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The Bocchi love must never end.

Previous thread: >>4197656
>artist starts using slop to "enhance" their work
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Bokita is my life
Yet you disrespect your ship by posting crappy AI art.
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Where is Nijimama?
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Went to get milk.
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>Even if you haven't watched it yet, you'll understand!

>Person correlation diagram

>Ijichi Nijika. Dating Ryo. Seika's younger sister (Ryo)

>Yamada Ryo. Dating Nijika (Nijika )

>Ijichi Seika. Nijika's older sister, Ryo's sister-in-law.
>Secretly filming female high school students working part-time

>Yoyoko Otsuki. Leader of the band “SIDEROS”
There was supposed to be little hearts next to Ryo and Nijika's names (corresponding to the arrows where they're saying each other's names), but I guess 4chan stopped supporting those long ago.

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