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Previous thread: 4239677
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of course I fuck up something
previous thread:>>4239677
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the council will now decide your fate
Utena's science babies...
But with who?
Sayo. Who else?
Kiwi. Who else?
Momo. Who else?
Michiko. Who else?
Venalita. Who else?
damn i miss poster counts
Does this count as genre NTR since Baiser already had a MAGIC baby with Korisu?
Here's how BaiserXMagenta can still win.
Roboko is made of the gunpla Kiwi bought her so she's also her mom
That's just called being a switch
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Kiwi x Kaoroku OTP
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Kiwi is mad because Kaoruko's pussy disappeared
Realistically with Sayo, but Kiwi would throw her dna into the mix and confuse the moms when the daughter ends up with Kiwi's personality.
Planned science baby with Kiwi, unplanned magical baby with Azul.
Korisu, and not a toy this time
Might be awkward after it's revealed that Holy is both of their missing other moms
Holy. Who else?
Slanderous, Korisu would only have babies by Haruka’s hand or pussy, I guess
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New chapter is up. Kiwi time has begun. I've missed a thread or two so the link to post is for archive purposes. May post excerpts again as I go.
Her mum, who else?
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>new wave of merch
>it’s shit
what is up with this marketing, the manga and the show is all about girls whipping and kissing, where the hell is that in the merch?
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It's kinda funny that they have to figure out the exact level of undress that's just right for Korisu. Collar unbuttoned AND taking off a sock? Saucy.
>the manga and the show is all about girls whipping and kissing, where the hell is that in the merch?
I'm not a creep who stalks couples, so I'm okay with solo merchs.
I feel sorry for you that you can’t enjoy peering in on the love of two women
Thank you for your hard work as always Nee-san!
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I've seen fans who use that merchandise to basically make "dioramas" with their favorite couple and things like that, the problem is not the merchandise, but how it is used.
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>relationship goals
>Kiwi: wife
>Sayo: pet
>Koaruko: wife's pet
>Michiko: mistress
>I'm not a creep
And yet you're here. Curious.
Matama's teeth doko?
Absolutely devilish of Korisu.
Is the manga still on hiatus?
>she's an imitatio fan too
sasuga pedogenta
I don't mind pervy, solo waifu stuff if it helps them make money from those who are into it. However, I definitely feel they're messing up by not also offering cute and/or pervy content featuring the girls together.
Couple and shipping content does extremely well on Twitter; it's consistently more popular than solo art. Not pushing couple content would be a significant marketing mistake, especially since there would be even more strong couples in an eventual second season.
Yeah, I don’t mind pervy stuff because it’s a pervy/ecchi series, even the mangaka does a lot of pervy solo illustrations. I’m definitely just annoyed they’re not giving me any pervy couple stuff at all
Magenta is truly never going to beat the allegations
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lewd brat, needs correction!
Funny Sayo says it's love when it's nothing but hatred and dehumanization against Tres Magia
learn to read
It's implicit just from Lord and stuff that Tres Magia is meant to be hated and looked down on as more feminine. Those are the honest feelings at play, from the author.
ok now i know you're trolling, thanks
When Utena does what she does to Lord, it's undeniably done out of contempt, hatred and punishment. There's obviously no respect.
>a sadist gets into a normal fight and suddenly she's not a sadist anymore
And she treats the "object of her affection" just like she does her hated enemy. Again no one even sees Sayo as a fucking person. No one sees Magenta as a fucking person. No one sees Sulfur as a fucking person. They could get fucking killed and it would be fair fucking game and "what they deserve" because they were fucking sexualized and fetishized
I have no idea what this argument is, are you fuckin retarded? I seriously don't believe you've read the manga or hell, even the anime disagrees with this
I assume this bait stopped working on /a/ so now they've started coming here
Ah, no wonder they're talking about stuff like femininity being less than human, I should've known they were just a /a/ tourist
Now I need that button with the baby scene on it and some mini plushes and this'll come together
Oh right it has nothing to do with how you talk about the characters, their overall competence.

Because believe it or not, that's a big factor in what makes Tres Magia conveyed as "prey", or lesser.
Kiwi. Utena might be horny but she still has some common sense, Sayo is not for raising children and paying the bills.
I'm not sure Kiwi would win a competition about who is the most capable as a wife against the literal miss yamato nadeshiko. Sayo learned post La Verita there is a time and place for horniness, so the only thing at play is her civilian personality.
Sayo. And as an age gap couple. One of these days I'll draw parent!Sayo/Utena shenanigans I just never have any good ideas.
trying to keep adult Haruka away from their daughter while doing it in a way that doesn't make them sound like bad friends
This is so beautiful.
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>More waifufag shit
Until they make merch of the characters marrying each other and having magic babies, this series is officially not worth anybody's time.
>source: me
uhh hello? based department?
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Does anyone remember the kind of gundam Kiwi got Korisu?
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This one.
>the manga and the show is all about girls whipping and kissing
lmao what?
It's barely even had BDSM since the beach episode, and kisses are even rarer.
with yuri goggles on it may as well be a fuckfest compared to what the rest of /u/ typically is
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I don't go in the general very often, but when I do I see a lot of discourse surrounding maintext and subtext. I personally don't really care about whether someone finds yuri in subtext, but I am thankful for mahoako. I think just the fact that they're so adamant about men not existing in this universe implies that it's a yuri-only property and there is no other option. So even if there is subtext in relationships like Kiwi and Utena's being a sort of will-they won't-they type of thing, we know that whatever partner they find in each other or otherwise will be yuri. It's sort of like, it doesn't really matter to me whether this series has actual relationships because they've already established here that yuri reigns supreme. Plus it already does have relationships like Nemo/Matama and Randa/Michiko so I'm more than satisfied even if they don't ever do a "main" couple.
Maybe, but while I do enjoy the arcs we've been going through now, I feel the inflated cast heavily detracts from the BDSM, since most of the cast doesn't partake in that at all. It's just if Baiser is a focus of the chapter, and even then she doesn't always do it.
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Thank you imouto. Guess it's time to dig for the answer
>it's a yuri-only property
Tentacles invalidate this.
It's in da rulez, look it up.
Grey area. You'd know this if you spent any significant time on the board
>Grey area
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
It's a female octopus
It was specifically emphasized that the octopus is a girl though.
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>female octopus
A lot of doujins and series use this as a "trump card", but it would literally make no difference if it was female, male or just a bunch of particles bundled up together emanating from the magic of a girl.
The fact is that tentacles are still a substitute for phallic members or objects, they serve the same penetrating and secretion focused purpose that a penile member does. At least in "yuri" stories it does, in "yaoi" the roles are often reversed or coupled with one another.
One can utilize tentacles and the like to provide some kind of "lesbian emulating pleasure", but in most cases tentacles are just another strap-on or futa - their only purpose is to facilitate, at least mentally, the self-insertion of the (often) male reader into the story for more personal enjoyment.
A story with tentacles would fair just as well in a yaoi or yuri environment if it didn't have them at all and instead had a proper penis or vagina instead.
Tentacles are a lazy and often accepted substitution to tropes that wouldn't be tolerated otherwise.
Are you the type of person that says two women engaging in strap-on sex is het?
>female octopus
>a lot of doujins and series use this
Your proof(s)?
by this logic, fingering is het
God just kill yourself

Or kill momo

Who ever is telling you this shit at a minimum
You’re right, anon’s line of logic is insane.
If everything is penises and male to you, you need to self-reflect and stop obsessing. Only a self-hating man could come up with an argument this crazy.
And eating out for that matter
>La verita Magenta
>white skin
Is it true that Momo once ate out a dog? That's pretty nasty and I think, illegal.
I think you're thinking of Sulfur
I'm so jealous.
Come on. If anyone would fuck a dog (female) it would be Momo.
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Do you mind showing me those mangas that has a female using tentacles to ravish girls so I can stay away from it? I will personally tag them as NSFWfr and never, ever touch them again, Kaoruko.
At most, I think it only goes back to the ancient idea that being the one being penetrated is the "shameful" or "inferior" role.
And in a way you're right that it doesn't make a difference who it is, by basically being a faceless entity. Meaning that unlike the top, the bottom basically waives their basic right to consent or choose a partner.
Missing the point entirely here.
>two women engaging in strap-on sex is het?
Generally no, but it heavily depends on the media.
We are not talking about IRL content, rather we are discussing fictional - DRAWN - media.
It's about how things are portrayed, not about what labels they cover themselves with.
To make my example clear:
Please do tell me the differences between these doujins:
I'll give you a clue: It's just all basic penetrative substitutes for a penis. Serves the same purpose, has the same FOCUS (key point) and most importantly the same type of scenes you would find in your average hentai.

Never implied that.
You are just trying to ignore what I am trying to explain.

>If everything is penises and male to you
Never said that. Once again, missing the point.
>Only a self-hating man
Neither that or this. I am just pointing out that tentacles are just a simple and efficient substitute in the industry for scenes that could've been done better with less.
>Generally no, but
>Missing the point
Maybe your point just sucks
Would Sayo love a bald Utena?
The first two, I see what you mean
Bestiality can't be yuri
>female/female can't be yuri
I think you're forgetting why she's hot for Utena in the first place
Somewhere, Mamaloni suddenly felt her heart break and she doesn't know why
So, it all depends on execution?
What about monster girls?
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>calling Magenta a bitch
please onee, don't be rude
You're a fucking retard.
>on execution
It's why anon's being reductive when it comes to why tentacles are up in the air.
>Monster girls
Depends on how the monster is designed but that's what teratophilia's about as a kink/fetish. The bigger pitfall with that area is coming across more as too furry or too human.

Nee-san, listen. I see your point, I truly do, but think about it: EXTRA free hands! To touch boobs. Touch that clit. Choke that throat. Pinch those nipples. Suspend and stretch those limbs. It is possible for an octopus girl to do ten! 10! different things while fucking their gf. If that isn't insanely impressive and doesn't drop your panties because of the waterfall like wetness sloshing down there idk about you, but I think, you are seriously missing out. Let those girls get ravaged by their eldritch gfs, I beg ya. Iä! Iä!

Or think about this:
Do you consider a tongue, hand, fingers or a limb a substitute for a penis if it penetrates a female? I would like to think, you find that question just as ridiculous, but that's how I see your argument. Please, nee-san, come and be embraced into the legion of lovingly long arms.
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Again it depends.
How often is it a scenario where the bottom's pleasure is actually of concern?

In real life, a person can obviously orgasm from rape, but that's very different in that it's more about the dominance and power aspect.
>the bottom's pleasure is actually of concern
I truly can't follow you logically on this. What are trying to say? That C'th/u/ri-nee-san wouldn't worship their pretty pillow princess? I don't understand?
You totally just want wholesome tentacles, don't you and I would gladly provide counter arguments but alas we have other threads for that and I do not want to derail the thread any further. Those are the threads with some wholesome yuri tentacles off the top of my head.

>>4257425 (ad: pls buy)

I personally consider the security and physical integrity of a bottom as well as the fulfilment of their sexual needs to be sacred and should always be the highest priority for a top. Tentacles or not.
Fuck off unironical monster fucker >>>/d/ is in the other square

Monster girls/furry are anthropomorphic. A fucking octopus doesn't look human, at all
Even furry is lower a lot the line and against the board rules
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A girl with tentacles is fine, but a straight up animal... literally futa is better
It's not necessarily about the execution of the trope itself, but rather what the implications of tentacles/strap-ons in a story have become.

>Do you consider a tongue, hand, fingers or a limb a substitute for a penis if it penetrates a female?
We have been over this.
No. That's the clear and simple answer. No.
You are just straight up ignoring my arguments if you keep bring this up.

>I truly can't follow you logically on this.
That's just another person agreeing with me. That's why you cannot comprehend anything, because you are reading two arguments with kinda the same goal in mind but with a whole different approach to the issue.
Only gay up animals should be allowed
Magia Magenta cancelled for pinkpill podcast.
>futa being better than anything female/female
This just tells me you’re a hetshitter
>If there's 2 girls then it's yuri
>If there's 2 guys then it's yaoi
>If there's a girl and a guy then it's het
Simple as. Any tools used are irrelevant. Futa is more questionable as that's more of its own gender
Just start reporting the shit head.
So 3+ girls isn't yuri, then?
It's advanced yuri.
The octopus is merely an extension of Baiser
This is what anon isn't understanding, everything doing the molesting in this manga either has boobs or is created by Baiser and is directly controlled by her.
Dear Nee-sans, Mahoako's world has no males, even the animals are females.
Cease this retarded conversation.

Also does anybody have the clip/panel where all the girls try to take upskirt photos of Giantess Magenta? It's the perfect snippet for this comment, but I'm ashamed for not having it on hand
>muh rules
Utter retard. So loli yuri is only yuri if SFW? Loli yuri hentai is nagically not yuri because it’s against rules to post it here?
You have no arguments. Just nonsense like the retard who tries to claim Baiser watching Loco and Leber’s 1st time was sone form of het through convoluted logic, just because that retard personally doen’t like voyeurism where the voyeur had no love for her targets, only lust
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New figure coming soon featuring Magenta in her pasties outfit
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New Magia Baiser figure announced as well
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New Leopard figure also announced as well, but no further details
the mascots (and octopuses) are a different species, therefore anything involving them is bestiality.
Yuri bestiality is still yuri. Muh rules is no argument because then you'd be arguing loli yuri somehow stops being yuri when the lolis decide to touch each other's pussies, which is ridiculous
loli doesn't count because they're still the same species. yuri applies for animu style humans and human-wannabes like elves or demon girls only. not for furries, not for animals, not for anything that's not humanoid.
Furry yuri is still yuri. Amy and Cream from Sonic fucking is still yuri
Yuri isn't only what you like, you utter retard. Cope and seethe
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no, that's just general western lesbian. yuri is a subset of that, only for animu style humanoids. by your bullshit we should start posting real life lesbos and american cartoons here too.
>american cartoons
People already do so. How is Amy x Cream "western" when the characters are japanese?
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Are cosplayers like these actual lesbian couples?
This makes it nine figures total announced/released so far if I'm not forgetting any.
Girl howdy I sure do love talking about beloved cult hit Gushing Over Magical Girls, I wonder what the thread has been doing the last two days
Dang, I want one of tres magia girls with their standard outfits already.
I'm honestly surprised they havent just made normal figures like the ones Utena has in her room. Or even the little chibi keychains that we've seen of the art at her beach bag/poster.
That would make too much sense
>new illustrations almost cute
>add slime goo to it for no reason
I hate the Japanese
Kadokawa may have priority on them due to being the producers.
This is exactly the type of thinking that turned tentacles and the like into "safe" industry substitutes that fans and consumers won't get mad at whilst widening the appeal to het and waifufags.

>You have no arguments.
Ignoring them does not make them go away. I've even provided easy to comprehend examples.
>who tries to claim Baiser watching Loco and Leber’s 1st time was sone form of het
Completely unrelated to the topic at hand. And before you sperg out, I don't agree.
>this scene I don't like is a form of het and panders to people I don't like because "insert retard nonsense here"
It's the same thing, you retatrfd. Octopus is yuri, cope and seethe. You aren't gonna push a "this scene I hate is het" bullshit narrative here. Every scene in MahoAko is 1000% yuri, and anyone trying to deny it is an schizo
Dear lord, those pasties better be removable like Baiser's
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Somewhere Magenta is having her loli detectors go off
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Sounds about right. Because Alice is doing the molesting.
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I seriously debated long and hard with myself to reply to this post. On one side I seriously don't want to further drift off on the topic of this thread but on the other side I just can't ignore it any longer. In advance, I'm terribly sorry for everyone involved that I'm shamefully falling for the bait but I can't t ignore it anymore.

You! First of all, yes you are right. I ignored your statement before. And I am sorry for that. My mind wouldn't let me read past the 'penetrative penis' part. I took issue with that and responded without reading all of your post. This was my mistake.

Second, considering your next responses I think I can understand your point of view a bit more but it's still a bit hazy. Care to elaborate and help me? You are suggesting a strap-on or tentacle can be considered a substitute for penis because of the POV or how it is drawn? Is this right? Hopefully I understood that right.
If ths is right please consider: Ropes.
A rope is a tool to bind and possibly suspend.
Furthermore consider: Vibrators.
A vibrators is a tool to penetrate and stimulate the a female through vibrations.
How about we combine them?
Wiggly ropes! Eh? Doesn't that sound delightful? Can you still picture anything masculine in this scenario? I sure hope not.
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An excerpt of upcoming material.
>Nemo shoved her hands into her long skirt's pockets.

>“I know we are in no position to make demands so I ask this mostly to know who is now in charge of us. Magia Baiser, what are you? Like actually? Either Venalita lied to us, or there was bad intel or... what?”

>“As far as I am aware I am just a villainess appointed to lead a squad for Enormeta. At least that's what Vena told me. Dark portals, demon creation powers, and so on. You all felt the fire I made was light magic?”

>“Without a doubt. We fought enough light magic users to know which is which. You spoke to, oh what's her name, Vatz? Right? How does that work?”

>Leopard spoke up from where she took a seat on a low section of stage support strut.

>“Baiser-chan's been lip-sucking one of them instead of me!”

>Which for a moment broke Baiser's poker face.


>“It's the truth! Do you think that has anything to do with it? Did you suck her so hard her Magia magic infused magic juices flowed into you? Is being a Magia an STD? Do I need to get tested for mahou? These are partially serious questions!”

>Baiser blushed hard and opened her mouth to argue, it seemed like, until she closed it again. Everyone but Alice was blushing by that point. Loco, Matama, whispered to Nemo.

>“What have we gotten ourselves into?”

>Nemo was far less subtle.

>“We!? YOU'RE the one that suggested this!”

>“I was trying my best!”


>“What's that supposed to mean!?”

>Baiser gripped their shirts from the backs of their collars and pulled up enough to make her point.

>“You wanted mercy, you want in to MY squad, you must do what a villain is supposed to do.”

>Confused Matama asked for both of them.

>“W-What does that entail?”

>“Beyond loyalty, first and foremost we fight Magia. Not civilians. Not each other.”

>“We still Magia? But not destroy Magia?”


>“Uh, huh?” Baiser lifted a little more forcing her to tiptoe. “Understood!”
it's kind of wild that kaoruko has planted her mouth on and tasted her crush's vagina and yet they aren't even a couple yet
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Girls do that all the time desu. Normal gal pal behaviour.
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Nemo and Matama have had sex twice and they still seem kinda situationship

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