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Ayaka-chan is in Love with Hiroko-senpai edition
Did this even has subs?
Yes, gagaoolala has it. First episode is free but the rest will be paywalled.
thumbs up, i do hope someone in nyaa rips the entire show later on.
furritsubs is also doing it, though the subs will be out later than gagaoolala.
>live action
>manga/anime adaptation
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I get it, why would I ever watch the uglier version of anything?
There being a thread that allows discussion of western live action on the yuri board is already a double aberration anyway.
Well the casting is good and girls have straight teeth so it is a big plus.
Imagine getting that other SAL manga made into live drama where women agressively hit and fuck each other.
It's already a miracle we got this drama, even if it's successful, don't expect anything else, unless it's the same production deciding to dedicate their life adapting yuri works.
It's just cringe when they attempt to make it look like a manga/anime it's adapting.

Sounds good to me though. Yeah I'll watch it.
>Guess /u/ really prefers shitty amerilards shows where lesbians actually don't exist, and if one of them actually do, she's fat, disabled and mentally challenged
>Guess /u/ really prefers shitty amerilards shows where lesbians actually don't exist, and if one of them actually do, she's fat, disabled and mentally challenged
That's empowering for lesbians for some reason
You really let Americans live rent free, huh
Point me out a western show that has its own thread
They need to make a live action adaptation of asumi-chan.
Can't imagine anybody other than a porn studio doing this.
Since we stopped discussing music videos with lesbians, I figured I should share this in this thread:


Original music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG7W-IkIWSg
Strawberry Panic is still the best anime ever made.
I always thought this unrelated live action ED was ill fitting though.
The only problem I have with Ayaka-chan is that I watched a lot of lesbian JAV so I'm kinda expecting Ayaka to rape Hiroko
The Exorcism (2024) has cute lesbians in it. Though the movie itself is a very short, straightforward, and boring metaphor for trauma and substance abuse.
This sort of lifestyle can't be healthy.
Welp, Thai GL is better than this shit. Japan just can't into live action.
Yeah, keep your bad taste and pessimism to yourself. I watch both, and AyaHiro is like coming home after watching Thai GL that plays like brazilian nightly
It's very well done and feels like a blend of live action anime with (good) indie YT acting, in a good way.
>YT level of acting in a tv show is a good thing
You're retarded.
You just have shit taste preferring the usual Japanese "just saying my lines is acting" performances.
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You have to love short BBC crime seasonal TV series.
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Kind of amazed we're getting a S2 of Chaser Game within the same year. Airing Sept 19th, set after the previous finale as current info shows.
>The one-year gap between the breakup of Itsuki and Fuyu and their reunion.
Not the separation arc.
Quick research revealed that the one girl is dead and AT BEST bisexual, the one girl (Amy) is underage but sleeps with an adult guy, which is statuary rape and another guy gets wind of it and thus she starts grooming the actual lesbian (Caitlyn) into sex with the guy, so he won't tell others...

I hope I prevented people from climbing into that shithole.
I was going to post something about it but then i remembered that /u/ is basically just /a/schizos trying to bait the old userbase that is already long gone.
I just saw the first episode of GAP and it felt like I was watching a lesbian comedy drama on the Disney Channel. Are all Thai shows like this?
> lesbian comedy drama on the Disney
Is that supposed to be good or bad
There's silly comedy, but there is also way more drama in later parts of the show. Also, the chemistry between main leads is the best thing there. No show could top that to this day.
Anyone has that YT asian lesbian series list from last thread?
>we want more yuri, no bislut retarded drama
>we heard you loud and clear, here the midquel where the two of them haven't met each other for a year after they agreed to never meet again
People were asking for the college arc, not for the one girl decided to go back to her husband arc.
Thank God we're having actual yuri drama now, hoping HoshiTele and AyaHiro will leave a legacy that will live in the future seasons.
I'm just happy seeing Sugai act as a lesbian again. On the bright side, this time we get to see Itsuki's female first love.
Also, fingers crossed this season will have more budget. I can't take seeing the same 2 or 3 recycled outfits
pls "BLANK The series" is best
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/@NineStarStudiosTH/videos
I love FayeYoko
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>The Secret Of Us
Are the top tier kino of Thailand yurikino
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yea i'll add a few to it

>Gap (the first GL and a must watch):

>Blank (big age gap, the younger one stops being annoying after a few eps):

>23.5 (absolute fluff but beware of sreeching teenagers):

>Magic of Zero: only the Zero Photography episode (same main actresses as 23.5):

>Love Senior (the Strawberry Panic of GLs):

>Lucky My Love

>Show Me Love

>Love Bully
(the videos are out of order for some reason)

>The Two of Us

My Marvellous Dream Is You is currently airing on the idolfactory channel

The Secret Of Us is currently airing on Netflix and later uploaded to this channel

Lots of mini series on https://www.youtube.com/@hourchannell but they're kinda bad

Same with this channel https://www.youtube.com/@JPCMedia24

There's a few series starting soon too like The Loyal Pin, Reverse 4 U, Petrichor, Us, Pluto, and a movie called Uranus2324.
There's more too but fuck it
I saw the first season of Blank. The plot is terriby bad. And in not funny kind of terriby bad way. I will start second season soon just to finish the story and move to next one. Probably The Secret of Us. Trailer was fire.
>The Secret of Us
I skimmed through the current episodes and the leads are pretty, but the show is going really hard on the jealousy trope, which I'm not big on. I take hospital setting dramas a bit more seriously and this is another silly drama.
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Why make a story where the MCs aren't together?
They might do the dumb thing of showing current timeline but sprinkle in the past like they did the first season. Wish it was just post-S1 stuff, not sure why fans are so hellbent into reminiscing about their past college days.
Maybe because one of them wasn't married to a man back then?
At that point, just watch another drama. Still doesn't change the fact that she's married and has a child.
>just watch another drama
You can be sure if we had regular yuri drama nobody would waste time on this bishit shitty writing. It's the same situation we were with manga 15 years ago. Nobody read the #73428 oneshot about girls ending with men because they wanted, it was simply all we had back then.
You went into Thai GL expecting quality writing? What part of telenovela/soap opera did you not get?
What you get with these series is romance and drama that has eternally been catered to straight women now aimed at women who like women.
If you don't like this type of series why keep watching?
Just scroll up a few posts? There, your issue is solved.

Is it so bad to want something with a decent plot?

Seriously, what's up with these posts? I can see why no one goes in this thread.
>Is it so bad to want something with a decent plot?
That's what we have western stuff for, but most are tainted by bisexuals, lgbtqia+ preachy retardation or zoomers being zoomers.
Once in a blue moon we get series like Gentleman Jack and A League of Their Own, the rest of the time we just wing it.

Besides, even though I wouldn't be caught dead watching any soap opera, I honestly love most Thai GL cause they cover all the dumb romance shit I love and never before saw in media made for lesbians. To each their own, elitist oneechan.
I'm watching HoshiTele and AyaHiro, obviously, but they are from this season, not from two seasons ago when Chaser game W was the only thing remotely relevant for us.
GAP was actually not bad and the main selling point was the main leads. Thais know how to do live action yuri right. If there's no chemistry it's shit GL and even the good plot will not make it aby better.

23.5 is the best Thai GL so far. It was fucking wholesome.
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It is a bit disappointing how House of the Dragon has zero girl x girl scenes in it while having so many strong female characters in it.
It's a spin-off of a series where bi girls don't exist (fucking another woman to "train" isn't bisexuality), and lesbians even less. What were you expecting.
It's a show based on a book based on british history so it was expected. We all know continental Europe is the gayest Europe after all.
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GAP really grew on me after the first episode and I'm almost done with it. Now I'm finding out the leads are a duo called FreenBecky and are commonly cast to play a lesbian couple together? I have a lot of catching up to do.
Might wanna watch the new episode they stopped baiting
You guys never learn
>are commonly cast to play a lesbian couple
So any other past series with them other than Gap?
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>You guys never learn
We know.
I disliked it cause I would prefer Rhaenyra x Allicent sex scene instead last season than this which all know will be discarded or killed off anyway when Daemon will be back.
Or just get some new female knight character doing it with that woman instead.
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Its happening...like it has never happen before....!!!!
Spicy Thai drama.
It sounds like some meal.
Not really. They were only like the anime trope "those two girls who are always together" in a yaoi drama before Gap.
The Loyal Pin premieres soon and Uranus 2324 is currently on cinemas in some countries but expected to hit worldwide streaming availability in a few months.
They do kiss and have mad chemistry in the show, but they also are going with a love to hate to love type of thing with other girls trying to get into it.
it was a nice scene but they'll never show anything more explicit, just like the daenerys doreah crap from the original show(not to mention the other girl/girl scenes from the books they cut completely
If it's anything like the thai food I've had before you are gonna need the toilet soon after.
>Zolita - Queen of Hearts (Official Short Film)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7pxc1KsSX4 [Embed]
Zolita released an extended version of the previous music video that turns it into a short film. I think the original is better with tighter editing which makes better use of the song but they are both fun.
>Zolita - Bloodstream (Official Music Video)
my marvellous dream is you final episode won't air until august 7
fuck offffffffffffffffff
It actually aired yesterday and was livestreamed on CH3 website,it's already on pirate sites but has no subs and is the "censored" version.
Pay 530TBH and watch the episode and event livestreamed on Saturday. It'd be the uncensored version with the sex scene that got cut off from TV broadcast yesterday.
Or... wait till Aug. 7th.
Xeque Mate season 1 just finished on Youtube if anyone was waiting to binge it.
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Those About to Die has some mandatory short interracial girl x girl making out scene.

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