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Anniversary edition

Previous thread: >>4236653

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

>Suletta & Miorine Japan Tour

>Light Novel
https://files.catbox.moe/kawi6k.zip (Vol1 Raw)
https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/[ZeonicScanlations]_Witch_from_Mercury[Vol01].pdf (Translated)

>Houseki no Hibi, the finale insert song by AiNA THE END

>Doujinshi folder
>Doujin Anon's ko-fi

>All About Mercury ZIP
>Accompanying TL Notes

>Misc Translations (including the School Assembly Drama CD)
Translated MajoRaji snippets:

>Asticassia School Festival BD rips
>School Festival Drama CD (parent directory contains WfM-related scans, including non-/u/ doujins)
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The answer is yes, obviously.
someone should typeset those translations...
Has Ericht been driven insane yet from having to watch them fuck all the time?
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Not the requester but thanks TL-nee!

I've been saying that same thing for the past 5 threads if not more.

I can imagine them fucking accidentally infront of Eri until they get used to her keychain form.
Eri likes to watch them and offer constructive criticism to Miorine.
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Found Ryo Ando (wfm codirector) on Twitter.

>Eri keeps teasing Miorine in the epilogue, CMs about BDs, final episode commentary, last Festival CD drama
Redpill me on Eri sisters. Does /u/ think Eri might have a thing for MioMio?
No. It's just sister-in-law banter. That being said, Eri does love Miorine a lot within that aforementioned context.
She and Suletta are genetically identical, so they probably have similar tastes. However, Eri never went through puberty, so her thing is probably like one of those half-formed childhood crushes.
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Newsis here, I wasn't on /u/ when the last episode dropped but nobody really wondered why Erichto suddenly wanted to accompany and travel with Miorine? Doesn't it seem a bit weird? Like Prospera wanted to be with Erichto, feel her daughter and make her happy but keychain-chan still decided to be by Miorine's side everytime...
Of course. Suletta and Eri are basically the same.
I notice that the official staffs really like drawing Miorine
Suletta eating out Miorine while on a meeting through space zoom
while Eri is hearing their moans in the cuck corner
Sabina and Nika also do it but Sabina knows how to keep her poker face
Don't underestimate Miorine
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What happened here?
Miorine's alcoholism is getting out of hand.
Wft Suletta? Appreciate and take care of your wife more
And don't underestimate Suletta's cunning linguistics
Real answer is that they probably wanted to make her a le funny mascot and mascots are always paired with characters that like to biker with them because is funny.
Maybe, her only interaction with other characters was frying El5n and she ignored Sophie so I guess she didn't like them
Eri is an older sister, so i guess she just wanted to know more about Miorine that's why she's with her.
She's spent the last 17 years looking at hangars. of course she wants to see more of the world.

Besides, Miorine probably isn't away from home that much. They have instant communication and she's just the CEO of a small start-up whose products are still in the testing phase.
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I like the idea of Mio being bad at setting the mood/very direct. Kind of like that fic where they visit Asticassia again and find a box full of old uniforms.
>Kind of like that fic where they visit Asticassia again and find a box full of old uniforms.
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The author also wrote two really nice (T-rated) stories for SuleMio Week.
I lost interest in Sulemio and the show ages ago but the marriage anniversary fanarts got me in a nostalgic mood. Then I read the previous thread and remembered why I left in the first place lmao most of you are very cool (doujin anon I love you) but some others are incredibly obnoxious.

That said, I do want to ask if anything new been announced this year? like a new season or a spin-off? did the novels bring any yuri side couples or yuri content with Yushura or nah?
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Wrote that Chucelia fanfic too.

>Then I read the previous thread and remembered why I left in the first place lmao
To be fair, that thread was waaaaaay less schizo than the previous one. I noticed every 2-3 threads the horsemen of shitposting visit /u/s for two threads and then leave and cycle goes on and on and on.

>That said, I do want to ask if anything new been announced this year? like a new season or a spin-off? did the novels bring any yuri side couples or yuri content with Yushura or nah?
Nah. This month, iirc July 27, the new light novel volume (the one with the Char Mommy cover) will be released and we will know how they'll deal with the meteorite.
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Witch from Mercury rewatch: please join the fun.

Episode 01: The Witch and the Bride
>Suletta enrolls in school, meets a girl her age for the first time in her life and becomes her groom

Following a prologue about civilians being massacred with school comedy was such a funny move, especially after they teased Suletta as a cool, possibly scheming girl.

Vim says he wants to kill Delling before the results of the Holder games are overturned, rather than before Guel loses. Does he think Delling won't honor the results or is that a response to Miorine's escape attempt?

Suletta says that Miorine's almost out of oxygen as she rescues her and her escape ship was nowhere to be seen. Was Feng Jun (assuming she'll tell the truth later) not very good at her fake job? Miorine was desperate enough to escape to risk death by suffocation.

Suletta really does stare at Miorine's ass and seemingly doesn't even realize it's her until Miorine turns to look at her. She also proceeds to follow this weird, rude and unfriendly girl around while ignoring Nika's friendly overtures. Clearly she's intrigued already.

They didn't change antes after Miorine is revealed as the pilot inside Aerial, so Miorine not beating the best duelist in school would have presumably resulted in Suletta having to drop out. That's a cold thing to do to girl who has so far done nothing but help you and compliment your tomatoes.

Miorine is so theatrical about bestowing Suletta the Holder's colors and explaining what they mean. I guess she's trying to establish control in this new situation. "I guess Mercury is rather conservative" was a great pre-emptive burn to Bandai.

I forgot there was a whole separate ED for Shukufuku that was never used again, which is rather luxurious.

We were robbed of a scene where Prospera hears about Suletta's engagement to Miorine on her first day and unceremoniously throws out a binder of flowcharts on how to make it happen.
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Sis, you're the best.

I remember, when I first watched the show, thinking "this shit is Utena" and I still do it. The duel thing, the greenhouse belonging to the bride, a cocky asshole who mistreats the bride making the MC to interfere, duel and win the bride in the very first episode.

>Does he think Delling won't honor the results or is that a response to Miorine's escape attempt?
No. He wanted to kill Delling because there was a chance of Guel losing.... thing that happened.

My theory is she was going to take Miorine hostage since she was working for space CIA, I doubt she was going to help her.

>That's a cold thing to do to girl who has so far done nothing but help you and compliment your tomatoes.
Interesting take, but our consensus is Miorine took over Suletta's duel because she didn't want to get her involved in everything: corpo stuff, bride game, get expelled. Most people found it noble, actually. I think Lynn has said something about that.

I recently read a nip tweet saying Miorine married Suletta thanks to her "You're going to take responsibility". Because of it Suletta reached her at school, then Miorine rescued her, Suletta followed her to the greenhouse to thank her, sees Guel being a dick and is challenged to a duel, destroys Dilanza and became MioMio's groom.

Must say I fell in love with WfM thanks to the 'The Witch from Mercury' track and the whole Aerial activation sequence, too kino.

>I forgot there was a whole separate ED for Shukufuku that was never used again, which is rather luxurious.
That's from Shukufuku's official video.
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Imagine the hot sex wearing the onesies
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Why does FoxRine look so fucking smug?
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Kitsurine is damn aware of who's banging her, the most sexo tanuki of all, Tanukiletta.
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dj-anon here. Semester is done, I passed all my classes, now I have all the time of the world to typeset! (and play Shadow of the Erdtree)

I'm focusing on "Starting with the warmth of your palm" right now, it should be done soonish.
>He wanted to kill Delling because there was a chance of Guel losing
That's what I assumed, but he specifically says he's concerned about the results being nullified and calls the fights "gokko", which means children's games. Maybe Vim knows Delling is up to something. If he got Quiet Zero operational, he wouldn't need to make the other companies protect Miorine or care about what they think. My Japanese is too rudimentary to really tell if "nullify" is a good translation of "hakushi ni naru", though. I guess it could mean both that or Guel losing.

>I doubt she was going to help her.
Yeah, helping her escape to Earth wouldn't have gotten her anything. She definitely wanted to turn her into an asset somehow, which she later does.

>our consensus is Miorine took over Suletta's duel because she didn't want to get her involved in everything
I only started watching the show after S1, so I missed all that. I don't think that's her motivation, though. She tells Guel she's sick of others making decisions for her and that it's her fight, which implies she doesn't want Suletta making decisions for her either. Maybe she intended to use the ambiguity of what the antes are to get Suletta out of having to drop out later, though.

Still, this is a pretty stupid and reckless plan on her part, compared to how she'll act in the future. More evidence of her not great mental state prior to becoming Suletta's bride.

>Must say I fell in love with WfM thanks to the 'The Witch from Mercury' track and the whole Aerial activation sequence, too kino.
It's a great scene. I also like Suletta dropping her stutter and suddenly becoming confident and cool.
Based Suletta. She really like tsunderes.
TL neesan please

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>Miorine-san~ I'm about to pop to the shops~
>Would you like to come too?
>Mm~ Should I?~ I do want ice cream~

>Y-you're going out wearing that!?
>And isn't that t-shirt mine...?
>(It's way too short! Change into something else!)
>Hah? What's yours is mine, right?
>(I'm wearing shorts underneath, so what's the problem)
>What kind of logic is that!

>Ahhh...you've been a real pain in the ass lately~
>(Ended up changing)
>Because! Walking around like that at home is one thing,
>but outside?
>I really wish you'd care a little more about how others look at you~...
>Ahh~ Fine, fine,
>I get it.

>Another day (1)
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>Another day (2)
>Check it out!
>(Just bought it)

>You're always wearing my t-shirts, right?
>So I thought maybe you'd been wanting to wear matching ones all along!

>...You really are such a...
>You don't understand a maidens heart at all...!

>I'm wearing it BECAUSE it's your t-shirt!!
>It's not the same if it's been bought for me!
>Start putting a little more thought into things!
>You dope!!
>When you give a reason like that, it's a little hard for me to argue...

I got a strange sense of deja vu doing this and then saw the date and realised I'd probably already read it last year.

Congrats with passing, and good luck with SoTE (esp the final boss).
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>Miorine-san, that's...
>Yeah, I borrowed them.

>Ah, sorry. Should I not?
>Ah, no. I'll give them to you, so feel free to wear them.

>I did buy those shorts, but they turned out to be a little too small, so you can have them. Please wear them.
Why would Suletta have a shirt with her face on it? lmao
You don't?
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I do have a shirt with Suletta's face on it, but I don't have one with my own face lol
So it was a repost? Thanks neesan.
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Congrats on surviving school, anon! And thank you. By the way, not to sound like an entitled bitch, did you get "Bewitched to you"?

>Still, this is a pretty stupid and reckless plan on her part, compared to how she'll act in the future. More evidence of her not great mental state prior to becoming Suletta's bride.
Sis, did you forget S2? Just kidding. We must get "Shaddiq's Happiness'" translated, we only have a glimpse of MioMio's pre-Suletta life in the beginning of episode 9 and said CD-drama. There's a fanfic portraying that, written by YuuMio fag.

Thanks TL-nee. I think you translated >>4248707 before.

Again, any sister interested in typesetting the translations?
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>Sis, did you forget S2?
That's just it. Miorine has the same kind of extreme and reckless tendencies as her dad and needs a cute tanuki girlfriend to ground her. This is why that horsesister of pooposting who thinks Miorine married down is wrong. She needs Suletta more than Suletta needs her.
Wrong. Stop insulting Miorine.
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Report and move on sisters...

This. She became shitdad during S2.
And yes, glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks Miorine needs Suletta more than the latter needs her. Speak correctly and don't sugarcoat your words. These assholes aren't sisters, are schizos/shitposters from /a/ who killed the WfM threads by scaring off the normal sisters.
So you think Miorine is useless? Suletta is literally killing people until Miorine did something about it.
Suletta is pretty useless without Miorine since the beginning.
I hope yurikyanon will post new things, I didn’t realize it was a repost until I saw the date but it was the first time I’ve seen it so thank you still, TL neesan!
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Her most recent Sulemio art was the anniversary one.
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>did you get "Bewitched to you"?

This one?
Yeah, that one.
>zero post for a whole day
It’s never been more over than it is now.
>whole day
last post wasn't even 20 hours ago stupid bitch
I was sleeping, do you want to bait the sister schizos or shitposters so they can shit up another comfy sulemio thread? Fuck off newsis
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I just want people to talk more about Sulemio. Don’t be mad at me, sisters.
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Forgot to post link
Dis you ask permission?
I have mixed feelings about this artist, her first work has Suletta raping Miorine after episode 17.
It's not rape if you plan to make her your wife
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Sis, I was too busy to do my imagedump. If you want people to talk about Sulemio, bring up a good topic or do an imagedump. I second the other sister, this thread has been very peaceful.
The sisters from my timezone left.
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Miorine enjoyed it Jokes aside, I think Mio would let Suletta do it because she felt like shit and worthless after ep17
Sounds like you should join the rewatch and post your thoughts.

So regarding episode one, do you also think that Suletta was originally straight/bi and was only converted by Miorine to be a lesbian? Or maybe she always liked girls but didn't seriously think about it because she thought it was not possible?
She was probably an unknowing bi girl who just really liked Hibikek-like stories about female friendship.
True. And Miorine was and is always a lesbian, right?
She's more like bisexual than straight, she got attracted to Miorine quickly when she first saw her.
She's an extreme momma's girl, I cannot imagine a universe in which she is not fully gay.
I wonder about poor Ericht. She lost her body before the start of puberty. Her view of sex and romance has to be pretty messed up because of that.
Well she’s obviously into Miorine so we can safely say she’s a lesbian too.
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>Why haven't you written to the stork yet, Miorine? Are you afraid she'll refuse to give you a baby because of your personality?
There's some weird parts that maybe imply Shaddiq could have had a chance, but I can't see her liking him or any guy. Miorine's a lesbian in my heart.
Suletta and Shaddiq are too different to consider that the latter had a chance, Miorine likes baka genki type.
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I prefer the full cat form.
A cat is fine too
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>Miorine likes baka genki type.
Miorine doesn't like jerks, that's why even Shapussy wouldn't have a chance.

I like Miopussy regardless of the presentation.
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Miorine likes cute type while Suletta likes mysterious type.
Other TL-anon/sis, it's taken me a while to properly look at your translation - but these are my thoughts and suggestions on it.

For Chuchu's dialogue in p6 you could add a "hey" or some additional "cut the crap" - word after her "Oi" to emphasize her annoyance to Suletta's splashing.

For page 7, I know translation-wise it is a bath, but due to the nature of it being more akin to a bathhouse I'd try and work that in instead of just a bath. Communal bathing perhaps??

Also while the comic itself keeps using あー, I'd try to switch up beginning sentences with just "Ahh" (just for more variety)

Of course this is just suggestions from the person who keeps saying they'll definitely post the final, final- final translated version of 'お願いよ、花婿さん' soon.

Which I totally will now that I've looked into JP-ENG sfx online databases- absolute godsend
What are they doing?
Imagine Suletta eating out Miorine's phat ass and pussy...
Now that the dust has settled we can agree that suletta is always the top yes?

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