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Previous thread >>4213399
Hima and Shiho would make a better couple than Yori and Hima
>Adapt a yuri series
>Cut huge parts of the yuri out
>to short of an act 1 to make a full season
>to long of an act 2 to fit it all into season 1
>didn't think or decided against adding anime only content to fill that void or just do half a season
Didn't matter since the production staff was too incompetent to get all 12 episodes finished in the time allotted anyway.
Have they given any update on when the last 2 episodes would be?
no, they've only said that they're delayed indefinitely and that they'll make an announcement when (if?) they decided on an air date for them.
You have to consider how strict the schedules are in Japan, if Toei basically almost destroyed Digimon so as not to lose a slot in the schedule, without considering the possibility that the last 2 episodes would be relegated to the BD.
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I've caught up with the manga and holy shit did the anime cut out massively important parts. Also, I feel so bad for the mangaka; she was so excited about the anime coming out and how the VAs were portraying the characters exactly as she envisioned them, only for the production staff to have so many issues. I doubt the last two episodes will live up to the manga, but I hope they get made anyway just to give it closure.

Anyway, I fucking love Yori.
I really hope the fireworks festival will end up being in the last two episodes and the voiced manga thing was just a way of making the wait for those easier. Yori and Hima deserve their kiss scene
>no one cares about hima's birthday
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I always think it's cute that ichijinsha social account buys cake for character's birthday. Who ever runs it must get to treat themselves a lot.
no chapter in yurihime this month? i follow various sasakoi twitter accounts but somehow i missed it if it was warned for ahead of time.
>No sasakoi chapter
>Asumi chan chapter was short and filler
Disappointing month for me
No chapter this month, but we will get the anthology comic on the 27th.
plus the special edition of the anthology comes with a 20 page Aki/Shiho comic by Eku.
the voiced version of the festival kiss hit 100K on youtube, which the official account was celebrating.
Still crazy to me how all the comments are positive. I guess something is better than nothing but I'm still mad they cut it totally from the anime.
Yeah I dont understand the positivity it all feels forced and fake after being handed scraps. Im still holding out hope that the festival will be one of the last two episodes.
>all the comments are positive
They are positive about the voice comic. There are a lot of negative comments about the anime. Sure they're not saying "the anime is shit, fuck the producers" but they show they are disappointed.
>アニメ化した唯一の評価点 どのキャラも声が解釈一致すぎる。 個人的には歌もかなり好き
>えく先生の絵に声が付いてる… こういうのが見たかったのよ
>アニメーションで見たかったけど 正直あの作画でボロクソに言われるぐらいならこっちの方が嬉しい
>観たかったのはコレなのよコレ! 例のアニメは原作への愛を感じられ無くて気持ち悪ささえあったけど、やっぱり原作はキャラが活き活きしてる。
And so on.
>The animation in the voiceover video is actually better than in the anime
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the volume 10 cover is cute. The stage play starts tomorrow so various merch and videos have been shown today, as well as confirming it'll get a bluray.
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The anthology comes out Monday, they already showed the lineup for it but I'm shit at remembering author names so here's who's done what.
>Aotsubaki Toto - Love Live doujins and some oneshots
>Aonoshimo - I'm in Love with the Villainess
>Itou Hachi - Isn't The Moon Beautiful?
>Inui - Idolmaster doujins and some oneshots
>Utatane Yuu - The Skirt Sings at the Landing
>Shikushiku - The Best Ending in the World
>Tori - The Public Moral Committee Member and the Delinquent Who Will Be Together in the Future
>Nekotarou - The Fed-Up OL Wants to Serve the Great Villainess
>Haruhana Aya - Kiss the Scars of the Girls
>Mukunoki Nanatsu - Wataten
>Yuama - The Summer You Were There
>Yukiko - A Room For Two
>Itou Hachi
Wow the queen of yuri has stopped tending to her loli farms to put out a one shot
A blessed day
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Takeshima Eku posted for the first time since May when the anime started to have all its production issues. She seems really happy with the play so I'm glad it went over well with her. I hope it gets fansubbed like how Blooms did but plays are kind of niche so I'm not holding my breath.
First 54 minutes of stage play on youtube for limited time
my youtube DLG wont seem to grab it, can someone please save it
I really like this cast's portrayal of the characters too. equal to all the VAs
Neat! I hope it does well, I saw people saying they were happy that the festival kiss was included this time and hoped it got a sequel so I'm guessing that's where it ends.
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Nakatani Nio also came to see it. Maybe it'll inspire her to do some more yuri.
Where is Shiho?
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gotta give people a reason to buy those tickets.
I wish I could go watch it live.
Didn't this follow the manga closely instead of bringing her up forward like in the anime?
As far as her acting goes it follows the anime version.
I wish they could afford yukatas for everyone instead of just Kino and Yori.
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Coincidently the actress playing Aki also plays a canon lesbian in some sort of idol franchise.
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that explains why I kept seeing comments mentioning her girlfriend then.
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Yeah it is great, yuri-wise.
Shiho's hand will be inside Aki before too long. I wonder how much kissing the actresses do during rehearsal for, you know, practice.
I hope they announce the sequel soon. Or maybe they will be waiting for the BD/DVD release?
Raws are out for the anthology and the vol 10 booklet. The anthology is a nice mix of HimaYori, MariKaori and AkiShiho stories but no love for MomoHajime.
Their relationship is still too undefined in the source material.
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I wounder if they'd need the last two anime episodes to air first? They're using the same songs but the anime hasn't done the school festival yet so presumably there's a song each for the SSGIRLS and Laureley yet to be released. Unless those have come out anyway and I just didn't notice.
The songs already came out in 2 anime related CDs, and some /a/non reported that they sang some of those unaired songs in the small concert earlier this month.
Ah okay, good to know! Well then in terms of when a sequel might be announced the Yagakimi play ran in May 2019 and its encore performance, which added about an hour onto the run time to cover the whole manga storyline, was announced a few month later in October. I imagine ticket + BD/DVD + merch sales will play into if it gets one in the first place.
Well don't have place for such a big canvas art board...
Shiho is a bottom
>They started auditions in Jan
>Yori is the last one they found, at end of March/start of April
It's tough to find tall Japanese women, unless they went with a very short Himari to make up the difference. I assume that the audition process for Yori involved having actresses kiss Himari, who would then make the final determination depending on who was the best kisser.
Too bad the audition was done by the director playing Himari lol, so no kissing
And today the seiyuu playing her girlfriend went to watch the Sasakoi play!
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the audience was allowed to take photos at the curtain call today and Eku drew some of the poses the girls made.
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guardians of shiho
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Gal Peace
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There is also the non-meme version
Does this mean they are scissor sisters?
They would be, if Miki had her way.
>7/30 Evening Showing
>Special Curtain Call

>YoriHima~~ So cute~~
>They're really flirting a lot
>This is amazing

>Gal Peace Mizuguchi sisters are nice!!

>Unbelievably awesome KaoMari

>Laureley!!!! I love the parental vibe MomoHaji gives off!!
>Shihohon's cute when she's being tsun.
Why is Mari like this?
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>It's tough to find tall Japanese women
and they had to do it three times, Yori had to be taller than Himari, Kaori had to be taller than Mari and Hajime had to be taller than everyone.

yuri supporting yuri!
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thanks for the translation~ it's nice to see Takeshima so hyped over it, I was worried the anime might kill their motivation but this has at least balanced things out a little.
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>I was worried the anime might kill their motivation
Why? The staff worked hard on the anime and everyone loved it.
>Why? The staff worked hard on the anime and everyone loved it.

Basically some people want this anime to be hated or to be synonymous with something negative, they want the author to hate the anime and everyone involved.
Anon was being sarcastic and the anime should be rightfully hated for a variety of reasons.
Being disappointed in something and wanting it to be better is one thing, but hating the series is a different thing, because you'd be hating the original by default too.
The original doesn't look like crap nor does it liberally skip some of the most important content so no, only the adaptation should be hated like tons of bad adaptations of manga and other media.
>skip some of the most important content
But they didn't skip Shiho?
Shiho x Himari should have happened

Author is a COWARD
I'm honestly glad when an author is more mature than the fans, it reminds me of the idiots who hated Supaidaman for being an "offense to the original" when the creator of the character loved that version.

The only ones who deserve to be hated are the staff people who derailed the project with nonsense.
Don't know why you think Takeshima must like the anime when she stopped talking about it entirely a few episodes in save for apologizing for the delay of the last two episodes.
Don't know why you think Takeshima must hate the anime
But they didn't finish it, the last two episodes have not been seen yet, the quality of several episodes that were finished was low, several of the musical numbers were not fully animated.
This usually ruins a anime, and ruined anime often bring down the manga it was supposed to sell. Certainly its hard to see any bump in Yuri Hime's sales from this, but the tankubon might have done better.
Its nice that everyone worked hard and liked it but they didn't finish it and that last two episodes and at least two major songs are still no aired on TV, and that is not good at all.
The last 2 episodes will be even more amazing than the others. Can't wait to see how much love they put into them.
More effort goes into the episode if Shiho is there. It's that simple.
>Shiho/Hima NTRing Yori
>Aki/Miki incest
Would've been the greatest manga of all time.
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Miki won...
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sequel baiting?
pretty much.
Just need to wait for the final receipts for the full run of the show to see if there is funding for it.
Assuming some TV company doesn't swoop in and want to make a live action out of it now.
The yurucamp life action was comfy so its a win win.
I refuse to watch a Yuru Camp where Nadeshiko doesn't look like Kirby
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oh so Yori does have a mom after all.
She was seen in chibi form once though I don't remember which chapter.
I only remember seeing Himari's dad as a little chibi early on but maybe I'm forgetting others. Not that it matters too much, Himari's mom is the only parent that plays a role in the story anyway.
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Found it. Not a chibi like I remembered but still not a full view.
oh you're right! funny how Himari and Yori are just slightly younger looking versions of their mothers.
It would've been easier to remember if the anime hadn't skipped it.
Yori looks like an amalgamation of her mom and dad.
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Yori is so androgynous and beautiful it's almost like a man and a woman had a baby.
>it's almost like a man and a woman had a baby.
Wow, that never happens!
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Today's special curtain call photo session will have Yori and Kino in the Yuakata costumes.
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I hadn't considered a drama but now's a good a time as ever since there's a GL boom happening.

they can't keep getting away with this...
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What job does he have that allows him to wear his hair like that? Music industry? Gaming industry?
IIRC he plays the guitar and that's why Yori started too.
Thats most people anon
Having someone literally just hug cuddling you from behind all the time during a stage play while you perform sounds really comfy.
maybe they'll be inspired to do another Kaori/Mari chapter soon.
Sunny Spot was done so much better in the stage play because they let Yori sing first, then monologue the lines, then climax.
I think Hijime basically confirmed the sequel with the particular wording.
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SS Girls played the whole Humming Love just for the encore. (It was skipped in the play. Only Loreily's reactions were shown. )
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The mangaka took a photo with Aki
>Once again, thank you for all the performances!!!
>I was really happy to be able to play Tsutsui Mari in such a wonderful production I hope everyone will grow to love "Sasakoi" even more.
>I will also take my time to read your comments
>I hope there's a sequel (loudly)
at the very least the actresses want one too
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>#舞台ささ恋 Thank you very much
>The opportunity to play the role of Asanagi is something I will treasure for the rest of my life
>I fell in love with #ささ恋 even more
>I hope that everyone will continue to love this work for a long time to come
>And... I hope there will be a sequel!!
Aside from Hajime, Mari and Kino, they all said they want it. Temma particularly said she wants to show AkiShiho. Bratty Mari instead said she wants (You) to buy the merch. Kino had to do MC so she didn't say much.
>Bratty Mari instead said she wants (You) to buy the merch
so this is how she funds living in a mansion
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Was it necessary for Momoka sempai to have a huge bass?
practice for handling Hajime in the future.
deep lore...
>because they let Yori climax
On stage???

Eh it's 2AM in JP
I watched the stage play's second last and last showing yesterday.

It was pretty faithful to the manga. Maybe a bit more HimaYori-focused than the anime since they skipped some Shiho stuff (like Kyou's detailed backstory) and made the fireworks kiss the final scene of the play.
Which is good because I've always liked HimaYori more.

All in all I really enjoyed it. Like the cast I hope that they'll make a sequel.
Also hope that there'll be more yuri adaptation stage plays in general. Were there any other ones besides this and Yagakimi?
Wait, this was the plays entire run? How big was the theater?? How much money can you make on a showing??
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What did Aki's actress mean by this gesture?
>more yuri adaptation stage plays
More drama and live action. Stage plays are a pain in the ass to get/watch and drama are obviously better than characters trapped on a stage in front of an audience that have to run to fit volumes and volumes of story into a couple of hours.
Capacity 700 (500 + 200 balcony/2nd floor)
they only sold the front block (~200), the main block was used for guests (like Eku, or cast's idol friends and family etc), and 2nd floor was unused.
And even then front block was only half filled on weekdays' day showing and some guests were given front block seats.
Ticket is 9500 yen. You do the math.
(There is also the merch sale tho)
>Wait, this was the plays entire run?
Yeah. 2.5D plays like this usually only run this long (10 days) too.

>How big was the theater??
The capacity's around 700 people. The last show filled most of the first floor I think?

>How much money can you make on a showing??
Dunno. Around 10,000 yen times number of seats sold plus merch sales minus the cost I guess.
I spent like 6,000 yen on the merch.
>Were there any other ones besides this and Yagakimi?
those are the main two, though I remember someone mentioning a one-shot that got a play recently but the name escapes me. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, hope you get to report back on a sequel one day.
Imagine if it went like this in the manga instead of taking 7 volumes.
Not enough frenching/tribbing.
>Were there any other ones besides this and Yagakimi?
Think we had Toji no Miko and Revue Starlight before.
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MariKaori volume when?
>no Shiho in the new chapter
I want off Miki's wild ride...
Not every chapter can be a Shiho chapter.
we got too cocky with our dual protagonist talk
But /u/ told me Shiho is Eku's favorite...
Her favorite is Aki
Everything must be related to Aki. If not then Eku will find a way to make it related to Aki or ignore it entirely.
How will the MomoHaji relationship be tied to Aki? Is that what they are setting up right now?
Don't ask questions and trust the plan.
Kaori Mari Method acting

Aki is the key to all this
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the new keychain plushes are pretty cute.
last two episodes never ever
>she's never been to a yuri stage play
You don't know what you're missing, nee-san.
>no discussion of the newest chapter
The anime really killed this series, huh?
Hopefully it doesn't get axed because of the publishing companies error in who they agreed to make a anime with. Media Factory let the Kuma Miko author run for 7 years after they ruined his career with the anime because management thought they owed it to him. It ended last year on his terms. But not everyone is so lucky to work for executives who will take responsibility for their mistakes.
current arc just kind of sucks. If you're still somehow here for comfy Hima/Yori then the series has long since dropped that in favor of band drama, plus Hima's grandmother is currently visiting so she might be missing next chapter too. If you're here for the drama and Aki/Shiho you won then Shiho also hasn't been in the last few chapters and Aki is now caught up in Miki's siscon arc that is just a retread of volumes 1 - 3: A Mizuguchi has unrequited feelings for a girl who just started dating someone, she angst's over it then moves on by dating a different girl she doesn't yet love but hopes to one day.
Why is Miki ruining the manga?
because she's a filler arc before they start moving toward graduation, which itself will be the end of the series unless they do a Kase-san style follow through into college/going pros. The only real question right now is if she'll date her senpai or not, because the Aki stuff is obviously going nowhere, and honestly who cares? Miki is the least developed character and her senpai only showed up for a few pages before now so there's very little investment in this relationship.
>she angst's over it then moves on by dating a different girl she doesn't yet love but hopes to one day
Aki, Miki and soon Momoka. This manga is becoming predictable.
>>Kuma Miko
The problem is that both are completely different cases that share absolutely nothing in common, there is a huge difference between an anime with production problems and having the most stupid and offensive ending that can be given to an adaptation, here you cannot claim problems, that shitty ending was planned and approved by several people.

The author complaining makes perfect sense, people stopping giving shit is how the general public's mind works and let's be honest, Kuma Miko isn't a particularly good series beyond the typical memes.
How do we know for sure Momoka isn't already fucking her dead lover's sister?
We still need MomoHaji arc before graduation but yeah it will probably end after that. Can't really see the story working if Yori and Hima aren't in school together. Last chapter or 2 could have a time skip showing all the couples together unless they actually want to do a sequel with them all adults.
The story will not end until Shiho is given the sex that she is owed.
From the entire Mizaguchi household?!?
The manga is still selling well, that's all that matters to its continuation.
Classic Shiho
I'm not worried about it getting axed, if the anime had been better, or just actually managed to air all its episodes, then that certainly would have given the manga additional sales boost but its still selling well regardless. Its had two special additions in a row, an anthology, a stage play that was received very positively, pretty consistent stream of colab merch and another popup cafe this week. The balls in Eku's court for whenever the series ends.

It looks like we're getting the MomoHaji arc inside this Miki one since they're linking the tragic impossibility of certain loves with Momoka's ex-girlfriend being dead vs Miki being a siscon. Which is stupid as hell but whatever, we're here now.
I think it's more about how Kyou still cared about Shiho despite dating Momoka. Makes you wonder how they even got together at all.
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Seriously though, what the fuck did she mean by this?
It would be pretty fucked up if Kyou screamed Shiho's name while in bed with Momoka.
>or just actually managed to air all its episodes
If the last two episodes were aired when they were supposed to, they would've looked like the last two episodes of Evangelion but without the artistry in presenting the slideshow.
if the chain of unrequited love really is Hajime Momoka Kyou Shiho Aki Yori then we are reaching Yaya levels that only Watayuri have seen till now.
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At the very least we know Kyou still talked about Shiho a lot while dating Momoka. Must have been pretty awkward to have your lover constantly talking about another girl and how amazing she is.
Just a schizo braindead bislut.
The SSGIRLS x Laureley (+ manager) grand orgy, With Miki and Ayaka-senpai as representatives from the woodwind club. Can't go wrong when everyone's fucking everyone.
Remember when the story was about a dumb girl and Yoriyori loving each other?
No one cares about Aya
She could have retorted by talking about how amazing Hajime is in bed.
Yeah but that was boring which is why we got AkiShiho.
I do. She's cute and will turn the token straight girl gay which is pretty based.
Aki already turned Miki gay though.
Aki is to powerful. She can turn any girl gay.
>every pair except MariKaede was influenced by Aki in some way
Long story short, Aki owes A LOT of people sex.
I meant MariKaori

My bad.
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>Miki arc ends. Everyone excited for the story to move forward.
>Next arc is about Mizaguchi mama falling in love with Aki.
How would you react?
Aki and Shiho isn't blood related. She's never considered their relation turn romantic.
>No one cares about miki
Shiho will if she wants to stay on Aki's good side.
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some new Hima and Yori figures were announced.
Obviously sold separately and they aren't even interacting with each other.
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they're UFO prizes so I can't imagine it'd cost too much to get both anyway
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More delays. At this rate the sequel stage play will come out before the anime finishes.
>Blu-ray Volume 1
>Previous release date: Friday, September 13, 2024
>New release date: Friday, January 31, 2025

>Blu-ray Volume 2
>Previous release date: Friday, October 11, 2024
>New release date: Friday, February 28, 2025

>Blu-ray Volume 3
>Previous release date: Friday, November 8, 2024
>New release date: Friday, March 28, 2025

>Blu-ray Volume 4
>Previous release date: Friday, December 13, 2024
>New release date: Wednesday, April 30, 2025

>In addition, episodes 11 and 12 of the TV anime "Sing Love Like a Whisper" are still in production for broadcast. As soon as the details are confirmed, we will announce them again on the anime's official website and official X.
Another yunicoW.
At least we know it's still coming.
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>Were there any other ones besides this and Yagakimi?
Late to remembering but Can I Get You to Go? by Ohsawa Yayoi got one and I think it had some kind of sequel a few months back.
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Aya pretty cute.
>going on a "double date" with Momo and Hajime
I can't help but feel like Shiho will show up with them just to make things awkward for Miki.
Shiho will show up and put Miki in her place
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>Aki once again seducing girls around her
Not even getting into a relationship stops her.
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>"It's like you have a dead girlfriend but her family is still with you and keep remember you of her forever!"
>"Can you imagine this torture senpai!"
>comparing staying in love with your dead gf to being in love with your sister
I hope they find out that Aki is the one Miki loves.
Incest plot is truly the worst part so far
Incest plot is truly the best part so far
Shiho will fix this plot somehow
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Final episodes never ever
And the worst yuri anime award goes to...
Hey, at least their anime designs get to go on a date for once.
Why do they dress like JDs? Or that could even be a pair of OLs on a weekend?
Future timeskip ending maybe.
Nothing fixes that like fucking your dead girlfriend's younger sister while screaming your dead girlfriend's name.
Wow, those last two episodes really fixed the season!
Has there been any news of the last two episodes??
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birthday girl
>manga on hiatus this month
if they dip in the middle of an arc like watayuri did...
Seems to be common lately. Wataoshi is in its most important arc and its had multiple breaks
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I was poking around nyaa looking for a single version of Meritocracy and I found that Laureley released a full album. Sui Mizukami's raw vocals are great but it's a real shame that there's no acoustic version of Meritocracy.
Welp, the site of the animation studio has been down for a few days now


This doesn't bode well for the last episodes
It would unironically be better if they just made the rest into voice comics like they did for the skipped YoriHima summer festival/sleepover date than actually finishing the anime.
Even if the studio dissolved because of this, doesn't the committee that funded the anime have an obligation to finish it
God that's so sad

This was gonna be a slam dunk adaptation too
They could give it to another studio, the original one already outsourced most of it anyway. Alternatively I guess they could cut their losses and cancel the remaining episodes, but that would probably be more expensive for them if there's a breach of contract involved, plus being unable to sell BDs and the like.
Legal, contractual obligation. I don't think I've ever heard of a televised anime that simply stopped without eventually finishing its run. Even the second season of Mitsudomoe was released if OVAs (if memory serves correctly).
More news
Although it doesn't clear up the picture much.
Poor Takeshima. I hope her publisher takes steps to protect her from this screw up.
I hope the production committee got hold of the key art, storyboards, scripts and any already filmed cuts before the doors got locked.
>anime is a disaster
>manga in one of the worst arcs yet
What went wrong?
Did any anime ever get interrupted or SasaKoi will go down in history as the only anime that was never finished?
The HajiMomo focus will save it.
If we talk about yuri related anime we have Regalia that aired its latest episodes in the next season. Outside of yuri subtext there are several examples but I don't know their names because they're not yuri.
>Shiho shows up in the anime
>Miki suddenly wants to fuck Aki in the manga
>Entire anime studio goes under
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She has wanted to since chapter 1, speedreader.
> anime that was never finished?
I know it's not the only case, but in many of those cases they are never finished due to poor reception, but in the end they can be completed on the BD/DVD.

GUP and Madoka are the most obvious, the last 2 episodes arrived late, but they ended up arriving, the funny thing about those 2 is that they have had terrible management since then with super irregular schedules.
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The good end we'll never get.
If they get that. I still remember Blue Reflection Ray.
They are announced with release dates. Of course, they might be canceled now.
We'll get the BDs once Hirori's mom comes back with the lightbulbs.
Hiori and Mio mention they found their mom in Second Light. She told them she ran away because it was too hard raising them on her own and they forgave her but they didn't go back to being a family.
Interesting. I should play those games sometime, they've been rotting in my Steam library.
>final episodes coming

More Shiho soon!
Couldn't they have at least gotten Christmas Eve. The 28th is middle of nowhere, kind of like a travel day between Christmas and New Years.
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>paused the Miki drama to give us cute AkiShiho
Thank you based Eku
I'm stunned they're actually gonna finish it. Good

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