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Previous >>4236684

Thread for yuri discussion of:
>Genshin Impact
>Honkai Impact 3rd
>Honkai Star Rail
>Guns GirlZ
>Zenless Zone Zero

and other applicable miHoYo/Hoyoverse games
Since collab talks are hot again, will Genshin get another guest character that isn't the industry plant known as Aloy?
>that isn't the industry plant known as Aloy?
/v/ it's been years, people are allowed to like HZD
Only Stelle is capable of take her kohai first
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Neko is good until 10. I'm not sure if I care, but beating 10 seems to be impossible with just Ellen and Neko teams. I tried the first with Ellen, but even that seemed to not deal enough damage, and her team is much better than Neko's.

That shit is more tanky than it should be. Probably already requires really good discs or some shit. And mind you, I needed ~3 minutes for 9.
But really, considering what dps choices exist, them making 10 resist physical is really damn bad game design if I've ever seen any. Oh you didn't pull S11 or Grace + Rina? Sucks to be you.
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>resist physical
Oof, that's my main team. Guess it'll be one or two more months before I can clear regular Shiyu. Hate that the second S-rank I got on standard is a weapon I can't use yet.

When the heck do you even start farming for discs? I thought it was 40, but I'm seeing people say 45.
Since Chasca looks like a Clorinde and Rosaria lovechild, I wonder if she's gonna be Clorinde 2.0 in personality because leakers said that Captain R's design was split into two characters and Chasca looks to be the second character.
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Zhu yuan has a photo of Miyabi on her wall.
I dont think we can expect a 1:1 in terms of character relevance, but she is rumored to be releasing 5.1

So here's hoping she plays a big role in the Archon Quest unlike....say....Clorinde.
Nice catch! This changes things for me..
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Any Arkarin enjoyers itt?
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New hoyo commissioned MV that includes Stellefly because of course it does.
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Belle already has a wife? Smooth.
Nice, the next update with will solve the issue with chain attacks and interrupting gameplay. We might also be able to control other characters during city exploration in future updates. These were one of the two biggest issues I had with this game, glad they're doing this so early.
Instead of doing that, they need to make chains stronger. They should freeze time. The fact they are so shit makes me want them to just fully remove them in the current state and bring them back when they have an idea how they are actually useful...
>We might also be able to control other characters during city exploration in future updates.
This was an issue? I thought it made sense for why you'd only roam around with Belle/Wise
Is firefly Stelle's canon lover?
is this right? only MC with her yuri wife

Honkai Impact: Mei x Kiana
Genshin Impact: ?
Star rail: Firefly x Stelle
ZZZ: Belle x Nicolle

>ZZZ: Belle x Nicolle
This one doesn't really make any sense if you played the game. Especially once you get into trust events, none of Nicole's are very lover-like.
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it's shippable, with how Belle can tease Nicole during the game, but I prefer Anby/Nicole
Really? so what is this then? >>4259971
Imagine if Belle had a sister instead...
At least then incestfags would be appreciated
I still hope for Feixiao panning out…
>No male love interest
Well, this is nice. Thank you hoyoverse
We’ll get Jiaoqiu’s character stories (and 2.4 main story leaks possibly) Monday with the preload, 2.5 beta on Tuesday (unlikely to have anything story-related unfortunately), and 2.4 itself on Wednesday.
At this point I’m desperate enough to hope that she’s neutral with 0 shipbait if she isn’t yuri. Just don’t pair her with those 2 fags. The more the days pass the less hopeful I am and het seems more and more probable
Just wait until they roll out a yume/fujo pandering character with same amount of effort as Firefly
I don't remember that they've done that before.
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My account is awful. I got M6 Anton from the first banner when I wanted Soukaku dupes and now I have M6 Ben during this one while also losing the gamble to Lyacaon. If this woman wasn't an Ether DPS, I would've stopped when I lost.
>fujo pandering character
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Oh, any video with this scene? please
>2.5 beta on Tuesday
Dont those include what characters say about each other
just saw it on twitter, she says its from Anton's event
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edited for reasons
Why does Nicole have black pubes even though her eyebrows are pink? Is she stupid?
not really common...
Well typically the color does match the eyebrows since they use the same type of follicles. I'm just being cute since the artist gave her pink eyebrows.
Sadly no. That’s why we’re getting those bits for 2.4 only the day before. They stopped putting those in betas a while ago, so unless something changes we’re waiting 6 weeks after that for the 2.5 preload to see it (we’d have her trailer(s) too at that point, which can also help).
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This one has been on fire with Bellen for the last week or so.
I really hate Grace's machine obsession, Billy being in the game doesn't help.
But she's all over Elfy too, at least.
Grace simps for the music store ladybot too, I don't remember her interacting with Billy at all, but I doubt they will make a big deal out of it. I can already picture Billy freaking out over it.
Plus there are several female bots planned as playable characters, so we'll see
Billy is an AI in a robot body so he's not that complex of a machinery for Grace to obsess over
Also she has that older sister complex for Koleda so there's that
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Don't get why they ship these two but im not complaining
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Ellen does have a pretty obvious crush on Belle in her trust events.
hmm I only heard that here but okay, I don't have her so eh
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She got her wifi password, they're all but married.
I love her design, I'm hoping she gets out of people trying to shove her with the dudes and repeating the next Challengers.
It's more in Genshin with Xiao, though he's more popular with the fujos. It's Childe for het as the number one yume pick. Genshin yuri is more popular with the actual playables over traveler, since most Lumine mains are het yumes who ship her with guys.
You sure? I see far far far far more yuri Lumine pop up on my feeds than straight.
Uhh isn't he too old for the MC?
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>on my feeds
I take it you mean curated feeds? Try looking up Lumine's tag on most sites and you'll get hit with much more het art if you haven't already blocked a bunch of people. Another reason for why we need playable voiced Jeht to come stake her claim.
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Damn, makes me wanna try to get Jade to hold over the wait
is zhu yuan worth getting? i have over 80 rolls
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One good thing we just got in one of Yunli’s trailers is Lingsha standing right next to Feixiao (both are silhouettes), with Jiaoqiu further away and Moze not around. Extreme cope levels, yes, but it’s certainly better than the ‘nothing’ we had before.
Flashbacks of a certain other teaser....
At least that turned out fine in the end
No it fucking didn’t
Did it? Sara is barely a character and Ei got flanderized so bad she's only a step or two above generic waifu at this point.
If Feixiao ends up like that instead of being surrounded by JQ and Moze I’d be delighted.
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The Langqiu arc may be over, but SongLema is eternal
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If you've got other good DPS characters, I wouldn't. But looking at the leaks so far, there's maybe one(?) other possible Ether character. So there's that.
I lost my 50/50 on her banner and just stopped pulling. Not a fan of her character in general and I realized I shouldn't care for meta by getting a character I won't even enjoy playing as.
Zhu's event?
A Trust encounter
Thelema already said she was ready to let Langqiu get destroyed if Songque asked her to in the last arc
I guess Raiden landed okay as far as /u/ goes, and Acheron got her share of /u/ content too. I still think they needed more for being freaking MEI expies, you know, with Mei being Kiana's and all.
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So she's just more open to Belle?
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