is still mostly subtext and decent maintext is adaptations (that are unifinished anyways, so few of them get to any payoff or confirmed couple) that mostly look like shit?
I can see how the standards for manga and LNs can rise? But anime? No way.
Granbelm wasn't subtext moron.
Show me the kiss and super explcit confession. People ask for kiss and confessions of dating for maintext. The lack of them is why Jelly is seen as subtext/bait. Does Granbelm provide this?
>start thread
>trolls immediately derail it
Please just kill this thread.
You do understand that people can just go read yuri if they aren't happy with anime, right?
Yes. But then, acting like there's some higher standards for anime as a whole that Lyco and Jelly fail to meet is stupid. There isn't. (well, besides the kiss giving people hopes that went unfullfilled in jelly). Subtext is still pretty much the expectation and norm for anime originals. Adaptations still get fucked over by single season and being given to people who can't do it right
Did you miss the whole plot about Kuon being in love with her sister who was lovers with Suishou (who was only using her)? The series focused on different couples with different types of subtext and explicit scenes. Suishou even kissed Kuou to brainfuck her.
>yuri images even if non canon vs images of a single girl that are not yuri
Nah. At least your enemy posts yuri instead of pathetic avatarfagging
Maintext needs to be beetween the main couple. Would Jelly have been made good and maintext if Mei got a maintext girlfriend but MahiKano was done the exact same way?
The people who don't care about subtext series which tease for more don't talk about yuri at all, so there is no point in arguing about them in regards if people are more frustrated about those shows or not.
I am not interested in whatever anime you are talking about, Granbelm was a series that focused on the perspective of different characters that were all couples on different stages, even the series protagonist was revealed not to be the protagonist at all and "super died" like everyone else before the final episode.
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Lyco and Jelly are the focus of the discussion, though
So, if you aren't interested, why jump in?. Point is, it's the MCs who matter and is the main relationships which are being discussed
OP of that wall of text here, I'm genuinely sorry for derailing the thread. Reading through the replies I can see that it flawed, but hey, it is my view and I stand by it. I seriously wasn't trying to troll or whatever, I was just doing a schizophrenic post before heading to bed.
The couple ended up separated.
Watch the whole show to the end. Chisato left the hospital to somewhere in Japan, Takina found her and they eventually moved together (with the rest of the cafe staff) to Hawaii. Regardless of your opinion of the relationship: they're not separated at the end
Having a male side piece is indeed proof of no yuri
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>Once Upon a Witch's Death Novels Get TV Anime in 2025
Is this het?
Because you are talking out of your ass about shows you most likely didn't watch, the MC didn't even matter to the show itself to the point it focused in another character in the ending the same way it had focused on other characters and couples before.

Are you also going to call Watayuri subtext if Hime never gets together with anyone?
But I watched them, and indeed if Hime doesn't get together with anyone Watayuri would be subtext/bait to be consistent with the rules applied to Jellyfish: "If you tease a romantic pair, it's bait/subtext if they don't get together" If MahiKano not getting together explciitly is bait/subtesxt same applies to Hime and Yano if they don't get together
Hoshikuzu has presented the solution: 2/3 big drama and 1/3 SOL/light drama.
There was ZERO romantic het moment in LycoReco.
0, like Chisato with Majima
Or a lot following your het shipper logic, given you consider any conversation beetween a man and a woman romantic
Yes, because Jellyfish just like Watayuri is a series focused specifically on girls in love with other girls without any vague wording or gestures. It's like the retardation that was said here about how Jellyfish was a better romance series than Sasakoi even though it's not a romance story at all (which is not the same as to say the characters don't love each other).
It's yuri (your post is the first time I heard of it)
>Jellyfish was a better romance series than Sasakoi
No? People said it was a better yuri anime.
The point is an argument against Jelly wax "if you tease maintext romance, it's weird not to get the girls together .They MUST get together", And Hime/Yano not getting together would be the same case of "teasing romance, but girls don't get together
Something something Checkov's gun? If a gun is shown, it must always be fired
Anon, watayuri isn't over, and you can bet a ton of people here will tear it apart if the couples end up not getting together by the end.
>if the couples end up not getting together
While that would indeed royally suck, it's not exactly comparable to Jelly, since WataYuri at least acknowledged that the feelings were romantic in the first place, so it wouldn't have backpedaled on anything, it just wouldn't have had a good ending.
This argument is retarded when you take into account that there's plenty of yuri series with married housewives. So no, being romantically involved with a dude has never stopped a series from being tagged yuri, it's a completely arbitrary restriction.

Yuri is not only a genre, so a stroy doesn't have to be part of the yuri genre in order to be yuri.
I was answering a guy who asked me about a hypothetical end where Hime doesn't get together with anyone. I know Watayuri is not over
I wasn't calling the story itself "bait/subtext", just the hypothetical "what if Hime doesn't get with anyone" I was asked about
There is a big difference between a series about housewives that ends up being yuri, and a poorly written teen series that needs a legion of cultists to "fix" the mistakes.
I still think the "backpedal" shit is literal nonsense
Is it backpedalling when an anime doesn't explain exactly what a character is feeling at every second?
A romance series is supposed to have the obligation to have the characters together at least at the end, because that is the theme, while a subtext series does not have that same obligation because its theme is different, it does not mean that it is not possible, but that it is not mandatory, at least not show it on screen because the series can naturally reach that.
Those series already start with the het relationship solved (that is, active, collapsing or already collapsed). Hibike built the het relationships from the ground
>being tagged yuri
I think there's some confusion about what's being talked about here.
If we're discussing the 'yuri' label, then its use is extremely liberal in Japan, remember >>4240217 containing a het anime?
If we're talking about yuri being good, I think we can all agree that having one or both girls get together with a man makes it hard to see the relationship between them as romantic, regardless of how it's tagged.
There are of course exceptions, like a woman having married the man against her will and stuff like that, or not loving him anymore, but it doesn't really apply to hibike.
>Is it backpedalling when an anime doesn't explain exactly what a character is feeling at every second?
A detailed explanation of the nature of the characters' relationships is also necessary, because in a visual medium, visual language is apparently of no use.
No, there was an argument it was a better romance series a few general ago, better anime is something that came up when Sasakoi production went to shit.

Kanoko and Sumika apart, It would definitely be weird if the protagonists of a explicit romatic yuri manga didn't end together with anyone without any justification, Hime not ending together with Yano is one thing, Hime not ending with anyone else would make her whole narrative pointless from a romance story perspective (aside from being very damning due to her original intentions). Though to be clear you do have yuri stories which are about onesided love and the protagonists never got together because one of them was straight, however this is a justification, it's not trying to workaround the homosexual aspect of the story, one of them is gay, the other is not, it's not a happy ending, but it still is a yuri story.

Jellyfish uses romance teasing as crutch to it's main themes and ultimately throwns the crutch away.
Maybe I'll finally have more granny yuri
>Jellyfish uses romance teasing as crutch to it's main themes and ultimately throwns the crutch away.
you'd have to ignore the final stretch for this to make sense.
It isn't, but it's backpedaling if an anime spells out romantic feelings of a character in the middle, obviously creating the expectation that they would be addressed, but then disregards them completely until the end.
>GBC ending leaked
>It's as non-yuri as Jellyfish
Good thing I never doubted that Sasakoi was yuri AOTS.
Every single one of those narratives is about girls being romantically involved with each other and not the guy, regardless if they were at some point. What the girls desire and aim to is to be together romantically. This is not Hibike's narrative, this is just what a small subgroup wanted Hibike to be about.

We already told you this is just an online poll, you can easily see the use of the actual yuri wording by the industry is not liberal at all, if anything publishers will avoid using the word yuri even when there is explicit unambiguous yuri narratives.
You didn't need leaks to know that, it's been 4 episodes since the confession and they made it abundantly clear they had no intention of clarifying the outcome.
Still don't see it. How is it any different from other subtext doing similar pseudo romantic stuff but still disregarding?
>We already told you
Wasn't me, I have no idea what you're talking about.
So you're saying that Hibike is tagged as yuri by the official publisher?
I won't even ask for proof, I have no qualms about it, but my point stands: it's not tags that determine if a story has good yuri in it or not, it's the contents.
I have no doubt that by some definition KumiRei is yuri, but not any positive representation of it if you ask me, quite the opposite: it reinforces the tired japanese stereotype that even if a schoolgirl grows really close to another schoolgirl, to an extent that goes beyond ordinary friendship, in the end it wasn't real romance since she chose to date some boy she barely spoke to instead.
It's funny when you have real yuri fans (including Japanese ones), who put GBC, Jellyfish and Sasakoi under the same category or care for them in the same way.
I remember 6 months ago this was considered a dry season except Sasakoi. Funny how we returned to that.
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It's probably been repeated at least a hundred times by now, but ordinary subtext doesn't have a maintext peak in the middle which then reverts to more ordinary subtext, it usually stays consistent to whatever degree of it until the end, or in some case even increases the amount over time, but never decreases it so much that you're left wondering if you just imagined that a peak was there.
>it reinforces the tired japanese stereotype that even if a schoolgirl grows really close to another schoolgirl, to an extent that goes beyond ordinary friendship, in the end it wasn't real romance since she chose to date some boy she barely spoke to instead.

I'm pretty sure that's exactly the intention of both the author and the director.

Additionally it's funny how the euphofags glorified the last episodes and when I was able to watch them, they were incredibly mediocre.
No anon, I am telling you the opposite, you have actual yuri series (not Hibike) were not even the publisher or the author ever used the word yuri in relation to it.

The yuri word itself had different connotations over the decades, but the established yuri genre which is what the consumers are willing to put money in, would never accept something like Hibike, if it ever did it would just split itself into something else (like GL already did in some places).
Again, you'd have to ignore everything that happened in those episodes for that statement to make sense.
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There's something wrong with their definition if they put Sasakoi on the same level as the others. Also Sasakoi has the most LOVE put into it.
>I think we can all agree that having one or both girls get together with a man makes it hard to see the relationship between them as romantic,
Other way around, the relatioship between the girls is so romantic that it's hard to take the supposedly official het relationship seriously.
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I like to imagine that during all of their interactions in the last 4 episodes both Mahiru and Kano had gay thoughts about each other too, which is standard for subtext, but the kiss didn't leave anything to the imagination like that, it's a dramatic shift, and that is why it's disappointing.
As some chinese said on twitter:
>It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality.
So, if WataYuri ends with Hime alone, it'd be a backpedal and bad?. Do relationships always have to be consistent and get bette?
Is Sasakoi a backpedal because it has a peak of focus on the main couple before it focuses on other girls, so it backpedals from the promised focus?
I dunno, this whole backpedal thing seems to be nonsensical and pushing for samey no conflict stuff
I say this in the sense that true yuri fans (not the egotistical/Erica whiners) enjoy all 3 series without any problem and for them they are similar, even Mygo is added to that.

What we should criticize and separate from yuri, is het.
It's both, it goes both ways because it reach the point it's not relatable to a normal person who understand the difference between friendship and romance. Like I said before, it's just bad writting and you are filling the holes with what makes more sense to you, when in truth you are just arguing about something inherently nonsensical.
That chink's a retard, and so are you- Stop posting these grahpics like they're the bible
Do you have any thoughts of your own?
The relationship betwwen Kumiko and Reina is given more weight and relevancy than anytihng with Shuichi, whose relationship with Kumiko is a just a by-the-numbers romance with no actual chemistry behind it.
No matter how many justifications you make about the author, the director, the audience, and whatnot, actually looking at the story itself it's pretty hard not to see Kumiko and Reina as the main couple instead of Kumiko and Shuichi.
>small subgroup
How is that graph wrong?
Yeah, look at all this love.
That is mainly a personal perception of the product and shows that stupid tendency to separate a series into parts, when it is the whole set that has to be valued, I remember people separating series like Basquash! or Code Geass, when in reality it is the same shit from beginning to end.
I have no idea why you're getting angry about the pictures, I used them to help illustrate my point since I'd seen them before and they seemed pertinent.
And this is how "backpedal" makes no sense: Jelly didn't state the kiss to be romantic or for Mahiru's feelings at the time to be romantic too
It didn't rewrite romance into friendship. If any conflict in a relationship is "backpedalling", then "backpedalling" is better than "not backpedalling". Conflict is interesting. It's why people hate OP MCs: They prefer their characters to struggle
Such are the woes of poor writing and retarded staff. Unfortunately, that retarded staff will still have Kumiko ending up with Shoe, even after the most nothingburger of romances.
Because you're using them as the absolute truth alongside quoting someone else: You have no thoughts of your own, just other's words and images, which aren'0t accurate
It's the opinion of whoever drew it. It's not some objective truth about their relationship. And even if it's somewhat accurate, it's not bad to have conflicts, struggles and reconciliations
It doesn't matter, their relationship is not romantic, you just wanted it to be. This is the main difference from every single other story you are talking about, those are explicit romantic female to female relationships overcoming explicit romantic male to female relationships.

What you wanted to be will never have weight against what the story is about.
Eh, but in the magic graphics, the relationships'd only go up, not down. So there's no evil "bakcpedalling" and it's so much better. Who cares about actually giving your staff enough time that you can finish as intended before airing?
Yes? What exactly would be Hime's narrative in a yuri story? She went to a cafe, became friends again with Yano, reject her and ended alone?
The problem is that the series you defend is quite clear about the difference between love and "a special person with whom you will never be together, only in spirit." The movie that everyone ignores is the key to that.
Status quo win in GIrl band cry
Oh course, the girl relationship weren't that romantic as the people say
You joke, but the staff can't do magic, it doesn't matter how much they like the series, if they didn't have enough time to properly animate it then it's going to look bad.
>Jelly didn't state the kiss to be romantic
I cannot deny that, but I also cannot see any other reasonable explanation for it on Kano's side given how the scene was presented, which is unusual for subtext where you can typically just excuse everything as good friends being good friends, and if you ever get a kiss it's because "haha, this gaijin kisses people as a greeting", or some excuse along those lines.
There's a reason many anons on /u/ got so hyped when it happened, despite it being a 10 seconds thing.
>or for Mahiru's feelings at the time to be romantic too
Agreed, in fact Mahiru's reaction to the kiss, combined with her teasing later, created the expectation that her side would be developed in that sense, but it wasn't, and that's the problem.
Kano too, she ran away after the kiss without explanations, it was the cliffhanger of the episode, it obviously looked like something that would be elaborated on later, but she never even questioned whether her feelings for Mahiru were romantic or not, neither of them did, and that's just weird after such a scene.
>Because you're using them as the absolute truth alongside quoting someone else
Uhm no anon, as I said, I used them to complement my argument, I'd say it's pretty obvious.
And there's nothing wrong with quoting someone you agree with, I don't know what you are getting at here.
Maybe the problem is the fact you've no argument beyond "some retards made a drawing and said things, so it's now the absolute truth"
Maybe rely more on your own words and less on the words and drawings of others
Or maybe instead of just looking at the pictures, you could read the posts too?
The posts where you just quote someone else about luxury or whatever?
In Japan, yuri doesn't have such strong association with lesbianism like in overseas
Does that matter in the end? The important thing is to enjoy what we like and criticize Het.
I'm so fucking done with people talking about hibishit like anyone genuinely cares about this hetshit slop

It's not funny you retarded fuck, fuck this absolute garbage kind of posts
I don't see anything wrong with criticizing what you don't like, regardless of it being het or yuri.
It's not like tags single-handedly make things good or bad.
There is no yuri withour romantic feelings, whether his is lesbianism or not it doesn't matter, friendship is not yuri. Subtext can only be yuri if there is an implication of romantic feelings.
Unless that tag is het. Then it can only be bad
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romantic love is merely one type of love among many
And the only type that makes good yuri.
Cool story bro, but it has nothing to do with yuri.
Yorukura and GBC are still the best yuri anime this season no matter what the concern trolls say.
They had plenty of time, they just didn't know how to use it correctly.
That says more about the other yuri anime this season than it does about those two.
The executives? Yes. The actual staff no.
We really do need yuri selfcest. I don't say "more" of it because we need some to have more of it, and we have none.
Even with production issues I will always choose Sasakoi over scraps.
>what the story is about.
The story is about Kumiko and Reina, Shuichi is an afterthought. Also, yuri doesn't have to be romantic, it can also be about a special relationship and love between girls that transcends friendship. Kumiko and Reina's clearly has, and even the author has stated that their relationship is more special and intimate than any romance. THAT is yuri.
it does. It's why Japs consider some series yuri even though this place doesn't
My favorite type of yuri, relationships so intimate that one lusts after her (male) teacher and the other has a boyfriend
>Subtext can only be yuri if there is an implication of romantic feelings.
Subtext is automatically romantic if it applies to a relationship, the difference is that it is not explicit as in a romance series, there is no "friendship subtext"
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And those relationships with males are completely irrelevant compared to the relationships between girls.
What goes through the mind of someone that comes to /u/ to shill the most vapid ‘muh adolescence’ hetshit story?
We have standards.

And yet, they are still romantic relationships with males.
I feel the same way.
After their respective yuri event, Jelly and GBC were by far the ones I was looking forward to the most, while Sasakoi felt like it was just filler by comparison.
But now I realize that my excitement about the formers was all because I was hopeful for a yuri resolution, since they've ended without delivering I feel completely detached from them, while I'm looking forward to more Sasakoi.
However I liked Seiyuu Radio better too, because I see it as a yuri anime that just won't cover the end that confirms the pairing. No idea how likely that is in the source material though.
>they’re irrelevant because I said so
Both are more explicitly shown than your imaginary yuri.
If they truly love each other they wouldn’t be lusting after/dating males.
yuri is a Japanese genre, thus their definition is the correct one
Takeshima Eku is good artist and a bad writer who can't create any convincing depiction of the characters' psychology and how it changes as they interact with each other. Sumika and Kanoko romance is better than Himari and Yori romance, Miyagi and Sendai romance is better than Himari and Yori romance, Fujishiro and Kurokawa romance is better than Himari and Yori romance, even Kano and Mahiru non-romance is better than Himari and Yori romance. Anything is better than "I fell in love with her because she looks cool and sings well, and she fell in love with me because I'm petite and cute" and that's it, zero development.
>I fell in love with her because she looks cool
>she fell in love with me because I'm petite and cute
that's actually pretty realistic lol
>Himari and Yori
Those are side characters. AkiShiho is the main couple and they are great.
Kumiko and Reina have shown to be much more emotinally and physically intimate. They tell each other I love you all the time and even hug each other naked. Kumiko's relationship with Shuichi is a joke by comparison, her relationship with Reina is far more explicit.
Dude no one cares about your retarded power trip

This comment is going to get deleted and I hope you and the "king of /u/" choke
Not your personal army.
I still enjoyed every episode of YoruKura and GBC way more than any episode of Sasakoi. Explicit relationships can never make up for dull characters.

"Standards" is just a buzzword that folks with their heads up their asses use to shit on other's fun.
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Shiho is better than every character in GBC and YoruKura combined though.
Is the staff of GBC going to have a twitter space? It's time to ask idiotic questions, poorly MTL answers and have a meltdown online about it!
Yuri about girls being chained by their ankles at the bottom of the ocean.
Sasakoi is better than anything this season, why? Because it's maintext yuri
"Ohh but interesting characters in my opinion" are they explicit lesbians? No? Then they're inferior.

It's the same person, just ignore
Wixoss new manga got released with adult Ruu, color me surprised Aki lucky is stil the best in it.
Is it a serialization, or just a oneshot adaptation of that PV thing they did?
Explicit yuri is not necessarily superior to subtext.
This thread is peak "it's not yuri if they don't have sex" which is some twitter-level media literacy.
>Sasakoi is better than anything this season, why? Because it's maintext yuri
Brainrot on multiple levels.
No, standards are what folks with preferences in genres have to prevent shitheads from shitting on their fun.
>No idea how likely that is in the source material [for Seiyuu Radio] though.
It's literally idol/VA/idol VA Namek with some "we're rivals" sprinkled in.
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The important thing in the end is that any form of yuri is superior to Het, that's why we have one more trolls who come to denigrate yuri in one way or another.
If other people having different preferences than you threatens your fun, that's on you, buddy. It's not mentally healthy.
Why do people even care what staff have to say about a show? It's either fake shit they were ordered to say or some pretentious ramblings of writers that really don't know what they're even saying.
I don't care about what other preferences people have unless those preferences are not yuri. This is the yuri board.
No, this is just you calling friendship something else so (you) can feel confortable about fitting into any definition of yuri or anything else you want, what you are doing is basically destroying the concept of genres itself by making everything sound so vague there is no point anymore.

And of course it the end of the day you know very well when people are talking about yuri they are talking about romantic feelings and this is something you will never be able to twist into something, Kumiko and Reina only have normal platonic feelings for each other.
Yuri is not only what you enjoy, this board doesn't revolve around you and your preferences.
It is, but it still is a narrative about two girls who are the center of the universe to each other and only each other.
Friends don't act like this with each other, it can't no longer be called friendship.

>Kumiko and Reina only have normal platonic feelings for each other.
The story makes this very hard to believe, unless you really stretch what "normal platonic feelings" means.

>what you are doing is basically destroying the concept of genres itself by making everything sound so vague there is no point anymore.
Actual autism.
That's their problem that they don't see a homosexual relationship not ours
My preference is yuri.
The concept of yuri is "feelings between girls", the only people destroying genres are tourists like you who need the girls to be lesbians.
What do you call two women in a homosexual relationship?
Romantic feelings between girls. The girls being lesbians aids in that.
There's more to yuri than your specific preferences. There's lot of types of yuri, and you not liking them doesn't make them not yuri.
Yuri doesn't require the girls to be lesbians.
Not necessarily romantic. Intimate friendship, rivalry, and even hatred can also constitute yuri. The important part is that the relationship must be the most important thing for the girls and overshadows any other feelings they have.
I don't understand what you're trying to prove here, that it's legitimate to label as yuri something that ends in het?
Let's say that you're right, and you might very well be considering Japan, but so what?
That doesn't make it any more appealing, and doesn't address any of the concerns being raised against it.
You're just arguing semantics.
>it's legitimate to label as yuri something that ends in het?
And starts with het, and the middle is het. But two girls looked at each other.
Your disingenous bullshit only makes it clear you've never watched it, which makes your arguments worthless.
>Friends don't act like this with each other, it can't no longer be called friendship.
They are not lovers, they don't have romantic interest in each other, whatever you want to call this super friendship, is still not yuri.

>The story makes this very hard to believe, unless you really stretch what "normal platonic feelings" means.
The story makes really easy to believe this when both of them are only romantically interested in other people, especifically guys, it doesn't matter how much you twist their relationship, the story already has an answer and you just don't like it.

>Actual autism.
Which you cannot refute.

The industry itself don't agree with you, the people buying yuri don't agre with you, I already said this once and I will reiterate, the moment yuri starts being sinonimous with friendship, the industry and the community will adapt another label like GL for romance focused stories and then you start arguing that friendship is also romantic in nature because ultimately you want to be confortable with what you are watching and you are not able to until you see it on the same level as other works, which is inherently incompatible with.

He isn't right you imbecile, what yuri story you see being sold about girls actually being interest in guys?
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Considering a vast majority of the genre is romantic, yes it does

Acceptable response
How is it wrong?
Because they looked at each other in a magical way, with rivalry, hatred and very intimate friendship.
There's pretty much no het in the anime. The novels might be one thing (though from what I've heard there's not really that much development), but the anime doesn't have nearly enough to be considered het, specially if they decide to removve the confession next episode.

Cool samefag.
I find it odd that some writers apparently can't write a romantic relationship worth a damn to save their lives, but when it comes to "special friendship" it's suddenly way more competent in terms of characterization and development. To top it off, they throw in some abnormal level of intimacy that encourages the audience to interpret the relationship romantically. For the longest time I never got why fujos were so invested in shounen, but it makes a lot more sense when female characters are frequently written as cardboard cutouts and damsels, while the confrontational leads end up going through thick and thin and experience self-discovery and growth together. It's weird to observe when a character has better chemistry with someone who is purportedly not a love interest than their actual romantic partner.
If this is all about labels and you two care so much about them, why don't you just pull out official sellers or something and compare the tags?
Otherwise your discussion only amounts to:
>I think this label should be used for X! Retard!
>No, I think it should be used for Y! Retard!
>That doesn't make it any more appealing, and doesn't address any of the concerns being raised against it.
That's up to personal preference. Not all yuri is the same, so not all yuri is going to appeal to the same people. There's no point in trying to force all yuri to follow arbitrary standards that no other genre has to follow, there's always going to be outliers.
>There's pretty much no het in the anime.
Except for Reina's obvious crush on the male teacher, and her swearing on the aforementioned male teacher's dead wife's grave.
Also the whole movie about Kumiko and Shoe's romance.
>He isn't right you imbecile, what yuri story you see being sold about girls actually being interest in guys?
Netsuzou Trap? And that one about trumpets or something.
>Not all yuri is the same, so not all yuri is going to appeal to the same people
But NO yuri is about girls loving males.
No anon, I care about girls in romantic love with each other, which is the point I am making, this discussion ultimately goes nowhere because even if the industry or the people who support the industry with money are not willing to accept friendship as yuri and if needed they will kill the word yuri and substitute for something else.

The outliers will never be girls sucking cock.
A one-sided crush that was rejected (and is also born from an autistic take on admiration) is not nearly enough to be considered het. By those same standards you should consider Railgun plenty of yuri because of Kuroko's one-sided crush on Mikoto.

>Also the whole movie about Kumiko and Shoe's romance.
Which, apart from ending in rejection, is at the later part of the story after the two of them barely had any relevant interactions during the series.
>That's up to personal preference.
Yes, but you're bringing this up as a counter to everyone criticizing those points of the story, which it doesn't.
>But NO yuri is about girls loving males.
>The outliers will never be girls sucking cock.
You're just strawmanning by this point because you have no more arguments. You care way more about the males and the het than the people who actually enjoy the yuri.
Did you even read NTR Trap? They are in love with each other and didn't give a shit about the guys (who turns out were also gay for each other and this was the reason one of them got so butthurt with what they were doing). Not sure which work you are talking about.
No anon, it's just you failing to gaslight anyone, either because you are a troll, mentally retarded or someone who is butthurt people won't accept his beloved work as yuri just because the girls only want to fuck guy.

What you enjoy is not yuri and there is nothing you can do about it, the author would probably spit in your face if you called hibike yuri, because turns out she knows the difference unlike you.
>They are in love with each other and didn't give a shit about the guys
And pretty much the same can be said of Kumiko and Reina.

>Not sure which work you are talking about.
Some manga that also had people's panties in a twist about one of the girls having a boyfriend. One of them was playing trump, but I don't remember much about it because it went months without new trnaslated chapters.
Romance between girls doesn't require them to be lesbian.
That final extra was truly ascended

Naoko-sensei wild for that one
>And pretty much the same can be said of Kumiko and Reina.
The girls in NTR trap left the guys to be romantically involved with each other, Kumiko and Reina don't want to be like this with each other and never will.

>Some manga that also had people's panties in a twist about one of the girls having a boyfriend. One of them was playing trump, but I don't remember much about it because it went months without new trnaslated chapters.
One of the girls has a boyfriend when the series starts, she leaves her for another girl, people just got upset because the author draws her kissing the guy when they are still together.

The pattern here is very clear.
But they are gay, even if one of them is bi, it's still a homosexual relationship
From what I heard turns out they were somewhat popular with fujos at the time, so a BL magazine contacted her and YH and asked if they didn't want to do a chapter there.
There is also yuri where no one is explicitly gay.
It doesn't matter what they are, they are involved with each other, not with guys.
>the author would probably spit in your face if you called hibike yuri
Statements like this are so delusional to the point of being plain embarrasing. Takeda has written yuri stories, so the idea that she doesn't know what she's doing with Hibike or that she's somehow unaware of the enourmous yuri fanbase it has garnered is asinine.
It's hugely ironic how you're making up fanfiction for the author you know nothing about for the sake of your argument, that's way more delusional than any yuri interpretation of the story.
Like I said, she understands the difference, since she wrote a yuri story about two girls in love with each other, she is not the one calling Hibike yuri and she never will and there is nothing you can do about this.
Japs already use gachi yuri to distinguish maintext romance yuri from other types of yuri, so this argument is pretty dumb.
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That's too bad, because even if they don't say they are gay, guess what they still gay
I guess that makes sense since the vast majority of the plot was a love triangle

Just can't imagine Fujos sitting around and reading yuri (or watching the fucking awful anime) j
Subtext is not friendship you imbecile, the only reason we call it subtext to begin with is because we believe the implication is that it is more than friendship, this is the only reason why subtext works are considered yuri.
And it's precisely because of that that it's difficult to believe she didn't have any idea of yuri in mind while writing Hibike. She is either a expert in doublethink to write something so gay and insist it's not gay, or she simply doesn't wanna use the label just like all the other writers that avoid it in order not to fall within expectations.
That's the implication, but the relationship itself is still friendship, and it's not any less yuri for being so.
Yuri is that which the yuri fanbase considers to be yuri (see: Nanoha, Madoka, Love Live, etc), and it's not the same as the commercial label of Girls Love (gachi yuri romance).
As much as people talk about rebel without a cause or midnight cowboy being gay it's still not gay, just incredibly homo erotic
Because it's factually not gay when the girls are romantically interested in guys. The author already explained her perspective when explictly saying her works are not meant to be understood as homosexual love, she romantizes adolescence and is aware some people got confused as she said.
>Because it's factually not gay when the girls are romantically interested in guys.
Gay is gay, het feelings don't really matter, especially when they're shown to be inferior to gay ones.

>The author already explained her perspective when explictly saying her works are not meant to be understood as homosexual love
That's what she said but it's not what her stories support. If so many readers intrerpreted as gay, then there's has to be something in there to cause such a reaction. Remember that an author's intention is ultimately meaningless against the readers' interpretations, because they are the ones who bring the story to life.
If it were up to me, adolescent yuri would be the only kind of yuri
Anon, every single romance without the explicit aspects is friendship because there is no way we can relate to them otherwise, the implication is what people believe the author wants you to interpret those relationship as being romantic in nature. I am not and never was arguing subtext is not yuri, I am arguing platonic feelings (friendship) is not yuri, though to be clear that the discussion around those titles and the yuri label do exist in japanese communities, only Nanoha has mostly been accepted due to the spin offs.
And we are thankful that you have no power over anything of value
That would exclude milf yuri so it woud suck.
But having a girl side piece isn't proof something isn't het? This is just an insane double standard.
Oh I'm fucking dumb, I thought it was a continuation of her monologue when it's referring to the penultimate page.
>every single romance without the explicit aspects is friendship
Not quite, since some are clearly more than that. Hell, removing the explicit aspects might be make it more romantic.

>I am arguing platonic feelings (friendship) is not yuri,
Friendship is not necessarily platonic. No one is arguing that basic-ass friendship is yuri, only when it passes a certain point of emotional intimacy that one would normally expect from a romantic couple.
It's proof of bisexual, which is not yuri. Yuri is exclusively girl with girl. No men allowed either as main love interest or as a side piece
>Gay is gay, het feelings don't really matter, especially when they're shown to be inferior to gay ones.
There is no gay without romantic feelings, the author herself made the line clear with pretty much every story she made so far, including her actual yuri story.

>That's what she said but it's not what her stories support. If so many readers intrerpreted as gay, then there's has to be something in there to cause such a reaction.
It's called bad/disonest writting, it's trying to make you feel this way on purpose, because it was the only fucking way she managed to make her series to the most boring shit ever.

>Remember that an author's intention is ultimately meaningless against the readers' interpretations, because they are the ones who bring the story to life.
Every single time an author showed the readers what the canon is, no headcanon was left to tell any stories, it's exactly what destroyed the inceldom of Shingeki no Kyojin, when it was revealed he was just a angry teenager and not anime hitler.
>One of them was playing trump
And she was so good at it that not a single person in either party noticed that a 6'5 70 year old presidential candidate was replaced by a Japanese schoolgirl.
Can we all agree Jelee had an awful design? Small and chubby like a flying yuri piglet.
Kannazuki no Miko, Netzusou Trap, and every housewife yuri disproves this. Bisexual girls have always been a part of yuri whether you like it or not.
And someone is still trying to argue that Takeda Ayano is not among the most discussed authors in /u/.
>Not quite, since some are clearly more than that. Hell, removing the explicit aspects might be make it more romantic.
You are just playing with words in a vague way in which they have absolute no inherent value, discussing semantics is pointless.

>Friendship is not necessarily platonic. No one is arguing that basic-ass friendship is yuri, only when it passes a certain point of emotional intimacy that one would normally expect from a romantic couple.
I am pretty sure some are, if the girls want to be more than friends then their relationship is romantic.
She is one of /u/ most favorite authors, after all.
Maybe back in the day you had to stretch the definition, but not today. It's the same reason GB stuff like Kashimashi was considered yuri but isn't nowadays.
No, they're all very cute. Only Kiwi's flesh fang is ugly.
Again, every single one of those stories is not a bisexual narrative even if (some of) the girls are bisexuals, it's a narrative exclusively about two girls being in love with each other
You know in real life two bisexual women going out is a lesbian relationship right
In a yuri story you wouldn't know they're bisexual.
Yes, this is my point, the portrayal of actual bisexuality in anime and manga is very rare, when it's yuri it's always female centric, it's about the girls falling in love with each other, not about girls being love with guys and girls and with het usually it's very male centric, the girls only are interested in each other when the male isn't around.
If two bisexual girls make a lesbian then what do two lesbians make?
A lesbillion.
If any girl in yuri dies, they should at least try to die in june. Just saying.
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Boobleth desu
Indeed, so inferior to the point that Kumiko wouldn’t even consider dating a male. Oh wait…
The bisexuality with girls that I have seen is mostly "look, this girl is bisexual" it all ends there, even when that girl shows little interest in men or there are no men at all.
This is a fancy way of saying, "I reject your reality and exchange it for mine."
KumiRei is not the center of eupho, the center of that series is the music, the "yuri" fanservice only fulfills the same function as the girls in K project.

Now add the mix that the director's vision is in complete synchrony with that of the author, you stop giving merit to an expensive and mediocre anime.
Kashimashi is still considered yuri. The definition of yuri is not tied to the current market's stock.
KnM at least, it's about dumping the guy and getting both girls together, I think that also applies to Netsuzou? And housewife yuri'd be the same. Abandoning any feelings for the guy
If the guy isn't abandoned, then it's not yuri
And it'd be yuri if they have no side men
If they have no side men, this lesbian relationship isn't yuri
Yuri =/= lesbian in that sense
And one more title to add to that >>4237737 sad list. The story that began with Nina and Momoka meeting, and is largely about them getting to know and changing each other, in its final episode contains nothing even roughly comparable in emotional impact to ep. 9, which now just hangs in the air. Furthermore, even if you consider that this is not a girl meets girl story but a band story, still, the song and performance scene in ep. 13 doesn't compare in any way to 11. And it's not like this is the first ever script by some dude who's only written LNs before, this is fucking Jukki Hanada, who's written more than one (good) original script and adapted (well) more than one work. Hell, even his original episode in fucking Eupho contains an emotional climax for Reina and Kumiko of such power that some people's hearts swayed and began to feel hope for the impossible again. But in GBC, no, you can do without it.
Reina is the closest and most important relationship for Kumiko, their relationship is crucial for their development and love for music.
Kashimashi was never considered yuri in japan, stop trying to gaslight people with revisionism just because a dumb mod who killed himself made a shitty list.
Thanks for confirming you're just an asshurt shitploster
GBC is good .From start to end. Better than shitphonium. Waiting for good subs, but I bet the episode 13 performance is fine and you're just looking for reasons to shit on GBC. End yourself
Source? It's tagged as yuri pretty much everywhere.
>me when I lie on the internet
And it's still better than Sasakoi.
Also, the Nina confession is episode 8.
Emotinal mooments tard, you went mask off and showed you don't watch shit
>nothing even roughly comparable in emotional impact to ep. 8
>Better than shitphonium
As if I claimed otherwise.
>"I reject your reality and exchange it for mine."
You know, when you butcher a famous quote like this, you only make it obvious to everyone else that you're a braindead ESL machine-translating your posts from Spanish.
>comparing it to a show that isn't even over yet
GBCfags everyone

Sasakoi will have a real kiss tomorrow btw. Something GBC will NEVER EVER have.
You can check yourself all official stuff like the japanese website, manga volumes and DVDs and see for yourself there is no mention of yuri whatsoever.

sad ******
Also to note that even the shitty image picture with all the couples, some headcanon, didn't include a single GB series and neither do websites like yurinavi which already stretch a lot what they consider a yuri series.
Dating is that big of a deal as you make it out to be. You have a pretty shallow view of love if you think dating defines whom you love the most or is truly significant to a relationship.
It doesn't matter, they don't want to date, have sex or do anything romantic with each other but only with guys.
Damn, she's a pretty shitty person if she's just dating him on a whim and doesn't actually like him.
I have to wonder why she didn't date the girl instead then, since she's her true love.
Virgin or whore?
Well said once again, anon.
>sad ******
Learn English
Dumb enough to pick the wrong person by mistake?
Cause I'd understand if she didn't like anyone, but since your point is that she's in mutual love with Reina, then she's an asshole twice over for openly NTR-ing her.
I find it hard to believe this is what the author was going for as her characterization.
so important that in S2 and even the movie, Reina basically disappears most of the time.
Someone didn't take his meds again
Dumbest thing I’ve read, as expected of a Hibikek
To be fair, that is the exact vision of the author and director, if it sounds stupid it is because it is stupid.

frankly Eupho feels like a porn movie.
>GBC is good. Better than shitphonium.
But it's not about what's better or worse. Look, the same writer, a pro with an excellent reputation, writes two scripts. In one he sees the need to create an emotional climax for the characters, to whom a significant part of the story is devoted, and he creates such a climax, uses parallels with the very beginning of the story, makes the characters shed rivers of tears, so, he tries his best. And in the second script, which by the way, his original, that is, he should treat it with more care, he doesn't do the same, although it would seem that there is even more need for such a thing. How to explain such a difference in approach? I don't know. Maybe someone has some kind of assumptions about it.
WatanareChads...we are back!
Animu upcoming
Was it you?
There are real world cases like that where women feel they have to marry a guy but still keep falling in love with other women and end up divorced some 20 years later

But I think this is author is used to to yuri as a foundation and keeps making the text explicitly homoerotic without the follow through
Context: new manga chapter was delayed due to niconico being in shambles
You should have posted this in the previous thread so the autism flood would be contained there.
> How to explain such a difference in approach?

one is an adaptation and the other is an original anime.
>Renako curse attacks again
80% of the thread is filtered on my end kek
4chanx take me fucking home
Stop feeding the shitbike trolls.
In a bit of good news, Mahoako's author is alive and asked to wait a little longer before serialization resumes.
Thank God. Is Ito okay too?
Isn't that the question for the ages...
Has anyone checked on her loli paddock?
She got caught by the fuzz.
Izumo, not Hachi.
>implying they aren't the same person
Wrong, those in the know are aware of Ito yuri hentai artist pen name, same for Koi, the art is completely different
Hibike 12th episode is completely original by Hanada, though.
But it is an existing series, with (het) elements already established, a bit similar to Superstar, it is part of a franchise that has an unwritten rule, to prioritize the worst couple.
>check in on Chirizokonai no Hiraeth
>hiatus since March
The buildup and moment when Nina cries and throws a tantrum on the guitar feels really damn good with how shocked Momoka is at the thing, especially when you understand that it's all because her not wanting her song to lose that pushes her to the breaking point. It's not enough for a show that went so fucking hard pre-ep 9 but when I rewatch the episode I dream for a moment that I'm watching it for the first time and it's just going to continue down that track rather than derail into the ending like it did.
Shit what for?
Overdosed on chorizos.
>a pro with an excellent reputation
>Jukki Hanada
>Kiss in a boring QUALITYfest with boring characters and a shit story and an MC who gets her story stolen from her
GBC better
Watched the episode and yeah, was great. Your text walls about muh big emotional moments are retarded nonsense
Whatever you say
You don't like SoraYori? Or Granbelm? Or the adaptation of YagaKimi?
Maybe the real Jellyfish was the girlfriends we made swimming in the night
Only YagaKimi was good out of those three. And that's because the source material was good.

SoraYori (yorimoi?) was overrated and barely even yuri.
I forgot almost everything about Granbelm.
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>Only YagaKimi was good
Granbelm is amazing. YoriMoi is also great, even if I feel people exaggerate about it a lot
where the fuck is the new volume. He hasn't released anything in 8 months
Sasakoi better (more yuri)
This season in a nutshell.
Quality over quantity.
Good thing one show has both.
Yeah, Yuru Camp.
One of the tamest series in a tame magazine?
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>tame magazine

>forgetting all the yuri side couples in Fruit Tart, Anima Yell, and Urara Meichorou
>forgetting all the yuri developments in New Game, Comic Girls, and Koisuru Asteroid
>forgetting the yuri kisses in series like Slow Start, RPG Fudosan, and Tamayomi
>forgetting the yuri manga that have been adapted recently like Telepath and Bad Girl
>forgetting all of the new yuri manga that have been serialized in the past year or so
This page might as well be the signal of the new age of Kirara.
Now compare it to the magazine Sasakoi is in, that has Asumi in it.
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We need more battle+rape ecchi yuri. Valkyrie Drive and Mahoako were kino.
A tame magazine would have one or two yuri series in it. The original Manga Time Kirara magazine is 50% yuri now.
They need to unfuck and resurrect Queen's Blade
Remove the shota and all men from it also.
We thread split now
For the love of God, who kissed?!
Two new characters not in the anime
>Nozomi still hasn't scored.
Life is sour.
The shota only ever appeared in some alternate continuity short series that was quickly cancelled.
What about the one Airi is all over?
Yuri doesn't mean "ending i didn't like".
Yorukura is yuri. Gbc is yuri.
Yuri means girls in a relationship. Neither of those shows has that.
If you interpret the nature of their relationship as romantic then it's yuri, if you don't believe the portrayal is honest then it's not.
Girls don't need to be in a relationship to be yuri.
Keep doing that and it'll probably become real
It's real enough.
>Only one girl is more interested in the food than in the movie
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MahoAko BD sales
>Volume 1 12,275 (1,161 + 7,500 + 3,614)
>Volume 2 10,372 (989 + 9,383)
>Volume 3 10,258 (1,093 + 9,165)
>Total 10,968
Say hi to your best selling anime of 2024 unless GBC or the next seasonal shows can reach these numbers. Anyway here's your 2024's favorite anime
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>"Whisper Me A Love Song" episode 10 will be delayed.
>It will now premiere on Saturday, June 29 at 9:30 PM ET.
So in the future, when the enormous, immeasurable impact of these two masterpieces on the industry has taken its toll, we should expect ecchi band anime? Girls do lewd things to each other, play ROKKU and, most importantly, remain very good friends at the end. I'm looking for this one with trepidation.
>all it took to make a hit yuri show was lesbian sexual assault
It also had regular lesbian sex only mildly enforced by locking the two girls in a room. And if they make a second season, it would open with more consensual sex.
Okay but we all know those numbers would be like halved if we took out the porn addicted hentaibros who want cheap sexual thrills. Just saying.
Worked for Citrus
No straight ecchi has ever done numbers anywhere close to Mahoako, Chained Soldier from the same season barely did 1k per volume. Its success is more than the sum of its parts, it's because it's yuri, ecchi, a magical girl parody that's also earnest about the genre and the writing and characters are fun. You couldn't make the same experience without even one of these elements.
At some extent every work overlaps with other audiences, if you make a shonen yuri you will also get some shonefags, Mahoako just got luck the ecchi audience had nothing like this
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Kill yourself
Should we also think about how Sympho numbers would look if we took out the deranged idoltards or the toku/hensin hero manchildren?
At least these hentaibros helped a maintext show to not be a flop like the rest of them. What are YOU doing, puritytard? Oh right, your yuris like WataOshi and WataYuri flop so hard they're an strong argument to keep making subtext
Given WfM, add giant robots in there somewhere
So, yuri Daimidaler
>they hate him because he spoke the truth
That's an otouto. You know, like the timeloop box kid.
>I want maintext yuri I hate to keep flopping because it's the wrong audience paying
OK. Don't bitch about originals going for subtext
Kill yourself
>your yuris like WataOshi and WataYuri flop so hard
Forgot you are on /u/, retarded cunt? yuri doesn't have a plural word, yuris don't exist

ESL faggots are hetcucks, who could've thought
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So this is how yuri thrives. Not with salutations and tea parties, but lots of gushing.
All I'm saying is maintext needs sales or else originals have no reason to cross the line. The hentaibros you despise supported a maintext show and gave it sales. Meanwhile the pure and clean shows keep flopping and these flops make it harder for originals to be allowed to cross the line into maintext.
The reason why YoruKura and GBC "backtrack" is clearly because subtext sells much better and is seen as far less risky. Maintext needs numbers so the money people stop seeing it as too much of a risk to greenlight without an stablished source fanbase
Success breeds jealousy.
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So to raise sales TogeToge should have a hot lesbian orgy on stage huh?
Same thing applies to JELEE.
Why didn't those "porn addicted hentaibros" buy real hentai anime instead? Did they all conspire to buy Mahoako for the sole purpose of discrediting the yuriness of Mahoako?
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saw this being shared on twitter, I wonder how would a modern yuri convention go
All-out war if /u/ participates.
Conventions are great for Lilicious because they're already used to only showing up once a year.
Some schizo /u/ anon would bring a gun to it.
Am I blind and simply can't find it in the catalog, or the last episode of YoruKura killed it off completely to the point that nobody, no fans, no disappointed yurifags, no trolls, is bothering to make a new thread after a 1500 posts one?
It was more or less agreed upon that making another thread wasn't worth it.
Everything possible has already been discussed, manga and LN translations are way behind, new fanart isn't being drawn too fast.
>The reason why YoruKura and GBC "backtrack" is clearly because subtext sells much better
If anything MahoAko proved that maintext sells better. 99% of yuri shows don't even 'get' to the maintext in their adaptation. MahoAko did. MagiRevo did too btw.
They backtrack because out of touch producers 'think' its less risky and they are dead wrong every single time.
You know that the position is sound when you share it with majimafags, hahah
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BTW, for those who can't sleep well until they get an authority opinion from the staff. Miku describes Kano and Mahiru as 友達以上 in the interview. Isn't that a big win for all of us, morethanfriendssisters?
It was always considere yuri, even had a game considere yuri
Slow star kiss was Tama dream, don't count as development
Urara has no couple, Anime Yell is offscreen like New Game and Fruit Tart neither, just a misurtanding of three woman sleep together but their didn't bang
Actually embarrassing posts.
More than friends means they're girlfriends, so yes.
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Is BBW allowed?
Well, compare to hentai, there's no ntr in MahoAko and hentaibros really don't care if its yuri as long as they can fap to the girls
Why didn't the hentaibros buy Mato Seihei no Slave instead?
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Finally a yuri section with some truly forbidden series, after all those boring, sterile sections. For those who wish to debate with the store clerk: Akihabara, Shosen Book Tower, 8th floor.
> orange manga
My heart is so warm.
'Anti-het' yuri when?
>no LR
Is it not popular anymore?
>Implying girlship
They just can't shut their mouth, can they?
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Love you, my frog <3
Funny, both girlship and Yorukura pulled a 'The moon is beautiful' towards the end. The former in a phone call between Koyuki and Konatsu, the latter in the lyrics of Kano's last song to Mahiru.
Female mangaka is bored drawing her boring manga and then a thought occurs to her. "W- what if I add some ntr?" Her cheeks flush, heart starts beating faster, the manga doesn't look such a chore anymore...
This is why male author yuri is better.
Mikami Teren reads this >>4243840 post with bewilderment.
> ntr
You wish, Miki.
It's the best they can say. If they could confirm romance, they'd do so in the show itself. Stop being so mad about every statement
Ntr is about jealousy and Miki has plenty of it.
It is already ntr
>The anime flopped so hard and we can't sell this shit
>Let's put together with the yuri titles then, for sure it will sell there!

I wouldn't touch those books, they probably have spiders inside them from how long they are there
Even if the other sources confirm romance it will end just like Love Live where no one takes the manga seriously
It's about cheating. If it was jealousy almost everything would be ntr.
Aside from retards calling any girl talking to other guy in a romcom NTR, it used to specifically be when someone believes they are romantically invested in each other.
Alright, /u/, redpill me on Heaven Burns Red. Is it really the Maeda's yurikino I once heard?
It is about the feeling of being "netorare'd". Story of a stalker being pissed off that his idol secretly had a lover would be ntr, and if it is two women it would be yuri ntr.
Note that they don't even have talked before.
Adachi x scientifically accurate Shimamura.
The gravity would be so strong Adachi would be sucked into a black hole.
Well I don't think Adachi will complain about being sucked into Shimamura's hole
>detailed internal monologue as her consciousness gradually gets broken down to the sub-atomic level
>it's less autistic than usual
>yuris don't exist
So the Russian guys I watch yuri with are not real?
>Battleship W
What's the W?
Adachi's monologues are just her screaming Shimamura and thibking about murder
-As a game it's... let's say you don't want to play it often. Good thing it's 3 minutes a day and done.
-As a Maeda's piece and vn it's the best he has ever written. (Although maybe nekogari is better, never read it).
- As a yuri it's complicated. Basically half the cast have expressed interest in girls, girls threat to rape each other, discuss same-sex topics ever so slightly, the word "yuri" was used several times, lots of naughty jokes, different dinamics and yuriish interactions and you can see the writers do like it. But at the same time nothing ever was confirmed, nothing ever was explicit, no relationship either. the best you get is a cpr cg.

Moreover their marketing team is in full waifufag mode and try their best to shove it down your throat. They also treat Ruka as a usual Key harem mc. Some shills defend nothing ever happening calling it "slowburn". Lol. It will go EoS before to goes explicit I'd say.
Is it because Aki is stealing Shiho from Miki, or viceversa?
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Are you going to watch harem slop just for real 100% canon no fake yuri?
The reasons why an anime is a success or a failure are not simple, you can have 2 series with the same concept, one being a failure and the other a success, yuri series are romance series, which are not particularly popular with the general public, it is easier to sell other concepts and add yuri to that (text or subtext is irrelevant to that)
Reverse search doesn't work. This that 2.5 dimension cosplay thing?
Is it even worth it for yuri when the yuri comes so late that apparently it won't get to it even with 2 cours?. Doubt any yuri fans want to put up with over 24 episodes of straight harem just for yuri side characters that come late. You'd need to also like straight harem
The problem is that there is no "backtrack" just idiots complaining that an anime didn't meet their unrealistic nerd expectations, all the series with a minimum of yuri were consistent throughout the season, the rest is for example Blue Archive, Highspeed Etoile or Rinakai, no intention of being yuri and an incredibly mediocre product in the end.

Also don't ignore the existence of mainstream het series in this same season, because there were several and even 2 continue for the next season.

the same shit as with the first Uma Musume threads.
>Sasakoi anime skipped the kiss between Yori and Himari and Ichijinsha uploaded a voice comic of it instead
Uuuuh, I guess there were no explicit yuri shows this season. Sorry anon.
Kisu sisters....
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How do you guys feel when yuri artists make characters fatter than they actually are?
There's still one kiss scene left.
Surely they won't skip this one as well.
>thinking they'll have time for the YoriHima festival date after they skipped literally every date but one including the most important one
S-sure, haha...
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anything similar to aoi hana?
loved the anime, and loved the manga even more
ideally with more chapters spent on yuri
Maybe they want to take things to the point where people will buy BDs just out of pity?
You guys have to stop talking about shit you don't understand with metrics you also don't understand. Animes are being made to promote the source content, licensing by itself almost covers all the costs of the production, what really defines a flop or success nowadays is just expectations that are based on production budget and market budget. YH is not doing several adaptations because they are not making money. But they understand the target audience for romance manga between girls will never be as big as other shows, this is why they are not planning for further seasons or having outrageous budgets, what should be questioned if yuri shows are not being underestimated too much and the relation between budget and how they are performing is not unproportional and if the low budgets are not impacting the product reach in a considerable way.

BD sales are also not a good metric, they are expensive products but also have expensive production costs, even 100k sales would not ammount to much money at all and consider that there are multiple companies involved and at the end of the day each one only gets a share out of it. Very few anime are really successful and usually those already were successful before, viral successes like Bocchi are really rare in the industry, most works are doing barely better than any yuri work, they just have better prospects due to having a less niche target audience, if you accept the idea yuri works are flopping, than the industry is unsustainabl eand will be completely dead in a few years.
>Dating is not explicit
Regardless they are already changing stuff from order, it makes sense for them to have the climax at the last episode.
It's not being put out of order, it was skipped over and this is what you get instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJBzxgqTPY0
Top 3 yuri anime this season:
Seiyuu Radio
>>Dating is not explicit

That is why the logic of the anti-yurifags makes no sense.
Yorukura: kiss on the cheek
Sasakoi: kiss on the cheek (significantly worse-looking to the point you can barely tell it's supposed to be one)
Yorukura officially wins.
That one is getting skipped for sure.
But I do believe there's a non-zero chance that the kiss from chapter 44.5 is going to be adapted.
Total critic victory.
You have to keep in mind that a lot of the people you're debating (or trying to) with don't follow any logic or have any intention of understanding, they just come to belittle yuri in all its forms, that yuri-friendly products at best, perform better than the het garbage they idolize, it makes them angry and hurts their self-esteem.

I just know that I like all the yuri (on different levels) this season and I hate the het trash.
Sasakoi: Girls explicitly in a relationship
Yorukura and GBC: No girls explicitly in a relationship

Shrimple as that.
From the extras of volume 9 which just came out a couple months ago? Maybe if they really haven't started working on the final episode yet, but it would be a hilariously rushed production process.
It's cute
Regardless, subtext makes more money. It makes sense to go for the more profitable option when taking a risk that has no stablished fanbase. Anime originals can't afford to pander only to niches
>trying to explain why subtext happens in anime originals and maintext is almost never seen, means you're defending het and hate yuri
I love yuri and I'd like more maintext originals with high quality. I just know why it happens, which allowed me to predict how both Jelly and GBC'd end yuri-wise
It is known that yuri is good and correct in a season, when you have a group of tourists who only come to create artificial conflicts against yuri in general, I can swear that they haven't even watched any yuri anime (at different levels) this season.

wait for the next anime season, it's going to have little to no activity from them, just annoying waifufags.
Sasakoi: Skipping and rushing over all relationship. Girls not in a relationship
GBC and YoruKura: Not skipping, the relationship is more entertaining because you get to see it instead of "go read the manga" and don't torture your eyes
Simple as that
>create artificial conflicts
This is almost always the fault of that one Sasakoi-only autist.
As long as they're fat in all the righ places.
>romance anime
>skip romance
For what purpose?
Shiho was a mistake
They already changed the order of events in the previous episodes, they can just change the plot a little adapt the kiss in another context.
Maybe the kiss was skipped because the one unpaid intern making the anime couldn't get it to look good and they decided just adding voices to the manga was better.
You aren't getting the kiss. Stop coping. Accept Sasakoi anime is the worst maintext yuri adaptation since Urasekai
Could've used a ray of light like Ex-Arm did
Sure, and they'll also change the context for Himari and Yori sleeping together which they also skipped.
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They had an easy victory, shot themselves in the head and ended up with the shittiest yuri this season.
Holy fuck, what a mistake
Yuri? This season?
Correct, though there is a reason why not every single work isn't trying to replicate Kimitsu no Yaiba which did thousand times better than anything else in the last 30 years if not more, it's because you have competition and this is most likely the reason even though they are subtext works, they went out for their way to pander to more niche audiences too. It was not good for either GBC and YoruKura to air in the same season.
>easy victory
Lmao no. They already lost to GBC and Yorukura, kiss or no kiss.
Yes. GBC, YoruKura, Seiyuu Radio. Even Shuumatsu
Subtextchads keep winning
Maintext will always win over subtext if the adaptation is done by anyone minimally competent and doesn't skip all the romance
I would rather have Shiho and Aki drama to be honest, outside of the jealousy arc, most of Yori and Hima relationship are just crossing checkmarks.
Well we get such a bad hand which initially looked good.
Jelly actually had a girl x girl kiss in the middle but it was completely ignored later and not addressed properly with any development so just friendship ending.
GBC after that crying confession episode too decided to hide it away and it was never addressed anymore once again friendship ending, at least Rupa and Tomo got one good scene after but that's all.
Now the true blow with Sasakoi adaptation of an yuri actual manga decided to remove the kissing girl x girl scene from final episodes to concentrate on something else.
Wtf is this?
Are you seriously implying you would prefer it staying subtext over maintext?
Both fall into some strange new category of submaintext.
I'd rather the maintext anime have the maintext romance when it is it's only advantage since it's already lost the visuals competition. If it's just gonna be another music drama with no explicit romance (because all the explicit scenes are cut from the adaptation in the name of rushing to whatever endpoint the retards in charge decided), GBC and Jelly are better and there's no reason to not drop the adaptation and go read the manga instead
I'd prefer it not skip all the maintext scenes if it's already gonna look like utter shit
Subtext wins this season because the shows are enjoyable to watch with decent relationships with Jelly being the most arguable one. (But even then, HimaYori are going to have less scenes than MahiKano at this rate). Maintext could win if the people adapting weren't utterly incompetent and skipping all the maintext scenes
Why do criticisms of a series require people to ignore the series itself? It's like they don't even see what they are complaining about, they use information from other people that they don't even understand.
The whispers tell me Precure was the actual best anime for yurifags this season.
Are you retarded and doesn't understand what dating means? Fuck kissing, give me more relationship drama.
>The whispers tell me Precure was the actual best anime for yurifags this season.
Well Mayu x Yuki pairing is a hidden gem this season one way or another.
>Girls not in a relationship
Retard or speedwatcher? Call it.
Anime HimaYori may as well have broken up, given how little screentime they have.
Relationship drama? If the butchered Sasakoi counts, the so does Jellyfish
And at least Jellyfish doesn't rape your eyes
Sasakoi anime is so shit it turned maintext into subtextl. Now this is backpeadalling
I'm talking about the anime .The relationship is only in the manga and youtube voice drama. The anime by itself has no relationship
Maybe stealthy maintext? Hatsumi inspired me.
You're disgusting, you don't like yuri, you want to "win" on the internet. I say this as someone who doesn't even like Sasakoi, neither the manga nor the anime.
They become a couple in episode 6 of the anime. So I'll say it again: retard or speedwatcher?
I complain because I like yuri and would like to see the yuri animated instead of skipped over and left to youtube voice drama,. Liking yuri shouldn't mean accepting everything as long as the source is explicit.
Ah so you actually are retarded, sorry for asking my special boy
He probably hasn't even watched the anime (or anything mini-yuri this season) there's quite a bit of waifu crap that he's probably watched.
If they didn't skip stuff we wouldn't get AkiShiho together. Now we get 2 maintext couples instead of just 1.
Nina confessed in episode 8
Kano kissed Mahiru in episode 5.
If both aren't enough for explicit relationship. Then same applies to episode 6 of Sasakoi. The manga keeps the relationship .The anime backtracks in the name of being a rushjob
It is what happens when anime is soulless. It was made with one goal and one goal only: to sell better. You don't want to scare away waifufags, so nothing ever explicit. AND you want to get shippers on deck because you need free marketing and fanarts. That's why they intentionally throw something to cling to but "forget" about it.
>so just friendship ending.
Two girls don't suddenly go back to being friends after they share a romantic kiss.

>I complain because I like yuri and would like to see the yuri animated
Complaining on /u/ accomplishes nothing because almost all Japanese publishers are not browsing this board.
Quality over quantity.
>a true yurifag has to watch even the most shitty rushed adaptations that literally cut and skip all the yuri and praise them. If you have the most minimal criticism, you're a waifufag
Is this the new buzzword that most people have no idea how to use correctly?
If complaining here is useless, why does anyone come here to criticise and complain
Seems like an easy sign that someone is ESL.
In Sasakoi's case, you can bet the insane rush that tramples over the yuri romance that's supposed to be the genre the work is categorized as happened because they wanted to get as many songs in as possible and thus needed to reach the school festival. Still aiming for sales for any other reason than yuri, but not for waifufags.
Aoi Hana is pretty singular, unfortunately. Not in a quality sense (IMO anyway) but in terms of its structure and focus and of course the artstyle.

I can think of other series I might recommend a yuri newbie looking for something with similar vibes but I dunno if you've already read 1 billion series or what.
Imagine thinking Shiho and Aki isn't quality when they are far more interesting couple than Hima and Yori

Explain how Shiho and Aki drama is not romance
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>why does anyone come here to criticise and complain
To have their emotions/opinions validated or to get into arguments, obviously.
I mean if the adaptation had been 1:1 where would it have ended? The fireworks kiss? Maybe. But then you have the gravesite visit setup but never happening, the competition between the bands that was setup would not happen, and AkiShiho would be left unresolved. Clearly Eku wanted to show both YoriHima getting together as well as get through AkiShiho in 12 episodes so this is what they had to do.
The rushjob ruins all their quality, making them less romantic that even MahiKano
Manga Aki/Shiho? Yes. Anime Aki/Shiho? No way
Because all the romance is skipped, leaving only drama less explicit than GBC and Jellyfish
It's pretty obvious Shiho and Aki are her favorite characters, the anime already was adding original scenes showing Aki in love with Yori early on
YagaKimi also is incomplete as anime, and no one complains. Just ask for S2 and read the manga
That'd be better than skipping all the yuri
Doing a few things well > doing a lot of things badly
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Imagine being mindbroken because people like maintext yuri anime instead of subtext shit.
Yes anon, no one who watched so far is able to tell Shiho's whole seething is because she is in love with Aki, you are the only one who isn't smart enough to understand the romance plot you are watching you fucking retard
>If you skip maintext yuri to show another maintext yuri couple you are skipping maintext
Exactly. Imagine being mindbroken because people complain when maintext is turned into subtext in the adaptatiion because of the rushob and defending that
They won't have time to get to the part where Aki accepts to date Shiho, by the way. It's clearly ending with the festival.
The couples are only maintext in the manga
The skip turns them both into subtext
And Nina is explicitly in love with Momoka. And Kano with Mahiru. If the rushjob means the anime skips all over the romance, then the anime version of Sasakoi is another "one directional unadressed maintext" like Jellyfish and GBC
>maintext is turned into subtext
Is that what the voices in your head are telling you happened?
These fucking threads in a nutshell.
>maintext manga so butchered, it ends up with less yuri than the anime originals and the same kind of no romantic ending
And people defend this
Where are the romance scenes after episode 6?
If anime Sasakoi counts because of that, so does Jelly because episode 5 and GBC because episode 8
>Even though the anime shows Hima and Yori together as a couple every episode they are not maintext anymore because... because... they just aren't, okay?
Remember that thing about Jelly? And how people can't accept living in poverty after tasting luxury?. Applies to Sasakoi after episodes 1-6 appeared to keep the romance and only have vissual issues. Skipping the romance after giving people a taste of it is a shit move
But it doesn't. It skips all over those scenes
>backpedaled from championing Aki and Shiho
You're getting closer to realizing it's an impressively garbage adaptation, that's something.
The scene where Yori catches Hima? Where they literally say they are a couple? It's kind of important too since it's how Shiho finds out that the girl Aki likes is taken.
>Half of episode 8 is reserved to Hima and Yori flirting
>Episode 9 is literally about Hima and Yori being a couple in front of everyone and Shiho taking advantage of that
But sure, they were totally forgotten lol
Oh, Shiho and Aki drama is far better don't take me wrong, I am just outright saying you are making shit up because you are either trolling in bad faith, mentally retarded or some butthurt fan of other shows who thinks lying about Sasakoi will make them be more maintext
It's subtext anon
"they" or they are attacking a yuri series to defend subtext, they are attacking everything that is minimally yuri, that is why the argument against those series is exactly the same, they only use specific series so that there is conflict between us, simple.
Why do you think if the source is maintext, critcism isn't allowed at all?
Shiho laughing when she realizes Aki got yayad too is priceless
Doesn't count in the anime. The rushjob means in the end, the anime backpedals from these scenes like Jelly backpedalled from the kiss and GBC from the confession. All the romantic scenes are skipped for rush
You wanna criticize Sasakoi for skipping shit? Valid, though some people will answer they would rather have the Shiho and Aki plot going on.

You wanna criticize Sasakoi by lying that Hima and Yori don't have any couple moments or it's not referenced anymore in the show? We are going to call you out on your bullshit.
I am pretty sure you don't understand what the backpedalling is, do you want me to post more screenshots of the anime that outright proves you wrong?
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Hello /u/, roster suggestions are over and the poll is open now. Due to our 6 month rule Robosexual can't be sacked and Baiser can't be demoded from silver. Also, How Three Girls Have Sex in a DollHouse will stay as DollHouse for now. As usual, you will find all the links in the pastebin down below.

Maybe stop replying to this retard literally saying the girls are not dating in SasaKoi? Why do you always have to feed the trolls?
Even MahiKano and MomoNina have more romantic moments than Sasakoi rushjob
The only couple Sasakoi beats is Shuumatsu Train because the whole point is the girls being separated and Shizuru travelling with her friends through the 7G world to find Youka
If your screenshots counts as not backpedalling
so do screenshots of the Jelly kiss or the GBC confession
If it's only backpdalling when applied to shows you hate, then "backpedal" is a meaningless buzzword and not a valid criticism of anything
They are dating. But they might as well not be. The rushed anime version makes the dating non-existent.
Stop defending shit adaptations that skip all the romance
This, holy fuck, /u/ is actually unbearable recently, stop fucking replying to this dude for once, sincerely hope Japan stops doing subtext garbage since it always attracts massive losers.
I don't give a shit about neither one of them, if you wanted to prove someone wrong about those series you could have posted screenshots and made your point as well, instead you choose to attack Sasakoi which has nothing to do with those series and now you are upset people can actually show the receipts.
I'm going to call bullshit on you in turn if you honestly consider skipping Yori and Himari's first (and potentially only) kiss and sleeping together a worthwhile tradeoff for doing a mad rush to the school festival and maybe getting to the bonfire if we're lucky since the date where Aki accepts to go out with Shiho happens later.
Report and ignore this ESL fuck up
"recepits" that mean nothing when the anime rushes and skips the romance. So the backpedal criticism can also be applied to it "tease maintext only to skip all of it and have an adaptation that stops being romance once they press the turborush button"
You got it, it's a troll, report and ignore
>the only yuri anime should be shit adaptations that look like shit and skip all the yuri
You hate yuri. You're the massive loser here
>report someone because he dares criticise a show
No. Fanboy. Sasakoi is a shit adaptation and deserves criticism
>critics are trolls. Just consume and eat the shit adaptation slop. It's explicit source, so no criticism allowed
Successfully reported
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I'm pretty sure that the anon calling Sasakoi subtext is trying to make the point that, if you used the same standards that some people are using for GBC or Jellyfish, Sasakoi wouldn't count as yuri either.
And you're just as disgusting. Because you create a false conflict of subtext vs maintext and impose the view that having the latter is somehow an immunity from any criticism.
Yes I do think so, Shiho and Aki is the most interesting conflict of the series and even with the rush the anime is doing a good job in adapting the most important parts of it, they are outright treating Shiho as the main character to the point of even changing the ending to feature her,
It's miserable. Imagine skipping such important scenes to develop girls who won't start dating anyways
The only strength Sasakoi anime had is maintext romance, so if it starts skipping all of that, it has nothing. Somehow complaining about this and wanting to see these yuri scenes is "being a troll" and should be reported
Notice the post times, samefagging shit show.
Subtext (because they won't start dating in the anime) conflict that pales in face of Jellyfish and GBC.
I'd prefer this conflict be unfinished and unresolved like the YagaKimi play stuff and the anime doesn't forget it's maintext romance. They should've kept the Himari and Yori scenes
The problem is that he is trying to make this point with false equivalences and with a very confusing understading of words like backpedalling, like I said he can easily post a hundred screenshots of those animes here and give his opinion of each scene, but he isn't doing that.
If my use of backpeadalling is wrong, then none of the people criticisng GBC or Jellyfish use it right
I use it exactly like they use it
The problem is that anon is trying to make this a console war kind of shit with Sasakoi vs the other shows while implicating Sasakoi isn't Yuri while people who dislike jelly garbage only said it's not good or satisfying
So now it's time to use samefagging as a buzzword
Sasakoi anime is still shit made by incomptent retards
It's backpedaling retard and the difference is that Sasakoi has a goddamn manga with all the yuri while jellytrash is cut and clear yuribait with a no ending, if you get obsessed with subtext garbage then just keep consuming it in silence
Sasakoi anime's shit visuals and rushjob make it even worse and less satisfying than Jelly
And I already said the manga is good and maintext
I'm focusing on the anime only to criticise the terrible job the anime staff are doing. Eku did a fine manga. The anime staff shat all over said manga and ruined it in adaptation
Then go to /a/ and make a Sasakoi vs jellybait thread and stop plaguing /u/ with your terribly written posts, dipshit.
First you are not part of the anime staff and has no idea how they are going to adapt the next chapters. Second their relationship is not subtext because they are going to make cristal clear Shiho's feelings are romantic in the same way they already showed us that Aki was in romantic love with Yori too. Third the anime still has plenty of Hima and Yori moments, they already are a couple, kissing and whatever is cute but it doesn't change the nature of their relationship at all.

I don't fucking care about CGB or Jellyfish or whatever, I don't fucking care what other anons said, if they fucking jump a hill to prove whatever are you going to the same you fucking retard?

Even if he wants to do that his approach is retarded, we are fucking watching Sasakoi and understand enough of the series to show he is wrong, for someone who cares so much about the shows he is talking about he sure is fucking lazy to just post shit about those shows and make his point.
>complaints about how shit a maintext adaptation is and how the anime ruins the relationships doesn't belong in the yuri board
You aren't posting anythning about Sasakoi. Post the 20 screencaps you request of me or shut up about that
And if "muh moments" counts, then any subtext is maintext. The moments Sasakoi keeps aren't that special
The anime is shit and ruined all the manga's romance. Stop coping and accept it
>they are going to make cristal clear Shiho's feelings are romantic in the same way they already showed us that Aki was in romantic love with Yori too
They already did it in the latest episode, Shiho says it, and we see on-screen how she made a love letter for Aki. There is 0 subtext here.
One directional is not maintext. Maintext requires Aki to reciprocate
Oh no, we just got a lot of couple moments between a canon pair of girls in love with each other, how terrible how are going to cope over the (possible) loss of a kiss scene between two girls we already know are a couple?

Is Sasakoi a good adaptation? No. Is the yuri being erased in any way? No. There you go.
You do not know what the word means then
This is why ESLs should be rounded up and shot, ideally along with criticfags
>no kiss
>no sleeping together
Like the couple moments in GBC beetween a girl who confessed and the target of said confession
Or the beach date in Jelly beetween a girl and the girl she kissed
Yuri is being erased. Accept the facts the anime staff is shit and ruining the adaptation
>If even a single girl has maintext feelings, it already counts as maintext
GBC and Jelly confirmed maintext
>if only Yori and Himari's first kiss scene were directed the same way as Mahiru and Kano's kiss scene
>if only Mahiru and Kano's kiss and all of their romantic moments led to an actual explicit romance, like in Sasakoi
>if only the scene where Himari sees Yori's performance and falls in love at first sight were directed like the similar scene in Yorukura
>if only all the other scenes of the bands' performances were directed the same way as the one in GBC
>if only it had a script with a grounded drama, without the love polygons and great twists like in GBC
>if only it had a big emotional scene at the end with the two main girls, like in Seiyuu Radio
Look, it wasn't a bad season. By sheer force of imagination, I put together one perfect yuri anime from four different imperfect yuri anime.
>yuri is being erased
This is why we don't accept your "criticism" which sounds like trolling with a coat of paint, I criticized shows before and I never went on to sound like a anti yuri troll.
You fucking retard, you understand what the word maintext is as much you understand what the word backpedalling is. Maintext is just an unambiguous declaration of something, subtext is an implication of the author within the story's narrative or dialogue or at least it's interpreted to be so by the readers.
Didn't know anti-yuri people wanted to see girls kissing and sleeping together. Didn't know anti-yuri people got angry when yuri romance moments are skipped over
I haven’t watched them yet because they’re originals, but sure if they have explicit romantic feelings they’re maintext
Then the kiss and the confession make Jelly and GBC respectively maintext and all the people bitching about them everywhere are wrong
I will say this for the fucking third time you fucking retard, I don't fucking give a shit about either Jellyfish or GBC, I don't care if they are subtext or maintext, I don't care what other anons said about them.

Just fucking stop talking about Sasakoi with bullshit narratives and lack of understanding the words you are using, if you want to prove that those series are maintext to those anons, then fucking talk about those series and not Sasakoi you fucking retard.
It's you using false narratives and lack of understanding to protect your favourite maintext adaptation because you're in denial of how much the anime staff is shitting on it
And I don't care if you don't care about Jellyfish or GBC. I'll keep using them as examples
I don't want to prove they're maintext. I want to prove Sasakoi anime skipping so much shit is a horrible decision that shits on the yuri. So much so that it manages to make maintext less romantic than subtext. It's a horrible adaptation and you should stop defending it
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Boobs too big.
This would've saved the anime.
All you are proving here is that you are mentally retarded and doesn't know the meaning of the following below:

People who are shitting on CGB and Jelly will continue doing so because you are unable to "protect" those series and is more interested in pushing bad faith arguments about a show you are probably not even watching.
I was watching Sasakoi, but can't watch the latest episode because delayed subs
Now that I know what is missing, dropped. I can't justify watching anymore.
Also, you still haven't defended Sasakoi in any of the ways you demand I do with Jellyfish or GBC
My objective is not to protect those shows, it's to shit on a horrible adaptation. And you just want to pretend there's nothing wrong with Sasakoi anime and is as maintext as the manga despite skipping all the yuri
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat this bullshit, we understand very well Sasakoi as a whole is about girls in love with each other, everything about the series is under this context, everything about it is romance and is yuri, which is probably something hard for someone with a brain as small as yours to understand.
>Sasakoi as a whole is about girls in love with each other, everything about the series is under this context, everything about it is romance and is yuri,
Good for the manga. I wish the anime wasn't adapted by retards who didn't even know that and are skipping relevant scenes. The anime is utter garbage. Good sources you like can get garbage adapatations that miss the point and ruin everything. This is one of them. Stop being deluded and trying to protect the garbage anime
The golden age of yuri anime is finally over.
Golden age: LycoReco
Silver age: Gundam WFM
Bronze age: MahoAko
Dark age: ???
Dark age: Sasakoi
>ESL is also dekinai
Literally worthless. Nothing of value would be lost if your kind was rangebanned
Now do yuri series.
Those are yuri series.
I'd rather do you.
Not until GO HANDS’ yuri masterpiece airs.
Temporary Lesbians will usher in the dark age by driving everyone who watches it blind.
This isn't the 90s anymore.
You guys must be really sad
Luckily I had already lost all hope in the Sasakoi adaptation so at this point the "just here for the trainwreck" instinct fully kicked in.
How did you know?
Funny, the scene in that pic was cut down from the manga to exclude the part where they set up a karaoke date so the anime could skip that date too.
Yes, so we can have more of Shiho and Aki who are more relevant than random dates.
Many people just suck ass at writing romance. It's why fujos sometimes think the shounen dudes are more fun to ship that slice of life bl guys and why sometimes the yuribait hits harder than real canon romance. Shipping is between two fully formed characters, but a lot of romance writers make one character fully formed while the other is just "their love interest" which is why non canon can be more investing for shippers.
Shut the fuck up, there's no trainwreck, go back to /a/ or /v/ if all you do is masturbate over what you think is a big bad event, this is what people are telling you /u/ isn't the fucking place to be shitposting about le trainwrecks
>I was considering a slightly large project, but unfortunately, we couldn’t agree on the terms of the deal, so I had to pass on it.
>Even if I get a proposal accepted soon, I don’t think I could publish any projects before the end of the year. It's becoming more likely that my main source of income this year will be nonexistent.
Not as sad as Inori is going to be by the end of the year.
Can you just post whatever without making it sound like you're doing a joke? Because it's not working out, not even sure who's Inori, fuck off.
What is hinting at? Wataoshi getting axed? How close are we to the end of the fantasy part?
You're probably baiting but I'll bite.

In one, the two girls are explicitly dating.
In the others, the two girls are not explicitly dating.
Manga is probably fine, it only has to cover two more chapters of the light novel before it'll have finished the main storyline, and they're already adding original stories to pad it out some more. I feel a little bad for Inori but every time they have a career fumble they just go back to Wataoshi and add stupid shit that just polarizes their already small fanbase. A sequel with a scifi twist after their original scifi web novel bombed, an invisible roommate for Claire who is retroactively now in every scene Claire and Rae were originally alone for, a second sequel with a love triangle between the twins and Lily that most of the overseas fans (who make up most of Inori's fanbase) wont talk about because of the incest.
But wouldn't the manga be his most money maker? Unless he has a job or something. But yes, he is doing what every shitty author who destroys their own career does, they can't let go of the one thing they did right.
I've no idea how the money is split Aonoshimo on the manga but given that Aonoshimo has another manga in serialization alongside Wataoshi as well as gacha illustration work I can't imagine the pay is huge. It's honestly unclear to me if Inori writes for the manga or just give notes, probably the latter?
I remember Inori commenting how he was surprised with some additions, so I imagine he receives the name together with the editor and they give their opinions and the final approval. As for what you said, some artists will work on several projects even when they have popular ongoings, as some of them actually rent a studio and work with several assistants in different projects. If you are a small name artists you preferably will want to work as much you can to secure a position in the industry, editors would rather wprl with artists they know can do the job.
>second squeal is more incest (presumably bait like Nurcest) or the designated cuck ending up with her crushes kid
That's just fucking weird no matter how you cut it. What the fuck is Inori's problem?
Trans. Not yuri. Remove.
Is there any yuri in sailor victory?
>an invisible roommate for Claire who is retroactively now in every scene Claire and Rae were originally alone for
What the actual fuck
Why do people keep shitting on the sasakoi anime? I watched the first two episodes and thought it was a decent adaptation.
Wait until they break out the powerpoint effects before becoming Marchen Madchen.
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>Everyone is just raped or forced to.
>You could have a story about straight girls that would go the same...
That would be even hotter.
I'm not sure why you believe consent is necessary for yuri.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah that wholesome warming satisfaction you get when you know your worst enemy is now dead, that why we love you Shiho
How many times did Shiho masturbate over that grave, I wonder.
Final episode of Euphonium airing in mere hours. This will be the final judgement for Hibike, 9 years of war will finally be settled once and for all.
the quality gets worse as the series went on, the first episode is the best it gets. the final 2 episodes are now delay 'until further notice', which should say a lot
murcielago anime will bring about the revolution
It's basically waifugetfags who hate yuri, the anime has problems, but they're not as big as they make it out to be, there's even less drama in the production too.
>they're not as big as they make it out to be
Yup, they're even worse.
just shut up and get a life.
its a slide-show with barely any animation, jarring transitions, and they cant even release the episodes on time
>It's basically waifugetfags who hate yuri
im all caught up on the manga. it actually has more animation than the anime somehow
>stop having standards and accept bad adaptations of something you like
if i didnt know any better, id assume you hate yuri
Fuck off with your victimization "EVERYONE WHO TELLS ME OFF IS WRONG YOU CAN'T DISAGREE WITH ME", shut your fucking mouth.
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You don't fool anyone.

Can someone be so annoying and stupid that they prevent people from creating or participating in threads? Frankly, I didn't think everyone was so cowardly around here.
How is that anon homosexuality (male) preventing you from doing anything?
Explicit dating is for Sasakoi manga
I'm talking about Sasakoi anime, which skips all the dating. Accept Sasakoi anime is garbage and has ruined the manga and stop defending that abomination
It looks like shit and starts rushing and skipping all the romance once Shiho becomes the focus
Yeah. Waifufags who hate yuri are mad and shitting on the anime because it skips yuri scenes. Darm those evil yuri haters who want to see girls kissing and sleeping together. Clearly if you want to see cute romantic yuri scenes, you despise yuri. Congrats, Sherlock you cracked the case
You're the one playing victims and saying people who are angry about skipped yuri romance scenes are evil waifufags
Maybe you're the waifufag if people complaining about the anime skipping yuri makes you so angry
>Hima and Yori were on a date on the episode that aired today
At least watch the show
>skips yuri scenes
>the scenes they replaced them with are yuri too
So what's the problem exactly?
The problem is when the majority ignore the stupid posts and that ends up turning this or any thread into their playground.
This is not an answer for what I asked
I can't believe wanting passable(at least Watayuri level) adaptations for yuri anime means you hate yuri.
>complains about skipping romance
>yet enjoyed an adaption with no romance
Literally the only kiss in WataYuri was in a flashback with a character that doesn't even show up outside of flashbacks. There isn't even anyone dating by the end of it unlike Sasakoi. If anything it should've skipped shit to get to the interesting parts.
Yes, people usually enjoy adaptations that don't butcher the source material.
It would probably be criticized less if the other /u/-friendly anime didn't shit the bed at the last second. But now everybody is angry and thinks the entire season was a waste and needs to shout really loudly about something.
Adaptions are supposed to get people into the series more then they are for people already into it. Leave the filler for the manga readers. It even gives the people who get into the series through the anime a reason to go back to the start and read it from the beginning instead of just where the anime leaves off.
>people usually enjoy adaptations that don't butcher the source material.
Then why did WataYuri and WataOshi do so badly?
The protagonists' first kiss in a romance manga is not filler. That we're even having this conversation is surreal.
Good thing they didn't skip Shiho's first kiss then
Now that the ShuuKura translation is officially dead. I tried using Gpt-4o to translate some chapters and it's surprisingly decent.
With some proofredding and editing, it can be on par with your average WN manual translation.
Yet for some reasons, all MTL out there are still done using Google translate
I'm not familiar with this guy, but he posted this announcement about a new Yuri series.

Very soon, all the shitposting can shift towards Hibike instead.
If you're talking about the final episode, it already aired.
Considering there are people who loves/hates parsley I don't know if it's a positive or negative thing, but "depends on the definition" is never encouraging.
Because yuri's a niche and you need more than that to sell a show
Maintext yuri rarely sells, which is why originals stay with subtext
Do you think YagaKimi was badly adapted for keeping the "filler" and going for an unifinished adaptation?
I mean, with WataYuri, you can cope and hope an S2 comes and it'll adapt faithfully. For sasakoi? those scenes are lost forever
>no kiss
>no sleeping together
Backpedal into friendship date
The replacement are scenes that fit into subtext shows. The anime doesn't take advantage of the maintext to show scenes that are explicitly romantic and can only happen with couples like kisses and sleeping together
I'm happy it ended like it did because it means that non-yuri fans on /a/ now have to accept that romantic subtext is real.
Funny how they decided to make absolutely no-one happy.
anyone else praying for a Sasakoi: Sisterhood remake in the future
I'll greenlight it when I buy Ichijinsha, but only after YagaKimi S2.
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>Maybe I should cut my hair
She's going for the dyke speedrun record.
Nah just read the manga, it's better in every way.
Oh is that what the bubble says? I couldn't decipher the handwriting enough to look the kanji up...
Hope she keeps the ponytail though, it looks great on her.
Yes, we already know most of them are spineless cucks no matter whether it's het or yuri.
All you need to know is
>ESL with Stockholm syndrome
pretty damn sure we're at the point where even a confession would not convince /u/ that something is yuri.
I mean, look at Girls Band Cry this season. The literal confession in episode 8 is not enough
Our standards are rising steadily!
A lot discussions lately stumble at the starting block by conflating "I don't think this is being handled very well" and "This is not yuri." GBC is unquestionably yuri but whether it's satisfying post-confession is a different more personal question.
Anon it ended, just give it up, stop the retarded yuribait shitposting.
If you’re referring to Hibishit then you’re right, a confession between hetsluts amounts to nothing
No, the confession become irrelevant
Status quo remain
Only Sasakoi confession had results, others only keep the status quo
I'm convinced this is a bot.
I mean, if we're talking about satisfaction. The visual quality and pacing makes it more satsfying than the rushjob skipping scenes in Sasakoi anime, but saying this is apparently a sin because Sasakoi anime is technically more explicit despite deciding to skip almost all of said explicit scenes after they push the turborush button once Shiho starts her shit. Somehow people defend skipping the yuri because the anime covering as much of the Shiho/Aki drama as possible by rushing is apparently better than actual explicit yuri. Shihotards fail to understand that covering the yuri and leaving the bitch's drama unfinished is a better idea
And they dare call others waifufags and yuri haters when these people put covering more of the Shiho BS above explicit reciprocal yuri romance (the anime has no chance of getting to the part where Aki reciprocates Shiho even with the turbo, so it goes from focusing on mutural yuri to focusing on one directional BS)
What results? Sure'd be nice if the anime showed them+
No. Gotta focus on a couple that won't get together in the anime, anyways
Hibishitters are truly the most obnoxious people here on board. They already have two threads and yet they still posted yuribait garbage here.
>Shoe’s hairpin
Hibishitters get what they deserve
>doesn’t even wear it
Look at this level of cope. She carries out around but doesn’t wear it, because that makes it so much better and not het, oh wait…
>An ending that doesn't directly say anything, but very strongly winks-winks at the primary audience
What a very familiar situation. It's just surprising that they even felt it necessary to make this particular decision, since it's not an original work and they have the source material behind them.
Sasakoi anime should just be cancelled and the rest of the arc be adapted into voice comic format.
Yuniko saves Sasakoi with her script for the stage play!
As a wise man once said: I can't get no satisfaction.
>Summer and Fall have no yuri
I guess the yuri anime golden age has come to an end
Sad conclusion for the kissfags.
On their quest of hate they found that they have nothing left...
I'm reading Saki and Shinohayu again, and Mafufu is still dying. The scientists prioritized science babies over cancer in this universe.
Oh fuck oh shit, I just saw a great fan art with a tall blonde kissing a meek Yamato Nadeshiko. Kinda looks like main characters from "the face you shouldn't show".
I saw it on Twitter 20-30 minutes again, it must be a fresh yuri fanart, but Elon Mask forced the feed to refresh and I can't find it again.
Can you find it for me, please? Surely you are able?
Isn't just Sachiko from Marimete
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This one?
Michiru kissing Miko?
Yeppers, this one. Thank you!
mysteriously the anon "who cares about yuri endings" is completely absent, as if he were some kind of troll or something, suspicious.

And that's not happening, why do you think there are no complaints about the bait series?
That troll is too busy trying and failing to convince anyone that Shiho and Aki drama is not yuri or something
I just think it's funny that when it's something really bad and really negative for the yuri, he's quiet and hidden.
The sad thing is that it's not, Hibike never had anything to do with yuri outside of doujins. He is butthurt (possible literally since he is a faggot) over nothing.
>> He is butthurt (possible literally since he is a faggot) over nothing.

Thank you, that defines him perfectly.

>>The sad thing is that it's not, Hibike never had anything to do with yuri outside of doujins.

The negative part is not the series itself (which is not yuri) but the cultists who glorify that shit, which had already shown its true colors since S2, S3 is just the culmination of mediocrity (that also applies to other het series in the season)
Wait, it's ai? Eww, brother, ewwww...
I don't know what kind of definition of "dating" you're using but I'm using wikipedia's and they started dating from episode 6 of the anime.

>Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in which two individuals engage in an activity together, most often with the intention of evaluating each other's suitability as a partner in a future intimate relationship. It falls into the category of courtship, consisting of social events carried out by the couple either alone or with others.

>Backpedal into friendship date
What the flying fuck are you talking about.
I can’t understand the logic behind disliking an image you liked before if you learn it’s AI
The content is the exact same
AI has evolved to the point of making dumb people give people money for typing words into an automatic online generator.
>one uses Wikipedia for the definition of daring
>another doesn't see difference with soulless ai art
Let me guess, you are autistic.
Probably kissfags too...
Come on, we already made it clear that he is a waifuhetfag troll, probably accompanied by some idiots who take what he says seriously.

>>Backpedal - statu quo
Those are the key words to identify them and not take what he says seriously, although he also uses "adaptation" as an excuse to justify his hatred of yuri.
The only anime that I can assure that returned to the status quo without any irony was Konosuba.
Man, we can't have shit this season.
Don't bother, will is just trying to argue nonsense when the last episode is peak lesbianism with dead girlfriends, love triangles and ntr
I'm very satisfied and so is most people here, maybe you should be saying that on the threads that were hoping for hetshit in our shows.
Compared to the past years ago it is ok season.
This upcoming season though? It's looking kinda grim. The fact we have to believe in PA Works to deliver yuri isn't good.
There's nothing grim, keep reading yuri manga.
If a season has yuri that's great
If it doesn't then I literally don't care, I'm not watching anything that isn't yuri "aren't you jealous of hetshit" it's like being jealous of kids having 2000 episodes of baby shark to watch.
It's because with usual art, it's nice to know someone had that image in mind and did their best to put it on paper. With AI garbage it's just one random output out of thousands the machine throws up. There's no intent or soul behind it.
>>This upcoming season though? It's looking kinda grim
Well, that is a fact, but it serves as punishment for the stupid people who complain about this season, but they are going to be very quiet next season.

>>If a season has yuri that's great
That is another fact too, unlike I have seen the het garbage and the mediocre non-yuri series and my conclusion, the yuri was really good (the facts are what they are)
To be fair a lot of art made by people doesn't have any soul either, it's just art made to make money from idiots who keep artists posting 1 image every month.
What even is worthy of mention next season?
So it ended up being yuri on some meta level. In the sense that they gave Kumiko and Shuichi an ending that any original yuri subtext show would be proud of, even though there was nothing stopping them from just following the source material and showing a confession. If shuichibros weren't helped by heteronormativity, they'd be dissatisfied right now, just like we are every time.
good AI art clever prompting, you can't type random shit and expect something good.
>muh soul
lots of anime uses 3d models, some even got traced from real life images, no one cares though
Sounds like pointless superstition if you already liked the art before knowing it’s AI.
Suicide Squad Isekai
Read Unforgettable Witch. I just finished and I would sacrifice several seasons of anime for more volumes of it.
This is the yuri board
If it had Poison Ivy, maybe, but it doesn't (not to mention the premise being the most retarded bullshit I've heard in years. Japan has zero creativity or imagination left).
Say what you will about the Suicide Squad game, but at least it was based enough to make Harley into a pedo for loli Ivy.
It is an anime and it has a character who is in a canon lesbian relationship.
>who is in a canon lesbian relationship.
Sometimes in a lesbian relationship. This Harley is Joker crazy, at least for now.
SHY season 2 (July 1)
Shikanoko Nokonoko (July 3) Some SOL about a elk girl.
Dungeon no Naka no Hito (July 5): Fantasy SOL that appears to have an all-girls cast.
Na-nare Hana-nare: (July 7): Cheerleading show already confirmed to have a turbo dyke.
Mayonaka Punch: Fantasy vtuber show with a girl-meets-girl premise.
>Shikanoko Nokonoko
MC constantly mentions she wants a boyfriend or get fucked by a guy, only her sister is a dyke but it's just your stereotypical gag.
meh, not the best Shy.

Others have potential at least.
>>Japan has zero creativity or imagination left
Are you sure that this is not something the West ordered Japan to do, to give relevance to something that has fallen out of favor in the West in recent years?

It depends a lot on what they want to portray with the people or the base continuity but as this anon said: >>4244790
>>This Harley is Joker crazy

Considering how things haven't been particularly positive for the comics industry, who knows if they want to risk making the fandom even angrier (although those complaints don't apply to anime)
She's a deer.
Oh deer.
>Shikanoko Nokonoko
False anon, the manga is licensed and the yankee character only mention it once.
the deer girl is the one who had a sister
The point is to exaggerate to show how ridiculous it is to remove yuri from a maintext yuri anime
Shiho/Aki drama is pointless if they won't get together in the anime.
If you have a maintext anime, why skip all the maintext scenes that subtext couples can't do?
The scenes that are left, I can see in any other subtext shows. I want the kisses, the sleeping together. All the shit subtext doesn't provide:
>but the characters explicitly say they're dating
Pointless if you're not going to show any maintext romance actions
Nice,. Does any of that bs lead to any explicit couples the anime can show? No. Because Aki/Shiho get together too late even with the rush,
Himari/Yori are getting butchered in the anime and don't get to show their romance at all once Shiho enters and the rush starts. Fuck it
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At least read the series if you are going to try to gaslight other users
I won´t leave a meme of a rich men tell me what to do.
With the rush removing all the shit only couples can do (like kissing) the dates that remain are no different from the dates in subtext. What's the point of watching maintext anime if what I get is no different from subtext thanks to all the cuts? Stop defending shit adaptations
People already posted screenshots of the last episodes with several YoriHima moments, including the last one, just stop this narrative you are trying to push is too dumb, we are watching the anime, which you clearly aren't, it's not going to work.
This is also written by a known hetshitter (Re:Zero LN writer) He had FMC originals before (Sigrdrifa, Vivy) and had no yuri in them. He's going for het Harley who loves the Joker
I don't think you watch subtext anime either if you think there is no difference.
Pretty sure, SS Isekai is a WB idea in a big way
The director mentioned they want to do a Flash anime, but accepted doing this to get some contacts and good will with WB because otherwise their idea of Flash anime isn't ever happening
While I honestly couldn't care less about anime based on dead western franchises, I am pretty sure the writer is just following what DC told him to do and whether Harley will be lesbian, bisexual or whatever it's not up to him at all, now if he has the capacity to portray this in a respectful way it's another question.
>if you hate when maintext yuri scenes are cut,, you're a waifufag
>you must not criticise anything or you're a yuri hater
>just eat the ugly slop that rushes past all the yuri
Any moments that I can't see in subtext past Shiho showing up?
Anything that takes advantage of their status as a maintext couple to do things subtext can not?
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Why weren't you here complaining when WataYuri aired? It had no kisses or even girls going out, yet it is still yuri. Yuri isn't just girls kissing or having sex.
The only difference once they started rushing is the anime telling me they're dating but showing 0 scenes that subtext paringss can't do. Literally skipping all the actual maintext romance and explicit scenes.
Because that was being faithful to the source and building it's drama. I could cope that if S2 ever happens, I can see more romance
The scenes skipped in Sasakoi are lost forever
>we all know those numbers would be like halved if we took out the porn addicted hentaibros who want cheap sexual thrills
Bullshit. Mahoako is so popular exclusively because of the yuri.
Moving the goal posts won't work either, romance is more than just kissing and not single subtext series is as gay as a single episode of Sasakoi, because guess what you fucking imbecile, Sasakoi is all about girls in love with each other, it's nothing but. While subtext is the opposite, it's always about everything else but yuri.
NTA but this doesn't change what he said at all, yuri is the reason why Mahoako has the dynamics it has, you put a male character there and it just won't work the same.
No, seriously, imagine that instead of a rightfully expected actual romantic interaction, you're being fed some bullshit like a hairpin, or the moon is beautiful, or some hints in insert song lyric.
>Sasakoi is all about girls in love with each other, it's nothing but.
Good for the manga. More reason to complain when the anime staff are incompetent retards who don't even know something this basic and axe all the yuri
Is there any real difference to subtext and maintext when the maintext removes all the explicit elements subtext can't do?
You're just arguing semantics. What makes the Sasakoi anime worth watching without dropping at episode 6 over any subtext? What's the solid difference at this point?
Romance may be more than kissing. But there's a line separating maintext and subtext and kisses are one of the most obvious. Subtext can't have romantic reciprocated kisses
I've gotta be real with you, I haven't read a single post in this thread for a while, but imo, the difference between GBC or YoruKura and SasaKoi is that the former is expected to be done, ended, with little chances of expansion on their yuri aspect, while the latter has an original source to fall back on, it has a yuri backbone to support its failure. Of course, that's arguing on the premise of maintext, and the expectations for it. If you think that something ended in super friendship with no route on taking the relationship further is yuri, then they will do you just fine. Though if you think it like that, then you shouldn't be butthurt when other people who like a more pragmatic and realist approach to yuri disliking it.
What point? "He" (you) had no point other than "mahoako bad because ecchi" "mahoako fans are le evil hantaibros, it doesn't count"
MahoAko is yuri and it's successful. Nothing else matters. Go seethe about the ecchi elsewhere
You retard: I'm talking about the anime and the anime alone to shit on the staff for ruining the adaptation
Manga is fine. Also, do you seriously think that with this trashfire production that has the last 2 episodes delayed to unkwown date by a super shit studio biting far more than they can chew (there's another show by them that has been completely delayed https://anidb.net/anime/16614 and another that was announced forever ago but they can't ever decide when it will start https://anidb.net/anime/17672) is the one that will get S2?
Sasakoi anime is over with S1. It has no more hopes of continuing
I think what that anon meant is that Mahoako worked BECAUSE it was yuri.
I wasn't replying to you, or your rant, you attention whoring schizoid.
It doesn't matter how many times you write the same shit in different ways, from the fucking first episode Sasakoi already gave more than any other subtext series and every interaction between the girls is unambiguous about romantic love and there is othing you can do change this.
I hate nerds, autists, and schizos.
yet he doesn't mention anything about eupho, the malice couldn't be more obvious.

Frankly, even if the Sasakoi anime was a perfect adaptation with good production values and no complaints from the staff, "he" would complain in one way or another.
Also elves. Mostly elves.
It doesn't matter if they stop delivering the maintext
Why should I keep watching Sasakoi over any subtext? What do the recent episodes provide that subtext doesn't?
>It's unambiguous
Turned ambiguous in the anime because the proof of unambiguity is skipped over
Why are you so desperate to defend this insult? Do you hate Eku so much? That's why you defend this insult to her manga?
Because I don't watch a single second of Eupho,. I don't care. Should I also start bitching about every other irrelevant het anime in the season before I'm allowed to bitch about the Sasakoi adaptation? Retard
>Frankly, even if the Sasakoi anime was a perfect adaptation with good production values and no complaints from the staff, "he" would complain in one way or another.
I wouldn't actually. It'd be my AOTS and probably AOTY. Too bad this isn't what we got
Then why did you start talking about maintext, subtext, sasakoi, gbc and jellyfish?.
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Newest episode had
>Momoka introduced as Kyou's girlfriend (maintext)
>YoriHima on a date (maintext)
>Shiho's love for Aki explained (maintext)
>Two girls dating
>Girls in love with each other
>Girls with dead girlfriends
>Girls heartbroken
>Love triangles
And this is just last episode, you know why you still didn't convince anyone of your bullshit yet? No one here is worried about kissing in a series the girls are already together.
How dare you put facts and not create artificial conflicts in the thread, how dare you give a good answer to a rambling madman with his tongue stuck up his ass.
Oh, so I can't fucking talk about those independently now? And my topic and yours have nothing to do with each other. Maybe if you weren't looking for an excuse to keep yapping about whatever your shit is, you would have noticed.
> I'm allowed to bitch about the Sasakoi adaptation
So you admit you're just an idiot?

Criticism is acceptable, being ignorant is acceptable, not liking something is acceptable, being a stupid jerk is not acceptable.
>that guy when Yori's tongue isn't down Hima's throat for the entire runtime of the anime
I'm talking exactly about that. If you would read, you'd notice. I'm talking about the 3 shows using the other 2 to show how Sasakoi anime is shitting the bed
We wouldn't be here if people could admit the anime is worthless and shits the manga
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I don't know much about Sasakoi, but I know Himari is Kino
The whole point is posting just to insult a yuri adaptation is super questionable behavior when you're on the yuri board. Maybe /a/ would more be your speed if you just wanna bitch.
So you can't even fucking read. Gotcha.
Nice. Anything shown that isn't exposited? What's the point of maintext when it's just yapping and stuff I can see in subtext? Stop defending the shit adaptation
>Momoka introduced as Kyou's girlfriend
Worthless. Show actual romance instead of telling it. Show, don 't tell
>YoriHima on a date (subtext because they skip everything that elevates them to maintext. Dates are also in subtext)
>>Shiho's love for Aki explained (subtext)
Subtext also has: Nina explaining her love for Momoka
Homura explaining her love for Madoka. It's only maintext if Aki reciprocates. She does in the manga. The anime will never get there. Shouldn't have focused on Shiho's shit. Should have been faithful and keep the HimaYori scenes
What are you doing on 4chan?
It's you who can't read. And makes it obvious
>whatever your shit is
This means you didn't bother to read my posts and don't know what I'm talking about

Uh oh, your ESL is showing!
I'd defend it if it was any good. Yuri board doesn't mean you have to praise every single maintext show that ruins the manga
Fuck off, fanboy. Sasakoi anime is shit and deserves criticism. Adapting a maintext source doesn't shield it from criticism.
>burgerlanders defend eating whatever slop the industry throws at you without criticism
>burgerlanders defend being unpaid defense force for shitty corpos ruining good sources with shit adaptations
Expected, really
So that's why he couldn't read the very first sentence of my unrelated post which he convinced that it was somehow about him.
There is romance every single chapter and no anon, a narrative about one girl in love with other is not subtext you imbecile. All your examples are not under a explicit unambiguoud eay otherwise they wouldn't be subtext.
I don't want anyone in this place talking about standards ever again
You people will defend a super shit adaptation
The girls at the lilly medical institute really ought to examine your brain
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>Pablo's face when people would rather see AkiShiho over YoriHima
I think you should have a better standard for your English before you go arguing about standard in yuri.
I'd rathetr see the couple that got together over the girls who won't get together in the anime anyways´
You Shihotards hate yuri
Says the one defending an insult against a yuri manga. The staff are taking a shit all over the manga and we have to thank them for it and not complain? Fuck off
Maybe cause they are both boring characters and have no chemistry?

You'll get there one day, champ. I believe in you!
I'd prefer an exam of the brains of the people defending the Sasakoi anime. Seriously: What do you see in such an ugly rushed piece of garbage?
Living in a world where you MUST speak out against things you don't like or else they'll become standard must be so insanely exhausting
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What is this? Some new meme?
My typos don't change the fact Sasakoi anime is a piece of shit and they shouldn't skip material of the stablished couple in favour of a couple that won't get together in the anime
It's better than living in a world where you must praise corpos even when they put out a shit show just because the source is good
Okay, you can stop replying to the spic bot now. It stopped funny 20 posts ago. Go rewatch Simoun or something if you have nothing to do.
>you made a typo so your argument is invalid
It was never fun, just pathetic, it makes you question what you can expect from the world.

I don't know, but I love it.
>It stopped funny
The best part is that this happened before with UraPi and /u/ didn't give a shit back then and moved on.
Well yeah. Cuz all the tantruming over sasakoi now is just from one person who evidently wasn't around back then.
How come Aki never apologized for slapping Shiho?
It actually has a yuri kiss between Goeido and that cook girl
Back then everyone accepted UraPi anime is utter shit
Now some retards want to defend the shit anime and the staff ruining a good manga.
People need to stop shilling the Sasakoi anime for free
>If you dare shit on a trash rushjob ugly adaptation, you're a newfag evil waifufag
>just eat the slop reeeeeeeeeeee
You people are pathetic. Why so desperate to defend the Sasakoi anime?
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I get paid to shill it actually. 30 cents a post ain't much but it's honest work.
Because Shiho likes it and Aki knows it.
It's based on the Jellyfish's ED
From the Adashima databook:
>Shimamura can't technically swim. The perfect combination of buoyancy and bone density allows her to move through water at moderate speeds, propelling herself using intermittent ground contact like astronauts in the moon.
I was reading that Gal Maid and Villainess thing. Isekaishit is derivative, to the point the conversation around it being derivative is beaten to death. The most interesting twist it's accomplished is making MC isekai into some random girl instead of the villainess or the MC, which is also what the office lady one does, but otherwise it's just running through the usual bingo sheet like normal.

A gyaru isekai MC should have been a total normalfag whose only knowledge of the game comes from one of her otaku friends constantly posting on social media about it. So without that innate meta knowledge she actually has to play things on the fly and actually deal with blind spots without postmodernist "lmao I already played this shit dawg gg no re" Also she should derail the plot because she keeps trying to score with hot noble babes and claims she can supercharge magic if they'll let her suck on their titties or eat them out, all while she needs to learn how magic works and teach herself swordfighting and other basic skills assumed of a fantasy universe.
is train to nowhere worth finishing? i put it on hold around episode 4
>unforgettable witch
The worst, dumbest angst in the history of a written word.
I liked the cousin tho, she is based.
That's right, that's how it works.
Learn English.
Yeah, it's fun.
Obsessive futachecker, can you also check for ai-slop? Thanks.
Why is the onus on everyone else and not the dude spamming images with no sense of quality control?
The teacher is a main-ish character that's introduced pretty early on, along with her couple. They just don't reveal they're gay until later.
It stays goggleable, and I thought it stuck the landing. Fun little show.
You can't depend on mentally ill
You have garbage taste.
No. You have bad taste for liking it.
10 years and he hasn't written a single good yuri.
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10 years and he keeps writing good yuri.
Teren only started doing yuri 4 years ago.
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is there any landmine character in yuri?
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Bob cut is very nice
Adachi would fit better but she doesn't have black hair and wears all black
Adachi has black hair.
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looks dark blue to me
Blue is just a aesthetic thing, her hair is always described as dark, this is the case of most anime stuff too, green, blue, pink, are not the canon hair colors and this is why you will also see artists changing the hair colors from cover to cover
Don't get your hopes up for nothing. The kiss will not be mentioned again, it'll be backtracked and backpedalled. Status quo will win.
At least we'll have a cute ED for another full season.
>here's why yuri can't win...

Mask slipped off again.
>Let's go out!
How subtle.
Are you trying your shit on a manga adaptation?
Everyone knows that like all fighting shonen any romance won't get resolved until the very end
But the point is there's yuri teasing and no male love interest, so
Aside from the guy she went in a romantic date with
It was platonic and it never gets brought up again.
A common story
A real story, het shipper
Technically, the guy was a tranny, so in the author's mind, she went out with another "girl".
You are not making it look better though
It sounds like he's coming back just to end it.
Well yeah, going on hiatus usually don't make people miss you, just makes them buy something else with the money they have. I guess YH does not care about him doing semelparous hentai as long it's yuri.
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Rose of Versailles movie coming out, do we have any hope?
Watanare is good.
I mean the original is pretty hopeless, so...
Bruh not to downplay Rose of Versailles' influence on primordial yuri but we got a better chance of seeing Andou and Oshida kiss
I want Utena remake where Akio is a hot milf and every male character is a female in it.
that would ruin Utena. Utena is a feminist anime, Akio being a woman makes no sense
80s shoujo designs look so jarring in the modern day.
It doesn't need to be exact replica 1 to 1.
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Yeah but it'd be a heinous crime to change it. Imagine if they made a new Lupin III show and instead of the '70s slicked back hair with his sideburns and widows peak he had the generic LN self-insert dipshit haircut.
Or Golgo 13 without the never-changing face and eyebrows.

Or Shoujo Sect having that puffy early '00s look.
Rose of Versailles is from the 70s.
Okay everyone, the joke is played out now.
I did sent him an angry e-mail complaing how shitty the publisher was for axing it
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I see the anime staff is shipping those two hard
It still needs the basics. Akio is not just a man, he's THE man, in the same way Anthy is THE woman. They're living archetypes of their respective genders traditional roles and ideals.
Quite the opposite, they look refreshing.
Both EDs focus on them, it's really cute
Just say they're ugly. Everyone knows it's true.
so is shy gay or...?
Yes, hope it gets an anime someday so we can finally have a yuri anime with the title of shy
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>every yuri this year, including subtext one, either flopped or didn't deliver the yuri (aka bait)
>the only exception is Mahoako
What can the industry learn from this? For me it's

>no melodrama unless you're absolutely sure it's good, otherwise completely avoid it
>pick a genre or niche that is otaku-ish, it has to be traditionally associated with girls (i.e. no hotblooded mecha but yuri or something like that, that's yaoi(bait) territory), and put a new spin on it
>don't write a single male character in the show
>write good and likable characters
and most importantly
>make it smut and rapey
>didn't deliver the yuri (aka bait)

Stopped reading here. Not what bait means.
>didn't deliver the yuri (aka bait)
Jellyfish delivered the yuri. There's nothing to suggest that their relationship is platonic.
Same for GBC. You gotta pay attention to how Momoka and Nina act after episode 8. The love is obvious. Of course, the lyrics. Like in any good music anime, the lyrics are important to the girls' characterization
Why are you pretending the anime doesn't exist?
Yeah I'd much rather have that then the girls actually say they are girlfriends or do stuff like kissing. Hope they make more like jellyfish and GBC!!!
,Maybe the kisses and girls saying girlfriends should be in better shows
Maintext is nice but meaningless if it's trapped in a shitty show
The girls did kiss in Jellyfish.
Nina explcitly confessed to Momoka in GBC. She even said it was a love confession
So you didn't watch those series?
>the dates that remain are
We are talking about dating as in the state of a relationship you fucking imbecile.
You and I both know that you're just acting dumb to get a gotcha out of this idiotic internet argument.
Confession =/= reciprocation.
I'd much rather have maintext in a bad show then subtext in a good show. Thankfully there are shows that are maintext and good so I don't have to lower my standards.
One girl was always kissing another (and only on the cheek). It was never two girls kissing each other.
And the other girls liked it.
Citrus S2 would save yuri but I know all of you are contrarians so
more like shitrus hahahahaha
You don't know how relationships in Japan work, right? Don't use your Western standards of fucking in public as a sign of affection.

and it's relevant to the plot, but many people are too used to "tell, don't show" to understand what a series really does.

I would say it is ignorance, but at this point they are already mental problems.
Serious question, do you really think that these people with the most stupid contradictions to what really happens in a series, know what they are talking about?
On one hand, free discussion, on the other hand a non-zero amount of retards might take it seriously and not pick it up.
Funny you say this, the author was also commenting today it was on the top sellers under the tag yuri and he didn't understood if there was some promotion or marketing going on.
Not getting my hopes up, but won't it be nice if Love Bullet was the same as well?
New Magic Knight Rayearth anime project announced

And 20+ years later, it's still not yuri.
Shut up, it's yuri (I never watched it tho)
yuri kiss (jellyfish) vs yuri confession (GBC), which is gayer?
Which one is closer to boobs touching?
Pablo has a shitass taste
>Oscar (va. Miyuki Sawashiro)
>Marie Antoinette (va. Aya Hirano)
God damn
>mother NTRing her daughter with no angsty drama or anything
There needs to be more of these
>NTRing her daughter
>no drama
NTR is inherently angsty.
Stop trying to defend a shit anime
>Thankfully there are shows that are maintext and good so I don't have to lower my standards.
Literally almost none
And I prefer a good show with subtext. Maintesxt is pointless if I don't care about the characters and their story
Good thing it's obvious Momoka reciprocates
All the girls are in love with men.
>She doesn't have to say it becuase I think she did!
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>has lost every argument
>s-s-stop defending this shit anime!!!
The only one losing is the one sucking corpo dick and defending them when they ruin good manga
If Nina was a boy, no one would deny they're dating
Stop getting easily baited.
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Another try for a girls' golf will be in January 2025.
call me when we they give girls wrestling a try
>0 romance
>we're lesbians and fucking
That's not how it works at all.
>odd number of girls
I hate it!
Another nothing never happens.
Look at Kimetsu. Literally 0 romance beyond gags with Zenitsu being obssessed with Nezuko and everyone gets paired at the end.
Like that, but yuri. Could be done, and this board would defend it over subtext just because they made it maintext at the very end
But Sasakoi isnt that? It was romantic from the very start and one couple even got together halfway through the anime instead of at the very end.
I'm not talking about Sasakoi, beyond using the extreme hypothetical to show how people here'll ignore all flaws if it's maintext. No criticism allowed
Seriously, how did this place go from trashing on Urasekai to praising an even worse shitshow and hating any criticism?
Insecurity has been growing fast these past few years.
If she was a boi it will be explicit
Gbc is not Sasakoi who had yuri privilegies
Concern trolls insecurity maybe. There's no reason to look at the state of yuri these past few years and have daily meltdowns about how nothing is really yuri or that criticizing something means you hate yuri. It only makes sense if you look at it from the opposite perspective and realize you've got to stop feeding them.
Is Rosalie who had more bond scene with Oscar>>4245423
And it's already explicit. Show, don't tell
>sasakoi yuri privileges
Ah yes, the privileges of looking like shit and the anime cutting so much, it becomes garbage
Truly a privilege
It didn't show or tell. Stop saying that if you don't know what it means.
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Where can I watch hoshitele drama? TV Tokyo app sucks.
Why does it look like a porno?
Because everything the nips do looks like a JAV
It showed and told. You're just a Sasakoi tard asshurt about the shit adaptation who is in denial about a better show
I'll give it to you if you promise to sub it.
Sasakoi was suppossed to be the big maintext show of the season .The yuri show that stands above others. But the staff shat the bed hard, now only 4 or 5 manga fanboys care about the anime and must deny yuri in better shows to keep pretending Sasakoi is the best and that there's nothing wrong. They need to stop the denial
not only that but it would probably be considered either couple of the year or even anime of the year, hetfags always consider het as the only true option (even if the anime and the couple are a piece of shit)

>>criticizing something means you hate yuri.
Criticism is very different from being a denialist crybaby.
The Urasekai anime was a masterpiece of an adaptation compared to the Sasakoi anime.
>stop criticizing shows that aren't Sasakoi!!!
>you have to like the slop I like!!!
Absolutely seething.
I don't know about other users, but I actully enjoy watching the sasakoi anime a lot, last episodes have been pretty good too.
If Russia, or any militarist group or nation for that matter, put out propaganda yuri, would you read it?
You drive a hard bargain
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Same. It was the show I looked forward to the most each week. Shiho is definitely the best girl of the year so far.
Shiho hates it
Even with production issues, it actually looks decent and the "shortcuts" haven't been that bad, Index S2 looked a lot worse, Touma's head was super inconsistent and in the end it was really uncomfortable to look at, not to mention something like WUG with no animation for several minutes.
As long it's not Class S(hit).
>stop criticizing Sasakoi!!!
>you have to like the slop I like!!!
Absolutely seething.
See? . Sasakoitard, your anime is the definition of slop, and you people seethe at anyone who points this out. You Sasakoitards don't get to call anyone out for seething at criticism
What the fuck do you like about that disaster? Go read the manga. Watching the anime is pointless
Just because there are even worse trashfires it doesn't mean Sasakoi anime is any good
The plot is good, the characters are likeable, the yuri is tangible, even with production issues the direction is actually decent, so is the seyuus and the ost.
Manga doesn't have voices. Also by your logic no manga should be made into anime.
I like Sasakoi, as it has no elves.
>The plot is good, the characters are likeable, the yuri is tangible, even with production issues the direction is actually decent
Not with the production issues and butchering
Stop the denial. This doesn't apply to the anime
Too bad a lot of good stuff in the manga goes unvoiced anyways
>no manga should be made into anime.
Maybe. But most adaptations try a little to be enjoyable to anime-onlies. This doesn't try: It's just an speedrun for manga readers to see some of their favourite scenes voiced. Shit show
People are enjoying it and all you can do is seethe about it.
Anime-onlies wouldn't know anything was skipped.
As I said, only 4 or 5 manga readers in denial
The Sasakoi thread is mostly manga discussion and no anime discussion at all besides lamenting how shit it is.. There's nothing of the activity you'd expect from an actually good maintext show that people enjoy
Reading the threads or the generals here inform you of what is skipped.Maybe you people should have tried a little harder to pretend everything's fine and there's no skips
Regardless, it's better anime onlies know about the skipping because anyone who thinsk the anime is faithful will think the manga is utter garbage,. and the author utterly incompetent at romance
It's only by knwoing about the skips that the criticism can be focused on the anime, while the manga is spared.
>As I said, only 4 or 5 manga readers in denial
So more than half of the board users
Why wouldn't I? If it's good yuri with actual romance as plot or subplot, gimme.
The only thing garbage here is your English.
Concession accepted.
>My English is shit, making me the victor.
NTA but even then the anime it's ok if you ignore the bad animation, like Tamayomi, and with all those production problems I'm glad that they didn't butchered those scenes.
My typos won't make the shitshow any better
Honestly that's the stupid logic that many people use without any irony, then they cry when the series are cancelled due to lack of readers or public interest, how would it be a way to get more fans? an anime maybe?
>the other side had 2 typos, so I win
It's really not
Story,characters, romance, drama, you name it. anything and everything is shit and ruined in the anime
An anime that is good and gets people interested. Shitty anime just turn people away from the whole thing. When's the last time a shitty rushjob QUALITYfest has resulted in shitton of fans for the source?
Go home, Nikolai Viktorovitch. Your state committee has never been able to make propaganda that is based on love, only hate and fear.
Otherside Picnic.
>characters, romance, drama
Why?, the characters are the same, the romance is there but maybe you have a point because we have less HimaYori, and the drama it's the same, 2 out of 3 it's not that bad.
>inb4 but it's a romance
Yes but we just replaced some HimaYori with more AkiShiho and MomokaKyou.
You could argue about QUALITY, but it's not shitty or a rushjob (I remember the problem was the oppossite and it went too slow: people wanted the Azul mindbreak earlier)
:>taking away from the anime's only explicit couple for girls who won't get together in the anime even with rush
Oh great. Really a great idea.
>Characters and drama are the same
Then Sasakoi always had shit character and shit drama and Jelly and GBC were always gonna be better. Maintext isn't enough to save such shit characters and drama
to love-ru and Higurashi, both terrible adaptations of the source material, but they gained popularity to later get much better adaptations, which ironically are hated by stupid people for not being like S1, but as I said, stupid people.

It should also be considered that this could work with a first season, for example if Otherside Picnic gets a second season, it would have to be faithful to the source material or this time it could end in disaster for the brand.
GBC have the same problem but for different reasons, the show it's mostly the MomoNina show but it's a anime made to pronote a IRL band so we have Subaru, Tomo and Rupa almost as filler characters but the drama is good and more relatable I guess?
LOL LMAO even, besides Kano and Koharu all the characters are shitty people that are still shitty people at the end. Mahiru? Yukine 2.0, Mei? A whore for any attractive idol (if Mero had the chance to fuck her if she wanted), Kiui? A hypocritical enby, how awful it's to have my body until my body attracts gourgeous ladies instead of ugly guys. Yukine it's a merciless bussines woman and Mero it's a crazy bitch. Now there is no problem to have such characters but none of them become better at the end so the drama it's pointless.
And yet, Jelly drama and characters arw better and more fun to watch than Sasashit. That’s how garbage Sasakoi is
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I think you're suppressing yourself, anon, that's why you're so angry.
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New madoka game
>Now there is no problem to have such characters but none of them become better at the end so the drama it's pointless.

Hey, that also describes or works better with Konosuba, a true case of completely sticking to the status quo and never letting go.
Madoka: Star Rail
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Homura is gonna rail Madoka against the stars, alright.
Wonder what relation the story will have to Magireco's.
You have shit taste, the Shiho drama with Kyou and the music it's better and even with the limitations of the manga (in the end it's still a romance manga so I don't think we will see a real development of that drama) it would be better that the bland non-ending of Jelly.
Captcha HAGx2
>Mahiru? Yukine 2.0
How? For one, Mahiru didn't know the exact story between Kano and Yukine. All Mahiru saw was a chance to have her art reach more people.

>Mei? A whore for any attractive idol (if Mero had the chance to fuck her if she wanted)
I'm pretty sure she'd stop whoring herself to other idols out of loyalty for Kano.

>Kiui? A hypocritical enby

>how awful it's to have my body until my body attracts gourgeous ladies instead of ugly guys
I do not see the issue.

>Yukine it's a merciless bussines woman and Mero it's a crazy bitch
Welcome to the idol industry. Never turn your back to anyone, always prepare your own food and always sleep with one eye open.
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Mahiru it's one bussines administration 101 class and 8 to 10 years to become like Yukine, if Mahiru had a quantitative goal (like the 100k followers thing) and had the experience of adult life it's very likely that she would become a woman as ruthless as Yukine.
Unless she becomes Kano's GF I doubt it.
>I do not see the issue.
You can't hate something about yourself until that becomes useful in the future, unless you're a woman/manchildren.
>Welcome to the idol industry
I know but then why did the show imply that Yukine and Mero would become better people at the end, Yukine resolved Kano mommy issues with a word and Mero just said one phrase, or a word? I don't remember.
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This one?
Not the same chapter
It's on nyaa.
After you watched it, rewatch it with the author.
That Umika looks like she's (not too successfully) trying to give Yuu the false impression that she's very weak, shy, and helpless in order to take advantage of that later on
Mahoako has the best-animated pussy spreading scene ever made.
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Yes, that's Kiui.

>Yukine resolved Kano mommy issues with a word and Mero just said one phrase, or a word?
It's a start.
This looks ten times gayer in live action.
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>This looks ten times gayer in live action.

It has always seemed curious to me and how it is repeated in other live action adaptations as well.
I'm sick of JKs who play the most generic jrock at a pro level while being nice to each other because please buy our CDs.
I assumed it wasn't. I never found it on nyaa because I typed it in japanese instead of just writing "hoshikuzu".
Thanks anon.
MagicStar is basically the only source for drama left. We have to hope they'll upload AyaHiro too when it will start in a few days.
Watch GBC.
>how it is repeated
Learn English.
I've been catching up on Unforgettable Witch, some things I don't get:
during Yuuka's death arc, why did Ayaka wake up in her own bed? Does it mean Yuuka didn't actually die in one of the branches?
Also, what if Ayaka doesn't go to sleep?
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Bless Nauchi.
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Read on, it'll all be explained to you.
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Yeah, the fact that two of them aren't JKs is quite refreshing. And also that they graciously tolerate and act like personal therapists for their bandmate, who by all means should have been shown to a real therapist. Although... no this seems to have been done somewhere before.
Oh so there's an explanation, I was afraid I missed some detail.
As the other anon told you, keep reading. I can't say it.
If you put in paper everything that happened that chapter you will reach at the right conclusion
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>tfw when you have to do random mental arithmetic and memory estimations to remember real life people's birthdates but you instantly remember fictional lesbians' birthdays because there's always a surge of yuri fanart for the occasion
If real people had fanart I would also remember their birthdays, it's pretty much their fault.
Why do all fantasy worlds use the same 365-days, 12-months Gregorian calendar?
because God exists in all worlds
Which yuri subtexual anime should i indulge myself with this time?
Gabriel dropout, Akiba maid war, dropout idol fruit tart, or Shuumatsu Train
Gabriel Dropout if you're in the mood for comedy. Fruit Tart if you can stand idol stuff, it has more yuri content.
The advantage of Gabriel Dropout is that the manga got really gay now.
Aqua and Aria don't
12 Kingdoms and Like the Clouds, Like the Wind Don't
Is Gabriel Dropout still subtext is the author sold a yuri manga of Gabu and Vigne at Comiket?
It takes place on Mars, so no shit.

Which one's this again?
DIFT is the gayest of the bunch (and has pee stuff) but the characters aren't particularly memorable). Gabriel Dropout is not as gay but it has the best cast and comedy.
Akiba Maid War and Shuumatsu Train aren't really that gay, but they're quite fun (AMW in particular, which is balls-to-the-wall insane).
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You know that meme about how only Araki would be confident enough to just justify some random invulnerability in JJBA with "bullet deflecting oil" and then just move onto the next thing with zero elaboration? That bullet deflecting oil is in play and you just have to live with it?

>this work of speculative fiction takes place on a world similar to earth, with earth-like gravity and a 24 hour time cycle that varies by season
>hence we can assume that the culture would observe a solar cycle would take around 365 days, give or take; most civilizations on real world Earth, even ones that had zero contact before the Columbian exchange, arrived at similar calendars
>even alternative timekeeping schemes have been thought up but ones like the French decimal clock which Napoleon got rid of because it was stupid, or Swatch beat time, haven't caught on because it's really not that fucking serious that you can't just use metric seconds

tl;dr You make an Earth-like world, assume that its culture would develop a similar calendar system organized around their solar year that would be similar to Earth's, e.g. Edelgard's birthday in universe corresponds to June 22 in ours
Even somebody like GRRM who loves these sorts of things recognizes there's no point in obfuscating the fucking timekeeping system beyond necessary abstractions.
>>dropout idol fruit tart
Frankly this can't be considered subtext, the girls' feelings and lust are too obvious.

>>Akiba maid war
this is het and the ending is basically terrible so you can ignore this one.

>>Shuumatsu Train
The main girl's dedication to seeing the other girls is adorable (if it was a guy instead trying to get to the girl, everyone would call this anime het)
My autism drives me to make planets with 336 day orbital periods and calendars that start with the spring equinox.
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Looking for suggestions for yuri manga (or anime) where it doesn't take the main couple until the penultimate chapter to realize they're in love with each other. Something that has more of a premise like
>I want her. How do I get to be with her?
or even
>I want her. I'm gonna get her.
Can be anything between seduction/wanting to fuck and being in love/wanting a relationship.
Bonus points for not being incessantly dragged out.
I played an isekai RPG on the vita once where you get dropped into a world that doesn't have a whole lot of sunlight per day and one of the characters speculates that you're at a high northern or southern latitude based on that. I thought it was a neat twist on the whole isekai thing although the game itself was garbage. You get to choose what faction to join in the game and the leader of one is a female elf and the leader of the other is a woman that runs around in a serafuku so it could be yuri if you create a female MC and really squint and make up your own headcanon.

Shuumatsu Train is a surrealist masterpiece and I really enjoyed it. Imagine commissioning an show to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Japan's first railway and getting Eraserhead: The Anime instead. I recently rewatched Akiba Maid War and while it wasn't as bad as I remember, it still wasn't great, and like the other anon said, the ending is dogshit. Can't go wrong with Gabriel Dropout though, Satania is great.
>Shuumatsu Train is a surrealist masterpiece and I really enjoyed it. Imagine commissioning an show to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Japan's first railway and getting Eraserhead: The Anime instead.

this anime deserves more love.
Out of the Blue is short (3 chapters) but this is pretty much it. You're using a react from it but just in case, Still Sick fits too. I can only assume you've read YagaKimi but y'know.
Uh, 'Even if it was just once, I still regret it' starts with the characters having sex. It does take a while for them to get into a relationship but it's fun nonetheless. I Favor the Villainess too, though be warned for a tad of tranny stuff (nothing major, but it's a relevant plotpoint for a few chapters).
I have read too much yuri manga for suggestions to come easily so this is as far as I go now.
Fusion Yuri recs
All right, sisters, it's that time again:
New season starts, what the fuck are the yuri candidates this time?
... Steven Universe?
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Vividred Operation, motherfuckers.
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
Na-Nare Hana-Nare

Yeah that's it.
SHY season 2
Shikanoko Nokonoko
Dungeon no Naka no Hito
Na-nare Hana-nare
Mayonaka Punch
VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta
For adaptations there's SHY season 2, Nokotan, Vtuber Legend, and Dungeon People.
For anime originals, there's Mayonaka Punch and Narenare.
>the Vtuber series
>SHY season 2
will there be gay this time?
I think they actually are together in the novel or something?
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I feel like given the source material, Shikanoko isn't really gonna have much yuri-wise, but the advertising campaign, both active and passive(e.g. the dance meme) has been so savvy it'll probably get a significant chunk of yuri fan output by sheer inertia. You're only here because this is what the yuri artists are drawing.

Also holy shit i didn't realize Sakuna was airing THIS season that was some fast ass turnaround
Remember when /u/ was fun?
but are they clam slamming on screen though
>Samefag a joke 14 years ago
>So cringe he says he loves /u/
>Screencaps his fake victory
>14 years later he posts it thinking it will finally be fun
Yes. But also the anons in that screenshot are like aunties in their late 30s now.
Is it really that fun being a bitter cunt all the time?
Ladies and gentlewomen: the epitome of tryhard newfaggotry.
Just found this image while going through the archives. But thanks for proving my point, faggots like you are everything that's wrong with /u/ these days.
Everything was more fun before 4chan succumbed to the hyperconsolidation of the internet. Now everything is just filtered through two layers of detached irony. It was annoying as hell when boards were constantly paranoid about people screencapping shit to post on reddit or whatever, but it's better than it is now where any fast board won't stop posting about what some faggot on twitter or reddit is doing, or you get dumbasses from dynasty or tvtropes dragging their drama and stupidity all over the place. Can't even have fun with anything anymore.

Now we just have threads hitting a thousand posts every week because some terminally online dumbass thinks some anime doesn't meet his specific threshold of yuri because of some arbitrary criteria or stupid self-absorbed drivel like that Hibke post up top that purely exists to derail the thread before it hit double digits.
It's called gatekeeping, and it's a good thing.
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next year for sure
That or Asumi? You can only have one.
It's not gatekeeping when it's done by the very same people that gatekeeping is supposed to keep out, and who are doing the very opposite of gatekeeping by claiming their soulless shitposting is better than sincere fun.
In other words, you're on a website for enjoying chinese cartoons, get that dildo out of your ass every once in a while.
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Petition to boot the booru dumper off the board? I'm thinking yes.
I'd rather permaban the machine-translated ESL subhuman, or even better, every ESL retard who can't type English to save his life.
Would instantly improve the board's quality by at least 20%.
You need to be over 18 to post on this website.
Hibike would still not be yuri even if you did that. And yes, you care.
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>when your followed threads get a bunch of posts but it's just him firebombing them with years old pictures

What the hell man
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I'm saying like. Anyone can use the boorus for free anyway...
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Based involuntary celibate election tourist from /pol/v/.
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>years old pictures
All the pics are brand new though?
Do the actresses wear no underwear in the live action series? Is Shizuno actress walking around wearing nothing but a tracksuit and shoes?
Russia only puts out yaoi propaganda.
I can't watch live action knowing that these actresses aren't actually gay and they feel repulsed while acting
They're not, they're just newly uploaded to danbooru.
>they removed Himeko orgasming every reservation
Worst change in the history of changes.
Just because everyone can use it doesn't guarantee that everyone will use it. What would even be the point of /u/ by this argument?
It's also more convenient to keep everything here in one page where you can save it with the press of a button.
The same holds true for seiyuus too.
Anybody can already see all these pictures by just going onto a booru and putting in the yuri tag. Contextless image dumps are okay when it's rare or niche images, but here it's quite literally stuff you can already find on dedicated repository sites.
Wait do you seriously think everything that gets uploaded to boorus are new?

Like there's some magical robot that trawls the entire internet and instantly uploads pictures to those imageboards the second they're posted anywhere else on the internet? And not humans uploading and cataloging to booru imageboards, same as someone can post pics on 4chan?
This pic >>4246333 is like 4 fucking years old. I know that because I saved it the original time it was posted back when this place had LWA threads.

There's nothing wrong with posting old ass pictures with some discretion, but it's clear this dumbass is just spamming shit for god knows what reason.
Anon, like 98% of all Danbooru pics are uploaded hours after they get uploaded to pixiv or twitter. I don't know which alternate reality you're living in, but no one is uploading "years-old images" to Danbooru" because they've all already been uploaded.
Apparently Ritz respected that the actresses did not have to wear the same clothes as in the manga/anime, not only Shizu (who now wears a skirt) but also Hajime (who only wore the school uniform), but the rest were not so different, the Skirts were still short for the most part, although the underwear could not be guaranteed.

Although it is curious how Ritz liked the design of Achiga's uniforms in LA so much, that she ended up incorporating them into the manga (except Arata who uses the now old design) and even episode 4 of Achiga correctly expands AkoShizu and the monkey powers.
Just one example out of like 12? That doesn't sound so bad, and it's not like anyone can know every single picture that has been uploaded before.

>Wait do you seriously think everything that gets uploaded to boorus are new?
Yeah? The vast majority of booru content is stuff that didn't even exist a few years ago. People always upload the latest, hottest trends.
Do you really think whiteknighting a shitposter does anything but make you look a shitposter yourself?
They better kiss when Achiga wins or I'll riot!
Yeah, because what this board needs is less yuri and more shitposting.
So if I dumped 300 random yuri pics in every thread, you'd like that? The more yuri the better, right?
Good for her. Can you imagine what an accurate live action Saki adaptation would be like? Naked girls wearing gigantic prosthetic boobs, everyone would go commando 100% of the time, and some creepily youthful looking actress wearing whatever this is.
Absolutely, definitely a lot more preferable than 300+ of random autistic screeching that we usually get.
>Toki can store power in Ryuka's thighs by laying on them
>Ako and Shizu swapping clothes does nothing
We better get a Tulpa Ako at some point at least.
All the stupid "learn English" posts do is duplicate the shitposting.
>Can you imagine what an accurate live action Saki adaptation would be like? Naked girls wearing gigantic prosthetic boobs, everyone would go commando 100% of the time, and some creepily youthful looking actress wearing whatever this is.
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It's also funny how in LA the clothing swap wasn't so Shizu would wear the appropriate uniform, but rather Ako deliberately did it so she could be with her at the game.
Canceled after Nodoka's and Kasumi's actresses get scoliosis from their prosthetics.
>sincere fun
>a thread featuring a samefag praising his own cringeworthy "joke" from 2010
You do know they probably woudln't have picked to do yuri if they hated it so right
Imouto, I think you misclicked on /u/ on your way to /v/.
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Huh, anyone know if this is an axe?
July 31st update finished, whatever the update is.
Why do you think the board being more active and having more content would be somehow a bad thing? Do you hate yuri?
Why do you think just reposting images is meaningful?
The update is the end of the manga. Though it looks like it's getting 4 weekly chapters and several happy announcements.
NTA but I would rather have meaningful things said and images being relevant to a conversation (especially in a general) than some random pics being dropped without rhyme or reason. Pics nobody will look at, nobody cares for, and nobody asked for.
>this is het
Because the blue sister from the rival café was...
Don't reply to retards.
We should make a yuri discussion general where posting pics without comments is ot
>meaningful things said
You're not gonna find those in this thread.
It’s either an axe or a name change, no way they tie up all lose ends within 4 chapters.
Because it's what this board was made to do? What exactly do you think imagboards are for? What does /u/ have left if not posting yuri images?
You are just mentally ill, this board is just like everyone in your life, we don't need you and would be bettee of if you killed yourself.
>actually thinks /u/ is only here for people to dump yuri images into

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Isn't the manga ending but the web comic is still going to continue basically? I don't think the title was a good idea in the long run.
The web is ending in 4 chapters.
did this series get any better? i dropped it because there was too many het kissing and figured it would end as some bittersweet/tragedy story
Yeah, I've read Still Sick and YagaKimi.
I'll check out those other recs, thanks.
>het kissing
It's limited to the very start of the series.
>end as some bittersweet/tragedy story
For the het parings sure.
Yuniko Ayana's favorite manga...
Um, tbf, het is quite prominent all throughout.
No sense to downplay it.
I am a Kodamafan so don't mind it, but I wouldn't want to deceive others...
They specifically said their problem with the work was too much het kissing so I provided info on that, you are assuming negative intent.
It's your typical the guy is only there until the girls get together story.
But you lied that there was only one kiss at the start when there were multiple throughout the story
No, he said at the start of the series, this series is pretty long so the start isn't one or two chapters.
What was this board made for? What exactly do you think imagboards are for? What does /u/ have left if not posting yuri images?
Think about the context. I was replying to a complaint about there being too many kisses, of course there couldn't be only one.
You may try dividing the last chapter it happened by the number of total chapters, you get less than 5%. Is it really a stretch to say it's the beginning of the series?
If your impression is that it happened throughout the series how much have you read really
Well for sure nothing left from you, as much your image posting habit is deplorable and an annoyance to everyone here, it still is better than when you decide to actully write something. You are a poet when you say nothing and you are an artist when you don't post anything at all.
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Objectively the worst post in this thread.
I hope so.
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What would Renako's Persona be?
She’s just like me frfr
please understand she is a gamer and just want a PC with a 4090
Every post is worse than the post before it, but better than the post after it.
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同志少女よ、敵を撃て will get a manga adaptation on Hayakawa's new platform, I have seen this on the yuri novel twitter bot before, but how gay is it?
All I know is that it will be sad.
I read all of the translated chapters
A year already, huh?
>killing nazis
Is mentioning boyfriends really that damaging to the prospect of a yuri ending in CGDCTs? These two went on to get married to each other.
See, I told you the Rus was up to something.
>These two went on to get married to each other.
Wait that's for real? How come I didn't hear of it?
Mai is a rapist.
Because you're too busy shitposting on /u/
>How come I didn't hear of it?
You found a spacious rock to live under. It's considered a turning point for Kirara.
It happened almost 3 years ago. It was one of the first CGDCTs to ride the yuri wave affecting the genre.
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Akebi-chan is also interested in lesbian brothels.
There is a difference between
>I don't have a boyfriend
>I want one
Stacies like Akebi don't need to pay
>Elaina, do you have a boyfriend?
>No, and I never will.
>Do you have a girlfriend?
Stalingrad made a big difference in the war because Hitler was obsessed with taking it but it was won through sheer weight of sacrificed soldiers.
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This canon couple does not look rapey to me
I remember when the author used to call out Elaina in gayness on twitter
Why do you hate yuri so much? Is it because you can't stand that /a/ is unuseable apart from yuri threads?
You are not yuri, you are not part of yuri, you are not even a yuri consumer, you are just a mentally ill freak who has some autistic obsession with posting images and bloating the catalog with the most pointless threads that ever existed. Make an experiment, begone for a month, see how this board will only profit from it, hell it definitely would do well for your life as well.
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We are preparing to post lots of photos and videos of rehearsal sessions!!
O can't believe real life is gonna be better than anime just this once.
Some day I will fly to japan and hunt the producer who gave Sasakoi such a low budget for sport.
Isn't Yori the only one who wears glasses?
Night Witches yuri manga when ?
Nanare Hananare? Yuri.
Mayonaka Punch? Yuri.
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>Mayonaka Punch? Yuri.
The MC vomits while being held by another girl as early as the first episode. So you're not wrong here.
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Caught up.
You're conflating the image dumper with the idolspammer, two different things, dude.
It's two mentally ill autists fighting for attention, the world would be better off without them
You're one to talk given how much you've gotten involved with them. You're already another performer in the circus that is the general.
flattery will get you nowhere
Bocchi bros....
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>Nanare Hananare? Yuri.
what gave it away?
Bocchi already said she wants a girlfriend
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She remorsed and used the occasion to emotionally blackmail renako so it’s ok!!
>Same Renako that minutes after the "attempted rape" was boasting about it to her sister
Renako is a manipulative monster who made turned two good girls into sluts with no dignity
Just found out the author of He Is My Master was a married couple. And that they divorced, and the wife went off to write yuri manga. Another win for the good girls.
Yuri doesn't care for men either way so it can't be any sort of victory
>>He Is My Master
>>it can't be any sort of victory

In context, maybe yes, that manga/anime has a girl in love with the MC girl, after she protected her from the perverted millionaire. The series is as expected, so nothing but one-sided love and pretending really hard that the guy is a good choice.
are these bitches actually gay or is everyone on twitter falling for yet another baitshit manga
There is not bait, just two girls who make a cute couple in a series that lacks any romance.
>lacks any romance
Isn't one of the main guys married and the samurai is explicitly in love with someone?
Yet another case of "yeah totally gay no cap, but only the hets get to be explicit!" shit.
You're trying waay too hard to troll and stretching harder than Helen Parr if you think that counts as romance.

>no cap
You also need to be 18 or older to post here.
No romance doesn't mean everyone is asexual. The guy's estranged from his wife and she never appears once. The samurai barely appears and shoots himself down without even trying. One of the elves however is explicitly a lesbian.
In femcel meme places being a lesbian is a joke, settling down because you can't get a man.
In yuri being straight is a joke because you can't get a woman.
Should i read or watch bocchi
The manga is better.

Read the manga, listen to the accompanying band soundtrack that was made for the anime

Also someone post the collage of bocchi coping by imagining girls
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Ye cunts must have made a new thread and didn't tell me.
Where is my daily dose of your retarded takes and dogshit opinions?
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