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I'm gonna miss these two.

What would you nee-sans like to see in future GBC media?
More aseasons until they get to the Budokan, as a bare minimum.
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They could easily stretch out two seasons worth of story and end their journey at the Budokan - honestly they could do much more than two seasons, but I feel like then you're venturing into too easily ruining the spirit of the series by doing too much.
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Anyone got any fic recs?
I really wish this had been two cour to begin with. This is one of those premises that you could endlessly milk if they really wanted. But I really want to see a band anime that has roughly this kind of pacing where they go as far as realistically possible and make it in the end. Professionally and romantically. I love the professional band angle and the drama that comes with it.
Seconding. The ones in the last thread were nice.
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Yeah, I totally agree. For a while there, I really really thought maybe it would be a secret two cour series, but that was all cope obviously.

Whatever we get next, I hope Hanada is involved. Or get someone who isn't afraid to push a narrative similar enough to what he gave us. I would really really hate this series to fall into dumb tropes, but now I'm just kinda doomposting I guess.

I just really want to see whatever continuation we get to do the characters justice. There really is so much to still explore in this world.
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I get the doomposting though. 'cos you get a glimpse into the alternate universe where the characters and story were more generic with the drama CDs and random multimedia bits. And it feels like not everyone stewarding the franchise really understands what they're working on.
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I wouldn't mind a few OVAs featuring MomoNina's daily house life. Also TomoRupa's.
>Soobs comes for an announced visit to Nina and Momoka (she has her own keys)
>Immediately leaves upon hearing them fuck right when she enters
>Goes for an announced visit to Tomo and Rupa (also has the keys to their place)
>Immediately leaves upon hearing them fuck right when she enters
>Goes back home to play video games
Being Subaru is suffering
She needs to come on time if she wants a threesome. It's too late to insert yourself once they've started.
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Kek this is so them. Perfect!
Care to try that again in English?
Don't reply to ESLs, specially when they're trolling
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When you just want to go home, have a beer and go to bed but your 16yo gf suddenly needs reassurance sex.
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Erotic asphyxiation, another way to use big hands

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