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Arctic Summer World PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DqQOFrkVxs

Previous Thread: >>4197543

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798378237911
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798424059049
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

Riyo Special: https://youtu.be/98s0s3VWwho

Memory of Grand Order: https://youtu.be/WsqeLqJPKUM
Oh look! I still got to use current OP as the OP.

Also, Anniversary on JP is still upcoming, so no news too relevant for now.

Good luck for anyone doing the GSSR~
Since I couldn't post this in my post linking this thread, I'll post it here.
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Kama is so cute
. . . .
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Castoria is so cute. It's so good that we finally got an Artoria that is popular with Gudako.
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Nice toes.

I keep forgetting that Ibuki is one big mama!
You can say that again.
(kinda wanted to say Salter, but we already went over that discussion in the previous thread)

Come on Anon, you don't need to remind me/us how bad Wada is at drawing feet.
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Tiny wife
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>MHX banners starts
>Do the single daily summon
>Rainbow Sparks
>MHX get
And we were just mentioning in the previous thread how rare it's to see Rainbow Sparks. With this, aside from Zerker Castoria next year, I'm only missing Ecchan from the Artorias I care about (i.e. excluding vanilla Artoria, her summer version, and the summer lion king).

On a less related note:
I realized yesterday there were new Advanced Quests to do, and it was kinda satisfying to beat the one you fight Wagahai-kun, Hephaestion and XX with Morgan.

PS: Chapters 31 and 32 of Salem are translated.
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My loli wife
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Hopefully I don't waste much sq and ticket for Summer Proto Merlin, as I like to have a guaranteed pity for S. Skadi.
Around 200SQs and 19 Tickets wasted trying to get Illya...

In this case, shouldn't you just Summon Skadi first and use what's left for Avalon-chan?
Well, since Arcueid didn't wanna come (she probably sensed that I always prefered Ciel over her) I can happily announce that Lady Avalon blessed me on my first ticket though.
I feel very conflicted.

(I'll wait for the Ibuki banner first)
Only 30 rolls to get Lady Avalon
But i think she appear easily because i sacrifice 200 rolls in failed to get Jeanne summer and Tsukihime
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I want both Proto Merlin and S.Skadi. Which is why I hope to not waste too much on Proto Merlin as I would had like not worrying about getting S.Skadi. Unfortunately use 360 Sq and 20 tickets. Which is not the worst and hopefully S.Skadi come home with 630 SQ and 20 ticket.
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Are there crane x mordred fanarts?
Forgot to comment on this, but I like how Ishtarin's hair grows from one image to another.
Also I don't remember Ecchan being this perma-angry, or even angry at all.


>I want both Proto Merlin and S.Skadi.
Yes, I got that.
However, I don't know if that was the intention, but from your previous post, I got the feeling Skadi was the priority over Avalon-chan, thus, my suggestion to wait for Skadi's banner, get her, and *then* roll for Avalon-chan, so instead of getting Avalon-chan and now having the danger of missing Skadi, you would guarantee your Skadi and risk missing Avalon-chan.
Either way, congrats on getting Avalon-chan, and I hope you can get Skadi as well.

I really appreciate all the Gudako x Castoria this artist is providing.

Adorable. I hope we get more fanarts of them in those outfits.
Meteo please, just write an event and give us Lavinia back. I need Gudako/Abby/Lavinia threesome material
>Proto Merlin wants to be our little sister
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Oh look, after who knows how long, we finally got more EXTRA Record news:
Tho it's just an announcement of more news to come, instead of the news themselves...

"Wait and Hope."

And yet, there's next to no fanarts of them together...

Is... Is that who I think it is?
Like Lady Avalon, if they want to genderswap a character is better turn them a familiar
for example, Nero could had been the daughter of the imperator instead of the actual
Isn't it a bit late to complain about genderswaps?
You do realize Avalon-chan is just pretendingā„¢ to not be Merlin, right?
She's Merlin from the same timeline as Proto!Arthur, and as far as I'm aware, our [Female Merlin] here predates the male one (as far as Fate goes).
Also, the entire premise is to summon heroic spirits of the past, real or fictional, so it would be more than a little weird to have, "Nero's daughter", "Attila's sister" or "Arthur's step-cousin" instead of the heroes themselves.

There actually is one Servant that fits your description, and that's pic related.

Also, forgot to mention, but to anyone who played EXTRA before, why the heck is Arc in that trailer? Does she show up in the original EXTRA?
Hello, Janaina, how is your sopa du macaco today?
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Yes, Arcueid appeared in the old Fate/Extra as a Berserker and you could fight her if you picked the Rani route.
Here's some for you
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Yeah in a game where Gudako's daughters are a literal book in human form, a twisted existence representing Jack the Ripper, a gigantic child version of Paul Bunyan, and a loli version of an evil (tsundere) Joan of Arc I think we're way past genderswapping.

I always say as long as they aren't swapping in game I'm fine. I think the only servant that does that is Da Vinci, and come on its Da Vinci. Da Vinci in Fate felt like they were a woman trapped in a man's body and can now be themselves.
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>Ibuki/Erice banner
>9th Summon
>Golden sparks
"Oh~ The song as a catalyst worked!"
"Now I only need to get Erice and I can go back to Avalon-chan's banner."
>14th Summon
>Unceremonious Golden Zerker Card
>Ibuki again
"Holy- Guess now I *have* to commission art of her with Gudako."
>A few summons later
>Silver Zerker card
>Becomes Gold
>Heart stops
"Well, guess luck for me can only go so far."
>31st Summon
That was a great result if I do say so myself.
Avalon-chan on the other hand, took 125 Summons to get...
At least I got a bonus in also getting the Konyayas' mother.
. . .
Guess now I have vanilla Artoria too... and it was a Silver turning to Gold Summon... personally, I took that as mockery... but I'm not brave enough to keep going to try to get Gareth...
Overall, it was pretty good. Now I'm left with 566SQs to try to get Skadi (and I sure hope she shows up, and leave me some SQs, because I also want to try getting Koen Shaku during Halloween).

Oh, I see. I thought they were adding her to the remake, but she was always there, huh...

Many thanks Anon!
You wouldn't happen to have some Summer!Ibuki x Gudako as well, would you?


Wait, was DaVinci ever not Mona Lisa in Fate? I think I have heard of this before, but when it happened, really?
No problem
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Also here's some Gudako x Ibuki
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Again, many thanks Anon, very.
But I must say:
The hell is happening on this one >>4259317?

Also noticed it's the same artist as >>4255694 and >>4255696, and while the usual sites failed to give me source with the other two, with this now I got access to them, and they have quite some cute images. Thank you.
No ibuki from Wada?
Unfortunately, all the Summer Servants (of the current Event) not featured in the OP image are instead in the "gudao version" of the image, and as such, cannot, and should not, be posted.
But I guess I can link it for you if you for some reason want to see... . . . if so, let me know.
huh that sucks.
Another 10 rolls to get Skadi but instead
i get 1 vytra, 1 jack
two rare 5 star who arenĀ“t in the banner, wtf?
690sq and the only 5 star was a fucking orion spook.
At this point between this and her normal version I've used over 2ksq trying to get Skadi with nothing to show for it.

Well, with nothing to look forward to until next year at least I'll have a bit more saved up.
Your pic and the Valkyrie harem already give to Gudako the best harem anyway
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Now, while Avalon-chan took a bit to show up (145 summons) without me getting Gareth in the process, for Skadi I used my remaining 178 summons (532SQs), got 4 Wus (which's quite nice, won't pretend it isn't) but no Skadi...
Also got Tsuna, Percival and my 5th Carmilla (but no undesired 5* like in the Avalon banner).
. . .
Is it because I never tried too hard to get her normal version?

It very much does.

>>4260932 (didn't even know Vritra wasn't limited...)
>>4261020 (No interest in Koen Shaku?)
I'm sorry to read that... guess us 3 will be Skadilets for a while.

That so?
But well, you know how greed is, I always want more.
Also, I'm sorry to ask, but can someone post the other Riyo!Gudako gifs? I tried to google them but it's just giving me versions that are more than 4MB, and archived.moe doesn't save images anymore, so I can't even just go to old posts of mine to get them back...
Not really. Nothing until Teno next year, then Draco, then Saber Medusa. That's all I'm willing to roll for until next summer.
Well manages to snag everyone from the summer versions, but I sure didn't expect a NP4 Summer Wu and Gareth out of the deal. I usually have trouble getting summer 4*s. Just kinda wish I'd gotten Ibuki to npw, but oh well.
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Spent about 1100 SQ or so on the Summer banners and got:

N1 Lady Avalon
NP2 Gareth
NP1 Erice
NP2 Summer Ibuki
NP1 Summer Skadi
NP4 Summer Wu
NP1 Mordred

and a few male spooks that aren't worth mentioning here. Now have 747 SQ and 88 tickets left to be put toward a yet unknown goal.
I need more fanarts of Wu and Yang together, doesn't even need to be yuri, just them being a family in one way or another (tho I wouldn't be against yuri of them, of course) . . . unfortunately that kinda further solidifies Yang as a het Servant, but it's not like Lasagna doesn't add unnecessary lines like that one about Darius already anyways... not to mention that Yang already has next to no yuri images like, 2 or so with Gudako and a handful with BB (that are far from anything explicit)... and Wu, despite being friends with Carmilla, just has a few comedy fanarts with her and nothing more...

"Teno...? Oh, Tenochtitlan."
I was going to ask "Not even Mayan Quetz?" but they being from the same story and you mentioning only one of them is probably the answer.

>Had 1800+ SQs before the summer banners
Holy damn, is that what self-control looks like? or perhaps you're just way more selective than me.
Either way, congrats on getting everyone.

>to be put toward a yet unknown goal.
Odd, back when she was first released, people here seemed quite interested in Koen Shaku, but doesn't seem to be the case anymore.
>Koen Shaku
That's the GudaGuda banner, right?
Yeah I can't say I'm interested in her. Iyo is enough for me.

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