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Atsushi Nishigori original anime project
Studio: CloverWorks
Airing 2025
Apparently it's a film.
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>"Girl love girl" in the trailer
>vampire girl with harem
Seems promising, honestly. Only male involved seems to be confined to the alien girl's story.

Seems more like it's three different stories, maybe even three films? The 3D highway scene is production labeled "GTQ2". And the trailer is broken into three sections, "1" the alien tentacle girl who is also and idol, "2" the fashionable girls with weapons and cars fighting some sort of monsters in the city (and each other?) and "3" the vampire girl and her harem.

There's a brief paragraph at 0:42 from Nishigori that is somewhat difficult to read but:

>'things we can do now" and "things we can only do now"
>Beautiful girls, ..... actioin, and music video ... production
>This collection of works is packed with things I've cultivated in my previous projects that were stored away without a chance of showcasing them.
>There are three distinct pieces, each with its own color, but they share(?) common themes such as the 'fusion of .... focused imagery and music' and .... strong girls who face situations from a minority's (?) perspective.
>I believe these themes are more relevant than ever
>.... and a bit melancholic, aiming for entertainment that is 'as much of ... you love(?) as you ..." full of ...
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Nishigori is no stranger to yuri
I just hope it isn't another Vlad Love type of false advertising.
Vlad Love wasn't really falsely advertised outside of its single original concept art piece that looked serious. Oshii was entirely upfront, long before it came out, about how he wanted to return to stupid 80/90s slapstick crap and that's exactly what it was, beat for beat old bad anime comedy.
Yeah but he didn't need to cancel yuri in it after first half baiting.
He didn't. The series ends literally ends with them happily walking together arms linked. Don't be a fucking retard.
Yeah, maybe it's an omnibus film. There are two character designers so far, Masato Anno (alien idol?) and Shouta Iwasaki (vampire girl and her harem), Isao Hayashi probably doing the action of girls vs monsters part
I think the problem is that he really didn't go all in on the yuri aspect as many were hoping. Twenty years ago this would've been fine as a yuri comedy, but in an age where a lot more explicit yuri is out there, that aspect comes off as lacking.
>IMAGINE thinking the hack behind Darling in the HETxx is not gonna be a GROTESQUE fail.
>Darling in the HETxx
If this is the best you could come up with, you're not in any position to be calling other people hacks. Franxx was a het show to begin with, it never advertised or presented itself as anything other than a very obvious het show. He still had the decency, in a show all about men and women reproducing, to include a serious lesbian character, keep her firmly lesbian, have her be a valuable contributor to humanity's survival, and even get a girlfriend at the end.

Your logic here is severely flawed. If he puts gay girls into his turbo-het shows and still treats them well, there's zero reason to think a show that openly advertises having gay girls is going to be anything but fine.
Literally everybody that wasn't straight in that show got the most horrible end possible, so fuck you and fuck this hack.
Ikuno got off lightly all things considered.
The big question is who's going to be the script writer for this unless Nishigori is writing the whole thing also
That was literally the only scene that could be considered yuri, the rest was gimmick characters, bad jokes, boring references and a character treated like shit without really deserving it.

The silliest complaints at the time were for being a comedy and not the super serious and mature anime that people wanted, the problem is that it was mediocre both in comedy and even trying to be yuri.

Regarding GROTESQUE, better to wait and see what happens.
Hiro and Zero Two got hit the worst by the plot hackery at the end so not even straights were safe.
The writing on that anime was terrible from start to finish, it was so bad that I got sick and went to the hospital the next day (seriously)
Either way, someone on /a/ deciphered the small text that appears in the trailer and it points towards the movie being made up of three separate stories. The one the kiss is from should be just one of them.
Out of curiosity, was there a particular scene that made you feel unwell?
>someone on /a/ deciphered the small text that appears in the trailer and it points towards the movie being made up of three separate stories.

>Seems more like it's three different stories
Sorry, hadn't noticed it was already reposted.
episode 1, the entire episode.
It wasn't reposted, it was posted here first, while /a/ was busy struggling to understand the trailer.

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