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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread:>>4242556
>12,226 Girl Band Cry BD1
Say hi to your new anime winner of 2024
But that isn't better than MahoAko?
couldn't compete with yuri hentai
even with the lottery hack baka
Is this the "confession that went nowhere" thread?
Toothbrush calendar
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Toothbrushes yuri done right.
It would be more correct, the thread to laugh at hetfags like you.
I remember a panel like that but the couple end up with a break up
What was it again, A Room Without Shiori or something
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Okay I was wrong
Not toothbrushes but matching cups
Is there even a yuri show in existence that's better than MahoAko?
sonohana's pretty good too
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What really matters is a victory of yuri (which is good and right) over evil het.
>Is there even a show in existence that's better than MahoAko?
Valkyrie Drive
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Forget it, he's doing this cause he got called out in the last thread. Just report em as they come and watch the image count suddenly plummet.
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Gal Maid & Villainess is amature art but cute
Where the fuck is the deer show? Wasn't it supposed to come out today?
It did, but it won't get subs until Sunday.
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Back in my times of fansubs this shit didn't happen.
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Something on a show just as old.
Maho no Stella yuri porn. And made only this year, can you believe it?
Yes, but also no.
It streams today in ABEMA due to exclusivity deal, but its first TV broadcast and the rest of the streaming services including the west only get it on Sunday.
Back in the day you had to wait 1 to 2 weeks for fansubs, maybe 3 days if some speedsub group picked it up
>bought the Renako manga
Welcome to the RenakoChad familia, bro.
Akane almost had a harem since she gattai with all of them but they had to split
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>be lusted over by pretty girls everywhere
>fucks a female deer instead
What is wrong with her?
How yuri is this? Please, don't be vulgar.
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>don't be vulgar.
The MC humped her deer gf.
>At AX for the weekend

>Look up the schedule

>2 separate Yaoi panels

>No yuri ones

Kinda heated desu
>hating yuri
What's new? They're still coping because MahoAko turned out to be the most successful show of the year.

Like it's whatever, their show. But nothing? Really? You have a panel celebrating fujos specifically but not even a history panel for the genre that's actually for fags
>celebrating sexualization of women
How outrageous!
Why need any panels when there will be the world premiere of a dazzling original yuri show that will redefine the genre and set new standards? Be sure to attend, by the way, you'll tell us later.

Wouldn't be exploitation of gay men?

I assume you're talking about momentary lilly?

I'll also be there for 2.5d (even for the littlest of yuri) and kickback
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>A cosplayer from Wuhan shoots a scene from Madoka Magica on the banks of the Yangtze River, which has overflowed due to record-breaking rains.
Well that's going a bit far.
I hope they had lesbian sex in the shower afterwards cause you don't want to get ringworm.
It's amazing how madoka still has shooters in 2024. Not even the spinoffs, just the regular ol show from over a decade ago.
Big aqua at it again
Did the catch the coof?
>12,226 Girl Band Cry
>*7,998 Nijiyon Animation 2

>*6,307 Sound! Euphonium 3
Gotta add, this is nothing new. It’s just normally CR can get the ABEMA schedule
But due to the producers involved in this, they were forced to follow the TV schedule
This is a good way to get flesh eating bacteria in your brain.
They're from Wuhan, they're already fucked.
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Vampire oneeloli is not what you expect from PAW.
Were they arrested for disturbing the peace of the water?
The actual scene chokes me up every fucking time, I get misty eyed even thinking abour it, but this got a literal laugh out of me.
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Menherakino. Too bad all be poisoned by GBC retardation by then.
This is why AX fucking sucks, unironically. Conventions that are more about grass roots panels usually has a yuri panel.
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"Work smart, not hard" also applies to background work.
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What are the chances of a new yuri hentai after all these years now that mahoako proved that yuri smut sells?
Zero because NTRfags spend way too much fucking money to the point Japanese H-artists have that meme about just labeling random porn NTR just for the social media boost.
Asumi-chan anime soon, trust the plan
>now that mahoako proved that yuri smut sells?
MahoAko proved that *good* yuri smut sells
Not very high, ecchi is not the same as hentai, hentai is not very profitable so most of it plays it safe with the same regurgitated shit every time.
At most we'll get a cheaply animated adaptation of a yuri doujin.
But Baiser-chan already cheated on kiwi with the blue magical girl.
Didn't the Sonohana OVA sell a lot?
No hentai sells a lot, Asumi chan could have a chance with the ecchi audience because it has some build up.
The NTR they like is more stupid and is not so much about the characters, but projecting themselves.

basically this

>At most we'll get a cheaply animated adaptation of a yuri doujin.
We need Mira's Doujins to be adapted, it would be what most aligns with the sensibilities of the common pervert.
Asumi doesn't seem like something these horny dudes that brought MahoAko would love. I could see a lewd version of Semi Friends being successful however.
For a proven blockbuster allegedly coming out this year, I'm concerned how little advertising Aniplex is doing for Madoka. There's zero exposure at AX for the franchise.
Nah, Homura Subaru's
Really? Not even Exedra?
Depending how long you been on /u/ you might remember the big yuri MEGA folder. As much yuri H-OVA clips as the entire will of the yuri fanbase could curate, all in one place.
Except a lot of it is just cropped/edited futa.
Sad reality is futafags spend a shitload of money on porn which is why it's also the raison d'etre for a lot of patreon artists doing porn animations.
>here's Mercy from Overwatch lovingly being eaten out by Pharah, eye contact, hand holding, gentle caressing of Pharah's head as her lover's tongue brings her to climax
>next scene is Mercy being mating pressed with Source ragdoll physics being applied to Pharah's futa ballsack, the only thing missing is random collision sound effects out of an unhinged TF2 Gmod machinima

I feel like every clip of "yuri"(as in there's not some self-insert male right off camera) from a recent H-OVA in the last 4-5 years is just a prelude to one of the girls magicking up a penis.
Hentai studios likely see the futa audience as more reliable than the yuri audience, since futa basically only exists inside porn. As it is, Mahoako is a market outlier, and future H/ecchi-yuri series will have to prove it's not just a one-off.

I know, it's a damning negative feedback loop. Won't make it if it's not proven successful, can't be proven successful if they won't make it. I just play the field where I can, supporting yuri artists on fanbox. Even then, a lot of them like mk learned there was more money to make doing futa.
We have no actual reference for something like Asumi chan on TV though.
MK always planned to do futa, the girls were doing suspicious poses since the start, you can usually spot suspicious shit from far away, or you know shit that is blatant in front of everyone like >>4246627. The best you can do anon, is when you subscribe to artists on stuff like fanbox and so on, you send them a message making clear you are only with them as long they do yuri and you will be gone if they do something else.
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Okay but mk drew years of yuri before his moneymaker couple. This wasn't some trojan horse thing.
Is there a TV/BD comparison?
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Hello reminder /u/, the poll is still open Due to our 6-month rule Robosexual can't be sacked and Baiser can't be demoted from silver. Also, How Three Girls Have Sex in a DollHouse will stay as DollHouse for now. As usual, you will find all the links in the Pastebin down below.
too late for hbr global

>you send them a message making clear you are only with them as long they do yuri and you will be gone if they do something else.
The screen at the Aniplex exhibit is looping trailers but that's the extent of it. In terms of actual events, obviously Fate and KnY take the lion's share, but there's A1 and Cloverworks, GGO, and Ao no Exorcist.
Not on his fanbox though, yuri may have been his hobby at some point, but as far money is concerned he only really tried to profit from futa and wasn't being that subtle at all about how it would go. Futa has a large audience when it comes to hentai but also has far more competition and overlaps with other fetishes too, so there is no guarantee and you aren't shotting yourself in the foot by making this switch, usually the audience you lose don't come back. It's not like yuri does not have big artists like Monobe.
It's how every market operates, I understand someone who lives from welfare and other benefits for having "disabilities" like you may not have a clear understanding of how money works.
I have a feeling there might be more delays. There's been practically radio silence about the movie and it's supposed to come out by the end of the year.
It probably remade the faces of some of the quality episodes
One autistic customer doesn't make a difference. Abandoning something you like because it's made by someone who makes something you don't like is the epitome of mental illness and vanity.
They didn't give a shit about the spinoff and the gatcha also died (but it seems there is a new one now), it's just not as a profitable franchise anymore in their minds
The KitaKawa of band anime.
Your understand what subscription is you fucking retard? Why are you going to subscribe to someone who is doing shit you don't like instead of just paying someone else who is?
Did Touk- I mean Banan- I mean Koizumi Moeka act this scene in the theater play?
>the gatcha also died
They wrote themselves into a corner. The whole historical arc and prequel arc were just delaying the inevitable.
Sure, but those are also signs shit wasn't really doing well. Feels to me the franchise was mishandled.
Anon, the japanese market doesn't need any more proof that yuri does sell. Most of the best selling shows excluding shonenshit have had all girl casts and lesbian hints that the audience loved, but the Japanese media conglomerates are still filled with misogynistic and homophobic old farts that don't want yuri to succeed. Just see what happened to Lycoris, Gundam Witch, and Bocchi. And I don't think this theory is that absurd, looking at how extreme South Korean misogynists can be I guess the Eastern Asian adherence to conservatism and authoritarianism is no joke, even if it destroys themselves financially.
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There is a lot of good yuri porn tho, pic related.
You can ignore the stuff you don't like and wait until they make what you suscribed for, it's not like it's abandoned forever.
Stop being retarded you fucking schizo, you look exactly like the schizo retards talking about woke shit and how Star Wars woman executive is the sole responsible for decades old franchise sequels flopping.

None of those shows are romances and only one of them really has explicit lesbian content like gay marriage, the only lesson those shows are telling them is something they already learned a long time ago, unless you are in the context of yaoi, women will always be their main product.
>only one of them really has explicit lesbian content like gay marriage
Kita from Bocchi the Rock is in love with another girl and Chisato from Lycoris has two gay fathers whom she explicitly defends.
What? I will just cancel the subscription if they stop doing yuri and if they start doing yuri again I will subscribe again. Though I am definitely not interested in paying for them to also do futa or het when I could easily put this money in other artists who only do yuri. I don't see why it's wrong to tell the artists why are you willing to pay them? Though I would never subscribe to MK, March or Tatsubon even if they started doing yuri again.
AyaHiro is out.
But the subs are fucked up, they read from bottom to top, is there a way to fix them?
With that sole word your argument goes to shit
Kita is infatuated with Ryo, not in love with her, almost every girl from their school is like this, Bocchi is show to have interest in having girls as her romantic partner, though this was not in the anime. And having two gay fathers (which isn't even an accurate description) is not explicit lesbian content in any way.
Yuri boom and how much it changed /u/ aside, it's one of those rare elevated anime series that are still enjoyable on their own merits a decade after the fact. That canon of shows that aren't just some seasonal disposable shit, replaced by next season's almost identical LN isekai or whatever.
Magical girls are still in kind of a weird spot post-Madoka. You have Precure-parody setups like mahoako, you have scifi/superhero like Nahoha(which predates Madoka), Symphogear or Yuuki Yuuna. Arguably the latter two are a meaningful response to Madoka really ripping out a lot of the superhero elements of magical girls in favor of drama. Like Kingdom Come to Watchmen, albeit less on the nose. Even Madoka's spinoffs like Magia Record try to reconcile the basic premise of magical girls with "oh yeah it's a Madoka story."

Even more than a decade after the fact I feel like a lot of people are afraid to touch magical girls without throwing in some subversive element to it like sex or violence or whatever, or having it take place from the "bad guy's" perspective like MahoAko or Machikado Mazoku.
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No one is afraid of anything, the market demographics just changed, nowadays popular shonen is not just promoted for boys anymore, there is a reason why precure basically is the only magical girl show without any competition, only Toei is willing to put the money into it.
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coomers with melted brains from porn actually find this hot...sad!
I'm suprised no one translated this Kuwabara doujin yet.

Funny story. Seems like it they included a teaser for a full series that added love rivals, but it never came about.
She describes herself has fallen head of heads for her and explicitly mentions her face, meaning she has an attraction to her physical characteristics. People can meme about it all they want, but falling for an androgynous girl's looks isn't exactly straight behaviour.

>which isn't even an accurate description
Would father figures be more accurate to you? My overall point is that the show has already had explicitly gay male content that was serious and it was a huge success. Seems to be a good roadmap for any future yuri developments in the series (especially when you consider the directions the novels/bonus content has taken). No guarantee of course.
Already forgotten how Bandai straight out denied that G Witch had a lesbian ending even though all the anime staff including the director said it did? Or how Trigger denied DiAkko?
>None of those shows are romances
>only one of them really has explicit lesbian content like gay marriage

That's a pretty dumb way of thinking and I'm glad it's not the majority's thinking, if that were the case Yuri would have died and been irrelevant a long time ago.

You can't just divide everything into black and white, then pretend there's nothing in between, there's nothing wrong with showing different shades of yuri in different types of series.
It's not straight behaviour, but it's a common anime and manga trope that shows up even in romcoms and harem, two girls wanting to get gay married is not. Which is not to say Kita is not interested in girls, you have chapters that paint a far better picture she actually is falling in love with Bocchi and even her mother thought this was the case, even if she thought Bocchi was a guy.

>Would father figures be more accurate to you?
Yes, as matter of fact it paints a very different picture.

>My overall point is that the show has already had explicitly gay male content that was serious and it was a huge success. Seems to be a good roadmap for any future yuri developments in the series (especially when you consider the directions the novels/bonus content has taken). No guarantee of course.
It's not even the first show to do this, and no they showed faggots already is not a good argument to say the show could go in this direction, those are very different audiences. Which by the way has nothing to do with what I said since this still isn't explicit lesbian content.
>here's why a girl being smitten with another girl is just a common trope and not actually indicative of yuri...

Mask fell off. Again.
Because they never did. They just told the audience to watch the show and reach their own conclusions, once there was printed official wording on the marriage which was published by Bandai themselves they didn't deny it. Recently they even explained they were just following the company policies regarding status quo stuff. and they didn't expect there would be any backlash as usually there isn't any. Trigger never intended for them to be a couple.

We are talking about lesbian content here, the implication the girls have romantic feelings for each other and the tropes that follow are different from actual lesbianism which isn't an implication.
>Kingdom Come to Watchmen
Monogatari off season and monster season is apparently planned for at least 2 split cours (first cour is 14 episodes with double length episode 1), so I can imagine things getting fucky at SHAFT because SHAFT is not SHAFT without production issues and this leading to a delay for Madoka movie 4
The issue for those kinds of girls in romcoms/harems is that they eventually fall in love with a guy, which is obviously not going to happen in BTR.

>as matter of fact it paints a very different picture.
If anything, it highlights the strength of their bond more. I also don't know why you want to nitpick this detail when it's not uncommon for some foster children call their adoptive parents mom and dad.

>those are very different audiences
Did I say that they were the same audience? I bring them up because I find it extremely doubtful that majority of the audience of LR is totally fine with gay guys that fall outside your typical anime tropes but would absolutely hate any lesbian content whatsoever.
NTA but those are two popular american superhero comic books that basically deconstruct the genre by mostly making them psychopaths or perverts.
>included a teaser for a full series that added love rivals, but it never came about.
Up until ZenKowa, Kuwabara appeared to have trouble getting a series off the ground. Background is mostly oneshots in antholgies and the short-running series TANKOBU. The Beginning Is Always Like This was abandoned after only 3 chapters.

Kuwabara's only real other notable series was as the artist on Kimi to Mitai Race ga Aru, which started as a oneshot and later became a 3-volume series. Should note that it's not a series for people looking for explicit romance. The leads have a very clear bond, but they don't so much as kiss during the manga. And they aren't shown to go on dates besides things related to their shared hobby of horse racing events. Oddly enough, later chapters implied their senpai might be in some kind of romantic relationship. But it was so subtle that when I got to the single panel of the one naked under the covers on the sofa and the other still dressed but with her usual jacket off and smoking a cigarette, I was very surprised.
>The issue for those kinds of girls in romcoms/harems is that they eventually fall in love with a guy, which is obviously not going to happen in BTR.
Of course not you dumbass, but it's also not lesbian content if it's doing something that is already common in the industry.

>If anything, it highlights the strength of their bond more. I also don't know why you want to nitpick this detail when it's not uncommon for some foster children call their adoptive parents mom and dad.
The point is not that they were not faggots, the point is that saying they are her fathers is implying they raised her a family, which isn't the case at all.

>Did I say that they were the same audience? I bring them up because I find it extremely doubtful that majority of the audience of LR is totally fine with gay guys that fall outside your typical anime tropes but would absolutely hate any lesbian content whatsoever.
And I saying to you the studio was trying to pander to fujoshi with a side couple and this is not an indicative they ever had any intention to portraying Chisato and Takina as lesbians.
Both of you forgot Uma Musume. Right now the best way to maximize sales of anime, in Japan, it's to appeal to everyone and usuamly that means either making a show with heavy yuri subtext or something like KnY that appeals to both, men and women and the later it's a very hard thing to do, and after the success of WfM it became obvious that maintext yuri sells too, and that anon it's right about japanese old guys, there are even extremes like conservative doctors not wanting to help lesbian couples to have childs, in the mlddle of a fucking demographic crisis.
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Biggots IRL is not the same as the japanese entertainment industry which already has a lot of dubious content that would upset any japanese conservative. You already have shows trying to "maximize" sales and flopping, mostly because there are already other 20 shows trying to do the same and also flopping.
NTA but Watchmen was the comic that deconstructed the superhero genre and Kingdom Come was like a "counter-deconstruction?", I've read Kingdom Come and watched the Watchmen movie out of curiosity but it seems like I lack a lot if context to really understand them so that are the only things I can say about them.
There is always a limit and we saw it with the isekai prostitution anime that was censored in Japan because you can show rape scenes on-screen but no prostituion on a neutral or positive way for some reason, the show it's not yuri related but at least we got Asumi-chan from that.
What's the announced anime you're most looking forward to, /u/?
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>it's also not lesbian content if it's doing something that is already common in the industry.

>the studio was trying to pander to fujoshi with a side couple
This post can't be for real.
Momentary Lily, and the fact that it's not even confirmed to be yuri subtext says a lot about what the future has in store.
Ave Mujica
The form is that is most common in is when the girl falls in love with a guy. Thus by excluding that element, it becomes less common and more closer to lesbian content. The real question is: do people who aren't yuri fans see Kita as lesbian or not?

>implying they raised her a family
I don't really know where you got that. So let's drop it.

>this is not an indicative they ever had any intention to portraying Chisato and Takina as lesbians
The fact that Chisato defends the gays and also gets mad when the other girls call her and Takina's relationship "adolescence" seems like a pretty clear through line.
I am pretty sure the main issue was not prostitution but how the MC looked like he was 5.
Just so I can finally put to rest any hope it's going maintext.
>Maho Precure 2
Pretty much for the same reason, plus het anxieties.
We got worse shotashit (I guess? I'm in /u/ so idk a lot of what hetshit does) before that so I really doubt it.
I wanna see if we get 3 seconds of HibiMiku teasing in the new Sympho movie.
I think there's a circus anime from the director of Revue Starlight coming?
Other than that, not much.
I'm gonna wait for the Watanare adaptation.
>I hope there's a little yuri subtext in the future
Golden age of yuri, they said.
>The form is that is most common in is when the girl falls in love with a guy. Thus by excluding that element, it becomes less common and more closer to lesbian content. The real question is: do people who aren't yuri fans see Kita as lesbian or not?
Girls finding tomboys attractive is common even in romcoms and harem, this is the point I am making, I am not making an equivalence with heterosexual love, same way you also have guys finding traps attractive.

>I don't really know where you got that. So let's drop it.
They are not her fathers, Toriko has two moms who lived with her and raised her together.

>The fact that Chisato defends the gays and also gets mad when the other girls call her and Takina's relationship "adolescence" seems like a pretty clear through line.
No? None of this is any indication they have any intention of portraying them as lesbians.
10 years ago it was worse.
Not with the shota fucking furries onscreen.
That just means 10 years ago was stone age, but we're in bronze age at best.
And when has there ever been a time when, in regards to an original anime, it was “confirmed” before airing? We've always guessed it from PVs, synopsis and such. That Yorukura guy is probably the only one who wasn't afraid to use that four-letter word publicly when talking about a project he was involved in. Everyone else is very scared of narrowing their potential audience and they prefer to keep quiet.
Adolescence is the word used by the nips when they want to talk about girls going through a phase.

>same way you also have guys finding traps attractive.
People always think harem/romcom MCs findings traps attractive is kind of gay, what are you talking about?
yes, any problem with that?

hahaha, that's so mainstream.
>And when has there ever been a time when, in regards to an original anime, it was “confirmed” before airing?
Considering there's been a sole case of original anime going maintext yuri, I don't know how indicative that metric is.
Was pleasantly surprised to see a little corner of Hoshikuzu Telepath merch, unfortunately I'm not paying 50 bucks for a cardboard freestanding poster. There were also face towels, which seems an odd thing to print art on, and tiny-ass mousepads.
NTA but for Chisato both of them are her parents and at worst she was raised by one gay man and the fact that she got angry at the girls treating her close relationship.with Takina as "adolescence" told us that the intention was to portray them as lesbians (outside the show we know it from what were the writer intentions in their original story) but Chisato was mishandled as a character so we don't know how far they wanted to go in that direction.
>same way you also have guys finding traps attractive.
Kita isn't a reverse trap, you can see shes a woman from miles away
Isn't like that girl from Ouran Host club or even [/spoiler]that red girl from VD that makes bislut mc wet[/spoiler]
You are not saying anything new, this is still not an indication they intend to portray Chisato and Takina as lesbians.

>People always think harem/romcom MCs findings traps attractive is kind of gay, what are you talking about?
Because they look like girls, whether male MC is really attracted to them or not is besides the point because none of those stories really go there, Oregairu did this with the protagonist doing so every single time the trap was on screen, even so he was never once considered a valid romance option for him. And this is what I am saying to you, girls finding tomboys attractive is a common trope in the industry, it's not something the audience will think "this is something only dykes would do", whether this is the authoral intention or not.
>portray Chisato and Takina as lesbians
I understand shipping them, but c'mon now.
Akanesasu Shoujo?
Sure, but they are still not her fathers, it's misleading to call them that, no it just says she got upset with what they said.

Anon was talking about Kita and Ryo, Ryo is a tomboy.
Anon was probably talking about GWitch, in maintext yuri you don't have to go:
>it's totally a kiss, I swear!
>probably talking about GWitch
It's ironic that our only representative could've very much qualified as subtext if it wasn't for that 'stepsister' throwaway line.
>new Sympho movie.
What's this? A sequel? Or recap?
Which is very likely the reason why it's there to begin with, to make sure it wouldn't be misconstructed.
It's new stuff, that's all we know.
I'm betting on timeskip with new MCs.
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And I'm very glad they had enough awareness to do so, but what I meant is that it would've been nice to get some more instances of explicitness other than just hastily confirming they're married at the very end.
You know, something like pic-related, which is a mecha anime from 20 years ago.
You had the creators liking yuri fan-art and communicating with yuri fans on twitter, the audio drama where Chisato gushed over photos of them holding hands while in wedding dresses, the novels where Chisato kisses Takina's neck and Takina's dreams about running away with Chisato, anthology stories where Takina gets jealous of Fuki/Chisato going out together, and several scenes in the anime where they blush around each other. Even if you don't believe that the author's were intentionally going for lesbianism, it seems pretty clear to me that they wanted to attract a yuri audience. I agree though whether future seasons will have more or less yuri fanservice is still an open question though.

>it's not something the audience will think "this is something only dykes would do"
Was it does it matter if it the audience thinks that it is something that only dykes, bisexuals, or girls who make special exceptions for one special girl? All of those are seen as some kind of yuri as long as they aren't with guys.
Different circumstances. A big franchise like Gundam wouldn't have tried lesbian marriage 20 years ago.

It might be slow, but we're getting somewhere.
Watanare: the live action
NTA but I think it's more likely for yuri anime not focused on romance to fall into the shonenshit trap of only showing the MC and her official love interest as wives or with some kids in the epilogue and only if the show is popular enough to have a epilogue like that.
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I wouldn't call that "going maintext" given that the series was about lesbian engagement since day one.
Has no het main couple ever kissed in Gundam?
I meant delivering maintext, geez.
the cheerleading one, with the blonde chick who keeps kissing the girls. i hope its half as yuri as anima yell.

i know absolutely nothing about dungeon people, and and it looks pretty low budget, but i could see it being fun
>the blonde chick who keeps kissing the girls
That's just the usual "haha, gaijin kisses as greeting" tired joke.
It would've been nice if she just kissed one girl the whole time, but kissing all of them only reinforces the idea that there's nothing romantic about it.
Happened less often than you expect for some reason.
None of this is relevant, you have tons of works that did more and even so never portrayed the characters as lesbians, whether they were pandering to the yuri audience is also not relevant, in the same show you have two guys portrayed as gays and the difference in how they are portrayed from chisato and takina is very clear. This is very different from gay marriage, which isn't even a thing in japan, no one is going to say a marriage between 2 girls isn't a lesbian thing.

Do you really believe they intend to show Chisato and Takina as lesbians like they showed the two faggots based on the little the show has given you?
I want a mini series where the western transfer student kisses every girl in her class with that as the excuse, just because she wants to kiss all the girls in her class.
Maybe work up to a "haha, just one finger between girls means we're friends" after she gets tired of just kissing.
Take it easy, nee-chan. The season hasn't started yet, and you're already risking not seeing it end while being sane.
Chisato and Takina got married in Hawaii.
>do you really believe they intend to show Chisato and Takina as lesbians like they showed the two faggots based on the little the show has given you
The show is definitely never going to show them attracted to guys, so the question is will they show explicit romantic attraction to each other. Because if they do, that would make them effectively lesbians. So the question was whether they are pandering to the yuri audience is important or not because that will be the deciding factor if they get together or not. And considering what's been shown so far, I think it is at least plausible. I think we have to wait to see how they market the the second season or continuation movies before we will know how likely it will be for the series to go down that route.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
What do you think the marriage braceletes meant?
Not much considering they aren't wearing them when they get home from Hawaii.
Watanare. It will be the next yuri to top bd charts
Watanare will never get anime
They replaced them with wedding rings.
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>MahoAko's success broke literally everyone, even /u/ (or /v/ tourists on /u/ at least)
How did this little creepy mole pervert change the course of history?
New Mai Hime series
Its hilarious, fucking /a/ got headfucked harder than with Witch of Mercury, for both their success and their yuriness...
They only have the thing about the mango being on haitus to cling on.
>Let's go out
She's just going to masturbate to the pictures of Teru anyway and ignore the article. It's like Playboy for lesbians. Also the ED is really gay again. Someone at the studio really likes to draw Teru carrying Iko, because it's a princess carry this time.
Wait what? It's an ecchi series, not some massive paradigm changer.
Nah, ecchi series don't sell, they literally had one going during the same season and did horrible, like all other did.
The thing is that apparently that one was kinda ok? for normie coomersuption and otherwise.
We are slowly getting to the new paradigm that if the Yuri show is good or has sovl...it actually sells really fucking great.
And i want to explain something to /u/. except for really particular once in a lifetime shows, ecchi doesn't sells, if anything it sell less than usual yuribait slop.
At the momentary lilly premiere panel

Will update if it's worth a shit
We'll pray for the safety of your eyes.

It's not

Not nearly enough character interactions but it wants to focus on their catchphrases, action, and cooking
> doesn't sells,
>Playboy for lesbians
That's just Playboy
We have to ask ourselves the question: is our ESLs learning?
Oh yeah, I guess it would be, huh. Not sure what I was thinking there. Naked women are naked women.
Iko must be an ass girl.
uh so why are we pretending it's not an ecchi series lol
Because it's too pure and artistic for mere 'ecchi'
It's literally bondage and other crazy fetishes with super skimpy outfits...
Go back to /a/. Mahoako is venetrated among its fans due to the characters, relationships, and themes. It's yuri first and foremost. The ecchi is just a bonus.
The yuri and ecchi are one and the same, they can't be separated.
So whats with the "It's an ecchi series, not some massive paradigm changer." thing? It's much more than just some run of the mill ecchi
Huh? There's crazy sexual themes in basically every episode, that's like the whole point. Without any ecchi each episode would be like 5 minutes long.
Are we going to rewatch Madoka together when the movie gets close to releasing? I will
We all know that the core yuri audience is very small. Just compare yuri manga vs manga from other genre. The most successful yuri manga is still YuruYuri and it's more of a CGDCT manga than a yuri manga.
The reason why original yuri anime don't go maintext because there's no reason to. Lycoris Recoil isn't gonna be more successful if it goes maintext. Business suits don't have moral standard, they're just gonna do what's the most profitable.
Could you shut the fuck up?
Yuru Yuri is not a romance series, but it's still maintext and it was a big viral hit when it aired, to the point more than a decade later it is still getting two movies and a new season.

I also not sure if there is no reason to, as much as we joke to get the autists upset their scraps original anime, girls confessing, girls kissing even if it's on the cheek but not in a friendly way and girls taking about loving other girls is not subtext either. Currenly they don't want you as the consumer not to think those girls are not gay for each other, but they also don't want to outright portray them as a lesbian couple either.

To me what is happening is very obvious, if everyone is doing the same shit, you are also not going to be the most profitable either, any of those production companies could as easily look at the biggest success japan had in the last 20 or 30 years which is Kimetsu no Yaiba and make 20 or 30 original animes about sword wielding faggot kids killing demons and you don't see any of them doing this, you know why? Because they know the competition on this area is already very strong. So if you are just going to make another subtext show, you are most likely not going to look as good as your competition if they are doing something more.
I'm not saying YuruYuri isn't maintext. I'm saying it's mainly a CGDCT/comedy manga (not the typical romance/drama GL you see on YH nowadays).
Most yurifags already watch Lycoris Recoil (especially in Japan where they don't have the main/sub text distinction). Making it maintext will likely piss off some people (people like the Majima posters on /a/).
And the anime industry certainly doesn't have a problem with doing the same thing again and again and again.
>Most yurifags already watch Lycoris Recoil
>I'm not saying YuruYuri isn't maintext. I'm saying it's mainly a CGDCT/comedy manga (not the typical romance/drama GL you see on YH nowadays).
Your point was the reason yuri don't go maintext, not why there is more CGDCT than romance, which the reason is obvious, romance is not the most popular genre of the industry, the closest you have are male centric romcoms where the point is precisely to remove the romantic aspect in favor of wish fulfillment tropes.

>Most yurifags already watch Lycoris Recoil
Wrong, if you actually look at japanese yuri communities where the core of the yuri consumeri is, you will see they would rather just buy romance manga.
>especially in Japan where they don't have the main/sub text distinction)
Also wrong, they have the same autistic discussions you have here and a lot less patience with authors fucking shit up.
>And the anime industry certainly doesn't have a problem with doing the same thing again and again and again.
But they are not all of them trying to have the next kimitsu no yaiba which is hundreds of times more popular than any CGDCT anime ever was.

It's not true at all, though it is popular with the doujin community, but I feel Bocchi and G Witch becoming big things at the same thing pretty much capped the interest in the series too.
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This is what I said
>We all know that the core yuri audience is very small.
The YuruYuri thing is to support this point.
Lycoris Recoil was voted second in the Yahoo yuri poll. It has a lot of fan arts and doujins.
And can you provide the maintext/subtext discussion in the Japanese yuri communities? Are they asking Lycoris Recoil to go maintext?
>But they are not all of them trying to have the next kimitsu no yaiba which is hundreds of times more popular than any CGDCT anime ever was.
every battle shonen is copying the previous ones. I'm sure that there are a lot of people trying to create the next big battle shonen
>that's like the whole point
You didn't watch/read it.
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Because it's a series about two girls with a really close relationship and no guys between them.

>It's not true at all
Japan has different standards than China/West. That yuri cafe has LR merch all over it.
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>...isn't gonna be more successful if it goes maintext
>they're just gonna do what's the most profitable
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>/u/fags of all people wanting you to believe yuri can't be a commercial success
US election is only months away, huh.
Yagakimi sold 3k BDs so the yuri market it's tiny compared to what? To shoneshit? Shoujo? Gachashit?
5ch has like 10 anime/manga boards and yuri has 2 threads there. These threads are even slower than this general. Yuri can be successful if there're more yurifags . The one to blame is YH with their shitty adaptations
you can compare yuri to yaoi. One single yaoi LN (Danmei) sold more than all other Seven Seas titles combined. Meanwhile no one is trying to license the most popular yuri LN despite fans begging them to.
>you can compare yuri to yaoi
No you can't, fujos have no standards and are responsible for like half of the income of things like BnH. To be like fujos it's to buy things like Frieren or Dungeon Meshi over WfM or Lycoreco.
why do people watch anime with out the girls love tag and then act surprised that it doesn't end it yuri?
Incel website.
Bing chilling need not apply.
I guess we need to start tagging every single hetshit too.
except fujos also support full blown yaoi series with rape gay sex. Yaoi manga/LN sold a lot more than yuri manga/LN
Because it started with yuri? What kind of question is this?
never had the tag though
Yes, but in china.
Yaoi anime flop most of the time and they only buy porn, also they are as loyal as Renako when they find their female "husbandos", who the fuck do you think bought Uma Musume BDs? Waifufags?
Do you have memory problems?
>The reason why original yuri anime don't go maintext because there's no reason to.
CGDCT is not a good example of this and the animes of this season also were not subtext in regards to how those scenes should have been interpreted, they just didn't commit to showing them as couples, this is a different argument, even yuri manga was like this at some point in time.
>The YuruYuri thing is to support this point.
All you are showing is that romance is not as popular as not romance series, which isn't new or even specific to yuri.

>Lycoris Recoil was voted second in the Yahoo yuri poll.
Unless you can show us how many of those voters are buying yuri it's a pointless poll in regards to this discussion.
>It has a lot of fan arts and doujins.
Correct, but this is an industry by itself, you have people who are interested in this specific couple but not yuri in general, artists and doujin authors monetize this, especially new artists, if you want to get your name out there doing artwork or doujins of something popular is a good way to go.
>every battle shonen is copying the previous ones. I'm sure that there are a lot of people trying to create the next big battle shonen
No they are not, there are not even that many battle shonen anymore, mostly because it's hard to compete against shueshia with the ammount of budget they have for production and marketing, which not always pay off in the end either. Though this is beside the point, which is not every single one of them is chasing to recreate the most popular thing on the industry, because again the competition is too strong, so you either have something different or search for other audiences who are not interested in battle shonen.

>Japan has different standards than China/West. That yuri cafe has LR merch all over it.
The individuals who manage the cafe are using popular series as decoration, which makes perfect sense since this still operates as a cafe.
>the yuri cafe doesn't actually think LR is yuri, it's just using LR merch as decoration because uhh it's a popular series

Do you have any idea how insane this sounds lol
>using popular series as decoration
Why wouldn't they post the lesbian from Chainsawman or any other popular shounen then? The manga is far more mainstream than Chisato. Why not post artwork of yuri ships like Kumiko/Reina that are even more popular than both?
This is a different discussion, currently yuri is stuck in a bad feedback loop, yuri doesn't sell so they don't have marketing or production budget and since yuri has no marketing or production budget it doesn't sell, though it has to be said the premise itself is niche, we just have to see if this niche is as small as it is currently believed to be or if the circumstances are not allowing it to reach it's full potential.

It's tiny compared to everything, but at same time it has a very dedicate consumer and so it's not like there isn't money flowing into the industry.

Smut is popular with fujos, on the other side works that parallel yuri works with romance or the portrayal of normalized gay couples manga usually struggle even more than yuri even though the audience is dozens of times bigger.
Tags are not everything. What do you trust more, tags, or your own eyes?
The all seeing all knowing store clerk again
Why are you stalking /u/, Majimaschizo?
Do you also have reading problems? Chisato and Takina are a popular ship, this is different from claiming LR is a yuri series. If I was managing a yuri cafe I would also have a lot of the popular ships displayed because this get a lot more attention of the general audience, you understand the yuri cafe isn't exclusive to fans of yuri, right?
Because they are not popular ships, Kumiko and Reina probably would have been there a decade ago, though canon is definitely an issue in this case, people know they are not really a couple and are only interested in guys, but a decade ago it may have gotten a pass because there was barely any yuri out there.
You know it's a hetfag for sure when they start bringing up Hibike stuff. They literally have no other example to use as a "gotcha" against yurifags, never mind the fact that Hibike wasn't even a yuri series in the first place.
The most popular yuri ships are the ones from LL and gacha games yet there are no posters of the sort in the cafe. The owner also seems to be a fan of the series. They also don't have BTR posters despite it being just as popular.

>you understand the yuri cafe isn't exclusive to fans of yuri, right?
90% of the customers who go into that cafe are yuri fans. These posters are not being displayed outside to entice non-yuri fans to come inside.
you must have reading comprehension problem. Girl love has a small core audience, whether romance is popular or not is irrelevant. Though shoujo and yaoi shows that romance have no problem with popularity. The thing is these romance series got LA adaptation, not anime adaptation. Do you know what genre J-drama and K-drama belong to?
>LR again
you have no numbers, no evidence. All I know is that LR is really popular with yuri Twitter and yuri pixiv and it did well in a yuri poll. You have not provided any evidence that most yurifags don't watch LR.
>last point
Japan is not a place where "doing something difference" is a popular mantra.
It's a yuri cafe. The whole point is the yuri. They're not gonna slap on merch from a series that isn't yuri to advertise themselves. Get real.
>Two girls kissing
I suppose we should be glad it's a movie and not a TV series and we'll be spared the exciting real-time discussion of why it's not only not yuri, but the most anti-yuri shit possible.
>They're not gonna slap on merch from a series that isn't yuri to advertise themselves.
And yet, they did
No they didn't. LR is seen as a yuri series in Japan.
It's not explicitly yuri yet, but that cafe is probably doing more to convince the producers to make the next season go yuri than fans who just dismiss it.
So is Oshimai
>So is Oshimai
They should, I am not saying they don't like Takina and Chisato ship either, but you are stretching in saying they consider it a yuri series. I am not interested in you making up numbers about cafe consumers.

Yet like you said, Yuru Yuri was popular even though it's a maintext series. You really have memory issues huh.
>Though shoujo and yaoi shows that romance have no problem with popularity.
We are not in the 2000s anymore, shoujo is not a popular thing anymore, to the point novel shoujo authors have started being adapted to manga by shonen magazines instead because it has more sales potential this way. You also have yuri shows being adapted into LA, some popular ones even.

>you have no numbers, no evidence. All I know is that LR is really popular with yuri Twitter and yuri pixiv and it did well in a yuri poll. You have not provided any evidence that most yurifags don't watch LR.
You don't seem to understand that bringing up unrelated stuff to the consumers means nothing, you can easily check the manga being released as yuri and see the consumer mostly wants romance, not CGDCT action series.
>Japan is not a place where "doing something difference" is a popular mantra.
This has nothing to do with japanese culture, it's how every market works everywhere in the world, if everyone does the same thing then you are competing with everyone and no one is making money.
Because we are not worried if LR goes yuri or not, we already have a thousand series that provide what with want and are specifically about it. You just want your ship to come true, it's irrelevant to everyone else who isn't into it.
Ah yes, the same producers that bent over backwards making a male character be a "sympathetic" terrorist and set him up as a love interest are going to make the next season yuri.
>you are stretching in saying they consider it a yuri series
I don't know if they personally consider it yuri or not, but they seem to have other middle options between the two at least.

>you just want your ship to come true
Actually, I don't actually particularly like Chisato/Takina's dynamic all that much. I want it to become more yuri so that more of these kinds of series become yuri and get adapted into higher-budget anime.
>set him up as a love interest
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Good news. Miman is apparently recovering and has drawn Sumika and Kanoko composing a new love song.
>I shouldn't be depressed, at least my anime adaptation wasn't a huge shitshow.
Thank you Yokohama Animation Lab.
It literally says they accept whatever you want to believe is yuri too.
>Actually, I don't actually particularly like Chisato/Takina's dynamic all that much. I want it to become more yuri so that more of these kinds of series become yuri and get adapted into higher-budget anime.
Most people don't care because they understand it's not this particulary event that will set things in motion, it's either happening or not.
Of course Miman is Shihofag
I'm going to flip through some Batman comics and count how many times he gave Scarecrow bedroom eyes while sharing drinks with him.
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>see if there's any news and it's just dozens of posts from majimafag yet again

Jesus christ get new material you fucking loser
>they accept whatever you want to believe is yuri too.
They must have quite the odd clientele, if they consider Doraemon to be yuri
You better not flip through anything beyond 2020 then
It's still basically an anime cafe, they are not going to say no if the consumer wants to hear some cute popular song
So do you think yuri has a small core audience or not? Don't go around and around.
And this is what I said
>Most yurifags already watch Lycoris Recoil
if you don't have any evidence against this then just shut up.
>This has nothing to do with japanese culture, it's how every market works everywhere in the world, if everyone does the same thing then you are competing with everyone and no one is making money.
and yet we get copycat Isekai #2175 and copycat romcom #1245 every season.
>it's not this particular event that will set things in motion
LR is a pretty mainstream and popular series. It would certainly move things in that direction.

Just saw the 2.5d seduction premier at AX and it really feels like the Mangaka was forced to write a het harem that happens to have yuri in it, instead of an interest manga that happens to have yuri in it (comfimed side couple and another who has an interested in another girl)

More evidenced by the fact that a common complaint is the Mc feels like a background character and that the harem romance has gone nowhere but some how the yuri has.

I know it wouldn't have been as popular but I wish that was more often the case
>tons and tons of debating about maintext yuri anime being profitable nowadays
>looks at >>4247513, anons resigned to begging for scraps as always
You must think everyone in the industry is blind for not seeing the gold mine in front of them.
What anime are you looking forward to, nee-san?
I have bad news about the subtext in that
Yuri is a niche market, I already said this, but this perception is also biased because we don't have any yuri production, anime or manga with high production values to have a comparable metric. About LR I already answered you can browse nip boards and see by yourself how they are not worried about it either.

And you also have, mecha, sci fi, yuri, yaoi, romance, CGDCT, and so on, chasing what is popular is an option, but you will have competition, which ironically happened with jellyfish and GBC this season.
Already saw it, not that I was much hopeful to begin with, but that's the point: as a yurifag halfway through 2024, the most I find myself looking forward to is an anime that might have some yuri subtext in it if I'm lucky, but as far as I know now every girl could be looking for boyfriends or something.
If yuri maintext in anime is so profitable nowadays, why is nobody making any?
I don't think we're smarter than the totality of people who work in the field.
It's just would be a reaction stuff already in motion, if it will happen then it will happen with or without LR.
>if it will happen
Seems like it would be more likely if LR went that way.
I already said this somewhere, but no author wants to write romcoms and harem because it's boring bottom of the barrel writing, almost all of them would rather just write a normal romance instead. Any time they can manage to write a subplot it always looks better in comparison, which may be the reason why you don't see those as often.
That's why I blame YH for yuri not being able to reach a wider audience.
Original anime is unlikely to have maintext yuri because original is already risky and Japan, having a low risk culture, won't risk pissing off the anti yuri audience. The rewards for adding maintext yuri is very low compared to the risk.
And for LR. From all the metrics we can see, it's extremely popular among yurifags.
The main issue for yuri anime is studio scheduling, Yuri Hime and Ichijinsha already made a point they want to adapt as much they can, but they are low priority projects for studios and only smaller studios are avaliable and those as we have seen this season come with a risk.
>why is nobody making any?
You've said it yourself, as a yurifag you'll still take scraps if you have to, so scraps is all they need to do to get your money, commercially there's nothing to be gained from going maintext yuri, which is why it won't ever happen unless it's a yuri manga adaptation.
WfM just happened to have a yurifag writer, we lucked out but it will stay the exception, and even that was restrained.
YH is a very small magazine, unless some big investor shows up they won't have the money.

Whether it's small or not, two anime the season already broke the subtext, even if both of them ultimately left in the air how it would go from there, most likely because they are already searching for ways to not just like every othernsimilar show.
>production budget
That's not how anime production works. Most anime have similar budgets. Talents and scheduling matter much more.
>new love song.
But Miman subtitled the tweet with "when they were still in their happy times"
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instead of making 3 mediocre anime, they could listen to the people and make one good anime
whats the news
The MC isn't really the MC, he's just a sexually confused teen boy among sexually confused teen girls who just happen to share the same passion as he does. And he's just passionate about anime and cosplays, he's not feeling much excitement about girls or being in a relationship, and he's still figuring out why.

Lillysa is the real MC of the story. You could even say she's a harem protagonist because most of the female cast are attracted to her. And she's also gay as fuck, but only realized that she's gay later in the series. It looked like at first that she was about to be paired with the male MC, but that's not the case, she confused her desire to befriend him as romantic feelings. It took her like 100 chapters to reach that conclusion, but yeah, that happened.

Ultimately it's not a harem series at all. There's only one girl in the entire cast who actually likes the male MC romantically. The rest are gay unironically. I heard somewhere that the author just has a love hate relationship with harem and ecchi series, and so they decided to write their own take on the genre.
i want this
i would die for this
And #8 was KimiTsuzu. Both manga that could actually be completed in one cour which is why Ichijinsha won't make them.
Yeah it's time for a Girl Friends adaptation.
Typical GoHands show: not much interaction or shipping, more focused on action, catchprases and cooking
When I see fanarts drawn by different artists I never know if I should save them in the series' folder or in the artist's folder. What do you do?
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Semi-friends reprint
I guess third time's a charm...
100 copies initial print...
The Momentary Lily killer.
Is this yuri??
Even then, that is its 4th reprint in around half a year. At the very least, it's doing well for kirara standards.
It will get forgotten while people wait for BDs and never get subs
Kiss in the PV is actually a big red flag.
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Sasakoi: 1 million copies in circulation
111k average, the anime increase a lot this average.

While it's common to undership, this series was already very popular from the go, so very likely had a bigger than usual first printing for kirara standards.
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So Itou is alive after all... she just ascended from lolis
Just like Haganai author who is really hated by haremfags
We just need more good action/shonenshit yuri.
>she just ascended from lolis
Itou is dead.
She is Itou 18 now
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>written like a harem
>is not only not a harem, but actually pretty yuri
Couple's folder
You create shortcuts.
Shiho's folder
I thought Aki still had black hair when Shiho was in SSGirls?
>>Ultimately it's not a harem series at all. There's only one girl in the entire cast who actually likes the male MC romantically. The rest are gay unironically.

that sounds like Etotama, where the harem part was the cat girl who had 3 girls behind her and only one girl was in love with the boy with glasses.

>>I heard somewhere that the author just has a love hate relationship with harem and ecchi series, and so they decided to write their own take on the genre.
I don't want to imagine how childish the haremhetwaifufags are going to be with that then, if they cried with the adaptations of KanColle and Azur Lane.
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it's black when they first met, she dyed it before shiho quit
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Haganai was a strange experience, you could say that it was a harem from the beginning, but the chemistry between Yozora and Sena was more believable than any other attempt by Het in the same series, the most ironic thing is how the supposed parody of this series ended up becoming something much worse than what it was parodying.
Man, the anime really cuts a lot of stuff out, huh.
Why do you watch so much het?
>how the supposed parody of this series ended up becoming something much worse than what it was parodying.
Which series parodied Haganai? And those harem parodies always end up becoming the thing they parody.

Maybe it was that anon's gateway series. We all have that series where we think "wouldn't it be better if those girls lusted after each other instead of wasting their time on generic cardboard male MC?"
I tried to read the Russian het thing that is airing right now, just to see how much I can enjoy something that isn't yuri now (I haven't read any het since high school). Garbage writing aside, I just feel like something missing when I read het. I don't know what it is, it just feels wrong, you know? I don't think I read a third of it before I just had enough and washed my brain with some Candy Boy.
Yes, it's missing romance, you are not reading a romance series.
I have actually read some of this series, but not finished it, which is frustrating because it is hard to tell how true your post is. For example I could easily believe that Lilysa might not be paired with the guy, or that it doesn't end up in a harem situation where the winner is ambiguous and they all still like him, or even the guy officially gets with multiple girls.

But it's also true that the first like 100 chapters you have 4 characters treated seriously as if they have feelings for him (Lilysa, tsundere childhood friend, oneesan, gyaru). And several side-characters with crushes too though many of those more obviously for comedy.

I do also agree that Lilysa is the 'real' MC but at the same time the first half at least has an infuriating tendency to do story arcs where the conflict doesn't relate to him at all and often the important relationships are between other characters...only to then in the climax have everything be sorted out by him giving whatever harem member a spirited shonen speech which instantly solves everything + makes them crush on him. This was especially annoying for the gyaru arc with her dad I remember.

It does have lots of comedic yuri scenes too and the teacher /u/, and maybe the last part I didn't read goes more heavy on the gay. But frankly there is no way the anime gets to anything yuri of value so...
What Russian het thing?
The one airing this season where the girl looks like Elaina
If I watch Het it is to justify my hatred and have real bases to complain about something and not simply read what other people have to say.

Yozora and Sena's thing is a bit more complex than just being another case of a byproduct of het art or "girl on girl is hot", simply put, they are both horrible people and need each other to even survive.

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru
the series worked at first, it was dumb but effective in "jerk solves other people's problems without tact or consideration" but for some stupid reason, this turned into the most generic and insufferable shit I have ever had the damn misfortune to see in my life, I hate every second of having to watch this crap and unfortunately I'm going to keep watching because this garbage is popular with stupid people (not just het, but a wide waifu menu)

The second problem is that this is popular trash, and there are idiots who pretend that there is yuri without any irony.
How ill-timed is the absence of our in-house whistleblower, who is supposed to throw a fit every time a series that "doesn't belong here" is mentioned, but is actually quite selective.
So, people here said the blonde girl in the deer anime says she wants a bf in the manga, right? When does that happen, because I watched the ABEMA early airing and she doesn't say it even once in episode 1
There are 3 possibliities
1) Because the story not going het, said comments are removed from adaptation
2) People here were lying
3) It happens later
So, which is it?
True, people talking about Lyco, Jelly or GBC? Ultimate sin
People talking about actual het with male MC like Roshidere or 2.5 Seduction? It's fine. No complaints
Anon, I talked about how much I were disgusted by it, I wasn't promoting it. Mentioning het is not discussing nor backing it.
Most probably 2.
Because in the end of the day it's what the core of their audience wants to see, just wish fulfillment, this is why the girls suddenly became so pathetic they need handholding to do the most trivial shit and the only thing they talk or think about it's him, the whole school, even the guys are jealous of him, even though he isn't doing nothing but piss his pants in front of everyone. Every single relationship portrayed in this series which isn't about the MC with one of the girls, is always superficial and disonest. The author can't make a loser look good, it's impossible, so he has to make everyone look worse in comparison.

Can you see the difference with an actual romance series which yuri usually is? It's about two people learning their flaws, learning how to love each other and how to get closer and growing in the process, not "you are a useless woman, you need me to protect you, I don't need to change or grow because it's everyone else who never realized how great I am".
Maybe it's 4) It's a nothingburger gag the purpose of which is only for the yuri correction later on.
Just finished watching Madoka after putting it off for God knows how many years and holy shit that ending was soul-crushingly hollow It's a fitting and logical end, but I just feel like it wasn't enough
I still want "more", both in story development and /u/ content. Does it get better in the movie? Does the manga have more content?
Please tell me it does.
We can all look at charts, series synopses and even series titles to know if a series will be het or not. There's no need to mention them here.
Chapter 10, pages 8/9 have MC getting motivated over the idea of getting a boyfriend, same thing Bocchi did but with a girlfriend in her series.
The movies continue the story from the anime
>Because in the end of the day it's what the core of their audience wants to see
Yeah, I can see that, that's why hetfags are usually a joke and are genuinely delusional people, that's why it's nice to see yuri destroying what they took for granted.

>The author can't make a loser look good, it's impossible, so he has to make everyone look worse in comparison.
Not only that author, it's something that the Het series do on a recurring basis, they can't make the MC (boy) a decent person, they have to make everyone else (especially men) worse living beings.

>people learning their flaws, learning how to love each other and how to get closer and growing in the process
That's why I like yuri in general, it works pretty well, even something like Citrus is far superior to what het romance has to offer.
There will never be another yuri pipeline like touhou.
Love Live was and still is far bigger than touhou.
The ending is perfect and the movie ruins it.
Watch Rebellion. Simmer on it for a bit, then watch the TV series again, followed by Rebellion.
You need the movie to AI YO
It's the usual machine-translted ESL faggot, his opinions on anything are worthless.
The hat selection in Love Live is lacking, though.
The movies have a different continuity than the anime, in the same way that the manga that came out at the same time as the anime is another continuity as well, nothing was ruined only the continuity of the movies showed how stupid the system that Madoka created was.
I thought he was talking about Candleja
That's not how Candle Jack meme works, you fucking retard. You have to typ
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>a certain group of people
I knew it! They're among us!
Other people being retards doesn't mean you're justified for also being a retard
Ranmatards are shit and don't belong. And you mentioning het, even if it's to shit on it, also don't belong
Also watch MagiReco anime (or find some translated playrhrough, since the game's dead).
Why don't we have a parallel paradise thread here? It also has yuri, more than Ranma or Onimai for sure.
>"you're my best friend"
Literally worse than Jelly and GBC in yuri terms (at least both of those shows avoid using the word friendship for NinaMomo and MahiKano) Madoka TV would be mocked here if it aired right now instead of over 10 years ago. Rebellion is a massive improvement with AI YO
A better question, why don't you create it yourself? If there are fans, the thread will last at least 1 round.

They're all yuri no matter how much you want to cry about it, victories for yuri mean defeats for het and that's a good thing.

>MagiReco anime
I honestly like the anime quite a bit, especially that it had more and better yuri, I'm not a big fan of HomuMado, but the "clone version" in MagiReco is really good, especially with the age difference.
Oh. I'm not denying yuri in any of the shows mentioned. Just that the Madoka ending is overrated by people who hate on Rebellion and there's a lot of hypcorisy when complaints about elements present in said ending ("friendship endings" or "separation". Seriously the Madoka TV ending is a much worse separation than the Revue Starlight movie) are used to deny yuri in other shows or criticise them
Madoka is yuri
Revue Starlight is yuri
GBC is yuri
Jellyfish is yuri
Because I don't want to create a thread about a series where the lesbian couples are literally raped and break up because they want to get fucked again by their rapist.
Madoka separation ending is not an emotional separation, it's a sacrifice.
Many people just look for excuses to hate or belittle something, the Madoka fandom is particularly annoying because of that stupid tendency to want to fit everything into the continuity of the anime, part of the hatred of the movie is to break that concept in a non-ignorable canonical way.

Hey, that sounds like something Erica the Hutt would recommend without any irony.
Akemi Homura died on that tanker two years ago.
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Is this cultural appropriation?
I don't even dislike gb, but it's just not yuri and should be posted in the yuri board, there are as many gb series, why can't mods just create a gb board and move the threads there?
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>Lillysa is the real MC of the story

I was also reading that is the case to remove the self insert mc

>she's gay later in the series

Does she, say that or does she just say "I like you as a friend, mc-kun" I mean I hope she does, girl is out here looking at women's asses all the time. No heterosexual answer for it (not even for her hobby)


>...only to then in the climax have everything be sorted out by him giving whatever harem member a spirited shonen speech

And that's, why male self inserts deserve the rope


The only true credibility is that the lesbian side characters are treated incredibly seriously. And the other bit where one two of the other characters are having their wheels turning already
Any possible yuri in Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction?
Yes. And I've got bad news abut Britain in general...
No and whatever shit you are reading about it know it's your usual headcanon.
To shreds you say
That would be unnecesarily pedantic and fragmentary. Boards are not created on a whim because of arbitrary limits of the topic of a board.
You mean the People's Republic of Britain?
>your usual headcanon.
This is the exact same shit anti-yuri schizos spew all the time. You're not being subtle at all.
The only thing I remember is that this had a yuri hentai doujin and apparently it is the only one at least scanned and translated, I don't know if I can upload the link but according to the page I'm looking at, this is from 2015.
Then just move the thread to /a/ or /h/
It doesn't fit any of those boards. Can't post explicit on /a/, can't post yuri on /h/. /u/ is the most fitting place for it by default, just accept it and move on.
It fits even less here, maybe the best solution is to ban any gb content from being posted anywhere on the site, I think everyone wins like this.
The site is not your safespace, go somewhere else if cartoons trigger you so much.
>forgot /d/
What the fuck is going on with all this blatant OT shit discussion of het series including trolling like "I swear this hetshit harem series I'm following because I like hetshit is not het, on the contrary, it's totally yuri!" not being deleted? Why do all these hetfags come on /u/ to talk about all the degenerate hetshit they read and also act like anyone here can understand what the fuck they're talking about like if we watched the same non-yuri shit they watch when they have at least one board that's made exactly for that?
I have no issues with it being posted on /a/ or any other place though, it's just factually not yuri, you have as much ground to posted gb here as you have to post bara.
Genderbending is only /d/ content if it focuses on the transformation or fetish aspects, but regular yuri pictures like pic related are /u/ not /d/.
That's your opinion, but it's not logically sound, and it's not the basis for board and rules decisions.
If the mods won't delete a ranma thread which is about a male protagonist having a female harem with the extra of having actual homophobic content in the series, why would they delete those posts?
Until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the Old.
Because it's true.
Except by the fact Ranma or any other gb series has never been called a yuri series by any japanese source, most likely because the people who define the yuri genre which are the japanese yuri consumer will not buy it. I don't care if mods are having their own delusions and pushing their headcanons.

This is what cope looks like, anything to post their fetish in the wrong place.
A series doesn't need to be remotely yuri to have a thread here, all that matters is that there is enough yuri content to post, because /u/ is first and foremost a board to share images.
I understand that you're a newfag who started posting here like a year ago, but you should know this already.
How is it true? Do you really think saying "it's not because I say so now stop asking about it" makes for a good answer? It only makes you look like you're scared and want to shut down all discussion with no proof (and with shitposter talking points).
Needs two girls for something to be yuri

Board rules say "no males"
If it was yuri, we would have talked about it, either at some point in the past or when an anime was announced. The fact that no discussion happened means that it isn't yuri.
Yuri content is not male character in female corpse.
He probably is bringing up because some anons were making a headcanon over current events in the series.
Honestly, yeah. I doubt a mangaka as famous as Inio Asano doing a yuri manga would have gone unnoticed. If the source hasn't been discussed, then there's nothing to it
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This must be your corni yuri ism anime of the season
And how the fuck are we supposed to know if a show has been talked about or not?
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What headcanon?
>Queen Charlotte's lesbian leprechaun eaten by badger
>not even an animal first.
I only saw it on /a/, but it seems they rejected some male love interests or broke with their boyfriends and some anons took it as the same as the girls being interested in each other
why are you browsing /a/ anyway? That's weird...
It was a Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction thread, was curious what it was about
I thought it was accepted on /u/ that that Madoka anime was a deeply flawed story with a good ending and then rebellion made Madoka magica into certified yuri kino? Cause that's what I always thought
Other way around, the original was flawed but powerful while the movies are an attempt to keep milking the series with artificial conflicts that actively go against the theme of the original.
>dicksucking a worse ending than GBC, Jellyfish and Revue
Stop defening "you're my best friend". Rebellion's AI YO is what saves Madoka in terms of yuri, which is what matters here
Some pretentious fucks still can't let go, put the TV show in a pedestal and act like everything else is super worthless milking. They're not worth listenting to
In fact, acting like the less yuri part of the franchise is the only part worth something marks them as yuri haters
The only problem with Rebellion is it takes a closed ending, opens it wide up, then gets abandoned for a decade. The problem with Madoka in general is it's extremely limited in scope and can't help but milk the same old 5 girls at walmart. I don't have high hopes for the new movie to advance things in any meaningful way.
But didn't the original series have some sort of open ending too? just less hopeful for Homura? And the new ending is more of a tragedy that puts her on the same level as Madoka?
Rebellion's still gayer, so better. Cope, Anti-yuri TVtard
Why do you hang on to some "best friends" separation nonsense as a masterpiece?
Both are masterpieces.
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This has absolutely nothing to do with the situation
> less yuri part
>yuri haters
Oh. You're the muh critics autist, aren't you?
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Madoka wasn't a separation though, it was definitely not mutual either, it was Madoka sacrificing herself. Not that I disagree the movie is far more interesting as far yuri is concerned, I just don't think it's accurate to say this.
The show ended with Homura dying and being carried away by Madoka.
Rebellion is marginally more flawed than the TV series, but in tandem the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. As far as yuri is concerned, Rebellion is gayer, but that's irrelevant. The point is that Rebellion cannot stand without the TV series, but it elevates an already excellent piece to even greater levels.
Did it? All I can remember is that the witches got turned into space aliens or something and everyone came back to life except for Sayaka because life as a yaya has to be as shitty as possible.
>a yaya
That isn't what that means.
I hope author won't get a heart attack.
Every yuri mangaka should be required to get wasted and do watchalongs for their adaptations.
Your memory is as shitty as it can be.
That's Rebellion before Homucifer. TV ending is "best friend" bullshit, separation and Homu manifesting weird wings with witch aesthetic, no Madoka. (which is weird, because as seen with every other girl Madoka comes for them while they're still human before any witch parts can manifest)
>the sequel can't stand without the previous parts of the story
Madoka ending confirmed shit because it cannot stand without the rest of the show. Do you see now why this logic is retarded?. Sequels aren't reboots. Of course they can't stand on their own and need previous material. Just like episode 12 needs people to watch episodes 1 to 11
If going to other places on earth counts as sepration for Starlight, Madoka is a separatilon
muh sacrifice is irrelevant
The only reason to dismiss the movies is pretentious reasons about "muh evil milking" "show is perfect on it's own"
And yes, the people who prefer the much less gay parts of a franchise are yuri haters.
>Homu manifesting weird wings
That was Madoka coming for her, Homura was about to die there.
No, Rebellion is a continuation of the Madoka movies, you know the first 2, the anime is a different continuity, it's not that difficult to understand that.
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I can still say episode 11 is better than 12 and 10 is better than that, retard. Stop taking 1 line out of context to ragebait. Rebellion has other flaws that are the result of compromises in order to fit a very tight, focused narrative into a movie timeslot. And those compromises were well worth making because of the value of the end product.
That's like saying the BDs are a different continuity from the TV airing.
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This general is constantly gaslighting me, to the point where i genuinely dont know what constitutes as yuri anymore
>Futaribeya isnt yuri becasue the author said something on twitter people didnt like
>Witch from mercury isnt yuri because producer said it was up to interpretation
>Liar Satsuki isnt yuri because author said something on twitter
>Madoka isnt yuri because Director said something about no sexual attraction
>Maria-sama isnt yuri for reasons
>Shy isnt yuri because she went on a date or something
>Mahoako isnt yuri because its ecchi fanservice
>Catch these hands and donuts under a crescent moon arent yuri because at least one of them is asexual
>an easy introduction to love triangles isnt yuri because its poly
>murcielago isnt yuri because they showed hetsex once
>GBC isnt yuri because there was no kiss, jellyfish isnt yuri because there was no confession
>LWA isnt yuri because andrew
>mai hime isnt yuri because its a side couple, and the girl was straight in the manga
>Yamibo isnt yuri because its an adaptation of a het ero
>simoun isnt yuri because some of them turned into men
>revue starlight isnt yuri because they went their separate ways at the end
>lycoris recoil isnt yuri because she had a drink with a man
>miss sunflower isnt yuri because the girls never did anything sexual
>[series] isnt yuri because of bisexual
>[series] isnt yuri because they mention wanting a boyfriend
90% of these are deliberate misinfo spread by concern trolls who wanna downplay yuri. Don't let them win.
>That's like saying the BDs are a different continuity from the TV airing.

No, because the movies exist to connect with Rebellion, which shares similarities with the anime, but also has several differences.

This is not even the first or last case of different continuities, for example the Yugioh movie The Dark Side of Dimensions is part of the continuity of the manga, not the anime, which in turn GX being the sequel to the anime.
Which is not only explicitly stated, but enforced by such things as Pegasus dying in the manga but surviving in the anime. Putting dresses on a naked lesbian space hug does not a new continuity make.
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Let's all take this test and compare answers.
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Frankly, I don't know what you're worried about, the facts show otherwise, no matter what mental diarrhea the waifuhetfags spew, the yuri truth is what remains in the end.
No, but adding a hair accessory to Sayaka's magical girl form, as well as giving Madoka civilian clothes, does make for a new continuity.
lmao just enjoy what you want and don't care what autists over here say
if you feel doki doki from the way two of the girls are acting on screen, then it's yuri
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Just found out this is by the same author as Mahou Shoujo Nante mou ii desu ka.
This. Yuri is an emotion. You can't place limits on what can or can't be yuri because that emotion can be triggered by a lot of things aywhere.
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>prisma illya
I sure hope that's just a very scuffed X
Only I can decide what is yuri or not. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is.
Apparently wanting to fuck guys is too confusing for this retarded anon here >>4248364
Three out of four of those are true.
I guess some angry consumer dropped his seyuu radio volumes here
>only to then in the climax have everything be sorted out by him giving whatever harem member a spirited shonen speech which instantly solves everything + makes them crush on him
He and Lillysa are just autistic. Only one in the group has an actual romantic crush on him.
But it takes 100+ chapters to get to the part where none but one of the girls turns out to be interested in him. Until then, it's a typical harem.
Admitedly, I have only watched the first season, but I don't think there's any het in it, and later seasons have lots of kisses.
Does anyone remember a manga about a weird lady who would drool over her cats and imagine them as cute girls? I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.
Used to enjoy it until I found out the author put MC in a hetshit hentai doujin. And a gross one at that. Pretty weird since she explicitly hated men in the manga.
What's the name?
Nyanko Days?
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Only the last two is correct.
>Apparently wanting to fuck guys is too confusing for this retarded anon here
why are you pointing me out? i didnt make any opinion on the matter, nor am i the one who editted the image
Did the reboot light novel do anything interesting with Elizabeth?

And I keep hearing conflicting things about the original novels. Did it stop with Tomoko starting to realize she liked Elizabeth, or was Elizabeth starting to form a bond with Elma?
>I don't think there's any het in it
You started this retardation with a bunch of obvious shitposts mixed with obvious truths, is this non yuri series where the girls keep talking about wanting to date guys not yuri, really? How come? It's like the anon who somehow skipped all the het in Prisma Illya.
Ignore him, it's a shitposter who looks for any excuse to start shit. He's precisely the type of bad faith concern troll singled out by that post, guess the faggot felt called out.
Don't remember.
Lillysa spends the whole manga lusting over girls and attracting other girls. More like yuri harem even with the hetbait early on.
Girlship at the aquarium and girlship on the radio are in their places, all's right with the world
File deleted.
Been gay as fuck from chapter 1.
>tsundere childhood friend
The only girl that stays crushing on the male MC.
She's disappeared for good.
Don't even remember her.
Why is she grabbing her clit like that? Is she stupid?
File deleted.
Not stupid, just autistic.
Cope. When she comes for other girls, they don’t manifest anything weird
That’s juat SHAFT not finishing the show, even in BDs
I don't know how safe this is, there's some important looking boy that appears later on.
Has anyone read the raws?
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>>4248408 was deleted but >>4248364 wasn't, someone totally isn't trying to push the agenda that literal hetshit is yuri. Now he even started to post pics with males from his favourite het harem series and again he's not deleted and banned.

Meanwhile I started reading this and it's sad that because of these retards we reached the point where the word "yuri" isn't enough to describe yuri and you have to specify it's romance.
>"yuri" isn't enough to describe yuri and you have to specify it's romance
Always been the case, the notion that yuri implies lesbians is western only.
>because of these retards
Anon, 4chan has exactly zero influence on the Japanese industry.
I always find it funny when people here strenuously fight over the right to use the yuri label for something.
Sacrificing herself to create the most retarded solution ever
>man it’s horrible young girls are dying and being turned into witches, I’m gonna change that
>by making it so they don’t die?
>no, by wishing they still die but go to heaven
Pretty sure there was some minor note about the universe otherwise dying because of entropy or something, but it probably wasn't that important.
>Has anyone read the raws
He has some affectionate moments with the MC.
>the point where the word "yuri" isn't enough to describe yuri and you have to specify it's romance.
Or maybe there was another reason to do it. You don't know that.
oh ffs
>Been gay as fuck from chapter 1
I haven't watched the episode (not planning to) but I read comments and most seem to think that she is already crushing on the MC, so that doesn't fit with what you're saying.
Also plenty of stitches of her blushing floating around.
Yuri about two depressed nihilist chuuni girls. You know, the 'special' kind of girls.
Because there are retards who keep gaslighting others that yuri doesn't need romance and nips yurifags can't take it anymore?
It's been years since nips yurifags (and I don't mean the anime onlys posers and casuals fags there) have done this lol
Mods have their own agenda, regardless you can have stories featuring romantic feelings without romance, this was the case of a lot of 2000s yuri series.

No, the word yuri literally was created to describe the readers of lesbian stories published in BL magazines, when this was a thing. The word got adapted for a more commercial use after readers started associating it with Maria Sama and wouldn't necessary mean lesbianism but just romantic feelings, outside of that there is no practical or commercial use for the word yuri.
But of course, why would anything nice ever happen?
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Ayana Yuniko went to a cafe for a date with her director friend, Hashimoto Noriko, and the sudden power outage provided them with a romantic atmosphere.
Yeah the author had been hetbaiting really hard and anyone would easily think that it's going to be a harem story, but it is not. Both Lillysa and the male MC are a parody or deconstruction of harem characters. Like in your run of the mill haremshit, the MC is a "herbivore" otaku and Lillysa is a lesbian pervert, and the story events will gaslight you into unrealistically thinking that they could get together, but unlike those harem stories, the opposite happens. Just because a boy and a girl are both friendless weirdos who share an affinity for something doesn't mean that they'll be a couple, no matter how many ecchi scenarios they get themselves into due to their shared hobbies and naivety.
Ok you told your piece, so we can end the forced discussion here and agree this work is not yuri related. Move on.
This summer is dead season anyway not worth of even touching seeing what shit is aniamted.
And so the list gets even thinner.
>This summer is dead season anyway not worth of even touching seeing what shit is aniamted.
Maybe you should use this season to brush up on your English?
Almost every other spinoff tried messing with 'the system' (Suzune, Kazumi, Magireco) and the results were either incomplete or worse than the system already present.
Sending the girls to heaven was the best Madokami could get.
Reciprocal affectionate moments
How vague and non-specific.
So, after a year, the tangible results of the WfM's impact on the industry are
>evil mom trying to steal your girlfriend
>autistic screeching if rings or a talking keychain don't appear in the frame for half a second
It's not much, but it's better than nothing. We just have to wait a little longer, the longer you wait the less there is left to wait.
>MC has affectionate moments with a boy
>"doesn't mean anything"
I mean what are those "affectionate moments"? How do I know you're not bullshitting?
If your intention was to warn stupid anons who don't know what they're signing up for, rather than start your usual shit, then you would have just given a chapter number or a link.
Stop replying to retarded newfags who don't understand how this board works and want to force their retarded rules like they know shit.
They announced a season 2 for SAO Alternative: Gun Gale Online. I vaguely remember there being a thread because it had yuri subtext? There isn't any source material so there is hope?
No, there is none. The MC doesn't have a particular interest in the girl who lusts after her, and that girl has a male character as a side piece, and has regular sex with that male.
So just one literal bislut? What a waste.
>it had yuri subtext?
No, not really. You could ship MC and her friend like any two girls in a cgdct show, but there wasn't particularly any subtext. Like not even Bofuri's level of mild subtext, they are genuinely just good friends. The pseudo-villain girl is bisexual, but also has a right hand man who is in love with her and who she screws around with.
>There isn't any source material so there is hope?
It's a light novel with 13 volumes.
>manga with a lesbian MC, 80% lesbian cast (with the rest being bi/ambiguously bi), and a lesbian side couple that actually got their own long arc with a happy gay ending is not yuri related
I'm talking about Gungale, not the original SAO.
>lesbian MC
Who for 90% of the story thinks she is straight and in love with a guy.
>80% lesbian cast
Who also mostly crush on a guy until they don't.

I don't think anyone minds the yuri ending, but having to sit through generic het harem shit veneer for so long isn't worth anyone's time.

It reminds me of that story about the dude who wanted to become a mangaka and at the very end it turns out his love interest ends up with the lesbian instead. That ending pissed off a lot of hetshitters, which is good, but it was still rough to read through.
>All images and discussion should pertain to the yuri genre
>talking about het series is not deleted
>Images must not contain men
>pics with men are not deleted
>hetfag keeps trying to gaslight people into thinking it's ok to talk about het series on /u/ and trying to convince people that #193739 het harem series with male self-insert groping and perving on girls and girls being attracted to him is yuri
No one but you cares.
I care. Report all images with males.
I recommend going outside now and then.
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What a coincidence, so am I.
No, I care too, I am fine with saying there is yuri related content like >>4248784 did, but there is one anon in this thread misrepresenting the series and trying to play it off like the male MC or the harem aspect are irrelevants and acting like it's another yuri series when this isn't the case at all, the same anon does not seem worried at all about following the rules. And it is strange how the jannies and the mods do seem only worried about erasing people talking about one particular offtopic subject but are just ignoring everything else, from shitposters to breaking the rules.
Well in that case I'm sure it ends with a yuri harem on volume 13.
Hey, whether you like it or not it's still yuri, and we're allowed to talk about yuri here. It's gayer than Watamote, which has a long running /u/ general, I guess I can say that much. It's not even subtext yuri.
Quality of work is directly proportional to their salary
If we are going to use the generals on catalog as reference then you can basically post any het series even without yuri side couples. Unfortunately the sex pests porn addicts who run the board allow basically anything.
Oh, they are doing what they are there for very well, it just doesn't align with what yuri is.
Please, you have probably been on /u/ long enough to know that threads for non-yuri series existing is not an excuse to talk about hetshit. Watamote threads exist because people in it believe wholeheartedly that it has real yuri subtext and will have a yuri ending. At the very least nothing contradicts this.
Everything else that is not yuri is generally an image dump thread for yuri FANWORKS. Do you understand? Non-yuri series threads stil only post yuri.

Your thing is not yuri for most of its run and in fact leans heavily into het, so it is far more repulsive than series that are just subtext, even if your series ends with yuri.
Yes, you can claim it has a yuri ending. A yuri series though? That's a stretch. That's like those idiots who think porn with het sex that ends with a yuri couple is yuri porn. You got your priorities very wrong if you actually started on that journey to begin with.
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Oh hey, it's just like that one chapter in the anthology
>girls interact with boys a few times
Try girls crush on a guy, have fanservicey het touching moments with him and unironically thinking they are in love with him.
If this is what 90% of your story is, then yes, it is not fucking yuri enough.
Their interaction may be yuri, but it's not a yuri series, stop trying to portrsy this series in a disonest way
Once again we managed to confirm Lycoris Recoil is yuri and any attempt to say it's het should be ridiculed.
No. See the dishonest portrayals part.
Most people don't say it's het. They just say it's not yuri, which can be true simultaneously.
>it's not yuri
Except this is not true.
So you didn't watch it.
They are not in a romantic relationship, nor do they have sex. Neither option for yuri is fulfilled. Not even the one-sided crush trope is here. The end.
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Tick Tock, Kokoro-Sisters.
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They're literally living together. There are beloved het series where the boy and girl don't even go that far.
>They're literally living together
What? No they're not. Did you even watch the series?
Not only are they not, platonic roommates are still a thing.
They love each other more than anything else. That's more than enough for it to be yuri. They also got marriage braceletes in Hawaii.
Why are you on this board when you're so intent in denying yuri with the most asinine excuses?
I dont care about your copes. Text or nothing. Moving on.
Nothing makes it more obvious that you are a crossboarder than saying all yurifags must be delusional. Leave.
All you're telling me is that you hate yuri.
Isn't that exactly what you're doing right now? Seems to me like you're just projecting.
I thought yuri required two girls to be in love with each other.

>marriage bracelets
This reply is so stock it could be used for the salty soup your are eating, crossie.
And they are in love.

Hawaii tradition.
>searching lesbian stock photos for drawing practice
>google images (and some of the lower end stock photo websites that use automated categorization) sometimes just mistakenly label what is clearly mother-daughter or pair-of-sisters stock photos as being "lesbian" because their algorithm recognizes they have two girls being affectionate
>this results in being randomly flashbanged by what at first glance seems like insane age gap pictures
I never know how to react to this.
is the deer anime yuri?
Reminder that LycoReco was third in that yuri poll.
Also Chisato/Takina was voted the top couple of summer 2022.
Then where is the thread?
Almost as shippers are the ones pushing for it because they want it to be yuri.
Go ahead and make one if you wanna, though it's a kinda goofy gag show so there's not much to discuss.
How yuri is the VTuber anime?
Not like I want to create a new general thread. But it's not against the rule to just discuss it.

And for most of its run watamote is about tomoko wanting a boyfriend and talking about het porn, losing virginity to men, futa and such. And whether it will ever deliver an actual lesbian relationship or not is still up for debate like 13 years since its first publication.
>porn with het sex
Yeah watamote is choke full of references to that.
Don't you want every series where the girls are super close and not into guys to be yuri too?
Did it have a big margin over Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included?
Takina rejected the guy that was into her.
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>ackshually your yuri is not yuri
Gosh I love posting on /u/.
It's definitely not your typical subtext series, the protagonist is implied to have fucked men and makes raunchy het jokes all the time, and even though the novel has some yuri hints later on, the anime won't cover it.
The girls become a thing later in the novels, but they talk a lot about hetshit in very tomoko like ways which will probably will turn off a of people
Doesn't something click in your head every time your samey posts are deleted for almost two years? Why the stubbornness, worthy of the best use?
So there's no yuri at all in the early parts that the anime will realistically cover?
Not even subtext?
Not every show needs a thread, that's usually reserved for shows that generate lots of discussion or lots of fanart.
None whatsoever.
This season sucks.
Not really? I want honest chemistry building between the girls, Symphogear is a subtext series and still basically has a romance subplot between Hibiki and Miku that develops over several seasons. Even if the girls from the series you are talking about are close and have no male love interests (which isn't the same as they are not into guys mind you) they don't have any romantic chemistry between them, even if they suddenly kissed out of nowhere, sure it's yuri then but I still won't care about it. Yuri is not a checkmark for me.
And there I thought I could at least watch that.
Unless the anime makes some part look gayer I don't think so, it's just honestly not a series that is worth of anyone's time.
So this season is reduced to two episodes of Sasakoi and maybe, maybe Deer Girl?
>maybe Deer Girl
If you ignore the het MC, at least her sister is into her I guess, though she's portrayed as hopeless.
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>they don't have any romantic chemistry between them
What about the fountain scene?
Chisato didn't think anything of it. It's just something she does for no particular reason
>for no particular reason
She did it because the other girls were shitalking her and Takina's relationship.
She's literally grabbing Takina and blushing...
It's from the strain. Takina's just really heavy.
Proof that they're into guys?
The two PA Works anime are yuri.
>The year is 2022+2
>we're still talking about wether Lycoris Recoil is yuri or not
why? Everybody has already made up their minds and everything that can be discussed has already been discussed
VTuber is yuri.
I say this every time, but if Chisato was a boy instead this scene would be used as 100% proof the show's het forever.
It's more like one increasingly demented poster keeps insisting it's not yuri and getting repeatedly laughed at.
>ice cream is still frozen
Power outage my ass. Why do they even need an excuse for say gex?
And even if you don't agree that it's yuri to you in good faith, you at least have to admit that there's some fanservice and/or questionable scenes.
It just shows they are getting closer, not necessarily in a romantic way, just because outsiders basically called them gay for it does not mean it was meant in a romantic way, neither Chisato getting upset about it means she is especifically upset because she is attracted to Takina, which honestly for how little they know each other would be a stretch.

And of course, comparing again with symphogear, Hibiki and Miki gradually get closer, more flirt and intimate with each other, the best you have is a mountain scene that happened in episode 3 (I think).

I never said they were, I am just saying not having a male love interest is not the same to say they are not into guys. If they were into each other it would be a different story.
I've actually read the novels so I don't care what those posts have to say.
Well, particularly in Japan, it would be really odd for a girl and a boy to have much skinship if they didn't have something going on.
Changing gender does change implications sometimes.
If Chisato was a boy then it definitely wouldn't be yuri, so I am not sure what is the point you are making here.
Maybe it's really good ice cream?
So what you're saying is that those anons are wrong, and the parts of the novel that the anime will cover have yuri in them?
My point is it's a huge double standard. Basically anything a boy/girl pair does that's even mildly affectionate is seen as ironclad proof the work is het, and yet some people think the exact same situation with a girl/girl couple isn't proof of yuri.
It's always childhood friends is such a common trope to begin with, it's not common for guys and girls to be close friends at all, usually when they are friends it's because there is romantic interest or they are part of a circle that got closer because some parts of it are romantically interested in the other.
Well, Yunico is a screenwriter after all, "show, don't tell" and all that. Professional deformation.
>not having a male love interest is not the same to say they are not into guys
But how does this relate to Chisato and Takina? They're not into guys. You don't have to keep mentioning this completely irrelevant anecdote.
Nice, what's the yuri level early on?
"Her eyelashes are so long" level, "what is this feeling" level, or handholding level?
So what really we have to watch this season to be safe which has at least subtext yuri in anime lenght time and not in some years later novel content which will be never animated anyway?
That cheer original one and retarded deer?
Clearly vT one won't have yuri in anime either seeing the replies.
Yuri about a draftee becoming suicidal after hearing her girlfriend has died/found another woman.
That's how the mask on anti-yuri shitters slips off. Concern trolling at its finest.
Sure it's theoretically possible that scene could have no romantic intention whatsoever, but from how its constructed (how Chisato reacts to the comment, to the blushing, to the look she gives Takina near the end), it seems at least possible that one a possible interpretation the creators were going for the scene.

>gradually get closer
Over the course of five seasons. LR has only had one season for them to get closer so far. Need I remind you that in the first season of Nanoha, it wasn't all that clear that the series was going to appeal to a yuri audience entirely.
Yes, talking about double standards, if Chisato was a boy then Majima X Chisato would be far more popular than what Takina X Chisato is today. And if Majima was a girl you can be pretty sure it would be a popular yuri ship too.
Because you said they were not into guys and I am saying this is a misleading way to portray the series as it implies they are into girls.
None of those, you can ship them together knowing that they'll become close later on, but the actual yuri parts won't be in the anime.
What is misleading is your repeated attempts to imply they're into guys.
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Handholding by the end of volume 2.
A big problem with this series is that it leans too heavily on dirty and really dumb comedy so even though half the jokes are "you make me hard let's get married"-tier, the relationships are slow to actually progress. The first explicit non-joke confession is in Volume 4, and the anime will only cover up to Volume 3.
No, you don't need to show proof a work with a boy and a girl is het, unless stated otherwise by the work itself, however if the boy and the girl never develop chemistry people will question if they are really into each other, subtext or friendship endings are not that uncommon, the het vampire shonen series from the same author of the candy autism anime didn't have them getting together, not even the candy autism series ended with them getting together but with some weird subtext ending.
>the actual yuri parts won't be in the anime.
The het jokes, however, will.
I already said they don't have male love interests, you can't say they are not into guys if you can't even say they are at least into girls.
That would be an improvement honestly, shove the bad MC with the bad villain and ship the good MC with her much cuter fangirl.
>you can't say they are not into guys
Yes I can. They're not into guys.
I mean that is a better pacing than Seiyuu Radio, where it's at 11 volumes with no explicit confessions or anything. So, volume 4 feels quite early compared to that
>het MC
Not in episode 1
The source is Light novels written by the guy who wrote Kino's Journey. He apparently helped Kawahara with the GGO arc and that's how he got to write an spinoff focused on the game
So we all agree Bocchi is yuri then? Nice, that's a W.
I don't think the author wants you to think Bocchi is straight when she already said she wants a girlfriend.
And other lies I tell to myself to doompost the season
People are also denying the Vtuber legend thing because "too slow" when it's much faster than Seiyuu Radio
You know you can check the chapter yourself, right?
People are denying the Vtuber Legend series because of the het references and jokes, which Seiyuu Radio didn't have.
>it seems at least possible that one a possible interpretation the creators were going for the scene.
The problem is that all the things you mentioned also apply to the soda can scene.
Fun fact, making dirty jokes about any sexual orientation does not mean someone belongs to the category the joke is about.
Except the fact that less than three minutes later, the villain says he's bored with her and tries to kill her before Chisato shoots him in the head to protect Takina.
>apply to the soda can scene
You didn't even watch it. There is literally zero hint of romance in that scene. She didn't blush or even say anything about it.
People should just admitt this is shit season and we are grasping at straws here hoping to pick up any shit to at least have few shows to watch this summer.
So Deer, Vtuber, that Dungeon one, that cheering one and WPrecure for cat pairing.
Enough to kill some time I guess.
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And this isn't the only time it comes up either.
Wow, it was even the other girl who suggested it, it's like they made it a point that you shouldn't ship them together.
>another retard posting hetshit on /u/
Uh no it wouldn't lol
Well the other anon was doubting, and there are only girls in the picture.
It's fine to post a couple pages from a het series as a warning.
>It's fine to post a couple pages from a het series as a warning.
In Girl Friends the girls also wanted bf initially or even tried to date ones, or in many, many other yuri manga titles initially the girls wanted bfs too till they fallen for a girl.
To be fair, Yuzu did go to high school with the intention of getting a boyfriend in Citrus.
She obviously didn't take any actual steps to find one. If Koshi is the same in Deer Girl, it should be fine.

There's 'grasping at straws' and then there's shilling hetshit.
>YagaKimi had a het side couple
Guess it isn't yuri anymore...
The difference is that this is a gag sol series so there will never be real yuri and the het jokes will be there to forever remind us of that.
Does a male even show up? Does it go somewhere?
Fuck off
Post an imgur link of images of any male love interests
It's kinda the protagonist here.
>everrything is het reeeeeeeee´
>yuri doesn't exist
Retard. No bfs? yuri
People said the same thing about Bocchi...
The protagonist who never actually has a male love interest
Maybe you'll get a boyfriend someday too, anon. I guess you're no longer related to yuri and can kindly fuck off from /u/ forever.
Sorry for not finding a girl who likes guys to be a very appealing main character, I guess.
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Remind me, did a lot of people ship Mahiru and Yukine in the season gone by? Did a lot of people see the UNDENIABLE ROMANTIC TENSION between them?
A common gag in this series is MC being mocked for being a virgin, not having a boyfriend and seething over it.
>girl A says MAYBE girl B will get a boyfriend someday
>it's absolutely het and will forever be het
>girl C(another series) says she wants to marry a rich man someday
>holy shit the greatest yuri telenovela of all time
Are you retarded or just intentionally trolling, one series is a GAG MANGA with some yuri jokes that goes nowhere, one is an actual yuri manga using it as a plot point, and the MC gets over the rich man thing in watayuri while the het girl is still seething over not having a bf or being a virgin the entire series
Top yuri right there.
>yuri jokes that goes nowhere
Says you.
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Right from episode 1.
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Skill issue, I don't touch any 'yuri' that mentions the word 'boyfriend'
The anons you're trying to appease also think Mahoako is not yuri because it's for the male gaze.
Some of you don't seem to understand what a narrative is, even if the girl is in current relationship with a guy if the story is about her getting with another girl then it's a yuri narrative, a girl sperging about wanting boyfriends but never getting romantically interested in another girl is not a yuri narrative whatsoever.
Yay more bait
No, only you seem unable to understand the difference between shitposters who are specifically coming to this thread to milk you and regulars anons from here that are not really looking at every scrap they can find to call it yuri, because guess what we already have a hundred ongoings to talk about
Don't sleep on Sakuna, it's just mild subtext but the game is great and the anime looks like it's going to adapt it well.
This post format? Shitposting.
And the source manga
Does this mean Kokoro will die?
more *yuri.
She will try to kill the rabbits and we will fucking finally after a fucking decade SEE RIZE USE THE FUCKING GUN
Kokoro wants to strangle the rabbit as a symbol of her meeting with Kurumi, but fails miserably even at that and the rabbit bites her finger (the same finger that Kurumi cut with the broken photo) before running away and Kokoro dies of sepsis.
Reminder that your allies think Utena being a voyeur without love for LocoLeber's first time is crypto FFM and basically pandering to males and is like the observer dude from YagaKimi and so it's a form of het
Source: your ass
You're a pretentious retard who hates fun comedy and thilks true yuri can't be anything olther than super contrived soap opera melodrama shit
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>any yuri is gags
>but any mention of het is super solid straight confirmation doompost time
Disgusting hetshitter
Saying everything you hate is het? Shitposting
>hudred ongoings
No color, no voice. What is the point?
Thats some /a/schizoid coping thou, everybody on /a/ is familiar with that mindbroken cuck.
>fun comedy
There's no comedy in a MC that says, with seriousness and in repeated times, that she wants a boyfriend.
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>pandering to males
Like this?
That's a photoshop
Clearly a boy.
Lol. Mao
>mahoako fans literally get their rocks off to the idea of little girls watching the show

Ya can't make this shit up.
>the het is the only thing that is super serious in a nonsense gag manga
Het shitter
If the yuri is "empty gags" so is the boyfriend mentions.
And acting like mentions of wanting boyfriends aren't empty gags in the nonsense gag manga/anime is not mindbroken schizo?
Why do you want children to watch softcore BDSM ecchi?
The show is for 16 years old at least. Still I'll answer: Brainwashed by patriarchy. Internalyize muh soggy knee.
You misunderstand, the yuri is in the form of the MC's sister who has the hots for her but it's entirely one-sided, which is used for gags just like the boyfriend thing, but that doesn't mean those aren't real traits of either character.
If a girl crushing on a het girl who has no interest in her is your thing then good for you, but usually a gay side character isn't enough to call something a yuri series, especially when the MC is interested in boys.
What boys? Can you post an imgur link or something to said characters?
Anon, being interested in boys is a sexual orientation, it's not invalidated if she isn't in love with one at the moment.
What if then adaptation removes any references of boyfriend? People here generally like Sabagebu, but the manga (which was published in a shoujo magazine) had the MC attracted to some ikemen. The same director who worked on Sabagebu is also working on Nokotan, but I doubt it's going to happen in this day and age.
>be proven wrong
Sure Elon.
Sabagebu isn't a manga adaptation, it's based on the manga but it's completely different.
Funny enough Elon was actually right about that guy, he got arrested for molesting kids.
We won't know if Nokotan is like that until it happens then.
From the trailer alone you can tell it's basically 1:1, if you actually read it of course
Could you know that from the trailer of Sabagebu?
anime (fun)>manga (boring)
Heteronormativity means girls will assume they're attracted to boys or want boyfriends because it's what's "expected" "the normal", but if the manga doesn't act on it, it's just empty statements. Like Hime wanting to marry some rich dude in Watayuri
How the hell can you tell from the trailers that the anime will keep any mentions of wanting boyfriends?. Sure the scenes on the trailer are faithful to the manga, but that doesn't mean they can't skip the "I want a boyfriend" parts
Did any trailer for Sasakoi allow people to predict it'd rush once Shiho stuff starts and skip the festival kiss?. Trailers can be decieving
I do not like this Kiwi. Her smugness offends me
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Once again you are insufferable. After announcement I've read the 3 or 4 volumes that have been translated, it's pretty funny, but really not worth the heated discussion you're having here.
I mean, tell that to the het fuck who will shitpost at any mention of it
And people will mention it because there's nothing else but scraps this season and as much as manga/LN people are in denial, people here want anime to watch
If manga/LN was enough, we wouldn't have fuckers trying to defend the Sasakoi anime and getting super offended when it's called out for being shit. And of course, people wouldn't grow super attached to shows like Jellyfish and GBC before they end
Even if they skip this or other content, it's not trying to be it's own thing and not an adaptation of the manga, you are not getting the heterosexual version and the not heterosexual version if this is what you are trying to imply, it's no different from the insane brain gymnastics some anons were doing in case Hibike skipped some content in the last episode.
The only reason people "defend" Sasakoi is the ridiculous arguments it "backpadelled" or went "subtext", no one is arguing the anime has no issues.
Stop trying to make presh happen. It's not gonna happen
Kokoro hides that it was her who killed the rabbits. Due to recent events, most of the class thinks Kurumi did it. Kokoro encourages this line of thinking. Meanwhile, Naoi is getting freaked out that the class thinks that Kurumi's her abusive girlfriend who's forcing her into a relationship. Kimura returns from bonus chapter to trigger Kurumi's jealousy to further complicate the situation.
Difference: Male love interest characters exist in Hibike. They don't exist in the deer girl show, so any such comments are irrelevant
My only point is that excluding the line would not be an excuse to push headcanon
You mean presh will be backpedalled?
>yuri shipping bad
Mask off, retard
>*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
>Canon and non-canon both welcome.
Clearly says here headcanons are welcome and stuff doesn't have to be limited to Sasakoi/Yagakimi-tier canon
Now stop seething about yuri shipping in a yuri board
Except you are not shipping, you are literally arguing the series is yuri.
Protip: add headcanon, delusion/delusional, and waifufag to improve the general's quality.
It's yuri because I interpret it as such. Without love, it can't be seen.
Stop trying to push non yuri shows on /u/
Wait, there's a live-action?
They call the author mommy
>completely unaware of /u/'s long history with shipping and goggles

You're just outing yourself here.
Where have you been in the last month?
There is also a Hoshikuzu telepath's drama airing if you didn't know.
I need to look in the general thread more, clearly.
Nah you really shouldn't honestly. These threads are kinda lightning rods to distract trolling and bad faith arguments from spreading elsewhere.
My guess is at most Kokoro fantasizes about killing the rabbits, like Kurumi fantasized about killing Isanuma. Kokoro might get petty enough to actually post the shoplifting video online to further trash Kurumi's reputation.
I can see as much looking in here.
shit nobody actually subs these dramas, do they?
He's been doing this for months, it's pure concern trolling.
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Hell yea!
So I read watanare v1-4
And It's a fairly normal romcom series? The only weird part was main girl being some kind of exaggerated character, like the ore-sama kind from shoujo or something.
Satsuki is best girl btw, she and mc got the most chemistry together, not to mention funniest interactions

Seriously though, I was expecting some kind of horrible shit with horrible characters with there way people here are constantly moaning about it
>Satsuki is best girl btw, she and mc got the most chemistry together, not to mention funniest interactions
I agree and yeah it's just a fun manga
Stop smoking crack Elon.

I just personally hate Renako, after the game ends, she still uses Mai and gladly does so. No matter how much she bitches about it, and still knowing Mai is very much into her.
Imagine being Mai or Ajisai and knowing you are never going to be good enough to be choosen and has to be forced in a relationship with another girl so you can be with the person you love. I wish Renako was real just so I could shoot her and free Mai and Ajisai to fall in love with girls who will love them back.

I think being in Mai's shoes is worse because Renako wants to be in that comfy social space and clout, but absolutely hates Mai's personality. Ajisai is designed as an oishii, so at least Renako sees her as some kind of person (especially from this last arc) but I'd rather bash her head in then let her lead these girls on
The best possible ending for this series is Mai and Ajisai falling in love and telling Renako they don't need a third wheel, Satsuki starts dating Kaho and Renako gets to realize her dream of being friends with everyone.

Agreed, but I don't think she deserves to be friends with Mai and Ajisai and should be told to fuck off and the other 2 follow suit
The Best Ending in The World is Renako ending things with Mai and Ajisai and start dating her sister.
More like you two schizos are absolutely insane lmao
There must be something wrong with your schizos head for real
Not for Renako's sister though
Haruna has been her all her life, she would understand her sister's autism more than anyone, even love her for that.
It's just one schizo with some weird hate boner that he keeps nursing for years
What's even funnier is that he didn't even read the LN and just made up some version of it in his head from stuffs anons posted in LN threads kek
Sure, but she could do better

I always knew being a Renako simp would cause brain rot
Better? That universe Adachi wouldn't love her anyway since she isn't Shimamura, and Renako is only really behind her in terms of autism.
These guys read like butthurt waifufags, even the deliberately twisting of the event are the same, that is assuming they even read it
Probably not since they keep posting clearly wrong stuffs
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2.5D Sensation is so yuri that even the self proclaimed straight girls are gay.
Even Tarumi is better than Renako.
It's good that you know about your own illness considering you literally can't stop thinking and talking about that version of pink girl you made up in your head
It's been like what? 5 years or something?
So, the same ammount of time you have been saying it's so popular it will get an anime.

So what is she then other than a selfish person?
>The Best Ending in The World
Not ending in 'Together in Death' yurikino trope?
More like every girl together buying Renako alive and then having sex over her grave
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/u/ gonna convince me this isn't yuri

Only cause it'll never be finished

Though I do wonder if normie shojou readers think it's yuri
why do people hate poly when yuri works really well with poly since any pair can be in love?
You really shouldn't trust what people post here. This place is just memes, shitposts, and ESLs misunderstanding the first two.
monogamy normative ideals

If anything works well in fiction, it's poly yuri (but only 3 participants)
> yuri works really well with poly since any pair can be in love
it works for any combo in fiction
Maybe none of the girls that lust after Renako is her type, which begs the question: what even is her type? Older girls?
Pathetic, low esteem girls, and it has to be somehow worse than herself. We see how that amazingly that kind of chemistry worked out with Bocchi and Ame.
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Because for some mysterious reason the threads end up a battleground.
She fucking loves Ajisai
where can I get hq scans like this, my raws are all blurry.
It's not yuri, but very hetphobic.
Yuri Tama is great, you know why? Because unlike Renako who is a piece of shit who keeps downplaying what she is done or how she feels, Yotsuba is unapologetic horny and she has no issues calling herself a piece of shit as she is putting her tongue as she is cheating on girlfriend 1 with girlfriend 2 who is her best friend in the same day they got together.
>It's not poly
It's basically going in this direction since they had a threesome in the last volume.

Renako fetish is basically turning gold into shit
shuddup esl renako hater. she tried her best!
Also btw, unlike Renako who would never do anything to her sister, Yotsuba already kissed and did lewd things with her 2 sisters, so she is cheating on her two girlfriends who she was cheating on with each other with her two sisters.

NTA, but the fuck she did

Girl is a low life
Really? You have access to her internal turmoil and that's your judgement?
She did her best she's just not very capable.
There has to be a catch
That’s the definition of shipping. Interpreting relationships as romantic. Since it’s 2 girls, it’s yuri.
No, shipping has nothing to do with interpretating, you have ships of girls who barely ever interacted, hell some pokemon ships are even from girls from different games who never interacted with each other, shipping means hoping it will or wishing it would, not claiming it is.
Not really, it's not exactly a cheating LN though, her two girlfriends were already aware of the cheating and decided to make a game of it of who would seduce her first. Though they are unaware of how far Yotsuba already got with her blood related little sisters. The only catch I can think of is that the third volume is really bad because the author added a childhood friend who is a idol and 90% of the volume is just Yotsuba simping of how incredible idols are while being oblivious her childhood friend is obsessed for her, which in this case she rejects her and then her two girlfriends decide they have to have a threesome to make sure Yotsuba would never forget and try to cheat on them again.

The first 2 volumes are fun though, there is some cringe stuff like the fanclub for her 2 girlfriends who are basically the school's princess and prince everyone thinks are a couple and they are faking to be a couple to stop guys from hitting on them and how everyone is in love with yotsuba in the most ridiculous way, with the exception of the otaku foreigner.

But Yotsuba is a very fun MC because she literally 100% of time only think of girls in the gayest way possible and unlike your usual protagonist who is portrayed as dumb but is actually smart, Yotsuba is bordeline retarded and by guessing all the answers she got in a elite school and is always the last of the class to the point the school can't do shit to her because they never had to repeat student before and so they have no rules in place for it. And this extends to all her interactions, everyone is constantly manipulating her and making jokes of how retarded she is.

I guess the catch is that there is no manga adaptation, even the author was asking why and wondering if there are just no artists avaliable anymore.
Thanks for confirming you’ve no idea of what shipping is
Guess wikipedia also don't know what it is
>Shipping (derived from the word relationship) is the term for the desire by followers of a fandom for two or more people, either real-life people or fictional characters (in film, literature, television series, etc.), to be in a romantic or sexual relationship.
Prinsession Orchestra preview
New Silver Link original mahou shoujo with Oonuma as director

That schizo didn't even read that series, pretty sure he somehow made up a whole series of events and characters to hate based on memes, jokes and shitposts from here
There is no other way to explain how his details and characters are always wrong
Fuck off back to /a/
Correct Wikipedia is shit. That is but one form of shipping. Interpreting relationships as romantic is another. You're acting like the only forms of shipping are those that are convenient to you
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Really nice shoujo one-shot:
Actually, did Hime ever specifically say she'd marry a guy? I keep seeing people repeating this, but all I remember is her saying she wants to marry a billionaire, without specifying the gender
That open cabinet(autoclave?) is driving me insane
Dusting off the old Sakuna folder for the anime, it made me realize we need more goddess/goddess yuri.
No you fucking retard, shipping means you want a couple to be a thing, that all there is to it.

You already are obssesed the yuri word means something else, now shipping too, everyone is wrong but you, seems like your life mission is to prove to everyone how they always called something is wrong and means something else completly different.
The imagery was of a guy, but I suppose a rich woman would be fine too
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I'm on episode 9 and holy shit the amount of autism and melodrama is absolutely staggering. There's zero chemistry between all the characters, crychic sluts included; them forming a band is just unbelievable.

That's a lotta cope right there


>she's just not very capable.

Ain't that an understatement
Not even two minutes in and there's already DV.

It's got cannon yuri, it counts
>It's got cannon yuri, it counts
Care to post the pages where the girls declare love for another directly in romantic sense, where they kiss or make out and where male MC isn't present in such scenes?
Two minutes in of what?
Anon meant that girls were bombarding each other with artillery.
>what is WAIT?
I'm looking at the charts, but they don't mention Failed To Load Search Image. Is it an original?

Princession Orchestra trailer. I wonder if it's yuri.
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Did you really not hear? Two of the side characters ended up 100% in a commited relationship, the scene was super good too (but I need to scour for it so please have this one instead that is also extremely gay). There even was a discussion the other day about how the mangaka didn't even want to do a harem book (more evident that 3/4 girls are no really interested in the self insert other than the childhood friend now)
Shit can be pretty funny sometimes, that schizo retard actually believed the out of context joke I posted in the LN threads and keep repeating it everywhere like a gospel
Seems to be trying to be precure 2.0, so I'd say 25% chances of being goggles yuri and 75% of being het.
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This manga is too pure to have a kissing scene, whether gay or het.
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Meant to post this.
>legendary vtuber and nananahananare come out at the exact same time
How is this not yuri?
Because it triggers /a/shitters.
What's this?
We need more shoujo yuri to guide young lesbians. And because it's good.
And the Mao Zedong propaganda poster doesn't?
>I don't care if it's love
So do they actually kiss or are they just good friends moving in together?
Anyway, Ribon is the gayest shuujo magazine.
If they kissed he would've posted it, it's obviously bait.
Fuck off, Majimaschizos.
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I live a painful existence of loving shoujo art style and aesthetic but hate het. I completely agree with your sentiment. Majoccoid should draw more yuri.

What chapter is this again?


2.5d seduction, a het harem that somehow had a Yuri couple be confirmed first
>a Yuri couple be confirmed first
Can you post the confirmation?
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You literally just saw it, the next page they cry into each other's arms saying how happy they are
>het harem
Can't be a het harem when only one girl likes the male MC.
So it was friendship after all, as expected of a het harem.

Tru, but initially it is and you gotta be upfront about it regardless of how little mc-kun does anything of substance
Swap one of them with a boy and you'll somehow have an undeniable, 1000% confirmation that this is het and will never be yuri no matter what else happens in the manga.

What did you expect them to scissor on the con floor? It's insane that this happened at all, it could have been just bait

And how many yuri have you read with the same lines?

But what if you swap them with 2 boys?
I expected them to become lovers, as they do in all the yuri I read.
As far as those panels go they haven't gone farther than Howan and Himeko in Mashumairesh, except that being part of a het harem makes the subtext even more doubtful.
Serial Yuri Kisser at it again.

But they are tho?

It's not subtext if they are committed
Nowhere in those two pages does it show commitment to being lovers, it just shows commitment to be together forever, just like Howan and Himeko did in episode 6.
> I'm g**ning to you.
What did the Vtuber say there? Later the meaning becomes clear but I can't understand what word it is.
>Nowhere in those two pages does it show commitment to being lovers
Even though they were about to kiss (until Lilysa interrupted them)?
>it just shows commitment to be together forever
Can't tell if trolling.
This guy's dedication to denying yuri sure sounds a lot like Majimaschizo.
Gooning, most likely.
>Even though they were about to kiss (until Lilysa interrupted them)?
Then maybe you should've posted it.
>Can't tell if trolling.
Couldn't find it on yt, but take a good look:
It's exactly the same scene, and yet Howan and Himeko are not lovers.
It's in fact even worse in that manga since it's overtly put into question whether the feelings are romantic or not, the friendship window is as open as it could be.
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Hamazi gave her approval to Semi Friend. This means it's a female gaze yuri.
Calling out cherrypicking a couple of pages where the girls talk to each when the rest of the manga is those girls and others lusting after the male MC isn't 'denying yuri'
This coming from the schizo who thinks LycoReco has het romance because of the soda can scene.
You can't even respond to this >>4249653
Imagine needing a calendar to schedule who gets to brush whose teeth each day…

Well considering this is the resolution to the arc, where the teacher was confessed to and her coming to terms with not wanting the other girl to leave her side, they are a canon couple. It's the same as making progress towards yuri (except without the sex scene that followed) where the Mangaka didn't know if she loved her live in maid like that but didn't want her to leave her side
You want the girls to be a couple because you already see romance in their interactions and interpret them like that
Some shipping (crack-shipping) can be what you said about girls who don't interact or Pokemon girls who have 0 basis, or crossover stuff. But a lot of shipping is about characters from the same story who canonically interact and is born from people seeing good chemistry in their interactions and nothing to deny it. To act like shipping is an empty desire born of nothing and always separate from what happens in the source is to be ignorant
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I am not spoonfeeding you a yuri arc that spanned 130 something chapters.
>Subtext Bocchi support maintext Bocchi
As much as you'd like to pretend otherwise, gender does make a difference, a boy and girl living together forever makes it harder to believe it isn't romantic, though of course it's not impossible, but even if you called that het subtext it would be strong enough that nobody on /u/ would read it anyway, so that's a moot point.
I'm not saying that the yuri hints aren't there, but those two pages are still open to interpretation, which means subtext.
Still nowhere near confirming that the feelings are romantic, since the resolution itself put that into doubt.
Then don't complain when people don't get the full picture, you can't expect yurifags to jump into a het harem cause you post two ambiguous pages.
With this it's at least one-sided yuri, I'll give you that.
I'd never heard of this before.
Guess I'm as innocent as the other girl.
>Then don't complain when people don't get the full picture, you can't expect yurifags to jump into a het harem cause you post two ambiguous pages.
Wasn't there a thread for yuri scraps coming from non-yuri series?
That anon should jump there with it.
Apart from the hue girl, MC is also stunned by every girl she meets. Sundays will be fun this season.
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What is that facial expression supposed to convey?
>a boy and girl living together forever makes it harder to believe it isn't romantic
Only because you're an anti-yuri schizo.
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Your ass is open to interpretation.
You're just clueless when it comes to social behavior, especially in Japan.
And once again, you're just an anti-yuri schizo.
>a yuri arc that spanned 130 something chapters.
Namely, a couple of pages here and there. The other pages had those girls lusting after the male MC.
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Hello /u/ we got the poll results up
Girls Band Cry as Angry Porcupine
Jellyfish can't swim at night as YES… HAHAHA…YES!

Best ongoing manga rep will be Sorry I'm not into Yuri

Lastly medals will not change this time since 6 month rule and how two girls have sex player got upgraded last time to how THREE girls have sex now so the dollhouse will stay as the rep

Links for the results

And that makes this all the more impressive it got the consideration and care it deserves
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What imagery?
Those two never show any interest in the male MC, anon. Nice of you to confirm you're clueless though.
Het haremshit deserve neither consideration or care.

Stop lying. They all show interest in the male MC
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How daft can one be.
>you can't expect yurifags to jump into
You could jump off a cliff for all I care. As long as jannies aren't deleting these pages, they can be talked about on /u/.
>They all show interest in the male MC
How did you know this?
When she kisses the other girl Anna is extra gay (even by South American standars)
>As long as jannies aren't deleting these pages, they can be talked about on /u/.
I could cherrypick a frame with no male MC in sight from any hetshit series. Would that make those series /u/?

I was talking about the yuri paring retard

And out of the 4 girls only 1 gives a shit about the Mc now (one too many I get it) and that's only because it's her entire personality. The other 3 lost interest

Because we are talking about this one specifically
>two girls being in love with each other is not yuri
Ah yes, I forgot that we're in 2024. Even two girls having sex on-screen is not yuri so of course just being in love is not yuri.

To quote a post I saw recently "no one is normal about lesbians"
You kinda forget that non-yuri manga with male MC with side yuri content don't really belong to yuri genre.
But I bet you are that retard for who Aki Sora, Satanophony or Hagure Idol are the best yuri love stories too so I rest my case.

ESL neck yourself
>side yuri content
The titular girl is a lesbian, you dumb schizo.
I saw pages on /a/ and images from anime and all of them were the titular girl showing off her body and having fanservcie blushing scenes with the male MC so you tell me.
I know you are a troll, but the work is not about "main girl falling in love with another girl and finding a gf" type of story but "a bunch of girls showing off their bodies to the male" type, so learn the difference already, the yuri is side content in it.
And until those other girls ""lose interest"" you get to read a couple hundred chapters or watch an entire season of het haremshit.
This het series, which doesn't belong here.

The male MC those girls lust after is male.
If the author wanted yuri fans to read it, mayhap he shouldn't have started his story with a "boy meets girl" setup. It's entirely logical for people to be cautious and not want to invest their time in it if it could go back to its root whenever the author feels like it. Stop trying to shill it so hard, what's been posted here is enough to interest the people that would be fine with taking the risk.

You aren't wrong, but I'm just specifically talking about these two (and a potential other couple but hasn't gone far yet, but if it can happen once, it'll happen again, hopefully)


But the cannon yuri couple does
So this is some new form of trolling?
I'm a bit baffled how one guy does nothing else than shitpost with this all the time from few days time now.

ESL neck yourself (again)
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>The male MC those girls lust after
Only one of them lusts after him, retard.
>Young reading shoujo
>Lesbian reading shoujo
The new form of trolling is calling girls being in love with each other not yuri.
>Kitakawa almost sold out
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I want yuri with military women...
Where is ranma?
They just need to make an anime and at least three more reprints will come.
I don't see any truly forbidden series, only ironically forbidden ones. Boring shelves in the beautiful city of Sapporo.
They all lust after him.
I understand talking once about this one het series having yuri content with side couples, cool.

But he is non stop talking about this series. Scraps are just not interesting at all to deserve this much attention.
Which one's the girl on the left?
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As anticipated, the only yuri anime of the season is the Ayana Yuniko's one, hoping the other writers won't fuck shit up as usual.
We have two yuri drama in this season anyway so it's not that bad. The worse part remains all the trolling from /a/nimefags shitposting with het series we have to deal with every season.
>the only yuri anime of the season is
>We have two yuri drama in this season
Does not compute.

He's clearly a troll.
Ah, it's just live action.
>Ayana Yuniko
Heh, as long as she isn't replaced halfway through.
The vtuber anime is yuri though? Why do trolls keep insisting it's not?
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I'm currently conducting surveillance on certain very arrogant twitter account that has already proclaimed Yuri Sunday since Shikanoko (lol) and Vtuber, but is defiantly ignoring this show. I wonder if I'll see any interesting reactions in the course of the surveillance?
Are you talking about Flip Flappers? Because say whatever about the plot, but the yuri wasn't affected by her replacement. Cocona reciprocated Papika (now watch someone say mutual confessions aren't yuri. This is the yuri hate and denial board after all)
Either way, whatever happens it's decided from the start as all 3 of PA Works shows have completed production before airing
I'll reserve judgement until the male characters from the PV show up, they didn't look like background props.
Because they want to make nuisances out of themselves in a way that won't get them instantly banned.
Well, she is hardcore…
She didn't even need time to think about her response
I kneel
So she's into the
>but I'm straight
>so is spaghetti until wet

Gonna need to see some examples of these types of videos. For research purposes only, of course.
She just like it when the actress is clearly only in it for the money
I bet she loves paying straight girls for sex
No, she likes seeing straight whores being unconfortable with having lesbian sex
>It's forbidden love
Yo sisters some of my moots on other webbed sites have been shilling for Witch Hat Atelier but they're also the kind to point at anything with two girls and say it's yuri so
How yuri is it?
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sis it isn't even on yurinavi
I haven't read it in ages but last time I checked there was no yuri. Almost every main girl has a boy the author seems to ship them with. I suppose some people could see the MC and the black haired girl that way but I think it's a stretch.
That said the author is one of those progressives that worship the western LGBT movement and already introduced some explicit gay (male) characters, so I wouldn't be surprised if later parts of the manga had some gay (female) stuff either.
Sounds like a hard pass then.
>worship the western LGBT movement
So is the deer girl anime yuri and is the vtuber one yuri?
>worship the western LGBT movement
If that's the case then why aren't there MORE gay people? Fucking idiots.
Because the western LGBT movement hate lesbians, dumbass.
Watch them and find out.
I don't wanna be disappointed tho
deer girl is very gay but it's mostly for comedy so I would put it in subtext territory, and vtubers are a hit with chinks so don't expect anything that can't be sold to the chink overlords
Vtuber Legend is not an original anime, we already know the contents and considering some of the girls already had relationship with guys, yuri is the least of those chinks worries.
Is this was really draw by Fumikane?
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Did you stop reading literal years and years ago? Agott having a massive crush on Coco has been pretty obvious at least since Silver Eve Namek started and she was trying to convince herself not to help so that Coco would give up and go away and she wouldn't be constantly thinking about her any more.

I think at the start Shirahama had Tartar in mind as Generic Nice Boy Side Character Coming-Of-Age Love Interest who you'd have to suffer through a romantic interlude with every 20 chapters of an otherwise good story, but ever since she got into The Owl House, he's been getting pushed towards the crippled boy and Agott's been getting increasinly unsubtle about Coco. You can debate whether Coco will end up reciprocating, since she's still pretty childish and wide-eyed at everything in her new life so you can chalk up her being especially close to Agott as just wanting to break through her BFF's tsun coating, but I don't think you can seriously deny that Agott's in love at this point. The author being actively progressive isn't really a bad thing in that context, since it hopefully means that if she set that up, it's because she wanted to take it seriously and not just to queerbait for cheap clicks.
Yup, he seems to be in a roll lately.
Do you have some mental issues you don't understand the rules?
I don't really care if they had romantic experiences with a guy at some point but if two girls end up falling for each other and the guy is a plot point that's only relevant for growth purposes, that's good enough for me
You are not chinese.
There are literally no male characters at all other than generic faceless fans.
why does the deer girl have antlers in the deer anime?
Does this affect the /u/?
It's funnier that way.

The first two Nanoha movies will get reedited in tv anime format and then air this fall
/a/ is saying that CUNE is close to getting discontinued. Is that true? If CUNE is done, that would be a huge blow to yuri
Cune has like 2 or 3 yuri series so it won't be a blow you retard, plus some CGDCT quasi yuri stuff that no one really gives a shit like that maid cafe shit.
it's a blow because if a magazine that's turning yuri dies, other magazines will hesitate to support yuri in the future
This is why more of you all have to be buyfags and support magazines
Yes, support magazines that mostly publish non yuri stuff, this is a great move.
No, you buy the tanks of the yuri series. Indirectly make sure the magazine doesn't die while supporting the series. Even if the magazine dies, another one can pick it up.
Is there some cultural reason long strips are popular in China? Rarely see it otherwise but almost every Chinese manga is long strip
Yes, we call it the culture of smartphones
If that was the case it'd be more popular outside China. That's more of an excuser for manga whose chapters are 4 or less pages
It is, look at manhwa
This. Literally every print version of the toilet roll format is the most ordinary and normal format ever.
yes but it's also crap
just saying
i'm just waiting for ave mujica instead
Do you really think your opinion matters one bit when you can't be assed to use capitalisation and punctuation?
>giving a shit about capitalisation on 4chan of all places
you're hopeless
Global rule 2, faggot.
That's a girl, anon
Bottom panel
>waah waah I don't know what is yuri

There's a bulletproof super easy way to tell if a work is yuri.

>open author's twitter
>look at posts promoting their work
>99% of the time there'll be 百合 somewhere if it's actually yuri
Only for romances, CGDCT where the girls do end together or action series usually avoid using the word since it's associated with romance.
Check on Yurinavi if there’s a 百合公認 mark. If not it’s not yuri and not worth your time.
Qifrey X Olruggio or bust.
>mutilate the tv series for cash-grab movies
>cut out the cash-grab movies to fit a tv series
They weren't bad movies, but they were obviously rushed, they should've just aired the original seasons upscaled or something.
>maid cafe
Damn, that's on cune?
I hope it finds a new home, I've been enjoying it.
What else is ongoing in it?
Shit, aside from Yuri Hime, what magazines even do yuri regularly anymore then?
Only Kirara?
Manio won again.
These are some series I recognize that have been or are on Cune:
>Shimeji Simulation
>Keiyaku Shimai
>Cheerful Amnesia
>I Don't Know Which is Love
>Anata ga Watashi wo Terasu kara.
>Nyanko Days
>Itsuwari no Marigold
>Killing Me!
>Nyoroko no Namahousou!
>Gal to Otaku wa Wakari Aenai.
>Breasts Are My Favorite Things in the World!
>Isekai Joshi Kangoku
>Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san
>Yuri Life
>Kyou mo Onnanoko wo Kouryaku shita.
>Siscon Onee-chan to Kinishinai Imouto
>Watashi no Tomodachi ga Sekaiichi Kawaii
>Yumemiru Maid no Tea Time
>Naisho no Ofutari-sama.
>Taishou Kitan Majo
>Houkago no Honya-san
>Hinako Note
>Keiyaku Shimai, Taishou Kitan Majo, Haidou!, Yumemiru Maid no Tea Time
Fucking RIP, all things I was looking forward to.
That's pretty much it, Cune was one of the few yuri-friendly avenues left.
She never loses
Stop being fucking stupid
>golden age of yuri
You can tell when yuri is doing good by checking a simple thing, is someone being insecure about it? Means it's doing good, so thanks for letting us know hetshitter
You forgot to spin the magazine closure into a positive thing for yuri.
1. /a/ said "blablabla"
Great source

2. Magazine closing means authors will abandon their works

3. Acting like yuri is a political party

Don't you have to masturbate to Isekai harem or something?
>trust me, everything's going to be fine!
At least you tried.
Nothing happens and I'm supposed to be afraid?
>yuri is a political party
God, I wish.
Yuri manga where a hyper-conservative female politician finds herself falling in love with a woman from the opposing party.
>getting 5-6 round of reprints of a long completed manga without an anime
How did she do it?
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> it's because she wanted to take it seriously and not just to queerbait for cheap clicks
It certainly seem to be the case
Pretty based, as long she keeps putting her pen where her mouth is
Coco/Agott would just be better Akko/Diana if it happened.
Just enjoyed the yuri animes from last season. How yuri is Vtuber Legend gonna be?
The lede being buried in any discussion of the Witch Hat Atelier anime in particular is that unless it's two cours or gets a second season, it'll probably end around chapter 30, after the second test. Well before Agott starts acting unambiguously like a girl who can't deal with her first crush, but well after Tartare Sauce gets his colorblind accessibility settings story that'll have the whole board shrieking HET CONFIRMED I TOLD YOU SO. Can't even blame them much, since that many years back I think the author probably did have him in mind for a love interest before realizing you can just have the little witches be gay and nobody can stop you.

Agott feels like a written-for-adults version of Amity to me, right down to her terrible relationship with her mother being expressed through the medium of hair
Not relevant
It's Lesbait or nothing else
imagine how much it would sale with an anime
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Arguably Nobody even lusts after him. There are probably just a couple with romantic feelings towards him but not much more, and the feelings are never mutual. It's easier to ship even the straightest girl in the series with another girl.
Mc is an unhinged lesbo + no vague shit, so far
yes but be nice to your daughters
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Good that Anna is on Japan, because in Br she will had push for, anitta trash
Actually should've just backread instead of asking but /u/ sisters are giving mixed responses. I don't know which is which...
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You can post even more blatant artwork.
The yaya seething in this series is delicious, friendship just cannot compete against romance.
Thankfully you can just watch it yourself to make your own opinion.
>playing a russian roulette
No thanks
Melancholy yuri about a lower middle class young couple in rural Japan. Sharing a cheap yet fulfill dinner, doing laundry together on a windy night, falling asleep while holding hands after a date at the nearby beach... Imagine Tsurezure Biyori, Throw Away the Suit Together, and Futari Escape mashed into one.
It's a novel adaptation, there is strong subtext between the girls and MC keeps talking about how much she wants to fuck girls, sometimes in het terms though
So Poor Poor Lips, but both of them are poor. Could also be a continuation of School Zone because Rei and Kei are both dumb as a bag of rocks and wouldn't be able to get a good paying job as adults.
This is just Throw Away the Suit Together but the girls are happy to work in japanese walmart
Yuri about a couple of farmers in Sengoku era Japan.
I don't want the girls to be too poor, like Throw Away the Suit Together. They might be rough around the edges, financial wise, but that's okay. They lead a simple life and that's enough for them.
>Our Yuri Started With Me Getting a Vision of My Future Lunch in a Lewd Dream
Mayonaka Punch is definitely something to watch
Third wheel introduction speedrun
both nanare and mayonaka are yuri
Looks like we win again.
Cune dying is a bit more than 'nothing'
Nothing ever happens.
>I don't want the girls to be too poor, like Throw Away the Suit Together.
No, you don't want the girls to be lazy and irresponsible, drop work interviews, drop college paid by her parents to go to a vacation her rich's aunt beach house.
Confirmed not straight.
Two more weeks
I realize this is a silly suggestion, but maybe at least once for a change let's try to just watch what we like instead of "winning"?
>her rich's aunt beach house
I'm surprised that they didn't find any loli down the basement. I was so sure that auntie Itou kept them there.
Maybe they would if they spent less time fucking and screaming at each other
No anon, I want to win and write walls of text how this is the most yuri anime of all times, how it's changing the industry forever and accuse everyone who dares to disagree a conspirator with double standards.
Similar to the great man theory, there is no such thing as a "great yuri" as in one yuri would change everything. A final victory must be achieved through hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of cumulative yuri anime screen time and years of struggle. There is no shortcut, if yuri anime wants to be successful, it has to go through the same trials as its manga counterpart.
You don't even know wtf subtext means
Dysfunctional JKs with extreme fetishes sell. The tragic ending also makes people think the whole mess was deep. Truly iconic.
the winning part is defeating the evil Het.

Seriously speaking, the positive part of these "victories" is at least having more real variety that benefits us, even when you have people trying very hard to twist the reasons why something even remotely yuri wins or gets some recognition and it's almost never because the series is decent at worst.

I was reading a negative review of Yuru Camp S3 on MAL, although at first I was right, it deviated in the stupidest way possible for a living being and shows me that the stupidity of normalfags can be even bigger than that of a waifufag.
>mc got kicked out of her group after punching a fellow member and now meets her muse
Where have I heard this before?
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Let me in, I'm a fairy! Don't you believe in fairies?
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This is yuri drawn by a 64 year old women.

>the girl who's main personality trait is to lust after the Mc because he was nice to her once is like this now

Incredible, the Mangaka should take a queue from Saki and just write the guy out at this point
Is the Yuri Convergence Theory real?
If something is successful, everything else copies it hoping to achieve that same success. Just look at all the menhera series that have come out after KitaKawa ended.
So what was the excuse?
Thirst for blood?
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I'm sorry to say that my girlfriend isn't here this month.

Translated by ChatGPT

Cover: Fukahire

Front Color: Kashikaze [A Song for You to Shout Out]

Center Color: Shio Umiusu [Our Love is Gross]
Manga: Koga Yoshito, Original: 4kaenpitsu [Salvia Bouquet]
Kaneko Aru [Both Taira Shin Sisters are Crazy]
Kashiwagi Tsukiko [Even an Introverted Gal Wants to Show Off!]
Chiba Chinmi [The Engagement of the Disliked Witch Lady and the Cross-Dressing Prince]

Serialized Works:

Namori [Ōmuroke]
Namori [YuruYuri]
Tamazaki Tama [The Powerless Saint and the Incompetent Princess: The Saint Summoned with Zero Magic’s Different World Rescue Chronicles]
Aoto Hibiki [If You Want to Skip, Please Go to the Infirmary?]
Shibori Kasuko [Please Make Me Happy Even in the Real World?]
Manga: Aonoshita, Original: Inori., Character Design: Hanaketa [My Favorite is the Villainess.]
sheepD [The Canary Dreams of Glittering Stars]
FLOWERCHILD [Faces That Shouldn’t Be Shown]
Koruse [The Princess of the Temple -Garan no Hime-]
Mukunoki Nanatsu [An Angel Flew Down to Me!]
Yakiniku Teishoku [Do Androids Count in the Number of Experiences??]
Kuwabara Tamotsu [Destroy Everything and Love in Hell]
Itsuki Kuro [Ayasumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels!]
Hyaluron & Daruma [Koharu and Minato]
Sakasana [The Garden of Hell]

Nmi [Romance Code]
Special Feature:

Theatrical Anime [Ōmuroke dear friends]
Back Column:

Kobara Yūko [Collecting Yuri Flowers Blooming in Film to Give to You]
Muromaki [A Story of a German BL Girl Meeting Yuri and Becoming a Queen]
Yūgawa Asaki [Off-the-Record × Girls' Talk]
Hoshii Nanaoku [Let’s Obsess Over Yuri Fantasies!]

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They'll be back next month, r-right?
>Kuwabara Tamotsu [Destroy Everything and Love in Hell]
well at least there's something to look forward to. YH is pretty boring these days though
Who's apparently a pigeon. Is it still yuri if the viewer is a pigeon? I kinda like being a pigeon spying trying to shit out of envy on a yuri couple.
Won't know until the magazine is out and we see next month's series list. This might be the mangaka's way of getting a several month long vacation.
>Our Love is Gross
You have my attention.
The sad thing is, we're near the end of the volume. Meaninging July and August chapters, then another break in September.

The only bit of funny info to come out lately was the inspiration behind Kokoro's character being posted and people freaking out about her eventual mental breakdown and schizo behavior.
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She must be stopped.
Let the great battle between a love song that is whispered and a love song that is shouted start! Wait a second… it seems like one of the contestants didn't show up to the battlefield?
I dream of one day Yuri Hime would be able to become a bi monthly magazine and we won't have to wait 1000 years for a chapter anymore
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>Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon's Shio Usui Launches New Manga

>The manga centers on a girl with a peculiar fetish who was content to live alone, until now.
>her eventual mental breakdown and schizo behavior
Kuwabara also posted about being a soft-touch, so even if Kokoro's messed up for awhile I doubt they'd go full bad end with her. Isanuma's group is on similar unstable footing right now with anyone of them snapping at some point due to the hole they keep digging themselves deeper into.
More asexual yuri inc.
But the authors are dying enough as it is.
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>asexual yuri
That was my expression when I finished doughnuts.
This is gonna be good.
anon, they're dying because monthly magazines don't pay enough. More chapters = more money
The best manga currently running is already bimonthly.
Pretty sure they wouldn't skip work if it was about money.
maybe they're not writing manga full time? I mean these monthly chapters are only about 30 pages - not even long.
Oh damn, you meant coming out twice every month, didn't you. Disregard
>>4250253, English is silly.
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Three years have passed and I have yet to see anything in the girl meets girl genre that I've enjoyed more. For not appreciating it enough in its time, Yuri Fairy will be punishing us for a long time with new original works that not only can't get out of the subtext, but on top of that swings haphazardly between "romance" and "very good friends" modes simply because the writer, director, whoever, wants it that way.
To be fair both girls are pretty gay in the last serialization, but yeah Doughnuts ending is pretty unforgivable, one girl is asexual because of trauma? Ok, let's see how the other girl deals with this, which turned to be "Ah kissing and sex? I don't care about those things".

Not exactly true, more pages = more money because you can print more volumes in a shorter time period, see how for example 10-13 chapters in kirara is the equivalent to one volume but 4-5 chapters is what is equivalent to one volume in YH.
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Mayonaka punch is already more yuri than Jellyfish and GBC, those had choice wrong their champion
Male characters incoming.
Where is Chasing Spica?
It being a bi magazine would make some people mad.
According to a certain autist who hates pregnant ladies it basically already is
Seems it's still not on a consistent release schedule.
I've also seen it translated as "Our Love Feels Sick".
One thing I liked about Aquatope is that it consistently stays true to itself. There isn't a single episode where Fuuka and Kukuru don't have a moment together. Even when they separate, they get back together almost immediately. They knew that their relationship was the highlight of the show and treated it with the utmost care.
I never liked the fact that it stayed strictly in "very good friends" mode while also adding het on top of it, which was left open ended.
If you want to do yuri subtext, you shouldn't do het.
If you want to do het too, then the yuri should go maintext.
But yuri subtext with het? No good.
But that was just a worse version of girlship.
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I'm serious. Aquatope is alright but Nettaigyo is great.
The problem is that they are just raving about things that are not that important, unless someone is a hetfags (those who see Het, even if it doesn't exist)
>I'm sorry to say that my girlfriend isn't here this month.
I'm dying to know what the fuck Fuuko meant by the mommy line.
Baby play
I hope there will be vomit and piss drinking.
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god she's such an unapologetic cunt
it's great
Kill yourself.
I assume those "male gaze yuri" posters that think anything more than handholding or any amount of skin showing is for the male gaze and women couldn't possibly like attractive girls
Was this development foreshadowed enough by Kuwabara? Or should there have been more clues? Even now I see a ton of comments on various reader sites who clearly don't see Kokoro becoming a bad person.

And who will readers blame? Kokoro? Naoi? Kurumi?

Also, do anons think this is a good development if/when it happens? Kuwabara likely won't go to the extreme with it, but Kokoro is clearly being set up to become an antagonist based on what her character inspirations are. Most likely why she seemed so cutesy in the early volumes. It was just Kuwabara building up to the moment of the gloves coming off.
I forgot that /u/ can be pretty chill if it isn't posting 10 walls of text per minute.
Ten years ago these threads would last literal months because there was so much less shitposting.
More like less image spamming
i am new here was the traffic always low?
It's only gotten faster as time goes on. I doubt we even qualify as a slow board anymore.
Thr only way to save /u/ is to turn it into a text only board
>The 15 of us can post really fast now!
We are still pretty slow by general standards, but we have definitely surpassed several other red boards like /d/ and /y/.
>text only board
*images-only board
/y/ don't need a board anymore since they took over every shonen thread on /a/
Lol. Every post is by me btw.
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Husband and wife on a date.
Too bad shy is here too
Is like Yofukashi but yuri
It seen inspired by thag serie
Soo, if she end up eaten her for real
It will count as yuri?
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If you were to learn English, would you still sound so amazingly retarded?
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Now that all the possible yuris this season have aired, which ones have your interest the most?
>deer friend
>mayonaka punch
>shy s2
>vtuber legend
>dungeon people

also why does the vampire appear on camera? i thought they dont appear in mirrors/photos
its always refreshing to get the occasional cunt MC
Mirrors and cameras used to use silver, which was vampire repellent. With modern aluminum mirrors and digital photography we don't have that problem anymore.
>silver, which was vampire repellent
isnt that for werewolves?
Is that why /pol/ keeps buying silver? They are afraid of werewolves?
aren't the only real deal yuri vtuber legend, but i heard it's not focused on romance
Narenare has been confirmed as the anime Yunico talked about back when she asked fans not to give up on original yuri anime during the G-Witch censorship controversy (when Bandai retracted mentions of SuleMio's marriage).


It's the only series I'm following this season.
I'm tired of incels and femcels on /u/ arguing 24/7 what's yuri and what's not. We should just make a kinsey scale graph to determine which series are the gayest end which ones are the least gay.
>Narenare has been confirmed as the anime Yunico talked about
No that's not what the tweet says stop making shit up.
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??? Read the whole chain, anon
and where does it confirms that narenare was the anime she talked about?
All creatures of the night are weak to silver, which was believed to be solid light.
>>deer friend
Might watch it but it doesn't seem too gay, and the humour is very hit-and-miss.

>>mayonaka punch
Quite interesting. Hoping for a bloodsucking scene.

>>shy s2
Cute and gay as usual.

>>vtuber legend
Along with Mayonaka this one is shaping to be the most fun of the season. I love how unashamedly gay the MC is.

Seems like standard PA fare, but I'll watch it anyways. Anima Yell was 6 years ago.

>>dungeon people
Seemed boring and generic. I think I might pass on this one.
The second tweet I posted. The parent tweet is listing the anime she worked on this season.

The tweet itself talks about how the third anime she participated on this season (which she didn't name) is the one where she was allowed to do as she pleased (縦横無尽) and which she worked fervently on (熱心に脚本を書きました). Those descriptors align with tweet 2 of the first chain.
>We are trying REALLY hard
>Anime ends with handholding, never mentions any of the gaytest moments again
Every time, yuri anime does not need to beg the yuri audience to watch
This is like claiming a subtext ship is 100% without a doubt yuri, for all we know she could be talking about something as far from now as Ave mujica.
Your theory seems plausible but I wouldn't have used 'confirmed'.
She was talking specifically in the context of people being disappointed about management interference with Gundam (declaring that there was a project she was given free reign on, which is Narenare).

Of course, individual ideals for yuri vary so there's no guarantee Narenare will end up filling every anon's "yuri checklist" (explicit confession, explicit kiss, explicit relationship, romantic plot focus, emotionally climactic finale, etc.). But the comparison against Gundam indicates we should be able to expect *something*.

Tweet 1 of the first chain is talking about (there being production settings where one can) create explicit yuri. Much as I appreciate Bandori subtext, that doesn't apply to Ave Mujica.
Don't watch something just because it's yuri, watch it because it's good.
So many people here torture themselves watching garbage because it happens to have some girl on girl action
There's no rule prohibiting explicit yuri in Ave Mujica. Bushiroad had an explicitly gay couple in D4DJ at one point.
I do think Narenare is more likely to be the show than the alternatives(another unnamed project, or Ave Mujica). But I will huff my gay mujica hopium until proven wrong.
This, but unironically.
My point is that we already saw this movie before, if it was going to have yuri content she woulf have said so instead of being vague about it.
nta but yunico is vague about everything
everything above is nothing more than fanfiction
BTW, according to the interpreter of Yuniko's cryptic tweets, she (supposedly) had a falling out with Kakimoto because he (supposedly) wouldn't let her read the final storyboard of the whole story. So she doesn't retweet anything regarding NareNare or Ave Mujica because she doesn't know what happened to her script in the end.
Then there is no point in even bringing up
And there is this too, her job was to write the script, not make the anime.
That's just another fanfic we don't actually know shit
I hope YH authors quit taking all of these breaks. It's making the magazine really lackluster as of late.
I am pretty sure the reason they picked so many series, far more they could put in a single issue, is because some series are basically every 2 months or quartely at this point and they need stuff to fill the gaps.
I'd watch Narenare in a heartbeat if they're cheering for a team of dykes
I don't have much hope as real yuri romance goes, but I'm gonna watch all of them this season and enjoy them.
Trusting PA Works to do two yuri(ish) shows this season?
vlad love but good
It helps not being written by an 80 year old with an ego.
>wouldn't let her read the final storyboard
Heteronormative conversion confirmed.
The industry doesn't deserve Yuniko.
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>just write the guy out at this point
I dunno, I'm fine with him. He's not some annoying creep like the Yuri Danshi protagonist, if you've read that garbage parading itself as "yuri". His story arc of blaming his lack of interest in girls on his trauma, having others help him overcoming his trauma, and then slowly realizing that even without his trauma he probably not interested in girls but in a strictly artistic sense after all has been a roller coaster, and certainly one of the most unique I've seen in a coming of age story. He's also an essential part of Lilysa's realization that she's not into boys, and having a male friend she's fond of doesn't mean she has to act like a lover.

I hope one day Mikari comes into terms that Okumura is probably incapable of loving her that way, he only goes out with her out of pity and obligation for the 10 years he abandoned her, and the fact that he just wants everyone around him to be happy. Sounds like the most believable conclusion for their relationship, considering the character development thus far. It's easy to predict where the story would go from there.

I don't care if this series is full /u/ or not. I normally only read yuri but I definitely had more joy reading this than the likes of Octave (not that you're supposed to feel joy from reading octave I guess, but yeah). But I really do hope that it keeps getting gayer though. I has the character development that I wish existed in more yuri works.
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That's silly. I'm already starting to make concerned posts here and there in order to end up on the winning side and confidently proclaim I WARNED YOU (link to my own post).
It's called learning from experience.
I'm glad someone else felt this way about it too. I was kinda disappointed. It has great art and I liked the story but I wish they would have maybe helped her overcome her trauma
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This lustful Brazilian animal is out of control. Who can handle her?

Does Lilysa actually point blank say this or is your goggles on too tight?

I agree with the childhood friend bit though and it sounds like at the end he'll get with no one and every one will be okay with that.

But considering this board all I care about is Lilysa getting pussy (assuming she point blank says she's gay), the cannon yuri couple getting some solid screen time and the cosplayer who just got her first lady crush after only wanting men's attention gets her girlfriend too
Did they all contract the laziness disease from Manio?
They're trying to see if they also get reprints by not working.
>This lustful Brazilian animal is out of control. Who can handle her?
The Portuguese?
>He's not some annoying creep like the Yuri Danshi protagonist, if you've read that garbage parading itself as "yuri"
That manga was crazy, but the part where his imagination of why the girl left her old school to be with the other main girl again was revealed to actually be true was pure kino.
>That manga was crazy, but the part where his imagination of why the girl left her old school to be with the other main girl again was revealed to actually be true was pure kino.
You mean the scene later where the black haired girl turned out to be not into her blonde female friend like in MC delusion but instead started harboring feelings for the male yuri danshi protag?
For a yuri manga even with male yurifag MC it had zero yuri during it run which was so sad it hurts, most YH fans got tired with the same old joke without author giving anything in return, it was so funny to see author cying later after getting axed that he of course planned for it to have a yuri ending for the girls in long run but didn't have enough time to do so, yeah after so many volumes of the same joke he truly didn't.
He even had time to create a yaoi spin-off of it, good ridance.
Shame cause as oneshot go he actually had interesting ideas.
>started harboring feelings for the male yuri danshi protag
I'm glad they axed it before things are getting out of hand, he definitely had plans to shit on yuri. The mc from "I'll Cheer On My Yuri Onee-chan" is possibly the only acceptable male protagonist on yuri works even though the couples had more screen time than him.
>The mc from "I'll Cheer On My Yuri Onee-chan" is possibly the only acceptable male protagonist on yuri works even though the couples had more screen time than him.
This is why all male characters in yuri should just be supportive younger brothers who just want to help out the romance. He was a good boy.
i dropped burst angel for the pseudo self-insert male character in the first episode, i dont know how you people can read/watch an entire series with a male MC for slivers of yuri
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>but instead started harboring feelings for the male yuri danshi protag
Maybe I'm an idiot, or I'm not remembering it right but I never got that impression. I thought she just went from thinking he was weird at that start to being friends by the end.
This is not from the scene I mentioned earlier, but from the last volume. If she had feelings for the mc, I don't think she wouldn't agree that she belongs to the other girl. If you are right though, I think she would be forcibly corrected by her friend anyway.

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